[pst-solides3d.git] / par-annoterschema-en.tex
1 \section{Adding dimensions to the scenery}
3 It is very interesting to add \Index{dimensions} to the scenery. We take the example
4 of the methane molecule, where we want to insert the distances and angles.
6 The first step consists of representing the molecule with its bonds and
7 characteristic dimensions, and then draw it in a good looking way.
9 \begin{center}
10 \begin{pspicture}(-4,-4)(4,5)
11 \psset{viewpoint=100 50 20 rtp2xyz,Decran=30,RotY=-30}
12 {\psset{lightintensity=1,linewidth=0.5\pslinewidth}
13 \psframe(-4,-4)(4,5)
14 \codejps{
15 /L1 {
16 0 0.25 10.93 [8 6] newcylindre
17 {-90 0 0 rotateOpoint3d} solidtransform
18 dup (White) outputcolors
19 } def
20 /L2 { L1 {0 0 -109.5 rotateOpoint3d} solidtransform } def
21 /L3 { L2 {0 -120 0 rotateOpoint3d} solidtransform } def
22 /L4 { L2 {0 120 0 rotateOpoint3d} solidtransform } def
23 /L12 { L1 L2 solidfuz} def
24 /L123 { L12 L3 solidfuz} def
25 /Liaisons { L123 L4 solidfuz} def
26 Liaisons drawsolid**}}
27 \psPoint(0,10.93,0){H1}
28 \psPoint(10.3,-3.64,0){H2}
29 \psPoint(-5.15,-3.64,8.924){H3}
30 \psPoint(-5.15,-3.64,-8.924){H4}
31 \uput[0](H1){$\mathrm{H_1}$}
32 \uput[l](H2){$\mathrm{H_2}$}
33 \uput[u](H3){$\mathrm{H_3}$}
34 \uput[d](H4){$\mathrm{H_4}$}
35 \pcline[offset=0.25]{|-|}(H2)(H3)
36 \pcline[offset=0.25]{<->}(H2)(H3)
37 \aput{:U}{17,8 pm}
38 \pcline[offset=0.15]{|-|}(H2)(O)
39 \pcline[offset=0.15]{<->}(H2)(O)
40 \aput{:U}{10,93 pm}
41 \axesIIID(3,3,3)(14,16,14)
42 \pspolygon[linestyle=dashed,linecolor=red](H1)(H2)(H3)
43 \psline[linestyle=dashed,linecolor=red](H4)(H1)
44 \psline[linestyle=dashed,linecolor=red](H4)(H2)
45 \psline[linestyle=dashed,linecolor=red](H4)(H3)
46 \psline[linestyle=dotted,linecolor=red](H4)(O)
47 \psline[linestyle=dotted,linecolor=red](H3)(O)
48 \psline[linestyle=dotted,linecolor=red](H2)(O)
49 \psline[linestyle=dotted,linecolor=red](H1)(O)
50 \pstMarkAngle[arrows=<->]{H1}{O}{H3}{\small 109,5$^{\mathrm{o}}$}
51 \end{pspicture}
52 \hfill
53 \begin{pspicture}(-4,-4)(4,5)
54 \psset{lightsrc=50 50 10,lightintensity=1,viewpoint=100 50 20 rtp2xyz,Decran=30,RotY=-30}
55 {%
56 \psset{linewidth=0.5\pslinewidth}
57 \psframe(-4,-4)(4,5)
58 \codejps{
59 /H1 {2 [18 16] newsphere
60 {-90 0 0 rotateOpoint3d} solidtransform
61 {0 10.93 0 translatepoint3d} solidtransform
62 dup (White) outputcolors} def
63 /L1 {
64 0 0.25 10 [12 10] newcylindre
65 {-90 0 0 rotateOpoint3d} solidtransform
66 dup (White) outputcolors
67 } def
68 /HL1{ H1 L1 solidfuz} def
69 /HL2 { HL1 {0 0 -109.5 rotateOpoint3d} solidtransform } def
70 /HL3 { HL2 {0 -120 0 rotateOpoint3d} solidtransform } def
71 /HL4 { HL2 {0 120 0 rotateOpoint3d} solidtransform } def
72 /C {3 [18 16] newsphere
73 {90 0 0 rotateOpoint3d} solidtransform
74 dup (gris) outputcolors} def
75 /HL12 { HL1 HL2 solidfuz} def
76 /HL123 { HL12 HL3 solidfuz} def
77 /HL1234 { HL123 HL4 solidfuz} def
78 /methane { HL1234 C solidfuz} def
79 methane drawsolid**}
80 \psPoint(0,10.93,0){H1}
81 \psPoint(10.3,-3.64,0){H2}
82 \psPoint(-5.15,-3.64,8.924){H3}
83 \psPoint(-5.15,-3.64,-8.924){H4}}%
84 \axesIIID(3,3,3)(14,16,14)
85 \pspolygon[linestyle=dashed,linecolor=red](H1)(H2)(H3)
86 \psline[linestyle=dashed,linecolor=red](H4)(H1)
87 \psline[linestyle=dashed,linecolor=red](H4)(H2)
88 \psline[linestyle=dashed,linecolor=red](H4)(H3)
89 \psline[linestyle=dotted,linecolor=red](H4)(O)
90 \psline[linestyle=dotted,linecolor=red](H3)(O)
91 \psline[linestyle=dotted,linecolor=red](H2)(O)
92 \psline[linestyle=dotted,linecolor=red](H1)(O)
93 \end{pspicture}
94 \end{center}
96 The construction of the molecule is detailed in the document
97 \texttt{molecules.tex}. To add a dimensioning you only need to find
98 the vertices of the tetrahedron:
99 \begin{verbatim}
100 \psPoint(0,10.93,0){H1}
101 \psPoint(10.3,-3.64,0){H2}
102 \psPoint(-5.15,-3.64,8.924){H3}
103 \psPoint(-5.15,-3.64,-8.924){H4}
104 \end{verbatim}
105 and then use the power of the package \texttt{pst-node}. For the distances:
106 \begin{verbatim}
107 \pcline[offset=0.25]{<->}(H2)(H3)
108 \aput{:U}{17,8 pm}
109 \pcline[offset=0.15]{<->}(H2)(O)
110 \aput{:U}{10,93 pm}
111 \psPoint(-5.15,-3.64,-8.924){H4}
112 \end{verbatim}
113 Then, for the angles, we take help from the package \texttt{pst-eucl}
114 \begin{verbatim}
115 \pstMarkAngle[arrows=<->]{H1}{O}{H3}{\small 109,5$^{\mathrm{o}}$}
116 \end{verbatim}
118 \endinput

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