[pst-solides3d.git] / par-codejps-en.tex
1 \section{The \Index{jps code}}
3 \textit{jps code} contains all the PostScript code that is used by the library
4 developed for the software \textit{jps2ps}.
6 The \texttt{solides.pro} file of the \texttt{solides3d} package
7 contains all the elements native
8 to that library, which contains about $4\, 500$~functions and
9 procedures.
11 It allows us to have available some adapted commands in mathematical form, without
12 having to construct them with the primitives
13 \verb+moveto+, \verb+lineto+, \verb+curveto+, etc.
15 For example, we can define a function $F$ with $F(t) =
16 (3\cos^3 t, 3\sin^3 t)$, and draw its curve
17 %I'm not sure of the distinction between the curve and the path, as you use it
18 with the \textit{jps code} \verb+0 360 {F} CourbeR2+.
20 If we only want to have the path of that curve, we use the code
21 \verb+0 360 {F} CourbeR2_+,
22 and if we want to add this to the stack of points of the curve,
23 we use \verb+0 360 {F} CourbeR2++.
25 In all of the $3$~examples below, the number of points is declared by the global
26 variable \Lkeyword{resolution}.
28 In other words, with the \Index{function} $F$ named above and a fixed resolution of 36, the \textit{jps code}
29 \begin{verbatim}
30 0 360 {F} CourbeR2+
31 \end{verbatim}
32 is equivalent to the PostScript code
33 \begin{verbatim}
34 0 10 360 {
35 /angle exch def
36 3 angle cos 3 exp mul
37 3 angle sin 3 exp mul
38 } for
39 \end{verbatim}
41 We haven't yet developed documentation for the library hidden in the
42 \texttt{solides.pro} file. For the moment we refer the
43 \textit{Guide de l'utilisateur de jps2ps} for the interested user
44 available at the website \url{melusine.eu.org/syracuse/bbgraf}.
46 \endinput

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