[pst-solides3d.git] / par-positionnerpointconnu-en.tex
1 \section{Positioning a named point}
3 \begin{verbatim}
4 \psPoint(x,y,z){name}
5 \end{verbatim}
6 This is a command similar to \verb+\pnode(! x y){name}+. It places
7 the node \texttt{(name)} at the point with the coordinates $(x,y,z)$,
8 viewed with the chosen point of view \texttt{\Lkeyword{viewpoint}=vx vy vz}. We can
9 now use the point to mark it, draw lines, polygons, etc.
11 Let's place the centres of the atoms of the methanol molecule $\mathrm{CH_3COH}$.
13 \begin{LTXexample}[width=8cm]
14 \begin{pspicture}(-4,-4)(4,5)
15 \psset{viewpoint=100 50 20 rtp2xyz,Decran=20}
16 \axesIIID(3,3,3)(20,20,20)
17 \psPoint(-4.79,2.06,0){C1}
18 \psPoint(-4.79,15.76,0){Ox}
19 \psPoint(8.43,5.57,0){C2}
20 \psPoint(-14.14,3.34,0){H3}
21 \psPoint(14.14,-2.94,8.90){H6}
22 \psPoint(14.14,-2.94,-8.90){H7}
23 \psPoint(6.43,-16.29,0){H8}
24 \psline(C1)(H3)\psline(C2)(H7)
25 \psline(C2)(H8)\psline(C1)(C2)
26 \psline[doubleline=true](C1)(Ox)
27 \psline(C2)(H6)
28 \uput[r](H3){$\mathrm{H_1}$}
29 \uput[l](H6){$\mathrm{H_2}$}
30 \uput[l](H7){$\mathrm{H_3}$}
31 \uput[l](H8){$\mathrm{H_4}$}
32 \uput{0.25}[u](C1){$\mathrm{C_1}$}
33 \uput{0.25}[d](C2){$\mathrm{C_2}$}
34 \uput{0.25}[r](Ox){$\red\mathrm{O}$}
35 \psdots[dotstyle=o,dotsize=0.3](H3)(H6)(H7)(H8)
36 \psdots[dotsize=0.4](C1)(C2)
37 \psdot[linecolor=red,dotsize=0.4](Ox)
38 \end{pspicture}
39 \end{LTXexample}
42 \endinput

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