[pst-solides3d.git] / par-projectionligne-en.tex
1 \section{Lines}
3 \subsection{Direct definition}
5 The object \Lkeyword{line} defines a \Index{line} (or a series of line
6 segments). We use the option \Lkeyword{args} to specify the points:
7 \texttt{[object=line,args=$A_0$ $A_1$ \ldots $A_n$]}
9 We can also define a line that has been transformed using a
10 translation, a rotation, a homothety, etc., as though it were a
11 polygon.
13 \begin{LTXexample}[width=7.5cm]
14 \begin{pspicture}(-3,-3)(4,3.5)%
15 \psframe*[linecolor=blue!50](-3,-3)(4,3.5)
16 \psset{lightsrc=50 20 20,viewpoint=50 30 15,Decran=60}
17 \psset{solidmemory}
18 \psSolid[object=grille,
19 base=-3 0 -3 3,
20 linewidth=0.5\pslinewidth,linecolor=gray,]
21 %% definition du plan de projection
22 \psSolid[object=plan,
23 definition=equation,
24 args={[1 0 0 0] 90},
25 base=-3.2 3.2 -2.2 2.2,
26 name=monplan,
27 planmarks]
28 \psset{plan=monplan}
29 \psSolid[object=plan,
30 args=monplan,
31 linecolor=gray!40,
32 plangrid,
33 action=none]
34 \psProjection[object=line,
35 args=-1 0 -3 1 1 2,
36 name=P]
37 \psProjection[object=line,
38 definition=rotatepol,
39 linecolor=blue,
40 args=P -1 0 -45]
41 %% du code jps dans la definition
42 \psProjection[object=line,
43 definition={2 -2 addv} papply,
44 linestyle=dashed,
45 args=P]
46 \composeSolid
47 \axesIIID(4,2,2)(5,4,3)
48 \end{pspicture}
49 \end{LTXexample}
51 \endinput

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