--- /dev/null
--- /dev/null
+Bclogo package by Maxime Chupin
+Version 2.26 dated 29/07/2011
+This package facilitates the creation of colorful boxes with a title and logo. It relies mainly on PSTricks and/or Tikz.
+The documentation pdf (in french) presents the syntax and parameters
+===== documentation =====
+===== Files for LaTeX =====
+ bc-attention.mp
+ bc-aux-301.mp
+ bc-bombe.mp
+ bc-book.mp
+ bc-calendrier.mp
+ bc-clefa.mp
+ bc-cle.mp
+ bc-clesol.mp
+ bc-coeur.mp
+ bc-crayon.mp
+ bc-cube.mp
+ bc-dallemagne.mp
+ bc-danger.mp
+ bc-dautriche.mp
+ bc-dbelgique.mp
+ bc-dbulgarie.mp
+ bc-dfrance.mp
+ bc-ditalie.mp
+ bc-dluxembourg.mp
+ bc-dodecaedre.mp
+ bc-dpaysbas.mp
+ bc-dz.mp
+ bc-eclaircie.mp
+ bc-etoile.mp
+ bc-femme.mp
+ bc-feujaune.mp
+ bc-feurouge.mp
+ bc-feutricolore.mp
+ bc-feuvert.mp
+ bc-fleur.mp
+ bc-homme.mp
+ bc-horloge.mp
+ bc-icosaedre.mp
+ bc-info.mp
+ bc-interdit.mp
+ bc-inter.mp
+ bc-lampe.mp
+ bc-loupe.mp
+ bc-neige.mp
+ bc-note.mp
+ bc-nucleaire.mp
+ bc-octaedre.mp
+ bc-oeil.mp
+ bc-orne.mp
+ bc-ours.mp
+ bc-outil.mp
+ bc-peaceandlove.mp
+ bc-pluie.mp
+ bc-plume.mp
+ bc-poisson.mp
+ bc-recyclage.mp
+ bc-rosevents.mp
+ bc-smiley-bonnehumeur.mp
+ bc-smiley-mauvaisehumeur.mp
+ bc-soleil.mp
+ bc-stop.mp
+ bc-takecare.mp
+ bc-tetraedre.mp
+ bc-trefle.mp
+ bc-trombone.mp
+ bc-valetcoeur.mp
+ bc-velo.mp
+ bc-yin.mp
+ brace.mp
+ liste
+ losanges.mp
+ spir.mp
+The archive bclogo-v2-26.zip contains all the files to insert into a tree LaTeX.
--- /dev/null
+-*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+Paquet bclogo par Maxime Chupin
+Version 2.26 datée du 29 Juillet 2011
+Ce paquet facilite la création de boîtes colorées avec un titre et un logo. Il s'appuie principalement sur PSTricks et/ou sur Tikz.
+La documentation pdf (en français) presente la syntaxe et les paramétrages
+===== documentation =====
+===== Fichiers pour LaTeX =====
+ bc-attention.mp
+ bc-aux-301.mp
+ bc-bombe.mp
+ bc-book.mp
+ bc-calendrier.mp
+ bc-clefa.mp
+ bc-cle.mp
+ bc-clesol.mp
+ bc-coeur.mp
+ bc-crayon.mp
+ bc-cube.mp
+ bc-dallemagne.mp
+ bc-danger.mp
+ bc-dautriche.mp
+ bc-dbelgique.mp
+ bc-dbulgarie.mp
+ bc-dfrance.mp
+ bc-ditalie.mp
+ bc-dluxembourg.mp
+ bc-dodecaedre.mp
+ bc-dpaysbas.mp
+ bc-dz.mp
+ bc-eclaircie.mp
+ bc-etoile.mp
+ bc-femme.mp
+ bc-feujaune.mp
+ bc-feurouge.mp
+ bc-feutricolore.mp
+ bc-feuvert.mp
+ bc-fleur.mp
+ bc-homme.mp
+ bc-horloge.mp
+ bc-icosaedre.mp
+ bc-info.mp
+ bc-interdit.mp
+ bc-inter.mp
+ bc-lampe.mp
+ bc-loupe.mp
+ bc-neige.mp
+ bc-note.mp
+ bc-nucleaire.mp
+ bc-octaedre.mp
+ bc-oeil.mp
+ bc-orne.mp
+ bc-ours.mp
+ bc-outil.mp
+ bc-peaceandlove.mp
+ bc-pluie.mp
+ bc-plume.mp
+ bc-poisson.mp
+ bc-recyclage.mp
+ bc-rosevents.mp
+ bc-smiley-bonnehumeur.mp
+ bc-smiley-mauvaisehumeur.mp
+ bc-soleil.mp
+ bc-stop.mp
+ bc-takecare.mp
+ bc-tetraedre.mp
+ bc-trefle.mp
+ bc-trombone.mp
+ bc-valetcoeur.mp
+ bc-velo.mp
+ bc-yin.mp
+ brace.mp
+ liste
+ losanges.mp
+ spir.mp
+L'archive bclogo-v2-246.zip contient tout ces fichiers à insérer dans une arborescence LaTeX.
--- /dev/null
+Bclogo package by Maxime Chupin
+Version 2.26 dated 29/07/2011
+This package facilitates the creation of colorful boxes with a title and logo. It relies mainly on PSTricks and/or Tikz.
+The documentation pdf (in french) presents the syntax and parameters
+===== documentation =====
+===== Files for LaTeX =====
+ bc-attention.mp
+ bc-aux-301.mp
+ bc-bombe.mp
+ bc-book.mp
+ bc-calendrier.mp
+ bc-clefa.mp
+ bc-cle.mp
+ bc-clesol.mp
+ bc-coeur.mp
+ bc-crayon.mp
+ bc-cube.mp
+ bc-dallemagne.mp
+ bc-danger.mp
+ bc-dautriche.mp
+ bc-dbelgique.mp
+ bc-dbulgarie.mp
+ bc-dfrance.mp
+ bc-ditalie.mp
+ bc-dluxembourg.mp
+ bc-dodecaedre.mp
+ bc-dpaysbas.mp
+ bc-dz.mp
+ bc-eclaircie.mp
+ bc-etoile.mp
+ bc-femme.mp
+ bc-feujaune.mp
+ bc-feurouge.mp
+ bc-feutricolore.mp
+ bc-feuvert.mp
+ bc-fleur.mp
+ bc-homme.mp
+ bc-horloge.mp
+ bc-icosaedre.mp
+ bc-info.mp
+ bc-interdit.mp
+ bc-inter.mp
+ bc-lampe.mp
+ bc-loupe.mp
+ bc-neige.mp
+ bc-note.mp
+ bc-nucleaire.mp
+ bc-octaedre.mp
+ bc-oeil.mp
+ bc-orne.mp
+ bc-ours.mp
+ bc-outil.mp
+ bc-peaceandlove.mp
+ bc-pluie.mp
+ bc-plume.mp
+ bc-poisson.mp
+ bc-recyclage.mp
+ bc-rosevents.mp
+ bc-smiley-bonnehumeur.mp
+ bc-smiley-mauvaisehumeur.mp
+ bc-soleil.mp
+ bc-stop.mp
+ bc-takecare.mp
+ bc-tetraedre.mp
+ bc-trefle.mp
+ bc-trombone.mp
+ bc-valetcoeur.mp
+ bc-velo.mp
+ bc-yin.mp
+ brace.mp
+ liste
+ losanges.mp
+ spir.mp
+The archive bclogo-v2-26.zip contains all the files to insert into a tree LaTeX.
--- /dev/null
+\definecolor{cPG}{RGB}{235, 227, 150}
+\definecolor{link}{RGB}{150, 81, 0}
+\usepackage[colorlinks, linkcolor=link]{hyperref}
+ \def\FrameCommand{{\color{#1}\vrule width 3pt}\colorbox{fbase}}%
+ \MakeFramed {\advance\hsize-\width \FrameRestore}}%
+\lstset{% general command to set parameter(s)
+ basicstyle=\small, % print whole listing small
+ keywordstyle=\color{bleu}\ttfamily,
+ % underlined bold black keywords
+% identifierstyle=,
+ basicstyle=\ttfamily\footnotesize, % nothing happens
+ commentstyle=\itshape\color{vert}, % white comments
+ stringstyle=\ttfamily, % typewriter type for strings
+ showstringspaces=false,
+ language=[LaTeX]TeX,
+ defaultdialect=[LaTeX]TeX,
+ morekeywords={RequirePackage}
+ {numbers=left, stepnumber=1, numberstyle=\tiny, numbersep=10pt}
+\begin{bclogo}[logo = \bccrayon, noborder = true]{Code}%
+\definecolor{cPG}{RGB}{235, 227, 150}
+\title{\texttt{bclogo} version 2.26}
+\author{ Maxime \textsc{Chupin} et Patrick \textsc{Fradin}
+\footnote{Merci à tous ceux qui ont participé, entre autres, Jean-Côme \textsc{Charpentier},
+Ulrike \textsc{Fischer} et Manuel \textsc{Pégourié-Gonnard}\dots et
+plus particulièrement à François \textsc{Pétiard}}\\\url{notezik@gmail.com}}
+\date{29 Juillet 2011}
+Ce paquet permet la création, via \texttt{Pstricks} ou \texttt{Tikz}, de boîtes
+colorées avec un logo, un titre et une couleur de fond\footnote{Il y a bien
+entendu d'autres options}.
+\begin{bclogo}[couleur = cPG, cadreTitre = true, arrondi = 0.1]{Le paquet \texttt{bclogo}}
+\item La fleur: \bcfleur
+\item Le chantier: \bcpanchant
+\item La note: \bcnote
+\item L'étoile: \bcetoile
+\item L'ourson: \bcours
+\item Take care: \bctakecare
+\item La lampe: \bclampe
+\item Le point d'interrogation: \bcquestion
+\item Le crayon: \bccrayon
+\item Attention: \bcattention
+\item Le c\oe ur: \bccoeur
+\item Danger: \bcdanger
+\item Smiley heureux: \bcsmbh
+\item Smiley malheureux: \bcsmmh
+\item Le trèfle: \bctrefle
+\item Le livre: \bcbook
+\item Ornement: \bcorne
+\item Info: \bcinfo
+\item La plume: \bcplume
+\item Le pique de \LaTeX{}: \bcspadesuit
+\item La bombe: \bcbombe
+\item Le cube: \bccube
+\item Le dodécaèdre: \bcdodecaedre
+\item L'icosaèdre: \bcicosaedre
+\item L'octaèdre: \bcoctaedre
+\item Le tétraèdre: \bctetraedre
+\item L'Allemagne: \bcdallemagne
+\item L'Autriche: \bcdautriche
+\item La Belgique: \bcdbelgique
+\item La Bulgarie: \bcdbulgarie
+\item La France: \bcdfrance
+\item L'Italie: \bcditalie
+\item Le Luxembourg: \bcdluxembourg
+\item Les Pays Bas: \bcdpaysbas
+\item Le soleil: \bcsoleil
+\item L'éclaircie: \bceclaircie
+\item La pluie: \bcpluie
+\item La neige: \bcneige
+\item Le sens interdit: \bcinterdit
+\item Le stop: \bcstop
+\item Le poisson: \bcpoisson
+\item L'horloge: \bchorloge
+\item Le calendrier: \bccalendrier
+\item La rose des vents: \bcrosevents
+\item Le yin et le yang: \bcyin
+\item Danger glissant: \bcdz
+\item Le vélo: \bcvelo
+\item Le \emph{peace and love}: \bcpeaceandlove
+\item L'\oe il: \bcoeil
+\item Le nucléaire: \bcnucleaire
+\item La femme: \bcfemme
+\item L'homme: \bchomme
+\item La loupe: \bcloupe
+\item Le recyclage: \bcrecyclage
+\item Le valet de c\oe ur: \bcvaletcoeur
+\item La clé: \bccle
+\item La clé de fa: \bcclefa
+\item La clé de sol: \bcclesol
+\item Le feu vert: \bcfeuvert
+\item Le feu jaune: \bcfeujaune
+\item Le feu rouge: \bcfeurouge
+\item Le feu tricolore: \bcfeutricolore
+\item L'outil: \bcoutil
+\item Le trombone: \bctrombone
+Ce paquet a été créé pour faciliter la fabrication de boîtes colorées plus ou
+moins complexes disposant d'un titre, d'un logo et d'une couleur de fond.
+Depuis la version 2.0, \texttt{bclogo} s'appuie principalement sur
+\texttt{Pstricks} \textbf{ou} sur \texttt{tikz}\footnote{Ceci grâce à Patrick
+\textsc{Fradin}}. Ce paquet utilise \texttt{xkeyval} pour la gestion des
+paramètres. Ces boîtes permettent de colorer un peu les pages d'un document
+\LaTeX{} tout en mettant en relief le contenu de la boîte.
+Pour son bon fonctionnement, il est nécessaire d'avoir les extensions suivants
+installées sur votre machine.
+\begin{bclogo}[couleur = cPG, logo = \bcattention, cadreTitre = true, arrondi = 0.1]{Les extensions \textit{indispensables}}
+\item \verb+Pstricks+
+\item \verb+graphicx+
+\item \verb+pst-grad+
+\item \verb+xkeyval+
+\item \verb+pst-coil+
+\item \verb+ifthen+
+\item \verb+ifpdf+
+\item \verb+pst-blur+ si l'on souhaite utiliser la fonction (voir section \ref{blur})
+ou \texttt{tikz} et ses librairies \texttt{shadows} et
+\verb+xkeyval+, \verb+ifthen+ et \verb+ifpdf+ sont nécessaires dans les deux utilisations.
+\section{Le chargement du paquet}
+Depuis la version 2.0 de \texttt{bclogo}, le chargement s'effectue avec deux
+options, soit on utilise \texttt{pstricks} (par défaut)\footnote{sur un conseil
+d'Herbert \textsc{Voss} qui vérifie à chaque nouvelle version le code, merci à
+lui.} soit \texttt{tikz}. Ceci s'effectue dans le préambule du document
+\noindent\textbf{Remarque: } Les syntaxes
+sont équivalentes.
+\section{Syntaxe générale}
+Quelle que soit l'option de chargement choisie, la syntaxe pour la création de
+boîte est la même.
+Voici le schéma de base pour réaliser une boîte:
+Corps de la boite...
+\section{Les options}
+\subsection{La couleur de fond}
+On définit la couleur de fond grâce à \texttt{couleur = <macouleur>}, par
+\begin{bclogo}[couleur = blue!30]{Mon Titre}
+ Du texte qui se répète encore et encore pour l'exemple, du texte qui
+ se répète encore et encore pour l'exemple, du texte qui se répète
+ encore et encore pour l'exemple\dots
+Ce qui donne:
+\begin{bclogo}[couleur = blue!30]{Mon Titre}
+ Du texte qui se répète encore et encore pour l'exemple, du texte qui
+ se répète encore et encore pour l'exemple, du texte qui se répète
+ encore et encore pour l'exemple\dots
+Par défaut la couleur est blanche.
+\subsection{La couleur du trait de bord}
+Cette nouvelle option a été créée sur la demande de Philippe \bsc{Fortemps}. On
+commande la couleur du trait de bord par \texttt{couleurBord=<couleur>}. Voici
+un exemple:
+\begin{bclogo}[couleur = blue!30,couleurBord=red!30]{Mon Titre}
+ Du texte qui se répète encore et encore pour l'exemple, du texte qui
+ se répète encore et encore pour l'exemple, du texte qui se répète
+ encore et encore pour l'exemple\dots
+Ce qui donne:
+\begin{bclogo}[couleur = blue!30,couleurBord=red!30]{Mon Titre}
+ Du texte qui se répète encore et encore pour l'exemple, du texte qui
+ se répète encore et encore pour l'exemple, du texte qui se répète
+ encore et encore pour l'exemple\dots
+\subsection{L'arrondi des coins}
+On commande la taille de l'arrondi dans les options de la manière suivante
+\texttt{arrondi=<valeur>}, elle\footnote{Avant la version 2.22, les arrondis
+pstricks étaient relatifs, ils sont maintenant absolus.} se règle en cm:
+\begin{bclogo}[couleur = blue!30, arrondi = 0.1]{Mon Titre}
+ Du texte qui se répète encore et encore pour l'exemple, du texte qui
+ se répète encore et encore pour l'exemple, du texte qui se répète
+ encore et encore pour l'exemple\dots
+Ce qui donne:
+\begin{bclogo}[couleur = blue!30, arrondi = 0.1]{Mon Titre}
+ Du texte qui se répète encore et encore pour l'exemple, du texte qui
+ se répète encore et encore pour l'exemple, du texte qui se répète
+ encore et encore pour l'exemple\dots
+Par défaut, l'arrondi est à 0.
+\subsection{Le style de titre}
+Il y a deux styles de titre. Celui par défaut (ou avec la commande
+\texttt{cadreTitre = false}) est celui utilisé pour les boîtes précédentes. On
+peut cependant le modifier grâce à la commande:
+Ce qui produit:
+\begin{bclogo}[couleur = blue!30, arrondi = 0.1]{Mon Titre}
+ Du texte qui se répète encore et encore pour l'exemple, du texte qui
+ se répète encore et encore pour l'exemple, du texte qui se répète
+ encore et encore pour l'exemple\dots
+Par défaut, \verb+\bcStyleTitre+ est définie comme cela:
+On peut alors s'amuser à toutes sortes de choses; en voici un exemple.
+\renewcommand\bcStyleTitre[1]{\hfill\tikz %
+ \node[fill=blue!20,starburst,draw=black] {#1};\hfill}
+\begin{bclogo}[noborder=true]{Mon Titre}
+ Du texte qui se répète encore et encore pour l'exemple, du texte qui
+ se répète encore et encore pour l'exemple, du texte qui se répète
+ encore et encore pour l'exemple\dots
+\renewcommand\bcStyleTitre[1]{\hfill\tikz \node[fill=blue!20,starburst,draw=black] {#1};\hfill}
+\begin{bclogo}[noborder=true]{Mon Titre}
+ Du texte qui se répète encore et encore pour l'exemple, du texte qui
+ se répète encore et encore pour l'exemple, du texte qui se répète
+ encore et encore pour l'exemple\dots
+Le second style, plus élaboré mais non modifiable, est un cadre avec un
+gradient de couleur \textit{gold}. Ceci s'obtient avec la commande
+\texttt{cadreTitre = true}.
+\begin{bclogo}[couleur=blue!30, arrondi=0.1, cadreTitre=true]{Mon Titre}
+ Du texte qui se répète encore et encore pour l'exemple, du texte qui
+ se répète encore et encore pour l'exemple, du texte qui se répète
+ encore et encore pour l'exemple\dots
+ \bigskip
+Ce qui donne:
+\begin{bclogo}[couleur = blue!30, arrondi = 0.1, cadreTitre = true]{Mon Titre}
+ Du texte qui se répète encore et encore pour l'exemple, du texte qui
+ se répète encore et encore pour l'exemple, du texte qui se répète
+ encore et encore pour l'exemple\dots
+Si on utilise le style de titre sans cadre (\textit{i.e.} le style par défaut)
+alors on peut définir un sous-titre grâce à la commande \texttt{sousTitre=<Mon
+sous-titre>}\footnote{Cette option a été mise en place sur la demande de Gaétan
+\textsc{Marris}}. Par exemple:
+\begin{bclogo}[couleur=blue!30,arrondi=0.1,sousTitre=Sous-titre]{Mon Titre}
+ Du texte qui se répète encore et encore pour l'exemple, du texte qui
+ se répète encore et encore pour l'exemple, du texte qui se répète
+ encore et encore pour l'exemple\dots
+ \bigskip
+Ce qui donne:
+\begin{bclogo}[couleur=blue!30,arrondi=0.1,sousTitre=Sous-titre]{Mon Titre}
+ Du texte qui se répète encore et encore pour l'exemple, du texte qui
+ se répète encore et encore pour l'exemple, du texte qui se répète
+ encore et encore pour l'exemple\dots
+\paragraph{Le style du sous-titre} On peut redéfinir le style de sous-titre comme ceci:
+On obtient alors
+\begin{bclogo}[couleur=blue!30,arrondi=0.1,sousTitre=Sous-titre]{Mon Titre}
+ Du texte qui se répète encore et encore pour l'exemple, du texte qui
+ se répète encore et encore pour l'exemple, du texte qui se répète
+ encore et encore pour l'exemple\dots
+Dans \texttt{bclogo}, \verb+\styleSousTitre+ est définie comme ceci:
+Il faut juste se dire que l'on se trouve dans une case d'un tableau,
+ainsi des constructions plus complexes sont envisageables.
+\subsection{Les logos}
+C'est là que réside l'originalité de \texttt{bclogo}\dots{} Pour la plupart
+des logos, je les ai dessinés avec \textit{Inkscape}.
+Pour d'autres, Patrick \bsc{Fradin} et Alphonse \bsc{Capriani} ont utilisé le
+super \TeX{}graph.
+Depuis la version 2.6\footnote{Dans les versions précédentes, deux formats étaient utilisés, soit \texttt{eps}, soit
+ \texttt{pdf}. La conversion en masse a été réalisée grâce à
+ l'utilitaire \texttt{pstoedit}.}, on passe\footnote{Sur une initiative de
+ François \bsc{Pétiard}.} par \MP{} pour générer des fichiers
+\texttt{.mps} qui sont interprétés en eps ou en pdf selon le mode dans
+lequel on se trouve (d'où la nécessité de l'extension \verb+ifpdf+).
+La création de logo est un travail amusant, ceux qui veulent y participer n'ont
+qu'à me contacter par mail (les logos sont définis avec une largeur de 17pt, la
+hauteur est plus ou moins libre dans la mesure du raisonnable).
+Si vous souhaitez participer à l'élaboration de logos, fournissez moi soit un fichier \MP{}, soit un fichier
+Je remercie tout ceux qui participent à la création de logo et en particulier
+Alphonse \bsc{Capriani} et François \bsc{Pétiard} qui ont bien
+augmenté la collection.
+Voici la liste des logos :\footnote{Le choix des drapeaux n'est pas
+ délibéré, ce sont des contributions, vous pouvez bien sûr augmenter
+ la collection !}
+ Nom & Commande & Image & Auteur \\\hline\endhead
+ \hline &&&\hfill suite\dots\\\endfoot
+ \hline&&&\endlastfoot
+ la fleur& \verb+\bcfleur+ & \bcfleur & Maxime \bsc{Chupin}\\
+ \og{}en chantier\fg{}&\verb+\bcpanchant+&\bcpanchant&Jean-Michel
+ \textsc{Sarlat}\\
+ la note&\verb+\bcnote+&\bcnote&Thomas \textsc{Labarussias}\\
+ l'étoile& \verb+\bcetoile+&\bcetoile& Maxime \bsc{Chupin}\\
+ l'ourson& \verb+\bcours+&\bcours&"\\
+ \og{}attention\fg{}&\verb+\bcattention+&\bcattention& "\\
+ le c\oe{}ur&\verb+\bccoeur+&\bccoeur&"\\
+ ornement&\verb+\bcorne+&\bcorne&"\\
+ danger&\verb+\bcdanger+&\bcdanger&François \textsc{Boerkmann}\\
+ smiley heureux&\verb+\bcsmbh+&\bcsmbh&"\\
+ smiley malheureux&\verb+\bcsmmh+&\bcsmmh&"\\
+ take care&\verb+\bctakecare+&\bctakecare&Patrick \textsc{Fradin}\\
+ la lampe& \verb+\bclampe+&\bclampe&"\\
+ le livre&\verb+\bcbook+&\bcbook&"\\
+ le trèfle&\verb+\bctrefle+&\bctrefle&Maxime \bsc{Chupin}\\
+ le point d'interrogation&\verb+\bcquestion+&\bcquestion&"\\
+ le crayon& \verb+\bccrayon+&\bccrayon&Anne-Sophie
+ \textsc{Philippe}\\
+ le pique de \LaTeX{}&\verb+\bcspadesuit+&\bcspadesuit&\LaTeX\\
+ logo info&\verb+\bcinfo+&\bcinfo&Thomas \textsc{Labarussias}\\
+ la plume& \verb+\bcplume+&\bcplume& Maxime \bsc{Chupin}\\
+ la bombe& \verb+\bcbombe+&\bcbombe&Alphonse \bsc{Capriani}\\
+ le cube&\verb+\bccube+&\bccube&"\\
+ le dodécaèdre&\verb+\bcdodecaedre+&\bcdodecaedre&"\\
+ l'icosaèdre&\verb+\bcicosaedre+&\bcicosaedre&"\\
+ l'octaèdre&\verb+\bcoctaedre+&\bcoctaedre&"\\
+ le tétraèdre&\verb+\bctetraedre+&\bctetraedre&"\\
+ l'Allemagne&\verb+\bcdallemagne+&\bcdallemagne&"\\
+ l'Autriche&\verb+\bcdautriche+&\bcdautriche&François \bsc{Pétiard}\\
+ la Belgique&\verb+\bcdbelgique+&\bcdbelgique&Alphonse
+ \bsc{Capriani}\\
+ la Bulgarie&\verb+\bcdbulgarie+&\bcdbulgarie&François
+ \bsc{Pétiard}\\
+ la France&\verb+\bcdfrance+&\bcdfrance&Alphonse
+ \bsc{Capriani}\\
+ l'Italie&\verb+\bcditalie+&\bcditalie&"\\
+ le Luxembourg&\verb+\bcdluxembourg+&\bcdluxembourg&François
+ \bsc{Pétiard}\\
+ les Pays-Bas&\verb+\bcdpaysbas+&\bcdpaysbas&Alphonse
+ \bsc{Capriani}\\
+ le soleil&\verb+\bcsoleil+&\bcsoleil&"\\
+ l'éclaircie&\verb+\bceclaircie+&\bceclaircie&"\\
+ la pluie&\verb+\bcpluie+&\bcpluie&"\\
+ la neige&\verb+\bcneige+&\bcneige&"\\
+ le sens interdit&\verb+\bcinterdit+&\bcinterdit&"\\
+ le poisson&\verb+\bcpoisson+&\bcpoisson&"\\
+ l'horloge&\verb+\bchorloge+&\bchorloge&"\\
+ le calendrier&\verb+\bccalendrier+&\bccalendrier&"\\
+ la rose des vents&\verb+\bcrosevents+&\bcrosevents&"\\
+ le yin et le yang&\verb+\bcyin+&\bcyin&"\\
+ danger glissant&\verb+\bcdz+&\bcdz&Vincent \bsc{Pantaloni}\\
+ le vélo&\verb+\bcvelo+&\bcvelo&François \bsc{Pétiard}\\
+ le \emph{peace and love}&\verb+\bcpeaceandlove+&\bcpeaceandlove&"\\
+ l'\oe il&\verb+\bcoeil+&\bcoeil&"\\
+ le nucléaire& \verb+\bcnucleaire+&\bcnucleaire&"\\
+ la femme&\verb+\bcfemme+&\bcfemme&"\\
+ l'homme&\verb+\bchomme+&\bchomme&"\\
+ la loupe&\verb+\bcloupe+&\bcloupe&"\\
+ le recyclage&\verb+\bcrecyclage+&\bcrecyclage&"\\
+ le valet de c\oe ur&\verb+\bcvaletcoeur+&\bcvaletcoeur&"\\
+ la clé&\verb+\bccle+&\bccle&"\\
+ la clé de fa&\verb+\bcclefa+& \bcclefa&"\\
+ la clé de sol&\verb+\bcclesol+&\bcclesol&"\\
+ le feu vert&\verb+\bcfeuvert+&\bcfeuvert&"\\
+ le feu jaune&\verb+\bcfeujaune+&\bcfeujaune&"\\
+ le feu rouge&\verb+\bcfeurouge+&\bcfeurouge&"\\
+ le feu tricolore&\verb+\bcfeutricolore+&\bcfeutricolore&"\\
+ l'outil&\verb+\bcoutil+&\bcoutil&"\\
+ le trombone&\verb+\bctrombone+&\bctrombone&"
+Par exemple,
+\begin{bclogo}[couleur = blue!30, arrondi = 0.1, logo = \bctrefle]{Mon Titre}
+ Du texte qui se répète encore et encore pour l'exemple, du texte qui
+ se répète encore et encore pour l'exemple, du texte qui se répète
+ encore et encore pour l'exemple\dots
+\begin{bclogo}[couleur = blue!30, arrondi = 0.1, logo = \bctrefle]{Mon Titre}
+ Du texte qui se répète encore et encore pour l'exemple, du texte qui
+ se répète encore et encore pour l'exemple, du texte qui se répète
+ encore et encore pour l'exemple\dots
+On peut se définir soi-même de nouvelles commandes de logo sans pour autant que
+ces logos soient disponibles dans \verb+bclogo+. Par exemple, pour obtenir le
+\emph{c\oe{}ur} de \LaTeX{} $\heartsuit$, il suffit de définir dans le
+préambule de document la commande:
+\newcommand\bcheartsuit{\centering \huge $\heartsuit$}
+Ceci donnera le même résultat que pour le pique \LaTeX{} (attention
+\verb+\bcheartsuit+ n'est pas définie dans \verb+bclogo+).
+On peut aussi faire ceci pour un code \verb+pstricks+, \verb+pgf+, une
+image\dots{} Voici trois exemples illustrant respectivement les trois cas
+% mon logo code pstricks
+\newcommand\monlogopst{\begingroup \input{monlogo.pst}\endgroup}
+% mon logo code pgf
+\newcommand\monlogopgf{\begingroup \input{monlogo.pgf}\endgroup}
+% mon image
+\subsubsection{Taille des logos}
+On peut redéfinir la taille des logos en largeur. Par défaut celle-ci est de
+17pt. Cette redéfinition s'effectue de la manière suivante:
+Par exemple, une redéfinition à 10pt donnera:
+\begin{bclogo}[couleur = blue!30, arrondi = 0.1]{Mon Titre}
+ Du texte qui se répète encore et encore pour l'exemple, du texte qui
+ se répète encore et encore pour l'exemple, du texte qui se répète
+ encore et encore pour l'exemple\dots
+La gestion de l'ombre se règle comme les autres options. Par défaut, il n'y en
+a pas (la valeur \texttt{ombre} vaut \texttt{false}). On active l'ombre avec la
+commande \texttt{ombre = true}. Par exemple:
+\begin{bclogo}[couleur = blue!30, arrondi = 0.1, ombre = true]{Mon Titre}
+ Du texte qui se répète encore et encore pour l'exemple, du texte qui
+ se répète encore et encore pour l'exemple, du texte qui se répète
+ encore et encore pour l'exemple\dots
+Ce qui produit:
+\begin{bclogo}[couleur = blue!30, arrondi = 0.1, ombre = true]{Mon Titre}
+ Du texte qui se répète encore et encore pour l'exemple, du texte qui
+ se répète encore et encore pour l'exemple, du texte qui se répète
+ encore et encore pour l'exemple\dots
+\subsubsection{Paramètres de l'ombre}
+On règle l'épaisseur de l'ombre avec la commande \texttt{epOmbre =
+<\textrm{valeur en cm}>}. La valeur par défaut est de 0.125 cm.
+On règle la couleur avec la commande \texttt{couleurOmbre =
+<\textrm{couleur}>}. La valeur par défaut est \textit{black}.
+Voici un exemple illustrant les deux options:
+\begin{lstlisting}[ breaklines=true,breakindent=30pt]
+\begin{bclogo}[couleur = blue!30, arrondi = 0.1, ombre = true, epOmbre = 0.25, couleurOmbre = black!30]{Mon Titre}
+ Du texte qui se répète encore et encore pour l'exemple, du texte qui
+ se répète encore et encore pour l'exemple, du texte qui se répète
+ encore et encore pour l'exemple\dots
+\begin{bclogo}[couleur = blue!30, arrondi = 0.1, ombre = true, epOmbre = 0.25, couleurOmbre = black!30]{Mon Titre}
+ Du texte qui se répète encore et encore pour l'exemple, du texte qui
+ se répète encore et encore pour l'exemple, du texte qui se répète
+ encore et encore pour l'exemple\dots
+\subsubsection{\label{blur}Le paramètre \texttt{blur}}
+Depuis la version 2.24, on a rajouté l'option proposée par le paquet
+\texttt{pst-blur}. L'utilisation de celle-ci est légèrement plus compliquée que
+celle des autres.
+Si on utilise \texttt{pstricks}, alors, lors du chargement de \texttt{bclogo},
+il faut mettre l'option \texttt{blur} qui permet de «charger»
+Si on utilise \texttt{tikz}, alors il n'y a pas besoin de rajouter l'option
+\texttt{blur} au chargement de \texttt{bclogo}.
+L'utilisation de cette option ne diffère pas selon \texttt{tikz} ou
+\texttt{pstricks}. On procède de la façon suivante:
+\begin{lstlisting}[ breaklines=true,breakindent=30pt]
+\begin{bclogo}[couleur = blue!30, arrondi = 0.1, ombre = true, couleurOmbre = black!60,blur]{Mon Titre}
+ Du texte qui se répète encore et encore pour l'exemple, du texte qui
+ se répète encore et encore pour l'exemple, du texte qui se répète
+ encore et encore pour l'exemple\dots
+\begin{bclogo}[couleur = blue!30, arrondi = 0.1, ombre = true, couleurOmbre = black!60,blur]{Mon Titre}
+ Du texte qui se répète encore et encore pour l'exemple, du texte qui
+ se répète encore et encore pour l'exemple, du texte qui se répète
+ encore et encore pour l'exemple\dots
+\subsection{Styles de barre}
+La syntaxe générale de commande du style de barre est \texttt{barre=<style>}.
+\subsubsection{La barre droite}
+Par défaut, on a une barre verticale droite comme dans tous les exemples
+précédents (la commande est \texttt{barre=line}).
+On peut régler l'épaisseur de la barre grâce à la commande \texttt{epBarre = <valeur en pt>}. Par exemple:
+\begin{lstlisting}[ breaklines=true,breakindent=30pt]
+\begin{bclogo}[couleur = blue!30, arrondi = 0.1, logo = \bcquestion, epBarre = 3.5]{Mon Titre}
+ Du texte qui se répète encore et encore pour l'exemple, du texte qui
+ se répète encore et encore pour l'exemple, du texte qui se répète
+ encore et encore pour l'exemple\dots
+\begin{bclogo}[couleur = blue!30, arrondi = 0.1, logo = \bcquestion, epBarre = 4.5]{Mon Titre}
+ Du texte qui se répète encore et encore pour l'exemple, du texte qui
+ se répète encore et encore pour l'exemple, du texte qui se répète
+ encore et encore pour l'exemple\dots
+Par défaut cette valeur est \texttt{epBarre = 1.5pt}.
+\subsubsection{La barre «zigzag»}
+Ce style de barre s'obtient avec la commande \texttt{barre=zigzag}. Par
+\begin{lstlisting}[ breaklines=true,breakindent=30pt]
+\begin{bclogo}[couleur = blue!30, arrondi = 0.1, logo = \bcquestion, barre = zigzag]{Mon Titre}
+ Du texte qui se répète encore et encore pour l'exemple, du texte qui
+ se répète encore et encore pour l'exemple, du texte qui se répète
+ encore et encore pour l'exemple\dots
+\begin{bclogo}[couleur = blue!30, arrondi = 0.1, logo = \bcquestion, barre = zigzag]{Mon Titre}
+ Du texte qui se répète encore et encore pour l'exemple, du texte qui
+ se répète encore et encore pour l'exemple, du texte qui se répète
+ encore et encore pour l'exemple\dots
+\subsubsection{La barre «snake»}
+Ce style de barre s'obtient avec la commande \texttt{barre=snake}. Par exemple:
+\begin{lstlisting}[ breaklines=true,breakindent=30pt]
+\begin{bclogo}[couleur = blue!30, arrondi = 0.1, logo = \bcquestion, barre = snake]{Mon Titre}
+ Du texte qui se répète encore et encore pour l'exemple, du texte qui
+ se répète encore et encore pour l'exemple, du texte qui se répète
+ encore et encore pour l'exemple\dots
+\begin{bclogo}[couleur = blue!30, arrondi = 0.1, logo = \bcquestion, barre = snake]{Mon Titre}
+ Du texte qui se répète encore et encore pour l'exemple, du texte qui
+ se répète encore et encore pour l'exemple, du texte qui se répète
+ encore et encore pour l'exemple\dots
+\subsubsection{Réglage pour «snake» et «zigzag»}
+Pour ces deux styles de barre, on règle la taille (ou amplitude) de
+l'ondulation avec la commande\par\noindent\texttt{tailleOndu = <valeur en pt>}. C'est la
+taille d'\textbf{une} ondulation. Par défaut la valeur est de 2.5. Par exemple:
+\begin{lstlisting}[ breaklines=true,breakindent=30pt]
+\begin{bclogo}[couleur = blue!30, arrondi = 0.1, logo = \bcquestion, barre = snake,tailleOndu = 1.5]{Mon Titre}
+ Du texte qui se répète encore et encore pour l'exemple, du texte qui
+ se répète encore et encore pour l'exemple, du texte qui se répète
+ encore et encore pour l'exemple\dots
+\begin{bclogo}[couleur = blue!30, arrondi = 0.1, logo = \bcquestion, barre = snake,tailleOndu = 1.5]{Mon Titre}
+ Du texte qui se répète encore et encore pour l'exemple, du texte qui
+ se répète encore et encore pour l'exemple, du texte qui se répète
+ encore et encore pour l'exemple\dots
+\subsubsection{Répétition d'un «motif»}
+Cette fonction permet de répéter verticalement un motif quelconque à la place
+de la barre verticale. Ceci s'obtient avec la commande \texttt{barre = motif}
+et ce \textbf{couple} avec la commande \texttt{motifBarre = <motif>}. Par
+\begin{lstlisting}[ breaklines=true,breakindent=30pt]
+\begin{bclogo}[couleur = blue!30, arrondi = 0.1, logo = \bcquestion, barre = motif,motifBarre = $\star$]{Mon Titre}
+ Du texte qui se répète encore et encore pour l'exemple, du texte qui
+ se répète encore et encore pour l'exemple, du texte qui se répète
+ encore et encore pour l'exemple\dots Du texte qui se répète encore et encore pour l'exemple, du texte qui
+ se répète encore et encore pour l'exemple, du texte qui se répète
+ encore et encore pour l'exemple\dots
+\begin{bclogo}[couleur = blue!30, arrondi = 0.1, logo = \bcquestion, barre = motif,motifBarre = $\star$]{Mon Titre}
+ Du texte qui se répète encore et encore pour l'exemple, du texte qui
+ se répète encore et encore pour l'exemple, du texte qui se répète
+ encore et encore pour l'exemple\dots Du texte qui se répète encore et encore pour l'exemple, du texte qui
+ se répète encore et encore pour l'exemple, du texte qui se répète
+ encore et encore pour l'exemple\dots
+Si je dispose d'une image personnelle, par exemple
+\texttt{spir.mps}\footnote{Ici, j'utilise un \texttt{.mps} mais un utilisateur
+de \texttt{latex} peut très bien utiliser un \texttt{eps} et un utilisateur de \texttt{pdflatex} peut très bien utiliser un \texttt{jpg},
+\texttt{pdf}\dots} \includegraphics{spir}, il suffit de mettre:
+\verb+motifBarre = \includegraphics{spir}+.
+ Ceci donne:
+\begin{bclogo}[couleur = blue!30, arrondi = 0.1, logo = \bcquestion, barre = motif,motifBarre = \includegraphics{spir}]{Mon Titre}
+ Du texte qui se répète encore et encore pour l'exemple, du texte qui
+ se répète encore et encore pour l'exemple, du texte qui se répète
+ encore et encore pour l'exemple\dots Du texte qui se répète encore et encore pour l'exemple, du texte qui
+ se répète encore et encore pour l'exemple, du texte qui se répète
+ encore et encore pour l'exemple\dots
+Un autre exemple pour donner des idées\dots
+\begin{bclogo}[couleur = blue!30, arrondi = 0.1, logo = \bcquestion, barre = motif,motifBarre = {\includegraphics[width=8pt]{bc-inter}}]{Mon Titre}
+ Du texte qui se répète encore et encore pour l'exemple, du texte qui
+ se répète encore et encore pour l'exemple, du texte qui se répète
+ encore et encore pour l'exemple\dots Du texte qui se répète encore et encore pour l'exemple, du texte qui
+ se répète encore et encore pour l'exemple, du texte qui se répète
+ encore et encore pour l'exemple\dots
+\subsubsection{Image personnelle «étendue»}
+Si je dispose d'une image, par exemple \texttt{brace.mps}\footnote{Comme
+précédemment, les utilisateurs de \LaTeX peuvent utiliser une image eps et ceux de pdf\LaTeX{} peuvent utiliser une image pdf.}
+grâce à la commande \texttt{barre = imageExt} couplée avec \texttt{imageBarre =
+brace}, je l'obtiens «étirée» à la place de la barre verticale. Par exemple:
+\begin{lstlisting}[ breaklines=true,breakindent=30pt]
+\begin{bclogo}[couleur = blue!30, arrondi = 0.1, logo = \bcquestion, barre = imageExt,imageBarre = brace]{Mon Titre}
+ Du texte qui se répète encore et encore pour l'exemple, du texte qui
+ se répète encore et encore pour l'exemple, du texte qui se répète
+ encore et encore pour l'exemple\dots Du texte qui se répète encore et encore pour l'exemple, du texte qui
+ se répète encore et encore pour l'exemple, du texte qui se répète
+ encore et encore pour l'exemple\dots
+\begin{bclogo}[couleur = blue!30, arrondi = 0.1, logo = \bcquestion, barre = imageExt,imageBarre = brace]{Mon Titre}
+ Du texte qui se répète encore et encore pour l'exemple, du texte qui
+ se répète encore et encore pour l'exemple, du texte qui se répète
+ encore et encore pour l'exemple\dots Du texte qui se répète encore et encore pour l'exemple, du texte qui
+ se répète encore et encore pour l'exemple, du texte qui se répète
+ encore et encore pour l'exemple\dots
+\subsubsection{Image personnelle «clippée»}
+Si on dispose d'une image personnelle (assez longue de préférence), on peut
+grâce à la commande \texttt{barre=imageClip} couplée encore une fois avec la
+commande \texttt{imageBarre = <monimage>}. On obtient à la place de la barre
+verticale, l'image «tronquée». Par exemple, si je dispose de l'image
+\texttt{losanges.mps} (image tournée de 90 degrés):
+\noindent\includegraphics[angle = 90,bb=0 0 17 \linewidth,clip]{losanges}
+Cet exemple
+\begin{lstlisting}[ breaklines=true,breakindent=30pt]
+\begin{bclogo}[couleur = blue!30, arrondi = 0.1, logo = \bcquestion, barre = imageClip,imageBarre = losanges]{Mon Titre}
+ Du texte qui se répète encore et encore pour l'exemple, du texte qui
+ se répète encore et encore pour l'exemple, du texte qui se répète
+ encore et encore pour l'exemple\dots Du texte qui se répète encore et encore pour l'exemple, du texte qui
+ se répète encore et encore pour l'exemple, du texte qui se répète
+ encore et encore pour l'exemple\dots
+\begin{bclogo}[couleur = blue!30, arrondi = 0.1, logo = \bcquestion, barre = imageClip,imageBarre = losanges]{Mon Titre}
+ Du texte qui se répète encore et encore pour l'exemple, du texte qui
+ se répète encore et encore pour l'exemple, du texte qui se répète
+ encore et encore pour l'exemple\dots Du texte qui se répète encore et encore pour l'exemple, du texte qui
+ se répète encore et encore pour l'exemple, du texte qui se répète
+ encore et encore pour l'exemple\dots
+\subsubsection{Pour les utilisateurs de mathdesign}
+Si on utilise une police \textit{mathdesign}, alors on a accès à une barre
+ondulée, faite avec un glyphe répété verticalement, grâce à la commande
+\texttt{barre = wave}. Voici un exemple:
+\begin{lstlisting}[ breaklines=true,breakindent=30pt]
+\begin{bclogo}[couleur = blue!30, arrondi = 0.1, logo = \bcquestion, barre = wave]{Mon Titre}
+ Du texte qui se répète encore et encore pour l'exemple, du texte qui
+ se répète encore et encore pour l'exemple, du texte qui se répète
+ encore et encore pour l'exemple\dots Du texte qui se répète encore et encore pour l'exemple, du texte qui
+ se répète encore et encore pour l'exemple, du texte qui se répète
+ encore et encore pour l'exemple\dots
+Ce qui donne:
+\begin{bclogo}[couleur = blue!30, arrondi = 0.1, logo = \bcquestion, barre = wave]{Mon Titre}
+ Du texte qui se répète encore et encore pour l'exemple, du texte qui
+ se répète encore et encore pour l'exemple, du texte qui se répète
+ encore et encore pour l'exemple\dots Du texte qui se répète encore et encore pour l'exemple, du texte qui
+ se répète encore et encore pour l'exemple, du texte qui se répète
+ encore et encore pour l'exemple\dots
+\subsubsection{Couleur de la barre}
+Pour les barres \texttt{line}, \texttt{zigzag}, \texttt{snake}, \texttt{motif}
+et \texttt{wave} (pour motif, seulement si on utilise un motif provenant de
+\LaTeX{}, caractères, traits\dots), on peut changer la couleur. Pour ce faire,
+on utilise la commande \texttt{couleurBarre = <ma couleur>}. Par exemple:
+\begin{lstlisting}[ breaklines=true,breakindent=30pt]
+\begin{bclogo}[couleur = blue!30, arrondi = 0.1, logo = \bcquestion, couleurBarre = green!80!blue!60]{Mon Titre}
+ Du texte qui se répète encore et encore pour l'exemple, du texte qui
+ se répète encore et encore pour l'exemple, du texte qui se répète
+ encore et encore pour l'exemple\dots Du texte qui se répète encore et encore pour l'exemple, du texte qui
+ se répète encore et encore pour l'exemple, du texte qui se répète
+ encore et encore pour l'exemple\dots
+\begin{bclogo}[couleur = blue!30, arrondi = 0.1, logo = \bcquestion, couleurBarre = red!60!black!100]{Mon Titre}
+ Du texte qui se répète encore et encore pour l'exemple, du texte qui
+ se répète encore et encore pour l'exemple, du texte qui se répète
+ encore et encore pour l'exemple\dots Du texte qui se répète encore et encore pour l'exemple, du texte qui
+ se répète encore et encore pour l'exemple, du texte qui se répète
+ encore et encore pour l'exemple\dots
+avec \texttt{barre = snake}
+\begin{bclogo}[couleur = blue!30, arrondi = 0.1, logo = \bcquestion,barre = snake, couleurBarre = red!60!black!100]{Mon Titre}
+ Du texte qui se répète encore et encore pour l'exemple, du texte qui
+ se répète encore et encore pour l'exemple, du texte qui se répète
+ encore et encore pour l'exemple\dots Du texte qui se répète encore et encore pour l'exemple, du texte qui
+ se répète encore et encore pour l'exemple, du texte qui se répète
+ encore et encore pour l'exemple\dots
+\subsubsection{Pas de barre}
+Si on ne veut pas de barre verticale sur le côté, il suffit d'utiliser la
+commande \texttt{barre = none}. Par exemple:
+\begin{lstlisting}[ breaklines=true,breakindent=30pt]
+\begin{bclogo}[couleur = blue!30, arrondi = 0.1, logo = \bcquestion,barre = none]{Mon Titre}
+ Du texte qui se répète encore et encore pour l'exemple, du texte qui
+ se répète encore et encore pour l'exemple, du texte qui se répète
+ encore et encore pour l'exemple\dots Du texte qui se répète encore et encore pour l'exemple, du texte qui
+ se répète encore et encore pour l'exemple, du texte qui se répète
+ encore et encore pour l'exemple\dots
+\begin{bclogo}[couleur = blue!30, arrondi = 0.1, logo = \bcquestion,barre = none]{Mon Titre}
+ Du texte qui se répète encore et encore pour l'exemple, du texte qui
+ se répète encore et encore pour l'exemple, du texte qui se répète
+ encore et encore pour l'exemple\dots Du texte qui se répète encore et encore pour l'exemple, du texte qui
+ se répète encore et encore pour l'exemple, du texte qui se répète
+ encore et encore pour l'exemple\dots
+\subsection{Le bord--Épaisseur}
+On peut (depuis la version 2.24) régler l'épaisseur du trait de bord grâce à la
+commande\par\noindent\texttt{epBord=<valeur>} (attention, ne pas mettre d'unité). Par
+\begin{bclogo}[logo = \bccrayon, epBord=0.2]{Mon titre}
+ Du texte qui se répète encore et encore pour l'exemple, du
+ texte qui se répète encore et encore pour l'exemple, du texte
+ qui se répète encore et encore pour l'exemple\dots Du texte
+ qui se répète encore et encore pour l'exemple, du texte qui se
+ répète encore et encore pour l'exemple, du texte qui se
+ répète encore et encore pour l'exemple\dots
+Ce qui donne:
+\begin{bclogo}[logo = \bccrayon, epBord=0.2]{Mon titre}
+ Du texte qui se répète encore et encore pour l'exemple, du
+ texte qui se répète encore et encore pour l'exemple, du texte
+ qui se répète encore et encore pour l'exemple\dots Du texte
+ qui se répète encore et encore pour l'exemple, du texte qui se
+ répète encore et encore pour l'exemple, du texte qui se
+ répète encore et encore pour l'exemple\dots
+Par défaut, l'épaisseur est à 0.8pt.
+\subsubsection{Option \texttt{noborder}}
+Par défaut, il y a un trait pour délimiter le bord de la boîte, on peut
+cependant choisir de ne pas en mettre avec l'option \texttt{noborder = true}
+(par défaut elle est à \texttt{false}).
+Par exemple:
+\begin{bclogo}[logo = \bccrayon, noborder = true]{Mon titre}
+ Du texte qui se répète encore et encore pour l'exemple, du
+ texte qui se répète encore et encore pour l'exemple, du texte
+ qui se répète encore et encore pour l'exemple\dots Du texte
+ qui se répète encore et encore pour l'exemple, du texte qui se
+ répète encore et encore pour l'exemple, du texte qui se
+ répète encore et encore pour l'exemple\dots
+ \begin{bclogo}[logo = \bccrayon, noborder = true]{Mon titre}
+ Du texte qui se répète encore et encore pour l'exemple, du
+ texte qui se répète encore et encore pour l'exemple, du texte
+ qui se répète encore et encore pour l'exemple\dots Du texte
+ qui se répète encore et encore pour l'exemple, du texte qui se
+ répète encore et encore pour l'exemple, du texte qui se
+ répète encore et encore pour l'exemple\dots
+ \end{bclogo}
+\noindent Cela ne vous dit rien?
+\noindent Voici un autre exemple, avec de la couleur\dots
+ \begin{bclogo}[logo = \bcbook, noborder = true, couleur = red!30!blue!40]{Mon titre}
+ Du texte qui se répète encore et encore pour l'exemple, du
+ texte qui se répète encore et encore pour l'exemple, du texte
+ qui se répète encore et encore pour l'exemple\dots Du texte
+ qui se répète encore et encore pour l'exemple, du texte qui se
+ répète encore et encore pour l'exemple, du texte qui se
+ répète encore et encore pour l'exemple\dots
+ \end{bclogo}
+\subsection{Les marges}
+On peut aussi régler les marges entre l'intérieur de la boîte et le bord. Ceci
+se fait par la commande \texttt{marge= <entier>}. Elle est définie en nombre
+de points, par défaut \texttt{marge = 3} (ne pas préciser l'unité).
+Cette nouvelle commande (due à Patrick \textsc{Fradin} sur une demande de
+Gaétan \textsc{Marris}) permet, entre autre, de prolonger le texte jusqu'à la
+marge de la page lorsque \texttt{noborder=true}. Par exemple,
+\begin{bclogo}[logo = \bccrayon, noborder = true,marge=0]{Mon titre}
+\begin{bclogo}[logo = \bccrayon, noborder = true,marge=8]{Mon titre}
+produit ceci.
+\begin{bclogo}[logo = \bccrayon, noborder = true,marge=0]{Mon titre}
+\begin{bclogo}[logo = \bccrayon, noborder = true,marge=8]{Mon titre}
+\section{Liste des boîtes}
+On peut, comme avec \verb+\tableofcontents+, lister les boîtes utilisées dans
+le document et ce grâce à la commande:
+Les noms affichés dans la liste sont les différents titres des boîtes et,
+si on utilise le package \verb+hyperref+, cette liste est «cliquable» et permet
+le transport dans le document\footnote{Ce transport est maintenant mieux géré
+(version 2.21) grâce à François \textsc{Pétiard}}. Par exemple dans ce document
+la liste donne (ici j'utilise un \texttt{multicols} pour l'affichage sur deux
+Le titre de la liste peut alors être modifié par la commande:
+\renewcommand{\titrebclogo}{Liste des fiches}
+\section{Avec \texttt{framed.sty}}
+Je présente ici une utilisation de \texttt{bclogo} \emph{couplée} avec un
+environnement écrit par Jean-Michel \textsc{Sarlat} utilisant
+\texttt{framed.sty}. Voici cet environnement:
+ \def\FrameCommand{{\color{#1}\vrule width 3pt}\colorbox{fbase}}%
+ \MakeFramed {\advance\hsize-\width \FrameRestore}}%
+En disposant cet environnement, on s'amuser à mélanger les deux:
+\begin{bclogo}[logo=\bcinfo,barre = none,noborder=true]{Test avec
+ \texttt{framed.sty}}%
+ Du texte qui se répète encore et encore pour l'exemple, du
+ texte qui se répète encore et encore pour l'exemple, du texte
+ qui se répète encore et encore pour l'exemple\dots Du texte
+ qui se répète encore et encore pour l'exemple, du texte qui se
+ répète encore et encore pour l'exemple, du texte qui se
+ répète encore et encore pour l'exemple\dots
+Ce qui donne
+\begin{bclogo}[logo=\bcinfo,barre = none,noborder=true]{Test avec \texttt{framed.sty}}%
+ Du texte qui se répète encore et encore pour l'exemple, du
+ texte qui se répète encore et encore pour l'exemple, du texte
+ qui se répète encore et encore pour l'exemple\dots Du texte
+ qui se répète encore et encore pour l'exemple, du texte qui se
+ répète encore et encore pour l'exemple, du texte qui se
+ répète encore et encore pour l'exemple\dots
+\section{Réglage global des paramètres}
+On peut régler les paramètres pour toutes les boîtes \texttt{bclogo}. Pour cela
+on utilise la commande
+\presetkeys{bclogo}{<liste des parametres>}{}
+Par exemple:
+\presetkeys{bclogo}{ombre=true, epBord=1pt}{}
+\item bclogo v2.26 (29 Juillet 2011) : Passage au format mps pour les
+ logos, ajouts de nouveaux logos (François \textsc{Pétiard}),
+ corrections du code pour éviter les overfull et underfull box
+\item bclogo v2.25 (06 Juillet 2011) : correction du drapeau allemand
+\item bclogo v2.24 (09 septembre 2009) : plein de nouveauté, logos, réglage de couleur de bord, d'épaisseur de bord, de marge à l'intérieur, option blur pour l'ombre, nouvelle barre pour les utilisateurs de mathdesign
+\item bclogo v2.22 (18 janvier 2009) : toujours la même version, j'avais oublié de documenter l'option noborder
+\item bclogo v2.22 (15 janvier 2009) : Réglages arrondis absolu en pstricks, les logos (fichiers) sont renommés bc-<logo>.<ext>
+\item bclogo v2.21 (12 janvier 2009) : Nouveaux logos crayon et pique, plus amélioration de la gestion des références, amélioration de la documentation
+\item bclogo v2.2 (11 janvier 2009) : Options sur la barre verticale, nouveau logo question
+\item bclogo v2.1 (04 janvier 2009) : Inversion de l'option par défaut, maintenant c'est pstricks, nouveau logo livre
+\item bclogo v2.0 (27 décembre 2008) : Options tikz ou pstricks suivant le choix de compilation, ombre, 3 logos take care, lampe et trêfle
+\item bclogo v1.3 (20 août 2008) : Gestion des paramètres avec « xkeyval » et ajout de 3 logos de François Boerkmann
+\item bclogo v1.27 (14 juillet 2008) : Correction de l'oubli de chargement du paquet « ifthen »
+\item bclogo v1.26 (30 juin 2008) : création du logo ornement -- deux styles de titre -- fonction listofbclogo
+\item bclogo v1.25 (5 avril 2008) : modification du logo attention et création du coeur
+\item bclogo v1.2 (2 avril 2008) : création des logo etoile, ours et attention
+\item bclogo v1.15 (19 mars 2008) : ajout de la fonction « arrondi » en quatrième argument
+\item bclogo v1.1 (19 mars 2008)
+\section{Le code}
+%\begin{lstlisting}[style=numbers, breaklines=true,breakindent=30pt]
+\lstset{style=numbers, breaklines=true,breakindent=30pt}
--- /dev/null
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+ 0 0 0 setrgbcolor
+newpath 10.3711 82.2969 moveto
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+10.3711 41.14839 2.14063 0 10.3711 0 curveto
+2.14063 0 16.043 41.14839 2.14063 41.14839 curveto
+16.043 41.14839 2.14063 82.2969 10.3711 82.2969 curveto
+ closepath fill
+ 0 0.1 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop [] 0 setdash 0 setlinecap 1 setlinejoin
+ 10 setmiterlimit
+newpath 10.3711 82.2969 moveto
+2.14063 82.2969 10.3711 41.14839 2.14063 41.14839 curveto
+10.3711 41.14839 2.14063 0 10.3711 0 curveto
+2.14063 0 16.043 41.14839 2.14063 41.14839 curveto
+16.043 41.14839 2.14063 82.2969 10.3711 82.2969 curveto stroke
--- /dev/null
+%!PS-Adobe-3.0 EPSF-3.0
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+ 0 0.502 0.502 setrgbcolor
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+7.51953 0 lineto
+ closepath fill
+ 0 0 0 setrgbcolor 0 0.4 dtransform truncate idtransform setlinewidth pop [] 0 setdash 0 setlinecap
+ 1 setlinejoin 10 setmiterlimit
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+11.2813 3.54297 lineto
+7.51953 7.08594 lineto
+3.76172 3.54297 lineto
+7.51953 0 lineto stroke
+ 0 0.502 0.502 setrgbcolor
+newpath 7.51953 7.08594 moveto
+11.2813 10.6289 lineto
+7.51953 14.1719 lineto
+3.76172 10.6289 lineto
+7.51953 7.08594 lineto
+ closepath fill
+ 0 0 0 setrgbcolor
+newpath 7.51953 7.08594 moveto
+11.2813 10.6289 lineto
+7.51953 14.1719 lineto
+3.76172 10.6289 lineto
+7.51953 7.08594 lineto stroke
+ 0 0.502 0.502 setrgbcolor
+newpath 7.51953 14.1719 moveto
+11.2813 17.7148 lineto
+7.51953 21.2617 lineto
+3.76172 17.7148 lineto
+7.51953 14.1719 lineto
+ closepath fill
+ 0 0 0 setrgbcolor
+newpath 7.51953 14.1719 moveto
+11.2813 17.7148 lineto
+7.51953 21.2617 lineto
+3.76172 17.7148 lineto
+7.51953 14.1719 lineto stroke
+ 0 0.502 0.502 setrgbcolor
+newpath 7.51953 21.2617 moveto
+11.2813 24.8047 lineto
+7.51953 28.3477 lineto
+3.76172 24.8047 lineto
+7.51953 21.2617 lineto
+ closepath fill
+ 0 0 0 setrgbcolor
+newpath 7.51953 21.2617 moveto
+11.2813 24.8047 lineto
+7.51953 28.3477 lineto
+3.76172 24.8047 lineto
+7.51953 21.2617 lineto stroke
+ 0 0.502 0.502 setrgbcolor
+newpath 7.51953 28.3477 moveto
+11.2813 31.8906 lineto
+7.51953 35.4336 lineto
+3.76172 31.8906 lineto
+7.51953 28.3477 lineto
+ closepath fill
+ 0 0 0 setrgbcolor
+newpath 7.51953 28.3477 moveto
+11.2813 31.8906 lineto
+7.51953 35.4336 lineto
+3.76172 31.8906 lineto
+7.51953 28.3477 lineto stroke
+ 0 0.502 0.502 setrgbcolor
+newpath 7.51953 35.4336 moveto
+11.2813 38.97661 lineto
+7.51953 42.5195 lineto
+3.76172 38.97661 lineto
+7.51953 35.4336 lineto
+ closepath fill
+ 0 0 0 setrgbcolor
+newpath 7.51953 35.4336 moveto
+11.2813 38.97661 lineto
+7.51953 42.5195 lineto
+3.76172 38.97661 lineto
+7.51953 35.4336 lineto stroke
+ 0 0.502 0.502 setrgbcolor
+newpath 7.51953 42.5195 moveto
+11.2813 46.0625 lineto
+7.51953 49.6055 lineto
+3.76172 46.0625 lineto
+7.51953 42.5195 lineto
+ closepath fill
+ 0 0 0 setrgbcolor
+newpath 7.51953 42.5195 moveto
+11.2813 46.0625 lineto
+7.51953 49.6055 lineto
+3.76172 46.0625 lineto
+7.51953 42.5195 lineto stroke
+ 0 0.502 0.502 setrgbcolor
+newpath 7.51953 49.6055 moveto
+11.2813 53.14839 lineto
+7.51953 56.6914 lineto
+3.76172 53.14839 lineto
+7.51953 49.6055 lineto
+ closepath fill
+ 0 0 0 setrgbcolor
+newpath 7.51953 49.6055 moveto
+11.2813 53.14839 lineto
+7.51953 56.6914 lineto
+3.76172 53.14839 lineto
+7.51953 49.6055 lineto stroke
+ 0 0.502 0.502 setrgbcolor
+newpath 7.51953 56.6914 moveto
+11.2813 60.2344 lineto
+7.51953 63.7813 lineto
+3.76172 60.2344 lineto
+7.51953 56.6914 lineto
+ closepath fill
+ 0 0 0 setrgbcolor
+newpath 7.51953 56.6914 moveto
+11.2813 60.2344 lineto
+7.51953 63.7813 lineto
+3.76172 60.2344 lineto
+7.51953 56.6914 lineto stroke
+ 0 0.502 0.502 setrgbcolor
+newpath 7.51953 63.7813 moveto
+11.2813 67.3242 lineto
+7.51953 70.8672 lineto
+3.76172 67.3242 lineto
+7.51953 63.7813 lineto
+ closepath fill
+ 0 0 0 setrgbcolor
+newpath 7.51953 63.7813 moveto
+11.2813 67.3242 lineto
+7.51953 70.8672 lineto
+3.76172 67.3242 lineto
+7.51953 63.7813 lineto stroke
+ 0 0.502 0.502 setrgbcolor
+newpath 7.51953 70.8672 moveto
+11.2813 74.4102 lineto
+7.51953 77.9531 lineto
+3.76172 74.4102 lineto
+7.51953 70.8672 lineto
+ closepath fill
+ 0 0 0 setrgbcolor
+newpath 7.51953 70.8672 moveto
+11.2813 74.4102 lineto
+7.51953 77.9531 lineto
+3.76172 74.4102 lineto
+7.51953 70.8672 lineto stroke
+ 0 0.502 0.502 setrgbcolor
+newpath 7.51953 77.9531 moveto
+11.2813 81.4961 lineto
+7.51953 85.03911 lineto
+3.76172 81.4961 lineto
+7.51953 77.9531 lineto
+ closepath fill
+ 0 0 0 setrgbcolor
+newpath 7.51953 77.9531 moveto
+11.2813 81.4961 lineto
+7.51953 85.03911 lineto
+3.76172 81.4961 lineto
+7.51953 77.9531 lineto stroke
+ 0 0.502 0.502 setrgbcolor
+newpath 7.51953 85.03911 moveto
+11.2813 88.582 lineto
+7.51953 92.125 lineto
+3.76172 88.582 lineto
+7.51953 85.03911 lineto
+ closepath fill
+ 0 0 0 setrgbcolor
+newpath 7.51953 85.03911 moveto
+11.2813 88.582 lineto
+7.51953 92.125 lineto
+3.76172 88.582 lineto
+7.51953 85.03911 lineto stroke
+ 0 0.502 0.502 setrgbcolor
+newpath 7.51953 92.125 moveto
+11.2813 95.668 lineto
+7.51953 99.21089 lineto
+3.76172 95.668 lineto
+7.51953 92.125 lineto
+ closepath fill
+ 0 0 0 setrgbcolor
+newpath 7.51953 92.125 moveto
+11.2813 95.668 lineto
+7.51953 99.21089 lineto
+3.76172 95.668 lineto
+7.51953 92.125 lineto stroke
+ 0 0.502 0.502 setrgbcolor
+newpath 7.51953 99.21089 moveto
+11.2813 102.758 lineto
+7.51953 106.30101 lineto
+3.76172 102.758 lineto
+7.51953 99.21089 lineto
+ closepath fill
+ 0 0 0 setrgbcolor
+newpath 7.51953 99.21089 moveto
+11.2813 102.758 lineto
+7.51953 106.30101 lineto
+3.76172 102.758 lineto
+7.51953 99.21089 lineto stroke
+ 0 0.502 0.502 setrgbcolor
+newpath 7.51953 106.30101 moveto
+11.2813 109.84401 lineto
+7.51953 113.387 lineto
+3.76172 109.84401 lineto
+7.51953 106.30101 lineto
+ closepath fill
+ 0 0 0 setrgbcolor
+newpath 7.51953 106.30101 moveto
+11.2813 109.84401 lineto
+7.51953 113.387 lineto
+3.76172 109.84401 lineto
+7.51953 106.30101 lineto stroke
+ 0 0.502 0.502 setrgbcolor
+newpath 7.51953 113.387 moveto
+11.2813 116.93 lineto
+7.51953 120.473 lineto
+3.76172 116.93 lineto
+7.51953 113.387 lineto
+ closepath fill
+ 0 0 0 setrgbcolor
+newpath 7.51953 113.387 moveto
+11.2813 116.93 lineto
+7.51953 120.473 lineto
+3.76172 116.93 lineto
+7.51953 113.387 lineto stroke
+ 0 0.502 0.502 setrgbcolor
+newpath 7.51953 120.473 moveto
+11.2813 124.016 lineto
+7.51953 127.55899 lineto
+3.76172 124.016 lineto
+7.51953 120.473 lineto
+ closepath fill
+ 0 0 0 setrgbcolor
+newpath 7.51953 120.473 moveto
+11.2813 124.016 lineto
+7.51953 127.55899 lineto
+3.76172 124.016 lineto
+7.51953 120.473 lineto stroke
+ 0 0.502 0.502 setrgbcolor
+newpath 7.51953 127.55899 moveto
+11.2813 131.102 lineto
+7.51953 134.645 lineto
+3.76172 131.102 lineto
+7.51953 127.55899 lineto
+ closepath fill
+ 0 0 0 setrgbcolor
+newpath 7.51953 127.55899 moveto
+11.2813 131.102 lineto
+7.51953 134.645 lineto
+3.76172 131.102 lineto
+7.51953 127.55899 lineto stroke
+ 0 0.502 0.502 setrgbcolor
+newpath 7.51953 134.645 moveto
+11.2813 138.188 lineto
+7.51953 141.73 lineto
+3.76172 138.188 lineto
+7.51953 134.645 lineto
+ closepath fill
+ 0 0 0 setrgbcolor
+newpath 7.51953 134.645 moveto
+11.2813 138.188 lineto
+7.51953 141.73 lineto
+3.76172 138.188 lineto
+7.51953 134.645 lineto stroke
+ 0 0.502 0.502 setrgbcolor
+newpath 7.51953 141.73 moveto
+11.2813 145.277 lineto
+7.51953 148.82 lineto
+3.76172 145.277 lineto
+7.51953 141.73 lineto
+ closepath fill
+ 0 0 0 setrgbcolor
+newpath 7.51953 141.73 moveto
+11.2813 145.277 lineto
+7.51953 148.82 lineto
+3.76172 145.277 lineto
+7.51953 141.73 lineto stroke
+ 0 0.502 0.502 setrgbcolor
+newpath 7.51953 148.82 moveto
+11.2813 152.363 lineto
+7.51953 155.906 lineto
+3.76172 152.363 lineto
+7.51953 148.82 lineto
+ closepath fill
+ 0 0 0 setrgbcolor
+newpath 7.51953 148.82 moveto
+11.2813 152.363 lineto
+7.51953 155.906 lineto
+3.76172 152.363 lineto
+7.51953 148.82 lineto stroke
+ 0 0.502 0.502 setrgbcolor
+newpath 7.51953 155.906 moveto
+11.2813 159.449 lineto
+7.51953 162.992 lineto
+3.76172 159.449 lineto
+7.51953 155.906 lineto
+ closepath fill
+ 0 0 0 setrgbcolor
+newpath 7.51953 155.906 moveto
+11.2813 159.449 lineto
+7.51953 162.992 lineto
+3.76172 159.449 lineto
+7.51953 155.906 lineto stroke
+ 0 0.502 0.502 setrgbcolor
+newpath 7.51953 162.992 moveto
+11.2813 166.535 lineto
+7.51953 170.078 lineto
+3.76172 166.535 lineto
+7.51953 162.992 lineto
+ closepath fill
+ 0 0 0 setrgbcolor
+newpath 7.51953 162.992 moveto
+11.2813 166.535 lineto
+7.51953 170.078 lineto
+3.76172 166.535 lineto
+7.51953 162.992 lineto stroke
+ 0 0.502 0.502 setrgbcolor
+newpath 7.51953 170.078 moveto
+11.2813 173.621 lineto
+7.51953 177.164 lineto
+3.76172 173.621 lineto
+7.51953 170.078 lineto
+ closepath fill
+ 0 0 0 setrgbcolor
+newpath 7.51953 170.078 moveto
+11.2813 173.621 lineto
+7.51953 177.164 lineto
+3.76172 173.621 lineto
+7.51953 170.078 lineto stroke
+ 0 0.502 0.502 setrgbcolor
+newpath 7.51953 177.164 moveto
+11.2813 180.707 lineto
+7.51953 184.254 lineto
+3.76172 180.707 lineto
+7.51953 177.164 lineto
+ closepath fill
+ 0 0 0 setrgbcolor
+newpath 7.51953 177.164 moveto
+11.2813 180.707 lineto
+7.51953 184.254 lineto
+3.76172 180.707 lineto
+7.51953 177.164 lineto stroke
+ 0 0.502 0.502 setrgbcolor
+newpath 7.51953 184.254 moveto
+11.2813 187.797 lineto
+7.51953 191.34 lineto
+3.76172 187.797 lineto
+7.51953 184.254 lineto
+ closepath fill
+ 0 0 0 setrgbcolor
+newpath 7.51953 184.254 moveto
+11.2813 187.797 lineto
+7.51953 191.34 lineto
+3.76172 187.797 lineto
+7.51953 184.254 lineto stroke
+ 0 0.502 0.502 setrgbcolor
+newpath 7.51953 191.34 moveto
+11.2813 194.883 lineto
+7.51953 198.426 lineto
+3.76172 194.883 lineto
+7.51953 191.34 lineto
+ closepath fill
+ 0 0 0 setrgbcolor
+newpath 7.51953 191.34 moveto
+11.2813 194.883 lineto
+7.51953 198.426 lineto
+3.76172 194.883 lineto
+7.51953 191.34 lineto stroke
+ 0 0.502 0.502 setrgbcolor
+newpath 7.51953 198.426 moveto
+11.2813 201.969 lineto
+7.51953 205.512 lineto
+3.76172 201.969 lineto
+7.51953 198.426 lineto
+ closepath fill
+ 0 0 0 setrgbcolor
+newpath 7.51953 198.426 moveto
+11.2813 201.969 lineto
+7.51953 205.512 lineto
+3.76172 201.969 lineto
+7.51953 198.426 lineto stroke
+ 0 0.502 0.502 setrgbcolor
+newpath 7.51953 205.512 moveto
+11.2813 209.055 lineto
+7.51953 212.598 lineto
+3.76172 209.055 lineto
+7.51953 205.512 lineto
+ closepath fill
+ 0 0 0 setrgbcolor
+newpath 7.51953 205.512 moveto
+11.2813 209.055 lineto
+7.51953 212.598 lineto
+3.76172 209.055 lineto
+7.51953 205.512 lineto stroke
+ 0 0.502 0.502 setrgbcolor
+newpath 7.51953 212.598 moveto
+11.2813 216.141 lineto
+7.51953 219.684 lineto
+3.76172 216.141 lineto
+7.51953 212.598 lineto
+ closepath fill
+ 0 0 0 setrgbcolor
+newpath 7.51953 212.598 moveto
+11.2813 216.141 lineto
+7.51953 219.684 lineto
+3.76172 216.141 lineto
+7.51953 212.598 lineto stroke
+ 0 0.502 0.502 setrgbcolor
+newpath 7.51953 219.684 moveto
+11.2813 223.227 lineto
+7.51953 226.773 lineto
+3.76172 223.227 lineto
+7.51953 219.684 lineto
+ closepath fill
+ 0 0 0 setrgbcolor
+newpath 7.51953 219.684 moveto
+11.2813 223.227 lineto
+7.51953 226.773 lineto
+3.76172 223.227 lineto
+7.51953 219.684 lineto stroke
+ 0 0.502 0.502 setrgbcolor
+newpath 7.51953 226.773 moveto
+11.2813 230.316 lineto
+7.51953 233.859 lineto
+3.76172 230.316 lineto
+7.51953 226.773 lineto
+ closepath fill
+ 0 0 0 setrgbcolor
+newpath 7.51953 226.773 moveto
+11.2813 230.316 lineto
+7.51953 233.859 lineto
+3.76172 230.316 lineto
+7.51953 226.773 lineto stroke
+ 0 0.502 0.502 setrgbcolor
+newpath 7.51953 233.859 moveto
+11.2813 237.402 lineto
+7.51953 240.945 lineto
+3.76172 237.402 lineto
+7.51953 233.859 lineto
+ closepath fill
+ 0 0 0 setrgbcolor
+newpath 7.51953 233.859 moveto
+11.2813 237.402 lineto
+7.51953 240.945 lineto
+3.76172 237.402 lineto
+7.51953 233.859 lineto stroke
+ 0 0.502 0.502 setrgbcolor
+newpath 7.51953 240.945 moveto
+11.2813 244.488 lineto
+7.51953 248.031 lineto
+3.76172 244.488 lineto
+7.51953 240.945 lineto
+ closepath fill
+ 0 0 0 setrgbcolor
+newpath 7.51953 240.945 moveto
+11.2813 244.488 lineto
+7.51953 248.031 lineto
+3.76172 244.488 lineto
+7.51953 240.945 lineto stroke
+ 0 0.502 0.502 setrgbcolor
+newpath 7.51953 248.031 moveto
+11.2813 251.574 lineto
+7.51953 255.117 lineto
+3.76172 251.574 lineto
+7.51953 248.031 lineto
+ closepath fill
+ 0 0 0 setrgbcolor
+newpath 7.51953 248.031 moveto
+11.2813 251.574 lineto
+7.51953 255.117 lineto
+3.76172 251.574 lineto
+7.51953 248.031 lineto stroke
+ 0 0.502 0.502 setrgbcolor
+newpath 7.51953 255.117 moveto
+11.2813 258.66 lineto
+7.51953 262.203 lineto
+3.76172 258.66 lineto
+7.51953 255.117 lineto
+ closepath fill
+ 0 0 0 setrgbcolor
+newpath 7.51953 255.117 moveto
+11.2813 258.66 lineto
+7.51953 262.203 lineto
+3.76172 258.66 lineto
+7.51953 255.117 lineto stroke
+ 0 0.502 0.502 setrgbcolor
+newpath 7.51953 262.203 moveto
+11.2813 265.75 lineto
+7.51953 269.293 lineto
+3.76172 265.75 lineto
+7.51953 262.203 lineto
+ closepath fill
+ 0 0 0 setrgbcolor
+newpath 7.51953 262.203 moveto
+11.2813 265.75 lineto
+7.51953 269.293 lineto
+3.76172 265.75 lineto
+7.51953 262.203 lineto stroke
+ 0 0.502 0.502 setrgbcolor
+newpath 7.51953 269.293 moveto
+11.2813 272.836 lineto
+7.51953 276.379 lineto
+3.76172 272.836 lineto
+7.51953 269.293 lineto
+ closepath fill
+ 0 0 0 setrgbcolor
+newpath 7.51953 269.293 moveto
+11.2813 272.836 lineto
+7.51953 276.379 lineto
+3.76172 272.836 lineto
+7.51953 269.293 lineto stroke
+ 0 0.502 0.502 setrgbcolor
+newpath 7.51953 276.379 moveto
+11.2813 279.922 lineto
+7.51953 283.465 lineto
+3.76172 279.922 lineto
+7.51953 276.379 lineto
+ closepath fill
+ 0 0 0 setrgbcolor
+newpath 7.51953 276.379 moveto
+11.2813 279.922 lineto
+7.51953 283.465 lineto
+3.76172 279.922 lineto
+7.51953 276.379 lineto stroke
+ 0 0.502 0.502 setrgbcolor
+newpath 7.51953 283.465 moveto
+11.2813 287.008 lineto
+7.51953 290.551 lineto
+3.76172 287.008 lineto
+7.51953 283.465 lineto
+ closepath fill
+ 0 0 0 setrgbcolor
+newpath 7.51953 283.465 moveto
+11.2813 287.008 lineto
+7.51953 290.551 lineto
+3.76172 287.008 lineto
+7.51953 283.465 lineto stroke
+ 0 0.502 0.502 setrgbcolor
+newpath 7.51953 290.551 moveto
+11.2813 294.094 lineto
+7.51953 297.637 lineto
+3.76172 294.094 lineto
+7.51953 290.551 lineto
+ closepath fill
+ 0 0 0 setrgbcolor
+newpath 7.51953 290.551 moveto
+11.2813 294.094 lineto
+7.51953 297.637 lineto
+3.76172 294.094 lineto
+7.51953 290.551 lineto stroke
+ 0 0.502 0.502 setrgbcolor
+newpath 7.51953 297.637 moveto
+11.2813 301.18 lineto
+7.51953 304.72299 lineto
+3.76172 301.18 lineto
+7.51953 297.637 lineto
+ closepath fill
+ 0 0 0 setrgbcolor
+newpath 7.51953 297.637 moveto
+11.2813 301.18 lineto
+7.51953 304.72299 lineto
+3.76172 301.18 lineto
+7.51953 297.637 lineto stroke
+ 0 0.502 0.502 setrgbcolor
+newpath 7.51953 304.72299 moveto
+11.2813 308.26999 lineto
+7.51953 311.81299 lineto
+3.76172 308.26999 lineto
+7.51953 304.72299 lineto
+ closepath fill
+ 0 0 0 setrgbcolor
+newpath 7.51953 304.72299 moveto
+11.2813 308.26999 lineto
+7.51953 311.81299 lineto
+3.76172 308.26999 lineto
+7.51953 304.72299 lineto stroke
+ 0 0.502 0.502 setrgbcolor
+newpath 7.51953 311.81299 moveto
+11.2813 315.35501 lineto
+7.51953 318.89801 lineto
+3.76172 315.35501 lineto
+7.51953 311.81299 lineto
+ closepath fill
+ 0 0 0 setrgbcolor
+newpath 7.51953 311.81299 moveto
+11.2813 315.35501 lineto
+7.51953 318.89801 lineto
+3.76172 315.35501 lineto
+7.51953 311.81299 lineto stroke
+ 0 0.502 0.502 setrgbcolor
+newpath 7.51953 318.89801 moveto
+11.2813 322.44101 lineto
+7.51953 325.98401 lineto
+3.76172 322.44101 lineto
+7.51953 318.89801 lineto
+ closepath fill
+ 0 0 0 setrgbcolor
+newpath 7.51953 318.89801 moveto
+11.2813 322.44101 lineto
+7.51953 325.98401 lineto
+3.76172 322.44101 lineto
+7.51953 318.89801 lineto stroke
+ 0 0.502 0.502 setrgbcolor
+newpath 7.51953 325.98401 moveto
+11.2813 329.52701 lineto
+7.51953 333.07 lineto
+3.76172 329.52701 lineto
+7.51953 325.98401 lineto
+ closepath fill
+ 0 0 0 setrgbcolor
+newpath 7.51953 325.98401 moveto
+11.2813 329.52701 lineto
+7.51953 333.07 lineto
+3.76172 329.52701 lineto
+7.51953 325.98401 lineto stroke
+ 0 0.502 0.502 setrgbcolor
+newpath 7.51953 333.07 moveto
+11.2813 336.613 lineto
+7.51953 340.156 lineto
+3.76172 336.613 lineto
+7.51953 333.07 lineto
+ closepath fill
+ 0 0 0 setrgbcolor
+newpath 7.51953 333.07 moveto
+11.2813 336.613 lineto
+7.51953 340.156 lineto
+3.76172 336.613 lineto
+7.51953 333.07 lineto stroke
+ 0 0.502 0.502 setrgbcolor
+newpath 7.51953 340.156 moveto
+11.2813 343.699 lineto
+7.51953 347.242 lineto
+3.76172 343.699 lineto
+7.51953 340.156 lineto
+ closepath fill
+ 0 0 0 setrgbcolor
+newpath 7.51953 340.156 moveto
+11.2813 343.699 lineto
+7.51953 347.242 lineto
+3.76172 343.699 lineto
+7.51953 340.156 lineto stroke
+ 0 0.502 0.502 setrgbcolor
+newpath 7.51953 347.242 moveto
+11.2813 350.789 lineto
+7.51953 354.332 lineto
+3.76172 350.789 lineto
+7.51953 347.242 lineto
+ closepath fill
+ 0 0 0 setrgbcolor
+newpath 7.51953 347.242 moveto
+11.2813 350.789 lineto
+7.51953 354.332 lineto
+3.76172 350.789 lineto
+7.51953 347.242 lineto stroke
+ 0 0.502 0.502 setrgbcolor
+newpath 7.51953 354.332 moveto
+11.2813 357.875 lineto
+7.51953 361.418 lineto
+3.76172 357.875 lineto
+7.51953 354.332 lineto
+ closepath fill
+ 0 0 0 setrgbcolor
+newpath 7.51953 354.332 moveto
+11.2813 357.875 lineto
+7.51953 361.418 lineto
+3.76172 357.875 lineto
+7.51953 354.332 lineto stroke
+ 0 0.502 0.502 setrgbcolor
+newpath 7.51953 361.418 moveto
+11.2813 364.961 lineto
+7.51953 368.504 lineto
+3.76172 364.961 lineto
+7.51953 361.418 lineto
+ closepath fill
+ 0 0 0 setrgbcolor
+newpath 7.51953 361.418 moveto
+11.2813 364.961 lineto
+7.51953 368.504 lineto
+3.76172 364.961 lineto
+7.51953 361.418 lineto stroke
+ 0 0.502 0.502 setrgbcolor
+newpath 7.51953 368.504 moveto
+11.2813 372.047 lineto
+7.51953 375.59 lineto
+3.76172 372.047 lineto
+7.51953 368.504 lineto
+ closepath fill
+ 0 0 0 setrgbcolor
+newpath 7.51953 368.504 moveto
+11.2813 372.047 lineto
+7.51953 375.59 lineto
+3.76172 372.047 lineto
+7.51953 368.504 lineto stroke
+ 0 0.502 0.502 setrgbcolor
+newpath 7.51953 375.59 moveto
+11.2813 379.133 lineto
+7.51953 382.676 lineto
+3.76172 379.133 lineto
+7.51953 375.59 lineto
+ closepath fill
+ 0 0 0 setrgbcolor
+newpath 7.51953 375.59 moveto
+11.2813 379.133 lineto
+7.51953 382.676 lineto
+3.76172 379.133 lineto
+7.51953 375.59 lineto stroke
+ 0 0.502 0.502 setrgbcolor
+newpath 7.51953 382.676 moveto
+11.2813 386.219 lineto
+7.51953 389.76599 lineto
+3.76172 386.219 lineto
+7.51953 382.676 lineto
+ closepath fill
+ 0 0 0 setrgbcolor
+newpath 7.51953 382.676 moveto
+11.2813 386.219 lineto
+7.51953 389.76599 lineto
+3.76172 386.219 lineto
+7.51953 382.676 lineto stroke
+ 0 0.502 0.502 setrgbcolor
+newpath 7.51953 389.76599 moveto
+11.2813 393.30899 lineto
+7.51953 396.85199 lineto
+3.76172 393.30899 lineto
+7.51953 389.76599 lineto
+ closepath fill
+ 0 0 0 setrgbcolor
+newpath 7.51953 389.76599 moveto
+11.2813 393.30899 lineto
+7.51953 396.85199 lineto
+3.76172 393.30899 lineto
+7.51953 389.76599 lineto stroke
+ 0 0.502 0.502 setrgbcolor
+newpath 7.51953 396.85199 moveto
+11.2813 400.39499 lineto
+7.51953 403.93799 lineto
+3.76172 400.39499 lineto
+7.51953 396.85199 lineto
+ closepath fill
+ 0 0 0 setrgbcolor
+newpath 7.51953 396.85199 moveto
+11.2813 400.39499 lineto
+7.51953 403.93799 lineto
+3.76172 400.39499 lineto
+7.51953 396.85199 lineto stroke
+ 0 0.502 0.502 setrgbcolor
+newpath 7.51953 403.93799 moveto
+11.2813 407.48001 lineto
+7.51953 411.02301 lineto
+3.76172 407.48001 lineto
+7.51953 403.93799 lineto
+ closepath fill
+ 0 0 0 setrgbcolor
+newpath 7.51953 403.93799 moveto
+11.2813 407.48001 lineto
+7.51953 411.02301 lineto
+3.76172 407.48001 lineto
+7.51953 403.93799 lineto stroke
+ 0 0.502 0.502 setrgbcolor
+newpath 7.51953 411.02301 moveto
+11.2813 414.56601 lineto
+7.51953 418.10901 lineto
+3.76172 414.56601 lineto
+7.51953 411.02301 lineto
+ closepath fill
+ 0 0 0 setrgbcolor
+newpath 7.51953 411.02301 moveto
+11.2813 414.56601 lineto
+7.51953 418.10901 lineto
+3.76172 414.56601 lineto
+7.51953 411.02301 lineto stroke
+ 0 0.502 0.502 setrgbcolor
+newpath 7.51953 418.10901 moveto
+11.2813 421.65201 lineto
+7.51953 425.195 lineto
+3.76172 421.65201 lineto
+7.51953 418.10901 lineto
+ closepath fill
+ 0 0 0 setrgbcolor
+newpath 7.51953 418.10901 moveto
+11.2813 421.65201 lineto
+7.51953 425.195 lineto
+3.76172 421.65201 lineto
+7.51953 418.10901 lineto stroke
+ 0 0.502 0.502 setrgbcolor
+newpath 7.51953 425.195 moveto
+11.2813 428.738 lineto
+7.51953 432.285 lineto
+3.76172 428.738 lineto
+7.51953 425.195 lineto
+ closepath fill
+ 0 0 0 setrgbcolor
+newpath 7.51953 425.195 moveto
+11.2813 428.738 lineto
+7.51953 432.285 lineto
+3.76172 428.738 lineto
+7.51953 425.195 lineto stroke
+ 0 0.502 0.502 setrgbcolor
+newpath 7.51953 432.285 moveto
+11.2813 435.828 lineto
+7.51953 439.371 lineto
+3.76172 435.828 lineto
+7.51953 432.285 lineto
+ closepath fill
+ 0 0 0 setrgbcolor
+newpath 7.51953 432.285 moveto
+11.2813 435.828 lineto
+7.51953 439.371 lineto
+3.76172 435.828 lineto
+7.51953 432.285 lineto stroke
+ 0 0.502 0.502 setrgbcolor
+newpath 7.51953 439.371 moveto
+11.2813 442.914 lineto
+7.51953 446.457 lineto
+3.76172 442.914 lineto
+7.51953 439.371 lineto
+ closepath fill
+ 0 0 0 setrgbcolor
+newpath 7.51953 439.371 moveto
+11.2813 442.914 lineto
+7.51953 446.457 lineto
+3.76172 442.914 lineto
+7.51953 439.371 lineto stroke
+ 0 0.502 0.502 setrgbcolor
+newpath 7.51953 446.457 moveto
+11.2813 450 lineto
+7.51953 453.543 lineto
+3.76172 450 lineto
+7.51953 446.457 lineto
+ closepath fill
+ 0 0 0 setrgbcolor
+newpath 7.51953 446.457 moveto
+11.2813 450 lineto
+7.51953 453.543 lineto
+3.76172 450 lineto
+7.51953 446.457 lineto stroke
+ 0 0.502 0.502 setrgbcolor
+newpath 7.51953 453.543 moveto
+11.2813 457.086 lineto
+7.51953 460.629 lineto
+3.76172 457.086 lineto
+7.51953 453.543 lineto
+ closepath fill
+ 0 0 0 setrgbcolor
+newpath 7.51953 453.543 moveto
+11.2813 457.086 lineto
+7.51953 460.629 lineto
+3.76172 457.086 lineto
+7.51953 453.543 lineto stroke
+ 0 0.502 0.502 setrgbcolor
+newpath 7.51953 460.629 moveto
+11.2813 464.172 lineto
+7.51953 467.715 lineto
+3.76172 464.172 lineto
+7.51953 460.629 lineto
+ closepath fill
+ 0 0 0 setrgbcolor
+newpath 7.51953 460.629 moveto
+11.2813 464.172 lineto
+7.51953 467.715 lineto
+3.76172 464.172 lineto
+7.51953 460.629 lineto stroke
+ 0 0.502 0.502 setrgbcolor
+newpath 7.51953 467.715 moveto
+11.2813 471.262 lineto
+7.51953 474.805 lineto
+3.76172 471.262 lineto
+7.51953 467.715 lineto
+ closepath fill
+ 0 0 0 setrgbcolor
+newpath 7.51953 467.715 moveto
+11.2813 471.262 lineto
+7.51953 474.805 lineto
+3.76172 471.262 lineto
+7.51953 467.715 lineto stroke
+ 0 0.502 0.502 setrgbcolor
+newpath 7.51953 474.805 moveto
+11.2813 478.34799 lineto
+7.51953 481.89099 lineto
+3.76172 478.34799 lineto
+7.51953 474.805 lineto
+ closepath fill
+ 0 0 0 setrgbcolor
+newpath 7.51953 474.805 moveto
+11.2813 478.34799 lineto
+7.51953 481.89099 lineto
+3.76172 478.34799 lineto
+7.51953 474.805 lineto stroke
+ 0 0.502 0.502 setrgbcolor
+newpath 7.51953 481.89099 moveto
+11.2813 485.43399 lineto
+7.51953 488.97699 lineto
+3.76172 485.43399 lineto
+7.51953 481.89099 lineto
+ closepath fill
+ 0 0 0 setrgbcolor
+newpath 7.51953 481.89099 moveto
+11.2813 485.43399 lineto
+7.51953 488.97699 lineto
+3.76172 485.43399 lineto
+7.51953 481.89099 lineto stroke
+ 0 0.502 0.502 setrgbcolor
+newpath 7.51953 488.97699 moveto
+11.2813 492.51999 lineto
+7.51953 496.06299 lineto
+3.76172 492.51999 lineto
+7.51953 488.97699 lineto
+ closepath fill
+ 0 0 0 setrgbcolor
+newpath 7.51953 488.97699 moveto
+11.2813 492.51999 lineto
+7.51953 496.06299 lineto
+3.76172 492.51999 lineto
+7.51953 488.97699 lineto stroke
+ 0 0.502 0.502 setrgbcolor
+newpath 7.51953 496.06299 moveto
+11.2813 499.60501 lineto
+7.51953 503.14801 lineto
+3.76172 499.60501 lineto
+7.51953 496.06299 lineto
+ closepath fill
+ 0 0 0 setrgbcolor
+newpath 7.51953 496.06299 moveto
+11.2813 499.60501 lineto
+7.51953 503.14801 lineto
+3.76172 499.60501 lineto
+7.51953 496.06299 lineto stroke
+ 0 0.502 0.502 setrgbcolor
+newpath 7.51953 503.14801 moveto
+11.2813 506.69101 lineto
+7.51953 510.23401 lineto
+3.76172 506.69101 lineto
+7.51953 503.14801 lineto
+ closepath fill
+ 0 0 0 setrgbcolor
+newpath 7.51953 503.14801 moveto
+11.2813 506.69101 lineto
+7.51953 510.23401 lineto
+3.76172 506.69101 lineto
+7.51953 503.14801 lineto stroke
+ 0 0.502 0.502 setrgbcolor
+newpath 7.51953 510.23401 moveto
+11.2813 513.781 lineto
+7.51953 517.32397 lineto
+3.76172 513.781 lineto
+7.51953 510.23401 lineto
+ closepath fill
+ 0 0 0 setrgbcolor
+newpath 7.51953 510.23401 moveto
+11.2813 513.781 lineto
+7.51953 517.32397 lineto
+3.76172 513.781 lineto
+7.51953 510.23401 lineto stroke
+ 0 0.502 0.502 setrgbcolor
+newpath 7.51953 517.32397 moveto
+11.2813 520.867 lineto
+7.51953 524.40997 lineto
+3.76172 520.867 lineto
+7.51953 517.32397 lineto
+ closepath fill
+ 0 0 0 setrgbcolor
+newpath 7.51953 517.32397 moveto
+11.2813 520.867 lineto
+7.51953 524.40997 lineto
+3.76172 520.867 lineto
+7.51953 517.32397 lineto stroke
+ 0 0.502 0.502 setrgbcolor
+newpath 7.51953 524.40997 moveto
+11.2813 527.953 lineto
+7.51953 531.49597 lineto
+3.76172 527.953 lineto
+7.51953 524.40997 lineto
+ closepath fill
+ 0 0 0 setrgbcolor
+newpath 7.51953 524.40997 moveto
+11.2813 527.953 lineto
+7.51953 531.49597 lineto
+3.76172 527.953 lineto
+7.51953 524.40997 lineto stroke
+ 0 0.502 0.502 setrgbcolor
+newpath 7.51953 531.49597 moveto
+11.2813 535.039 lineto
+7.51953 538.58197 lineto
+3.76172 535.039 lineto
+7.51953 531.49597 lineto
+ closepath fill
+ 0 0 0 setrgbcolor
+newpath 7.51953 531.49597 moveto
+11.2813 535.039 lineto
+7.51953 538.58197 lineto
+3.76172 535.039 lineto
+7.51953 531.49597 lineto stroke
+ 0 0.502 0.502 setrgbcolor
+newpath 7.51953 538.58197 moveto
+11.2813 542.125 lineto
+7.51953 545.66803 lineto
+3.76172 542.125 lineto
+7.51953 538.58197 lineto
+ closepath fill
+ 0 0 0 setrgbcolor
+newpath 7.51953 538.58197 moveto
+11.2813 542.125 lineto
+7.51953 545.66803 lineto
+3.76172 542.125 lineto
+7.51953 538.58197 lineto stroke
+ 0 0.502 0.502 setrgbcolor
+newpath 7.51953 545.66803 moveto
+11.2813 549.211 lineto
+7.51953 552.758 lineto
+3.76172 549.211 lineto
+7.51953 545.66803 lineto
+ closepath fill
+ 0 0 0 setrgbcolor
+newpath 7.51953 545.66803 moveto
+11.2813 549.211 lineto
+7.51953 552.758 lineto
+3.76172 549.211 lineto
+7.51953 545.66803 lineto stroke
+ 0 0.502 0.502 setrgbcolor
+newpath 7.51953 552.758 moveto
+11.2813 556.30103 lineto
+7.51953 559.844 lineto
+3.76172 556.30103 lineto
+7.51953 552.758 lineto
+ closepath fill
+ 0 0 0 setrgbcolor
+newpath 7.51953 552.758 moveto
+11.2813 556.30103 lineto
+7.51953 559.844 lineto
+3.76172 556.30103 lineto
+7.51953 552.758 lineto stroke
+ 0 0.502 0.502 setrgbcolor
+newpath 7.51953 559.844 moveto
+11.2813 563.38702 lineto
+7.51953 566.93 lineto
+3.76172 563.38702 lineto
+7.51953 559.844 lineto
+ closepath fill
+ 0 0 0 setrgbcolor
+newpath 7.51953 559.844 moveto
+11.2813 563.38702 lineto
+7.51953 566.93 lineto
+3.76172 563.38702 lineto
+7.51953 559.844 lineto stroke
+ 0 0.502 0.502 setrgbcolor
+newpath 7.51953 566.93 moveto
+11.2813 570.47302 lineto
+7.51953 574.01599 lineto
+3.76172 570.47302 lineto
+7.51953 566.93 lineto
+ closepath fill
+ 0 0 0 setrgbcolor
+newpath 7.51953 566.93 moveto
+11.2813 570.47302 lineto
+7.51953 574.01599 lineto
+3.76172 570.47302 lineto
+7.51953 566.93 lineto stroke
+ 0 0.502 0.502 setrgbcolor
+newpath 7.51953 574.01599 moveto
+11.2813 577.55902 lineto
+7.51953 581.10199 lineto
+3.76172 577.55902 lineto
+7.51953 574.01599 lineto
+ closepath fill
+ 0 0 0 setrgbcolor
+newpath 7.51953 574.01599 moveto
+11.2813 577.55902 lineto
+7.51953 581.10199 lineto
+3.76172 577.55902 lineto
+7.51953 574.01599 lineto stroke
+ 0 0.502 0.502 setrgbcolor
+newpath 7.51953 581.10199 moveto
+11.2813 584.64502 lineto
+7.51953 588.18799 lineto
+3.76172 584.64502 lineto
+7.51953 581.10199 lineto
+ closepath fill
+ 0 0 0 setrgbcolor
+newpath 7.51953 581.10199 moveto
+11.2813 584.64502 lineto
+7.51953 588.18799 lineto
+3.76172 584.64502 lineto
+7.51953 581.10199 lineto stroke
+ 0 0.502 0.502 setrgbcolor
+newpath 7.51953 588.18799 moveto
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+7.51953 588.18799 lineto
+ closepath fill
+ 0 0 0 setrgbcolor
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+11.2813 591.72998 lineto
+7.51953 595.27698 lineto
+3.76172 591.72998 lineto
+7.51953 588.18799 lineto stroke
+ 0 0.502 0.502 setrgbcolor
+newpath 7.51953 595.27698 moveto
+11.2813 598.82 lineto
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+3.76172 598.82 lineto
+7.51953 595.27698 lineto
+ closepath fill
+ 0 0 0 setrgbcolor
+newpath 7.51953 595.27698 moveto
+11.2813 598.82 lineto
+7.51953 602.36298 lineto
+3.76172 598.82 lineto
+7.51953 595.27698 lineto stroke
+ 0 0.502 0.502 setrgbcolor
+newpath 7.51953 602.36298 moveto
+11.2813 605.906 lineto
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+3.76172 605.906 lineto
+7.51953 602.36298 lineto
+ closepath fill
+ 0 0 0 setrgbcolor
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+11.2813 605.906 lineto
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+3.76172 605.906 lineto
+7.51953 602.36298 lineto stroke
+ 0 0.502 0.502 setrgbcolor
+newpath 7.51953 609.44897 moveto
+11.2813 612.992 lineto
+7.51953 616.53497 lineto
+3.76172 612.992 lineto
+7.51953 609.44897 lineto
+ closepath fill
+ 0 0 0 setrgbcolor
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+11.2813 612.992 lineto
+7.51953 616.53497 lineto
+3.76172 612.992 lineto
+7.51953 609.44897 lineto stroke
+ 0 0.502 0.502 setrgbcolor
+newpath 7.51953 616.53497 moveto
+11.2813 620.078 lineto
+7.51953 623.62097 lineto
+3.76172 620.078 lineto
+7.51953 616.53497 lineto
+ closepath fill
+ 0 0 0 setrgbcolor
+newpath 7.51953 616.53497 moveto
+11.2813 620.078 lineto
+7.51953 623.62097 lineto
+3.76172 620.078 lineto
+7.51953 616.53497 lineto stroke
+ 0 0.502 0.502 setrgbcolor
+newpath 7.51953 623.62097 moveto
+11.2813 627.164 lineto
+7.51953 630.70697 lineto
+3.76172 627.164 lineto
+7.51953 623.62097 lineto
+ closepath fill
+ 0 0 0 setrgbcolor
+newpath 7.51953 623.62097 moveto
+11.2813 627.164 lineto
+7.51953 630.70697 lineto
+3.76172 627.164 lineto
+7.51953 623.62097 lineto stroke
+ 0 0.502 0.502 setrgbcolor
+newpath 7.51953 630.70697 moveto
+11.2813 634.25403 lineto
+7.51953 637.797 lineto
+3.76172 634.25403 lineto
+7.51953 630.70697 lineto
+ closepath fill
+ 0 0 0 setrgbcolor
+newpath 7.51953 630.70697 moveto
+11.2813 634.25403 lineto
+7.51953 637.797 lineto
+3.76172 634.25403 lineto
+7.51953 630.70697 lineto stroke
+ 0 0.502 0.502 setrgbcolor
+newpath 7.51953 637.797 moveto
+11.2813 641.34003 lineto
+7.51953 644.883 lineto
+3.76172 641.34003 lineto
+7.51953 637.797 lineto
+ closepath fill
+ 0 0 0 setrgbcolor
+newpath 7.51953 637.797 moveto
+11.2813 641.34003 lineto
+7.51953 644.883 lineto
+3.76172 641.34003 lineto
+7.51953 637.797 lineto stroke
+ 0 0.502 0.502 setrgbcolor
+newpath 7.51953 644.883 moveto
+11.2813 648.42603 lineto
+7.51953 651.969 lineto
+3.76172 648.42603 lineto
+7.51953 644.883 lineto
+ closepath fill
+ 0 0 0 setrgbcolor
+newpath 7.51953 644.883 moveto
+11.2813 648.42603 lineto
+7.51953 651.969 lineto
+3.76172 648.42603 lineto
+7.51953 644.883 lineto stroke
+ 0 0.502 0.502 setrgbcolor
+newpath 7.51953 651.969 moveto
+11.2813 655.51202 lineto
+7.51953 659.055 lineto
+3.76172 655.51202 lineto
+7.51953 651.969 lineto
+ closepath fill
+ 0 0 0 setrgbcolor
+newpath 7.51953 651.969 moveto
+11.2813 655.51202 lineto
+7.51953 659.055 lineto
+3.76172 655.51202 lineto
+7.51953 651.969 lineto stroke
+ 0 0.502 0.502 setrgbcolor
+newpath 7.51953 659.055 moveto
+11.2813 662.59802 lineto
+7.51953 666.14099 lineto
+3.76172 662.59802 lineto
+7.51953 659.055 lineto
+ closepath fill
+ 0 0 0 setrgbcolor
+newpath 7.51953 659.055 moveto
+11.2813 662.59802 lineto
+7.51953 666.14099 lineto
+3.76172 662.59802 lineto
+7.51953 659.055 lineto stroke
+ 0 0.502 0.502 setrgbcolor
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+11.2813 669.68402 lineto
+7.51953 673.22699 lineto
+3.76172 669.68402 lineto
+7.51953 666.14099 lineto
+ closepath fill
+ 0 0 0 setrgbcolor
+newpath 7.51953 666.14099 moveto
+11.2813 669.68402 lineto
+7.51953 673.22699 lineto
+3.76172 669.68402 lineto
+7.51953 666.14099 lineto stroke
+ 0 0.502 0.502 setrgbcolor
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+7.51953 673.22699 lineto
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+7.51953 673.22699 lineto stroke
+ 0 0.502 0.502 setrgbcolor
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+3.76172 683.85901 lineto
+7.51953 680.31598 lineto
+ closepath fill
+ 0 0 0 setrgbcolor
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+11.2813 683.85901 lineto
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+7.51953 687.40198 lineto
+ closepath fill
+ 0 0 0 setrgbcolor
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+11.2813 690.945 lineto
+7.51953 694.48798 lineto
+3.76172 690.945 lineto
+7.51953 687.40198 lineto stroke
+ 0 0.502 0.502 setrgbcolor
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+11.2813 698.031 lineto
+7.51953 701.57397 lineto
+3.76172 698.031 lineto
+7.51953 694.48798 lineto
+ closepath fill
+ 0 0 0 setrgbcolor
+newpath 7.51953 694.48798 moveto
+11.2813 698.031 lineto
+7.51953 701.57397 lineto
+3.76172 698.031 lineto
+7.51953 694.48798 lineto stroke
+ 0 0.502 0.502 setrgbcolor
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+11.2813 705.117 lineto
+7.51953 708.65997 lineto
+3.76172 705.117 lineto
+7.51953 701.57397 lineto
+ closepath fill
+ 0 0 0 setrgbcolor
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+11.2813 705.117 lineto
+7.51953 708.65997 lineto
+3.76172 705.117 lineto
+7.51953 701.57397 lineto stroke
+ 0 0.502 0.502 setrgbcolor
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+11.2813 712.203 lineto
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+3.76172 712.203 lineto
+7.51953 708.65997 lineto
+ closepath fill
+ 0 0 0 setrgbcolor
+newpath 7.51953 708.65997 moveto
+11.2813 712.203 lineto
+7.51953 715.75 lineto
+3.76172 712.203 lineto
+7.51953 708.65997 lineto stroke
+ 0 0.502 0.502 setrgbcolor
+newpath 7.51953 715.75 moveto
+11.2813 719.29303 lineto
+7.51953 722.836 lineto
+3.76172 719.29303 lineto
+7.51953 715.75 lineto
+ closepath fill
+ 0 0 0 setrgbcolor
+newpath 7.51953 715.75 moveto
+11.2813 719.29303 lineto
+7.51953 722.836 lineto
+3.76172 719.29303 lineto
+7.51953 715.75 lineto stroke
+ 0 0.502 0.502 setrgbcolor
+newpath 7.51953 722.836 moveto
+11.2813 726.37903 lineto
+7.51953 729.922 lineto
+3.76172 726.37903 lineto
+7.51953 722.836 lineto
+ closepath fill
+ 0 0 0 setrgbcolor
+newpath 7.51953 722.836 moveto
+11.2813 726.37903 lineto
+7.51953 729.922 lineto
+3.76172 726.37903 lineto
+7.51953 722.836 lineto stroke
+ 0 0.502 0.502 setrgbcolor
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+7.51953 729.922 lineto
+ closepath fill
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+11.2813 733.46503 lineto
+7.51953 737.008 lineto
+3.76172 733.46503 lineto
+7.51953 729.922 lineto stroke
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+7.51953 737.008 lineto
+ closepath fill
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+11.2813 740.55103 lineto
+7.51953 744.094 lineto
+3.76172 740.55103 lineto
+7.51953 737.008 lineto stroke
+ 0 0.502 0.502 setrgbcolor
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+3.76172 747.63702 lineto
+7.51953 744.094 lineto
+ closepath fill
+ 0 0 0 setrgbcolor
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+7.51953 751.18 lineto
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+7.51953 744.094 lineto stroke
+ 0 0.502 0.502 setrgbcolor
+newpath 7.51953 751.18 moveto
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+3.76172 754.72302 lineto
+7.51953 751.18 lineto
+ closepath fill
+ 0 0 0 setrgbcolor
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+11.2813 754.72302 lineto
+7.51953 758.27002 lineto
+3.76172 754.72302 lineto
+7.51953 751.18 lineto stroke
+ 0 0.502 0.502 setrgbcolor
+newpath 7.51953 758.27002 moveto
+11.2813 761.81299 lineto
+7.51953 765.35498 lineto
+3.76172 761.81299 lineto
+7.51953 758.27002 lineto
+ closepath fill
+ 0 0 0 setrgbcolor
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+11.2813 761.81299 lineto
+7.51953 765.35498 lineto
+3.76172 761.81299 lineto
+7.51953 758.27002 lineto stroke
+ 0 0.502 0.502 setrgbcolor
+newpath 7.51953 765.35498 moveto
+11.2813 768.89801 lineto
+7.51953 772.44098 lineto
+3.76172 768.89801 lineto
+7.51953 765.35498 lineto
+ closepath fill
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+7.51953 765.35498 lineto stroke
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+11.2813 775.98401 lineto
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+7.51953 772.44098 lineto stroke
+ 0 0.502 0.502 setrgbcolor
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+3.76172 783.07 lineto
+7.51953 779.52698 lineto
+ closepath fill
+ 0 0 0 setrgbcolor
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+11.2813 783.07 lineto
+7.51953 786.61298 lineto
+3.76172 783.07 lineto
+7.51953 779.52698 lineto stroke
+ 0 0.502 0.502 setrgbcolor
+newpath 7.51953 786.61298 moveto
+11.2813 790.156 lineto
+7.51953 793.69897 lineto
+3.76172 790.156 lineto
+7.51953 786.61298 lineto
+ closepath fill
+ 0 0 0 setrgbcolor
+newpath 7.51953 786.61298 moveto
+11.2813 790.156 lineto
+7.51953 793.69897 lineto
+3.76172 790.156 lineto
+7.51953 786.61298 lineto stroke
+ 0 0.502 0.502 setrgbcolor
+newpath 7.51953 793.69897 moveto
+11.2813 797.24597 lineto
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+7.51953 793.69897 lineto
+ closepath fill
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+11.2813 797.24597 lineto
+7.51953 800.789 lineto
+3.76172 797.24597 lineto
+7.51953 793.69897 lineto stroke
+ 0 0.502 0.502 setrgbcolor
+newpath 7.51953 800.789 moveto
+11.2813 804.33197 lineto
+7.51953 807.875 lineto
+3.76172 804.33197 lineto
+7.51953 800.789 lineto
+ closepath fill
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+11.2813 804.33197 lineto
+7.51953 807.875 lineto
+3.76172 804.33197 lineto
+7.51953 800.789 lineto stroke
+ 0 0.502 0.502 setrgbcolor
+newpath 7.51953 807.875 moveto
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+7.51953 814.961 lineto
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+7.51953 807.875 lineto
+ closepath fill
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+7.51953 814.961 lineto
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+7.51953 807.875 lineto stroke
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+3.76172 818.50403 lineto
+7.51953 814.961 lineto
+ closepath fill
+ 0 0 0 setrgbcolor
+newpath 7.51953 814.961 moveto
+11.2813 818.50403 lineto
+7.51953 822.047 lineto
+3.76172 818.50403 lineto
+7.51953 814.961 lineto stroke
+ 0 0.502 0.502 setrgbcolor
+newpath 7.51953 822.047 moveto
+11.2813 825.59003 lineto
+7.51953 829.133 lineto
+3.76172 825.59003 lineto
+7.51953 822.047 lineto
+ closepath fill
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+7.51953 829.133 lineto
+3.76172 825.59003 lineto
+7.51953 822.047 lineto stroke
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+newpath 7.51953 829.133 moveto
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+7.51953 829.133 lineto
+ closepath fill
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+7.51953 836.219 lineto
+ closepath fill
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+7.51953 843.30902 lineto
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+7.51953 836.219 lineto stroke
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+7.51953 843.30902 lineto
+ closepath fill
+ 0 0 0 setrgbcolor
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+11.2813 846.85199 lineto
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+3.76172 846.85199 lineto
+7.51953 843.30902 lineto stroke
--- /dev/null
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--- /dev/null
+-*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+Paquet bclogo par Maxime Chupin
+Version 2.26 datée du 29 Juillet 2011
+Ce paquet facilite la création de boîtes colorées avec un titre et un logo. Il s'appuie principalement sur PSTricks et/ou sur Tikz.
+La documentation pdf (en français) presente la syntaxe et les paramétrages
+===== documentation =====
+===== Fichiers pour LaTeX =====
+ bc-attention.mp
+ bc-aux-301.mp
+ bc-bombe.mp
+ bc-book.mp
+ bc-calendrier.mp
+ bc-clefa.mp
+ bc-cle.mp
+ bc-clesol.mp
+ bc-coeur.mp
+ bc-crayon.mp
+ bc-cube.mp
+ bc-dallemagne.mp
+ bc-danger.mp
+ bc-dautriche.mp
+ bc-dbelgique.mp
+ bc-dbulgarie.mp
+ bc-dfrance.mp
+ bc-ditalie.mp
+ bc-dluxembourg.mp
+ bc-dodecaedre.mp
+ bc-dpaysbas.mp
+ bc-dz.mp
+ bc-eclaircie.mp
+ bc-etoile.mp
+ bc-femme.mp
+ bc-feujaune.mp
+ bc-feurouge.mp
+ bc-feutricolore.mp
+ bc-feuvert.mp
+ bc-fleur.mp
+ bc-homme.mp
+ bc-horloge.mp
+ bc-icosaedre.mp
+ bc-info.mp
+ bc-interdit.mp
+ bc-inter.mp
+ bc-lampe.mp
+ bc-loupe.mp
+ bc-neige.mp
+ bc-note.mp
+ bc-nucleaire.mp
+ bc-octaedre.mp
+ bc-oeil.mp
+ bc-orne.mp
+ bc-ours.mp
+ bc-outil.mp
+ bc-peaceandlove.mp
+ bc-pluie.mp
+ bc-plume.mp
+ bc-poisson.mp
+ bc-recyclage.mp
+ bc-rosevents.mp
+ bc-smiley-bonnehumeur.mp
+ bc-smiley-mauvaisehumeur.mp
+ bc-soleil.mp
+ bc-stop.mp
+ bc-takecare.mp
+ bc-tetraedre.mp
+ bc-trefle.mp
+ bc-trombone.mp
+ bc-valetcoeur.mp
+ bc-velo.mp
+ bc-yin.mp
+ brace.mp
+ liste
+ losanges.mp
+ spir.mp
+L'archive bclogo-v2-246.zip contient tout ces fichiers à insérer dans une arborescence LaTeX.
--- /dev/null
+Bclogo package by Maxime Chupin
+Version 2.26 dated 29/07/2011
+This package facilitates the creation of colorful boxes with a title and logo. It relies mainly on PSTricks and/or Tikz.
+The documentation pdf (in french) presents the syntax and parameters
+===== documentation =====
+===== Files for LaTeX =====
+ bc-attention.mp
+ bc-aux-301.mp
+ bc-bombe.mp
+ bc-book.mp
+ bc-calendrier.mp
+ bc-clefa.mp
+ bc-cle.mp
+ bc-clesol.mp
+ bc-coeur.mp
+ bc-crayon.mp
+ bc-cube.mp
+ bc-dallemagne.mp
+ bc-danger.mp
+ bc-dautriche.mp
+ bc-dbelgique.mp
+ bc-dbulgarie.mp
+ bc-dfrance.mp
+ bc-ditalie.mp
+ bc-dluxembourg.mp
+ bc-dodecaedre.mp
+ bc-dpaysbas.mp
+ bc-dz.mp
+ bc-eclaircie.mp
+ bc-etoile.mp
+ bc-femme.mp
+ bc-feujaune.mp
+ bc-feurouge.mp
+ bc-feutricolore.mp
+ bc-feuvert.mp
+ bc-fleur.mp
+ bc-homme.mp
+ bc-horloge.mp
+ bc-icosaedre.mp
+ bc-info.mp
+ bc-interdit.mp
+ bc-inter.mp
+ bc-lampe.mp
+ bc-loupe.mp
+ bc-neige.mp
+ bc-note.mp
+ bc-nucleaire.mp
+ bc-octaedre.mp
+ bc-oeil.mp
+ bc-orne.mp
+ bc-ours.mp
+ bc-outil.mp
+ bc-peaceandlove.mp
+ bc-pluie.mp
+ bc-plume.mp
+ bc-poisson.mp
+ bc-recyclage.mp
+ bc-rosevents.mp
+ bc-smiley-bonnehumeur.mp
+ bc-smiley-mauvaisehumeur.mp
+ bc-soleil.mp
+ bc-stop.mp
+ bc-takecare.mp
+ bc-tetraedre.mp
+ bc-trefle.mp
+ bc-trombone.mp
+ bc-valetcoeur.mp
+ bc-velo.mp
+ bc-yin.mp
+ brace.mp
+ liste
+ losanges.mp
+ spir.mp
+The archive bclogo-v2-26.zip contains all the files to insert into a tree LaTeX.
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+17.53955 20.09187 17.52376 20.07594 17.30748 19.9917 curveto
+15.72015 19.39566 14.62326 18.83676 14.06964 18.3305 curveto
+13.943 18.21455 13.82176 18.1195 13.8007 18.1195 curveto
+13.72159 18.10898 12.92 17.28642 12.92528 17.21771 curveto
+12.93053 17.17572 12.87779 17.10188 12.80927 17.04895 curveto
+12.64578 16.93825 12.48758 16.60603 12.50337 16.41107 curveto
+12.51393 16.3055 12.45067 16.22113 12.27136 16.10503 curveto
+12.1079 15.99432 12.04988 15.92589 12.09207 15.87837 curveto
+12.17644 15.78873 12.07095 15.34052 11.93912 15.19809 curveto
+11.52779 14.7499 10.953 13.87968 10.82643 13.50534 curveto
+10.80533 13.44733 10.70515 13.2574 10.60493 13.08345 curveto
+10.50473 12.90416 10.36765 12.62994 10.29907 12.46646 curveto
+10.07759 11.90747 10.0987 11.92857 9.7612 11.89693 curveto
+9.47643 11.87056 8.93854 11.69646 8.97018 11.63844 curveto
+8.97543 11.62798 9.21275 11.64372 9.49753 11.68071 curveto
+10.16196 11.76509 10.22527 11.71236 9.98793 11.2852 curveto
+9.75063 10.8475 9.55551 10.30962 9.55026 10.05122 curveto
+9.54498 9.85074 9.47113 9.55551 9.21275 8.71703 curveto
+9.14946 8.52719 9.07037 8.43755 8.81725 8.29507 curveto
+8.53246 8.13168 8.4692 8.11577 8.10533 8.11058 curveto
+7.7098 8.10532 7.70453 8.10532 7.7678 7.98929 curveto
+7.81529 7.91019 7.73619 7.70453 7.47249 7.21938 curveto
+7.27737 6.86078 7.06116 6.50737 6.98735 6.4389 curveto
+6.91878 6.36507 6.76587 6.16986 6.64986 6.00111 curveto
+6.52856 5.83237 6.41255 5.69006 6.38618 5.69006 curveto
+6.35982 5.69006 6.28069 5.6056 6.20686 5.51077 curveto
+5.843 5.03615 4.64592 3.99193 4.44553 3.97092 curveto
+4.64067 5.84827 lineto
+4.68286 5.76917 4.87794 5.86937 4.95705 6.0064 curveto
+5.07834 6.22787 5.27348 6.32816 5.63734 6.35979 curveto
+5.91158 6.38608 5.95901 6.41254 6.17525 6.64984 curveto
+6.30705 6.78687 6.54437 7.15082 6.71313 7.45659 curveto
+7.0137 8.0103 lineto
+6.6973 8.1686 lineto
+6.52328 8.25824 6.35982 8.36371 6.33871 8.4058 curveto
+6.27017 8.52191 6.54439 8.9648 6.72366 9.03871 curveto
+6.81334 9.07555 6.98734 9.11255 7.11392 9.123 curveto
+7.24048 9.13364 7.43558 9.20746 7.56215 9.28656 curveto
+7.68346 9.37094 7.85219 9.4395 7.93655 9.45004 curveto
+8.26881 9.48169 8.40065 9.68199 8.43227 10.21469 curveto
+8.46393 10.7525 8.49556 10.8317 8.70122 10.90552 curveto
+8.95433 11.0057 9.11256 10.97398 9.20746 10.81587 curveto
+9.28131 10.68922 lineto
+9.33932 10.8317 lineto
+9.40788 11.00044 9.38676 11.069 9.26022 11.05844 curveto
+9.19693 11.05318 9.16 11.08473 9.11781 11.19548 curveto
+9.06508 11.3274 9.02818 11.35368 8.75925 11.43814 curveto
+8.42702 11.54361 8.36371 11.60689 8.4481 11.74391 curveto
+8.47975 11.79146 8.48502 11.89693 8.45863 11.97067 curveto
+8.4059 12.13942 8.66957 12.39264 9.07037 12.55084 curveto
+9.33403 12.65096 9.38152 12.70905 9.69264 13.27858 curveto
+9.88246 13.61604 10.13562 13.99579 10.26216 14.12755 curveto
+10.38872 14.25417 10.54167 14.42804 10.59966 14.51257 curveto
+10.67876 14.62854 10.74733 14.66551 10.86333 14.65485 curveto
+10.96355 14.6496 11.06372 14.68132 11.12175 14.73936 curveto
+11.23776 14.85007 11.63853 15.40909 11.61217 15.41965 curveto
+11.60164 15.4249 11.46451 15.37212 11.30103 15.30354 curveto
+10.8739 15.11899 10.2516 15.14005 10.13559 15.34052 curveto
+10.0354 15.52507 10.40456 16.01552 10.66821 16.04185 curveto
+10.75261 16.04712 11.28523 16.3425 11.51726 16.50598 curveto
+11.6069 16.57443 11.74402 16.78003 11.8231 16.96472 curveto
+11.99715 17.39186 12.31355 17.76636 12.55086 17.82953 curveto
+12.81451 17.90338 12.93582 18.00356 13.05708 18.25668 curveto
+13.17313 18.49927 13.10457 18.65224 12.83035 18.76294 curveto
+12.75125 18.79466 12.65633 18.87376 12.61414 18.95274 curveto
+12.57195 19.0267 12.5192 19.08464 12.49811 19.08464 curveto
+12.29773 19.06345 10.74207 18.44136 10.07233 18.10898 curveto
+9.94577 18.0458 9.77174 17.90863 9.69789 17.8032 curveto
+9.61879 17.70303 9.37094 17.47623 9.1442 17.30223 curveto
+8.90163 17.11768 8.66429 16.87508 8.57994 16.72212 curveto
+8.50082 16.57982 8.32152 16.34778 8.18443 16.20535 curveto
+7.95766 15.97855 7.93655 15.91534 7.92076 15.50928 curveto
+7.91022 15.25089 7.94713 14.96077 7.99986 14.8236 curveto
+8.16335 14.41238 8.10533 14.18034 7.83638 14.21191 curveto
+7.54633 14.24364 7.3776 14.43332 7.04536 15.11372 curveto
+6.87662 15.44597 6.72368 15.72015 6.70787 15.71487 curveto
+6.59183 15.70435 6.23851 15.27722 6.09612 14.97668 curveto
+5.94849 14.66551 5.89047 14.60747 5.64787 14.51257 curveto
+5.39478 14.41238 5.36313 14.37541 5.28403 14.09055 curveto
+5.2313 13.9218 5.21017 13.72159 5.2313 13.6529 curveto
+5.2471 13.58444 5.25766 13.50534 5.25237 13.4737 curveto
+5.1838 13.24167 5.21547 12.99908 5.35257 12.74068 curveto
+5.43169 12.5824 5.49495 12.38208 5.49495 12.28717 curveto
+5.4897 12.19215 5.5635 11.96548 5.66899 11.74919 curveto
+5.83244 11.4065 5.843 11.34322 5.79027 11.06372 curveto
+5.75334 10.89497 5.72173 10.70512 5.71643 10.63649 curveto
+5.7006 10.43617 5.51604 10.49419 5.12054 10.81587 curveto
+4.7883 11.08473 4.41917 11.51196 3.94456 12.17642 curveto
+3.7811 12.40318 3.71254 12.4242 3.73889 12.23444 curveto
+3.74944 12.1606 3.70726 11.9444 3.64398 11.75446 curveto
+3.5174 11.38013 3.5543 10.95825 3.73363 10.74196 curveto
+3.87074 10.57848 4.23988 9.65044 4.2557 9.4184 curveto
+4.26624 9.3182 4.2979 9.1863 4.33481 9.12828 curveto
+4.39807 9.00706 4.38225 8.55882 4.30844 8.39008 curveto
+4.28204 8.33206 4.26624 8.2266 4.2715 8.15277 curveto
+4.2715 8.0736 4.2346 8.0103 4.18187 8.00504 curveto
+4.07639 7.99457 3.73889 8.21605 3.5807 8.39526 curveto
+3.52269 8.45856 3.40666 8.58519 3.3223 8.67476 curveto
+3.1641 8.8435 lineto
+3.12718 8.73277 lineto
+3.07445 8.57457 3.1061 8.3057 3.19572 8.05785 curveto
+3.36449 7.59906 3.42247 6.67612 3.3012 6.34398 curveto
+3.26427 6.25432 3.16937 6.12776 3.07973 6.06975 curveto
+2.83186 5.89038 2.8635 5.75862 3.29066 5.21538 curveto
+3.52267 4.92014 lineto
+3.5965 5.0889 lineto
+3.63869 5.17854 3.70724 5.42111 3.74944 5.63205 curveto
+3.74944 5.63205 lineto
+3.74944 5.63205 lineto
+3.79164 5.843 3.876 6.11186 3.93927 6.22787 curveto
+4.00258 6.33862 4.0711 6.54437 4.0975 6.68147 curveto
+4.15024 6.98206 4.15549 6.98734 5.4686 9.76117 curveto
+6.03287 10.95297 6.04866 10.97934 6.518 11.69118 curveto
+6.94518 12.33463 7.30374 12.90416 7.63069 13.45787 curveto
+8.09476 14.23311 8.18971 14.37015 8.49028 14.70236 curveto
+8.65375 14.89232 8.88052 15.16652 8.99126 15.30879 curveto
+9.48695 15.9838 9.6399 16.1473 9.75066 16.09978 curveto
+9.80339 16.07358 9.86137 16.03659 9.87193 16.01552 curveto
+9.88246 15.99432 9.74536 15.77805 9.5608 15.5356 curveto
+9.37622 15.28775 9.11256 14.88692 8.96489 14.63919 curveto
+8.47446 13.79544 7.78363 12.6774 7.55162 12.33463 curveto
+7.41975 12.1447 7.2563 11.89166 7.18245 11.77037 curveto
+7.10864 11.65434 6.97151 11.4276 6.87132 11.27466 curveto
+6.7764 11.11646 6.6973 10.93188 6.69205 10.86325 curveto
+6.68675 10.66821 6.5813 10.42036 6.04868 9.37094 curveto
+5.5846 8.46382 5.4633 8.21078 5.03088 7.2141 curveto
+4.7725 6.61284 4.5774 5.95374 4.64067 5.84827 curveto
+4.44553 3.97092 lineto
+4.26624 3.9551 4.19243 2.91095 4.31898 2.25696 curveto
+4.40337 1.82462 4.37697 1.66113 4.20824 1.52922 curveto
+3.90239 1.28145 3.59123 0.87004 3.4805 0.56425 curveto
+3.40668 0.34805 3.33812 0.25839 3.24847 0.24777 curveto
+3.14827 0.2373 3.1008 0.26367 3.05861 0.33751 curveto
+3.05861 0.33751 lineto
+ closepath fill
+ 1 1 1 setrgbcolor
+newpath 7.43033 8.18968 moveto
+7.37231 8.22133 7.27211 8.2477 7.21411 8.24242 curveto
+7.12445 8.2318 7.12445 8.22133 7.2141 8.1686 curveto
+7.27213 8.13168 7.36705 8.11058 7.43033 8.11577 curveto
+7.51996 8.12105 7.51996 8.13695 7.43033 8.18968 curveto
+ closepath fill
+newpath 14.04317 19.25339 moveto
+14.06436 19.3167 14.05383 19.32724 13.99051 19.32196 curveto
+13.943 19.3167 13.89561 19.27983 13.8798 19.23744 curveto
+13.85861 19.17427 13.86916 19.16374 13.93246 19.169 curveto
+13.97998 19.17427 14.02736 19.21126 14.04317 19.25339 curveto
+ closepath fill
+ 0.14117 0.14902 0.15686 setrgbcolor
+newpath 3.143 0.3005 moveto
+3.07443 0.34277 3.05861 0.39024 3.07973 0.4798 curveto
+3.09554 0.54845 3.11664 0.98613 3.1219 1.45547 curveto
+3.13773 2.2675 3.1852 2.7211 3.33286 3.50157 curveto
+3.3961 3.86017 lineto
+3.12717 4.41916 lineto
+2.97426 4.72502 2.80548 5.15218 2.74747 5.36838 curveto
+2.68948 5.57932 2.62093 5.83237 2.59984 5.92737 curveto
+2.48909 6.33862 2.39417 7.58324 2.43109 8.21078 curveto
+2.4627 8.83305 2.68422 9.70317 2.8055 9.69789 curveto
+2.87933 9.69263 2.94261 9.62398 3.09026 9.38676 curveto
+3.37503 8.93324 3.44359 8.95425 3.21683 9.42896 curveto
+2.98477 9.90875 2.8213 10.51001 2.81078 10.8686 curveto
+2.80548 11.127 3.09552 11.98657 3.34865 12.46646 curveto
+3.44884 12.65631 3.5385 12.74596 3.63344 12.75642 curveto
+3.80219 12.77232 3.81801 12.75642 4.16603 12.23444 curveto
+4.4508 11.81783 lineto
+4.24516 12.25545 lineto
+3.9393 12.90944 3.96567 13.22585 4.377 13.93774 curveto
+4.551 14.24364 4.74084 14.53362 4.7936 14.58641 curveto
+4.84631 14.63379 5.02034 14.81322 5.17328 14.98183 curveto
+5.3315 15.14545 5.6215 15.40909 5.82191 15.55667 curveto
+6.01704 15.70435 6.27017 15.92589 6.38618 16.04712 curveto
+6.62874 16.31078 6.75003 16.28972 6.95044 15.94154 curveto
+7.07173 15.72542 lineto
+7.01898 16.01027 lineto
+6.9346 16.47426 6.98734 16.5851 7.4936 16.94353 curveto
+7.74144 17.12292 7.98402 17.27063 8.03677 17.27576 curveto
+8.08424 17.28104 8.12642 17.30748 8.1317 17.3338 curveto
+8.13695 17.36552 8.20026 17.39186 8.27936 17.39713 curveto
+8.39536 17.40765 8.4112 17.39713 8.39009 17.3338 curveto
+8.37428 17.29169 8.32681 17.25482 8.28989 17.24944 curveto
+8.2477 17.24944 8.05788 17.10701 7.86275 16.93825 curveto
+7.67288 16.76437 7.44086 16.5851 7.35121 16.53758 curveto
+7.21411 16.46373 7.18774 16.40042 7.20357 16.15256 curveto
+7.21411 15.9838 7.251 15.76239 7.28265 15.65169 curveto
+7.36177 15.39317 7.38287 15.08739 7.32486 15.08214 curveto
+7.18774 15.06635 7.05061 15.21916 6.87662 15.58311 curveto
+6.6973 15.96275 lineto
+6.51274 15.81505 lineto
+6.41254 15.73067 6.31761 15.6463 6.29654 15.62524 curveto
+6.28069 15.60405 6.11722 15.47755 5.93794 15.3458 curveto
+5.76392 15.21916 5.58989 15.06635 5.55298 15.01881 curveto
+5.52132 14.96605 5.37894 14.80794 5.23657 14.66551 curveto
+4.87798 14.30696 4.30844 13.37341 4.34006 13.1942 curveto
+4.37172 12.9938 4.9096 11.9022 5.3315 11.16919 curveto
+5.63734 10.64185 5.66898 10.56802 5.58461 10.57321 curveto
+5.41586 10.58376 4.8727 11.032 4.60373 11.38013 curveto
+4.46663 11.55943 4.28204 11.79674 4.19243 11.9022 curveto
+4.10805 12.00768 3.98674 12.1817 3.92346 12.28189 curveto
+3.79163 12.52448 3.6756 12.52448 3.5596 12.28717 curveto
+3.4225 12.00768 3.1061 11.05844 3.07973 10.85797 curveto
+3.02171 10.39926 3.43304 9.31293 3.91818 8.64848 curveto
+4.33481 8.06831 4.32953 7.90483 3.8971 8.18433 curveto
+3.69672 8.31097 3.14827 8.9068 3.02171 9.123 curveto
+2.99007 9.1863 2.93732 9.22328 2.91624 9.21274 curveto
+2.83186 9.17574 2.70003 8.57993 2.69473 8.21078 curveto
+2.69473 8.0103 2.68422 7.78355 2.67365 7.71507 curveto
+2.66312 7.64651 2.67894 7.30374 2.71059 6.95033 curveto
+2.74222 6.60237 2.77911 6.20686 2.78969 6.07503 curveto
+2.8213 5.7006 3.3381 4.31369 3.43832 4.32416 curveto
+3.46996 4.32416 3.48578 4.34534 3.47523 4.36642 curveto
+3.46469 4.38744 3.5385 4.68283 3.6387 5.02034 curveto
+3.74416 5.35783 3.8391 5.73753 3.84962 5.85881 curveto
+3.86545 5.9801 3.91293 6.11713 3.96037 6.1646 curveto
+4.00256 6.21214 4.0711 6.38089 4.10275 6.54437 curveto
+4.16078 6.85022 4.25041 7.06636 4.73557 8.10532 curveto
+4.8938 8.43755 5.12581 8.93852 5.25764 9.22328 curveto
+5.70589 10.18825 6.18579 11.09009 6.56018 11.67017 curveto
+6.9346 12.24498 7.16664 12.60884 7.65181 13.38931 curveto
+7.78893 13.61076 7.9735 13.89034 8.06314 14.01158 curveto
+8.14752 14.13293 8.23717 14.27524 8.25826 14.32262 curveto
+8.27936 14.37015 8.42174 14.54942 8.5694 14.72884 curveto
+8.7223 14.90811 8.93324 15.17177 9.044 15.31932 curveto
+9.57663 16.03133 9.65573 16.1103 9.7559 16.05765 curveto
+9.86139 15.9996 9.82976 15.94695 9.39731 15.38792 curveto
+9.27075 15.21916 9.0598 14.89232 8.9227 14.66013 curveto
+8.47975 13.88509 7.73616 12.67213 7.55162 12.43481 curveto
+7.18774 11.9444 6.64458 10.98462 6.6551 10.83696 curveto
+6.66039 10.75786 6.35454 10.06703 5.96956 9.31293 curveto
+5.5846 8.55356 5.20493 7.74672 5.12054 7.5146 curveto
+5.03088 7.28256 4.9465 7.08226 4.92543 7.06108 curveto
+4.86743 7.00835 4.64592 6.31761 4.5932 6.01701 curveto
+4.56682 5.86409 4.51936 5.6056 4.48773 5.44212 curveto
+4.40862 5.01506 4.31897 4.28732 4.34535 4.24513 curveto
+4.35588 4.22404 4.41916 4.25568 4.48772 4.31369 curveto
+4.55629 4.37689 4.71448 4.50354 4.83577 4.59319 curveto
+4.96234 4.68811 5.168 4.87268 5.29985 4.99916 curveto
+5.4264 5.13107 5.55823 5.26291 5.58987 5.29456 curveto
+5.94319 5.64261 6.11197 5.83237 6.33342 6.13304 curveto
+6.47583 6.32288 6.64984 6.5391 6.71838 6.61284 curveto
+6.87659 6.77112 7.43558 7.77309 7.40395 7.83109 curveto
+7.38812 7.85745 7.16138 7.98929 6.89244 8.12633 curveto
+6.39143 8.3848 6.28598 8.47446 6.42308 8.53773 curveto
+6.50748 8.57457 7.019 8.50601 7.48831 8.40054 curveto
+7.62018 8.36899 7.88382 8.35307 8.07895 8.36899 curveto
+8.56938 8.40054 8.8858 8.6063 8.986 8.97015 curveto
+9.02818 9.11781 9.0862 9.31293 9.12311 9.41313 curveto
+9.18112 9.58716 9.26549 9.98793 9.30241 10.30426 curveto
+9.33403 10.59966 9.48695 11.05318 9.61354 11.24821 curveto
+9.74008 11.43814 lineto
+9.46587 11.4065 lineto
+9.1653 11.36958 8.53246 11.50142 8.46918 11.61217 curveto
+8.4059 11.72818 8.85944 11.9602 9.36566 12.06567 curveto
+9.84557 12.16588 lineto
+9.99323 12.50337 lineto
+10.07759 12.68794 10.16196 12.91989 10.18307 13.01491 curveto
+10.20415 13.10455 10.26746 13.22585 10.32545 13.27858 curveto
+10.38347 13.32603 10.47311 13.48416 10.53113 13.62668 curveto
+10.58383 13.76898 10.7157 14.00104 10.81589 14.14859 curveto
+11.5911 15.28247 11.71237 15.47229 11.6438 15.47755 curveto
+11.60161 15.48294 11.4487 15.43002 11.30103 15.36159 curveto
+10.90027 15.16652 10.46257 15.1611 10.44145 15.34052 curveto
+10.42038 15.50401 11.48563 16.1103 12.01823 16.24759 curveto
+12.21336 16.29497 12.23445 16.32657 12.25552 16.5639 curveto
+12.2661 16.7116 12.33464 16.91733 12.40848 17.02278 curveto
+12.477 17.1282 12.58777 17.30223 12.65105 17.41293 curveto
+12.8356 17.72935 13.92194 18.67856 14.52837 19.05304 curveto
+14.90285 19.28497 15.56732 19.61722 16.06293 19.82294 curveto
+16.50598 20.00224 lineto
+15.56732 19.88626 lineto
+14.0433 19.7017 13.41571 19.49599 13.00963 19.04779 curveto
+12.81978 18.83676 12.73541 18.8157 12.6774 18.958 curveto
+12.62996 19.08989 13.06764 19.50124 13.39459 19.64366 curveto
+13.77425 19.8019 14.39134 19.95471 14.82375 19.99696 curveto
+15.04515 20.01802 15.68329 20.11295 16.24232 20.20796 curveto
+17.1282 20.35551 17.27063 20.37132 17.3708 20.31342 curveto
+17.56587 20.21324 17.52376 20.11295 17.23363 20.00224 curveto
+16.56917 19.74911 15.95222 19.4907 15.5356 19.29024 curveto
+15.12425 19.08989 14.40187 18.67328 14.26471 18.55206 curveto
+14.23311 18.52573 14.09596 18.40964 13.95354 18.29366 curveto
+13.39459 17.84006 12.97801 17.42885 12.88309 17.24417 curveto
+12.83034 17.144 12.71959 16.98578 12.6405 16.90668 curveto
+12.56667 16.8223 12.49283 16.643 12.47704 16.51125 curveto
+12.46121 16.33183 12.3979 16.23692 12.23973 16.12097 curveto
+12.12369 16.03659 11.97076 15.96275 11.89694 15.95747 curveto
+11.77039 15.94154 lineto
+11.91803 15.9101 lineto
+12.09734 15.8731 12.15533 15.77805 12.07625 15.65683 curveto
+12.04459 15.60405 12.02351 15.51979 12.03404 15.47755 curveto
+12.03934 15.43002 11.93913 15.26128 11.802 15.10832 curveto
+11.6702 14.95024 11.51196 14.74464 11.45396 14.64447 curveto
+11.3907 14.54942 11.2694 14.35434 11.17448 14.21732 curveto
+10.98463 13.93774 10.84753 13.70041 10.80006 13.55284 curveto
+10.77896 13.49478 10.68404 13.30495 10.57858 13.12564 curveto
+10.4098 12.82506 10.32545 12.64041 10.13559 12.16588 curveto
+10.06706 11.99185 10.0354 11.97067 9.72426 11.92322 curveto
+9.30768 11.85994 8.86998 11.71236 8.90163 11.65434 curveto
+8.91742 11.62798 9.1442 11.63844 9.45004 11.67545 curveto
+9.94048 11.73872 9.97212 11.73872 10.0407 11.64372 curveto
+10.08813 11.57524 10.06177 11.46451 9.93523 11.26411 curveto
+9.72429 10.92134 9.50278 10.28853 9.49225 10.01422 curveto
+9.49225 9.82446 9.34987 9.2602 9.18112 8.7645 curveto
+9.11781 8.58519 9.02289 8.47446 8.8014 8.33734 curveto
+8.52719 8.1686 8.47446 8.15277 8.08951 8.14749 curveto
+7.85745 8.14749 7.59906 8.1686 7.51468 8.20023 curveto
+7.43031 8.2318 7.21938 8.27406 7.05064 8.30043 curveto
+6.74478 8.34253 lineto
+7.0137 8.22133 lineto
+7.16136 8.15277 7.34595 8.09476 7.43033 8.08421 curveto
+7.69925 8.05785 7.73619 8.0473 7.7731 7.98402 curveto
+7.82054 7.90483 7.22993 6.79222 6.99788 6.52327 curveto
+6.89244 6.40198 6.72894 6.19104 6.63402 6.05385 curveto
+6.53911 5.9221 6.40726 5.7639 6.344 5.70589 curveto
+6.28069 5.64787 6.14888 5.50542 6.04868 5.39474 curveto
+5.8061 5.11526 5.2524 4.60365 5.04672 4.46135 curveto
+4.95708 4.39807 4.82521 4.28732 4.75668 4.21869 curveto
+4.68811 4.14494 4.551 4.0552 4.45607 4.02365 curveto
+4.33478 3.9762 4.28207 3.90236 4.26097 3.77045 curveto
+4.22406 3.48567 4.20824 2.68947 4.2346 2.55763 curveto
+4.24516 2.49962 4.2768 2.27814 4.30315 2.07774 curveto
+4.34007 1.7507 4.32423 1.68752 4.1766 1.57149 curveto
+3.91818 1.36574 3.58067 0.90703 3.43832 0.56425 curveto
+3.36974 0.39024 3.29593 0.25304 3.27484 0.24777 curveto
+3.25375 0.24777 3.19574 0.27422 3.143 0.3005 curveto
+ closepath fill
+newpath 4.5774 12.13942 moveto
+4.51938 12.2397 4.50356 12.25017 4.49301 12.19215 curveto
+4.47719 12.09196 4.52992 11.99713 4.59846 12.0024 curveto
+4.62485 12.00768 4.61955 12.06567 4.5774 12.13942 curveto
+ closepath fill
+ 0.62746 0.62746 0.62746 setrgbcolor
+newpath 11.2325 15.54613 moveto
+11.3696 15.6093 11.5489 15.71487 11.63327 15.78346 curveto
+11.79147 15.90482 lineto
+11.57527 15.8573 lineto
+11.33794 15.80452 10.79477 15.52507 10.78426 15.45122 curveto
+10.7737 15.37737 10.9688 15.41965 11.2325 15.54613 curveto
+ closepath fill
+ 1 1 1 setrgbcolor
+newpath 11.23247 15.58311 moveto
+11.49614 15.6991 11.59106 15.81505 11.3696 15.73607 curveto
+11.19557 15.67802 10.86862 15.47755 10.953 15.47755 curveto
+10.98462 15.47755 11.11118 15.52507 11.23247 15.58311 curveto
+ closepath fill
+ 0.14117 0.14902 0.15686 setrgbcolor
+newpath 8.49028 17.45518 moveto
+8.46393 17.50783 8.81725 17.75043 8.88051 17.71869 curveto
+8.986 17.66078 8.9649 17.61325 8.82253 17.5552 curveto
+8.73814 17.52376 8.63268 17.47623 8.59048 17.45518 curveto
+8.5483 17.42885 8.50612 17.42885 8.49028 17.45518 curveto
+ closepath fill
+newpath 9.21274 17.88231 moveto
+9.25494 17.94035 9.3393 17.99301 9.40259 17.99828 curveto
+9.51862 18.0088 9.51862 18.0088 9.44476 17.90338 curveto
+9.4026 17.84546 9.3182 17.79268 9.25494 17.78728 curveto
+9.13893 17.78201 9.13893 17.78201 9.21274 17.88231 curveto
+ closepath fill
+newpath 9.72955 18.18295 moveto
+9.7981 18.2726 10.0987 18.3517 10.13559 18.28825 curveto
+10.15671 18.2514 9.86139 18.09319 9.75066 18.08266 curveto
+9.66628 18.07738 9.66628 18.09319 9.72955 18.18295 curveto
+ closepath fill
+newpath 10.20415 18.36751 moveto
+10.17778 18.41489 10.66821 18.65749 10.98991 18.74713 curveto
+11.12175 18.78925 11.2905 18.85796 11.35904 18.90536 curveto
+11.58052 19.05304 12.49811 19.39053 12.57195 19.34828 curveto
+12.72487 19.26918 12.66687 19.14793 12.46646 19.13216 curveto
+12.16588 19.10043 11.49089 18.85796 10.7104 18.494 curveto
+10.35707 18.3305 10.24109 18.29893 10.20415 18.36751 curveto
+ closepath fill
+ 0.76863 0.58432 0.43137 setrgbcolor
+newpath 3.14299 0.33751 moveto
+3.1061 0.36378 3.09554 0.42715 3.11664 0.47453 curveto
+3.13771 0.52208 3.1588 0.83849 3.1588 1.18126 curveto
+3.1588 1.967 3.19046 2.29396 3.38031 3.52794 curveto
+3.43832 3.90236 lineto
+3.143 4.4929 lineto
+2.95316 4.8674 2.81606 5.20491 2.76857 5.42111 curveto
+2.7264 5.61089 2.66837 5.84827 2.63675 5.95374 curveto
+2.45216 6.57074 2.42052 8.36899 2.57875 8.97015 curveto
+2.64203 9.19165 2.70003 9.43422 2.71585 9.51324 curveto
+2.75275 9.74527 2.85297 9.69789 3.09554 9.32349 curveto
+3.48576 8.71176 3.6176 8.75922 3.26955 9.38676 curveto
+3.0639 9.76645 2.84242 10.54692 2.84767 10.88443 curveto
+2.85297 11.10063 3.15353 11.98657 3.38556 12.44537 curveto
+3.46994 12.60884 3.5543 12.69841 3.64397 12.70369 curveto
+3.76527 12.71959 3.7969 12.69841 3.94984 12.47693 curveto
+4.20297 12.12369 4.28734 11.96548 4.20297 11.99185 curveto
+4.16603 12.0024 4.0764 12.11841 4.00256 12.24498 curveto
+3.76 12.6774 3.64398 12.59294 3.31175 11.74391 curveto
+2.89516 10.67876 2.9426 10.357 3.69142 9.0018 curveto
+3.96567 8.50601 4.1555 8.12633 4.12914 8.11577 curveto
+4.0184 8.06303 3.3012 8.73804 3.1061 9.07027 curveto
+3.07973 9.123 3.01642 9.19165 2.96368 9.22856 curveto
+2.88458 9.2813 2.8635 9.27075 2.8266 9.16528 curveto
+2.65785 8.67476 2.59984 7.69925 2.68422 6.82385 curveto
+2.71585 6.518 2.74747 6.1646 2.75275 6.04338 curveto
+2.76329 5.7269 3.36449 4.21341 3.47523 4.22931 curveto
+3.5016 4.22931 3.52267 4.29787 3.52269 4.37689 curveto
+3.52797 4.45607 3.60704 4.79358 3.70724 5.12581 curveto
+3.80743 5.45804 3.89711 5.81136 3.90764 5.91682 curveto
+3.92348 6.01701 3.9551 6.1014 3.97621 6.10658 curveto
+4.02895 6.11186 4.24516 6.75003 4.2135 6.80276 curveto
+4.20297 6.82385 4.26624 6.98734 4.3559 7.1771 curveto
+4.85161 8.2318 5.09416 8.75922 5.29456 9.2022 curveto
+5.71118 10.10396 6.20686 11.03735 6.59183 11.62271 curveto
+7.03482 12.30818 7.38812 12.87244 7.71507 13.41042 curveto
+7.84692 13.62668 8.02095 13.89034 8.10005 13.99579 curveto
+8.18442 14.10121 8.26352 14.22258 8.28462 14.27524 curveto
+8.31627 14.35434 8.62213 14.72884 8.81198 14.92905 curveto
+8.85416 14.9713 8.97543 15.12425 9.08092 15.2718 curveto
+9.47113 15.81505 9.68207 16.05765 9.73483 16.03133 curveto
+9.79283 15.9996 9.81393 16.03133 9.4184 15.4986 curveto
+9.24966 15.2718 9.0018 14.89232 8.86996 14.65485 curveto
+8.4112 13.85861 7.70982 12.71431 7.54108 12.50337 curveto
+7.19827 12.06567 6.58658 10.97398 6.5971 10.82114 curveto
+6.60237 10.73149 6.30179 10.06177 5.92737 9.32875 curveto
+5.55298 8.59575 5.17854 7.81 5.08891 7.57796 curveto
+4.99924 7.34586 4.85158 6.98734 4.76723 6.77632 curveto
+4.60902 6.38608 4.50356 5.93784 4.5088 5.71115 curveto
+4.5141 5.64261 4.48244 5.47913 4.44553 5.34201 curveto
+4.40337 5.20491 4.3506 4.90431 4.32953 4.66165 curveto
+4.29787 4.31369 4.30844 4.22931 4.38754 4.22404 curveto
+4.44026 4.21869 4.50354 4.25041 4.5352 4.2926 curveto
+4.56154 4.33478 4.7145 4.46135 4.8674 4.58264 curveto
+5.02036 4.69865 5.17328 4.83577 5.20493 4.87787 curveto
+5.23657 4.92542 5.35786 5.0519 5.47913 5.15736 curveto
+5.89574 5.52658 6.13306 5.77963 6.39143 6.13304 curveto
+6.53381 6.32816 6.6973 6.53381 6.7606 6.58655 curveto
+6.89769 6.71838 7.43031 7.66234 7.44087 7.78882 curveto
+7.44087 7.86273 7.38287 7.91019 7.09282 8.06303 curveto
+6.68677 8.27933 6.70258 8.3057 7.14555 8.13168 curveto
+7.31432 8.06831 7.49889 8.02094 7.55162 8.03676 curveto
+7.77838 8.09476 7.73616 7.88382 7.4145 7.28256 curveto
+7.22464 6.9346 6.99788 6.57074 6.90823 6.47581 curveto
+6.82385 6.38089 6.66039 6.1805 6.55493 6.03284 curveto
+6.44418 5.8851 6.30705 5.71635 6.24907 5.66362 curveto
+6.18579 5.61089 6.06975 5.4844 5.9854 5.38412 curveto
+5.901 5.27866 5.73755 5.11526 5.6215 5.01506 curveto
+5.5055 4.91487 5.3473 4.76712 5.26819 4.68283 curveto
+5.19437 4.59837 5.10999 4.5299 5.07834 4.5299 curveto
+5.052 4.52463 4.92014 4.42444 4.7936 4.30841 curveto
+4.667 4.1924 4.49828 4.07639 4.41391 4.04994 curveto
+4.2926 4.00783 4.25041 3.92346 4.19768 3.64397 curveto
+4.16603 3.44884 4.15024 3.26947 4.16603 3.24318 curveto
+4.17657 3.21674 4.18713 3.06915 4.18185 2.91623 curveto
+4.1766 2.76321 4.19768 2.51544 4.22406 2.3677 curveto
+4.31898 1.872 4.30316 1.69797 4.1555 1.60313 curveto
+3.93927 1.46075 3.52794 0.90176 3.4014 0.58527 curveto
+3.28537 0.29004 3.24847 0.25832 3.14299 0.33751 curveto
+ closepath fill
+newpath 7.94711 8.18433 moveto
+7.7309 8.20023 7.46724 8.23706 7.35648 8.27406 curveto
+7.24048 8.3057 7.10863 8.33206 7.06119 8.3268 curveto
+7.01898 8.32152 6.91353 8.34253 6.83443 8.37953 curveto
+6.75533 8.41116 6.64456 8.41644 6.58658 8.39526 curveto
+6.52328 8.37425 6.46527 8.37953 6.44945 8.41116 curveto
+6.37036 8.54828 6.59184 8.54301 7.49886 8.36899 curveto
+8.27406 8.2266 8.90163 8.45856 9.01764 8.93324 curveto
+9.04926 9.0598 9.11783 9.27602 9.1653 9.41313 curveto
+9.21802 9.54497 9.27075 9.75063 9.28131 9.86665 curveto
+9.30768 10.08286 9.35512 10.32544 9.46059 10.79477 curveto
+9.4975 10.94771 9.58188 11.1481 9.6557 11.24294 curveto
+9.72426 11.33267 9.77174 11.4276 9.76117 11.45396 curveto
+9.74538 11.48033 9.63463 11.47498 9.50806 11.4434 curveto
+9.24966 11.3854 8.59048 11.50142 8.52719 11.61217 curveto
+8.43755 11.77037 8.99126 11.99713 9.661 12.08142 curveto
+9.86137 12.10786 9.88776 12.13942 10.0407 12.5192 curveto
+10.37292 13.34186 10.97934 14.38606 11.69653 15.36159 curveto
+11.74927 15.4353 11.76509 15.50928 11.73344 15.52507 curveto
+11.70183 15.54086 11.51726 15.49335 11.3274 15.41437 curveto
+10.953 15.26128 10.57857 15.21916 10.5153 15.32985 curveto
+10.4942 15.36159 10.52055 15.41437 10.5733 15.44055 curveto
+10.65239 15.48294 10.67351 15.47229 10.69458 15.39857 curveto
+10.70515 15.3458 10.73677 15.30354 10.75786 15.30879 curveto
+10.87917 15.31932 11.48035 15.59877 11.63853 15.71487 curveto
+11.8284 15.8573 11.99187 15.90482 12.03406 15.82558 curveto
+12.08153 15.74135 11.9655 15.31932 11.88113 15.25615 curveto
+11.78621 15.1823 11.58582 14.93958 11.45926 14.72884 curveto
+11.41179 14.65485 11.27994 14.45451 11.16394 14.28049 curveto
+10.93718 13.94826 10.83696 13.76898 10.76314 13.56863 curveto
+10.73679 13.50006 10.63132 13.29967 10.53113 13.12564 curveto
+10.35707 12.82506 10.21997 12.52448 10.0934 12.1606 curveto
+10.04596 12.02869 9.9985 12.00768 9.6821 11.9602 curveto
+9.19165 11.88638 8.73288 11.69118 8.84889 11.60689 curveto
+8.89633 11.56998 9.0809 11.58044 9.43951 11.63318 curveto
+9.90886 11.70172 9.9616 11.70172 10.00375 11.62798 curveto
+10.03015 11.58044 9.97214 11.41696 9.88246 11.25883 curveto
+9.67682 10.91599 9.4817 10.34653 9.46059 10.03012 curveto
+9.45006 9.90347 9.39732 9.66098 9.34457 9.48695 curveto
+9.29185 9.30766 9.23383 9.09673 9.21274 9.00706 curveto
+9.14946 8.68004 9.00706 8.47446 8.7645 8.35307 curveto
+8.39536 8.1686 8.35846 8.15805 7.94711 8.18433 curveto
+ closepath fill
+newpath 5.37366 10.69986 moveto
+5.29456 10.75786 5.168 10.8527 5.07837 10.91599 curveto
+4.91487 11.03735 4.52992 11.50142 4.54047 11.5647 curveto
+4.54047 11.58571 4.56157 11.60689 4.58266 11.60689 curveto
+4.63538 11.61217 4.88852 11.3854 4.9465 11.2852 curveto
+4.97287 11.23775 5.02036 11.20084 5.052 11.2061 curveto
+5.09416 11.21138 5.0678 11.2694 4.97816 11.39067 curveto
+4.90431 11.49088 4.80412 11.68599 4.75139 11.83365 curveto
+4.70395 11.98131 4.53517 12.3399 4.37697 12.63521 curveto
+4.2188 12.93053 4.0975 13.22057 4.09747 13.2733 curveto
+4.10275 13.33131 4.23987 13.61604 4.40862 13.90614 curveto
+4.7514 14.49677 5.34204 15.1611 5.8641 15.5356 curveto
+6.05396 15.67278 6.28598 15.87837 6.38618 15.99432 curveto
+6.62877 16.28445 6.71838 16.2634 6.89769 15.85205 curveto
+7.04008 15.54613 7.04536 15.5356 7.14554 15.57259 curveto
+7.20357 15.59364 7.251 15.60405 7.25102 15.59877 curveto
+7.2563 15.59364 7.27737 15.48294 7.29848 15.35632 curveto
+7.3565 15.00829 7.22992 15.08739 6.95042 15.57259 curveto
+6.70258 16.00499 6.64986 16.04712 6.52856 15.87837 curveto
+6.46527 15.78873 6.1383 15.52507 5.89575 15.36159 curveto
+5.48967 15.08739 4.84631 14.31734 4.46663 13.64761 curveto
+4.25041 13.26268 lineto
+4.61955 12.46646 lineto
+5.02036 11.60689 5.2471 11.17973 5.47388 10.8527 curveto
+5.63733 10.62076 5.58987 10.54166 5.37366 10.69986 curveto
+ closepath fill
+newpath 4.51408 11.84947 moveto
+4.48247 11.89693 4.48773 11.9444 4.5141 11.9444 curveto
+4.54575 11.94966 4.59319 11.90747 4.62485 11.85994 curveto
+4.65121 11.80719 4.65121 11.75981 4.61957 11.75981 curveto
+4.59319 11.75446 4.54047 11.79674 4.51408 11.84947 curveto
+ closepath fill
+newpath 4.2188 12.41891 moveto
+4.0711 12.76169 4.08168 12.87779 4.24516 12.69315 curveto
+4.36644 12.55084 4.4561 12.21333 4.38754 12.15005 curveto
+4.36115 12.12369 4.30844 12.19743 4.2188 12.41891 curveto
+ closepath fill
+newpath 11.4856 15.98907 moveto
+11.76509 16.15256 12.13423 16.25812 12.17114 16.18954 curveto
+12.21336 16.1103 12.13951 16.06818 11.73872 15.96275 curveto
+11.2325 15.82558 11.2114 15.83084 11.4856 15.98907 curveto
+ closepath fill
+newpath 12.30301 16.2634 moveto
+12.29247 16.27905 12.28719 16.40042 12.28717 16.52705 curveto
+12.29771 16.80122 12.70906 17.50256 13.05182 17.82426 curveto
+14.06964 18.78398 15.33527 19.57509 16.36882 19.89667 curveto
+16.72212 20.00749 16.68527 20.09187 16.31618 20.01802 curveto
+16.1527 19.98117 15.56192 19.89154 15.01355 19.81241 curveto
+14.45992 19.73845 13.92194 19.64366 13.81651 19.60669 curveto
+13.5581 19.51704 13.10457 19.22691 12.95691 19.05817 curveto
+12.82507 18.89995 12.76707 18.87903 12.71959 18.97394 curveto
+12.6616 19.07411 13.22057 19.54877 13.52112 19.64894 curveto
+14.13821 19.85454 14.33328 19.90192 14.75517 19.93892 curveto
+14.99777 19.95998 15.66222 20.06029 16.23167 20.1552 curveto
+17.2759 20.33447 17.42358 20.33974 17.44466 20.18152 curveto
+17.4499 20.14467 17.2759 20.04974 17.05435 19.97064 curveto
+15.60417 19.42738 14.48097 18.84204 13.97998 18.35698 curveto
+13.86389 18.2514 13.75319 18.16176 13.73213 18.16176 curveto
+13.70581 18.15651 13.64249 18.10898 13.5897 18.05618 curveto
+13.53706 17.99828 13.37352 17.84546 13.22585 17.71356 curveto
+13.08348 17.58168 12.91473 17.38646 12.85672 17.28642 curveto
+12.7987 17.18625 12.68797 17.02803 12.61414 16.94353 curveto
+12.5403 16.85402 12.46121 16.68527 12.4401 16.56917 curveto
+12.40848 16.35829 12.33463 16.20535 12.30301 16.2634 curveto
+ closepath fill
+newpath 7.10335 15.97855 moveto
+7.04536 16.07884 7.02428 16.41635 7.07173 16.5481 curveto
+7.08755 16.59035 7.25102 16.72737 7.43558 16.84875 curveto
+7.62018 16.96997 7.82582 17.10188 7.89438 17.14926 curveto
+8.01569 17.23363 lineto
+7.93658 17.12292 lineto
+7.83112 16.9805 7.37758 16.5851 7.24048 16.51125 curveto
+7.17719 16.4848 7.13501 16.38463 7.14027 16.29497 curveto
+7.14027 16.20535 7.15083 16.07358 7.15082 16.00499 curveto
+7.15611 15.89943 7.15083 15.89417 7.10335 15.97855 curveto
+ closepath fill
+newpath 12.2819 19.2322 moveto
+12.4032 19.33777 12.57195 19.35881 12.58775 19.27983 curveto
+12.59305 19.24286 12.50865 19.20073 12.39265 19.18481 curveto
+12.19226 19.15321 12.18697 19.15321 12.2819 19.2322 curveto
+ closepath fill
+ 0.13333 0.14117 0.14902 setrgbcolor
+newpath 3.14299 0.33751 moveto
+3.1061 0.36378 3.09554 0.42715 3.11664 0.47453 curveto
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+3.1588 1.91426 3.19046 2.23067 3.39085 3.60168 curveto
+3.4383 3.8971 3.43303 3.9129 3.13773 4.4929 curveto
+2.95316 4.8674 2.81606 5.20491 2.76857 5.42111 curveto
+2.7264 5.61089 2.66837 5.84827 2.63675 5.95374 curveto
+2.45216 6.57074 2.42052 8.36899 2.57875 8.97015 curveto
+2.64203 9.19165 2.70003 9.43422 2.71585 9.51324 curveto
+2.75275 9.74527 2.85297 9.69789 3.09554 9.32349 curveto
+3.48576 8.71176 3.6176 8.75922 3.26955 9.38676 curveto
+3.0639 9.76645 2.84242 10.54692 2.84767 10.88443 curveto
+2.85297 11.10063 3.15353 11.98657 3.38556 12.44537 curveto
+3.46994 12.60884 3.5543 12.69841 3.64397 12.70369 curveto
+3.76527 12.71959 3.7969 12.69841 3.94984 12.47693 curveto
+4.20297 12.12369 4.28734 11.96548 4.20297 11.99185 curveto
+4.16603 12.0024 4.0764 12.11841 4.00256 12.24498 curveto
+3.76 12.6774 3.64398 12.59294 3.31175 11.74391 curveto
+2.89516 10.67876 2.9426 10.357 3.69142 9.0018 curveto
+3.96567 8.50601 4.1555 8.12633 4.12914 8.11577 curveto
+4.0184 8.06303 3.3012 8.73804 3.1061 9.07027 curveto
+3.07973 9.123 3.01642 9.19165 2.96368 9.22856 curveto
+2.88458 9.2813 2.8635 9.27075 2.8266 9.16528 curveto
+2.65785 8.67476 2.59984 7.69925 2.68422 6.82385 curveto
+2.71585 6.518 2.74747 6.1646 2.75275 6.04338 curveto
+2.76329 5.7269 3.36449 4.21341 3.47523 4.22931 curveto
+3.5016 4.22931 3.52267 4.29787 3.52269 4.37689 curveto
+3.52797 4.45607 3.60704 4.79358 3.70724 5.12581 curveto
+3.80743 5.45804 3.89711 5.81136 3.90764 5.91682 curveto
+3.92348 6.01701 3.9551 6.1014 3.97621 6.10658 curveto
+4.02895 6.11186 4.24516 6.75003 4.2135 6.80276 curveto
+4.20297 6.82385 4.26624 6.98734 4.3559 7.1771 curveto
+4.85161 8.2318 5.09416 8.75922 5.29456 9.2022 curveto
+5.71118 10.10396 6.20686 11.03735 6.59183 11.62271 curveto
+7.03482 12.30818 7.38812 12.87244 7.71507 13.41042 curveto
+7.84692 13.62668 8.02095 13.89034 8.10005 13.99579 curveto
+8.18442 14.10121 8.26352 14.22258 8.28462 14.27524 curveto
+8.31627 14.35434 8.62213 14.72884 8.81198 14.92905 curveto
+8.85416 14.9713 8.97543 15.12425 9.08092 15.2718 curveto
+9.47113 15.81505 9.68207 16.05765 9.73483 16.03133 curveto
+9.79811 15.9996 9.81393 16.03133 9.33932 15.38792 curveto
+8.4903 14.2593 7.99985 13.52638 7.22464 12.25017 curveto
+7.0928 12.03395 6.84496 11.64372 6.66568 11.38013 curveto
+6.45471 11.069 6.37561 10.90552 6.4389 10.90024 curveto
+6.67621 10.88443 6.6024 10.65767 5.9432 9.35504 curveto
+5.55823 8.60101 5.17328 7.80472 5.08363 7.5727 curveto
+4.99924 7.34586 4.85158 6.98734 4.76723 6.77632 curveto
+4.60902 6.38608 4.50356 5.93784 4.5088 5.71115 curveto
+4.5141 5.64261 4.48244 5.47913 4.44553 5.34201 curveto
+4.40337 5.20491 4.3506 4.90431 4.32953 4.66165 curveto
+4.29787 4.31369 4.30844 4.22931 4.38754 4.22404 curveto
+4.44026 4.21869 4.50354 4.25041 4.5352 4.2926 curveto
+4.56154 4.33478 4.7145 4.46135 4.8674 4.58264 curveto
+5.02036 4.69865 5.17328 4.83577 5.20493 4.87787 curveto
+5.23657 4.92542 5.35786 5.0519 5.47913 5.15736 curveto
+5.89574 5.52658 6.13306 5.77963 6.39143 6.13304 curveto
+6.53381 6.32816 6.6973 6.53381 6.7606 6.58655 curveto
+6.89769 6.71838 7.43031 7.66234 7.44087 7.78882 curveto
+7.44087 7.86273 7.38287 7.91019 7.09282 8.06303 curveto
+6.68677 8.27933 6.70258 8.3057 7.14555 8.13168 curveto
+7.31432 8.06831 7.49889 8.02094 7.55162 8.03676 curveto
+7.77838 8.09476 7.73616 7.88382 7.4145 7.28256 curveto
+7.22464 6.9346 6.99788 6.57074 6.90823 6.47581 curveto
+6.82385 6.38089 6.66039 6.1805 6.55493 6.03284 curveto
+6.44418 5.8851 6.30705 5.71635 6.24907 5.66362 curveto
+6.18579 5.61089 6.06975 5.4844 5.9854 5.38412 curveto
+5.901 5.27866 5.73755 5.11526 5.6215 5.01506 curveto
+5.5055 4.91487 5.3473 4.76712 5.26819 4.68283 curveto
+5.19437 4.59837 5.10999 4.5299 5.07834 4.5299 curveto
+5.052 4.52463 4.92014 4.42444 4.7936 4.30841 curveto
+4.667 4.1924 4.49828 4.07639 4.41391 4.04994 curveto
+4.2926 4.00783 4.25041 3.92346 4.19768 3.64397 curveto
+4.16603 3.44884 4.15024 3.26947 4.16603 3.24318 curveto
+4.17657 3.21674 4.18713 3.06915 4.18185 2.91623 curveto
+4.1766 2.76321 4.19768 2.51544 4.22406 2.3677 curveto
+4.31898 1.872 4.30316 1.69797 4.1555 1.60313 curveto
+3.93927 1.46075 3.52794 0.90176 3.4014 0.58527 curveto
+3.28537 0.29004 3.24847 0.25832 3.14299 0.33751 curveto
+ closepath fill
+newpath 7.94711 8.18433 moveto
+7.7309 8.20023 7.46724 8.23706 7.35648 8.27406 curveto
+7.24048 8.3057 7.10863 8.33206 7.06119 8.3268 curveto
+7.01898 8.32152 6.91353 8.34253 6.83443 8.37953 curveto
+6.75533 8.41116 6.64456 8.41644 6.58658 8.39526 curveto
+6.52328 8.37425 6.46527 8.37953 6.44945 8.41116 curveto
+6.37036 8.54828 6.59184 8.54301 7.49886 8.36899 curveto
+8.27406 8.2266 8.90163 8.45856 9.01764 8.93324 curveto
+9.04926 9.0598 9.11783 9.27602 9.1653 9.41313 curveto
+9.21802 9.54497 9.27075 9.75063 9.28131 9.86665 curveto
+9.30768 10.08286 9.35512 10.32544 9.46059 10.79477 curveto
+9.4975 10.94771 9.58188 11.1481 9.6557 11.24294 curveto
+9.72426 11.33267 9.77174 11.4276 9.76117 11.45396 curveto
+9.74538 11.48033 9.63463 11.47498 9.50806 11.4434 curveto
+9.24966 11.3854 8.59048 11.50142 8.52719 11.61217 curveto
+8.43755 11.77037 8.99126 11.99713 9.661 12.08142 curveto
+9.86137 12.10786 9.88776 12.13942 10.0407 12.5192 curveto
+10.37292 13.34186 10.97934 14.38606 11.69653 15.36159 curveto
+11.74927 15.4353 11.76509 15.50928 11.73344 15.52507 curveto
+11.70183 15.54086 11.51726 15.49335 11.3274 15.41437 curveto
+10.953 15.26128 10.57857 15.21916 10.5153 15.32985 curveto
+10.4942 15.36159 10.52055 15.41437 10.5733 15.44055 curveto
+10.65239 15.48294 10.67351 15.47229 10.69458 15.39857 curveto
+10.70515 15.3458 10.73677 15.30354 10.75786 15.30879 curveto
+10.87917 15.31932 11.48035 15.59877 11.63853 15.71487 curveto
+11.8284 15.8573 11.99187 15.90482 12.03406 15.82558 curveto
+12.08153 15.74135 11.9655 15.31932 11.88113 15.25615 curveto
+11.78621 15.1823 11.58582 14.93958 11.45926 14.72884 curveto
+11.41179 14.65485 11.27994 14.45451 11.16394 14.28049 curveto
+10.93718 13.94826 10.83696 13.76898 10.76314 13.56863 curveto
+10.73679 13.50006 10.63132 13.29967 10.53113 13.12564 curveto
+10.35707 12.82506 10.21997 12.52448 10.0934 12.1606 curveto
+10.04596 12.02869 9.9985 12.00768 9.6821 11.9602 curveto
+9.19165 11.88638 8.73288 11.69118 8.84889 11.60689 curveto
+8.89633 11.56998 9.0809 11.58044 9.43951 11.63318 curveto
+9.90886 11.70172 9.9616 11.70172 10.00375 11.62798 curveto
+10.03015 11.58044 9.97214 11.41696 9.88246 11.25883 curveto
+9.67682 10.91599 9.4817 10.34653 9.46059 10.03012 curveto
+9.45006 9.90347 9.39732 9.66098 9.34457 9.48695 curveto
+9.29185 9.30766 9.23383 9.09673 9.21274 9.00706 curveto
+9.14946 8.68004 9.00706 8.47446 8.7645 8.35307 curveto
+8.39536 8.1686 8.35846 8.15805 7.94711 8.18433 curveto
+ closepath fill
+newpath 5.37366 10.69986 moveto
+5.29456 10.75786 5.168 10.8527 5.07837 10.91599 curveto
+4.91487 11.03735 4.52992 11.50142 4.54047 11.5647 curveto
+4.54047 11.58571 4.56157 11.60689 4.58266 11.60689 curveto
+4.63538 11.61217 4.88852 11.3854 4.9465 11.2852 curveto
+4.97287 11.23775 5.02036 11.20084 5.052 11.2061 curveto
+5.09416 11.21138 5.0678 11.2694 4.97816 11.39067 curveto
+4.90431 11.49088 4.80412 11.68599 4.75139 11.83365 curveto
+4.70395 11.98131 4.53517 12.3399 4.37697 12.63521 curveto
+4.2188 12.93053 4.0975 13.22057 4.09747 13.2733 curveto
+4.10275 13.33131 4.23987 13.61604 4.40862 13.90614 curveto
+4.7514 14.49677 5.34204 15.1611 5.8641 15.5356 curveto
+6.05396 15.67278 6.28598 15.87837 6.38618 15.99432 curveto
+6.62877 16.28445 6.71838 16.2634 6.89769 15.85205 curveto
+7.04008 15.54613 7.04536 15.5356 7.14554 15.57259 curveto
+7.20357 15.59364 7.251 15.60405 7.25102 15.59877 curveto
+7.2563 15.59364 7.27737 15.48294 7.29848 15.35632 curveto
+7.3565 15.00829 7.22992 15.08739 6.95042 15.57259 curveto
+6.70258 16.00499 6.64986 16.04712 6.52856 15.87837 curveto
+6.46527 15.78873 6.1383 15.52507 5.89575 15.36159 curveto
+5.48967 15.08739 4.84631 14.31734 4.46663 13.64761 curveto
+4.25041 13.26268 lineto
+4.61955 12.46646 lineto
+5.02036 11.60689 5.2471 11.17973 5.47388 10.8527 curveto
+5.63733 10.62076 5.58987 10.54166 5.37366 10.69986 curveto
+ closepath fill
+newpath 4.51408 11.84947 moveto
+4.48247 11.89693 4.48773 11.9444 4.5141 11.9444 curveto
+4.54575 11.94966 4.59319 11.90747 4.62485 11.85994 curveto
+4.65121 11.80719 4.65121 11.75981 4.61957 11.75981 curveto
+4.59319 11.75446 4.54047 11.79674 4.51408 11.84947 curveto
+ closepath fill
+newpath 4.2188 12.41891 moveto
+4.0711 12.76169 4.08168 12.87779 4.24516 12.69315 curveto
+4.36644 12.55084 4.4561 12.21333 4.38754 12.15005 curveto
+4.36115 12.12369 4.30844 12.19743 4.2188 12.41891 curveto
+ closepath fill
+newpath 11.4856 15.98907 moveto
+11.76509 16.15256 12.13423 16.25812 12.17114 16.18954 curveto
+12.21336 16.1103 12.13951 16.06818 11.73872 15.96275 curveto
+11.2325 15.82558 11.2114 15.83084 11.4856 15.98907 curveto
+ closepath fill
+newpath 12.30301 16.2634 moveto
+12.29247 16.27905 12.28719 16.40042 12.28717 16.52705 curveto
+12.29771 16.80122 12.70906 17.50256 13.05182 17.82426 curveto
+14.06964 18.78398 15.33527 19.57509 16.36882 19.89667 curveto
+16.72212 20.00749 16.68527 20.09187 16.31618 20.01802 curveto
+16.1527 19.98117 15.56192 19.89154 15.01355 19.81241 curveto
+14.45992 19.73845 13.92194 19.64366 13.81651 19.60669 curveto
+13.5581 19.51704 13.10457 19.22691 12.95691 19.05817 curveto
+12.82507 18.89995 12.76707 18.87903 12.71959 18.97394 curveto
+12.6616 19.07411 13.22057 19.54877 13.52112 19.64894 curveto
+14.13821 19.85454 14.33328 19.90192 14.75517 19.93892 curveto
+14.99777 19.95998 15.66222 20.06029 16.23167 20.1552 curveto
+17.2759 20.33447 17.42358 20.33974 17.44466 20.18152 curveto
+17.4499 20.14467 17.2759 20.04974 17.05435 19.97064 curveto
+15.60417 19.42738 14.48097 18.84204 13.97998 18.35698 curveto
+13.86389 18.2514 13.75319 18.16176 13.73213 18.16176 curveto
+13.70581 18.15651 13.64249 18.10898 13.5897 18.05618 curveto
+13.53706 17.99828 13.37352 17.84546 13.22585 17.71356 curveto
+13.08348 17.58168 12.91473 17.38646 12.85672 17.28642 curveto
+12.7987 17.18625 12.68797 17.02803 12.61414 16.94353 curveto
+12.5403 16.85402 12.46121 16.68527 12.4401 16.56917 curveto
+12.40848 16.35829 12.33463 16.20535 12.30301 16.2634 curveto
+ closepath fill
+newpath 7.10335 15.97855 moveto
+7.04536 16.07884 7.02428 16.41635 7.07173 16.5481 curveto
+7.08755 16.59035 7.25102 16.72737 7.43558 16.84875 curveto
+7.62018 16.96997 7.82582 17.10188 7.89438 17.14926 curveto
+8.01569 17.23363 lineto
+7.93658 17.12292 lineto
+7.83112 16.9805 7.37758 16.5851 7.24048 16.51125 curveto
+7.17719 16.4848 7.13501 16.38463 7.14027 16.29497 curveto
+7.14027 16.20535 7.15083 16.07358 7.15082 16.00499 curveto
+7.15611 15.89943 7.15083 15.89417 7.10335 15.97855 curveto
+ closepath fill
+newpath 12.2819 19.2322 moveto
+12.4032 19.33777 12.57195 19.35881 12.58775 19.27983 curveto
+12.59305 19.24286 12.50865 19.20073 12.39265 19.18481 curveto
+12.19226 19.15321 12.18697 19.15321 12.2819 19.2322 curveto
+ closepath fill
+ 0.76863 0.58432 0.43137 setrgbcolor
+newpath 3.97092 1.70853 moveto
+4.04474 1.75598 4.06586 1.85098 4.03423 2.02501 curveto
+4.01312 2.16212 3.99728 2.53127 4.00256 2.84239 curveto
+4.00786 3.15344 4.00258 3.42767 3.98676 3.45412 curveto
+3.9762 3.4752 3.98149 3.5543 3.9973 3.62814 curveto
+4.0131 3.70197 4.03949 3.90764 4.04474 4.08167 curveto
+4.09222 4.85686 4.11333 4.99388 4.32426 5.89038 curveto
+4.35063 6.01701 4.39279 6.21214 4.41917 6.32288 curveto
+4.52992 6.87132 5.0889 8.1686 5.76918 9.46577 curveto
+6.1647 10.21997 6.33871 10.63121 6.30179 10.69986 curveto
+6.29651 10.7104 6.14885 10.43617 5.97485 10.0934 curveto
+5.80083 9.74527 5.5635 9.28656 5.45276 9.065 curveto
+4.93068 8.03676 4.34534 6.71838 4.28204 6.43362 curveto
+4.25568 6.31233 4.18713 6.09612 4.13441 5.95374 curveto
+4.08168 5.81136 4.05003 5.67952 4.06056 5.65842 curveto
+4.08696 5.61089 3.90236 4.90431 3.78636 4.60892 curveto
+3.73361 4.48764 3.68617 4.27142 3.6756 4.12912 curveto
+3.6598 3.98665 3.61234 3.72307 3.5596 3.54369 curveto
+3.4014 2.96368 3.30649 2.02501 3.39085 1.87735 curveto
+3.41196 1.83516 3.52267 1.76662 3.62814 1.72443 curveto
+3.86017 1.62422 3.8338 1.62422 3.97092 1.70853 curveto
+ closepath fill
+ 0.12549 0.12941 0.14902 setrgbcolor
+newpath 2.65782 5.91682 moveto
+2.58926 6.03812 2.4838 7.11382 2.47327 7.77309 curveto
+2.46799 8.24242 2.52072 8.70648 2.61563 9.05453 curveto
+2.67366 9.2602 2.7264 9.47641 2.73695 9.53969 curveto
+2.76332 9.74 2.87405 9.68727 3.0428 9.39731 curveto
+3.12718 9.2443 3.28537 9.02281 3.3961 8.89633 curveto
+3.60179 8.66957 lineto
+3.5016 8.9068 lineto
+3.44884 9.03871 3.32228 9.32875 3.21681 9.55023 curveto
+2.97952 10.05122 2.81606 10.8317 2.88986 11.127 curveto
+2.94786 11.36423 3.21681 12.06041 3.39613 12.44537 curveto
+3.52269 12.71959 3.74416 12.80397 3.84962 12.62466 curveto
+3.88654 12.5561 3.86546 12.52966 3.75473 12.5192 curveto
+3.65453 12.50865 3.5807 12.42955 3.4963 12.25017 curveto
+3.143 11.49614 2.9795 10.90024 3.027 10.54692 curveto
+3.04279 10.39926 3.16936 10.00903 3.29593 9.69263 curveto
+3.4963 9.2022 3.58597 9.03343 3.85492 8.65375 curveto
+4.02895 8.4058 4.17131 8.17906 4.16606 8.14749 curveto
+4.1555 8.06303 3.80743 8.25824 3.67035 8.42172 curveto
+3.60704 8.50082 3.49632 8.6273 3.42775 8.70122 curveto
+3.35393 8.77504 3.20099 8.95953 3.08498 9.10727 curveto
+2.86879 9.38148 lineto
+2.81078 9.23375 lineto
+2.61037 8.69594 2.55763 7.77835 2.66837 6.70258 curveto
+2.73695 6.01701 2.73167 5.78499 2.65782 5.91682 curveto
+ closepath fill
+newpath 7.78363 8.19496 moveto
+7.67818 8.2055 7.50943 8.24242 7.40924 8.27933 curveto
+7.31432 8.31625 7.19301 8.33734 7.14554 8.33734 curveto
+7.03482 8.3268 6.64458 8.43755 6.6604 8.46918 curveto
+6.67094 8.485 6.93462 8.45328 7.24576 8.40054 curveto
+7.9735 8.26878 8.39537 8.30043 8.70122 8.50082 curveto
+8.93326 8.65375 9.0018 8.76976 9.13364 9.22856 curveto
+9.29713 9.81918 9.31822 9.90347 9.34457 10.1725 curveto
+9.37622 10.52574 9.45534 10.77896 9.6557 11.15865 curveto
+9.74008 11.32213 9.80339 11.4697 9.7981 11.4856 curveto
+9.78757 11.50142 9.67152 11.4856 9.52914 11.45396 curveto
+9.3182 11.4065 9.21802 11.41168 8.89633 11.49088 curveto
+8.51138 11.59106 lineto
+8.59048 11.69118 lineto
+8.69069 11.8231 9.04926 11.96548 9.52386 12.04987 curveto
+9.90358 12.11841 lineto
+10.06706 12.50865 lineto
+10.40456 13.31013 11.00046 14.37541 11.50143 15.0716 curveto
+11.65434 15.28775 11.76509 15.49335 11.74402 15.53035 curveto
+11.69653 15.61472 11.71765 15.61472 11.30632 15.4353 curveto
+10.91606 15.25615 10.91081 15.25615 10.92134 15.3142 curveto
+10.92134 15.34052 10.9952 15.38264 11.08484 15.40909 curveto
+11.17448 15.43002 11.3907 15.55139 11.56998 15.6675 curveto
+11.79675 15.81505 11.92331 15.86258 11.98132 15.83084 curveto
+12.10262 15.76753 11.97604 15.38264 11.744 15.12425 curveto
+11.33797 14.67604 10.56276 13.34186 10.21997 12.50865 curveto
+10.15143 12.35045 10.07759 12.17114 10.05652 12.11841 curveto
+10.03012 12.06567 9.93523 12.00768 9.84029 11.99713 curveto
+9.39206 11.92857 9.2813 11.90747 9.04929 11.81247 curveto
+8.75925 11.69646 8.74869 11.68071 8.84361 11.61217 curveto
+8.89633 11.57524 9.06508 11.58044 9.4395 11.62798 curveto
+9.88246 11.69118 9.96684 11.69118 9.9985 11.63318 curveto
+10.02487 11.59106 9.94049 11.38013 9.8192 11.15337 curveto
+9.58188 10.72623 9.45006 10.3307 9.44476 10.00903 curveto
+9.43951 9.90347 9.38152 9.63454 9.31296 9.4184 curveto
+9.2444 9.2022 9.19691 9.00706 9.20746 8.98598 curveto
+9.21803 8.97015 9.17056 8.8435 9.10727 8.71176 curveto
+8.91216 8.3268 8.4112 8.13168 7.78363 8.19496 curveto
+ closepath fill
+newpath 6.5022 8.42172 moveto
+6.48636 8.44809 6.49692 8.46918 6.52856 8.47446 curveto
+6.55492 8.47972 6.58658 8.46918 6.59183 8.45856 curveto
+6.5971 8.44809 6.58658 8.42172 6.56548 8.4058 curveto
+6.54437 8.3848 6.518 8.39008 6.5022 8.42172 curveto
+ closepath fill
+newpath 5.21017 10.83696 moveto
+4.8727 11.09537 4.42973 11.64908 4.68286 11.49614 curveto
+4.75668 11.44868 4.83578 11.37486 4.86214 11.33267 curveto
+4.9096 11.24821 5.09946 11.14275 5.12582 11.1902 curveto
+5.1469 11.23775 5.42111 10.94771 5.52132 10.77368 curveto
+5.5688 10.68394 5.58461 10.6102 5.55824 10.6102 curveto
+5.53186 10.60493 5.37367 10.7104 5.21017 10.83696 curveto
+ closepath fill
+newpath 4.92017 11.4856 moveto
+4.89377 11.5067 4.8305 11.63844 4.78305 11.78091 curveto
+4.73557 11.92322 4.5774 12.27135 4.43498 12.5561 curveto
+4.28732 12.84088 4.15549 13.13092 4.1344 13.1942 curveto
+4.09222 13.32068 4.5879 14.2963 4.80414 14.5073 curveto
+4.87268 14.57588 5.05727 14.77083 5.21017 14.9343 curveto
+5.36313 15.10304 5.57932 15.30354 5.69008 15.38264 curveto
+6.03812 15.6305 6.22269 15.78873 6.42308 16.00499 curveto
+6.52856 16.11569 6.64986 16.20007 6.69205 16.18428 curveto
+6.81331 16.1473 6.85022 16.02605 6.74478 16.01552 curveto
+6.69205 16.01027 6.49164 15.8731 6.29651 15.70435 curveto
+6.10141 15.5356 5.91684 15.39317 5.88521 15.39317 curveto
+5.81137 15.38264 5.68481 15.26128 5.36313 14.88692 curveto
+5.21547 14.71292 5.08362 14.57588 5.06255 14.57062 curveto
+5.00978 14.56534 4.48773 13.79544 4.3559 13.53166 curveto
+4.21877 13.24693 4.22931 13.18893 4.5932 12.47165 curveto
+5.04144 11.58044 5.12054 11.33794 4.92017 11.4856 curveto
+ closepath fill
+newpath 4.0184 12.22388 moveto
+3.96037 12.32408 3.94984 12.38208 3.99203 12.36618 curveto
+4.03423 12.35571 4.09747 12.28189 4.1397 12.20807 curveto
+4.18185 12.12897 4.1924 12.06567 4.16603 12.06041 curveto
+4.13441 12.06041 4.06586 12.13423 4.0184 12.22388 curveto
+ closepath fill
+newpath 4.23988 12.37146 moveto
+4.21352 12.45592 4.16078 12.57193 4.12912 12.63521 curveto
+4.09222 12.69315 4.09221 12.74596 4.11859 12.75114 curveto
+4.1766 12.75642 4.377 12.43481 4.38754 12.30818 curveto
+4.40863 12.16588 4.2926 12.21861 4.23988 12.37146 curveto
+ closepath fill
+newpath 10.51529 15.33527 moveto
+10.51529 15.36159 10.55746 15.38792 10.59967 15.39317 curveto
+10.64186 15.39317 10.68933 15.37737 10.70515 15.35104 curveto
+10.7157 15.3246 10.67879 15.29826 10.62076 15.293 curveto
+10.55746 15.28775 10.51001 15.30354 10.51529 15.33527 curveto
+ closepath fill
+newpath 7.08228 15.31932 moveto
+7.00317 15.49335 7.14027 15.59364 7.23521 15.43002 curveto
+7.31958 15.28247 7.31432 15.1823 7.22992 15.17177 curveto
+7.17192 15.16652 7.12975 15.20862 7.08228 15.31932 curveto
+ closepath fill
+newpath 11.5911 15.9996 moveto
+11.56473 16.05237 12.0657 16.22113 12.13951 16.17902 curveto
+12.19226 16.15782 12.17644 16.12097 12.09734 16.07884 curveto
+11.97604 16.01552 11.61743 15.96275 11.5911 15.9996 curveto
+ closepath fill
+newpath 6.87134 15.67278 moveto
+6.8608 15.68855 6.8608 15.74135 6.86607 15.78346 curveto
+6.87662 15.84152 6.89244 15.83624 6.93988 15.75188 curveto
+6.97151 15.69382 6.9768 15.64105 6.94518 15.64105 curveto
+6.91351 15.63577 6.88187 15.65169 6.87134 15.67278 curveto
+ closepath fill
+newpath 12.32935 16.31606 moveto
+12.27135 16.4216 12.35046 16.8698 12.45064 16.98578 curveto
+12.51921 17.07016 12.6405 17.24944 12.71434 17.38646 curveto
+12.79341 17.52376 12.9147 17.68198 12.98328 17.72935 curveto
+13.05183 17.77673 13.15729 17.87178 13.2153 17.94035 curveto
+13.44208 18.19348 14.40714 18.92114 14.8606 19.17427 curveto
+15.32999 19.43794 15.94695 19.7228 16.47426 19.92839 curveto
+16.84348 20.07066 16.83295 20.14992 16.4532 20.07594 curveto
+16.28972 20.0445 15.71487 19.95471 15.17705 19.881 curveto
+14.20139 19.73845 14.06436 19.71751 13.77951 19.62247 curveto
+13.5581 19.55403 13.08348 19.24811 12.95691 19.08989 curveto
+12.89363 19.01607 12.80927 18.96341 12.76178 18.97394 curveto
+12.64049 18.98973 13.22058 19.53824 13.44734 19.61722 curveto
+13.89034 19.77017 14.51784 19.9126 14.87639 19.94945 curveto
+15.08739 19.97064 15.6991 20.06541 16.24232 20.1552 curveto
+16.78543 20.25009 17.26535 20.31866 17.31276 20.30814 curveto
+17.49203 20.27115 17.47098 20.14992 17.2759 20.07594 curveto
+16.46373 19.7649 15.84152 19.50124 15.37737 19.26392 curveto
+14.91864 19.03198 14.36487 18.71553 14.23839 18.60483 curveto
+14.20667 18.5731 14.08542 18.47293 13.96947 18.37279 curveto
+13.37352 17.87706 12.90945 17.42885 12.82507 17.2601 curveto
+12.7776 17.1598 12.70377 17.07542 12.67215 17.07016 curveto
+12.58777 17.06488 12.4032 16.65355 12.3979 16.45847 curveto
+12.39264 16.3213 12.361 16.25812 12.32935 16.31606 curveto
+ closepath fill
+newpath 7.11919 16.5481 moveto
+7.0928 16.59035 7.46194 16.87508 7.69925 17.00157 curveto
+7.87329 17.09135 7.84164 17.02803 7.60432 16.8223 curveto
+7.34068 16.59035 7.15611 16.4848 7.11919 16.5481 curveto
+ closepath fill
+newpath 12.41373 19.22179 moveto
+12.3452 19.24286 12.33992 19.25864 12.39793 19.29024 curveto
+12.48758 19.33777 12.57195 19.30617 12.53502 19.23744 curveto
+12.51921 19.21126 12.46646 19.20073 12.41373 19.22179 curveto
+ closepath fill
+ 0.1451 0.14117 0.15294 setrgbcolor
+newpath 3.22736 4.29787 moveto
+3.19574 4.3506 3.19046 4.40862 3.21153 4.42444 curveto
+3.23265 4.44553 3.28009 4.40862 3.31703 4.34006 curveto
+3.35393 4.27142 3.35922 4.21869 3.33286 4.21341 curveto
+3.30121 4.21341 3.25372 4.25041 3.22736 4.29787 curveto
+ closepath fill
+newpath 5.01506 4.61427 moveto
+5.02034 4.64064 5.06255 4.67229 5.12054 4.69337 curveto
+5.19965 4.72502 5.21017 4.71967 5.1891 4.65639 curveto
+5.16272 4.57736 5.00453 4.54045 5.01506 4.61427 curveto
+ closepath fill
+newpath 3.09026 4.64064 moveto
+3.0639 4.69337 3.06917 4.72502 3.1061 4.71439 curveto
+3.14299 4.70393 3.17462 4.65639 3.17992 4.61955 curveto
+3.19044 4.51936 3.15355 4.52463 3.09026 4.64064 curveto
+ closepath fill
+newpath 5.31567 4.88315 moveto
+5.32094 4.91487 5.4264 5.02034 5.54768 5.12053 curveto
+5.67427 5.21538 5.82191 5.36838 5.87463 5.45276 curveto
+5.97485 5.60042 6.09615 5.66362 6.0856 5.5635 curveto
+6.07504 5.50542 5.4844 4.92014 5.37367 4.8674 curveto
+5.3315 4.84103 5.3104 4.85158 5.31567 4.88315 curveto
+ closepath fill
+newpath 2.94261 5.02034 moveto
+2.90567 5.08362 2.87405 5.17854 2.87405 5.23654 curveto
+2.8635 5.32611 2.86876 5.32092 2.93207 5.21538 curveto
+2.96896 5.15218 3.00063 5.0519 3.00587 4.99916 curveto
+3.01117 4.90959 3.00589 4.90959 2.94261 5.02034 curveto
+ closepath fill
+newpath 6.30179 5.93265 moveto
+6.43892 6.1383 6.87134 6.67085 6.96625 6.75531 curveto
+6.99263 6.77632 7.02953 6.77112 7.04007 6.75003 curveto
+7.0559 6.72359 7.00317 6.63402 6.92406 6.54964 curveto
+6.8397 6.46527 6.66565 6.24377 6.53384 6.06448 curveto
+6.27542 5.7006 6.0803 5.58987 6.30179 5.93265 curveto
+ closepath fill
+newpath 2.61563 6.19632 moveto
+2.59456 6.23323 2.59456 6.28061 2.61566 6.30179 curveto
+2.63673 6.31761 2.66837 6.30179 2.69473 6.26488 curveto
+2.71585 6.2226 2.71585 6.17514 2.69473 6.15941 curveto
+2.67366 6.1383 2.63673 6.15413 2.61563 6.19632 curveto
+ closepath fill
+newpath 7.07701 6.88187 moveto
+7.0928 7.03479 7.41449 7.59378 7.47249 7.56206 curveto
+7.51468 7.54105 7.14554 6.80276 7.08755 6.79749 curveto
+7.07701 6.79222 7.07173 6.83432 7.07701 6.88187 curveto
+ closepath fill
+newpath 2.57872 6.57074 moveto
+2.55235 6.61284 2.5471 6.68675 2.56293 6.74475 curveto
+2.59984 6.87132 2.64728 6.78687 2.63148 6.62347 curveto
+2.62619 6.54437 2.60509 6.52327 2.57872 6.57074 curveto
+ closepath fill
+newpath 2.55765 6.96097 moveto
+2.54181 7.02953 2.53653 7.10335 2.55235 7.12971 curveto
+2.5893 7.20882 2.62091 7.10863 2.60512 6.96625 curveto
+2.5893 6.8396 lineto
+ closepath fill
+newpath 7.50414 7.69925 moveto
+7.49889 7.75726 7.46724 7.84683 7.43558 7.90483 curveto
+7.38814 7.98402 7.40395 8.0103 7.49889 8.02094 curveto
+7.7309 8.04202 7.76256 7.96292 7.60435 7.73608 curveto
+7.52525 7.62007 7.51471 7.61479 7.50414 7.69925 curveto
+ closepath fill
+newpath 2.5049 7.62534 moveto
+2.4838 7.76254 2.5102 8.14223 2.53656 8.13168 curveto
+2.5893 8.10004 2.59984 7.84683 2.55235 7.7098 curveto
+2.52599 7.63597 2.50491 7.59906 2.5049 7.62534 curveto
+ closepath fill
+newpath 7.9313 8.2055 moveto
+7.78893 8.21078 7.60962 8.23706 7.53052 8.26352 curveto
+7.39868 8.31097 7.40396 8.31097 7.56744 8.30043 curveto
+7.66763 8.2898 7.90494 8.2898 8.09476 8.2898 curveto
+8.40591 8.29507 8.4692 8.31625 8.70122 8.47972 curveto
+8.84361 8.57993 9.0018 8.74332 9.044 8.8435 curveto
+9.14946 9.09673 9.18112 9.01753 9.0862 8.73804 curveto
+9.02289 8.56929 8.93852 8.47972 8.71176 8.36371 curveto
+8.4059 8.20023 8.369 8.19496 7.9313 8.2055 curveto
+ closepath fill
+newpath 6.99791 8.37425 moveto
+6.80276 8.41116 6.79749 8.44281 6.98206 8.43227 curveto
+7.06119 8.42699 7.14027 8.40054 7.15082 8.37953 curveto
+7.16666 8.35843 7.16664 8.33734 7.16136 8.33734 curveto
+7.15083 8.34253 7.07698 8.35316 6.99791 8.37425 curveto
+ closepath fill
+newpath 3.8971 8.2477 moveto
+3.72836 8.36371 3.57016 8.59047 3.65977 8.60101 curveto
+3.68614 8.60101 3.65977 8.69594 3.5965 8.80669 curveto
+3.4014 9.13364 2.99535 10.06703 3.00587 10.16196 curveto
+3.01642 10.22523 3.0639 10.14613 3.17462 9.89302 curveto
+3.2643 9.69263 3.51213 9.22328 3.73363 8.8435 curveto
+3.9551 8.46382 4.11859 8.14749 4.09747 8.14749 curveto
+4.0764 8.14749 3.98674 8.19496 3.8971 8.2477 curveto
+ closepath fill
+newpath 2.53128 8.37425 moveto
+2.49437 8.43755 2.56293 8.86996 2.62619 8.9227 curveto
+2.6473 8.94907 2.6631 8.88051 2.65256 8.77504 curveto
+2.63673 8.52191 2.56819 8.31097 2.53128 8.37425 curveto
+ closepath fill
+newpath 9.16002 9.2443 moveto
+9.16528 9.30238 9.19165 9.38676 9.2233 9.42368 curveto
+9.27077 9.49223 9.27603 9.49223 9.27077 9.39731 curveto
+9.27077 9.3393 9.2444 9.2602 9.21275 9.21802 curveto
+9.16002 9.14946 9.15475 9.15472 9.16002 9.2443 curveto
+ closepath fill
+newpath 3.40138 8.77504 moveto
+3.36449 8.83832 3.35922 8.86469 3.3961 8.83305 curveto
+3.42775 8.8014 3.45941 8.74867 3.45941 8.71703 curveto
+3.46469 8.6853 3.4383 8.70648 3.40138 8.77504 curveto
+ closepath fill
+newpath 2.67366 9.03343 moveto
+2.65785 9.065 2.6631 9.15472 2.68948 9.23375 curveto
+2.71585 9.31293 2.75275 9.44476 2.76332 9.52379 curveto
+2.79494 9.72426 2.93204 9.64516 2.99535 9.39731 curveto
+3.02171 9.29176 3.02171 9.2443 2.99007 9.29176 curveto
+2.94261 9.37094 2.75275 9.39731 2.79494 9.32349 curveto
+2.83186 9.2602 2.71056 8.97543 2.67366 9.03343 curveto
+ closepath fill
+newpath 9.29713 9.6399 moveto
+9.29184 9.65044 9.30768 9.73473 9.3393 9.82973 curveto
+9.39206 10.01422 9.39732 10.00375 9.39732 9.77173 curveto
+9.39206 9.66098 9.32878 9.57652 9.29713 9.6399 curveto
+ closepath fill
+newpath 9.39206 10.36763 moveto
+9.39732 10.42563 9.4184 10.48892 9.4395 10.51001 curveto
+9.47116 10.53638 9.4817 10.51529 9.47643 10.44145 curveto
+9.47113 10.38872 9.45004 10.32544 9.42897 10.30426 curveto
+9.39731 10.27797 9.39206 10.29372 9.39206 10.36763 curveto
+ closepath fill
+newpath 9.51332 10.6735 moveto
+9.47116 10.7525 9.56609 11.03735 9.69264 11.21666 curveto
+9.77174 11.3274 9.81918 11.4434 9.78757 11.4697 curveto
+9.7559 11.5067 9.62933 11.5067 9.4184 11.47498 curveto
+8.95963 11.41168 8.90688 11.50142 9.3604 11.58044 curveto
+9.56606 11.61217 9.78227 11.65434 9.82976 11.6649 curveto
+10.03015 11.71764 10.01433 11.57524 9.77702 11.12173 curveto
+9.63991 10.86325 9.51862 10.66293 9.51332 10.6735 curveto
+ closepath fill
+newpath 5.34204 10.7525 moveto
+5.26819 10.80524 5.13635 10.90024 5.04672 10.96872 curveto
+4.8727 11.09537 4.64592 11.4434 4.76723 11.40123 curveto
+4.80412 11.39067 4.85687 11.33794 4.88322 11.29048 curveto
+4.9096 11.24294 5.01508 11.16919 5.10999 11.127 curveto
+5.22601 11.07945 5.34204 10.9899 5.43697 10.85797 curveto
+5.60043 10.64185 5.55824 10.59439 5.34204 10.7525 curveto
+ closepath fill
+newpath 2.89513 10.73149 moveto
+2.87405 10.8106 2.86879 10.94243 2.88458 11.02672 curveto
+2.92679 11.21666 3.23793 11.99185 3.28537 12.01822 curveto
+3.36447 12.06567 3.34337 11.9602 3.19046 11.53297 curveto
+3.09552 11.29048 3.00587 10.97398 2.9795 10.83696 curveto
+2.9426 10.62076 2.93204 10.60493 2.89513 10.73149 curveto
+ closepath fill
+newpath 8.7434 11.55415 moveto
+8.66429 11.56998 8.58522 11.60689 8.57466 11.63318 curveto
+8.54301 11.68599 8.99126 11.92322 9.15475 11.93912 curveto
+9.32349 11.95494 9.26549 11.89693 9.02818 11.8231 curveto
+8.7645 11.73344 8.70648 11.65962 8.83835 11.58044 curveto
+8.94908 11.51196 8.94382 11.51196 8.7434 11.55415 curveto
+ closepath fill
+newpath 4.91487 11.5647 moveto
+4.88852 11.61743 4.84631 11.7229 4.82524 11.80193 curveto
+4.78833 11.93384 4.7936 11.93384 4.85161 11.82837 curveto
+4.8885 11.76509 4.93068 11.65962 4.94125 11.59106 curveto
+4.96234 11.49614 4.95705 11.49088 4.91487 11.5647 curveto
+ closepath fill
+newpath 9.5977 12.03395 moveto
+9.66628 12.07095 9.72955 12.07623 9.78755 12.04987 curveto
+9.84555 12.01822 9.80864 12.0024 9.6821 11.99185 curveto
+9.50279 11.97595 9.49753 11.98131 9.5977 12.03395 curveto
+ closepath fill
+newpath 9.98267 12.23444 moveto
+10.01433 12.33463 10.06178 12.41891 10.08813 12.4242 curveto
+10.15671 12.42955 10.05652 12.10786 9.98268 12.07623 curveto
+9.94576 12.06041 9.94576 12.12897 9.98267 12.23444 curveto
+ closepath fill
+newpath 4.66174 12.12897 moveto
+4.62485 12.16588 4.59846 12.23444 4.60376 12.28717 curveto
+4.60901 12.36092 4.62485 12.35571 4.69867 12.22388 curveto
+4.7936 12.06041 4.77777 12.0234 4.66174 12.12897 curveto
+ closepath fill
+newpath 10.19362 12.70369 moveto
+10.23051 12.7776 10.2727 12.82506 10.29382 12.81442 curveto
+10.35182 12.78815 10.2569 12.58768 10.18835 12.5824 curveto
+10.1567 12.57721 10.16196 12.63521 10.19362 12.70369 curveto
+ closepath fill
+newpath 4.02895 12.19743 moveto
+3.98149 12.28717 3.98674 12.29771 4.06586 12.2608 curveto
+4.1397 12.22388 4.1555 12.19743 4.12914 12.15005 curveto
+4.10275 12.09732 4.08167 12.10786 4.02895 12.19743 curveto
+ closepath fill
+newpath 3.30646 12.17114 moveto
+3.259 12.25017 3.58067 12.70369 3.67563 12.69841 curveto
+3.84962 12.68794 3.89183 12.5824 3.73363 12.53494 curveto
+3.65453 12.50865 3.5385 12.40845 3.48578 12.31345 curveto
+3.38556 12.13423 3.34337 12.1026 3.30646 12.17114 curveto
+ closepath fill
+newpath 4.23459 12.45064 moveto
+4.17131 12.5561 4.1397 12.66158 4.16078 12.68268 curveto
+4.20824 12.72487 4.377 12.42955 4.35588 12.32935 curveto
+4.35063 12.27135 4.3137 12.3029 4.23459 12.45064 curveto
+ closepath fill
+newpath 10.27272 12.97263 moveto
+10.24109 13.03064 10.3729 13.24167 10.44145 13.24693 curveto
+10.47311 13.25212 10.52057 13.32603 10.55222 13.42088 curveto
+10.62076 13.66354 11.12175 14.4861 11.7071 15.33527 curveto
+11.79146 15.46175 11.802 15.52507 11.73872 15.59364 curveto
+11.67546 15.6621 11.68071 15.70435 11.77567 15.7728 curveto
+11.84421 15.82558 11.91805 15.84152 11.95496 15.81505 curveto
+12.0393 15.75714 11.9655 15.38792 11.84421 15.27722 curveto
+11.68071 15.12425 10.9952 14.13293 10.84753 13.84283 curveto
+10.51529 13.15193 10.32545 12.87779 10.27272 12.97263 curveto
+ closepath fill
+newpath 4.377 12.69841 moveto
+4.35588 12.74068 4.36118 12.77232 4.39279 12.7776 curveto
+4.41916 12.7776 4.4561 12.76169 4.47191 12.73541 curveto
+4.48244 12.71431 4.47719 12.6774 4.4561 12.65631 curveto
+4.43498 12.64041 4.39807 12.65631 4.377 12.69841 curveto
+ closepath fill
+newpath 4.18713 13.04118 moveto
+4.16078 13.08865 4.14496 13.15729 4.15024 13.19939 curveto
+4.16078 13.2574 4.18713 13.23639 4.25041 13.12038 curveto
+4.2979 13.03592 4.31369 12.96744 4.28734 12.96217 curveto
+4.25568 12.96217 4.20824 12.9938 4.18713 13.04118 curveto
+ closepath fill
+newpath 4.2768 13.48416 moveto
+4.2346 13.5581 4.2926 13.73738 4.35063 13.70566 curveto
+4.37697 13.69514 4.37697 13.62668 4.35063 13.5581 curveto
+4.32953 13.48952 4.2926 13.45787 4.2768 13.48416 curveto
+ closepath fill
+newpath 4.46136 13.96419 moveto
+4.46135 14.02211 4.5299 14.12755 4.60376 14.20139 curveto
+4.68286 14.26996 4.75668 14.37015 4.7725 14.41238 curveto
+4.7936 14.4598 4.83049 14.50204 4.85686 14.50204 curveto
+4.94124 14.51257 4.88324 14.39659 4.6565 14.11174 curveto
+4.51938 13.93774 4.4561 13.89034 4.46136 13.96419 curveto
+ closepath fill
+newpath 5.05725 14.70236 moveto
+5.19963 14.92392 5.47385 15.21916 5.52132 15.19284 curveto
+5.5635 15.17177 5.27876 14.8236 5.07837 14.6496 curveto
+4.96234 14.54942 lineto
+ closepath fill
+newpath 7.15611 15.2139 moveto
+7.07701 15.2718 7.04007 15.45122 7.10864 15.4565 curveto
+7.17719 15.46175 7.2985 15.24034 7.251 15.20337 curveto
+7.23518 15.1823 7.18773 15.18758 7.15611 15.2139 curveto
+ closepath fill
+newpath 9.28659 15.48807 moveto
+9.33932 15.56192 9.40788 15.61996 9.43951 15.62524 curveto
+9.46588 15.62524 9.44476 15.57259 9.39206 15.4986 curveto
+9.33932 15.4249 9.27075 15.36685 9.2444 15.36159 curveto
+9.21275 15.36159 9.23383 15.41437 9.28659 15.48807 curveto
+ closepath fill
+newpath 5.95903 15.54613 moveto
+6.02759 15.6093 6.10141 15.65683 6.12251 15.6621 curveto
+6.19632 15.6675 5.99593 15.45122 5.91158 15.44597 curveto
+5.86938 15.44055 5.89047 15.48807 5.95903 15.54613 curveto
+ closepath fill
+newpath 11.8231 16.05237 moveto
+11.79675 16.06818 11.8231 16.09978 11.88113 16.12622 curveto
+12.03404 16.17902 12.12898 16.18428 12.12369 16.1315 curveto
+12.11316 16.07358 11.87584 16.01027 11.8231 16.05237 curveto
+ closepath fill
+newpath 6.39673 15.95222 moveto
+6.51273 16.1315 6.6815 16.2106 6.73424 16.11569 curveto
+6.75533 16.07884 6.57602 15.94154 6.31761 15.78873 curveto
+6.29651 15.7728 6.33345 15.84677 6.39673 15.95222 curveto
+ closepath fill
+newpath 12.37682 16.73793 moveto
+12.36629 16.7591 12.38737 16.83282 12.42957 16.9014 curveto
+12.47176 16.96472 12.51395 17.00697 12.52448 16.98578 curveto
+12.53503 16.96472 12.51395 16.89087 12.47176 16.8223 curveto
+12.42957 16.7591 12.38737 16.72212 12.37682 16.73793 curveto
+ closepath fill
+newpath 12.69324 17.30223 moveto
+12.81453 17.56061 13.18367 17.90863 14.08017 18.6259 curveto
+14.56534 19.01607 15.61472 19.59088 16.21587 19.8019 curveto
+16.74332 19.98117 16.85402 20.03922 16.81175 20.11295 curveto
+16.73265 20.25009 17.24417 20.39252 17.3708 20.26588 curveto
+17.4499 20.19205 17.40765 20.09187 17.28116 20.08134 curveto
+17.23363 20.07594 17.0175 19.99696 16.8065 19.9072 curveto
+16.59563 19.81769 16.25285 19.68051 16.04712 19.59615 curveto
+15.45122 19.35356 14.97668 19.11621 14.68658 18.91588 curveto
+14.54416 18.8157 14.37015 18.71028 14.31221 18.6838 curveto
+14.24892 18.65749 14.12228 18.55206 14.02736 18.45174 curveto
+13.93246 18.3517 13.83229 18.26733 13.81123 18.26733 curveto
+13.78479 18.26193 13.68987 18.19348 13.60023 18.10898 curveto
+12.95691 17.50256 12.81978 17.36028 12.80397 17.24944 curveto
+12.79341 17.18625 12.74068 17.1282 12.68797 17.12292 curveto
+12.62468 17.11768 12.62466 17.1598 12.69324 17.30223 curveto
+ closepath fill
+newpath 7.34068 16.71686 moveto
+7.34068 16.74318 7.36705 16.7695 7.39868 16.7695 curveto
+7.43033 16.77478 7.4514 16.75385 7.44615 16.72737 curveto
+7.44087 16.70105 7.41449 16.67473 7.38287 16.66933 curveto
+7.3565 16.66933 7.33539 16.69052 7.34068 16.71686 curveto
+ closepath fill
+newpath 12.7565 19.00026 moveto
+12.74596 19.02132 12.7829 19.0687 12.8409 19.10568 curveto
+12.89888 19.14268 12.95164 19.16374 12.9569 19.15848 curveto
+12.96219 19.14793 12.92525 19.10043 12.87251 19.04779 curveto
+12.82506 19.00026 12.77234 18.97919 12.7565 19.00026 curveto
+ closepath fill
+newpath 13.15201 19.4116 moveto
+13.25221 19.53296 13.44205 19.61194 13.47897 19.54877 curveto
+13.49478 19.51704 13.2944 19.37474 13.15201 19.3167 curveto
+13.05182 19.27983 13.05183 19.29024 13.15201 19.4116 curveto
+ closepath fill
+newpath 14.11702 19.78069 moveto
+14.16454 19.80716 14.23839 19.83348 14.28577 19.83875 curveto
+14.33328 19.84401 14.33328 19.82822 14.28049 19.7965 curveto
+14.23311 19.77017 14.15927 19.74384 14.11174 19.73845 curveto
+14.06436 19.73317 14.06436 19.74911 14.11702 19.78069 curveto
+ closepath fill
+newpath 14.47044 19.86507 moveto
+14.47571 19.89154 14.70764 19.93364 14.9925 19.95998 curveto
+15.31947 19.9917 15.50401 19.9917 15.49875 19.95998 curveto
+15.49875 19.93364 15.26141 19.88626 14.97668 19.85982 curveto
+14.64972 19.82822 14.46518 19.83348 14.47044 19.86507 curveto
+ closepath fill
+newpath 15.57785 19.99696 moveto
+15.5884 20.01277 15.80452 20.05501 16.06293 20.08661 curveto
+16.36882 20.12872 16.48492 20.12872 16.39516 20.09714 curveto
+16.2318 20.03381 15.55667 19.94945 15.57785 19.99696 curveto
+ closepath fill
+ 0.13333 0.16078 0.14117 setrgbcolor
+newpath 3.15883 0.36378 moveto
+3.15353 0.37442 3.1588 0.56953 3.17462 0.79102 curveto
+3.19046 1.01251 3.20099 1.20763 3.19046 1.21817 curveto
+3.1641 1.26563 3.17462 1.70325 3.20099 1.78242 curveto
+3.22736 1.85626 3.25372 1.85626 3.46994 1.7507 curveto
+4.00256 1.48712 4.1397 1.58723 4.07114 2.17793 curveto
+4.00256 2.76321 4.11859 2.83185 4.20824 2.26224 curveto
+4.2715 1.84044 4.26097 1.7507 4.13441 1.63997 curveto
+3.7811 1.34473 3.24318 0.52208 3.31174 0.39551 curveto
+3.32756 0.37442 3.3012 0.35332 3.25372 0.34805 curveto
+3.21153 0.34277 3.16937 0.34805 3.15883 0.36378 curveto
+ closepath fill
+newpath 4.05531 2.72638 moveto
+4.02365 2.77911 4.05002 3.13771 4.08693 3.16936 curveto
+4.15024 3.22736 4.16078 3.16408 4.1397 2.92668 curveto
+4.11333 2.7211 4.09222 2.6631 4.05531 2.72638 curveto
+ closepath fill
+newpath 4.0553 3.43294 moveto
+4.04474 3.4594 4.04474 3.60168 4.06056 3.7547 curveto
+4.0764 3.90764 4.10275 4.19768 4.1133 4.39279 curveto
+4.1555 4.95705 4.42444 6.24905 4.50354 6.25432 curveto
+4.51936 6.25432 4.51938 6.18578 4.5088 6.09612 curveto
+4.493 6.0064 4.47717 5.86409 4.47191 5.77963 curveto
+4.46663 5.7006 4.42445 5.53186 4.38754 5.41057 curveto
+4.26097 5.04662 4.21877 4.23987 4.31898 4.13966 curveto
+4.36118 4.10268 4.35588 4.06056 4.30315 4.03947 curveto
+4.25568 4.01837 4.20297 3.87592 4.18187 3.72307 curveto
+4.14494 3.44884 4.10275 3.34865 4.0553 3.43294 curveto
+ closepath fill
+newpath 3.43832 3.62286 moveto
+3.42247 3.64915 3.43303 3.69142 3.4594 3.72833 curveto
+3.48578 3.76517 3.48578 3.8549 3.46469 3.92865 curveto
+3.42775 4.0553 3.57016 4.29787 3.62286 4.20294 curveto
+3.64926 4.15541 3.52267 3.59123 3.48048 3.58595 curveto
+3.46994 3.58595 3.44887 3.60168 3.43832 3.62286 curveto
+ closepath fill
+newpath 3.22736 4.29787 moveto
+3.19574 4.3506 3.19046 4.40862 3.21153 4.42444 curveto
+3.23265 4.44553 3.28009 4.40862 3.31703 4.34006 curveto
+3.35393 4.27142 3.35922 4.21869 3.33286 4.21341 curveto
+3.30121 4.21341 3.25372 4.25041 3.22736 4.29787 curveto
+ closepath fill
+newpath 3.5807 4.38216 moveto
+3.56487 4.40862 3.61234 4.61427 3.6756 4.84103 curveto
+3.74417 5.0678 3.8391 5.43686 3.89182 5.65842 curveto
+3.9393 5.8851 4.01312 6.09085 4.05531 6.12776 curveto
+4.10805 6.16986 4.11333 6.11186 4.07114 5.93784 curveto
+4.03949 5.80081 4.00783 5.65315 4.00256 5.6056 curveto
+3.93927 5.15218 3.63869 4.28204 3.5807 4.38216 curveto
+ closepath fill
+newpath 5.01506 4.61427 moveto
+5.02034 4.64064 5.06255 4.67229 5.12054 4.69337 curveto
+5.19965 4.72502 5.21017 4.71967 5.1891 4.65639 curveto
+5.16272 4.57736 5.00453 4.54045 5.01506 4.61427 curveto
+ closepath fill
+newpath 3.09026 4.64064 moveto
+3.0639 4.69337 3.06917 4.72502 3.1061 4.71439 curveto
+3.14299 4.70393 3.17462 4.65639 3.17992 4.61955 curveto
+3.19044 4.51936 3.15355 4.52463 3.09026 4.64064 curveto
+ closepath fill
+newpath 5.31567 4.88315 moveto
+5.32094 4.91487 5.4264 5.02034 5.54768 5.12053 curveto
+5.67427 5.21538 5.82191 5.36838 5.87463 5.45276 curveto
+5.97485 5.60042 6.09615 5.66362 6.0856 5.5635 curveto
+6.07504 5.50542 5.4844 4.92014 5.37367 4.8674 curveto
+5.3315 4.84103 5.3104 4.85158 5.31567 4.88315 curveto
+ closepath fill
+newpath 2.94261 5.02034 moveto
+2.90567 5.08362 2.87405 5.17854 2.87405 5.23654 curveto
+2.8635 5.32611 2.86876 5.32092 2.93207 5.21538 curveto
+2.96896 5.15218 3.00063 5.0519 3.00587 4.99916 curveto
+3.01117 4.90959 3.00589 4.90959 2.94261 5.02034 curveto
+ closepath fill
+newpath 6.30179 5.93265 moveto
+6.43892 6.1383 6.87134 6.67085 6.96625 6.75531 curveto
+6.99263 6.77632 7.02953 6.77112 7.04007 6.75003 curveto
+7.0559 6.72359 7.00317 6.63402 6.92406 6.54964 curveto
+6.8397 6.46527 6.66565 6.24377 6.53384 6.06448 curveto
+6.27542 5.7006 6.0803 5.58987 6.30179 5.93265 curveto
+ closepath fill
+newpath 2.61563 6.19632 moveto
+2.59456 6.23323 2.59456 6.28061 2.61566 6.30179 curveto
+2.63673 6.31761 2.66837 6.30179 2.69473 6.26488 curveto
+2.71585 6.2226 2.71585 6.17514 2.69473 6.15941 curveto
+2.67366 6.1383 2.63673 6.15413 2.61563 6.19632 curveto
+ closepath fill
+newpath 4.50356 6.35979 moveto
+4.50356 6.63402 5.4053 8.68004 6.07504 9.94048 curveto
+6.21744 10.19887 6.34398 10.49419 6.35982 10.59966 curveto
+6.39671 10.7895 6.48111 10.88443 6.53381 10.79477 curveto
+6.5813 10.70512 6.40727 10.30426 5.81664 9.17574 curveto
+5.50551 8.57457 5.18909 7.92075 5.11 7.72035 curveto
+4.97287 7.37758 4.74611 6.84486 4.57736 6.45999 curveto
+4.53517 6.35979 4.50354 6.31761 4.50356 6.35979 curveto
+ closepath fill
+newpath 4.18713 6.54437 moveto
+4.18185 6.55482 4.1924 6.58128 4.2135 6.5971 curveto
+4.2346 6.61812 4.26625 6.61284 4.28204 6.58128 curveto
+4.29787 6.55482 4.28734 6.52855 4.25568 6.52855 curveto
+4.22404 6.52327 4.19768 6.53381 4.18713 6.54437 curveto
+ closepath fill
+newpath 7.07701 6.88187 moveto
+7.0928 7.03479 7.41449 7.59378 7.47249 7.56206 curveto
+7.51468 7.54105 7.14554 6.80276 7.08755 6.79749 curveto
+7.07701 6.79222 7.07173 6.83432 7.07701 6.88187 curveto
+ closepath fill
+newpath 2.57872 6.57074 moveto
+2.55235 6.61284 2.5471 6.68675 2.56293 6.74475 curveto
+2.59984 6.87132 2.64728 6.78687 2.63148 6.62347 curveto
+2.62619 6.54437 2.60509 6.52327 2.57872 6.57074 curveto
+ closepath fill
+newpath 4.23988 6.86604 moveto
+4.22406 6.88705 4.24516 6.92406 4.28207 6.94507 curveto
+4.32426 6.96625 4.3559 6.96097 4.36115 6.92406 curveto
+4.37172 6.85022 4.2715 6.80276 4.23988 6.86604 curveto
+ closepath fill
+newpath 2.55765 6.96097 moveto
+2.54181 7.02953 2.53653 7.10335 2.55235 7.12971 curveto
+2.5893 7.20882 2.62091 7.10863 2.60512 6.96625 curveto
+2.5893 6.8396 lineto
+ closepath fill
+newpath 4.38753 7.09808 moveto
+4.36642 7.14027 4.56683 7.50932 4.60376 7.48831 curveto
+4.62485 7.47777 4.59848 7.38284 4.54047 7.27737 curveto
+4.4508 7.10863 4.41391 7.06108 4.38753 7.09808 curveto
+ closepath fill
+newpath 7.50414 7.69925 moveto
+7.49889 7.75726 7.46724 7.84683 7.43558 7.90483 curveto
+7.38814 7.98402 7.40395 8.0103 7.49889 8.02094 curveto
+7.7309 8.04202 7.76256 7.96292 7.60435 7.73608 curveto
+7.52525 7.62007 7.51471 7.61479 7.50414 7.69925 curveto
+ closepath fill
+newpath 4.60901 7.59906 moveto
+4.61955 7.64125 4.76193 7.93655 4.92014 8.2477 curveto
+5.08363 8.56403 5.16273 8.68004 5.09416 8.51129 curveto
+4.98341 8.2266 4.55629 7.43031 4.60901 7.59906 curveto
+ closepath fill
+newpath 2.5049 7.62534 moveto
+2.4838 7.76254 2.5102 8.14223 2.53656 8.13168 curveto
+2.5893 8.10004 2.59984 7.84683 2.55235 7.7098 curveto
+2.52599 7.63597 2.50491 7.59906 2.5049 7.62534 curveto
+ closepath fill
+newpath 7.9313 8.2055 moveto
+7.78893 8.21078 7.60962 8.23706 7.53052 8.26352 curveto
+7.39868 8.31097 7.40396 8.31097 7.56744 8.30043 curveto
+7.66763 8.2898 7.90494 8.2898 8.09476 8.2898 curveto
+8.40591 8.29507 8.4692 8.31625 8.70122 8.47972 curveto
+8.84361 8.57993 9.0018 8.74332 9.044 8.8435 curveto
+9.14946 9.09673 9.18112 9.01753 9.0862 8.73804 curveto
+9.02289 8.56929 8.93852 8.47972 8.71176 8.36371 curveto
+8.4059 8.20023 8.369 8.19496 7.9313 8.2055 curveto
+ closepath fill
+newpath 6.99791 8.37425 moveto
+6.80276 8.41116 6.79749 8.44281 6.98206 8.43227 curveto
+7.06119 8.42699 7.14027 8.40054 7.15082 8.37953 curveto
+7.16666 8.35843 7.16664 8.33734 7.16136 8.33734 curveto
+7.15083 8.34253 7.07698 8.35316 6.99791 8.37425 curveto
+ closepath fill
+newpath 3.8971 8.2477 moveto
+3.72836 8.36371 3.57016 8.59047 3.65977 8.60101 curveto
+3.68614 8.60101 3.65977 8.69594 3.5965 8.80669 curveto
+3.4014 9.13364 2.99535 10.06703 3.00587 10.16196 curveto
+3.01642 10.22523 3.0639 10.14613 3.17462 9.89302 curveto
+3.2643 9.69263 3.51213 9.22328 3.73363 8.8435 curveto
+3.9551 8.46382 4.11859 8.14749 4.09747 8.14749 curveto
+4.0764 8.14749 3.98674 8.19496 3.8971 8.2477 curveto
+ closepath fill
+newpath 2.53128 8.37425 moveto
+2.49437 8.43755 2.56293 8.86996 2.62619 8.9227 curveto
+2.6473 8.94907 2.6631 8.88051 2.65256 8.77504 curveto
+2.63673 8.52191 2.56819 8.31097 2.53128 8.37425 curveto
+ closepath fill
+newpath 9.16002 9.2443 moveto
+9.16528 9.30238 9.19165 9.38676 9.2233 9.42368 curveto
+9.27077 9.49223 9.27603 9.49223 9.27077 9.39731 curveto
+9.27077 9.3393 9.2444 9.2602 9.21275 9.21802 curveto
+9.16002 9.14946 9.15475 9.15472 9.16002 9.2443 curveto
+ closepath fill
+newpath 3.40138 8.77504 moveto
+3.36449 8.83832 3.35922 8.86469 3.3961 8.83305 curveto
+3.42775 8.8014 3.45941 8.74867 3.45941 8.71703 curveto
+3.46469 8.6853 3.4383 8.70648 3.40138 8.77504 curveto
+ closepath fill
+newpath 5.23654 8.99126 moveto
+5.27876 9.07555 5.3262 9.14418 5.3473 9.13364 curveto
+5.40532 9.10199 5.34204 8.95953 5.24182 8.89105 curveto
+5.17856 8.8435 5.17854 8.86469 5.23654 8.99126 curveto
+ closepath fill
+newpath 5.50024 9.53969 moveto
+5.57405 9.719 5.64787 9.8772 5.6637 9.88774 curveto
+5.67953 9.89828 5.81137 10.15141 5.95901 10.44673 curveto
+6.10141 10.74724 6.3018 11.10591 6.39673 11.24294 curveto
+6.49164 11.38013 6.6815 11.68071 6.81334 11.91794 curveto
+7.06644 12.34517 7.1772 12.48756 7.22464 12.40845 curveto
+7.24576 12.36618 7.12975 12.17114 6.67621 11.5067 curveto
+6.52855 11.29048 6.34924 10.99516 6.28072 10.85797 curveto
+6.21214 10.71567 6.05923 10.40973 5.93794 10.17778 curveto
+5.82191 9.94576 5.66898 9.62926 5.60568 9.48695 curveto
+5.43167 9.09673 5.33675 9.14418 5.50024 9.53969 curveto
+ closepath fill
+newpath 2.67366 9.03343 moveto
+2.65785 9.065 2.6631 9.15472 2.68948 9.23375 curveto
+2.71585 9.31293 2.75275 9.44476 2.76332 9.52379 curveto
+2.79494 9.72426 2.93204 9.64516 2.99535 9.39731 curveto
+3.02171 9.29176 3.02171 9.2443 2.99007 9.29176 curveto
+2.94261 9.37094 2.75275 9.39731 2.79494 9.32349 curveto
+2.83186 9.2602 2.71056 8.97543 2.67366 9.03343 curveto
+ closepath fill
+newpath 9.29713 9.6399 moveto
+9.29184 9.65044 9.30768 9.73473 9.3393 9.82973 curveto
+9.39206 10.01422 9.39732 10.00375 9.39732 9.77173 curveto
+9.39206 9.66098 9.32878 9.57652 9.29713 9.6399 curveto
+ closepath fill
+newpath 9.39206 10.36763 moveto
+9.39732 10.42563 9.4184 10.48892 9.4395 10.51001 curveto
+9.47116 10.53638 9.4817 10.51529 9.47643 10.44145 curveto
+9.47113 10.38872 9.45004 10.32544 9.42897 10.30426 curveto
+9.39731 10.27797 9.39206 10.29372 9.39206 10.36763 curveto
+ closepath fill
+newpath 9.51332 10.6735 moveto
+9.47116 10.7525 9.56609 11.03735 9.69264 11.21666 curveto
+9.77174 11.3274 9.81918 11.4434 9.78757 11.4697 curveto
+9.7559 11.5067 9.62933 11.5067 9.4184 11.47498 curveto
+8.95963 11.41168 8.90688 11.50142 9.3604 11.58044 curveto
+9.56606 11.61217 9.78227 11.65434 9.82976 11.6649 curveto
+10.03015 11.71764 10.01433 11.57524 9.77702 11.12173 curveto
+9.63991 10.86325 9.51862 10.66293 9.51332 10.6735 curveto
+ closepath fill
+newpath 5.34204 10.7525 moveto
+5.26819 10.80524 5.13635 10.90024 5.04672 10.96872 curveto
+4.8727 11.09537 4.64592 11.4434 4.76723 11.40123 curveto
+4.80412 11.39067 4.85687 11.33794 4.88322 11.29048 curveto
+4.9096 11.24294 5.01508 11.16919 5.10999 11.127 curveto
+5.22601 11.07945 5.34204 10.9899 5.43697 10.85797 curveto
+5.60043 10.64185 5.55824 10.59439 5.34204 10.7525 curveto
+ closepath fill
+newpath 2.89513 10.73149 moveto
+2.87405 10.8106 2.86879 10.94243 2.88458 11.02672 curveto
+2.92679 11.21666 3.23793 11.99185 3.28537 12.01822 curveto
+3.36447 12.06567 3.34337 11.9602 3.19046 11.53297 curveto
+3.09552 11.29048 3.00587 10.97398 2.9795 10.83696 curveto
+2.9426 10.62076 2.93204 10.60493 2.89513 10.73149 curveto
+ closepath fill
+newpath 8.7434 11.55415 moveto
+8.66429 11.56998 8.58522 11.60689 8.57466 11.63318 curveto
+8.54301 11.68599 8.99126 11.92322 9.15475 11.93912 curveto
+9.32349 11.95494 9.26549 11.89693 9.02818 11.8231 curveto
+8.7645 11.73344 8.70648 11.65962 8.83835 11.58044 curveto
+8.94908 11.51196 8.94382 11.51196 8.7434 11.55415 curveto
+ closepath fill
+newpath 4.91487 11.5647 moveto
+4.88852 11.61743 4.84631 11.7229 4.82524 11.80193 curveto
+4.78833 11.93384 4.7936 11.93384 4.85161 11.82837 curveto
+4.8885 11.76509 4.93068 11.65962 4.94125 11.59106 curveto
+4.96234 11.49614 4.95705 11.49088 4.91487 11.5647 curveto
+ closepath fill
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+ [\filedate\space\fileversion]
+%% Les options globales du package sont au nombre de 2: tikz ou pstricks
+\usetikzlibrary{shadows}% pour l'ombre
+\usetikzlibrary{decorations.pathmorphing} % pour la barre ondulee
+\RequirePackage{pst-coil}% pour la barre ondulee
+% les symboles
+% ==============================================================================
+% la fleur
+% une note (Thomas Labarussias)
+% panneau chantier (Jean-Michel Sarlat)
+% ours
+% etoile
+% attention
+% attention P.Fradin
+% lampe P.Fradin
+% coeur
+% ornement (tire du site http://openclipart.org )
+% danger (Francois)
+% smiley bonne humeur (Francois)
+% smiley bonne humeur (Francois)
+% le trefle
+% le livre
+% point d'interrogation
+% crayon anne-sophie philippe
+% info (thomas labarrussias)
+% plume
+% le pic LaTeX
+\newcommand\bcspadesuit{{\centering \huge $\spadesuit$}}
+% logos Alphonse Capriani
+% fin alphonse
+% Vincent Pantaloni route glissante
+% François Pétiard
+% fin François
+% =========================== La fonction listable =============================
+\newcommand{\titrebclogo}{Liste des \texttt{bclogo}}
+\newcommand\l@bclogo[2]{\par\noindent #1,~\textit{page~#2}}
+\newcounter{bclogocompteur} % idee de Francois Petiard
+% ======================================= les keys =============================
+\newlength{\bcval@epBarre} % on definit une longueur : l'epaisseur de la barre en point
+\newlength{\bcval@framesep} % on definit une longueur : l'epaisseur de la marge en point
+\newlength{\bcval@tailleOndu} % on definit une longueur : taille d'une ondulation
+\newlength{\bcval@borderWidth} % on definit une longueur : epaisseur du bord
+\define@key{bclogo}{couleurBord}[black]{\def\bcval@couleurBord{#1}} % modification Philippe Fortemps
+\define@key{bclogo}{marge}[4]{\setlength{\bcval@framesep}{#1 pt}\ifbclogotikz\else\setlength{\psframesep}{#1 pt}\fi}
+\define@key{bclogo}{epBarre}[1.5]{\setlength{\bcval@epBarre}{#1 pt}}
+\define@key{bclogo}{epBord}[0.8]{\setlength{\bcval@borderWidth}{#1 pt}}%
+\define@key{bclogo}{tailleOndu}[2.5]{\setlength{\bcval@tailleOndu}{#1 pt}}
+\define@choicekey{bclogo}{barre}{none,line,snake,motif,zigzag,imageExt,imageClip, wave}[line]{%
+% selection par defaut
+\presetkeys{bclogo}{logo,barre,couleur,arrondi,couleurOmbre,couleurBarre,epOmbre,epBarre,epBord,tailleOndu,ombre=false,cadreTitre=false, avecBarre=true,noborder=false,marge,sousTitre, couleurBord,blur=false}{}%
+% les differente commande de barre vertical a gauche
+\newcommand{\bc@barreline}{\color{\bcval@couleurBarre}\vrule width \bcval@epBarre}%
+\vbox to \bc@invboxh{\cleaders\vbox{\vss \bcval@motifBarre \vss}\vfill}%
+\vbox to \bc@invboxh{\cleaders\vbox{\vss $\leftwave\right.$ \vss}\vfill}%
+\begin{tikzpicture}[decoration={snake,segment length=2.66\bcval@tailleOndu, amplitude=\bcval@tailleOndu}]
+\draw[decorate,line width=1pt, color=\bcval@couleurBarre](0,\bc@invboxh)--(0,0);\end{tikzpicture}%
+\pszigzag[coilarm=0pt,coilwidth=2\bcval@tailleOndu,linewidth=1pt, linearc=1pt,coilheight=1.33,linecolor=\bcval@couleurBarre](0,\bc@invboxh)(0,0)
+\begin{tikzpicture}[decoration={zigzag,segment length=2.66\bcval@tailleOndu, amplitude=\bcval@tailleOndu}]
+\draw[decorate,line width=1pt,color=\bcval@couleurBarre](0,\bc@invboxh)--(0,0);\end{tikzpicture}%
+\newcommand{\bc@barreimageExt}{% l'image est deformee
+\includegraphics[viewport=0 0 \logowidth~ \bc@invboxh,%
+%======================= Quelques definitions===================================
+% boite globale
+% boite interieure la ligne 2 du tableau barre + texte
+% pour la hauteur de la boite
+%%% precaution JCC
+\newcommand\styleSousTitre[1]{\normalsize \textit{#1}}
+\newcommand\bcStyleTitre[1]{\large \textbf{#1}}
+%======================= L'environnement =======================================
+ \setkeys{bclogo}{#1}%on recupere les options
+ % on definit les commandes qui seront utilisees dans la seconde
+ % parti de l'environnement
+ % la commande pour le titre
+ \renewcommand*\bclogotitre{#2}%
+ % La commande pour les coins arrondis
+ \newcommand{\arr}{\bcval@arrondi}%
+ % deux types de titres
+ \ifKV@bclogo@cadreTitre% si cadreTitre = true
+ \newcommand{\structitre}{%
+ \ifbclogotikz% cadreTitre tizk
+ \hfil
+ \begin{tikzpicture}\node[rectangle, thick, top color=red!60!green!40, bottom color=white,draw]{\large #2};%
+ \end{tikzpicture}%
+ \hfil%
+ \else% cadreTitre pstricks
+ \hfil
+ \psframebox[fillstyle=gradient,gradmidpoint=0.2, gradangle=0,gradbegin=red!60!green!40, gradend=white]{\large #2}%
+ \hfil%
+ \fi%
+ }%
+ \else%sinon cadreTitre = false
+ \newcommand{\structitre}{\bcStyleTitre{#2} \styleSousTitre{\bcval@sousTitre}}%
+ \fi%
+ \begin{lrbox}{\bc@invbox}%
+\begin{minipage}{\dimexpr\linewidth-2\bcval@framesep-2\bcval@borderWidth-\logowidth-\ifKV@bclogo@ombre\bcval@epOmbre cm\else0pt\fi\relax}%
+% calcul de la hauteur totale de la boite interieure
+ % on commence la boite interieur ou est le texte et la barre vertical
+ \begin{lrbox}{\bc@envbox}%
+ \begin{tabular}{@{}c@{}p{\dimexpr\linewidth-2\bcval@framesep-2\bcval@borderWidth-\logowidth-\ifKV@bclogo@ombre\bcval@epOmbre cm\else0pt\fi+0pt}@{}}%
+ \ifKV@bclogo@cadreTitre%
+ \begin{minipage}{\dimexpr\linewidth-2\bcval@framesep-\logowidth-\ifKV@bclogo@ombre\bcval@epOmbre cm\else0pt\fi}\structitre\end{minipage}%
+ \else\structitre\fi\tabularnewline%
+ \ifKV@bclogo@avecBarre% si il y a une barre verticale
+ \bc@barre&\usebox{\bc@invbox}%
+ \else\multicolumn{2}{c}{\usebox{\bc@invbox}}%
+ \fi%
+ \end{tabular}%
+ \end{lrbox}%
+% Affiche l'ensemble dans un cadre en couleur.
+ \ifbclogotikz% tikz
+ \par\noindent%
+ \begin{tikzpicture}%
+ \ifKV@bclogo@ombre%cadre ombre
+ \ifKV@bclogo@blur%blur
+ \node[%
+preaction={line width=6,line join=round,opacity=0.1,draw=\bcval@couleurOmbre,transform canvas={xshift=\bcval@epOmbre cm, yshift=-\bcval@epOmbre cm}},%
+preaction={line width=5,line join=round,opacity=0.15,draw=\bcval@couleurOmbre,transform canvas={xshift=\bcval@epOmbre cm, yshift=-\bcval@epOmbre cm}},%
+preaction={line width=4,line join=round,opacity=0.2,draw=\bcval@couleurOmbre,transform canvas={xshift=\bcval@epOmbre cm, yshift=-\bcval@epOmbre cm}},%
+preaction={line width=3,line join=round,opacity=0.3,draw=\bcval@couleurOmbre,transform canvas={xshift=\bcval@epOmbre cm, yshift=-\bcval@epOmbre cm}},%
+preaction={line width=2,line join=round,opacity=0.4,draw=\bcval@couleurOmbre,transform canvas={xshift=\bcval@epOmbre cm, yshift=-\bcval@epOmbre cm}},%
+preaction={line width=1,line join=round,opacity=0.5,draw=\bcval@couleurOmbre,transform canvas={xshift=\bcval@epOmbre cm, yshift=-\bcval@epOmbre cm}},%
+general shadow={fill=\bcval@couleurOmbre,opacity=1,shadow xshift=\bcval@epOmbre cm, shadow yshift=-\bcval@epOmbre cm},%
+fill=\bcval@couleur,shape=rectangle,line width=\bcval@borderWidth, inner sep=\bcval@framesep, rounded corners=\arr cm,%
+draw=\ifKV@bclogo@noborder none\else \bcval@couleurBord\fi]{\usebox{\bc@envbox}};%
+ \else%ombre sans blur
+ \node[fill=\bcval@couleur,shape=rectangle,line width=\bcval@borderWidth, inner sep=\bcval@framesep, rounded corners=\arr cm,%
+ general shadow={fill=\bcval@couleurOmbre, shadow xshift=\bcval@epOmbre cm, shadow yshift=-\bcval@epOmbre cm}, draw=\ifKV@bclogo@noborder none\else \bcval@couleurBord\fi]{\usebox{\bc@envbox}};%
+ \fi% fin ifblur
+ \else%cadre sans ombre
+ \node[fill=\bcval@couleur,thick, shape=rectangle,line width=\bcval@borderWidth, inner sep=\bcval@framesep,rounded corners=\arr cm, draw=\ifKV@bclogo@noborder none\else \bcval@couleurBord\fi]{\usebox{\bc@envbox}};%
+ \fi%
+ \end{tikzpicture}%
+ %\par%
+ \else% pstricks
+ \noindent%
+ \ifKV@bclogo@ombre%cadre ombre
+ \ifKV@bclogo@blur%blur
+ \psframebox[cornersize=absolute,linearc=\dimexpr\arr cm * 2,fillstyle=solid, shadow=true, blur=true, shadowsize=\bcval@epOmbre cm,%
+ shadowcolor=\bcval@couleurOmbre, fillcolor=\bcval@couleur,linewidth=\bcval@borderWidth, linestyle=\ifKV@bclogo@noborder none\else solid\fi,linecolor=\bcval@couleurBord]{\usebox{\bc@envbox}}%
+ \else%
+ \psframebox[cornersize=absolute,linearc=\dimexpr\arr cm * 2,fillstyle=solid, shadow=true, shadowsize=\bcval@epOmbre cm,%
+ shadowcolor=\bcval@couleurOmbre, fillcolor=\bcval@couleur,linewidth=\bcval@borderWidth,linestyle=\ifKV@bclogo@noborder none\else solid\fi,linecolor=\bcval@couleurBord]{\usebox{\bc@envbox}}%
+ \fi%
+ \else%cadre sans ombre
+ \psframebox[cornersize=absolute,linearc=\dimexpr\arr cm * 2 ,fillstyle=solid, fillcolor=\bcval@couleur,linewidth=\bcval@borderWidth, linestyle=\ifKV@bclogo@noborder none\else solid\fi,linecolor=\bcval@couleurBord]{\usebox{\bc@envbox}}%
+ \fi%
+ \fi%fin
+ \ifKV@bclogo@ombre\vspace*{\bcval@epOmbre cm}\fi%
--- /dev/null
+drawoptions (withcolor (1.000000,0.215686,0.000000));\r
+linecap := butt;\r
+linejoin := mitered;\r
+fill (13.074200,4.937500)--(5.085940,14.085900)..controls (5.085940,14.085900) and (4.070310,15.429700)..(3.636720,13.773400)\r
+ ..controls (3.203130,12.113300) and (0.917969,2.382810)..(0.917969,2.382810)\r
+ ..controls (0.917969,2.382810) and (0.621094,0.992188)..(2.097660,1.359380)\r
+ ..controls (3.574220,1.726560) and (12.468800,3.984380)..(12.468800,3.984380)\r
+ ..controls (12.468800,3.984380) and (13.437500,4.132810)..(13.074200,4.937500)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.000000,0.000000,0.000000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.080000bp;\r
+draw (13.074200,4.937500)--(5.085940,14.085900)..controls (5.085940,14.085900) and (4.070310,15.429700)..(3.636720,13.773400)\r
+ ..controls (3.203130,12.113300) and (0.917969,2.382810)..(0.917969,2.382810)\r
+ ..controls (0.917969,2.382810) and (0.621094,0.992188)..(2.097660,1.359380)\r
+ ..controls (3.574220,1.726560) and (12.468800,3.984380)..(12.468800,3.984380)\r
+ ..controls (12.468800,3.984380) and (13.437500,4.132810)..(13.074200,4.937500)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (1.000000,1.000000,1.000000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.000000bp;\r
+fill (11.078100,5.511720)--(5.406250,11.875000)..controls (5.406250,11.875000) and (4.683590,12.812500)..(4.367190,11.648400)\r
+ ..controls (4.050780,10.488300) and (2.375000,3.675780)..(2.375000,3.675780)\r
+ ..controls (2.375000,3.675780) and (2.156250,2.703130)..(3.214840,2.964840)\r
+ ..controls (4.273440,3.230470) and (10.640600,4.847660)..(10.640600,4.847660)\r
+ ..controls (10.640600,4.847660) and (11.332000,4.953130)..(11.078100,5.511720)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.000000,0.000000,0.000000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.080000bp;\r
+draw (11.078100,5.511720)--(5.406250,11.875000)..controls (5.406250,11.875000) and (4.683590,12.812500)..(4.367190,11.648400)\r
+ ..controls (4.050780,10.488300) and (2.375000,3.675780)..(2.375000,3.675780)\r
+ ..controls (2.375000,3.675780) and (2.156250,2.703130)..(3.214840,2.964840)\r
+ ..controls (4.273440,3.230470) and (10.640600,4.847660)..(10.640600,4.847660)\r
+ ..controls (10.640600,4.847660) and (11.332000,4.953130)..(11.078100,5.511720)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.000000bp;\r
+fill (6.144520,8.839900)..controls (6.460940,7.558590) and (6.464840,6.457090)..(6.152340,6.378910)\r
+ ..controls (5.835930,6.300840) and (5.320300,7.277400)..(5.003900,8.554750)\r
+ ..controls (4.683590,9.835940) and (4.679690,10.941400)..(4.996090,11.019600)\r
+ ..controls (5.312490,11.097700) and (5.824210,10.121100)..(6.144520,8.839900)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.077691bp;\r
+linecap := rounded;\r
+linejoin := rounded;\r
+draw (6.144520,8.839900)..controls (6.460940,7.558590) and (6.464840,6.457090)..(6.152340,6.378910)\r
+ ..controls (5.835930,6.300840) and (5.320300,7.277400)..(5.003900,8.554750)\r
+ ..controls (4.683590,9.835940) and (4.679690,10.941400)..(4.996090,11.019600)\r
+ ..controls (5.312490,11.097700) and (5.824210,10.121100)..(6.144520,8.839900)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.000000bp;\r
+linecap := butt;\r
+linejoin := mitered;\r
+fill (7.292960,5.261780)..controls (7.382800,4.898500) and (7.128900,4.523500)..(6.730460,4.421880)\r
+ ..controls (6.328120,4.324220) and (5.929680,4.535220)..(5.835930,4.898500)\r
+ ..controls (5.746080,5.261780) and (5.999990,5.640630)..(6.402340,5.738340)\r
+ ..controls (6.804690,5.839840) and (7.203110,5.625060)..(7.292960,5.261780)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.080000bp;\r
+linecap := rounded;\r
+linejoin := rounded;\r
+draw (7.292960,5.261780)..controls (7.382800,4.898500) and (7.128900,4.523500)..(6.730460,4.421880)\r
+ ..controls (6.328120,4.324220) and (5.929680,4.535220)..(5.835930,4.898500)\r
+ ..controls (5.746080,5.261780) and (5.999990,5.640630)..(6.402340,5.738340)\r
+ ..controls (6.804690,5.839840) and (7.203110,5.625060)..(7.292960,5.261780)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+picture pic;\r
+draw pic scaled(1.37225);\r
+draw (z0+(10.5,2));\r
+draw (z1-(10.5,2));\r
+clip currentpicture to ((z0-(8.5pt,0))--(z0+(8.5pt,0))--(z1+(8.5pt,-1pt))--(z1-(8.5pt,1pt))--cycle);\r
--- /dev/null
+linecap := butt;\r
+pickup pencircle scaled(0.3bp);\r
+draw (5.812500,6.164060)..controls (6.117190,6.468750) and (6.488280,6.718750)..(6.917970,6.718750)\r
+ ..controls (7.347660,6.718750) and (7.722660,6.468750)..(8.027340,6.164060)\r
+ ..controls (8.027340,6.164060) and (13.082000,1.105470)..(13.085900,1.105470)\r
+ ..controls (13.386700,0.804688) and (13.636700,0.429688)..(13.636700,0.000000)\r
+ ..controls (13.636700,-0.429688) and (13.386700,-0.804688)..(13.085900,-1.105470)\r
+ ..controls (13.082000,-1.105470) and (8.027340,-6.164060)..(8.027340,-6.164060)\r
+ ..controls (7.722660,-6.468750) and (7.347660,-6.718750)..(6.917970,-6.718750)\r
+ ..controls (6.488280,-6.718750) and (6.117190,-6.468750)..(5.812500,-6.164060)\r
+ ..controls (5.812500,-6.164060) and (0.753906,-1.105470)..(0.753906,-1.105470)\r
+ ..controls (0.449219,-0.804688) and (0.199219,-0.429688)..(0.199219,0.000000)\r
+ ..controls (0.199219,0.429688) and (0.449219,0.804688)..(0.753906,1.105470)\r
+ ..controls (0.753906,1.105470) and (5.812500,6.164060)..(5.812500,6.164060)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+linecap := rounded;\r
+draw (6.363280,6.582030)--(6.363280,7.750000)--(7.472660,7.750000)\r
+ --(7.472660,6.582030);\r
+draw (6.363280,-6.582030)--(6.363280,-10.757800);\r
+draw (7.472660,-6.582030)--(7.472660,-10.757800);\r
+draw (2.492190,-10.757800)--(11.347700,-10.757800);\r
+fill (8.855470,2.390630)..controls (9.726560,2.390630) and (9.699220,3.757810)..(8.855470,3.734380)\r
+ ..controls (8.007810,3.734380) and (8.007810,2.390630)..(8.855470,2.390630)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill (7.824220,2.929690)..controls (7.824220,2.929690) and (5.546880,1.433590)..(5.335940,1.199220)\r
+ ..controls (5.148440,0.968750) and (4.937500,0.734375)..(4.937500,0.164063)\r
+ ..controls (4.937500,-0.402344) and (5.679690,-1.179690)..(6.074220,-1.644530)\r
+ --(6.074220,-3.738280)--(7.453130,-3.738280)--(6.660160,-3.480470)\r
+ --(6.660160,-1.386720)..controls (6.660160,-1.281250) and (5.863280,-0.195313)..(5.812500,-0.042969)\r
+ ..controls (5.785160,0.140625) and (5.757810,0.398438)..(5.890630,0.500000)\r
+ ..controls (6.023440,0.632813) and (8.273440,2.257810)..(8.246090,2.285160)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill (5.097660,0.269531)--(2.820310,-2.136720)--(4.144530,-3.218750)\r
+ --(3.562500,-2.339840)--(5.468750,-0.222656)--cycle;\r
+fill (7.585940,-0.945313)--(7.585940,2.699220)--(5.757810,2.699220)\r
+ --(6.394530,1.742190)--(5.812500,1.304690)..controls (5.812500,1.304690) and (5.125000,2.234380)..(5.125000,2.441410)\r
+ ..controls (5.125000,2.648440) and (5.097660,2.906250)..(5.281250,3.085940)\r
+ ..controls (5.468750,3.292970) and (5.546880,3.449220)..(5.945310,3.449220)\r
+ --(6.894530,3.449220)..controls (7.347660,3.449220) and (7.425780,3.371090)..(7.558590,3.242190)\r
+ ..controls (7.664060,3.136720) and (8.246090,2.285160)..(8.246090,2.285160)\r
+ --(8.246090,-0.582031)--cycle;\r
+fill (6.074220,0.863281)--(7.953130,-1.980470)--(7.398440,-2.417970)\r
+ --(8.351560,-3.738280)--(9.382810,-3.738280)--(9.808590,-2.675780)\r
+ --(8.878910,-1.359380)--(8.296880,-1.722660)--(6.445310,1.148440)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+picture pic;\r
+draw pic scaled(1.217);\r
+draw (z0+(10.5,2));\r
+draw (z1-(10.5,3));\r
+clip currentpicture to ((z0-(8.5pt,0))--(z0+(8.5pt,0))--(z1+(8.5pt,-3pt))--(z1-(8.5pt,3pt))--cycle);\r
--- /dev/null
+linecap := butt;\r
+linejoin := mitered;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.251000,0.000000,0.000000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.797011bp;\r
+linejoin := rounded;\r
+draw (79.929703,711.120972)--(79.941399,711.375000)--(79.921898,711.617004)\r
+ --(79.871101,711.854980)--(79.792999,712.085999)--(79.691399,712.312988)\r
+ --(79.570297,712.534973)--(79.429703,712.754028)--(79.273399,712.968994)\r
+ --(79.105499,713.184021)--(78.925797,713.395020)--(78.742203,713.609009)\r
+ --(78.550797,713.823975)--(78.359398,714.043030)--(78.167999,714.262024)\r
+ --(77.980499,714.487976)--(77.796898,714.718994)--(77.625000,714.953003)\r
+ --(77.464798,715.198975)--(77.316399,715.448975)--(77.187500,715.710999)\r
+ --(77.078102,715.979980)--(76.992203,716.265991)--(76.929703,716.559021)\r
+ --(76.898399,716.862976)--(76.894501,717.093994)--(76.914101,717.315979)\r
+ --(76.953102,717.531006)--(77.015602,717.742004)--(77.093803,717.948975)\r
+ --(77.187500,718.145020)--(77.300797,718.335999)--(77.425797,718.520020)\r
+ --(77.562500,718.690979)--(77.714798,718.859009)--(77.878899,719.015991)\r
+ --(78.050797,719.159973)--(78.230499,719.296997)--(78.421898,719.421997)\r
+ --(78.617203,719.539001)--(78.816399,719.640991)--(79.023399,719.734009)\r
+ --(79.230499,719.812988)--(79.441399,719.879028)--(79.652298,719.934021)\r
+ --(79.859398,719.973022)--(80.066399,720.000000)--(80.273399,720.012024)\r
+ --(80.472702,720.007996)--(80.714798,719.987976)--(80.945297,719.953003)\r
+ --(81.171898,719.909973)--(81.386703,719.854980)--(81.593803,719.789001)\r
+ --(81.792999,719.710999)--(81.984398,719.620972)--(82.167999,719.523010)\r
+ --(82.339798,719.418030)--(82.503899,719.304993)--(82.660202,719.179993)\r
+ --(82.804703,719.051025)--(82.937500,718.914001)--(83.062500,718.770020)\r
+ --(83.179703,718.617004)--(83.281303,718.465027)--(83.375000,718.301025)\r
+ --(83.460899,718.137024)--(83.531303,717.968994)--(83.593803,717.796997)\r
+ --(83.644501,717.620972)--(83.683601,717.440979)--(83.710899,717.262024)\r
+ --(83.726601,717.081970)--(83.738297,716.929993)--(83.761703,716.776978)\r
+ --(83.796898,716.629028)--(83.843803,716.476990)--(83.898399,716.331970)\r
+ --(83.964798,716.187988)--(84.039101,716.046997)--(84.125000,715.909973)\r
+ --(84.218803,715.776978)--(84.324203,715.651978)--(84.437500,715.534973)\r
+ --(84.558601,715.421997)--(84.691399,715.315979)--(84.832001,715.223022)\r
+ --(84.980499,715.137024)--(85.132797,715.062988)--(85.296898,714.995972)\r
+ --(85.468803,714.945007)--(85.648399,714.906006)--(85.835899,714.879028)\r
+ --(86.027298,714.862976)--(86.230499,714.867004)--(86.437500,714.882996)\r
+ --(86.648399,714.914001);\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.000000,0.000000,0.000000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.000000bp;\r
+linejoin := mitered;\r
+fill (88.023399,699.960999)..controls (88.023399,704.367004) and (84.445297,707.940979)..(80.039101,707.940979)\r
+ ..controls (75.632797,707.940979) and (72.058601,704.367004)..(72.058601,699.960999)\r
+ ..controls (72.058601,695.554993) and (75.632797,691.976990)..(80.039101,691.976990)\r
+ ..controls (84.445297,691.976990) and (88.023399,695.554993)..(88.023399,699.960999)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+linejoin := rounded;\r
+fill (77.246101,705.546997)--(77.246101,699.960999)--(82.832001,699.960999)\r
+ --(82.832001,711.137024)--(77.246101,711.137024)--cycle;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (1.000000,1.000000,1.000000));\r
+fill (80.429703,705.085999)--(80.820297,705.895020)--(81.175797,705.840027)\r
+ --(81.527298,705.757996)--(81.871101,705.659973)--(82.210899,705.539001)\r
+ --(82.539101,705.398010)--(82.863297,705.237976)--(83.171898,705.062988)\r
+ --(83.472702,704.862976)--(83.761703,704.648010)--(84.035202,704.418030)\r
+ --(84.296898,704.171997)--(84.542999,703.906006)--(84.769501,703.629028)\r
+ --(84.980499,703.340027)--(85.175797,703.039001)--(85.351601,702.723022)\r
+ --(85.507797,702.401978)--(85.644501,702.070007)--(85.757797,701.729980)\r
+ --(85.855499,701.382996)--(85.929703,701.031006)--(85.984398,700.676025)\r
+ --(86.015602,700.320007)--(86.027298,699.960999)--(85.898399,700.312988)\r
+ --(85.746101,700.656006)--(85.578102,700.992004)--(85.386703,701.315979)\r
+ --(85.179703,701.625000)--(84.953102,701.926025)--(84.707001,702.210999)\r
+ --(84.449203,702.479980)--(84.171898,702.734009)--(83.878899,702.973022)\r
+ --(83.574203,703.190979)--(83.257797,703.390991)--(82.929703,703.573975)\r
+ --(82.593803,703.734009)--(82.246101,703.879028)--(81.890602,704.000000)\r
+ --(81.527298,704.098022)--(81.160202,704.176025)--(80.789101,704.229980)\r
+ --(80.414101,704.265991)--(80.039101,704.273010)--cycle;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (1.000000,0.000000,0.000000));\r
+fill (86.785202,714.367004)--(89.058601,714.887024)--(84.507797,715.926025)\r
+ --(88.156303,713.015991)--(86.132797,717.223022)--(86.132797,712.551025)\r
+ --(88.156303,716.757996)--(84.507797,713.848022)--cycle;\r
+picture pic;\r
+draw pic scaled(r);\r
+draw (z0+(10.5,2));\r
+draw (z1-(10.5,2));\r
+clip currentpicture to ((z0-(8.5pt,0))--(z0+(8.5pt,0))--(z1+(8.5pt,-1pt))--(z1-(8.5pt,1pt))--cycle);\r
--- /dev/null
+drawoptions (withcolor (1.000000,0.752900,0.796100));\r
+linecap := butt;\r
+fill (0.726563,17.027300)..controls (2.683590,19.082001) and (7.953130,21.128901)..(9.214840,21.039101)\r
+ ..controls (9.214840,19.144501) and (11.675800,17.941401)..(13.789100,17.972700)\r
+ ..controls (9.183590,13.867200) and (4.796880,13.582000)..(0.851563,15.605500)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.000000,0.000000,0.000000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.600000bp;\r
+draw (0.726563,17.027300)..controls (2.683590,19.082001) and (7.953130,21.128901)..(9.214840,21.039101)\r
+ ..controls (9.214840,19.144501) and (11.675800,17.941401)..(13.789100,17.972700)\r
+ ..controls (9.183590,13.867200) and (4.796880,13.582000)..(0.851563,15.605500);\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (1.000000,1.000000,0.000000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.000000bp;\r
+fill (0.726563,17.027300)..controls (1.292970,16.238300) and (2.714840,15.605500)..(4.164060,15.699200)\r
+ ..controls (5.933590,16.363300) and (11.140600,17.941401)..(13.789100,17.972700)\r
+ ..controls (13.410200,14.375000) and (14.293000,7.992190)..(15.621100,5.750000)\r
+ ..controls (14.293000,4.515630) and (7.132810,1.925780)..(5.710940,2.085940)\r
+ ..controls (4.417970,1.957030) and (2.652340,2.621090)..(2.113280,3.632810)\r
+ ..controls (0.945313,7.738280) and (0.125000,14.625000)..(0.726563,17.027300)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.000000,0.000000,0.000000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.600000bp;\r
+draw (0.726563,17.027300)..controls (1.292970,16.238300) and (2.714840,15.605500)..(4.164060,15.699200)\r
+ ..controls (5.933590,16.363300) and (11.140600,17.941401)..(13.789100,17.972700)\r
+ ..controls (13.410200,14.375000) and (14.293000,7.992190)..(15.621100,5.750000)\r
+ ..controls (14.293000,4.515630) and (7.132810,1.925780)..(5.710940,2.085940)\r
+ ..controls (4.417970,1.957030) and (2.652340,2.621090)..(2.113280,3.632810)\r
+ ..controls (0.945313,7.738280) and (0.125000,14.625000)..(0.726563,17.027300)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+draw (4.164060,15.699200)..controls (3.914060,11.656300) and (4.734380,5.750000)..(5.710940,2.085940);\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.400000bp;\r
+draw (13.179700,8.234380)..controls (13.718800,6.257810) and (10.039100,4.820310)..(8.769530,6.824220);\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (1.000000,1.000000,0.000000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.000000bp;\r
+fill (9.632810,11.320300)..controls (13.171900,11.980500) and (13.929700,9.613280)..(10.265600,8.730470)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.000000,0.000000,0.000000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.400000bp;\r
+draw (9.632810,11.320300)..controls (13.171900,11.980500) and (13.929700,9.613280)..(10.265600,8.730470);\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.000000bp;\r
+fill (11.421900,15.699200)..controls (11.675800,15.257800) and (11.675800,14.566400)..(11.582000,14.183600)\r
+ ..controls (11.488300,13.800800) and (11.296900,13.722700)..(11.109400,14.058600)\r
+ ..controls (10.918000,14.390600) and (10.726600,15.136700)..(10.793000,15.574200)\r
+ ..controls (10.855500,16.011700) and (11.171900,16.140600)..(11.421900,15.699200)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.400000bp;\r
+draw (11.421900,15.699200)..controls (11.675800,15.257800) and (11.675800,14.566400)..(11.582000,14.183600)\r
+ ..controls (11.488300,13.800800) and (11.296900,13.722700)..(11.109400,14.058600)\r
+ ..controls (10.918000,14.390600) and (10.726600,15.136700)..(10.793000,15.574200)\r
+ ..controls (10.855500,16.011700) and (11.171900,16.140600)..(11.421900,15.699200);\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.000000bp;\r
+fill (7.386720,14.679700)..controls (7.964840,14.738300) and (8.019530,13.593800)..(7.847660,13.000000)\r
+ ..controls (7.679690,12.406300) and (7.285160,12.367200)..(7.070310,12.921900)\r
+ ..controls (6.851560,13.472700) and (6.812500,14.621100)..(7.386720,14.679700)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.400000bp;\r
+draw (7.386720,14.679700)..controls (7.964840,14.738300) and (8.019530,13.593800)..(7.847660,13.000000)\r
+ ..controls (7.679690,12.406300) and (7.285160,12.367200)..(7.070310,12.921900)\r
+ ..controls (6.851560,13.472700) and (6.812500,14.621100)..(7.386720,14.679700);\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.200000bp;\r
+draw (11.828100,16.359400)..controls (11.472700,17.144501) and (10.257800,16.656300)..(10.121100,15.761700);\r
+draw (7.847660,15.058600)..controls (7.496090,15.843800) and (6.277340,15.355500)..(6.144530,14.460900);\r
+draw (2.382810,7.476560)--(3.707030,7.664060);\r
+draw (2.218750,8.015630)--(2.437500,6.878910);\r
+draw (2.031250,9.531250)--(2.191410,8.667970)--(3.355470,8.828130)\r
+ --(3.382810,9.585940);\r
+draw (2.761720,8.773440)--(2.761720,9.207030);\r
+draw (1.730470,11.402300)..controls (1.867190,11.136700) and (2.000000,10.867200)..(2.246090,10.804700)\r
+ ..controls (2.492190,10.742200) and (2.851560,10.886700)..(3.058590,10.859400)\r
+ ..controls (3.265630,10.835900) and (3.324220,10.644500)..(3.382810,10.453100);\r
+draw (2.082030,10.128900)..controls (2.128910,10.355500) and (2.175780,10.585900)..(2.328130,10.699200)\r
+ ..controls (2.480470,10.808600) and (2.738280,10.808600)..(2.894530,10.914100)\r
+ ..controls (3.054690,11.019500) and (3.109380,11.238300)..(3.167970,11.457000);\r
+picture pic;\r
+draw pic scaled(1.08);\r
+draw (z0+(10.5,2));\r
+draw (z1-(10.5,2));\r
+clip currentpicture to ((z0-(8.5pt,0))--(z0+(8.5pt,0))--(z1+(8.5pt,-2pt))--(z1-(8.5pt,2pt))--cycle);\r
--- /dev/null
+vardef showtext(expr origin)(expr angle)(expr string) =\r
+ draw string infont defaultfont scaled defaultscale\r
+ rotated angle shifted origin;\r
+linecap := butt;\r
+linejoin := mitered;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (1.000000,1.000000,1.000000));\r
+linejoin := rounded;\r
+fill (72.046898,703.862976)--(72.046898,720.054993)--(84.191399,720.054993)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.000000,0.000000,0.000000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.199253bp;\r
+linecap := rounded;\r
+draw (72.046898,703.862976)--(72.046898,720.054993)--(84.191399,720.054993);\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (1.000000,1.000000,1.000000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.000000bp;\r
+linecap := butt;\r
+fill (72.335899,703.578003)--(72.335899,719.770020)--(84.476601,719.770020)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.502000,0.502000,0.502000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.099626bp;\r
+linecap := rounded;\r
+draw (72.335899,703.578003)--(72.335899,719.770020)--(84.476601,719.770020);\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (1.000000,1.000000,1.000000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.000000bp;\r
+linecap := butt;\r
+fill (72.621101,703.293030)--(72.621101,719.484009)--(84.765602,719.484009)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.502000,0.502000,0.502000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.099626bp;\r
+linecap := rounded;\r
+draw (72.621101,703.293030)--(72.621101,719.484009)--(84.765602,719.484009);\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (1.000000,1.000000,1.000000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.000000bp;\r
+linecap := butt;\r
+fill (72.906303,703.004028)--(72.906303,719.195007)--(85.050797,719.195007)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.502000,0.502000,0.502000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.099626bp;\r
+linecap := rounded;\r
+draw (72.906303,703.004028)--(72.906303,719.195007)--(85.050797,719.195007);\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (1.000000,1.000000,1.000000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.000000bp;\r
+linecap := butt;\r
+fill (73.191399,702.718994)--(73.191399,718.909973)--(85.335899,718.909973)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.502000,0.502000,0.502000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.099626bp;\r
+linecap := rounded;\r
+draw (73.191399,702.718994)--(73.191399,718.909973)--(85.335899,718.909973);\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (1.000000,1.000000,1.000000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.000000bp;\r
+linecap := butt;\r
+fill (73.480499,710.526978)--(73.480499,702.434021)--(85.625000,702.434021)\r
+ --(85.625000,718.625000)--(73.480499,718.625000)--cycle;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.000000,0.000000,0.000000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.199253bp;\r
+linecap := rounded;\r
+draw (73.480499,710.526978)--(73.480499,702.434021)--(85.625000,702.434021)\r
+ --(85.625000,718.625000)--(73.480499,718.625000)--cycle;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (1.000000,1.000000,1.000000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.000000bp;\r
+linecap := butt;\r
+fill (73.480499,718.625000)..controls (74.320297,716.151978) and (75.070297,705.668030)..(76.906303,704.676025)\r
+ --(76.906303,704.676025)--(89.050797,704.676025)--(89.050797,704.676025)\r
+ ..controls (87.214798,705.668030) and (86.460899,716.151978)..(85.625000,718.625000)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.000000,0.000000,0.000000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.199253bp;\r
+linecap := rounded;\r
+draw (73.480499,718.625000)..controls (74.320297,716.151978) and (75.070297,705.668030)..(76.906303,704.676025)\r
+ --(76.906303,704.676025)--(89.050797,704.676025)--(89.050797,704.676025)\r
+ ..controls (87.214798,705.668030) and (86.460899,716.151978)..(85.625000,718.625000);\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (1.000000,1.000000,1.000000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.000000bp;\r
+linecap := butt;\r
+fill (72.046898,703.862976)--(73.480499,702.434021)--cycle;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.000000,0.000000,0.000000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.199253bp;\r
+linecap := rounded;\r
+draw (72.046898,703.862976)--(73.480499,702.434021);\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (1.000000,1.000000,1.000000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.000000bp;\r
+linecap := butt;\r
+fill (72.046898,720.054993)--(73.480499,718.625000)--cycle;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.000000,0.000000,0.000000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.199253bp;\r
+linecap := rounded;\r
+draw (72.046898,720.054993)--(73.480499,718.625000);\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (1.000000,1.000000,1.000000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.000000bp;\r
+linecap := butt;\r
+fill (84.191399,720.054993)--(85.625000,718.625000)--cycle;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.000000,0.000000,0.000000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.199253bp;\r
+linecap := rounded;\r
+draw (84.191399,720.054993)--(85.625000,718.625000);\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (1.000000,1.000000,1.000000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.000000bp;\r
+linecap := butt;\r
+fill (76.906303,704.676025)--(89.050797,704.676025)--cycle;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.000000,0.000000,0.000000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.199253bp;\r
+linecap := rounded;\r
+draw (76.906303,704.676025)--(89.050797,704.676025);\r
+defaultfont := "cmtt10";\r
+defaultscale := 9.962640/fontsize defaultfont;\r
+showtext ((77.720802,711.338013), 0.000000, "1");\r
+defaultfont := "cmtt8";\r
+defaultscale := 5.977580/fontsize defaultfont;\r
+showtext ((76.962997,705.482971), 0.000000, "JAN");\r
+picture pic;\r
+draw pic scaled(r);\r
+draw (z0+(10.5,2));\r
+draw (z1-(10.5,2));\r
+clip currentpicture to ((z0-(8.5pt,0))--(z0+(8.5pt,0))--(z1+(8.5pt,-1pt))--(z1-(8.5pt,1pt))--cycle);\r
--- /dev/null
+prologues := 1;\r
+linecap := butt;\r
+linejoin := mitered;\r
+picture pic;\r
+fill (77.968803,17.304701)\r
+ ..controls (69.660202,17.304701) and (61.351601,17.304701)..(53.046902,17.304701)\r
+ ..controls (52.609402,18.070299) and (51.937500,18.562500)..(51.183601,18.562500)\r
+ ..controls (50.429699,18.562500) and (49.757801,18.070299)..(49.320301,17.304701)\r
+ ..controls (48.273399,17.304701) and (47.226601,17.304701)..(46.179699,17.304701)\r
+ ..controls (35.859402,17.304701) and (25.531300,17.304701)..(15.207000,17.304701)\r
+ ..controls (14.511700,22.261700) and (11.406300,26.000000)..(7.675780,26.000000)\r
+ ..controls (3.437500,26.000000) and (0.000000,21.167999)..(0.000000,15.203100)\r
+ --(5.589840,15.203100)\r
+ ..controls (4.804690,15.824200) and (4.300780,16.781300)..(4.300780,17.859400)\r
+ ..controls (4.300780,19.722700) and (5.812500,21.234400)..(7.675780,21.234400)\r
+ ..controls (9.539060,21.234400) and (11.054700,19.722700)..(11.054700,17.859400)\r
+ ..controls (11.054700,16.781300) and (10.546900,15.824200)..(9.761720,15.203100)\r
+ ..controls (10.546900,14.585900) and (11.054700,13.628900)..(11.054700,12.550800)\r
+ ..controls (11.054700,10.687500) and (9.539060,9.171880)..(7.675780,9.171880)\r
+ ..controls (5.812500,9.171880) and (4.300780,10.687500)..(4.300780,12.550800)\r
+ ..controls (4.300780,13.628900) and (4.804690,14.585900)..(5.589840,15.203100)\r
+ --(0.000000,15.203100)\r
+ ..controls (0.000000,9.242190) and (3.437500,4.406250)..(7.675780,4.406250)\r
+ ..controls (11.406300,4.406250) and (14.511700,8.148440)..(15.207000,13.105500)\r
+ ..controls (25.132799,13.105500) and (35.058601,13.105500)..(44.980499,13.105500)\r
+ ..controls (46.429699,13.105500) and (47.875000,13.105500)..(49.320301,13.105500)\r
+ ..controls (49.757801,12.335900) and (50.429699,11.843800)..(51.183601,11.843800)\r
+ ..controls (51.937500,11.843800) and (52.609402,12.335900)..(53.046902,13.105500)\r
+ ..controls (56.183601,13.105500) and (59.320301,13.105500)..(62.457001,13.105500)\r
+ --(62.457001,8.488280)\r
+ ..controls (63.914101,8.488280) and (65.093803,7.304690)..(65.093803,5.847660)\r
+ ..controls (65.093803,4.390630) and (63.914101,3.207030)..(62.457001,3.207030)\r
+ --(62.457001,0.570313)\r
+ --(66.054703,0.570313)\r
+ ..controls (66.054703,2.027340) and (67.234398,3.207030)..(68.695297,3.207030)\r
+ ..controls (70.152298,3.207030) and (71.332001,2.027340)..(71.332001,0.570313)\r
+ --(74.929703,0.570313)\r
+ --(74.929703,3.207030)\r
+ ..controls (73.472702,3.207030) and (72.292999,4.390630)..(72.292999,5.847660)\r
+ ..controls (72.292999,7.304690) and (73.472702,8.488280)..(74.929703,8.488280)\r
+ --(74.929703,13.105500)\r
+ ..controls (75.933601,13.105500) and (76.937500,13.105500)..(77.941399,13.105500)\r
+ ..controls (77.949203,13.105500) and (77.960899,13.105500)..(77.968803,13.105500)\r
+ ..controls (80.675797,13.105500) and (80.675797,17.304701)..(77.968803,17.304701)\r
+ --cycle withcolor(.2,.2,.2);\r
+draw pic rotated(45);\r
+draw pic scaled(r);\r
+draw (z0+(10.5,2));\r
+draw (z1-(10.5,2));\r
+clip currentpicture to ((z0-(8.5pt,0))--(z0+(8.5pt,0))--(z1+(8.5pt,0))--(z1-(8.5pt,0))--cycle);\r
--- /dev/null
+prologues := 1;\r
+linecap := butt;\r
+linejoin := mitered;\r
+fill (21.207001,80.000000)..controls (5.968750,80.000000) and (0.000000,69.800797)..(0.000000,61.621101)\r
+ ..controls (0.000000,57.628899) and (3.234380,54.398399)..(7.222660,54.398399)\r
+ ..controls (11.214800,54.398399) and (14.445300,57.628899)..(14.445300,61.621101)\r
+ ..controls (14.445300,65.609398) and (11.214800,68.843803)..(7.222660,68.843803)\r
+ ..controls (5.863280,68.843803) and (5.429690,69.281303)..(5.800780,69.839798)\r
+ ..controls (7.902340,72.992203) and (12.324200,75.867203)..(20.203100,75.867203)\r
+ ..controls (31.425800,75.867203) and (40.804699,64.453102)..(40.804699,50.328098)\r
+ ..controls (40.804699,29.781300) and (24.585899,9.750000)..(6.804690,2.343750)\r
+ --(7.976560,0.000000)..controls (26.902300,7.132810) and (46.500000,27.203100)..(46.500000,50.914101)\r
+ ..controls (46.500000,70.332001) and (32.226601,80.000000)..(21.207001,80.000000)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill (62.566399,44.718800)..controls (62.566399,41.578098) and (60.019501,39.031300)..(56.882801,39.031300)\r
+ ..controls (53.746101,39.031300) and (51.199200,41.578098)..(51.199200,44.718800)\r
+ ..controls (51.199200,47.855499) and (53.746101,50.402302)..(56.882801,50.402302)\r
+ ..controls (60.019501,50.402302) and (62.566399,47.855499)..(62.566399,44.718800)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill (62.566399,64.312500)..controls (62.566399,61.175800) and (60.019501,58.628899)..(56.882801,58.628899)\r
+ ..controls (53.746101,58.628899) and (51.199200,61.175800)..(51.199200,64.312500)\r
+ ..controls (51.199200,67.449203) and (53.746101,69.996101)..(56.882801,69.996101)\r
+ ..controls (60.019501,69.996101) and (62.566399,67.449203)..(62.566399,64.312500)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+picture pic;\r
+draw pic scaled(r);\r
+draw (z0+(10.5,2));\r
+draw (z1-(10.5,2));\r
+clip currentpicture to ((z0-(8.5pt,0))--(z0+(8.5pt,0))--(z1+(8.5pt,0))--(z1-(8.5pt,0))--cycle);\r
--- /dev/null
+prologues := 1;\r
+linecap := butt;\r
+linejoin := mitered;\r
+fill (29.707001,28.515600)..controls (29.707001,36.953098) and (22.675800,42.539101)..(15.218800,40.441399)\r
+ ..(13.093800,39.574200)\r
+ ..controls (8.351560,36.871101) and (6.000000,29.875000)..(9.410160,25.300800)\r
+ --(10.878900,25.851601)\r
+ ..controls (9.609380,30.386700) and (11.359400,34.167999)..(14.382800,35.753899)\r
+ ..(16.546900,36.472698)\r
+ ..controls (22.109400,37.406300) and (25.574200,33.035198)..(25.574200,27.503901)\r
+ ..controls (25.574200,24.250000) and (23.714800,21.023399)..(21.164101,18.839800)\r
+ ..(18.996099,17.332001)\r
+ ..controls (17.593800,16.562500) and (16.093800,16.117201)..(14.644500,16.117201)\r
+ ..controls (8.093750,16.117201) and (2.890630,21.261700)..(2.890630,27.871099)\r
+ ..controls (2.890630,34.144501) and (6.367190,38.625000)..(11.324200,44.382801)\r
+ ..(13.050800,46.539101)\r
+ ..controls (16.101601,50.574200) and (20.332001,57.312500)..(21.164101,62.863300)\r
+ ..controls (22.175800,69.566399) and (19.363300,76.050797)..(15.414100,80.000000)\r
+ ..controls (6.199220,71.980499) and (5.039060,59.789101)..(9.343750,49.218800)\r
+ ..(11.324200,44.382801)\r
+ ..controls (11.925800,42.828098) and (12.519500,41.214802)..(13.093800,39.574200)\r
+ ..(14.382800,35.753899)\r
+ ..controls (16.714800,28.585899) and (18.535200,21.468800)..(18.996099,17.332001)\r
+ ..(19.199200,14.425800)\r
+ ..controls (19.515600,6.558590) and (17.562500,3.914060)..(16.113300,3.578130)\r
+ ..controls (15.527300,3.445310) and (15.421900,3.785160)..(15.656300,4.042970)\r
+ ..controls (17.398399,5.933590) and (16.042999,10.390600)..(12.355500,10.390600)\r
+ ..controls (9.464840,10.390600) and (7.855470,7.921880)..(7.890630,5.394530)\r
+ ..controls (7.921880,2.734380) and (9.777340,0.000000)..(13.878900,0.000000)\r
+ ..controls (18.152300,0.000000) and (22.402300,3.960940)..(21.558599,15.355500)\r
+ ..(21.164101,18.839800)\r
+ ..controls (20.367201,23.945299) and (18.511700,30.441401)..(16.546900,36.472698)\r
+ ..(15.218800,40.441399)\r
+ ..controls (14.460900,42.640598) and (13.722700,44.707001)..(13.050800,46.539101)\r
+ ..(11.269500,51.710899)\r
+ ..controls (10.347700,55.269501) and (10.363300,58.898399)..(11.246100,63.687500)\r
+ ..controls (12.168000,68.644501) and (14.371100,71.843803)..(16.757799,74.781303)\r
+ ..controls (18.710899,71.808601) and (19.242201,66.527298)..(17.769501,62.675800)\r
+ ..controls (16.277300,58.781300) and (14.339800,55.753899)..(11.269500,51.710899)\r
+ ..(9.343750,49.218800)\r
+ ..controls (2.816410,40.828098) and (0.121094,35.414101)..(0.003906,28.964800)\r
+ ..controls (-0.144531,21.128901) and (5.625000,13.789100)..(14.644500,13.789100)\r
+ ..controls (16.300800,13.789100) and (17.816401,14.019500)..(19.199200,14.425800)\r
+ ..(21.558599,15.355500)\r
+ ..controls (26.976601,18.062500) and (29.707001,23.792999)..(29.707001,28.515600)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+picture pic;\r
+draw pic scaled(r);\r
+draw (z0+(10.5,2));\r
+draw (z1-(10.5,2));\r
+clip currentpicture to ((z0-(8.5pt,0))--(z0+(8.5pt,0))--(z1+(8.5pt,0))--(z1-(8.5pt,0))--cycle);\r
--- /dev/null
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.929412,0.125490,0.027451));\r
+linecap := butt;\r
+linejoin := mitered;\r
+fill (1.953130,9.832030)..controls (-0.582031,13.214800) and (5.628910,17.078100)..(6.792970,11.207000)\r
+ ..controls (8.140630,17.093800) and (14.281300,13.476600)..(11.437500,9.710940)\r
+ --(6.746090,3.285160)--cycle;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.000000,0.000000,0.000000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.2bp;\r
+draw (1.953130,9.832030)..controls (-0.582031,13.214800) and (5.628910,17.078100)..(6.792970,11.207000)\r
+ ..controls (8.140630,17.093800) and (14.281300,13.476600)..(11.437500,9.710940)\r
+ --(6.746090,3.285160)--cycle;\r
+picture pic;\r
+draw pic scaled(1.4);\r
+draw (z0+(10.5,2));\r
+draw (z1-(10.5,2));\r
+clip currentpicture to ((z0-(8.5pt,0))--(z0+(8.5pt,0))--(z1+(8.5pt,0))--(z1-(8.5pt,0))--cycle);\r
--- /dev/null
+linecap := butt;\r
+linejoin := mitered;\r
+fill (1.820310,2.886720)..controls (1.835940,2.886720) and (2.468750,3.269530)..(2.347660,3.414060)\r
+ ..controls (2.300780,3.464840) and (2.203130,3.457030)..(2.093750,3.437500)\r
+ ..controls (1.402340,3.300780) and (-0.019531,2.550780)..(0.707031,1.695310)\r
+ ..controls (1.269530,1.035160) and (3.406250,0.691406)..(5.628910,1.121090)\r
+ ..controls (8.707030,1.714840) and (11.316400,3.410160)..(10.296900,4.613280)\r
+ ..controls (9.601560,5.433590) and (7.484380,5.503910)..(5.761720,5.535160)\r
+ ..controls (4.867190,5.539060) and (2.957030,5.562500)..(2.367190,6.257810)\r
+ ..controls (2.117190,6.554690) and (2.164060,6.925780)..(2.421880,7.171880)\r
+ ..controls (2.847660,7.542970) and (4.031250,7.773440)..(4.121090,7.789060)\r
+ ..controls (4.394530,7.843750) and (5.140630,7.964840)..(6.023440,7.949220)\r
+ ..controls (6.515630,7.941410) and (7.074220,7.933590)..(7.406250,7.542970)\r
+ ..controls (7.492190,7.441410) and (7.542970,7.308590)..(7.562500,7.261720)\r
+ ..controls (7.558590,7.238280) and (7.570310,7.199220)..(7.593750,7.171880)\r
+ ..controls (7.628910,7.128910) and (7.753910,7.132810)..(7.828130,7.144530)\r
+ ..controls (8.027340,7.183590) and (8.425780,7.363280)..(8.667970,7.578130)\r
+ ..controls (8.792970,7.683590) and (8.992190,7.847660)..(8.667970,8.230470)\r
+ ..controls (8.289060,8.675780) and (7.664060,8.710940)..(6.984380,8.714840)\r
+ ..controls (6.000000,8.722660) and (5.226560,8.582030)..(4.917970,8.523440)\r
+ ..controls (2.476560,8.054690) and (0.238281,6.593750)..(1.117190,5.562500)\r
+ ..controls (1.765630,4.792970) and (3.757810,4.773440)..(4.914060,4.757810)\r
+ ..controls (6.542970,4.738280) and (8.429690,4.636720)..(9.042970,3.914060)\r
+ ..controls (9.269530,3.648440) and (9.402340,3.144530)..(8.855470,2.714840)\r
+ ..controls (8.335940,2.328130) and (7.156250,1.996090)..(6.425780,1.855470)\r
+ ..controls (4.550780,1.492190) and (2.476560,1.789060)..(1.968750,2.386720)\r
+ ..controls (1.945310,2.410160) and (1.757810,2.632810)..(1.820310,2.886720)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+linecap := rounded;\r
+linejoin := rounded;\r
+fill (3.988280,1.867190)--(3.906250,1.953130)--(4.015630,3.871090)\r
+ ..controls (4.152340,6.234380) and (4.152340,6.238280)..(4.246090,6.394530)\r
+ ..controls (4.289060,6.464840) and (4.906250,7.335940)..(5.617190,8.328130)\r
+ ..controls (6.332030,9.324220) and (7.445310,10.886700)..(8.093750,11.800800)\r
+ ..controls (8.746090,12.718800) and (9.300780,13.464800)..(9.328130,13.464800)\r
+ ..controls (9.472660,13.464800) and (9.375000,13.296900)..(8.554690,12.125000)\r
+ ..controls (8.078130,11.449200) and (7.000000,9.917970)..(6.160160,8.722660)\r
+ ..controls (5.320310,7.523440) and (4.640630,6.539060)..(4.648440,6.531250)\r
+ ..controls (4.660160,6.523440) and (4.855470,6.496090)..(5.085940,6.468750)\r
+ ..controls (5.914060,6.375000) and (6.460940,6.226560)..(6.984380,5.960940)\r
+ ..controls (7.234380,5.828130) and (7.375000,5.726560)..(7.617190,5.488280)\r
+ ..controls (7.945310,5.160160) and (8.101560,4.910160)..(8.191410,4.558590)\r
+ ..controls (8.214840,4.457030) and (8.250000,4.371090)..(8.265630,4.371090)\r
+ ..controls (8.316410,4.371090) and (8.546880,4.707030)..(10.457000,7.558590)\r
+ ..controls (11.488300,9.097660) and (12.363300,10.386700)..(12.398400,10.425800)\r
+ ..controls (12.488300,10.523400) and (12.562500,10.453100)..(12.500000,10.332000)\r
+ ..controls (12.472700,10.285200) and (11.851600,9.335940)..(11.117200,8.218750)\r
+ ..controls (10.382800,7.101560) and (9.542970,5.824220)..(9.250000,5.378910)\r
+ ..controls (8.589840,4.371090) and (8.347660,3.984380)..(8.257810,3.781250)\r
+ ..controls (8.195310,3.640630) and (8.156250,3.609380)..(7.890630,3.480470)\r
+ ..controls (7.558590,3.316410) and (4.242190,1.835940)..(4.136720,1.804690)\r
+ ..controls (4.089840,1.789060) and (4.039060,1.812500)..(3.988280,1.867190)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill (5.550780,2.695310)..controls (6.480470,3.101560) and (7.210940,3.433590)..(7.476560,3.566410)\r
+ ..controls (7.761720,3.710940) and (7.777340,3.742190)..(7.746090,4.164060)\r
+ ..controls (7.699220,4.875000) and (7.175780,5.429690)..(6.265630,5.730470)\r
+ ..controls (5.757810,5.898440) and (4.457030,6.085940)..(4.402340,5.996090)\r
+ ..controls (4.390630,5.980470) and (4.347660,5.382810)..(4.308590,4.671880)\r
+ ..controls (4.269530,3.964840) and (4.226560,3.285160)..(4.214840,3.160160)\r
+ ..controls (4.179690,2.679690) and (4.253910,2.558590)..(4.164060,2.089840)\r
+ ..controls (4.191410,2.039060) and (4.902340,2.429690)..(4.917970,2.429690)\r
+ ..controls (4.929690,2.429690) and (5.214840,2.550780)..(5.550780,2.695310)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.193644bp;\r
+draw (3.988280,1.867190)--(3.906250,1.953130)--(4.015630,3.871090)\r
+ ..controls (4.152340,6.234380) and (4.152340,6.238280)..(4.246090,6.394530)\r
+ ..controls (4.289060,6.464840) and (4.906250,7.335940)..(5.617190,8.328130)\r
+ ..controls (6.332030,9.324220) and (7.445310,10.886700)..(8.093750,11.800800)\r
+ ..controls (8.746090,12.718800) and (9.300780,13.464800)..(9.328130,13.464800)\r
+ ..controls (9.472660,13.464800) and (9.375000,13.296900)..(8.554690,12.125000)\r
+ ..controls (8.078130,11.449200) and (7.000000,9.917970)..(6.160160,8.722660)\r
+ ..controls (5.320310,7.523440) and (4.640630,6.539060)..(4.648440,6.531250)\r
+ ..controls (4.660160,6.523440) and (4.855470,6.496090)..(5.085940,6.468750)\r
+ ..controls (5.914060,6.375000) and (6.460940,6.226560)..(6.984380,5.960940)\r
+ ..controls (7.234380,5.828130) and (7.375000,5.726560)..(7.617190,5.488280)\r
+ ..controls (7.945310,5.160160) and (8.101560,4.910160)..(8.191410,4.558590)\r
+ ..controls (8.214840,4.457030) and (8.250000,4.371090)..(8.265630,4.371090)\r
+ ..controls (8.316410,4.371090) and (8.546880,4.707030)..(10.457000,7.558590)\r
+ ..controls (11.488300,9.097660) and (12.363300,10.386700)..(12.398400,10.425800)\r
+ ..controls (12.488300,10.523400) and (12.562500,10.453100)..(12.500000,10.332000)\r
+ ..controls (12.472700,10.285200) and (11.851600,9.335940)..(11.117200,8.218750)\r
+ ..controls (10.382800,7.101560) and (9.542970,5.824220)..(9.250000,5.378910)\r
+ ..controls (8.589840,4.371090) and (8.347660,3.984380)..(8.257810,3.781250)\r
+ ..controls (8.195310,3.640630) and (8.156250,3.609380)..(7.890630,3.480470)\r
+ ..controls (7.558590,3.316410) and (4.242190,1.835940)..(4.136720,1.804690)\r
+ ..controls (4.089840,1.789060) and (4.039060,1.812500)..(3.988280,1.867190)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+draw (5.550780,2.695310)..controls (6.480470,3.101560) and (7.210940,3.433590)..(7.476560,3.566410)\r
+ ..controls (7.761720,3.710940) and (7.777340,3.742190)..(7.746090,4.164060)\r
+ ..controls (7.699220,4.875000) and (7.175780,5.429690)..(6.265630,5.730470)\r
+ ..controls (5.757810,5.898440) and (4.457030,6.085940)..(4.402340,5.996090)\r
+ ..controls (4.390630,5.980470) and (4.347660,5.382810)..(4.308590,4.671880)\r
+ ..controls (4.269530,3.964840) and (4.226560,3.285160)..(4.214840,3.160160)\r
+ ..controls (4.179690,2.679690) and (4.253910,2.558590)..(4.164060,2.089840)\r
+ ..controls (4.191410,2.039060) and (4.902340,2.429690)..(4.917970,2.429690)\r
+ ..controls (4.929690,2.429690) and (5.214840,2.550780)..(5.550780,2.695310)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.304472bp;\r
+linejoin := mitered;\r
+draw (5.566410,6.316410)--(10.273400,13.074200);\r
+draw (6.859380,5.847660)--(11.351600,12.460900);\r
+linejoin := rounded;\r
+draw (7.722660,5.128910)--(11.925800,11.203100)--(12.000000,11.347700);\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.831373,0.000000,0.000000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.000000bp;\r
+fill (5.078130,6.480470)..controls (4.882810,6.511720) and (4.714840,6.542970)..(4.707030,6.546880)\r
+ ..controls (4.687500,6.562500) and (5.746090,8.097660)..(7.500000,10.589800)\r
+ ..controls (8.296880,11.726600) and (9.023440,12.773400)..(9.117190,12.918000)\r
+ ..controls (9.210940,13.058600) and (9.296880,13.175800)..(9.312500,13.175800)\r
+ ..controls (9.378910,13.179700) and (9.636720,12.976600)..(9.683590,12.886700)\r
+ ..controls (9.753910,12.750000) and (9.746090,12.652300)..(9.652340,12.433600)\r
+ ..controls (9.558590,12.218800) and (5.527340,6.421880)..(5.472660,6.425780)\r
+ ..controls (5.453130,6.425780) and (5.277340,6.453130)..(5.078130,6.480470)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.831373,0.000000,0.000000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.000000bp;\r
+fill (6.558590,6.156250)..controls (6.441410,6.207030) and (6.210940,6.277340)..(6.046880,6.320310)\r
+ --(5.746090,6.390630)--(5.851560,6.539060)..controls (5.910160,6.621090) and (6.835940,7.949220)..(7.910160,9.492190)\r
+ --(9.863280,12.296900)--(10.078100,12.414100)..controls (10.457000,12.617200) and (10.761700,12.613300)..(10.972700,12.402300)\r
+ --(11.093800,12.281300)--(8.984380,9.171880)..controls (7.703130,7.281250) and (6.855470,6.062500)..(6.824220,6.066410)\r
+ ..controls (6.792970,6.066410) and (6.671880,6.109380)..(6.558590,6.156250)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.831373,0.000000,0.000000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.000000bp;\r
+fill (7.558590,5.558590)..controls (7.460940,5.660160) and (7.308590,5.785160)..(7.222660,5.835940)\r
+ ..controls (7.136720,5.886720) and (7.078130,5.945310)..(7.085940,5.972660)\r
+ ..controls (7.097660,6.000000) and (11.050800,11.843800)..(11.230500,12.093800)\r
+ ..controls (11.253900,12.128900) and (11.437500,11.960900)..(11.554700,11.789100)\r
+ ..controls (11.668000,11.625000) and (11.691400,11.554700)..(11.703100,11.363300)\r
+ ..controls (11.714800,11.222700) and (11.703100,11.105500)..(11.671900,11.050800)\r
+ ..controls (11.609400,10.933600) and (7.867190,5.519530)..(7.796880,5.441410)\r
+ ..controls (7.738280,5.378910) and (7.726560,5.386720)..(7.558590,5.558590)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.831373,0.000000,0.000000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.000000bp;\r
+fill (8.246090,4.441410)..controls (8.238280,4.472660) and (8.203130,4.578130)..(8.171880,4.679690)\r
+ ..controls (8.140630,4.781250) and (8.066410,4.937500)..(8.007810,5.031250)\r
+ --(7.902340,5.199220)--(9.878910,8.054690)..controls (10.968800,9.628910) and (11.878900,10.914100)..(11.902300,10.914100)\r
+ ..controls (12.062500,10.914100) and (12.320300,10.621100)..(12.320300,10.441400)\r
+ ..controls (12.320300,10.378900) and (12.050800,9.949220)..(11.507800,9.148440)\r
+ ..controls (11.062500,8.488280) and (10.187500,7.195310)..(9.570310,6.277340)\r
+ ..controls (8.320310,4.429690) and (8.273440,4.363280)..(8.246090,4.441410)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.000000,0.000000,0.000000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.243578bp;\r
+linejoin := mitered;\r
+draw (4.156250,3.816410)..controls (5.097660,3.859380) and (5.656250,3.519530)..(5.878910,2.843750);\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.000000bp;\r
+fill (4.179690,2.164060)..controls (4.207030,2.324220) and (4.210940,2.347660)..(4.214840,2.730470)\r
+ ..controls (4.218750,3.046880) and (4.218750,3.121090)..(4.230470,3.292970)\r
+ ..controls (4.238280,3.402340) and (4.246090,3.535160)..(4.250000,3.589840)\r
+ --(4.257810,3.687500)--(4.285160,3.691410)..controls (4.316410,3.695310) and (4.503910,3.687500)..(4.582030,3.679690)\r
+ ..controls (4.738280,3.664060) and (4.910160,3.625000)..(5.027340,3.582030)\r
+ ..controls (5.105470,3.554690) and (5.218750,3.496090)..(5.281250,3.453130)\r
+ ..controls (5.355470,3.406250) and (5.402340,3.367190)..(5.468750,3.296880)\r
+ ..controls (5.562500,3.203130) and (5.625000,3.113280)..(5.687500,2.988280)\r
+ ..controls (5.718750,2.921880) and (5.765630,2.800780)..(5.761720,2.796880)\r
+ ..controls (5.753910,2.789060) and (5.097660,2.507810)..(4.996090,2.468750)\r
+ ..controls (4.953130,2.453130) and (4.898440,2.429690)..(4.875000,2.417970)\r
+ ..controls (4.390630,2.171880) and (4.253910,2.105470)..(4.187500,2.093750)\r
+ --(4.167970,2.089840)--cycle;\r
+linejoin := rounded;\r
+%drawoptions (withcolor (0.411765,0.313725,0.000000));\r
+%pickup pencircle scaled 0.0002063bp;\r
+%draw (4.179690,2.164060)..controls (4.207030,2.324220) and (4.210940,2.347660)..(4.214840,2.730470)\r
+% ..controls (4.218750,3.046880) and (4.218750,3.121090)..(4.230470,3.292970)\r
+% ..controls (4.238280,3.402340) and (4.246090,3.535160)..(4.250000,3.589840)\r
+% --(4.257810,3.687500)--(4.285160,3.691410)..controls (4.316410,3.695310) and (4.503910,3.687500)..(4.582030,3.679690)\r
+% ..controls (4.738280,3.664060) and (4.910160,3.625000)..(5.027340,3.582030)\r
+% ..controls (5.105470,3.554690) and (5.218750,3.496090)..(5.281250,3.453130)\r
+% ..controls (5.355470,3.406250) and (5.402340,3.367190)..(5.468750,3.296880)\r
+% ..controls (5.562500,3.203130) and (5.625000,3.113280)..(5.687500,2.988280)\r
+% ..controls (5.718750,2.921880) and (5.765630,2.800780)..(5.761720,2.796880)\r
+% ..controls (5.753910,2.789060) and (5.097660,2.507810)..(4.996090,2.468750)\r
+% ..controls (4.953130,2.453130) and (4.898440,2.429690)..(4.875000,2.417970)\r
+% ..controls (4.390630,2.171880) and (4.253910,2.105470)..(4.187500,2.093750)\r
+% --(4.167970,2.089840)--cycle;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.913725,0.776471,0.686275));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.000000bp;\r
+fill (5.937500,3.054690)..controls (5.707030,3.574220) and (5.214840,3.886720)..(4.539060,3.937500)\r
+ --(4.273440,3.957030)--(4.289060,4.164060)..controls (4.296880,4.277340) and (4.324220,4.695310)..(4.347660,5.085940)\r
+ ..controls (4.375000,5.480470) and (4.398440,5.847660)..(4.410160,5.902340)\r
+ --(4.425780,6.000000)--(4.753910,5.980470)..controls (5.078130,5.964840) and (5.707030,5.863280)..(6.050780,5.773440)\r
+ ..controls (6.750000,5.593750) and (7.332030,5.191410)..(7.566410,4.730470)\r
+ ..controls (7.738280,4.398440) and (7.796880,3.847660)..(7.675780,3.718750)\r
+ ..controls (7.621090,3.656250) and (7.335940,3.511720)..(6.617190,3.187500)\r
+ ..controls (5.949220,2.886720) and (6.007810,2.898440)..(5.937500,3.054690)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.411765,0.313725,0.000000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.0002063bp;\r
+draw (5.937500,3.054690)..controls (5.707030,3.574220) and (5.214840,3.886720)..(4.539060,3.937500)\r
+ --(4.273440,3.957030)--(4.289060,4.164060)..controls (4.296880,4.277340) and (4.324220,4.695310)..(4.347660,5.085940)\r
+ ..controls (4.375000,5.480470) and (4.398440,5.847660)..(4.410160,5.902340)\r
+ --(4.425780,6.000000)--(4.753910,5.980470)..controls (5.078130,5.964840) and (5.707030,5.863280)..(6.050780,5.773440)\r
+ ..controls (6.750000,5.593750) and (7.332030,5.191410)..(7.566410,4.730470)\r
+ ..controls (7.738280,4.398440) and (7.796880,3.847660)..(7.675780,3.718750)\r
+ ..controls (7.621090,3.656250) and (7.335940,3.511720)..(6.617190,3.187500)\r
+ ..controls (5.949220,2.886720) and (6.007810,2.898440)..(5.937500,3.054690)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+picture pic;\r
+draw pic scaled(1.38);\r
+draw (z0+(10.5,2));\r
+draw (z1-(10.5,2));\r
+clip currentpicture to ((z0-(8.5pt,0))--(z0+(8.5pt,0))--(z1+(8.5pt,-1pt))--(z1-(8.5pt,1pt))--cycle);\r
--- /dev/null
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.309800,0.027500,0.086300));\r
+fill (0.347656,4.429690)--(11.953100,5.679690)--(16.445299,2.445310)\r
+ --(4.839840,1.195310)--cycle;\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.100000bp;\r
+draw (0.347656,4.429690)--(11.953100,5.679690)--(16.445299,2.445310)\r
+ --(4.839840,1.195310)--cycle;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.368600,0.035300,0.102000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.000000bp;\r
+fill (11.953100,5.679690)--(11.953100,17.632799)--(16.445299,14.394500)\r
+ --(16.445299,2.445310)--cycle;\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.100000bp;\r
+draw (11.953100,5.679690)--(11.953100,17.632799)--(16.445299,14.394500)\r
+ --(16.445299,2.445310)--cycle;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.788200,0.070600,0.215700));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.000000bp;\r
+fill (0.347656,4.429690)--(0.347656,16.378901)--(11.953100,17.632799)\r
+ --(11.953100,5.679690)--cycle;\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.100000bp;\r
+draw (0.347656,4.429690)--(0.347656,16.378901)--(11.953100,17.632799)\r
+ --(11.953100,5.679690)--cycle;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (1.000000,0.713700,0.756900));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.800000bp;\r
+draw (11.953100,5.679690)--(16.445299,2.445310);\r
+draw (11.953100,5.679690)--(11.953100,17.632799);\r
+draw (0.347656,4.429690)--(11.953100,5.679690);\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.788200,0.070600,0.215700));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.000000bp;\r
+fill (4.839840,1.195310)--(16.445299,2.445310)--(16.445299,14.394500)\r
+ --(4.839840,13.144500)--cycle;\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.100000bp;\r
+draw (4.839840,1.195310)--(16.445299,2.445310)--(16.445299,14.394500)\r
+ --(4.839840,13.144500)--cycle;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (1.000000,0.713700,0.756900));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.800000bp;\r
+draw (16.445299,2.445310)--(4.839840,1.195310);\r
+draw (16.445299,14.394500)--(16.445299,2.445310);\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.368600,0.035300,0.102000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.000000bp;\r
+fill (0.347656,16.378901)--(0.347656,4.429690)--(4.839840,1.195310)\r
+ --(4.839840,13.144500)--cycle;\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.100000bp;\r
+draw (0.347656,16.378901)--(0.347656,4.429690)--(4.839840,1.195310)\r
+ --(4.839840,13.144500)--cycle;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (1.000000,0.713700,0.756900));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.800000bp;\r
+draw (4.839840,1.195310)--(0.347656,4.429690);\r
+draw (4.839840,1.195310)--(4.839840,13.144500);\r
+draw (0.347656,16.378901)--(0.347656,4.429690);\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.309800,0.027500,0.086300));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.000000bp;\r
+fill (0.347656,16.378901)--(4.839840,13.144500)--(16.445299,14.394500)\r
+ --(11.953100,17.632799)--cycle;\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.100000bp;\r
+draw (0.347656,16.378901)--(4.839840,13.144500)--(16.445299,14.394500)\r
+ --(11.953100,17.632799)--cycle;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (1.000000,0.713700,0.756900));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.800000bp;\r
+draw (0.347656,16.378901)--(4.839840,13.144500);\r
+draw (11.953100,17.632799)--(16.445299,14.394500);\r
+draw (4.839840,13.144500)--(16.445299,14.394500);\r
+draw (11.953100,17.632799)--(0.347656,16.378901);\r
+picture pic;\r
+draw pic scaled(1.008);\r
+draw (z0+(10.5,2));\r
+draw (z1-(10.5,2));\r
+clip currentpicture to ((z0-(8.5pt,0))--(z0+(8.5pt,0))--(z1+(8.5pt,0))--(z1-(8.5pt,0))--cycle);\r
--- /dev/null
+linecap := butt;\r
+fill (0.000000,24.800800)--(0.507813,24.859400)--(0.984375,24.906300)\r
+ --(1.441410,24.937500)--(1.867190,24.953100)--(2.273440,24.953100)\r
+ --(2.660160,24.945299)--(3.023440,24.921900)--(3.367190,24.890600)\r
+ --(3.695310,24.847700)--(4.003910,24.796900)--(4.300780,24.742201)\r
+ --(4.582030,24.675800)--(4.847660,24.605499)--(5.105470,24.527300)\r
+ --(5.351560,24.449200)--(5.589840,24.367201)--(5.820310,24.281300)\r
+ --(6.042970,24.195299)--(6.261720,24.109400)--(6.476560,24.023399)\r
+ --(6.691410,23.937500)--(6.902340,23.855499)--(7.117190,23.777300)\r
+ --(7.328130,23.703100)--(7.546880,23.632799)--(7.765630,23.570299)\r
+ --(7.992190,23.511700)--(8.226560,23.464800)--(8.468750,23.425800)\r
+ --(8.718750,23.394501)--(8.980470,23.378901)--(9.253910,23.371099)\r
+ --(9.542970,23.375000)--(9.843750,23.394501)--(10.160200,23.429701)\r
+ --(10.496100,23.476601)--(10.847700,23.542999)--(11.218800,23.625000)\r
+ --(11.613300,23.726601)--(12.031300,23.843800)--(12.472700,23.984400)\r
+ --(12.937500,24.144501)--(13.425800,24.328100)--(13.945300,24.535200)\r
+ --(14.492200,24.761700)--(15.070300,25.015600)--(15.679700,25.292999)\r
+ --(16.324200,25.601601)--(17.000000,25.933599)--(17.000000,22.191401)\r
+ --(16.324200,21.859400)--(15.679700,21.554701)--(15.070300,21.277300)\r
+ --(14.492200,21.023399)--(13.945300,20.792999)--(13.425800,20.589800)\r
+ --(12.937500,20.406300)--(12.472700,20.246099)--(12.031300,20.105499)\r
+ --(11.613300,19.984400)--(11.218800,19.886700)--(10.847700,19.804701)\r
+ --(10.496100,19.738300)--(10.160200,19.687500)--(9.843750,19.656300)\r
+ --(9.542970,19.636700)--(9.253910,19.628901)--(8.980470,19.636700)\r
+ --(8.718750,19.656300)--(8.468750,19.687500)--(8.226560,19.726601)\r
+ --(7.992190,19.773399)--(7.765630,19.828100)--(7.546880,19.894501)\r
+ --(7.328130,19.960899)--(7.117190,20.035200)--(6.902340,20.117201)\r
+ --(6.691410,20.199200)--(6.476560,20.281300)--(6.261720,20.367201)\r
+ --(6.042970,20.453100)--(5.820310,20.542999)--(5.589840,20.625000)\r
+ --(5.351560,20.710899)--(5.105470,20.789101)--(4.847660,20.863300)\r
+ --(4.582030,20.933599)--(4.300780,21.000000)--(4.003910,21.058599)\r
+ --(3.695310,21.109400)--(3.367190,21.148399)--(3.023440,21.183599)\r
+ --(2.660160,21.203100)--(2.273440,21.214800)--(1.867190,21.210899)\r
+ --(1.441410,21.195299)--(0.984375,21.164101)--(0.507813,21.121099)\r
+ --(0.000000,21.058599)--cycle;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (208/256,0,0));\r
+fill (0.000000,21.058599)--(0.507813,21.121099)--(0.984375,21.164101)\r
+ --(1.441410,21.195299)--(1.867190,21.210899)--(2.273440,21.214800)\r
+ --(2.660160,21.203100)--(3.023440,21.183599)--(3.367190,21.148399)\r
+ --(3.695310,21.109400)--(4.003910,21.058599)--(4.300780,21.000000)\r
+ --(4.582030,20.933599)--(4.847660,20.863300)--(5.105470,20.789101)\r
+ --(5.351560,20.710899)--(5.589840,20.625000)--(5.820310,20.542999)\r
+ --(6.042970,20.453100)--(6.261720,20.367201)--(6.476560,20.281300)\r
+ --(6.691410,20.199200)--(6.902340,20.117201)--(7.117190,20.035200)\r
+ --(7.328130,19.960899)--(7.546880,19.894501)--(7.765630,19.828100)\r
+ --(7.992190,19.773399)--(8.226560,19.726601)--(8.468750,19.687500)\r
+ --(8.718750,19.656300)--(8.980470,19.636700)--(9.253910,19.628901)\r
+ --(9.542970,19.636700)--(9.843750,19.656300)--(10.160200,19.687500)\r
+ --(10.496100,19.738300)--(10.847700,19.804701)--(11.218800,19.886700)\r
+ --(11.613300,19.984400)--(12.031300,20.105499)--(12.472700,20.246099)\r
+ --(12.937500,20.406300)--(13.425800,20.589800)--(13.945300,20.792999)\r
+ --(14.492200,21.023399)--(15.070300,21.277300)--(15.679700,21.554701)\r
+ --(16.324200,21.859400)--(17.000000,22.191401)--(17.000000,18.339800)\r
+ --(16.324200,18.007799)--(15.679700,17.703100)--(15.070300,17.421900)\r
+ --(14.492200,17.167999)--(13.945300,16.941401)--(13.425800,16.734400)\r
+ --(12.937500,16.550800)--(12.472700,16.390600)--(12.031300,16.253901)\r
+ --(11.613300,16.132799)--(11.218800,16.031300)--(10.847700,15.949200)\r
+ --(10.496100,15.882800)--(10.160200,15.835900)--(9.843750,15.800800)\r
+ --(9.542970,15.781300)--(9.253910,15.777300)--(8.980470,15.785200)\r
+ --(8.718750,15.804700)--(8.468750,15.832000)--(8.226560,15.871100)\r
+ --(7.992190,15.921900)--(7.765630,15.976600)--(7.546880,16.039101)\r
+ --(7.328130,16.109400)--(7.117190,16.183599)--(6.902340,16.261700)\r
+ --(6.691410,16.343800)--(6.476560,16.429701)--(6.261720,16.515600)\r
+ --(6.042970,16.601601)--(5.820310,16.687500)--(5.589840,16.773399)\r
+ --(5.351560,16.855499)--(5.105470,16.937500)--(4.847660,17.011700)\r
+ --(4.582030,17.082001)--(4.300780,17.148399)--(4.003910,17.203100)\r
+ --(3.695310,17.253901)--(3.367190,17.296900)--(3.023440,17.328100)\r
+ --(2.660160,17.351601)--(2.273440,17.359400)--(1.867190,17.359400)\r
+ --(1.441410,17.343800)--(0.984375,17.312500)--(0.507813,17.269501)\r
+ --(0.000000,17.207001)--cycle;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (1,206/256,0));\r
+fill (0.000000,17.207001)--(0.507813,17.269501)--(0.984375,17.312500)\r
+ --(1.441410,17.343800)--(1.867190,17.359400)--(2.273440,17.359400)\r
+ --(2.660160,17.351601)--(3.023440,17.328100)--(3.367190,17.296900)\r
+ --(3.695310,17.253901)--(4.003910,17.203100)--(4.300780,17.148399)\r
+ --(4.582030,17.082001)--(4.847660,17.011700)--(5.105470,16.937500)\r
+ --(5.351560,16.855499)--(5.589840,16.773399)--(5.820310,16.687500)\r
+ --(6.042970,16.601601)--(6.261720,16.515600)--(6.476560,16.429701)\r
+ --(6.691410,16.343800)--(6.902340,16.261700)--(7.117190,16.183599)\r
+ --(7.328130,16.109400)--(7.546880,16.039101)--(7.765630,15.976600)\r
+ --(7.992190,15.921900)--(8.226560,15.871100)--(8.468750,15.832000)\r
+ --(8.718750,15.804700)--(8.980470,15.785200)--(9.253910,15.777300)\r
+ --(9.542970,15.781300)--(9.843750,15.800800)--(10.160200,15.835900)\r
+ --(10.496100,15.882800)--(10.847700,15.949200)--(11.218800,16.031300)\r
+ --(11.613300,16.132799)--(12.031300,16.253901)--(12.472700,16.390600)\r
+ --(12.937500,16.550800)--(13.425800,16.734400)--(13.945300,16.941401)\r
+ --(14.492200,17.167999)--(15.070300,17.421900)--(15.679700,17.703100)\r
+ --(16.324200,18.007799)--(17.000000,18.339800)--(17.000000,14.601600)\r
+ --(16.324200,14.265600)--(15.679700,13.960900)--(15.070300,13.683600)\r
+ --(14.492200,13.429700)--(13.945300,13.199200)--(13.425800,12.996100)\r
+ --(12.937500,12.812500)--(12.472700,12.652300)--(12.031300,12.511700)\r
+ --(11.613300,12.394500)--(11.218800,12.293000)--(10.847700,12.210900)\r
+ --(10.496100,12.144500)--(10.160200,12.093800)--(9.843750,12.062500)\r
+ --(9.542970,12.043000)--(9.253910,12.039100)--(8.980470,12.043000)\r
+ --(8.718750,12.062500)--(8.468750,12.093800)--(8.226560,12.132800)\r
+ --(7.992190,12.179700)--(7.765630,12.234400)--(7.546880,12.300800)\r
+ --(7.328130,12.367200)--(7.117190,12.441400)--(6.902340,12.523400)\r
+ --(6.691410,12.605500)--(6.476560,12.687500)--(6.261720,12.773400)\r
+ --(6.042970,12.863300)--(5.820310,12.949200)--(5.589840,13.031300)\r
+ --(5.351560,13.117200)--(5.105470,13.195300)--(4.847660,13.269500)\r
+ --(4.582030,13.343800)--(4.300780,13.406300)--(4.003910,13.464800)\r
+ --(3.695310,13.515600)--(3.367190,13.558600)--(3.023440,13.589800)\r
+ --(2.660160,13.609400)--(2.273440,13.621100)--(1.867190,13.617200)\r
+ --(1.441410,13.601600)--(0.984375,13.574200)--(0.507813,13.527300)\r
+ --(0.000000,13.464800)--cycle;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.000000,0.000000,0.000000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.200000bp;\r
+draw (0.000000,24.800800)--(0.507813,24.859400)--(0.984375,24.906300)\r
+ --(1.441410,24.937500)--(1.867190,24.953100)--(2.273440,24.953100)\r
+ --(2.660160,24.945299)--(3.023440,24.921900)--(3.367190,24.890600)\r
+ --(3.695310,24.847700)--(4.003910,24.796900)--(4.300780,24.742201)\r
+ --(4.582030,24.675800)--(4.847660,24.605499)--(5.105470,24.527300)\r
+ --(5.351560,24.449200)--(5.589840,24.367201)--(5.820310,24.281300)\r
+ --(6.042970,24.195299)--(6.261720,24.109400)--(6.476560,24.023399)\r
+ --(6.691410,23.937500)--(6.902340,23.855499)--(7.117190,23.777300)\r
+ --(7.328130,23.703100)--(7.546880,23.632799)--(7.765630,23.570299)\r
+ --(7.992190,23.511700)--(8.226560,23.464800)--(8.468750,23.425800)\r
+ --(8.718750,23.394501)--(8.980470,23.378901)--(9.253910,23.371099)\r
+ --(9.542970,23.375000)--(9.843750,23.394501)--(10.160200,23.429701)\r
+ --(10.496100,23.476601)--(10.847700,23.542999)--(11.218800,23.625000)\r
+ --(11.613300,23.726601)--(12.031300,23.843800)--(12.472700,23.984400)\r
+ --(12.937500,24.144501)--(13.425800,24.328100)--(13.945300,24.535200)\r
+ --(14.492200,24.761700)--(15.070300,25.015600)--(15.679700,25.292999)\r
+ --(16.324200,25.601601)--(17.000000,25.933599)--(17.000000,14.601600)\r
+ --(16.324200,14.265600)--(15.679700,13.960900)--(15.070300,13.683600)\r
+ --(14.492200,13.429700)--(13.945300,13.199200)--(13.425800,12.996100)\r
+ --(12.937500,12.812500)--(12.472700,12.652300)--(12.031300,12.511700)\r
+ --(11.613300,12.394500)--(11.218800,12.293000)--(10.847700,12.210900)\r
+ --(10.496100,12.144500)--(10.160200,12.093800)--(9.843750,12.062500)\r
+ --(9.542970,12.043000)--(9.253910,12.039100)--(8.980470,12.043000)\r
+ --(8.718750,12.062500)--(8.468750,12.093800)--(8.226560,12.132800)\r
+ --(7.992190,12.179700)--(7.765630,12.234400)--(7.546880,12.300800)\r
+ --(7.328130,12.367200)--(7.117190,12.441400)--(6.902340,12.523400)\r
+ --(6.691410,12.605500)--(6.476560,12.687500)--(6.261720,12.773400)\r
+ --(6.042970,12.863300)--(5.820310,12.949200)--(5.589840,13.031300)\r
+ --(5.351560,13.117200)--(5.105470,13.195300)--(4.847660,13.269500)\r
+ --(4.582030,13.343800)--(4.300780,13.406300)--(4.003910,13.464800)\r
+ --(3.695310,13.515600)--(3.367190,13.558600)--(3.023440,13.589800)\r
+ --(2.660160,13.609400)--(2.273440,13.621100)--(1.867190,13.617200)\r
+ --(1.441410,13.601600)--(0.984375,13.574200)--(0.507813,13.527300)\r
+ --(0.000000,13.464800)--cycle;\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.8bp;\r
+draw (0.000000,5.00000)--(0.000000,26);\r
+picture pic;\r
+draw pic scaled(r);\r
+%draw pic scaled(1);\r
+draw (z0+(10.5,2));\r
+draw (z1-(10.5,2));\r
+clip currentpicture to ((z0-(8.5pt,0))--(z0+(8.5pt,0))--(z1+(8.5pt,0))--(z1-(8.5pt,0))--cycle);\r
--- /dev/null
+drawoptions (withcolor (1.000000,1.000000,0.000000));\r
+linecap := butt;\r
+linejoin := mitered;\r
+fill (0.632813,2.179690)--(6.820310,13.019500)--(13.078100,2.179690)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.000000,0.000000,0.000000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.243079bp;\r
+draw (0.632813,2.179690)--(6.820310,13.019500)--(13.078100,2.179690)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (1.000000,0.000000,0.000000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.000000bp;\r
+fill (6.671880,10.074200)--(4.843750,6.515630)--(7.078130,6.062500)\r
+ --(4.992190,3.312500)--(9.015630,6.320310)--(6.222660,6.902340)\r
+ --(7.972660,9.980470)--cycle;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.000000,0.000000,0.000000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.243079bp;\r
+draw (6.671880,10.074200)--(4.843750,6.515630)--(7.078130,6.062500)\r
+ --(4.992190,3.312500)--(9.015630,6.320310)--(6.222660,6.902340)\r
+ --(7.972660,9.980470)--cycle;\r
+picture pic;\r
+draw pic scaled(1.324);\r
+draw (z0+(10.5,2));\r
+draw (z1-(10.5,2));\r
+clip currentpicture to ((z0-(8.5pt,0))--(z0+(8.5pt,0))--(z1+(8.5pt,-2pt))--(z1-(8.5pt,2pt))--cycle);\r
--- /dev/null
+linecap := butt;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (237/256,41/256,57/256));\r
+fill (0.000000,24.800800)--(0.507813,24.859400)--(0.984375,24.906300)\r
+ --(1.441410,24.937500)--(1.867190,24.953100)--(2.273440,24.953100)\r
+ --(2.660160,24.945299)--(3.023440,24.921900)--(3.367190,24.890600)\r
+ --(3.695310,24.847700)--(4.003910,24.796900)--(4.300780,24.742201)\r
+ --(4.582030,24.675800)--(4.847660,24.605499)--(5.105470,24.527300)\r
+ --(5.351560,24.449200)--(5.589840,24.367201)--(5.820310,24.281300)\r
+ --(6.042970,24.195299)--(6.261720,24.109400)--(6.476560,24.023399)\r
+ --(6.691410,23.937500)--(6.902340,23.855499)--(7.117190,23.777300)\r
+ --(7.328130,23.703100)--(7.546880,23.632799)--(7.765630,23.570299)\r
+ --(7.992190,23.511700)--(8.226560,23.464800)--(8.468750,23.425800)\r
+ --(8.718750,23.394501)--(8.980470,23.378901)--(9.253910,23.371099)\r
+ --(9.542970,23.375000)--(9.843750,23.394501)--(10.160200,23.429701)\r
+ --(10.496100,23.476601)--(10.847700,23.542999)--(11.218800,23.625000)\r
+ --(11.613300,23.726601)--(12.031300,23.843800)--(12.472700,23.984400)\r
+ --(12.937500,24.144501)--(13.425800,24.328100)--(13.945300,24.535200)\r
+ --(14.492200,24.761700)--(15.070300,25.015600)--(15.679700,25.292999)\r
+ --(16.324200,25.601601)--(17.000000,25.933599)--(17.000000,22.191401)\r
+ --(16.324200,21.859400)--(15.679700,21.554701)--(15.070300,21.277300)\r
+ --(14.492200,21.023399)--(13.945300,20.792999)--(13.425800,20.589800)\r
+ --(12.937500,20.406300)--(12.472700,20.246099)--(12.031300,20.105499)\r
+ --(11.613300,19.984400)--(11.218800,19.886700)--(10.847700,19.804701)\r
+ --(10.496100,19.738300)--(10.160200,19.687500)--(9.843750,19.656300)\r
+ --(9.542970,19.636700)--(9.253910,19.628901)--(8.980470,19.636700)\r
+ --(8.718750,19.656300)--(8.468750,19.687500)--(8.226560,19.726601)\r
+ --(7.992190,19.773399)--(7.765630,19.828100)--(7.546880,19.894501)\r
+ --(7.328130,19.960899)--(7.117190,20.035200)--(6.902340,20.117201)\r
+ --(6.691410,20.199200)--(6.476560,20.281300)--(6.261720,20.367201)\r
+ --(6.042970,20.453100)--(5.820310,20.542999)--(5.589840,20.625000)\r
+ --(5.351560,20.710899)--(5.105470,20.789101)--(4.847660,20.863300)\r
+ --(4.582030,20.933599)--(4.300780,21.000000)--(4.003910,21.058599)\r
+ --(3.695310,21.109400)--(3.367190,21.148399)--(3.023440,21.183599)\r
+ --(2.660160,21.203100)--(2.273440,21.214800)--(1.867190,21.210899)\r
+ --(1.441410,21.195299)--(0.984375,21.164101)--(0.507813,21.121099)\r
+ --(0.000000,21.058599)--cycle;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (1.000000,1.000000,1.000000));\r
+fill (0.000000,21.058599)--(0.507813,21.121099)--(0.984375,21.164101)\r
+ --(1.441410,21.195299)--(1.867190,21.210899)--(2.273440,21.214800)\r
+ --(2.660160,21.203100)--(3.023440,21.183599)--(3.367190,21.148399)\r
+ --(3.695310,21.109400)--(4.003910,21.058599)--(4.300780,21.000000)\r
+ --(4.582030,20.933599)--(4.847660,20.863300)--(5.105470,20.789101)\r
+ --(5.351560,20.710899)--(5.589840,20.625000)--(5.820310,20.542999)\r
+ --(6.042970,20.453100)--(6.261720,20.367201)--(6.476560,20.281300)\r
+ --(6.691410,20.199200)--(6.902340,20.117201)--(7.117190,20.035200)\r
+ --(7.328130,19.960899)--(7.546880,19.894501)--(7.765630,19.828100)\r
+ --(7.992190,19.773399)--(8.226560,19.726601)--(8.468750,19.687500)\r
+ --(8.718750,19.656300)--(8.980470,19.636700)--(9.253910,19.628901)\r
+ --(9.542970,19.636700)--(9.843750,19.656300)--(10.160200,19.687500)\r
+ --(10.496100,19.738300)--(10.847700,19.804701)--(11.218800,19.886700)\r
+ --(11.613300,19.984400)--(12.031300,20.105499)--(12.472700,20.246099)\r
+ --(12.937500,20.406300)--(13.425800,20.589800)--(13.945300,20.792999)\r
+ --(14.492200,21.023399)--(15.070300,21.277300)--(15.679700,21.554701)\r
+ --(16.324200,21.859400)--(17.000000,22.191401)--(17.000000,18.339800)\r
+ --(16.324200,18.007799)--(15.679700,17.703100)--(15.070300,17.421900)\r
+ --(14.492200,17.167999)--(13.945300,16.941401)--(13.425800,16.734400)\r
+ --(12.937500,16.550800)--(12.472700,16.390600)--(12.031300,16.253901)\r
+ --(11.613300,16.132799)--(11.218800,16.031300)--(10.847700,15.949200)\r
+ --(10.496100,15.882800)--(10.160200,15.835900)--(9.843750,15.800800)\r
+ --(9.542970,15.781300)--(9.253910,15.777300)--(8.980470,15.785200)\r
+ --(8.718750,15.804700)--(8.468750,15.832000)--(8.226560,15.871100)\r
+ --(7.992190,15.921900)--(7.765630,15.976600)--(7.546880,16.039101)\r
+ --(7.328130,16.109400)--(7.117190,16.183599)--(6.902340,16.261700)\r
+ --(6.691410,16.343800)--(6.476560,16.429701)--(6.261720,16.515600)\r
+ --(6.042970,16.601601)--(5.820310,16.687500)--(5.589840,16.773399)\r
+ --(5.351560,16.855499)--(5.105470,16.937500)--(4.847660,17.011700)\r
+ --(4.582030,17.082001)--(4.300780,17.148399)--(4.003910,17.203100)\r
+ --(3.695310,17.253901)--(3.367190,17.296900)--(3.023440,17.328100)\r
+ --(2.660160,17.351601)--(2.273440,17.359400)--(1.867190,17.359400)\r
+ --(1.441410,17.343800)--(0.984375,17.312500)--(0.507813,17.269501)\r
+ --(0.000000,17.207001)--cycle;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (237/256,41/256,57/256));\r
+fill (0.000000,17.207001)--(0.507813,17.269501)--(0.984375,17.312500)\r
+ --(1.441410,17.343800)--(1.867190,17.359400)--(2.273440,17.359400)\r
+ --(2.660160,17.351601)--(3.023440,17.328100)--(3.367190,17.296900)\r
+ --(3.695310,17.253901)--(4.003910,17.203100)--(4.300780,17.148399)\r
+ --(4.582030,17.082001)--(4.847660,17.011700)--(5.105470,16.937500)\r
+ --(5.351560,16.855499)--(5.589840,16.773399)--(5.820310,16.687500)\r
+ --(6.042970,16.601601)--(6.261720,16.515600)--(6.476560,16.429701)\r
+ --(6.691410,16.343800)--(6.902340,16.261700)--(7.117190,16.183599)\r
+ --(7.328130,16.109400)--(7.546880,16.039101)--(7.765630,15.976600)\r
+ --(7.992190,15.921900)--(8.226560,15.871100)--(8.468750,15.832000)\r
+ --(8.718750,15.804700)--(8.980470,15.785200)--(9.253910,15.777300)\r
+ --(9.542970,15.781300)--(9.843750,15.800800)--(10.160200,15.835900)\r
+ --(10.496100,15.882800)--(10.847700,15.949200)--(11.218800,16.031300)\r
+ --(11.613300,16.132799)--(12.031300,16.253901)--(12.472700,16.390600)\r
+ --(12.937500,16.550800)--(13.425800,16.734400)--(13.945300,16.941401)\r
+ --(14.492200,17.167999)--(15.070300,17.421900)--(15.679700,17.703100)\r
+ --(16.324200,18.007799)--(17.000000,18.339800)--(17.000000,14.601600)\r
+ --(16.324200,14.265600)--(15.679700,13.960900)--(15.070300,13.683600)\r
+ --(14.492200,13.429700)--(13.945300,13.199200)--(13.425800,12.996100)\r
+ --(12.937500,12.812500)--(12.472700,12.652300)--(12.031300,12.511700)\r
+ --(11.613300,12.394500)--(11.218800,12.293000)--(10.847700,12.210900)\r
+ --(10.496100,12.144500)--(10.160200,12.093800)--(9.843750,12.062500)\r
+ --(9.542970,12.043000)--(9.253910,12.039100)--(8.980470,12.043000)\r
+ --(8.718750,12.062500)--(8.468750,12.093800)--(8.226560,12.132800)\r
+ --(7.992190,12.179700)--(7.765630,12.234400)--(7.546880,12.300800)\r
+ --(7.328130,12.367200)--(7.117190,12.441400)--(6.902340,12.523400)\r
+ --(6.691410,12.605500)--(6.476560,12.687500)--(6.261720,12.773400)\r
+ --(6.042970,12.863300)--(5.820310,12.949200)--(5.589840,13.031300)\r
+ --(5.351560,13.117200)--(5.105470,13.195300)--(4.847660,13.269500)\r
+ --(4.582030,13.343800)--(4.300780,13.406300)--(4.003910,13.464800)\r
+ --(3.695310,13.515600)--(3.367190,13.558600)--(3.023440,13.589800)\r
+ --(2.660160,13.609400)--(2.273440,13.621100)--(1.867190,13.617200)\r
+ --(1.441410,13.601600)--(0.984375,13.574200)--(0.507813,13.527300)\r
+ --(0.000000,13.464800)--cycle;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.000000,0.000000,0.000000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.200000bp;\r
+draw (0.000000,24.800800)--(0.507813,24.859400)--(0.984375,24.906300)\r
+ --(1.441410,24.937500)--(1.867190,24.953100)--(2.273440,24.953100)\r
+ --(2.660160,24.945299)--(3.023440,24.921900)--(3.367190,24.890600)\r
+ --(3.695310,24.847700)--(4.003910,24.796900)--(4.300780,24.742201)\r
+ --(4.582030,24.675800)--(4.847660,24.605499)--(5.105470,24.527300)\r
+ --(5.351560,24.449200)--(5.589840,24.367201)--(5.820310,24.281300)\r
+ --(6.042970,24.195299)--(6.261720,24.109400)--(6.476560,24.023399)\r
+ --(6.691410,23.937500)--(6.902340,23.855499)--(7.117190,23.777300)\r
+ --(7.328130,23.703100)--(7.546880,23.632799)--(7.765630,23.570299)\r
+ --(7.992190,23.511700)--(8.226560,23.464800)--(8.468750,23.425800)\r
+ --(8.718750,23.394501)--(8.980470,23.378901)--(9.253910,23.371099)\r
+ --(9.542970,23.375000)--(9.843750,23.394501)--(10.160200,23.429701)\r
+ --(10.496100,23.476601)--(10.847700,23.542999)--(11.218800,23.625000)\r
+ --(11.613300,23.726601)--(12.031300,23.843800)--(12.472700,23.984400)\r
+ --(12.937500,24.144501)--(13.425800,24.328100)--(13.945300,24.535200)\r
+ --(14.492200,24.761700)--(15.070300,25.015600)--(15.679700,25.292999)\r
+ --(16.324200,25.601601)--(17.000000,25.933599)--(17.000000,14.601600)\r
+ --(16.324200,14.265600)--(15.679700,13.960900)--(15.070300,13.683600)\r
+ --(14.492200,13.429700)--(13.945300,13.199200)--(13.425800,12.996100)\r
+ --(12.937500,12.812500)--(12.472700,12.652300)--(12.031300,12.511700)\r
+ --(11.613300,12.394500)--(11.218800,12.293000)--(10.847700,12.210900)\r
+ --(10.496100,12.144500)--(10.160200,12.093800)--(9.843750,12.062500)\r
+ --(9.542970,12.043000)--(9.253910,12.039100)--(8.980470,12.043000)\r
+ --(8.718750,12.062500)--(8.468750,12.093800)--(8.226560,12.132800)\r
+ --(7.992190,12.179700)--(7.765630,12.234400)--(7.546880,12.300800)\r
+ --(7.328130,12.367200)--(7.117190,12.441400)--(6.902340,12.523400)\r
+ --(6.691410,12.605500)--(6.476560,12.687500)--(6.261720,12.773400)\r
+ --(6.042970,12.863300)--(5.820310,12.949200)--(5.589840,13.031300)\r
+ --(5.351560,13.117200)--(5.105470,13.195300)--(4.847660,13.269500)\r
+ --(4.582030,13.343800)--(4.300780,13.406300)--(4.003910,13.464800)\r
+ --(3.695310,13.515600)--(3.367190,13.558600)--(3.023440,13.589800)\r
+ --(2.660160,13.609400)--(2.273440,13.621100)--(1.867190,13.617200)\r
+ --(1.441410,13.601600)--(0.984375,13.574200)--(0.507813,13.527300)\r
+ --(0.000000,13.464800)--cycle;\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.800000bp;\r
+draw (0.000000,5.000000)--(0.000000,26);\r
+picture pic;\r
+draw pic scaled(r);\r
+draw (z0+(10.5,2));\r
+draw (z1-(10.5,2));\r
+clip currentpicture to ((z0-(8.5pt,0))--(z0+(8.5pt,0))--(z1+(8.5pt,0))--(z1-(8.5pt,0))--cycle);\r
--- /dev/null
+linecap := butt;\r
+linejoin := mitered;\r
+linejoin := rounded;\r
+fill (72.000000,713.254028)--(72.000000,718.918030)--(72.507797,718.979980)\r
+ --(72.984398,719.026978)--(73.437500,719.054993)--(73.867203,719.070007)\r
+ --(74.273399,719.073975)--(74.660202,719.062988)--(75.023399,719.043030)\r
+ --(75.367203,719.012024)--(75.695297,718.968994)--(76.003899,718.918030)\r
+ --(76.300797,718.859009)--(76.578102,718.793030)--(76.847702,718.723022)\r
+ --(77.105499,718.648010)--(77.351601,718.570007)--(77.589798,718.484009)\r
+ --(77.820297,718.401978)--(78.042999,718.312988)--(78.234398,718.237976)\r
+ --(78.234398,706.906006)--(78.042999,706.979980)--(77.820297,707.065979)\r
+ --(77.589798,707.151978)--(77.351601,707.237976)--(77.105499,707.315979)\r
+ --(76.847702,707.390991)--(76.578102,707.460999)--(76.300797,707.526978)\r
+ --(76.003899,707.585999)--(75.695297,707.637024)--(75.367203,707.676025)\r
+ --(75.023399,707.710999)--(74.660202,707.729980)--(74.273399,707.742004)\r
+ --(73.867203,707.737976)--(73.437500,707.723022)--(72.984398,707.690979)\r
+ --(72.507797,707.648010)--(72.000000,707.585999)--cycle;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (250/256,224/256,66/256));\r
+fill (78.246101,712.565979)--(78.261703,718.226990)--(78.476601,718.140991)\r
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+ --(79.328102,717.820007)--(79.546898,717.754028)--(79.765602,717.687988)\r
+ --(79.992203,717.632996)--(80.226601,717.585999)--(80.468803,717.543030)\r
+ --(80.718803,717.515991)--(80.980499,717.495972)--(81.253899,717.492004)\r
+ --(81.542999,717.495972)--(81.843803,717.515991)--(82.160202,717.546997)\r
+ --(82.492203,717.598022)--(82.847702,717.664001)--(83.218803,717.745972)\r
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+ --(82.847702,706.328003)--(82.492203,706.265991)--(82.160202,706.215027)\r
+ --(81.843803,706.179993)--(81.542999,706.164001)--(81.253899,706.156006)\r
+ --(80.980499,706.164001)--(80.718803,706.184021)--(80.468803,706.210999)\r
+ --(80.226601,706.250000)--(79.992203,706.301025)--(79.765602,706.354980)\r
+ --(79.546898,706.418030)--(79.328102,706.487976)--(79.113297,706.562988)\r
+ --(78.902298,706.645020)--(78.691399,706.723022)--(78.476601,706.809021)\r
+ --(78.234398,706.906006)--cycle;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (237/256,41/256,57/256));\r
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+ --(85.425797,718.448975)--(85.945297,718.651978)--(86.492203,718.882996)\r
+ --(87.070297,719.137024)--(87.679703,719.414001)--(88.324203,719.718994)\r
+ --(89.000000,720.054993)--(89.000000,708.718994)--(88.324203,708.387024)\r
+ --(87.679703,708.081970)--(87.070297,707.801025)--(86.492203,707.551025)\r
+ --(85.945297,707.320007)--(85.425797,707.117004)--(84.933601,706.934021)\r
+ --(84.468803,706.773010)--(84.031303,706.632996)--(83.613297,706.512024)\r
+ --(83.332001,706.440979)--cycle;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.000000,0.000000,0.000000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.199253bp;\r
+draw (72.000000,713.254028)--(72.000000,718.918030)--(72.507797,718.979980)\r
+ --(72.984398,719.026978)--(73.437500,719.054993)--(73.867203,719.070007)\r
+ --(74.273399,719.073975)--(74.660202,719.062988)--(75.023399,719.043030)\r
+ --(75.367203,719.012024)--(75.695297,718.968994)--(76.003899,718.918030)\r
+ --(76.300797,718.859009)--(76.578102,718.793030)--(76.847702,718.723022)\r
+ --(77.105499,718.648010)--(77.351601,718.570007)--(77.589798,718.484009)\r
+ --(77.820297,718.401978)--(78.042999,718.312988)--(78.261703,718.226990)\r
+ --(78.476601,718.140991)--(78.691399,718.059021)--(78.902298,717.976990)\r
+ --(79.113297,717.895020)--(79.328102,717.820007)--(79.546898,717.754028)\r
+ --(79.765602,717.687988)--(79.992203,717.632996)--(80.226601,717.585999)\r
+ --(80.468803,717.543030)--(80.718803,717.515991)--(80.980499,717.495972)\r
+ --(81.253899,717.492004)--(81.542999,717.495972)--(81.843803,717.515991)\r
+ --(82.160202,717.546997)--(82.492203,717.598022)--(82.847702,717.664001)\r
+ --(83.218803,717.745972)--(83.613297,717.843994)--(84.031303,717.965027)\r
+ --(84.468803,718.104980)--(84.933601,718.265991)--(85.425797,718.448975)\r
+ --(85.945297,718.651978)--(86.492203,718.882996)--(87.070297,719.137024)\r
+ --(87.679703,719.414001)--(88.324203,719.718994)--(89.000000,720.054993)\r
+ --(89.000000,708.718994)--(88.324203,708.387024)--(87.679703,708.081970)\r
+ --(87.070297,707.801025)--(86.492203,707.551025)--(85.945297,707.320007)\r
+ --(85.425797,707.117004)--(84.933601,706.934021)--(84.468803,706.773010)\r
+ --(84.031303,706.632996)--(83.613297,706.512024)--(83.218803,706.414001)\r
+ --(82.847702,706.328003)--(82.492203,706.265991)--(82.160202,706.215027)\r
+ --(81.843803,706.179993)--(81.542999,706.164001)--(81.253899,706.156006)\r
+ --(80.980499,706.164001)--(80.718803,706.184021)--(80.468803,706.210999)\r
+ --(80.226601,706.250000)--(79.992203,706.301025)--(79.765602,706.354980)\r
+ --(79.546898,706.418030)--(79.328102,706.487976)--(79.113297,706.562988)\r
+ --(78.902298,706.645020)--(78.691399,706.723022)--(78.476601,706.809021)\r
+ --(78.261703,706.895020)--(78.042999,706.979980)--(77.820297,707.065979)\r
+ --(77.589798,707.151978)--(77.351601,707.237976)--(77.105499,707.315979)\r
+ --(76.847702,707.390991)--(76.578102,707.460999)--(76.300797,707.526978)\r
+ --(76.003899,707.585999)--(75.695297,707.637024)--(75.367203,707.676025)\r
+ --(75.023399,707.710999)--(74.660202,707.729980)--(74.273399,707.742004)\r
+ --(73.867203,707.737976)--(73.437500,707.723022)--(72.984398,707.690979)\r
+ --(72.507797,707.648010)--(72.000000,707.585999)--cycle;\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.8bp;\r
+draw (72.000000,699)--(72.000000,720);\r
+picture pic;\r
+draw pic scaled(r);\r
+draw (z0+(10.5,2));\r
+draw (z1-(10.5,2));\r
+clip currentpicture to ((z0-(8.5pt,0))--(z0+(8.5pt,0))--(z1+(8.5pt,0))--(z1-(8.5pt,0))--cycle);\r
--- /dev/null
+linecap := butt;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (1,1,1));\r
+fill (0.000000,24.800800)--(0.507813,24.859400)--(0.984375,24.906300)\r
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+ --(2.660160,24.945299)--(3.023440,24.921900)--(3.367190,24.890600)\r
+ --(3.695310,24.847700)--(4.003910,24.796900)--(4.300780,24.742201)\r
+ --(4.582030,24.675800)--(4.847660,24.605499)--(5.105470,24.527300)\r
+ --(5.351560,24.449200)--(5.589840,24.367201)--(5.820310,24.281300)\r
+ --(6.042970,24.195299)--(6.261720,24.109400)--(6.476560,24.023399)\r
+ --(6.691410,23.937500)--(6.902340,23.855499)--(7.117190,23.777300)\r
+ --(7.328130,23.703100)--(7.546880,23.632799)--(7.765630,23.570299)\r
+ --(7.992190,23.511700)--(8.226560,23.464800)--(8.468750,23.425800)\r
+ --(8.718750,23.394501)--(8.980470,23.378901)--(9.253910,23.371099)\r
+ --(9.542970,23.375000)--(9.843750,23.394501)--(10.160200,23.429701)\r
+ --(10.496100,23.476601)--(10.847700,23.542999)--(11.218800,23.625000)\r
+ --(11.613300,23.726601)--(12.031300,23.843800)--(12.472700,23.984400)\r
+ --(12.937500,24.144501)--(13.425800,24.328100)--(13.945300,24.535200)\r
+ --(14.492200,24.761700)--(15.070300,25.015600)--(15.679700,25.292999)\r
+ --(16.324200,25.601601)--(17.000000,25.933599)--(17.000000,22.191401)\r
+ --(16.324200,21.859400)--(15.679700,21.554701)--(15.070300,21.277300)\r
+ --(14.492200,21.023399)--(13.945300,20.792999)--(13.425800,20.589800)\r
+ --(12.937500,20.406300)--(12.472700,20.246099)--(12.031300,20.105499)\r
+ --(11.613300,19.984400)--(11.218800,19.886700)--(10.847700,19.804701)\r
+ --(10.496100,19.738300)--(10.160200,19.687500)--(9.843750,19.656300)\r
+ --(9.542970,19.636700)--(9.253910,19.628901)--(8.980470,19.636700)\r
+ --(8.718750,19.656300)--(8.468750,19.687500)--(8.226560,19.726601)\r
+ --(7.992190,19.773399)--(7.765630,19.828100)--(7.546880,19.894501)\r
+ --(7.328130,19.960899)--(7.117190,20.035200)--(6.902340,20.117201)\r
+ --(6.691410,20.199200)--(6.476560,20.281300)--(6.261720,20.367201)\r
+ --(6.042970,20.453100)--(5.820310,20.542999)--(5.589840,20.625000)\r
+ --(5.351560,20.710899)--(5.105470,20.789101)--(4.847660,20.863300)\r
+ --(4.582030,20.933599)--(4.300780,21.000000)--(4.003910,21.058599)\r
+ --(3.695310,21.109400)--(3.367190,21.148399)--(3.023440,21.183599)\r
+ --(2.660160,21.203100)--(2.273440,21.214800)--(1.867190,21.210899)\r
+ --(1.441410,21.195299)--(0.984375,21.164101)--(0.507813,21.121099)\r
+ --(0.000000,21.058599)--cycle;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0,150/256,110/256));\r
+fill (0.000000,21.058599)--(0.507813,21.121099)--(0.984375,21.164101)\r
+ --(1.441410,21.195299)--(1.867190,21.210899)--(2.273440,21.214800)\r
+ --(2.660160,21.203100)--(3.023440,21.183599)--(3.367190,21.148399)\r
+ --(3.695310,21.109400)--(4.003910,21.058599)--(4.300780,21.000000)\r
+ --(4.582030,20.933599)--(4.847660,20.863300)--(5.105470,20.789101)\r
+ --(5.351560,20.710899)--(5.589840,20.625000)--(5.820310,20.542999)\r
+ --(6.042970,20.453100)--(6.261720,20.367201)--(6.476560,20.281300)\r
+ --(6.691410,20.199200)--(6.902340,20.117201)--(7.117190,20.035200)\r
+ --(7.328130,19.960899)--(7.546880,19.894501)--(7.765630,19.828100)\r
+ --(7.992190,19.773399)--(8.226560,19.726601)--(8.468750,19.687500)\r
+ --(8.718750,19.656300)--(8.980470,19.636700)--(9.253910,19.628901)\r
+ --(9.542970,19.636700)--(9.843750,19.656300)--(10.160200,19.687500)\r
+ --(10.496100,19.738300)--(10.847700,19.804701)--(11.218800,19.886700)\r
+ --(11.613300,19.984400)--(12.031300,20.105499)--(12.472700,20.246099)\r
+ --(12.937500,20.406300)--(13.425800,20.589800)--(13.945300,20.792999)\r
+ --(14.492200,21.023399)--(15.070300,21.277300)--(15.679700,21.554701)\r
+ --(16.324200,21.859400)--(17.000000,22.191401)--(17.000000,18.339800)\r
+ --(16.324200,18.007799)--(15.679700,17.703100)--(15.070300,17.421900)\r
+ --(14.492200,17.167999)--(13.945300,16.941401)--(13.425800,16.734400)\r
+ --(12.937500,16.550800)--(12.472700,16.390600)--(12.031300,16.253901)\r
+ --(11.613300,16.132799)--(11.218800,16.031300)--(10.847700,15.949200)\r
+ --(10.496100,15.882800)--(10.160200,15.835900)--(9.843750,15.800800)\r
+ --(9.542970,15.781300)--(9.253910,15.777300)--(8.980470,15.785200)\r
+ --(8.718750,15.804700)--(8.468750,15.832000)--(8.226560,15.871100)\r
+ --(7.992190,15.921900)--(7.765630,15.976600)--(7.546880,16.039101)\r
+ --(7.328130,16.109400)--(7.117190,16.183599)--(6.902340,16.261700)\r
+ --(6.691410,16.343800)--(6.476560,16.429701)--(6.261720,16.515600)\r
+ --(6.042970,16.601601)--(5.820310,16.687500)--(5.589840,16.773399)\r
+ --(5.351560,16.855499)--(5.105470,16.937500)--(4.847660,17.011700)\r
+ --(4.582030,17.082001)--(4.300780,17.148399)--(4.003910,17.203100)\r
+ --(3.695310,17.253901)--(3.367190,17.296900)--(3.023440,17.328100)\r
+ --(2.660160,17.351601)--(2.273440,17.359400)--(1.867190,17.359400)\r
+ --(1.441410,17.343800)--(0.984375,17.312500)--(0.507813,17.269501)\r
+ --(0.000000,17.207001)--cycle;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (214/256,38/256,18/256));\r
+fill (0.000000,17.207001)--(0.507813,17.269501)--(0.984375,17.312500)\r
+ --(1.441410,17.343800)--(1.867190,17.359400)--(2.273440,17.359400)\r
+ --(2.660160,17.351601)--(3.023440,17.328100)--(3.367190,17.296900)\r
+ --(3.695310,17.253901)--(4.003910,17.203100)--(4.300780,17.148399)\r
+ --(4.582030,17.082001)--(4.847660,17.011700)--(5.105470,16.937500)\r
+ --(5.351560,16.855499)--(5.589840,16.773399)--(5.820310,16.687500)\r
+ --(6.042970,16.601601)--(6.261720,16.515600)--(6.476560,16.429701)\r
+ --(6.691410,16.343800)--(6.902340,16.261700)--(7.117190,16.183599)\r
+ --(7.328130,16.109400)--(7.546880,16.039101)--(7.765630,15.976600)\r
+ --(7.992190,15.921900)--(8.226560,15.871100)--(8.468750,15.832000)\r
+ --(8.718750,15.804700)--(8.980470,15.785200)--(9.253910,15.777300)\r
+ --(9.542970,15.781300)--(9.843750,15.800800)--(10.160200,15.835900)\r
+ --(10.496100,15.882800)--(10.847700,15.949200)--(11.218800,16.031300)\r
+ --(11.613300,16.132799)--(12.031300,16.253901)--(12.472700,16.390600)\r
+ --(12.937500,16.550800)--(13.425800,16.734400)--(13.945300,16.941401)\r
+ --(14.492200,17.167999)--(15.070300,17.421900)--(15.679700,17.703100)\r
+ --(16.324200,18.007799)--(17.000000,18.339800)--(17.000000,14.601600)\r
+ --(16.324200,14.265600)--(15.679700,13.960900)--(15.070300,13.683600)\r
+ --(14.492200,13.429700)--(13.945300,13.199200)--(13.425800,12.996100)\r
+ --(12.937500,12.812500)--(12.472700,12.652300)--(12.031300,12.511700)\r
+ --(11.613300,12.394500)--(11.218800,12.293000)--(10.847700,12.210900)\r
+ --(10.496100,12.144500)--(10.160200,12.093800)--(9.843750,12.062500)\r
+ --(9.542970,12.043000)--(9.253910,12.039100)--(8.980470,12.043000)\r
+ --(8.718750,12.062500)--(8.468750,12.093800)--(8.226560,12.132800)\r
+ --(7.992190,12.179700)--(7.765630,12.234400)--(7.546880,12.300800)\r
+ --(7.328130,12.367200)--(7.117190,12.441400)--(6.902340,12.523400)\r
+ --(6.691410,12.605500)--(6.476560,12.687500)--(6.261720,12.773400)\r
+ --(6.042970,12.863300)--(5.820310,12.949200)--(5.589840,13.031300)\r
+ --(5.351560,13.117200)--(5.105470,13.195300)--(4.847660,13.269500)\r
+ --(4.582030,13.343800)--(4.300780,13.406300)--(4.003910,13.464800)\r
+ --(3.695310,13.515600)--(3.367190,13.558600)--(3.023440,13.589800)\r
+ --(2.660160,13.609400)--(2.273440,13.621100)--(1.867190,13.617200)\r
+ --(1.441410,13.601600)--(0.984375,13.574200)--(0.507813,13.527300)\r
+ --(0.000000,13.464800)--cycle;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.000000,0.000000,0.000000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.200000bp;\r
+draw (0.000000,24.800800)--(0.507813,24.859400)--(0.984375,24.906300)\r
+ --(1.441410,24.937500)--(1.867190,24.953100)--(2.273440,24.953100)\r
+ --(2.660160,24.945299)--(3.023440,24.921900)--(3.367190,24.890600)\r
+ --(3.695310,24.847700)--(4.003910,24.796900)--(4.300780,24.742201)\r
+ --(4.582030,24.675800)--(4.847660,24.605499)--(5.105470,24.527300)\r
+ --(5.351560,24.449200)--(5.589840,24.367201)--(5.820310,24.281300)\r
+ --(6.042970,24.195299)--(6.261720,24.109400)--(6.476560,24.023399)\r
+ --(6.691410,23.937500)--(6.902340,23.855499)--(7.117190,23.777300)\r
+ --(7.328130,23.703100)--(7.546880,23.632799)--(7.765630,23.570299)\r
+ --(7.992190,23.511700)--(8.226560,23.464800)--(8.468750,23.425800)\r
+ --(8.718750,23.394501)--(8.980470,23.378901)--(9.253910,23.371099)\r
+ --(9.542970,23.375000)--(9.843750,23.394501)--(10.160200,23.429701)\r
+ --(10.496100,23.476601)--(10.847700,23.542999)--(11.218800,23.625000)\r
+ --(11.613300,23.726601)--(12.031300,23.843800)--(12.472700,23.984400)\r
+ --(12.937500,24.144501)--(13.425800,24.328100)--(13.945300,24.535200)\r
+ --(14.492200,24.761700)--(15.070300,25.015600)--(15.679700,25.292999)\r
+ --(16.324200,25.601601)--(17.000000,25.933599)--(17.000000,14.601600)\r
+ --(16.324200,14.265600)--(15.679700,13.960900)--(15.070300,13.683600)\r
+ --(14.492200,13.429700)--(13.945300,13.199200)--(13.425800,12.996100)\r
+ --(12.937500,12.812500)--(12.472700,12.652300)--(12.031300,12.511700)\r
+ --(11.613300,12.394500)--(11.218800,12.293000)--(10.847700,12.210900)\r
+ --(10.496100,12.144500)--(10.160200,12.093800)--(9.843750,12.062500)\r
+ --(9.542970,12.043000)--(9.253910,12.039100)--(8.980470,12.043000)\r
+ --(8.718750,12.062500)--(8.468750,12.093800)--(8.226560,12.132800)\r
+ --(7.992190,12.179700)--(7.765630,12.234400)--(7.546880,12.300800)\r
+ --(7.328130,12.367200)--(7.117190,12.441400)--(6.902340,12.523400)\r
+ --(6.691410,12.605500)--(6.476560,12.687500)--(6.261720,12.773400)\r
+ --(6.042970,12.863300)--(5.820310,12.949200)--(5.589840,13.031300)\r
+ --(5.351560,13.117200)--(5.105470,13.195300)--(4.847660,13.269500)\r
+ --(4.582030,13.343800)--(4.300780,13.406300)--(4.003910,13.464800)\r
+ --(3.695310,13.515600)--(3.367190,13.558600)--(3.023440,13.589800)\r
+ --(2.660160,13.609400)--(2.273440,13.621100)--(1.867190,13.617200)\r
+ --(1.441410,13.601600)--(0.984375,13.574200)--(0.507813,13.527300)\r
+ --(0.000000,13.464800)--cycle;\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.8bp;\r
+draw (0.000000,5.000000)--(0.000000,26);\r
+picture pic;\r
+draw pic scaled(r);\r
+draw (z0+(10.5,2));\r
+draw (z1-(10.5,2));\r
+clip currentpicture to ((z0-(8.5pt,0))--(z0+(8.5pt,0))--(z1+(8.5pt,0))--(z1-(8.5pt,0))--cycle);\r
--- /dev/null
+linecap := butt;\r
+linejoin := rounded;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0,35/256,149/256));\r
+fill (72.000000,713.254028)--(72.000000,718.918030)--(72.507797,718.979980)\r
+ --(72.984398,719.026978)--(73.437500,719.054993)--(73.867203,719.070007)\r
+ --(74.273399,719.073975)--(74.660202,719.062988)--(75.023399,719.043030)\r
+ --(75.367203,719.012024)--(75.695297,718.968994)--(76.003899,718.918030)\r
+ --(76.300797,718.859009)--(76.578102,718.793030)--(76.847702,718.723022)\r
+ --(77.105499,718.648010)--(77.351601,718.570007)--(77.589798,718.484009)\r
+ --(77.820297,718.401978)--(78.042999,718.312988)--(78.234398,718.237976)\r
+ --(78.234398,706.906006)--(78.042999,706.979980)--(77.820297,707.065979)\r
+ --(77.589798,707.151978)--(77.351601,707.237976)--(77.105499,707.315979)\r
+ --(76.847702,707.390991)--(76.578102,707.460999)--(76.300797,707.526978)\r
+ --(76.003899,707.585999)--(75.695297,707.637024)--(75.367203,707.676025)\r
+ --(75.023399,707.710999)--(74.660202,707.729980)--(74.273399,707.742004)\r
+ --(73.867203,707.737976)--(73.437500,707.723022)--(72.984398,707.690979)\r
+ --(72.507797,707.648010)--(72.000000,707.585999)--cycle;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (1.000000,1.000000,1.000000));\r
+fill (78.246101,712.565979)--(78.261703,718.226990)--(78.476601,718.140991)\r
+ --(78.691399,718.059021)--(78.902298,717.976990)--(79.113297,717.895020)\r
+ --(79.328102,717.820007)--(79.546898,717.754028)--(79.765602,717.687988)\r
+ --(79.992203,717.632996)--(80.226601,717.585999)--(80.468803,717.543030)\r
+ --(80.718803,717.515991)--(80.980499,717.495972)--(81.253899,717.492004)\r
+ --(81.542999,717.495972)--(81.843803,717.515991)--(82.160202,717.546997)\r
+ --(82.492203,717.598022)--(82.847702,717.664001)--(83.218803,717.745972)\r
+ --(83.332001,717.773010)--(83.332001,706.440979)--(83.218803,706.414001)\r
+ --(82.847702,706.328003)--(82.492203,706.265991)--(82.160202,706.215027)\r
+ --(81.843803,706.179993)--(81.542999,706.164001)--(81.253899,706.156006)\r
+ --(80.980499,706.164001)--(80.718803,706.184021)--(80.468803,706.210999)\r
+ --(80.226601,706.250000)--(79.992203,706.301025)--(79.765602,706.354980)\r
+ --(79.546898,706.418030)--(79.328102,706.487976)--(79.113297,706.562988)\r
+ --(78.902298,706.645020)--(78.691399,706.723022)--(78.476601,706.809021)\r
+ --(78.234398,706.906006)--cycle;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (237/256,41/256,57/256));\r
+fill (83.332001,712.109009)--(83.332001,717.773010)--(83.613297,717.843994)\r
+ --(84.031303,717.965027)--(84.468803,718.104980)--(84.933601,718.265991)\r
+ --(85.425797,718.448975)--(85.945297,718.651978)--(86.492203,718.882996)\r
+ --(87.070297,719.137024)--(87.679703,719.414001)--(88.324203,719.718994)\r
+ --(89.000000,720.054993)--(89.000000,708.718994)--(88.324203,708.387024)\r
+ --(87.679703,708.081970)--(87.070297,707.801025)--(86.492203,707.551025)\r
+ --(85.945297,707.320007)--(85.425797,707.117004)--(84.933601,706.934021)\r
+ --(84.468803,706.773010)--(84.031303,706.632996)--(83.613297,706.512024)\r
+ --(83.332001,706.440979)--cycle;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.000000,0.000000,0.000000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.199253bp;\r
+draw (72.000000,713.254028)--(72.000000,718.918030)--(72.507797,718.979980)\r
+ --(72.984398,719.026978)--(73.437500,719.054993)--(73.867203,719.070007)\r
+ --(74.273399,719.073975)--(74.660202,719.062988)--(75.023399,719.043030)\r
+ --(75.367203,719.012024)--(75.695297,718.968994)--(76.003899,718.918030)\r
+ --(76.300797,718.859009)--(76.578102,718.793030)--(76.847702,718.723022)\r
+ --(77.105499,718.648010)--(77.351601,718.570007)--(77.589798,718.484009)\r
+ --(77.820297,718.401978)--(78.042999,718.312988)--(78.261703,718.226990)\r
+ --(78.476601,718.140991)--(78.691399,718.059021)--(78.902298,717.976990)\r
+ --(79.113297,717.895020)--(79.328102,717.820007)--(79.546898,717.754028)\r
+ --(79.765602,717.687988)--(79.992203,717.632996)--(80.226601,717.585999)\r
+ --(80.468803,717.543030)--(80.718803,717.515991)--(80.980499,717.495972)\r
+ --(81.253899,717.492004)--(81.542999,717.495972)--(81.843803,717.515991)\r
+ --(82.160202,717.546997)--(82.492203,717.598022)--(82.847702,717.664001)\r
+ --(83.218803,717.745972)--(83.613297,717.843994)--(84.031303,717.965027)\r
+ --(84.468803,718.104980)--(84.933601,718.265991)--(85.425797,718.448975)\r
+ --(85.945297,718.651978)--(86.492203,718.882996)--(87.070297,719.137024)\r
+ --(87.679703,719.414001)--(88.324203,719.718994)--(89.000000,720.054993)\r
+ --(89.000000,708.718994)--(88.324203,708.387024)--(87.679703,708.081970)\r
+ --(87.070297,707.801025)--(86.492203,707.551025)--(85.945297,707.320007)\r
+ --(85.425797,707.117004)--(84.933601,706.934021)--(84.468803,706.773010)\r
+ --(84.031303,706.632996)--(83.613297,706.512024)--(83.218803,706.414001)\r
+ --(82.847702,706.328003)--(82.492203,706.265991)--(82.160202,706.215027)\r
+ --(81.843803,706.179993)--(81.542999,706.164001)--(81.253899,706.156006)\r
+ --(80.980499,706.164001)--(80.718803,706.184021)--(80.468803,706.210999)\r
+ --(80.226601,706.250000)--(79.992203,706.301025)--(79.765602,706.354980)\r
+ --(79.546898,706.418030)--(79.328102,706.487976)--(79.113297,706.562988)\r
+ --(78.902298,706.645020)--(78.691399,706.723022)--(78.476601,706.809021)\r
+ --(78.261703,706.895020)--(78.042999,706.979980)--(77.820297,707.065979)\r
+ --(77.589798,707.151978)--(77.351601,707.237976)--(77.105499,707.315979)\r
+ --(76.847702,707.390991)--(76.578102,707.460999)--(76.300797,707.526978)\r
+ --(76.003899,707.585999)--(75.695297,707.637024)--(75.367203,707.676025)\r
+ --(75.023399,707.710999)--(74.660202,707.729980)--(74.273399,707.742004)\r
+ --(73.867203,707.737976)--(73.437500,707.723022)--(72.984398,707.690979)\r
+ --(72.507797,707.648010)--(72.000000,707.585999)--cycle;\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.8bp;\r
+draw (72.000000,699)--(72.000000,720);\r
+picture pic;\r
+draw pic scaled(r);\r
+draw (z0+(10.5,2));\r
+draw (z1-(10.5,2));\r
+clip currentpicture to ((z0-(8.5pt,0))--(z0+(8.5pt,0))--(z1+(8.5pt,0))--(z1-(8.5pt,0))--cycle);\r
--- /dev/null
+linecap := butt;\r
+linejoin := rounded;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0,146/256,70/256));\r
+fill (72.000000,713.254028)--(72.000000,718.918030)--(72.507797,718.979980)\r
+ --(72.984398,719.026978)--(73.437500,719.054993)--(73.867203,719.070007)\r
+ --(74.273399,719.073975)--(74.660202,719.062988)--(75.023399,719.043030)\r
+ --(75.367203,719.012024)--(75.695297,718.968994)--(76.003899,718.918030)\r
+ --(76.300797,718.859009)--(76.578102,718.793030)--(76.847702,718.723022)\r
+ --(77.105499,718.648010)--(77.351601,718.570007)--(77.589798,718.484009)\r
+ --(77.820297,718.401978)--(78.042999,718.312988)--(78.234398,718.237976)\r
+ --(78.234398,706.906006)--(78.042999,706.979980)--(77.820297,707.065979)\r
+ --(77.589798,707.151978)--(77.351601,707.237976)--(77.105499,707.315979)\r
+ --(76.847702,707.390991)--(76.578102,707.460999)--(76.300797,707.526978)\r
+ --(76.003899,707.585999)--(75.695297,707.637024)--(75.367203,707.676025)\r
+ --(75.023399,707.710999)--(74.660202,707.729980)--(74.273399,707.742004)\r
+ --(73.867203,707.737976)--(73.437500,707.723022)--(72.984398,707.690979)\r
+ --(72.507797,707.648010)--(72.000000,707.585999)--cycle;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (1,1,1));\r
+fill (78.246101,712.565979)--(78.261703,718.226990)--(78.476601,718.140991)\r
+ --(78.691399,718.059021)--(78.902298,717.976990)--(79.113297,717.895020)\r
+ --(79.328102,717.820007)--(79.546898,717.754028)--(79.765602,717.687988)\r
+ --(79.992203,717.632996)--(80.226601,717.585999)--(80.468803,717.543030)\r
+ --(80.718803,717.515991)--(80.980499,717.495972)--(81.253899,717.492004)\r
+ --(81.542999,717.495972)--(81.843803,717.515991)--(82.160202,717.546997)\r
+ --(82.492203,717.598022)--(82.847702,717.664001)--(83.218803,717.745972)\r
+ --(83.332001,717.773010)--(83.332001,706.440979)--(83.218803,706.414001)\r
+ --(82.847702,706.328003)--(82.492203,706.265991)--(82.160202,706.215027)\r
+ --(81.843803,706.179993)--(81.542999,706.164001)--(81.253899,706.156006)\r
+ --(80.980499,706.164001)--(80.718803,706.184021)--(80.468803,706.210999)\r
+ --(80.226601,706.250000)--(79.992203,706.301025)--(79.765602,706.354980)\r
+ --(79.546898,706.418030)--(79.328102,706.487976)--(79.113297,706.562988)\r
+ --(78.902298,706.645020)--(78.691399,706.723022)--(78.476601,706.809021)\r
+ --(78.234398,706.906006)--cycle;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (206/256,43/256,55/256));\r
+fill (83.332001,712.109009)--(83.332001,717.773010)--(83.613297,717.843994)\r
+ --(84.031303,717.965027)--(84.468803,718.104980)--(84.933601,718.265991)\r
+ --(85.425797,718.448975)--(85.945297,718.651978)--(86.492203,718.882996)\r
+ --(87.070297,719.137024)--(87.679703,719.414001)--(88.324203,719.718994)\r
+ --(89.000000,720.054993)--(89.000000,708.718994)--(88.324203,708.387024)\r
+ --(87.679703,708.081970)--(87.070297,707.801025)--(86.492203,707.551025)\r
+ --(85.945297,707.320007)--(85.425797,707.117004)--(84.933601,706.934021)\r
+ --(84.468803,706.773010)--(84.031303,706.632996)--(83.613297,706.512024)\r
+ --(83.332001,706.440979)--cycle;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.000000,0.000000,0.000000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.199253bp;\r
+draw (72.000000,713.254028)--(72.000000,718.918030)--(72.507797,718.979980)\r
+ --(72.984398,719.026978)--(73.437500,719.054993)--(73.867203,719.070007)\r
+ --(74.273399,719.073975)--(74.660202,719.062988)--(75.023399,719.043030)\r
+ --(75.367203,719.012024)--(75.695297,718.968994)--(76.003899,718.918030)\r
+ --(76.300797,718.859009)--(76.578102,718.793030)--(76.847702,718.723022)\r
+ --(77.105499,718.648010)--(77.351601,718.570007)--(77.589798,718.484009)\r
+ --(77.820297,718.401978)--(78.042999,718.312988)--(78.261703,718.226990)\r
+ --(78.476601,718.140991)--(78.691399,718.059021)--(78.902298,717.976990)\r
+ --(79.113297,717.895020)--(79.328102,717.820007)--(79.546898,717.754028)\r
+ --(79.765602,717.687988)--(79.992203,717.632996)--(80.226601,717.585999)\r
+ --(80.468803,717.543030)--(80.718803,717.515991)--(80.980499,717.495972)\r
+ --(81.253899,717.492004)--(81.542999,717.495972)--(81.843803,717.515991)\r
+ --(82.160202,717.546997)--(82.492203,717.598022)--(82.847702,717.664001)\r
+ --(83.218803,717.745972)--(83.613297,717.843994)--(84.031303,717.965027)\r
+ --(84.468803,718.104980)--(84.933601,718.265991)--(85.425797,718.448975)\r
+ --(85.945297,718.651978)--(86.492203,718.882996)--(87.070297,719.137024)\r
+ --(87.679703,719.414001)--(88.324203,719.718994)--(89.000000,720.054993)\r
+ --(89.000000,708.718994)--(88.324203,708.387024)--(87.679703,708.081970)\r
+ --(87.070297,707.801025)--(86.492203,707.551025)--(85.945297,707.320007)\r
+ --(85.425797,707.117004)--(84.933601,706.934021)--(84.468803,706.773010)\r
+ --(84.031303,706.632996)--(83.613297,706.512024)--(83.218803,706.414001)\r
+ --(82.847702,706.328003)--(82.492203,706.265991)--(82.160202,706.215027)\r
+ --(81.843803,706.179993)--(81.542999,706.164001)--(81.253899,706.156006)\r
+ --(80.980499,706.164001)--(80.718803,706.184021)--(80.468803,706.210999)\r
+ --(80.226601,706.250000)--(79.992203,706.301025)--(79.765602,706.354980)\r
+ --(79.546898,706.418030)--(79.328102,706.487976)--(79.113297,706.562988)\r
+ --(78.902298,706.645020)--(78.691399,706.723022)--(78.476601,706.809021)\r
+ --(78.261703,706.895020)--(78.042999,706.979980)--(77.820297,707.065979)\r
+ --(77.589798,707.151978)--(77.351601,707.237976)--(77.105499,707.315979)\r
+ --(76.847702,707.390991)--(76.578102,707.460999)--(76.300797,707.526978)\r
+ --(76.003899,707.585999)--(75.695297,707.637024)--(75.367203,707.676025)\r
+ --(75.023399,707.710999)--(74.660202,707.729980)--(74.273399,707.742004)\r
+ --(73.867203,707.737976)--(73.437500,707.723022)--(72.984398,707.690979)\r
+ --(72.507797,707.648010)--(72.000000,707.585999)--cycle;\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.8bp;\r
+draw (72.000000,699)--(72.000000,720);\r
+picture pic;\r
+draw pic scaled(r);\r
+draw (z0+(10.5,2));\r
+draw (z1-(10.5,2));\r
+clip currentpicture to ((z0-(8.5pt,0))--(z0+(8.5pt,0))--(z1+(8.5pt,0))--(z1-(8.5pt,0))--cycle);\r
--- /dev/null
+linecap := butt;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (244/256,41/256,65/256));\r
+fill (0.000000,24.800800)--(0.507813,24.859400)--(0.984375,24.906300)\r
+ --(1.441410,24.937500)--(1.867190,24.953100)--(2.273440,24.953100)\r
+ --(2.660160,24.945299)--(3.023440,24.921900)--(3.367190,24.890600)\r
+ --(3.695310,24.847700)--(4.003910,24.796900)--(4.300780,24.742201)\r
+ --(4.582030,24.675800)--(4.847660,24.605499)--(5.105470,24.527300)\r
+ --(5.351560,24.449200)--(5.589840,24.367201)--(5.820310,24.281300)\r
+ --(6.042970,24.195299)--(6.261720,24.109400)--(6.476560,24.023399)\r
+ --(6.691410,23.937500)--(6.902340,23.855499)--(7.117190,23.777300)\r
+ --(7.328130,23.703100)--(7.546880,23.632799)--(7.765630,23.570299)\r
+ --(7.992190,23.511700)--(8.226560,23.464800)--(8.468750,23.425800)\r
+ --(8.718750,23.394501)--(8.980470,23.378901)--(9.253910,23.371099)\r
+ --(9.542970,23.375000)--(9.843750,23.394501)--(10.160200,23.429701)\r
+ --(10.496100,23.476601)--(10.847700,23.542999)--(11.218800,23.625000)\r
+ --(11.613300,23.726601)--(12.031300,23.843800)--(12.472700,23.984400)\r
+ --(12.937500,24.144501)--(13.425800,24.328100)--(13.945300,24.535200)\r
+ --(14.492200,24.761700)--(15.070300,25.015600)--(15.679700,25.292999)\r
+ --(16.324200,25.601601)--(17.000000,25.933599)--(17.000000,22.191401)\r
+ --(16.324200,21.859400)--(15.679700,21.554701)--(15.070300,21.277300)\r
+ --(14.492200,21.023399)--(13.945300,20.792999)--(13.425800,20.589800)\r
+ --(12.937500,20.406300)--(12.472700,20.246099)--(12.031300,20.105499)\r
+ --(11.613300,19.984400)--(11.218800,19.886700)--(10.847700,19.804701)\r
+ --(10.496100,19.738300)--(10.160200,19.687500)--(9.843750,19.656300)\r
+ --(9.542970,19.636700)--(9.253910,19.628901)--(8.980470,19.636700)\r
+ --(8.718750,19.656300)--(8.468750,19.687500)--(8.226560,19.726601)\r
+ --(7.992190,19.773399)--(7.765630,19.828100)--(7.546880,19.894501)\r
+ --(7.328130,19.960899)--(7.117190,20.035200)--(6.902340,20.117201)\r
+ --(6.691410,20.199200)--(6.476560,20.281300)--(6.261720,20.367201)\r
+ --(6.042970,20.453100)--(5.820310,20.542999)--(5.589840,20.625000)\r
+ --(5.351560,20.710899)--(5.105470,20.789101)--(4.847660,20.863300)\r
+ --(4.582030,20.933599)--(4.300780,21.000000)--(4.003910,21.058599)\r
+ --(3.695310,21.109400)--(3.367190,21.148399)--(3.023440,21.183599)\r
+ --(2.660160,21.203100)--(2.273440,21.214800)--(1.867190,21.210899)\r
+ --(1.441410,21.195299)--(0.984375,21.164101)--(0.507813,21.121099)\r
+ --(0.000000,21.058599)--cycle;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (1.000000,1.000000,1.000000));\r
+fill (0.000000,21.058599)--(0.507813,21.121099)--(0.984375,21.164101)\r
+ --(1.441410,21.195299)--(1.867190,21.210899)--(2.273440,21.214800)\r
+ --(2.660160,21.203100)--(3.023440,21.183599)--(3.367190,21.148399)\r
+ --(3.695310,21.109400)--(4.003910,21.058599)--(4.300780,21.000000)\r
+ --(4.582030,20.933599)--(4.847660,20.863300)--(5.105470,20.789101)\r
+ --(5.351560,20.710899)--(5.589840,20.625000)--(5.820310,20.542999)\r
+ --(6.042970,20.453100)--(6.261720,20.367201)--(6.476560,20.281300)\r
+ --(6.691410,20.199200)--(6.902340,20.117201)--(7.117190,20.035200)\r
+ --(7.328130,19.960899)--(7.546880,19.894501)--(7.765630,19.828100)\r
+ --(7.992190,19.773399)--(8.226560,19.726601)--(8.468750,19.687500)\r
+ --(8.718750,19.656300)--(8.980470,19.636700)--(9.253910,19.628901)\r
+ --(9.542970,19.636700)--(9.843750,19.656300)--(10.160200,19.687500)\r
+ --(10.496100,19.738300)--(10.847700,19.804701)--(11.218800,19.886700)\r
+ --(11.613300,19.984400)--(12.031300,20.105499)--(12.472700,20.246099)\r
+ --(12.937500,20.406300)--(13.425800,20.589800)--(13.945300,20.792999)\r
+ --(14.492200,21.023399)--(15.070300,21.277300)--(15.679700,21.554701)\r
+ --(16.324200,21.859400)--(17.000000,22.191401)--(17.000000,18.339800)\r
+ --(16.324200,18.007799)--(15.679700,17.703100)--(15.070300,17.421900)\r
+ --(14.492200,17.167999)--(13.945300,16.941401)--(13.425800,16.734400)\r
+ --(12.937500,16.550800)--(12.472700,16.390600)--(12.031300,16.253901)\r
+ --(11.613300,16.132799)--(11.218800,16.031300)--(10.847700,15.949200)\r
+ --(10.496100,15.882800)--(10.160200,15.835900)--(9.843750,15.800800)\r
+ --(9.542970,15.781300)--(9.253910,15.777300)--(8.980470,15.785200)\r
+ --(8.718750,15.804700)--(8.468750,15.832000)--(8.226560,15.871100)\r
+ --(7.992190,15.921900)--(7.765630,15.976600)--(7.546880,16.039101)\r
+ --(7.328130,16.109400)--(7.117190,16.183599)--(6.902340,16.261700)\r
+ --(6.691410,16.343800)--(6.476560,16.429701)--(6.261720,16.515600)\r
+ --(6.042970,16.601601)--(5.820310,16.687500)--(5.589840,16.773399)\r
+ --(5.351560,16.855499)--(5.105470,16.937500)--(4.847660,17.011700)\r
+ --(4.582030,17.082001)--(4.300780,17.148399)--(4.003910,17.203100)\r
+ --(3.695310,17.253901)--(3.367190,17.296900)--(3.023440,17.328100)\r
+ --(2.660160,17.351601)--(2.273440,17.359400)--(1.867190,17.359400)\r
+ --(1.441410,17.343800)--(0.984375,17.312500)--(0.507813,17.269501)\r
+ --(0.000000,17.207001)--cycle;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0,160/256,226/256));\r
+fill (0.000000,17.207001)--(0.507813,17.269501)--(0.984375,17.312500)\r
+ --(1.441410,17.343800)--(1.867190,17.359400)--(2.273440,17.359400)\r
+ --(2.660160,17.351601)--(3.023440,17.328100)--(3.367190,17.296900)\r
+ --(3.695310,17.253901)--(4.003910,17.203100)--(4.300780,17.148399)\r
+ --(4.582030,17.082001)--(4.847660,17.011700)--(5.105470,16.937500)\r
+ --(5.351560,16.855499)--(5.589840,16.773399)--(5.820310,16.687500)\r
+ --(6.042970,16.601601)--(6.261720,16.515600)--(6.476560,16.429701)\r
+ --(6.691410,16.343800)--(6.902340,16.261700)--(7.117190,16.183599)\r
+ --(7.328130,16.109400)--(7.546880,16.039101)--(7.765630,15.976600)\r
+ --(7.992190,15.921900)--(8.226560,15.871100)--(8.468750,15.832000)\r
+ --(8.718750,15.804700)--(8.980470,15.785200)--(9.253910,15.777300)\r
+ --(9.542970,15.781300)--(9.843750,15.800800)--(10.160200,15.835900)\r
+ --(10.496100,15.882800)--(10.847700,15.949200)--(11.218800,16.031300)\r
+ --(11.613300,16.132799)--(12.031300,16.253901)--(12.472700,16.390600)\r
+ --(12.937500,16.550800)--(13.425800,16.734400)--(13.945300,16.941401)\r
+ --(14.492200,17.167999)--(15.070300,17.421900)--(15.679700,17.703100)\r
+ --(16.324200,18.007799)--(17.000000,18.339800)--(17.000000,14.601600)\r
+ --(16.324200,14.265600)--(15.679700,13.960900)--(15.070300,13.683600)\r
+ --(14.492200,13.429700)--(13.945300,13.199200)--(13.425800,12.996100)\r
+ --(12.937500,12.812500)--(12.472700,12.652300)--(12.031300,12.511700)\r
+ --(11.613300,12.394500)--(11.218800,12.293000)--(10.847700,12.210900)\r
+ --(10.496100,12.144500)--(10.160200,12.093800)--(9.843750,12.062500)\r
+ --(9.542970,12.043000)--(9.253910,12.039100)--(8.980470,12.043000)\r
+ --(8.718750,12.062500)--(8.468750,12.093800)--(8.226560,12.132800)\r
+ --(7.992190,12.179700)--(7.765630,12.234400)--(7.546880,12.300800)\r
+ --(7.328130,12.367200)--(7.117190,12.441400)--(6.902340,12.523400)\r
+ --(6.691410,12.605500)--(6.476560,12.687500)--(6.261720,12.773400)\r
+ --(6.042970,12.863300)--(5.820310,12.949200)--(5.589840,13.031300)\r
+ --(5.351560,13.117200)--(5.105470,13.195300)--(4.847660,13.269500)\r
+ --(4.582030,13.343800)--(4.300780,13.406300)--(4.003910,13.464800)\r
+ --(3.695310,13.515600)--(3.367190,13.558600)--(3.023440,13.589800)\r
+ --(2.660160,13.609400)--(2.273440,13.621100)--(1.867190,13.617200)\r
+ --(1.441410,13.601600)--(0.984375,13.574200)--(0.507813,13.527300)\r
+ --(0.000000,13.464800)--cycle;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.000000,0.000000,0.000000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.200000bp;\r
+draw (0.000000,24.800800)--(0.507813,24.859400)--(0.984375,24.906300)\r
+ --(1.441410,24.937500)--(1.867190,24.953100)--(2.273440,24.953100)\r
+ --(2.660160,24.945299)--(3.023440,24.921900)--(3.367190,24.890600)\r
+ --(3.695310,24.847700)--(4.003910,24.796900)--(4.300780,24.742201)\r
+ --(4.582030,24.675800)--(4.847660,24.605499)--(5.105470,24.527300)\r
+ --(5.351560,24.449200)--(5.589840,24.367201)--(5.820310,24.281300)\r
+ --(6.042970,24.195299)--(6.261720,24.109400)--(6.476560,24.023399)\r
+ --(6.691410,23.937500)--(6.902340,23.855499)--(7.117190,23.777300)\r
+ --(7.328130,23.703100)--(7.546880,23.632799)--(7.765630,23.570299)\r
+ --(7.992190,23.511700)--(8.226560,23.464800)--(8.468750,23.425800)\r
+ --(8.718750,23.394501)--(8.980470,23.378901)--(9.253910,23.371099)\r
+ --(9.542970,23.375000)--(9.843750,23.394501)--(10.160200,23.429701)\r
+ --(10.496100,23.476601)--(10.847700,23.542999)--(11.218800,23.625000)\r
+ --(11.613300,23.726601)--(12.031300,23.843800)--(12.472700,23.984400)\r
+ --(12.937500,24.144501)--(13.425800,24.328100)--(13.945300,24.535200)\r
+ --(14.492200,24.761700)--(15.070300,25.015600)--(15.679700,25.292999)\r
+ --(16.324200,25.601601)--(17.000000,25.933599)--(17.000000,14.601600)\r
+ --(16.324200,14.265600)--(15.679700,13.960900)--(15.070300,13.683600)\r
+ --(14.492200,13.429700)--(13.945300,13.199200)--(13.425800,12.996100)\r
+ --(12.937500,12.812500)--(12.472700,12.652300)--(12.031300,12.511700)\r
+ --(11.613300,12.394500)--(11.218800,12.293000)--(10.847700,12.210900)\r
+ --(10.496100,12.144500)--(10.160200,12.093800)--(9.843750,12.062500)\r
+ --(9.542970,12.043000)--(9.253910,12.039100)--(8.980470,12.043000)\r
+ --(8.718750,12.062500)--(8.468750,12.093800)--(8.226560,12.132800)\r
+ --(7.992190,12.179700)--(7.765630,12.234400)--(7.546880,12.300800)\r
+ --(7.328130,12.367200)--(7.117190,12.441400)--(6.902340,12.523400)\r
+ --(6.691410,12.605500)--(6.476560,12.687500)--(6.261720,12.773400)\r
+ --(6.042970,12.863300)--(5.820310,12.949200)--(5.589840,13.031300)\r
+ --(5.351560,13.117200)--(5.105470,13.195300)--(4.847660,13.269500)\r
+ --(4.582030,13.343800)--(4.300780,13.406300)--(4.003910,13.464800)\r
+ --(3.695310,13.515600)--(3.367190,13.558600)--(3.023440,13.589800)\r
+ --(2.660160,13.609400)--(2.273440,13.621100)--(1.867190,13.617200)\r
+ --(1.441410,13.601600)--(0.984375,13.574200)--(0.507813,13.527300)\r
+ --(0.000000,13.464800)--cycle;\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.8bp;\r
+draw (0.000000,5.000000)--(0.000000,26);\r
+picture pic;\r
+draw pic scaled(r);\r
+draw (z0+(10.5,2));\r
+draw (z1-(10.5,2));\r
+clip currentpicture to ((z0-(8.5pt,0))--(z0+(8.5pt,0))--(z1+(8.5pt,0))--(z1-(8.5pt,0))--cycle);\r
--- /dev/null
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.592200,0.054900,0.160800));\r
+fill (11.582000,6.187500)--(10.789100,12.148400)--(14.050800,14.820300)\r
+ --(16.859400,10.507800)--(15.332000,5.171880)--cycle;\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.100000bp;\r
+draw (11.582000,6.187500)--(10.789100,12.148400)--(14.050800,14.820300)\r
+ --(16.859400,10.507800)--(15.332000,5.171880)--cycle;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.435300,0.039200,0.117600));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.000000bp;\r
+fill (11.582000,6.187500)--(15.332000,5.171880)--(12.316400,2.062500)\r
+ --(6.703130,1.152340)--(6.250000,3.703130)--cycle;\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.100000bp;\r
+draw (11.582000,6.187500)--(15.332000,5.171880)--(12.316400,2.062500)\r
+ --(6.703130,1.152340)--(6.250000,3.703130)--cycle;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.847100,0.078400,0.231400));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.000000bp;\r
+fill (11.582000,6.187500)--(6.250000,3.703130)--(2.164060,8.128910)\r
+ --(4.968750,13.351600)--(10.789100,12.148400)--cycle;\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.100000bp;\r
+draw (11.582000,6.187500)--(6.250000,3.703130)--(2.164060,8.128910)\r
+ --(4.968750,13.351600)--(10.789100,12.148400)--cycle;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.545100,0.051000,0.149000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.000000bp;\r
+fill (10.789100,12.148400)--(4.968750,13.351600)--(4.632810,16.761700)\r
+ --(10.246100,17.671900)--(14.050800,14.820300)--cycle;\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.100000bp;\r
+draw (10.789100,12.148400)--(4.968750,13.351600)--(4.632810,16.761700)\r
+ --(10.246100,17.671900)--(14.050800,14.820300)--cycle;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.278400,0.023500,0.074500));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.000000bp;\r
+fill (2.898440,4.003910)--(0.093750,8.316410)--(2.164060,8.128910)\r
+ --(6.250000,3.703130)--(6.703130,1.152340)--cycle;\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.100000bp;\r
+draw (2.898440,4.003910)--(0.093750,8.316410)--(2.164060,8.128910)\r
+ --(6.250000,3.703130)--(6.703130,1.152340)--cycle;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.352900,0.031400,0.098000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.000000bp;\r
+fill (4.632810,16.761700)--(4.968750,13.351600)--(2.164060,8.128910)\r
+ --(0.093750,8.316410)--(1.621090,13.652300)--cycle;\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.100000bp;\r
+draw (4.632810,16.761700)--(4.968750,13.351600)--(2.164060,8.128910)\r
+ --(0.093750,8.316410)--(1.621090,13.652300)--cycle;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (1.000000,0.713700,0.756900));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.800000bp;\r
+draw (0.093750,8.316410)--(2.164060,8.128910);\r
+draw (15.332000,5.171880)--(11.582000,6.187500);\r
+draw (4.968750,13.351600)--(10.789100,12.148400);\r
+draw (10.789100,12.148400)--(14.050800,14.820300);\r
+draw (6.250000,3.703130)--(11.582000,6.187500);\r
+draw (2.164060,8.128910)--(4.968750,13.351600);\r
+draw (11.582000,6.187500)--(10.789100,12.148400);\r
+draw (4.968750,13.351600)--(4.632810,16.761700);\r
+draw (6.250000,3.703130)--(2.164060,8.128910);\r
+draw (6.703130,1.152340)--(6.250000,3.703130);\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.278400,0.023500,0.074500));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.000000bp;\r
+fill (10.703100,15.121100)--(14.789100,10.695300)--(16.859400,10.507800)\r
+ --(14.050800,14.820300)--(10.246100,17.671900)--cycle;\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.100000bp;\r
+draw (10.703100,15.121100)--(14.789100,10.695300)--(16.859400,10.507800)\r
+ --(14.050800,14.820300)--(10.246100,17.671900)--cycle;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (1.000000,0.713700,0.756900));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.800000bp;\r
+draw (14.050800,14.820300)--(16.859400,10.507800);\r
+draw (10.246100,17.671900)--(14.050800,14.820300);\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.352900,0.031400,0.098000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.000000bp;\r
+fill (12.316400,2.062500)--(15.332000,5.171880)--(16.859400,10.507800)\r
+ --(14.789100,10.695300)--(11.980500,5.472660)--cycle;\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.100000bp;\r
+draw (12.316400,2.062500)--(15.332000,5.171880)--(16.859400,10.507800)\r
+ --(14.789100,10.695300)--(11.980500,5.472660)--cycle;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (1.000000,0.713700,0.756900));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.800000bp;\r
+draw (15.332000,5.171880)--(12.316400,2.062500);\r
+draw (16.859400,10.507800)--(15.332000,5.171880);\r
+draw (16.859400,10.507800)--(14.789100,10.695300);\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.435300,0.039200,0.117600));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.000000bp;\r
+fill (10.703100,15.121100)--(10.246100,17.671900)--(4.632810,16.761700)\r
+ --(1.621090,13.652300)--(5.371090,12.636700)--cycle;\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.100000bp;\r
+draw (10.703100,15.121100)--(10.246100,17.671900)--(4.632810,16.761700)\r
+ --(1.621090,13.652300)--(5.371090,12.636700)--cycle;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (1.000000,0.713700,0.756900));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.800000bp;\r
+draw (10.703100,15.121100)--(10.246100,17.671900);\r
+draw (4.632810,16.761700)--(10.246100,17.671900);\r
+draw (4.632810,16.761700)--(1.621090,13.652300);\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.592200,0.054900,0.160800));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.000000bp;\r
+fill (5.371090,12.636700)--(1.621090,13.652300)--(0.093750,8.316410)\r
+ --(2.898440,4.003910)--(6.160160,6.675780)--cycle;\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.100000bp;\r
+draw (5.371090,12.636700)--(1.621090,13.652300)--(0.093750,8.316410)\r
+ --(2.898440,4.003910)--(6.160160,6.675780)--cycle;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (1.000000,0.713700,0.756900));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.800000bp;\r
+draw (0.093750,8.316410)--(2.898440,4.003910);\r
+draw (1.621090,13.652300)--(0.093750,8.316410);\r
+draw (5.371090,12.636700)--(1.621090,13.652300);\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.545100,0.051000,0.149000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.000000bp;\r
+fill (2.898440,4.003910)--(6.703130,1.152340)--(12.316400,2.062500)\r
+ --(11.980500,5.472660)--(6.160160,6.675780)--cycle;\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.100000bp;\r
+draw (2.898440,4.003910)--(6.703130,1.152340)--(12.316400,2.062500)\r
+ --(11.980500,5.472660)--(6.160160,6.675780)--cycle;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (1.000000,0.713700,0.756900));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.800000bp;\r
+draw (6.160160,6.675780)--(2.898440,4.003910);\r
+draw (12.316400,2.062500)--(6.703130,1.152340);\r
+draw (12.316400,2.062500)--(11.980500,5.472660);\r
+draw (2.898440,4.003910)--(6.703130,1.152340);\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.847100,0.078400,0.231400));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.000000bp;\r
+fill (11.980500,5.472660)--(14.789100,10.695300)--(10.703100,15.121100)\r
+ --(5.371090,12.636700)--(6.160160,6.675780)--cycle;\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.100000bp;\r
+draw (11.980500,5.472660)--(14.789100,10.695300)--(10.703100,15.121100)\r
+ --(5.371090,12.636700)--(6.160160,6.675780)--cycle;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (1.000000,0.713700,0.756900));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.800000bp;\r
+draw (6.160160,6.675780)--(11.980500,5.472660);\r
+draw (14.789100,10.695300)--(10.703100,15.121100);\r
+draw (10.703100,15.121100)--(5.371090,12.636700);\r
+draw (11.980500,5.472660)--(14.789100,10.695300);\r
+draw (5.371090,12.636700)--(6.160160,6.675780);\r
+picture pic;\r
+draw pic scaled(r);\r
+draw (z0+(10.5,2));\r
+draw (z1-(10.5,2));\r
+clip currentpicture to ((z0-(8.5pt,0))--(z0+(8.5pt,0))--(z1+(8.5pt,0))--(z1-(8.5pt,0))--cycle);\r
--- /dev/null
+linecap := butt;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (174/256,28/256,40/256));\r
+fill (0.000000,24.800800)--(0.507813,24.859400)--(0.984375,24.906300)\r
+ --(1.441410,24.937500)--(1.867190,24.953100)--(2.273440,24.953100)\r
+ --(2.660160,24.945299)--(3.023440,24.921900)--(3.367190,24.890600)\r
+ --(3.695310,24.847700)--(4.003910,24.796900)--(4.300780,24.742201)\r
+ --(4.582030,24.675800)--(4.847660,24.605499)--(5.105470,24.527300)\r
+ --(5.351560,24.449200)--(5.589840,24.367201)--(5.820310,24.281300)\r
+ --(6.042970,24.195299)--(6.261720,24.109400)--(6.476560,24.023399)\r
+ --(6.691410,23.937500)--(6.902340,23.855499)--(7.117190,23.777300)\r
+ --(7.328130,23.703100)--(7.546880,23.632799)--(7.765630,23.570299)\r
+ --(7.992190,23.511700)--(8.226560,23.464800)--(8.468750,23.425800)\r
+ --(8.718750,23.394501)--(8.980470,23.378901)--(9.253910,23.371099)\r
+ --(9.542970,23.375000)--(9.843750,23.394501)--(10.160200,23.429701)\r
+ --(10.496100,23.476601)--(10.847700,23.542999)--(11.218800,23.625000)\r
+ --(11.613300,23.726601)--(12.031300,23.843800)--(12.472700,23.984400)\r
+ --(12.937500,24.144501)--(13.425800,24.328100)--(13.945300,24.535200)\r
+ --(14.492200,24.761700)--(15.070300,25.015600)--(15.679700,25.292999)\r
+ --(16.324200,25.601601)--(17.000000,25.933599)--(17.000000,22.191401)\r
+ --(16.324200,21.859400)--(15.679700,21.554701)--(15.070300,21.277300)\r
+ --(14.492200,21.023399)--(13.945300,20.792999)--(13.425800,20.589800)\r
+ --(12.937500,20.406300)--(12.472700,20.246099)--(12.031300,20.105499)\r
+ --(11.613300,19.984400)--(11.218800,19.886700)--(10.847700,19.804701)\r
+ --(10.496100,19.738300)--(10.160200,19.687500)--(9.843750,19.656300)\r
+ --(9.542970,19.636700)--(9.253910,19.628901)--(8.980470,19.636700)\r
+ --(8.718750,19.656300)--(8.468750,19.687500)--(8.226560,19.726601)\r
+ --(7.992190,19.773399)--(7.765630,19.828100)--(7.546880,19.894501)\r
+ --(7.328130,19.960899)--(7.117190,20.035200)--(6.902340,20.117201)\r
+ --(6.691410,20.199200)--(6.476560,20.281300)--(6.261720,20.367201)\r
+ --(6.042970,20.453100)--(5.820310,20.542999)--(5.589840,20.625000)\r
+ --(5.351560,20.710899)--(5.105470,20.789101)--(4.847660,20.863300)\r
+ --(4.582030,20.933599)--(4.300780,21.000000)--(4.003910,21.058599)\r
+ --(3.695310,21.109400)--(3.367190,21.148399)--(3.023440,21.183599)\r
+ --(2.660160,21.203100)--(2.273440,21.214800)--(1.867190,21.210899)\r
+ --(1.441410,21.195299)--(0.984375,21.164101)--(0.507813,21.121099)\r
+ --(0.000000,21.058599)--cycle;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (1.000000,1.000000,1.000000));\r
+fill (0.000000,21.058599)--(0.507813,21.121099)--(0.984375,21.164101)\r
+ --(1.441410,21.195299)--(1.867190,21.210899)--(2.273440,21.214800)\r
+ --(2.660160,21.203100)--(3.023440,21.183599)--(3.367190,21.148399)\r
+ --(3.695310,21.109400)--(4.003910,21.058599)--(4.300780,21.000000)\r
+ --(4.582030,20.933599)--(4.847660,20.863300)--(5.105470,20.789101)\r
+ --(5.351560,20.710899)--(5.589840,20.625000)--(5.820310,20.542999)\r
+ --(6.042970,20.453100)--(6.261720,20.367201)--(6.476560,20.281300)\r
+ --(6.691410,20.199200)--(6.902340,20.117201)--(7.117190,20.035200)\r
+ --(7.328130,19.960899)--(7.546880,19.894501)--(7.765630,19.828100)\r
+ --(7.992190,19.773399)--(8.226560,19.726601)--(8.468750,19.687500)\r
+ --(8.718750,19.656300)--(8.980470,19.636700)--(9.253910,19.628901)\r
+ --(9.542970,19.636700)--(9.843750,19.656300)--(10.160200,19.687500)\r
+ --(10.496100,19.738300)--(10.847700,19.804701)--(11.218800,19.886700)\r
+ --(11.613300,19.984400)--(12.031300,20.105499)--(12.472700,20.246099)\r
+ --(12.937500,20.406300)--(13.425800,20.589800)--(13.945300,20.792999)\r
+ --(14.492200,21.023399)--(15.070300,21.277300)--(15.679700,21.554701)\r
+ --(16.324200,21.859400)--(17.000000,22.191401)--(17.000000,18.339800)\r
+ --(16.324200,18.007799)--(15.679700,17.703100)--(15.070300,17.421900)\r
+ --(14.492200,17.167999)--(13.945300,16.941401)--(13.425800,16.734400)\r
+ --(12.937500,16.550800)--(12.472700,16.390600)--(12.031300,16.253901)\r
+ --(11.613300,16.132799)--(11.218800,16.031300)--(10.847700,15.949200)\r
+ --(10.496100,15.882800)--(10.160200,15.835900)--(9.843750,15.800800)\r
+ --(9.542970,15.781300)--(9.253910,15.777300)--(8.980470,15.785200)\r
+ --(8.718750,15.804700)--(8.468750,15.832000)--(8.226560,15.871100)\r
+ --(7.992190,15.921900)--(7.765630,15.976600)--(7.546880,16.039101)\r
+ --(7.328130,16.109400)--(7.117190,16.183599)--(6.902340,16.261700)\r
+ --(6.691410,16.343800)--(6.476560,16.429701)--(6.261720,16.515600)\r
+ --(6.042970,16.601601)--(5.820310,16.687500)--(5.589840,16.773399)\r
+ --(5.351560,16.855499)--(5.105470,16.937500)--(4.847660,17.011700)\r
+ --(4.582030,17.082001)--(4.300780,17.148399)--(4.003910,17.203100)\r
+ --(3.695310,17.253901)--(3.367190,17.296900)--(3.023440,17.328100)\r
+ --(2.660160,17.351601)--(2.273440,17.359400)--(1.867190,17.359400)\r
+ --(1.441410,17.343800)--(0.984375,17.312500)--(0.507813,17.269501)\r
+ --(0.000000,17.207001)--cycle;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (33/256,70/256,139/256));\r
+fill (0.000000,17.207001)--(0.507813,17.269501)--(0.984375,17.312500)\r
+ --(1.441410,17.343800)--(1.867190,17.359400)--(2.273440,17.359400)\r
+ --(2.660160,17.351601)--(3.023440,17.328100)--(3.367190,17.296900)\r
+ --(3.695310,17.253901)--(4.003910,17.203100)--(4.300780,17.148399)\r
+ --(4.582030,17.082001)--(4.847660,17.011700)--(5.105470,16.937500)\r
+ --(5.351560,16.855499)--(5.589840,16.773399)--(5.820310,16.687500)\r
+ --(6.042970,16.601601)--(6.261720,16.515600)--(6.476560,16.429701)\r
+ --(6.691410,16.343800)--(6.902340,16.261700)--(7.117190,16.183599)\r
+ --(7.328130,16.109400)--(7.546880,16.039101)--(7.765630,15.976600)\r
+ --(7.992190,15.921900)--(8.226560,15.871100)--(8.468750,15.832000)\r
+ --(8.718750,15.804700)--(8.980470,15.785200)--(9.253910,15.777300)\r
+ --(9.542970,15.781300)--(9.843750,15.800800)--(10.160200,15.835900)\r
+ --(10.496100,15.882800)--(10.847700,15.949200)--(11.218800,16.031300)\r
+ --(11.613300,16.132799)--(12.031300,16.253901)--(12.472700,16.390600)\r
+ --(12.937500,16.550800)--(13.425800,16.734400)--(13.945300,16.941401)\r
+ --(14.492200,17.167999)--(15.070300,17.421900)--(15.679700,17.703100)\r
+ --(16.324200,18.007799)--(17.000000,18.339800)--(17.000000,14.601600)\r
+ --(16.324200,14.265600)--(15.679700,13.960900)--(15.070300,13.683600)\r
+ --(14.492200,13.429700)--(13.945300,13.199200)--(13.425800,12.996100)\r
+ --(12.937500,12.812500)--(12.472700,12.652300)--(12.031300,12.511700)\r
+ --(11.613300,12.394500)--(11.218800,12.293000)--(10.847700,12.210900)\r
+ --(10.496100,12.144500)--(10.160200,12.093800)--(9.843750,12.062500)\r
+ --(9.542970,12.043000)--(9.253910,12.039100)--(8.980470,12.043000)\r
+ --(8.718750,12.062500)--(8.468750,12.093800)--(8.226560,12.132800)\r
+ --(7.992190,12.179700)--(7.765630,12.234400)--(7.546880,12.300800)\r
+ --(7.328130,12.367200)--(7.117190,12.441400)--(6.902340,12.523400)\r
+ --(6.691410,12.605500)--(6.476560,12.687500)--(6.261720,12.773400)\r
+ --(6.042970,12.863300)--(5.820310,12.949200)--(5.589840,13.031300)\r
+ --(5.351560,13.117200)--(5.105470,13.195300)--(4.847660,13.269500)\r
+ --(4.582030,13.343800)--(4.300780,13.406300)--(4.003910,13.464800)\r
+ --(3.695310,13.515600)--(3.367190,13.558600)--(3.023440,13.589800)\r
+ --(2.660160,13.609400)--(2.273440,13.621100)--(1.867190,13.617200)\r
+ --(1.441410,13.601600)--(0.984375,13.574200)--(0.507813,13.527300)\r
+ --(0.000000,13.464800)--cycle;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.000000,0.000000,0.000000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.200000bp;\r
+draw (0.000000,24.800800)--(0.507813,24.859400)--(0.984375,24.906300)\r
+ --(1.441410,24.937500)--(1.867190,24.953100)--(2.273440,24.953100)\r
+ --(2.660160,24.945299)--(3.023440,24.921900)--(3.367190,24.890600)\r
+ --(3.695310,24.847700)--(4.003910,24.796900)--(4.300780,24.742201)\r
+ --(4.582030,24.675800)--(4.847660,24.605499)--(5.105470,24.527300)\r
+ --(5.351560,24.449200)--(5.589840,24.367201)--(5.820310,24.281300)\r
+ --(6.042970,24.195299)--(6.261720,24.109400)--(6.476560,24.023399)\r
+ --(6.691410,23.937500)--(6.902340,23.855499)--(7.117190,23.777300)\r
+ --(7.328130,23.703100)--(7.546880,23.632799)--(7.765630,23.570299)\r
+ --(7.992190,23.511700)--(8.226560,23.464800)--(8.468750,23.425800)\r
+ --(8.718750,23.394501)--(8.980470,23.378901)--(9.253910,23.371099)\r
+ --(9.542970,23.375000)--(9.843750,23.394501)--(10.160200,23.429701)\r
+ --(10.496100,23.476601)--(10.847700,23.542999)--(11.218800,23.625000)\r
+ --(11.613300,23.726601)--(12.031300,23.843800)--(12.472700,23.984400)\r
+ --(12.937500,24.144501)--(13.425800,24.328100)--(13.945300,24.535200)\r
+ --(14.492200,24.761700)--(15.070300,25.015600)--(15.679700,25.292999)\r
+ --(16.324200,25.601601)--(17.000000,25.933599)--(17.000000,14.601600)\r
+ --(16.324200,14.265600)--(15.679700,13.960900)--(15.070300,13.683600)\r
+ --(14.492200,13.429700)--(13.945300,13.199200)--(13.425800,12.996100)\r
+ --(12.937500,12.812500)--(12.472700,12.652300)--(12.031300,12.511700)\r
+ --(11.613300,12.394500)--(11.218800,12.293000)--(10.847700,12.210900)\r
+ --(10.496100,12.144500)--(10.160200,12.093800)--(9.843750,12.062500)\r
+ --(9.542970,12.043000)--(9.253910,12.039100)--(8.980470,12.043000)\r
+ --(8.718750,12.062500)--(8.468750,12.093800)--(8.226560,12.132800)\r
+ --(7.992190,12.179700)--(7.765630,12.234400)--(7.546880,12.300800)\r
+ --(7.328130,12.367200)--(7.117190,12.441400)--(6.902340,12.523400)\r
+ --(6.691410,12.605500)--(6.476560,12.687500)--(6.261720,12.773400)\r
+ --(6.042970,12.863300)--(5.820310,12.949200)--(5.589840,13.031300)\r
+ --(5.351560,13.117200)--(5.105470,13.195300)--(4.847660,13.269500)\r
+ --(4.582030,13.343800)--(4.300780,13.406300)--(4.003910,13.464800)\r
+ --(3.695310,13.515600)--(3.367190,13.558600)--(3.023440,13.589800)\r
+ --(2.660160,13.609400)--(2.273440,13.621100)--(1.867190,13.617200)\r
+ --(1.441410,13.601600)--(0.984375,13.574200)--(0.507813,13.527300)\r
+ --(0.000000,13.464800)--cycle;\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.8bp;\r
+draw (0.000000,5.000000)--(0.000000,26);\r
+picture pic;\r
+draw pic scaled(r);\r
+draw (z0+(10.5,2));\r
+draw (z1-(10.5,2));\r
+clip currentpicture to ((z0-(8.5pt,0))--(z0+(8.5pt,0))--(z1+(8.5pt,0))--(z1-(8.5pt,0))--cycle);\r
--- /dev/null
+drawoptions (withcolor (1.000000,0.000000,0.000000));\r
+linecap := butt;\r
+linejoin := mitered;\r
+fill (0.539063,2.386720)..controls (0.062500,3.054690) and (0.417969,3.679690)..(3.828130,9.566410)\r
+ ..controls (7.230470,15.437500) and (7.667970,16.332001)..(8.425780,16.332001)\r
+ ..controls (9.203130,16.332001) and (9.546880,15.644500)..(12.906300,9.839840)\r
+ ..controls (16.246099,4.074220) and (16.789101,3.378910)..(16.304701,2.550780)\r
+ ..controls (15.828100,1.730470) and (14.902300,1.925780)..(8.371090,1.906250)\r
+ ..controls (1.863280,1.886720) and (1.015630,1.726560)..(0.539063,2.386720)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.976471,0.976471,0.976471));\r
+fill (14.859400,3.312500)--(2.042970,3.312500)--(8.449220,14.281300)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.000000,0.000000,0.000000));\r
+linecap := rounded;\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 1.117530bp;\r
+linejoin := mitered;\r
+draw (7.164060,9.410160)..controls (9.523440,9.652340) and (9.851560,9.390630)..(10.046900,9.023440)\r
+ ..controls (10.632800,7.937500) and (6.195310,6.769530)..(6.410160,5.710940)\r
+ ..controls (6.621090,4.656250) and (8.519530,5.039060)..(10.906300,5.105470);\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.000000bp;\r
+fill (7.226560,9.800780)..controls (7.023440,9.886720) and (6.460940,9.441410)..(6.457030,9.382810)\r
+ ..controls (6.457030,9.312500) and (7.023440,8.921880)..(7.226560,9.027340)\r
+ ..controls (7.429690,9.132810) and (7.429690,9.710940)..(7.226560,9.800780)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.223506bp;\r
+draw (7.226560,9.800780)..controls (7.023440,9.886720) and (6.460940,9.441410)..(6.457030,9.382810)\r
+ ..controls (6.457030,9.312500) and (7.023440,8.921880)..(7.226560,9.027340)\r
+ ..controls (7.429690,9.132810) and (7.429690,9.710940)..(7.226560,9.800780)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.01bp;\r
+draw (14.859400,3.312500)--(2.042970,3.312500)--(8.449220,14.281300)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+draw (0.539063,2.386720)..controls (0.062500,3.054690) and (0.417969,3.679690)..(3.828130,9.566410)\r
+ ..controls (7.230470,15.437500) and (7.667970,16.332001)..(8.425780,16.332001)\r
+ ..controls (9.203130,16.332001) and (9.546880,15.644500)..(12.906300,9.839840)\r
+ ..controls (16.246099,4.074220) and (16.789101,3.378910)..(16.304701,2.550780)\r
+ ..controls (15.828100,1.730470) and (14.902300,1.925780)..(8.371090,1.906250)\r
+ ..controls (1.863280,1.886720) and (1.015630,1.726560)..(0.539063,2.386720)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+picture pic;\r
+draw pic scaled(r);\r
+draw (z0+(10.5,2));\r
+draw (z1-(10.5,2));\r
+clip currentpicture to ((z0-(8.5pt,0))--(z0+(8.5pt,0))--(z1+(8.5pt,-1pt))--(z1-(8.5pt,1pt))--cycle);\r
--- /dev/null
+drawoptions (withcolor (1.000000,1.000000,0.000000));\r
+linecap := butt;\r
+linejoin := mitered;\r
+fill (9.199220,9.339840)..controls (9.199220,11.164100) and (7.734380,12.628900)..(5.910160,12.628900)\r
+ ..controls (4.085940,12.628900) and (2.621090,11.164100)..(2.621090,9.339840)\r
+ ..controls (2.621090,7.511720) and (4.085940,6.050780)..(5.910160,6.050780)\r
+ ..controls (7.734380,6.050780) and (9.199220,7.511720)..(9.199220,9.339840)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (1.000000,0.501961,0.250980));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.199250bp;\r
+linejoin := rounded;\r
+draw (9.199220,9.339840)..controls (9.199220,11.164100) and (7.734380,12.628900)..(5.910160,12.628900)\r
+ ..controls (4.085940,12.628900) and (2.621090,11.164100)..(2.621090,9.339840)\r
+ ..controls (2.621090,7.511720) and (4.085940,6.050780)..(5.910160,6.050780)\r
+ ..controls (7.734380,6.050780) and (9.199220,7.511720)..(9.199220,9.339840)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+draw (5.910160,9.339840);\r
+draw (9.257810,11.269500)--(10.593800,12.043000);\r
+draw (7.843750,12.683600)--(8.613280,14.023400);\r
+draw (5.910160,13.203100)--(5.910160,14.746100);\r
+draw (3.980470,12.683600)--(3.207030,14.023400);\r
+draw (2.566410,11.269500)--(1.226560,12.043000);\r
+draw (2.046880,9.339840)--(0.503906,9.339840);\r
+draw (2.566410,7.406250)--(1.226560,6.636720);\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.854902,0.854902,0.854902));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.000000bp;\r
+fill (3.316410,4.925780)..controls (3.699220,3.902340) and (15.824200,4.156250)..(16.601601,4.925780)\r
+ ..controls (19.074200,7.394530) and (15.902300,10.476600)..(13.507800,7.929690)\r
+ ..controls (12.671900,12.179700) and (7.644530,12.539100)..(6.925780,8.890630)\r
+ ..controls (3.574220,9.007810) and (2.703130,6.562500)..(3.316410,4.925780)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.725490,0.725490,0.725490));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.797010bp;\r
+draw (3.316410,4.925780)..controls (3.699220,3.902340) and (15.824200,4.156250)..(16.601601,4.925780)\r
+ ..controls (19.074200,7.394530) and (15.902300,10.476600)..(13.507800,7.929690)\r
+ ..controls (12.671900,12.179700) and (7.644530,12.539100)..(6.925780,8.890630)\r
+ ..controls (3.574220,9.007810) and (2.703130,6.562500)..(3.316410,4.925780)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+picture pic;\r
+draw pic scaled(r);\r
+draw (z0+(10.5,2));\r
+draw (z1-(10.5,4));\r
+clip currentpicture to ((z0-(8.5pt,0))--(z0+(8.5pt,0))--(z1+(8.5pt,-1pt))--(z1-(8.5pt,1pt))--cycle);\r
--- /dev/null
+drawoptions (withcolor (1.000000,0.831373,0.000000));\r
+linecap := butt;\r
+linejoin := mitered;\r
+fill (9.964840,3.820310)--(6.769530,5.523440)--(3.554690,3.859380)\r
+ --(4.187500,7.421880)--(1.609370,9.964840)--(5.195310,10.464800)\r
+ --(6.816410,13.699200)--(8.402340,10.445300)--(11.980500,9.906250)\r
+ --(9.371090,7.394530)--cycle;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.000000,0.000000,0.000000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.400000bp;\r
+linecap := rounded;\r
+linejoin := rounded;\r
+draw (9.964840,3.820310)--(6.769530,5.523440)--(3.554690,3.859380)\r
+ --(4.187500,7.421880)--(1.609370,9.964840)--(5.195310,10.464800)\r
+ --(6.816410,13.699200)--(8.402340,10.445300)--(11.980500,9.906250)\r
+ --(9.371090,7.394530)--cycle;\r
+picture pic;\r
+draw pic scaled(1.3);\r
+draw (z0+(10.5,2));\r
+draw (z1-(10.5,3));\r
+clip currentpicture to ((z0-(8.5pt,0))--(z0+(8.5pt,0))--(z1+(8.5pt,-1pt))--(z1-(8.5pt,1pt))--cycle);\r
--- /dev/null
+prologues := 1;\r
+linecap := butt;\r
+linejoin := mitered;\r
+fill (19.687500,13.554700)--(19.687500,5.851560)--(26.531300,5.851560)\r
+ --(26.531300,0.000000)--(34.511700,0.000000)--(34.511700,5.851560)\r
+ --(40.824200,5.851560)--(40.824200,13.554700)--(34.511700,13.554700)\r
+ --(34.507801,19.226601)--(26.531300,19.226601)--(26.531300,13.554700)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+pickup pencircle scaled(7.980470);\r
+draw fullcircle scaled(53.052764) shifted(61.042999/2,49.4);\r
+picture pic;\r
+draw pic scaled(r);\r
+draw (z0+(10.5,2));\r
+draw (z1-(10.5,2));\r
+clip currentpicture to ((z0-(8.5pt,0))--(z0+(8.5pt,0))--(z1+(8.5pt,0))--(z1-(8.5pt,0))--cycle);\r
--- /dev/null
+prologues := 1;\r
+path p[];\r
+linecap := butt;\r
+linejoin := mitered;\r
+fill (40.746101,48.289101)\r
+ --(43.507801,48.289101)\r
+ --(43.507801,56.335899)\r
+ ..controls (43.507801,56.335899) and (57.378899,68.437500)..(55.039101,72.914101)\r
+ --(43.507801,72.914101)\r
+ --(43.507801,75.675797)\r
+ ..controls (43.507801,78.062500) and (41.570301,80.000000)..(39.183601,80.000000)\r
+ --(16.121099,80.000000)\r
+ ..controls (13.734400,80.000000) and (11.796900,78.062500)..(11.796900,75.675797)\r
+ --(11.796900,72.914101)\r
+ --(0.265625,72.914101)\r
+ ..controls (-2.074220,68.437500) and (11.796900,56.335899)..(11.796900,56.335899)\r
+ --(11.796900,48.289101)\r
+ --(0.265625,48.289101)\r
+ ..controls (-2.074220,43.812500) and (11.796900,31.710899)..(11.796900,31.710899)\r
+ --(11.796900,23.664101)\r
+ --(0.265625,23.664101)\r
+ ..controls (-2.074220,19.187500) and (11.796900,7.085940)..(11.796900,7.085940)\r
+ --(11.796900,4.324220)\r
+ ..controls (11.796900,1.937500) and (13.734400,0.000000)..(16.121099,0.000000)\r
+ --(39.183601,0.000000)\r
+ ..controls (41.570301,0.000000) and (43.507801,1.937500)..(43.507801,4.324220)\r
+ --(43.507801,7.085940)\r
+ ..controls (43.507801,7.085940) and (57.378899,19.187500)..(55.039101,23.664101)\r
+ --(43.507801,23.664101)\r
+ --(43.507801,31.710899)\r
+ ..controls (43.507801,31.710899) and (57.378899,43.812500)..(55.039101,48.289101)\r
+ --(43.507801,48.289101)\r
+ --(40.746101,48.289101)\r
+ --(40.746101,15.382800)\r
+ ..controls (40.746101,8.152340) and (34.886700,2.289060)..(27.652300,2.289060)\r
+ ..controls (20.421900,2.289060) and (14.558600,8.152340)..(14.558600,15.382800)\r
+ --(14.558600,64.617203)\r
+ ..controls (14.558600,71.847702) and (20.421900,77.710899)..(27.652300,77.710899)\r
+ ..controls (34.886700,77.710899) and (40.746101,71.847702)..(40.746101,64.617203)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill fullcircle scaled(17.777302) shifted(27.6523,64.277298);\r
+fill fullcircle scaled(17.777302) shifted(27.6523,39.953098) withcolor(235/256,243/256,13/256);\r
+draw fullcircle scaled(17.777302) shifted(27.6523,39.953098);\r
+fill fullcircle scaled(17.777302) shifted(27.6523,15.628898);\r
+picture pic;\r
+draw pic scaled(r);\r
+draw (z0+(10.5,2));\r
+draw (z1-(10.5,2));\r
+clip currentpicture to ((z0-(8.5pt,0))--(z0+(8.5pt,0))--(z1+(8.5pt,0))--(z1-(8.5pt,0))--cycle);\r
--- /dev/null
+prologues := 1;\r
+path p[];\r
+linecap := butt;\r
+linejoin := mitered;\r
+fill (40.746101,48.289101)\r
+ --(43.507801,48.289101)\r
+ --(43.507801,56.335899)\r
+ ..controls (43.507801,56.335899) and (57.378899,68.437500)..(55.039101,72.914101)\r
+ --(43.507801,72.914101)\r
+ --(43.507801,75.675797)\r
+ ..controls (43.507801,78.062500) and (41.570301,80.000000)..(39.183601,80.000000)\r
+ --(16.121099,80.000000)\r
+ ..controls (13.734400,80.000000) and (11.796900,78.062500)..(11.796900,75.675797)\r
+ --(11.796900,72.914101)\r
+ --(0.265625,72.914101)\r
+ ..controls (-2.074220,68.437500) and (11.796900,56.335899)..(11.796900,56.335899)\r
+ --(11.796900,48.289101)\r
+ --(0.265625,48.289101)\r
+ ..controls (-2.074220,43.812500) and (11.796900,31.710899)..(11.796900,31.710899)\r
+ --(11.796900,23.664101)\r
+ --(0.265625,23.664101)\r
+ ..controls (-2.074220,19.187500) and (11.796900,7.085940)..(11.796900,7.085940)\r
+ --(11.796900,4.324220)\r
+ ..controls (11.796900,1.937500) and (13.734400,0.000000)..(16.121099,0.000000)\r
+ --(39.183601,0.000000)\r
+ ..controls (41.570301,0.000000) and (43.507801,1.937500)..(43.507801,4.324220)\r
+ --(43.507801,7.085940)\r
+ ..controls (43.507801,7.085940) and (57.378899,19.187500)..(55.039101,23.664101)\r
+ --(43.507801,23.664101)\r
+ --(43.507801,31.710899)\r
+ ..controls (43.507801,31.710899) and (57.378899,43.812500)..(55.039101,48.289101)\r
+ --(43.507801,48.289101)\r
+ --(40.746101,48.289101)\r
+ --(40.746101,15.382800)\r
+ ..controls (40.746101,8.152340) and (34.886700,2.289060)..(27.652300,2.289060)\r
+ ..controls (20.421900,2.289060) and (14.558600,8.152340)..(14.558600,15.382800)\r
+ --(14.558600,64.617203)\r
+ ..controls (14.558600,71.847702) and (20.421900,77.710899)..(27.652300,77.710899)\r
+ ..controls (34.886700,77.710899) and (40.746101,71.847702)..(40.746101,64.617203)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill fullcircle scaled(17.777302) shifted(27.6523,64.277298) withcolor(248/256,25/256,13/256);\r
+draw fullcircle scaled(17.777302) shifted(27.6523,64.277298);\r
+fill fullcircle scaled(17.777302) shifted(27.6523,39.953098);\r
+fill fullcircle scaled(17.777302) shifted(27.6523,15.628898);\r
+picture pic;\r
+draw pic scaled(r);\r
+draw (z0+(10.5,2));\r
+draw (z1-(10.5,2));\r
+clip currentpicture to ((z0-(8.5pt,0))--(z0+(8.5pt,0))--(z1+(8.5pt,0))--(z1-(8.5pt,0))--cycle);\r
--- /dev/null
+prologues := 1;\r
+path p[];\r
+linecap := butt;\r
+linejoin := mitered;\r
+fill (40.746101,48.289101)\r
+ --(43.507801,48.289101)\r
+ --(43.507801,56.335899)\r
+ ..controls (43.507801,56.335899) and (57.378899,68.437500)..(55.039101,72.914101)\r
+ --(43.507801,72.914101)\r
+ --(43.507801,75.675797)\r
+ ..controls (43.507801,78.062500) and (41.570301,80.000000)..(39.183601,80.000000)\r
+ --(16.121099,80.000000)\r
+ ..controls (13.734400,80.000000) and (11.796900,78.062500)..(11.796900,75.675797)\r
+ --(11.796900,72.914101)\r
+ --(0.265625,72.914101)\r
+ ..controls (-2.074220,68.437500) and (11.796900,56.335899)..(11.796900,56.335899)\r
+ --(11.796900,48.289101)\r
+ --(0.265625,48.289101)\r
+ ..controls (-2.074220,43.812500) and (11.796900,31.710899)..(11.796900,31.710899)\r
+ --(11.796900,23.664101)\r
+ --(0.265625,23.664101)\r
+ ..controls (-2.074220,19.187500) and (11.796900,7.085940)..(11.796900,7.085940)\r
+ --(11.796900,4.324220)\r
+ ..controls (11.796900,1.937500) and (13.734400,0.000000)..(16.121099,0.000000)\r
+ --(39.183601,0.000000)\r
+ ..controls (41.570301,0.000000) and (43.507801,1.937500)..(43.507801,4.324220)\r
+ --(43.507801,7.085940)\r
+ ..controls (43.507801,7.085940) and (57.378899,19.187500)..(55.039101,23.664101)\r
+ --(43.507801,23.664101)\r
+ --(43.507801,31.710899)\r
+ ..controls (43.507801,31.710899) and (57.378899,43.812500)..(55.039101,48.289101)\r
+ --(43.507801,48.289101)\r
+ --(40.746101,48.289101)\r
+ --(40.746101,15.382800)\r
+ ..controls (40.746101,8.152340) and (34.886700,2.289060)..(27.652300,2.289060)\r
+ ..controls (20.421900,2.289060) and (14.558600,8.152340)..(14.558600,15.382800)\r
+ --(14.558600,64.617203)\r
+ ..controls (14.558600,71.847702) and (20.421900,77.710899)..(27.652300,77.710899)\r
+ ..controls (34.886700,77.710899) and (40.746101,71.847702)..(40.746101,64.617203)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill fullcircle scaled(17.777302) shifted(27.6523,64.277298) withcolor(248/256,25/256,13/256);\r
+draw fullcircle scaled(17.777302) shifted(27.6523,64.277298);\r
+fill fullcircle scaled(17.777302) shifted(27.6523,39.953098) withcolor(235/256,243/256,13/256);\r
+draw fullcircle scaled(17.777302) shifted(27.6523,39.953098);\r
+fill fullcircle scaled(17.777302) shifted(27.6523,15.628898) withcolor(82/256,174/256,39/256);\r
+draw fullcircle scaled(17.777302) shifted(27.6523,15.628898);\r
+picture pic;\r
+draw pic scaled(r);\r
+draw (z0+(10.5,2));\r
+draw (z1-(10.5,2));\r
+clip currentpicture to ((z0-(8.5pt,0))--(z0+(8.5pt,0))--(z1+(8.5pt,0))--(z1-(8.5pt,0))--cycle);\r
--- /dev/null
+prologues := 1;\r
+path p[];\r
+linecap := butt;\r
+linejoin := mitered;\r
+fill (40.746101,48.289101)\r
+ --(43.507801,48.289101)\r
+ --(43.507801,56.335899)\r
+ ..controls (43.507801,56.335899) and (57.378899,68.437500)..(55.039101,72.914101)\r
+ --(43.507801,72.914101)\r
+ --(43.507801,75.675797)\r
+ ..controls (43.507801,78.062500) and (41.570301,80.000000)..(39.183601,80.000000)\r
+ --(16.121099,80.000000)\r
+ ..controls (13.734400,80.000000) and (11.796900,78.062500)..(11.796900,75.675797)\r
+ --(11.796900,72.914101)\r
+ --(0.265625,72.914101)\r
+ ..controls (-2.074220,68.437500) and (11.796900,56.335899)..(11.796900,56.335899)\r
+ --(11.796900,48.289101)\r
+ --(0.265625,48.289101)\r
+ ..controls (-2.074220,43.812500) and (11.796900,31.710899)..(11.796900,31.710899)\r
+ --(11.796900,23.664101)\r
+ --(0.265625,23.664101)\r
+ ..controls (-2.074220,19.187500) and (11.796900,7.085940)..(11.796900,7.085940)\r
+ --(11.796900,4.324220)\r
+ ..controls (11.796900,1.937500) and (13.734400,0.000000)..(16.121099,0.000000)\r
+ --(39.183601,0.000000)\r
+ ..controls (41.570301,0.000000) and (43.507801,1.937500)..(43.507801,4.324220)\r
+ --(43.507801,7.085940)\r
+ ..controls (43.507801,7.085940) and (57.378899,19.187500)..(55.039101,23.664101)\r
+ --(43.507801,23.664101)\r
+ --(43.507801,31.710899)\r
+ ..controls (43.507801,31.710899) and (57.378899,43.812500)..(55.039101,48.289101)\r
+ --(43.507801,48.289101)\r
+ --(40.746101,48.289101)\r
+ --(40.746101,15.382800)\r
+ ..controls (40.746101,8.152340) and (34.886700,2.289060)..(27.652300,2.289060)\r
+ ..controls (20.421900,2.289060) and (14.558600,8.152340)..(14.558600,15.382800)\r
+ --(14.558600,64.617203)\r
+ ..controls (14.558600,71.847702) and (20.421900,77.710899)..(27.652300,77.710899)\r
+ ..controls (34.886700,77.710899) and (40.746101,71.847702)..(40.746101,64.617203)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill fullcircle scaled(17.777302) shifted(27.6523,64.277298);\r
+fill fullcircle scaled(17.777302) shifted(27.6523,39.953098);\r
+fill fullcircle scaled(17.777302) shifted(27.6523,15.628898) withcolor(82/256,174/256,39/256);\r
+draw fullcircle scaled(17.777302) shifted(27.6523,15.628898);\r
+picture pic;\r
+draw pic scaled(r);\r
+draw (z0+(10.5,2));\r
+draw (z1-(10.5,2));\r
+clip currentpicture to ((z0-(8.5pt,0))--(z0+(8.5pt,0))--(z1+(8.5pt,0))--(z1-(8.5pt,0))--cycle);\r
--- /dev/null
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.800000bp;\r
+linecap := butt;\r
+linejoin := mitered;\r
+draw (10.468800,26.773399)..controls (10.468800,26.773399) and (16.121099,14.875000)..(12.097700,6.656250);\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (1.000000,0.760784,0.000000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.000000bp;\r
+fill (10.515600,30.835899)..controls (10.515600,30.835899) and (12.015600,33.253899)..(14.640600,34.242199)\r
+ ..controls (17.550800,35.339802) and (19.160200,32.277302)..(15.113300,29.859400)\r
+ ..controls (13.277300,28.765600) and (11.546900,28.886700)..(11.546900,28.886700)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.000000,0.000000,0.000000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.400000bp;\r
+draw (10.515600,30.835899)..controls (10.515600,30.835899) and (12.015600,33.253899)..(14.640600,34.242199)\r
+ ..controls (17.550800,35.339802) and (19.160200,32.277302)..(15.113300,29.859400)\r
+ ..controls (13.277300,28.765600) and (11.546900,28.886700)..(11.546900,28.886700);\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (1.000000,0.760784,0.000000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.000000bp;\r
+fill (10.855500,26.640600)..controls (10.855500,26.640600) and (12.285200,24.214800)..(14.785200,23.222700)\r
+ ..controls (17.550800,22.121099) and (19.082001,25.191401)..(15.230500,27.617201)\r
+ ..controls (13.484400,28.718800) and (11.839800,28.597700)..(11.839800,28.597700)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.000000,0.000000,0.000000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.400000bp;\r
+draw (10.855500,26.640600)..controls (10.855500,26.640600) and (12.285200,24.214800)..(14.785200,23.222700)\r
+ ..controls (17.550800,22.121099) and (19.082001,25.191401)..(15.230500,27.617201)\r
+ ..controls (13.484400,28.718800) and (11.839800,28.597700)..(11.839800,28.597700);\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (1.000000,0.760784,0.000000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.000000bp;\r
+fill (10.113300,30.992201)..controls (10.113300,30.992201) and (9.550780,35.507801)..(6.429690,36.339802)\r
+ ..controls (4.441410,36.871101) and (4.121090,33.738300)..(5.929690,31.503901)\r
+ ..controls (6.910160,30.289101) and (7.347660,29.632799)..(7.347660,29.632799)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.000000,0.000000,0.000000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.400000bp;\r
+draw (10.113300,30.992201)..controls (10.113300,30.992201) and (9.550780,35.507801)..(6.429690,36.339802)\r
+ ..controls (4.441410,36.871101) and (4.121090,33.738300)..(5.929690,31.503901)\r
+ ..controls (6.910160,30.289101) and (7.347660,29.632799)..(7.347660,29.632799);\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (1.000000,0.760784,0.000000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.000000bp;\r
+fill (8.429690,26.761700)..controls (7.796880,25.031300) and (7.339840,23.171900)..(8.175780,21.511700)\r
+ ..controls (9.492190,18.890600) and (12.511700,19.367201)..(11.355500,23.394501)\r
+ ..controls (10.793000,25.355499) and (10.421900,26.316401)..(10.421900,26.316401)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.000000,0.000000,0.000000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.400000bp;\r
+draw (8.429690,26.761700)..controls (7.796880,25.031300) and (7.339840,23.171900)..(8.175780,21.511700)\r
+ ..controls (9.492190,18.890600) and (12.511700,19.367201)..(11.355500,23.394501)\r
+ ..controls (10.793000,25.355499) and (10.421900,26.316401)..(10.421900,26.316401);\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (1.000000,0.760784,0.000000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.000000bp;\r
+fill (7.800780,27.187500)..controls (7.800780,27.187500) and (6.820310,25.238300)..(4.109380,24.343800)\r
+ ..controls (1.105470,23.359400) and (-0.558594,26.117201)..(3.625000,28.296900)\r
+ ..controls (5.519530,29.285200) and (7.304690,29.171900)..(7.304690,29.171900)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.000000,0.000000,0.000000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.400000bp;\r
+draw (7.800780,27.187500)..controls (7.800780,27.187500) and (6.820310,25.238300)..(4.109380,24.343800)\r
+ ..controls (1.105470,23.359400) and (-0.558594,26.117201)..(3.625000,28.296900)\r
+ ..controls (5.519530,29.285200) and (7.304690,29.171900)..(7.304690,29.171900);\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (1.000000,1.000000,1.000000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.000000bp;\r
+fill (11.886700,28.656300)..controls (11.886700,27.394501) and (10.835900,26.371099)..(9.542970,26.371099)\r
+ ..controls (8.250000,26.371099) and (7.199220,27.394501)..(7.199220,28.656300)\r
+ ..controls (7.199220,29.917999) and (8.250000,30.945299)..(9.542970,30.945299)\r
+ ..controls (10.835900,30.945299) and (11.886700,29.917999)..(11.886700,28.656300)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.000000,0.000000,0.000000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.480000bp;\r
+linecap := rounded;\r
+linejoin := rounded;\r
+draw (11.886700,28.656300)..controls (11.886700,27.394501) and (10.835900,26.371099)..(9.542970,26.371099)\r
+ ..controls (8.250000,26.371099) and (7.199220,27.394501)..(7.199220,28.656300)\r
+ ..controls (7.199220,29.917999) and (8.250000,30.945299)..(9.542970,30.945299)\r
+ ..controls (10.835900,30.945299) and (11.886700,29.917999)..(11.886700,28.656300)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.176471,0.603922,0.000000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.000000bp;\r
+linecap := butt;\r
+linejoin := mitered;\r
+fill (13.601600,13.570300)..controls (21.027300,23.515600) and (25.027300,22.144501)..(25.941401,22.371099)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.000000,0.000000,0.000000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.400000bp;\r
+draw (13.601600,13.570300)..controls (21.027300,23.515600) and (25.027300,22.144501)..(25.941401,22.371099);\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.176471,0.603922,0.000000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.000000bp;\r
+fill (14.000000,13.859400)..controls (22.765600,14.886700) and (25.191401,22.406300)..(26.113300,22.542999)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.000000,0.000000,0.000000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.400000bp;\r
+draw (14.000000,13.859400)..controls (22.765600,14.886700) and (25.191401,22.406300)..(26.113300,22.542999);\r
+picture pic;\r
+draw pic scaled(r);\r
+draw (z0+(10.5,2));\r
+draw (z1-(10.5,2));\r
+clip currentpicture to ((z0-(8.5pt,0))--(z0+(8.5pt,0))--(z1+(8.5pt,0))--(z1-(8.5pt,0))--cycle);\r
--- /dev/null
+prologues := 1;\r
+linecap := butt;\r
+linejoin := mitered;\r
+fill (63.867199,57.281300)--(70.945297,64.363297)--(77.445297,57.863300)\r
+ --(80.000000,80.000000)--(57.863300,77.445297)--(64.363297,70.945297)\r
+ --(57.281300,63.867199)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+pickup pencircle scaled(9.3);\r
+draw fullcircle scaled(61.95) shifted(35.60745,35.60745);\r
+picture pic;\r
+draw pic scaled(r);\r
+draw (z0+(10.5,2));\r
+draw (z1-(10.5,2));\r
+clip currentpicture to ((z0-(8.5pt,0))--(z0+(8.5pt,0))--(z1+(8.5pt,0))--(z1-(8.5pt,0))--cycle);\r
--- /dev/null
+linecap := butt;\r
+linejoin := mitered;\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0bp;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (1,1,1));\r
+fill fullcircle scaled(17) shifted(80.5,711.5);\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0,0,0));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.199253bp;\r
+draw fullcircle scaled(17) shifted(80.5,711.5);\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.099626bp;\r
+draw fullcircle scaled(15.726494) shifted(80.5,711.5);\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0bp;\r
+for i=0 upto 11:\r
+filldraw fullcircle scaled(0.7) shifted(z[i]);\r
+for i=0 upto 3:\r
+filldraw fullcircle scaled(0.9) shifted(z[3*i]);\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.311800,0.311800,0.311800));\r
+linejoin := rounded;\r
+fill (82.687500,713.078003)--(85.671898,714.456970)--(80.300797,710.659973)\r
+ --(79.699203,711.698975)--cycle;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.000000,0.000000,0.000000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.099626bp;\r
+draw (82.687500,713.078003)--(85.671898,714.456970)--(80.300797,710.659973)\r
+ --(79.699203,711.698975)--cycle;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.311800,0.311800,0.311800));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.000000bp;\r
+fill (78.851601,712.281006)--(77.039101,713.918030)--(81.355499,711.629028)\r
+ --(80.667999,710.645020)--cycle;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.000000,0.000000,0.000000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.099626bp;\r
+draw (78.851601,712.281006)--(77.039101,713.918030)--(81.355499,711.629028)\r
+ --(80.667999,710.645020)--cycle;\r
+picture pic;\r
+draw pic scaled(r);\r
+draw (z20+(10.5,2));\r
+draw (z21-(10.5,2));\r
+clip currentpicture to ((z20-(8.5pt,0))--(z20+(8.5pt,0))--(z21+(8.5pt,-1pt))--(z21-(8.5pt,1pt))--cycle);\r
--- /dev/null
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.690200,0.062700,0.188200));\r
+fill (11.707000,6.058590)--(9.917970,15.089800)--(16.882799,11.257800)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.100000bp;\r
+draw (11.707000,6.058590)--(9.917970,15.089800)--(16.882799,11.257800)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.419600,0.039200,0.113700));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.000000bp;\r
+fill (11.707000,6.058590)--(16.882799,11.257800)--(14.222700,2.804690)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.100000bp;\r
+draw (11.707000,6.058590)--(16.882799,11.257800)--(14.222700,2.804690)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.435300,0.039200,0.117600));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.000000bp;\r
+fill (11.707000,6.058590)--(14.222700,2.804690)--(5.617190,1.410160)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.100000bp;\r
+draw (11.707000,6.058590)--(14.222700,2.804690)--(5.617190,1.410160)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.713700,0.066700,0.196100));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.000000bp;\r
+fill (11.707000,6.058590)--(5.617190,1.410160)--(2.957030,9.003910)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.100000bp;\r
+draw (11.707000,6.058590)--(5.617190,1.410160)--(2.957030,9.003910)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.858800,0.078400,0.235300));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.000000bp;\r
+fill (11.707000,6.058590)--(2.957030,9.003910)--(9.917970,15.089800)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.100000bp;\r
+draw (11.707000,6.058590)--(2.957030,9.003910)--(9.917970,15.089800)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.368600,0.035300,0.102000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.000000bp;\r
+fill (0.066406,7.570310)--(2.957030,9.003910)--(5.617190,1.410160)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.100000bp;\r
+draw (0.066406,7.570310)--(2.957030,9.003910)--(5.617190,1.410160)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.309800,0.027500,0.086300));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.000000bp;\r
+fill (2.957030,9.003910)--(0.066406,7.570310)--(2.726560,16.027300)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.100000bp;\r
+draw (2.957030,9.003910)--(0.066406,7.570310)--(2.726560,16.027300)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.631400,0.058800,0.172500));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.000000bp;\r
+fill (2.957030,9.003910)--(2.726560,16.027300)--(9.917970,15.089800)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.100000bp;\r
+draw (2.957030,9.003910)--(2.726560,16.027300)--(9.917970,15.089800)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.278400,0.023500,0.074500));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.000000bp;\r
+fill (9.917970,15.089800)--(2.726560,16.027300)--(11.332000,17.417999)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.100000bp;\r
+draw (9.917970,15.089800)--(2.726560,16.027300)--(11.332000,17.417999)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.321600,0.027500,0.086300));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.000000bp;\r
+fill (9.917970,15.089800)--(11.332000,17.417999)--(16.882799,11.257800)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.100000bp;\r
+draw (9.917970,15.089800)--(11.332000,17.417999)--(16.882799,11.257800)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (1.000000,0.713700,0.756900));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.800000bp;\r
+draw (0.066406,7.570310)--(2.957030,9.003910);\r
+draw (14.222700,2.804690)--(11.707000,6.058590);\r
+draw (11.707000,6.058590)--(9.917970,15.089800);\r
+draw (5.617190,1.410160)--(11.707000,6.058590);\r
+draw (5.617190,1.410160)--(2.957030,9.003910);\r
+draw (9.917970,15.089800)--(16.882799,11.257800);\r
+draw (11.332000,17.417999)--(9.917970,15.089800);\r
+draw (2.726560,16.027300)--(2.957030,9.003910);\r
+draw (2.957030,9.003910)--(11.707000,6.058590);\r
+draw (2.957030,9.003910)--(9.917970,15.089800);\r
+draw (2.726560,16.027300)--(9.917970,15.089800);\r
+draw (16.882799,11.257800)--(11.707000,6.058590);\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.858800,0.078400,0.235300));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.000000bp;\r
+fill (5.242190,12.769500)--(7.027340,3.738280)--(13.992200,9.824220)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.100000bp;\r
+draw (5.242190,12.769500)--(7.027340,3.738280)--(13.992200,9.824220)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.690200,0.062700,0.188200));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.000000bp;\r
+fill (5.242190,12.769500)--(0.066406,7.570310)--(7.027340,3.738280)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.100000bp;\r
+draw (5.242190,12.769500)--(0.066406,7.570310)--(7.027340,3.738280)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (1.000000,0.713700,0.756900));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.800000bp;\r
+draw (7.027340,3.738280)--(5.242190,12.769500);\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.713700,0.066700,0.196100));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.000000bp;\r
+fill (5.242190,12.769500)--(13.992200,9.824220)--(11.332000,17.417999)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.100000bp;\r
+draw (5.242190,12.769500)--(13.992200,9.824220)--(11.332000,17.417999)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (1.000000,0.713700,0.756900));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.800000bp;\r
+draw (5.242190,12.769500)--(13.992200,9.824220);\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.419600,0.039200,0.113700));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.000000bp;\r
+fill (5.242190,12.769500)--(2.726560,16.027300)--(0.066406,7.570310)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.100000bp;\r
+draw (5.242190,12.769500)--(2.726560,16.027300)--(0.066406,7.570310)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (1.000000,0.713700,0.756900));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.800000bp;\r
+draw (0.066406,7.570310)--(2.726560,16.027300);\r
+draw (0.066406,7.570310)--(5.242190,12.769500);\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.435300,0.039200,0.117600));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.000000bp;\r
+fill (5.242190,12.769500)--(11.332000,17.417999)--(2.726560,16.027300)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.100000bp;\r
+draw (5.242190,12.769500)--(11.332000,17.417999)--(2.726560,16.027300)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (1.000000,0.713700,0.756900));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.800000bp;\r
+draw (2.726560,16.027300)--(11.332000,17.417999);\r
+draw (2.726560,16.027300)--(5.242190,12.769500);\r
+draw (5.242190,12.769500)--(11.332000,17.417999);\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.631400,0.058800,0.172500));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.000000bp;\r
+fill (14.222700,2.804690)--(13.992200,9.824220)--(7.027340,3.738280)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.100000bp;\r
+draw (14.222700,2.804690)--(13.992200,9.824220)--(7.027340,3.738280)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (1.000000,0.713700,0.756900));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.800000bp;\r
+draw (13.992200,9.824220)--(7.027340,3.738280);\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.309800,0.027500,0.086300));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.000000bp;\r
+fill (16.882799,11.257800)--(13.992200,9.824220)--(14.222700,2.804690)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.100000bp;\r
+draw (16.882799,11.257800)--(13.992200,9.824220)--(14.222700,2.804690)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (1.000000,0.713700,0.756900));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.800000bp;\r
+draw (16.882799,11.257800)--(14.222700,2.804690);\r
+draw (13.992200,9.824220)--(14.222700,2.804690);\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.368600,0.035300,0.102000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.000000bp;\r
+fill (16.882799,11.257800)--(11.332000,17.417999)--(13.992200,9.824220)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.100000bp;\r
+draw (16.882799,11.257800)--(11.332000,17.417999)--(13.992200,9.824220)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (1.000000,0.713700,0.756900));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.800000bp;\r
+draw (11.332000,17.417999)--(16.882799,11.257800);\r
+draw (13.992200,9.824220)--(16.882799,11.257800);\r
+draw (11.332000,17.417999)--(13.992200,9.824220);\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.321600,0.027500,0.086300));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.000000bp;\r
+fill (5.617190,1.410160)--(7.027340,3.738280)--(0.066406,7.570310)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.100000bp;\r
+draw (5.617190,1.410160)--(7.027340,3.738280)--(0.066406,7.570310)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (1.000000,0.713700,0.756900));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.800000bp;\r
+draw (7.027340,3.738280)--(0.066406,7.570310);\r
+draw (0.066406,7.570310)--(5.617190,1.410160);\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.278400,0.023500,0.074500));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.000000bp;\r
+fill (14.222700,2.804690)--(7.027340,3.738280)--(5.617190,1.410160)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.100000bp;\r
+draw (14.222700,2.804690)--(7.027340,3.738280)--(5.617190,1.410160)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (1.000000,0.713700,0.756900));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.800000bp;\r
+draw (14.222700,2.804690)--(5.617190,1.410160);\r
+draw (7.027340,3.738280)--(5.617190,1.410160);\r
+draw (14.222700,2.804690)--(7.027340,3.738280);\r
+picture pic;\r
+draw pic scaled(0.964);\r
+draw (z0+(10.5,2));\r
+draw (z1-(10.5,2));\r
+clip currentpicture to ((z0-(8.5pt,0))--(z0+(8.5pt,0))--(z1+(8.5pt,0))--(z1-(8.5pt,0))--cycle);\r
--- /dev/null
+drawoptions (withcolor (1.000000,0.309804,0.380392));\r
+linecap := butt;\r
+linejoin := mitered;\r
+fill (12.683600,7.140630)..controls (12.683600,3.925780) and (10.074200,1.316410)..(6.859370,1.316410)\r
+ ..controls (3.648440,1.316410) and (1.039060,3.925780)..(1.039060,7.140630)\r
+ ..controls (1.039060,10.351600) and (3.648440,12.960900)..(6.859370,12.960900)\r
+ ..controls (10.074200,12.960900) and (12.683600,10.351600)..(12.683600,7.140630)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.000000,0.000000,0.000000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.392320bp;\r
+linecap := rounded;\r
+linejoin := rounded;\r
+draw (12.683600,7.140630)..controls (12.683600,3.925780) and (10.074200,1.316410)..(6.859370,1.316410)\r
+ ..controls (3.648440,1.316410) and (1.039060,3.925780)..(1.039060,7.140630)\r
+ ..controls (1.039060,10.351600) and (3.648440,12.960900)..(6.859370,12.960900)\r
+ ..controls (10.074200,12.960900) and (12.683600,10.351600)..(12.683600,7.140630)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.968628,0.725490,0.000000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.000000bp;\r
+linecap := butt;\r
+linejoin := mitered;\r
+fill (12.304700,7.140630)..controls (12.304700,4.132810) and (9.867190,1.695310)..(6.859370,1.695310)\r
+ ..controls (3.855470,1.695310) and (1.417970,4.132810)..(1.417970,7.140630)\r
+ ..controls (1.417970,10.144500) and (3.855470,12.582000)..(6.859370,12.582000)\r
+ ..controls (9.867190,12.582000) and (12.304700,10.144500)..(12.304700,7.140630)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (1.000000,1.000000,1.000000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.366751bp;\r
+linecap := rounded;\r
+linejoin := rounded;\r
+draw (12.304700,7.140630)..controls (12.304700,4.132810) and (9.867190,1.695310)..(6.859370,1.695310)\r
+ ..controls (3.855470,1.695310) and (1.417970,4.132810)..(1.417970,7.140630)\r
+ ..controls (1.417970,10.144500) and (3.855470,12.582000)..(6.859370,12.582000)\r
+ ..controls (9.867190,12.582000) and (12.304700,10.144500)..(12.304700,7.140630)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (1.000000,0.803922,0.003922));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.000000bp;\r
+linecap := butt;\r
+linejoin := mitered;\r
+fill (6.843750,12.378900)..controls (4.171880,12.378900) and (1.960940,10.339800)..(1.605470,7.691410)\r
+ ..controls (2.890630,6.210940) and (4.750000,5.265630)..(6.820310,5.234380)\r
+ ..controls (6.859380,5.234380) and (6.898440,5.230470)..(6.933590,5.230470)\r
+ ..controls (8.968750,5.230470) and (10.804700,6.113280)..(12.105500,7.519530)\r
+ ..controls (11.824200,10.250000) and (9.574220,12.378900)..(6.843750,12.378900)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (1.000000,1.000000,1.000000));\r
+fill (6.859380,11.457000)..controls (6.121090,11.457000) and (5.523440,10.839800)..(5.523440,10.082000)\r
+ ..controls (5.523440,9.320310) and (6.121090,8.703130)..(6.859380,8.703130)\r
+ ..controls (7.597660,8.703130) and (8.199220,9.320310)..(8.199220,10.082000)\r
+ ..controls (8.199220,10.839800) and (7.597660,11.457000)..(6.859380,11.457000)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill (6.210940,7.996090)..controls (5.828130,7.996090) and (5.523440,7.679690)..(5.523440,7.285160)\r
+ --(5.523440,3.531250)..controls (5.523440,3.140630) and (5.828130,2.820310)..(6.210940,2.820310)\r
+ --(7.507810,2.820310)..controls (7.890630,2.820310) and (8.199220,3.140630)..(8.199220,3.531250)\r
+ --(8.199220,7.285160)..controls (8.199220,7.679690) and (7.890630,7.996090)..(7.507810,7.996090)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.000000,0.000000,0.000000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.380348bp;\r
+linecap := rounded;\r
+linejoin := rounded;\r
+draw (6.859380,11.457000)..controls (6.121090,11.457000) and (5.523440,10.839800)..(5.523440,10.082000)\r
+ ..controls (5.523440,9.320310) and (6.121090,8.703130)..(6.859380,8.703130)\r
+ ..controls (7.597660,8.703130) and (8.199220,9.320310)..(8.199220,10.082000)\r
+ ..controls (8.199220,10.839800) and (7.597660,11.457000)..(6.859380,11.457000)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+draw (6.210940,7.996090)..controls (5.828130,7.996090) and (5.523440,7.679690)..(5.523440,7.285160)\r
+ --(5.523440,3.531250)..controls (5.523440,3.140630) and (5.828130,2.820310)..(6.210940,2.820310)\r
+ --(7.507810,2.820310)..controls (7.890630,2.820310) and (8.199220,3.140630)..(8.199220,3.531250)\r
+ --(8.199220,7.285160)..controls (8.199220,7.679690) and (7.890630,7.996090)..(7.507810,7.996090)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+picture pic;\r
+draw pic scaled(1.3);\r
+draw (z0+(10.5,2));\r
+draw (z1-(10.5,2));\r
+clip currentpicture to ((z0-(8.5pt,0))--(z0+(8.5pt,0))--(z1+(8.5pt,-1pt))--(z1-(8.5pt,1pt))--cycle);\r
--- /dev/null
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.623529,0.007843,0.007843));\r
+linecap := butt;\r
+linejoin := mitered;\r
+fill (5.242190,4.937500)--(4.820310,5.058590)..controls (5.085940,5.800780) and (5.367190,6.390630)..(5.671880,6.835940)\r
+ ..controls (5.984380,7.285160) and (6.531250,7.871090)..(7.308590,8.601560)\r
+ ..controls (7.910160,9.160160) and (8.328130,9.601560)..(8.550780,9.925780)\r
+ ..controls (8.781250,10.253900) and (8.945310,10.605500)..(9.050780,10.976600)\r
+ ..controls (9.269530,11.738300) and (9.210940,12.410200)..(8.875000,12.992200)\r
+ ..controls (8.546880,13.570300) and (8.046880,13.957000)..(7.375000,14.148400)\r
+ ..controls (6.781250,14.316400) and (6.281250,14.328100)..(5.867190,14.179700)\r
+ ..controls (5.457030,14.035200) and (5.210940,13.816400)..(5.128910,13.527300)\r
+ ..controls (5.062500,13.308600) and (5.089840,13.003900)..(5.199220,12.625000)\r
+ ..controls (5.312500,12.242200) and (5.343750,11.968800)..(5.296880,11.800800)\r
+ ..controls (5.234380,11.582000) and (5.105470,11.425800)..(4.906250,11.320300)\r
+ ..controls (4.707030,11.218800) and (4.496090,11.203100)..(4.269530,11.269500)\r
+ ..controls (3.984380,11.351600) and (3.753910,11.546900)..(3.585940,11.863300)\r
+ ..controls (3.425780,12.179700) and (3.410160,12.558600)..(3.535160,13.003900)\r
+ ..controls (3.730470,13.679700) and (4.230470,14.183600)..(5.042970,14.515600)\r
+ ..controls (5.855470,14.843800) and (6.828130,14.847700)..(7.960940,14.523400)\r
+ ..controls (9.367190,14.121100) and (10.300800,13.464800)..(10.757800,12.558600)\r
+ ..controls (11.097700,11.890600) and (11.175800,11.238300)..(10.992200,10.597700)\r
+ ..controls (10.867200,10.160200) and (10.628900,9.742190)..(10.269500,9.347660)\r
+ ..controls (9.921880,8.949220) and (9.343750,8.527340)..(8.546880,8.082030)\r
+ ..controls (7.273440,7.382810) and (6.464840,6.859380)..(6.125000,6.511720)\r
+ ..controls (5.789060,6.167970) and (5.492190,5.644530)..(5.242190,4.937500)..cycle;\r
+fill (4.777340,3.867190)..(5.503910,3.339840)\r
+ ..controls (5.671880,3.082030) and (5.718750,2.812500)..(5.636720,2.531250)\r
+ ..controls (5.558590,2.257810) and (5.378910,2.054690)..(5.097660,1.917970)\r
+ ..controls (4.816410,1.792970) and (4.519530,1.773440)..(4.207030,1.863280)\r
+ ..controls (3.890630,1.953130) and (3.648440,2.128910)..(3.480470,2.382810)\r
+ ..controls (3.316410,2.644530) and (3.273440,2.910160)..(3.355470,3.187500)\r
+ ..controls (3.433590,3.468750) and (3.609380,3.671880)..(3.882810,3.800780)\r
+ ..controls (4.167970,3.933590) and (4.464840,3.957030)..(4.777340,3.867190)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.000000,0.000000,0.000000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.167761bp;\r
+linecap := rounded;\r
+linejoin := rounded;\r
+draw (5.242190,4.937500)--(4.820310,5.058590)..controls (5.085940,5.800780) and (5.367190,6.390630)..(5.671880,6.835940)\r
+ ..controls (5.984380,7.285160) and (6.531250,7.871090)..(7.308590,8.601560)\r
+ ..controls (7.910160,9.160160) and (8.328130,9.601560)..(8.550780,9.925780)\r
+ ..controls (8.781250,10.253900) and (8.945310,10.605500)..(9.050780,10.976600)\r
+ ..controls (9.269530,11.738300) and (9.210940,12.410200)..(8.875000,12.992200)\r
+ ..controls (8.546880,13.570300) and (8.046880,13.957000)..(7.375000,14.148400)\r
+ ..controls (6.781250,14.316400) and (6.281250,14.328100)..(5.867190,14.179700)\r
+ ..controls (5.457030,14.035200) and (5.210940,13.816400)..(5.128910,13.527300)\r
+ ..controls (5.062500,13.308600) and (5.089840,13.003900)..(5.199220,12.625000)\r
+ ..controls (5.312500,12.242200) and (5.343750,11.968800)..(5.296880,11.800800)\r
+ ..controls (5.234380,11.582000) and (5.105470,11.425800)..(4.906250,11.320300)\r
+ ..controls (4.707030,11.218800) and (4.496090,11.203100)..(4.269530,11.269500)\r
+ ..controls (3.984380,11.351600) and (3.753910,11.546900)..(3.585940,11.863300)\r
+ ..controls (3.425780,12.179700) and (3.410160,12.558600)..(3.535160,13.003900)\r
+ ..controls (3.730470,13.679700) and (4.230470,14.183600)..(5.042970,14.515600)\r
+ ..controls (5.855470,14.843800) and (6.828130,14.847700)..(7.960940,14.523400)\r
+ ..controls (9.367190,14.121100) and (10.300800,13.464800)..(10.757800,12.558600)\r
+ ..controls (11.097700,11.890600) and (11.175800,11.238300)..(10.992200,10.597700)\r
+ ..controls (10.867200,10.160200) and (10.628900,9.742190)..(10.269500,9.347660)\r
+ ..controls (9.921880,8.949220) and (9.343750,8.527340)..(8.546880,8.082030)\r
+ ..controls (7.273440,7.382810) and (6.464840,6.859380)..(6.125000,6.511720)\r
+ ..controls (5.789060,6.167970) and (5.492190,5.644530)..(5.242190,4.937500);\r
+draw (4.777340,3.867190)..controls (5.101560,3.773440) and (5.339840,3.597660)..(5.503910,3.339840)\r
+ ..controls (5.671880,3.082030) and (5.718750,2.812500)..(5.636720,2.531250)\r
+ ..controls (5.558590,2.257810) and (5.378910,2.054690)..(5.097660,1.917970)\r
+ ..controls (4.816410,1.792970) and (4.519530,1.773440)..(4.207030,1.863280)\r
+ ..controls (3.890630,1.953130) and (3.648440,2.128910)..(3.480470,2.382810)\r
+ ..controls (3.316410,2.644530) and (3.273440,2.910160)..(3.355470,3.187500)\r
+ ..controls (3.433590,3.468750) and (3.609380,3.671880)..(3.882810,3.800780)\r
+ ..controls (4.167970,3.933590) and (4.464840,3.957030)..(4.777340,3.867190);\r
+picture pic;\r
+draw pic scaled(1.3);\r
+draw (z0+(10.5,2));\r
+draw (z1-(10.5,2));\r
+clip currentpicture to ((z0-(8.5pt,0))--(z0+(8.5pt,0))--(z1+(8.5pt,-2pt))--(z1-(8.5pt,2pt))--cycle);\r
--- /dev/null
+linecap := butt;\r
+linejoin := mitered;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (1.000000,1.000000,1.000000));\r
+fill (89.019501,711.479980)..controls (89.019501,716.171997) and (85.210899,719.979980)..(80.519501,719.979980)\r
+ ..controls (75.828102,719.979980) and (72.019501,716.171997)..(72.019501,711.479980)\r
+ ..controls (72.019501,706.789001) and (75.828102,702.979980)..(80.519501,702.979980)\r
+ ..controls (85.210899,702.979980) and (89.019501,706.789001)..(89.019501,711.479980)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.000000,0.000000,0.000000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.398506bp;\r
+draw (89.019501,711.479980)..controls (89.019501,716.171997) and (85.210899,719.979980)..(80.519501,719.979980)\r
+ ..controls (75.828102,719.979980) and (72.019501,716.171997)..(72.019501,711.479980)\r
+ ..controls (72.019501,706.789001) and (75.828102,702.979980)..(80.519501,702.979980)\r
+ ..controls (85.210899,702.979980) and (89.019501,706.789001)..(89.019501,711.479980)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (1.000000,0.000000,0.000000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.000000bp;\r
+fill (88.246101,711.479980)..controls (88.246101,715.745972) and (84.785202,719.206970)..(80.519501,719.206970)\r
+ ..controls (76.253899,719.206970) and (72.792999,715.745972)..(72.792999,711.479980)\r
+ ..controls (72.792999,707.215027) and (76.253899,703.754028)..(80.519501,703.754028)\r
+ ..controls (84.785202,703.754028) and (88.246101,707.215027)..(88.246101,711.479980)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (1.000000,1.000000,1.000000));\r
+linejoin := rounded;\r
+fill (80.519501,710.320007)--(75.496101,710.320007)--(75.496101,712.640991)\r
+ --(85.542999,712.640991)--(85.542999,710.320007)--cycle;\r
+picture pic;\r
+draw pic scaled(r);\r
+draw (z0+(10.5,2));\r
+draw (z1-(10.5,2));\r
+clip currentpicture to ((z0-(8.5pt,0))--(z0+(8.5pt,0))--(z1+(8.5pt,-1pt))--(z1-(8.5pt,1pt))--cycle);\r
--- /dev/null
+linecap := butt;\r
+fill (7.386720,3.144530)--(9.726560,3.144530)--(9.726560,5.484380)\r
+ --(7.386720,5.484380)--cycle;\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.600000bp;\r
+draw (7.386720,3.144530)--(9.726560,3.144530)--(9.726560,5.484380)\r
+ --(7.386720,5.484380)--cycle;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (1.000000,1.000000,0.000000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.000000bp;\r
+fill (9.726560,5.484380)--(9.726560,6.261720)..controls (9.726560,8.601560) and (10.894500,8.992190)..(11.675800,10.160200)\r
+ ..controls (12.843800,12.109400) and (12.066400,15.621100)..(8.558590,15.621100)\r
+ ..controls (5.046880,15.621100) and (4.269530,12.109400)..(5.437500,10.160200)\r
+ ..controls (6.218750,8.992190) and (7.386720,8.601560)..(7.386720,6.261720)\r
+ --(7.386720,5.484380)--cycle;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.000000,0.000000,0.000000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.600000bp;\r
+draw (9.726560,5.484380)--(9.726560,6.261720)..controls (9.726560,8.601560) and (10.894500,8.992190)..(11.675800,10.160200)\r
+ ..controls (12.843800,12.109400) and (12.066400,15.621100)..(8.558590,15.621100)\r
+ ..controls (5.046880,15.621100) and (4.269530,12.109400)..(5.437500,10.160200)\r
+ ..controls (6.218750,8.992190) and (7.386720,8.601560)..(7.386720,6.261720)\r
+ --(7.386720,5.484380);\r
+draw (6.609380,4.312500)--(10.507800,4.312500);\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.200000bp;\r
+draw (8.558590,3.535160)..controls (8.945310,7.042970) and (8.167970,10.160200)..(10.117200,11.722700)\r
+ ..controls (9.335940,12.890600) and (7.386720,12.500000)..(6.996090,11.722700)\r
+ ..controls (8.945310,10.160200) and (8.167970,7.042970)..(8.558590,3.535160);\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.600000bp;\r
+draw (4.660160,16.007799)--(2.320310,18.347700);\r
+draw (8.558590,17.570299)--(8.558590,20.296900);\r
+draw (12.457000,15.621100)--(14.882800,17.660200);\r
+draw (13.625000,12.890600)--(15.964800,12.890600);\r
+draw (3.488280,12.890600)--(0.761719,12.890600);\r
+picture pic;\r
+draw pic scaled(r);\r
+draw (z0+(10.5,2));\r
+draw (z1-(10.5,2));\r
+clip currentpicture to ((z0-(8.5pt,0))--(z0+(8.5pt,0))--(z1+(8.5pt,-2pt))--(z1-(8.5pt,2pt))--cycle);\r
--- /dev/null
+prologues := 1;\r
+linecap := butt;\r
+linejoin := mitered;\r
+fill (49.531300,19.031300)..controls (41.386700,19.031300) and (33.730499,22.199200)..(27.972700,27.960899)\r
+ ..controls (22.214800,33.718800) and (19.042999,41.371101)..(19.042999,49.515598)\r
+ ..controls (19.042999,57.656300) and (22.214800,65.312500)..(27.972700,71.070297)\r
+ ..controls (33.730499,76.828102) and (41.386700,80.000000)..(49.527302,80.000000)\r
+ ..controls (57.671902,80.000000) and (65.328102,76.828102)..(71.085899,71.070297)\r
+ ..controls (82.968803,59.187500) and (82.968803,39.843800)..(71.085899,27.960899)\r
+ ..controls (65.328102,22.199200) and (57.671902,19.031300)..(49.531300,19.031300)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+unfill (49.527302,74.742203)..controls (42.789101,74.742203) and (36.453098,72.121101)..(31.691401,67.355499)\r
+ ..controls (21.851601,57.519501) and (21.851601,41.511700)..(31.691401,31.675800)\r
+ ..controls (36.457001,26.910200) and (42.789101,24.285200)..(49.531300,24.285200)\r
+ ..controls (56.269501,24.285200) and (62.605499,26.910200)..(67.371101,31.675800)\r
+ ..controls (72.132797,36.441399) and (74.757797,42.777302)..(74.757797,49.515598)\r
+ ..controls (74.757797,56.253899) and (72.132797,62.589802)..(67.367203,67.355499)\r
+ ..controls (62.601601,72.121101) and (56.265598,74.742203)..(49.527302,74.742203)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill (6.195310,0.007813)--(0.000000,6.203130)--(22.343800,28.542999)\r
+ --(28.535200,22.351601)--cycle;\r
+picture pic;\r
+draw pic scaled(r);\r
+draw (z0+(10.5,2));\r
+draw (z1-(10.5,2));\r
+clip currentpicture to ((z0-(8.5pt,0))--(z0+(8.5pt,0))--(z1+(8.5pt,0))--(z1-(8.5pt,0))--cycle);\r
--- /dev/null
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.678400,0.847100,0.902000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.800000bp;\r
+linecap := butt;\r
+draw (8.500000,10.816400)--(17.000000,15.722700);\r
+draw (14.168000,14.085900)--(17.000000,12.449200);\r
+draw (14.168000,14.085900)--(14.168000,17.359400);\r
+draw (11.332000,12.449200)--(12.750000,11.632800);\r
+draw (11.332000,12.449200)--(11.332000,14.085900);\r
+draw (8.500000,10.816400)--(8.500000,20.628901);\r
+draw (8.500000,17.359400)--(11.332000,18.992201);\r
+draw (8.500000,17.359400)--(5.667970,18.992201);\r
+draw (8.500000,14.085900)--(9.917970,14.906300);\r
+draw (8.500000,14.085900)--(7.082030,14.906300);\r
+draw (8.500000,10.816400)--(0.000000,15.722700);\r
+draw (2.832030,14.085900)--(2.832030,17.359400);\r
+draw (2.832030,14.085900)--(0.000000,12.449200);\r
+draw (5.667970,12.449200)--(5.667970,14.085900);\r
+draw (5.667970,12.449200)--(4.250000,11.632800);\r
+draw (8.500000,10.816400)--(0.000000,5.906250);\r
+draw (2.832030,7.542970)--(0.000000,9.179690);\r
+draw (2.832030,7.542970)--(2.832030,4.273440);\r
+draw (5.667970,9.179690)--(4.250000,9.996090);\r
+draw (5.667970,9.179690)--(5.667970,7.542970);\r
+draw (8.500000,10.816400)--(8.500000,1.000000);\r
+draw (8.500000,4.273440)--(5.667970,2.636720);\r
+draw (8.500000,4.273440)--(11.332000,2.636720);\r
+draw (8.500000,7.542970)--(7.082030,6.726560);\r
+draw (8.500000,7.542970)--(9.917970,6.726560);\r
+draw (8.500000,10.816400)--(17.000000,5.906250);\r
+draw (14.168000,7.542970)--(14.168000,4.273440);\r
+draw (14.168000,7.542970)--(17.000000,9.179690);\r
+draw (11.332000,9.179690)--(11.332000,7.542970);\r
+draw (11.332000,9.179690)--(12.750000,9.996090);\r
+picture pic;\r
+draw pic scaled(r);\r
+draw (z0+(10.5,2));\r
+draw (z1-(10.5,2));\r
+clip currentpicture to ((z0-(8.5pt,0))--(z0+(8.5pt,0))--(z1+(8.5pt,-1pt))--(z1-(8.5pt,1pt))--cycle);\r
--- /dev/null
+linecap := butt;\r
+linejoin := mitered;\r
+fill (80.695297,716.262024)..controls (80.574203,716.257996) and (80.476601,716.171997)..(80.480499,716.062988)\r
+ --(80.687500,704.125000)..controls (79.941399,704.570007) and (78.644501,704.637024)..(77.312500,704.223022)\r
+ ..controls (75.503899,703.659973) and (74.339798,702.429993)..(74.710899,701.473022)\r
+ ..controls (75.082001,700.512024) and (76.851601,700.187988)..(78.656303,700.750000)\r
+ ..controls (80.425797,701.301025) and (81.574203,702.504028)..(81.273399,703.453003)\r
+ --(81.125000,711.987976)..controls (82.910202,711.909973) and (86.910202,711.625000)..(84.917999,706.456970)\r
+ ..controls (85.992203,707.906006) and (86.839798,709.598022)..(85.273399,711.629028)\r
+ ..controls (84.378899,712.789001) and (81.617203,713.348022)..(81.062500,715.398010)\r
+ --(81.054703,716.065979)..controls (81.050797,716.176025) and (80.953102,716.262024)..(80.832001,716.262024)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.797011bp;\r
+draw (80.695297,716.262024)..controls (80.574203,716.257996) and (80.476601,716.171997)..(80.480499,716.062988)\r
+ --(80.687500,704.125000)..controls (79.941399,704.570007) and (78.644501,704.637024)..(77.312500,704.223022)\r
+ ..controls (75.503899,703.659973) and (74.339798,702.429993)..(74.710899,701.473022)\r
+ ..controls (75.082001,700.512024) and (76.851601,700.187988)..(78.656303,700.750000)\r
+ ..controls (80.425797,701.301025) and (81.574203,702.504028)..(81.273399,703.453003)\r
+ --(81.125000,711.987976)..controls (82.910202,711.909973) and (86.910202,711.625000)..(84.917999,706.456970)\r
+ ..controls (85.992203,707.906006) and (86.839798,709.598022)..(85.273399,711.629028)\r
+ ..controls (84.378899,712.789001) and (81.617203,713.348022)..(81.062500,715.398010)\r
+ --(81.054703,716.065979)..controls (81.050797,716.176025) and (80.953102,716.262024)..(80.832001,716.262024)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+picture pic;\r
+draw pic scaled(0.8);\r
+draw (z0+(10.5,2));\r
+draw (z1-(10.5,2));\r
+clip currentpicture to ((z0-(8.5pt,0))--(z0+(8.5pt,0))--(z1+(8.5pt,-2pt))--(z1-(8.5pt,2pt))--cycle);\r
--- /dev/null
+path p[];\r
+filldraw fullcircle scaled(600);\r
+filldraw fullcircle scaled(550) withcolor(241/256,205/256,67/256);\r
+filldraw fullcircle scaled(100);\r
+p1:=fullcircle scaled(500);\r
+p2:=p1 cutafter (point(4/3) of(p1));\r
+p3:=fullcircle scaled(150);\r
+p4:=p3 cutafter (point(4/3) of(p3));\r
+filldraw p10;\r
+filldraw (p10 rotated(120));\r
+filldraw (p10 rotated(240));\r
+picture pic;\r
+draw pic scaled(r);\r
+draw (z0+(10.5,2));\r
+draw (z1-(10.5,2));\r
+clip currentpicture to ((z0-(8.5pt,0))--(z0+(8.5pt,0))--(z1+(8.5pt,0))--(z1-(8.5pt,0))--cycle);\r
--- /dev/null
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.517600,0.047100,0.141200));\r
+fill (8.316410,17.667999)--(15.410200,11.484400)--(2.816410,12.097700)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.100000bp;\r
+draw (8.316410,17.667999)--(15.410200,11.484400)--(2.816410,12.097700)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.843100,0.078400,0.231400));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.000000bp;\r
+fill (8.316410,1.085940)--(2.816410,12.097700)--(15.410200,11.484400)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.100000bp;\r
+draw (8.316410,1.085940)--(2.816410,12.097700)--(15.410200,11.484400)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.345100,0.031400,0.094100));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.000000bp;\r
+fill (8.316410,1.085940)--(1.222660,7.265630)--(2.816410,12.097700)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.100000bp;\r
+draw (8.316410,1.085940)--(1.222660,7.265630)--(2.816410,12.097700)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.164700,0.015700,0.043100));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.000000bp;\r
+fill (8.316410,1.085940)--(15.410200,11.484400)--(13.816400,6.656250)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.100000bp;\r
+draw (8.316410,1.085940)--(15.410200,11.484400)--(13.816400,6.656250)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (1.000000,0.713700,0.756900));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.800000bp;\r
+draw (8.316410,1.085940)--(2.816410,12.097700);\r
+draw (15.410200,11.484400)--(2.816410,12.097700);\r
+draw (15.410200,11.484400)--(8.316410,1.085940);\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.517600,0.047100,0.141200));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.000000bp;\r
+fill (8.316410,1.085940)--(13.816400,6.656250)--(1.222660,7.265630)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.100000bp;\r
+draw (8.316410,1.085940)--(13.816400,6.656250)--(1.222660,7.265630)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (1.000000,0.713700,0.756900));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.800000bp;\r
+draw (8.316410,1.085940)--(1.222660,7.265630);\r
+draw (8.316410,1.085940)--(13.816400,6.656250);\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.345100,0.031400,0.094100));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.000000bp;\r
+fill (8.316410,17.667999)--(13.816400,6.656250)--(15.410200,11.484400)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.100000bp;\r
+draw (8.316410,17.667999)--(13.816400,6.656250)--(15.410200,11.484400)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (1.000000,0.713700,0.756900));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.800000bp;\r
+draw (15.410200,11.484400)--(8.316410,17.667999);\r
+draw (13.816400,6.656250)--(15.410200,11.484400);\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.843100,0.078400,0.231400));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.000000bp;\r
+fill (8.316410,17.667999)--(1.222660,7.265630)--(13.816400,6.656250)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.100000bp;\r
+draw (8.316410,17.667999)--(1.222660,7.265630)--(13.816400,6.656250)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (1.000000,0.713700,0.756900));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.800000bp;\r
+draw (1.222660,7.265630)--(13.816400,6.656250);\r
+draw (13.816400,6.656250)--(8.316410,17.667999);\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.164700,0.015700,0.043100));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.000000bp;\r
+fill (8.316410,17.667999)--(2.816410,12.097700)--(1.222660,7.265630)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.100000bp;\r
+draw (8.316410,17.667999)--(2.816410,12.097700)--(1.222660,7.265630)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (1.000000,0.713700,0.756900));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.800000bp;\r
+draw (2.816410,12.097700)--(1.222660,7.265630);\r
+draw (8.316410,17.667999)--(2.816410,12.097700);\r
+draw (1.222660,7.265630)--(8.316410,17.667999);\r
+picture pic;\r
+draw pic scaled(1.05);\r
+draw (z0+(10.5,2));\r
+draw (z1-(10.5,2));\r
+clip currentpicture to ((z0-(8.5pt,0))--(z0+(8.5pt,0))--(z1+(8.5pt,0))--(z1-(8.5pt,0))--cycle);\r
--- /dev/null
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.996078,0.996078,0.996078));\r
+linecap := butt;\r
+linejoin := mitered;\r
+fill (4.000000,198.309006)..controls (4.000000,198.309006) and (134.039001,313.355011)..(229.145004,328.597992)\r
+ ..controls (351.214996,271.585999) and (300.035004,90.281303)..(224.570007,76.023399)\r
+ ..controls (125.148003,104.089996) and (4.000000,198.309006)..(4.000000,198.309006)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.019608,0.019608,0.019608));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 8.000000bp;\r
+draw (4.000000,198.309006)..controls (4.000000,198.309006) and (134.039001,313.355011)..(229.145004,328.597992)\r
+ ..controls (351.214996,271.585999) and (300.035004,90.281303)..(224.570007,76.023399)\r
+ ..controls (125.148003,104.089996) and (4.000000,198.309006)..(4.000000,198.309006)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.352941,0.352941,0.352941));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.000000bp;\r
+fill (304.292999,202.882996)..controls (304.292999,134.901993) and (268.320007,79.734398)..(224.000000,79.734398)\r
+ ..controls (179.679993,79.734398) and (143.707001,134.901993)..(143.707001,202.882996)\r
+ ..controls (143.707001,270.859009) and (179.679993,326.031006)..(224.000000,326.031006)\r
+ ..controls (268.320007,326.031006) and (304.292999,270.859009)..(304.292999,202.882996)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.019608,0.019608,0.019608));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.573510bp;\r
+draw (304.292999,202.882996)..controls (304.292999,134.901993) and (268.320007,79.734398)..(224.000000,79.734398)\r
+ ..controls (179.679993,79.734398) and (143.707001,134.901993)..(143.707001,202.882996)\r
+ ..controls (143.707001,270.859009) and (179.679993,326.031006)..(224.000000,326.031006)\r
+ ..controls (268.320007,326.031006) and (304.292999,270.859009)..(304.292999,202.882996)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.011765,0.011765,0.011765));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.000000bp;\r
+fill (300.957001,210.882996)..controls (300.957001,174.397995) and (283.121002,144.785004)..(261.144989,144.785004)\r
+ ..controls (239.167999,144.785004) and (221.332001,174.397995)..(221.332001,210.882996)\r
+ ..controls (221.332001,247.367004) and (239.167999,276.980011)..(261.144989,276.980011)\r
+ ..controls (283.121002,276.980011) and (300.957001,247.367004)..(300.957001,210.882996)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.019608,0.019608,0.019608));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 4.568620bp;\r
+linejoin := beveled;\r
+draw (300.957001,210.882996)..controls (300.957001,174.397995) and (283.121002,144.785004)..(261.144989,144.785004)\r
+ ..controls (239.167999,144.785004) and (221.332001,174.397995)..(221.332001,210.882996)\r
+ ..controls (221.332001,247.367004) and (239.167999,276.980011)..(261.144989,276.980011)\r
+ ..controls (283.121002,276.980011) and (300.957001,247.367004)..(300.957001,210.882996)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.996078,0.996078,0.996078));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.000000bp;\r
+linejoin := mitered;\r
+fill (277.957001,207.453003)..controls (277.957001,192.813004) and (271.703003,180.925995)..(264.000000,180.925995)\r
+ ..controls (256.296997,180.925995) and (250.042999,192.813004)..(250.042999,207.453003)\r
+ ..controls (250.042999,222.098007) and (256.296997,233.983994)..(264.000000,233.983994)\r
+ ..controls (271.703003,233.983994) and (277.957001,222.098007)..(277.957001,207.453003)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.019608,0.019608,0.019608));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.574741bp;\r
+draw (277.957001,207.453003)..controls (277.957001,192.813004) and (271.703003,180.925995)..(264.000000,180.925995)\r
+ ..controls (256.296997,180.925995) and (250.042999,192.813004)..(250.042999,207.453003)\r
+ ..controls (250.042999,222.098007) and (256.296997,233.983994)..(264.000000,233.983994)\r
+ ..controls (271.703003,233.983994) and (277.957001,222.098007)..(277.957001,207.453003)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.000000,0.000000,0.000000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.000000bp;\r
+fill (2.812500,214.108994)..controls (52.933601,269.074005) and (79.730499,313.589996)..(81.003899,346.910004)\r
+ ..controls (99.347702,312.503998) and (60.734402,277.953003)..(72.902298,282.093994)\r
+ ..controls (85.425797,286.355011) and (115.055000,330.593994)..(130.578003,369.023010)\r
+ ..controls (141.667999,327.929993) and (108.476997,310.816010)..(124.801003,314.570007)\r
+ ..controls (141.125000,318.324005) and (170.233994,365.976990)..(184.339996,392.992004)\r
+ ..controls (189.875000,355.953003) and (168.957001,346.859009)..(173.343994,336.785004)\r
+ ..controls (177.729996,326.714996) and (219.468994,371.343994)..(245.968994,404.085999)\r
+ ..controls (241.977005,359.472992) and (206.429993,349.226990)..(214.949005,344.039001)\r
+ ..controls (222.921997,339.187988) and (275.183990,360.070007)..(332.417999,416.703003)\r
+ ..controls (299.968994,360.316010) and (251.145004,334.765991)..(272.445007,348.277008)\r
+ ..controls (290.132996,359.492004) and (249.867004,331.312988)..(234.897995,331.105011)\r
+ ..controls (221.276993,330.917999) and (185.270004,333.644989)..(151.675995,314.503998)\r
+ ..controls (89.167999,278.886993) and (52.234402,256.464996)..(3.074220,203.625000)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (1.000000,1.000000,1.000000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 2.596320bp;\r
+draw (2.812500,214.108994)..controls (52.933601,269.074005) and (79.730499,313.589996)..(81.003899,346.910004)\r
+ ..controls (99.347702,312.503998) and (60.734402,277.953003)..(72.902298,282.093994)\r
+ ..controls (85.425797,286.355011) and (115.055000,330.593994)..(130.578003,369.023010)\r
+ ..controls (141.667999,327.929993) and (108.476997,310.816010)..(124.801003,314.570007)\r
+ ..controls (141.125000,318.324005) and (170.233994,365.976990)..(184.339996,392.992004)\r
+ ..controls (189.875000,355.953003) and (168.957001,346.859009)..(173.343994,336.785004)\r
+ ..controls (177.729996,326.714996) and (219.468994,371.343994)..(245.968994,404.085999)\r
+ ..controls (241.977005,359.472992) and (206.429993,349.226990)..(214.949005,344.039001)\r
+ ..controls (222.921997,339.187988) and (275.183990,360.070007)..(332.417999,416.703003)\r
+ ..controls (299.968994,360.316010) and (251.145004,334.765991)..(272.445007,348.277008)\r
+ ..controls (290.132996,359.492004) and (249.867004,331.312988)..(234.897995,331.105011)\r
+ ..controls (221.276993,330.917999) and (185.270004,333.644989)..(151.675995,314.503998)\r
+ ..controls (89.167999,278.886993) and (52.234402,256.464996)..(3.074220,203.625000);\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.000000,0.000000,0.000000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.000000bp;\r
+fill (5.441410,191.108994)..controls (54.652302,147.938004) and (84.289101,90.906303)..(85.453102,61.003899)\r
+ ..controls (91.285202,82.062500) and (71.730499,118.402000)..(80.628899,116.969002)\r
+ ..controls (90.867203,115.323997) and (123.637001,64.214798)..(129.031006,38.875000)\r
+ ..controls (139.223007,60.371101) and (111.183998,91.113297)..(122.652000,88.886703)\r
+ ..controls (133.020004,86.871101) and (170.675995,17.367201)..(170.675995,17.367201)\r
+ ..controls (170.675995,17.367201) and (156.781006,66.769501)..(159.703003,72.378899)\r
+ ..controls (162.625000,77.984398) and (209.746002,31.078100)..(234.098007,1.691410)\r
+ ..controls (235.679993,29.421900) and (182.199005,61.042999)..(204.102005,64.722702)\r
+ ..controls (226.007996,68.406303) and (250.315994,42.332001)..(278.519989,14.371100)\r
+ ..controls (258.570007,46.328098) and (264.867004,46.730499)..(253.625000,59.542999)\r
+ ..controls (241.335999,73.550797) and (232.921997,73.328102)..(225.938004,75.183601)\r
+ ..controls (208.292999,79.867203) and (175.964996,75.191399)..(145.093994,92.371101)\r
+ ..controls (87.652298,124.335999) and (46.656300,155.147995)..(1.480470,202.570007)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (1.000000,1.000000,1.000000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 2.400000bp;\r
+draw (5.441410,191.108994)..controls (54.652302,147.938004) and (84.289101,90.906303)..(85.453102,61.003899)\r
+ ..controls (91.285202,82.062500) and (71.730499,118.402000)..(80.628899,116.969002)\r
+ ..controls (90.867203,115.323997) and (123.637001,64.214798)..(129.031006,38.875000)\r
+ ..controls (139.223007,60.371101) and (111.183998,91.113297)..(122.652000,88.886703)\r
+ ..controls (133.020004,86.871101) and (170.675995,17.367201)..(170.675995,17.367201)\r
+ ..controls (170.675995,17.367201) and (156.781006,66.769501)..(159.703003,72.378899)\r
+ ..controls (162.625000,77.984398) and (209.746002,31.078100)..(234.098007,1.691410)\r
+ ..controls (235.679993,29.421900) and (182.199005,61.042999)..(204.102005,64.722702)\r
+ ..controls (226.007996,68.406303) and (250.315994,42.332001)..(278.519989,14.371100)\r
+ ..controls (258.570007,46.328098) and (264.867004,46.730499)..(253.625000,59.542999)\r
+ ..controls (241.335999,73.550797) and (232.921997,73.328102)..(225.938004,75.183601)\r
+ ..controls (208.292999,79.867203) and (175.964996,75.191399)..(145.093994,92.371101)\r
+ ..controls (87.652298,124.335999) and (46.656300,155.147995)..(1.480470,202.570007);\r
+picture pic;\r
+draw pic scaled(r);\r
+draw (z0+(10.5,2));\r
+draw (z1-(10.5,2));\r
+clip currentpicture to ((z0-(8.5pt,0))--(z0+(8.5pt,0))--(z1+(8.5pt,0))--(z1-(8.5pt,0))--cycle);\r
--- /dev/null
+linecap := butt;\r
+linejoin := mitered;\r
+fill (12.414100,8.203130)..controls (12.414100,11.324200) and (9.925780,13.855500)..(6.851560,13.855500)\r
+ ..controls (3.781250,13.855500) and (1.289060,11.324200)..(1.289060,8.203130)\r
+ ..controls (1.289060,5.082030) and (3.781250,2.550780)..(6.851560,2.550780)\r
+ ..controls (9.925780,2.550780) and (12.414100,5.082030)..(12.414100,8.203130)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.274187bp;\r
+draw (12.414100,8.203130)..controls (12.414100,11.324200) and (9.925780,13.855500)..(6.851560,13.855500)\r
+ ..controls (3.781250,13.855500) and (1.289060,11.324200)..(1.289060,8.203130)\r
+ ..controls (1.289060,5.082030) and (3.781250,2.550780)..(6.851560,2.550780)\r
+ ..controls (9.925780,2.550780) and (12.414100,5.082030)..(12.414100,8.203130)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (1.000000,1.000000,1.000000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.000000bp;\r
+fill (6.976560,11.375000)..controls (6.093750,11.625000) and (5.929690,12.687500)..(6.871090,13.039100)\r
+ ..controls (8.222660,13.543000) and (8.843750,11.628900)..(7.980470,10.793000)\r
+ ..controls (6.976560,9.820310) and (5.121090,10.253900)..(4.804690,11.683600)\r
+ ..controls (4.660160,12.332000) and (5.089840,13.187500)..(5.585940,13.558600)\r
+ ..controls (2.417970,12.699200) and (1.226560,9.863280)..(1.464840,7.585940)\r
+ ..controls (1.875000,8.191410) and (2.156250,8.765630)..(2.863280,9.085940)\r
+ ..controls (4.589840,9.871090) and (6.316410,8.496090)..(8.003910,9.699220)\r
+ ..controls (9.593750,10.835900) and (9.164060,13.472700)..(6.976560,13.449200)\r
+ ..controls (5.488280,13.433600) and (4.675780,11.046900)..(6.359380,10.781300)\r
+ ..controls (6.949220,10.691400) and (7.664060,10.890600)..(7.914060,11.488300)\r
+ ..controls (8.140630,12.019500) and (7.687500,12.726600)..(7.082030,12.656300)\r
+ ..controls (6.289060,12.562500) and (6.710940,11.738300)..(6.976560,11.375000)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill (8.796880,13.343800)..controls (9.316410,12.960900) and (9.625000,12.277300)..(9.628910,11.707000)\r
+ ..controls (9.652340,9.609380) and (7.390630,8.531250)..(7.726560,6.277340)\r
+ ..controls (8.003910,4.414060) and (10.507800,3.757810)..(11.441400,5.562500)\r
+ ..controls (12.199200,7.027340) and (10.218800,8.742190)..(9.238280,7.195310)\r
+ ..controls (8.945310,6.730470) and (8.937500,5.984380)..(9.363280,5.593750)\r
+ ..controls (9.753910,5.238280) and (10.527300,5.335940)..(10.710900,5.878910)\r
+ ..controls (10.968700,6.636720) and (10.101600,6.644530)..(9.648440,6.484380)\r
+ ..controls (10.125000,7.082030) and (11.140600,6.996090)..(11.179700,6.074220)\r
+ ..controls (11.253900,4.371090) and (8.691410,4.742190)..(8.539060,6.277340)\r
+ ..controls (8.343750,8.539060) and (11.558600,9.148440)..(11.976600,6.417970)\r
+ ..controls (12.882800,9.097660) and (11.656300,12.187500)..(8.796880,13.343800)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill (3.808590,6.820310)..controls (4.324220,6.312500) and (3.781250,5.535160)..(3.089840,5.625000)\r
+ ..controls (1.410160,5.851560) and (2.371090,8.476560)..(4.011720,7.984380)\r
+ ..controls (5.390630,7.570310) and (5.953130,5.906250)..(4.679690,4.871090)\r
+ ..controls (3.996090,4.390630) and (3.203130,4.304690)..(2.613280,4.769530)\r
+ ..controls (4.390630,2.398440) and (8.175780,1.878910)..(10.546900,4.179690)\r
+ ..controls (9.839840,3.964840) and (8.519530,3.921880)..(7.722660,4.773440)\r
+ ..controls (6.550780,6.031250) and (6.636720,7.816410)..(4.835940,8.566410)\r
+ ..controls (2.929690,9.363280) and (0.886719,7.234380)..(2.339840,5.507810)\r
+ ..controls (3.351560,4.304690) and (5.644530,5.437500)..(4.656250,6.921880)\r
+ ..controls (4.343750,7.394530) and (3.671880,7.718750)..(3.105470,7.476560)\r
+ ..controls (2.675780,7.292970) and (2.511720,6.519530)..(2.855470,6.179690)\r
+ ..controls (3.359380,5.683590) and (3.773440,6.382810)..(3.808590,6.820310)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill (1.457030,7.925780)..controls (1.398440,8.781250) and (1.628910,9.847660)..(2.050780,10.695300)\r
+ ..controls (2.562500,11.718800) and (3.308590,12.488300)..(4.312500,13.031300)\r
+ ..controls (4.582030,13.179700) and (5.121090,13.410200)..(5.316410,13.464800)\r
+ ..controls (5.378910,13.480500) and (5.449220,13.503900)..(5.472660,13.511700)\r
+ ..controls (5.496090,13.519500) and (5.457030,13.464800)..(5.382810,13.390600)\r
+ ..controls (5.011720,13.003900) and (4.777340,12.453100)..(4.777340,11.964800)\r
+ ..controls (4.773440,11.250000) and (5.273440,10.609400)..(6.023440,10.359400)\r
+ ..controls (6.222660,10.293000) and (6.292970,10.281300)..(6.636720,10.281300)\r
+ ..controls (6.996090,10.277300) and (7.046880,10.285200)..(7.277340,10.363300)\r
+ ..controls (7.980470,10.597700) and (8.378910,11.113300)..(8.378910,11.793000)\r
+ ..controls (8.378910,12.351600) and (8.117190,12.847700)..(7.722660,13.039100)\r
+ ..controls (7.515630,13.136700) and (7.191410,13.148400)..(6.941410,13.070300)\r
+ ..controls (6.472660,12.918000) and (6.234380,12.632800)..(6.234380,12.234400)\r
+ ..controls (6.234380,11.902300) and (6.449220,11.593800)..(6.785160,11.433600)\r
+ ..controls (6.863280,11.394500) and (6.941410,11.367200)..(6.957030,11.375000)\r
+ ..controls (6.968750,11.378900) and (6.933590,11.464800)..(6.871090,11.566400)\r
+ ..controls (6.652340,11.933600) and (6.582030,12.281300)..(6.699220,12.441400)\r
+ ..controls (6.800780,12.578100) and (6.921880,12.628900)..(7.152340,12.628900)\r
+ ..controls (7.398440,12.628900) and (7.527340,12.574200)..(7.691410,12.402300)\r
+ ..controls (7.949220,12.136700) and (8.023440,11.734400)..(7.871090,11.441400)\r
+ ..controls (7.613280,10.937500) and (6.945310,10.671900)..(6.281250,10.816400)\r
+ ..controls (5.679690,10.945300) and (5.375000,11.378900)..(5.457030,11.984400)\r
+ ..controls (5.531250,12.535200) and (5.875000,13.027300)..(6.351560,13.265600)\r
+ ..controls (6.636720,13.406300) and (6.839840,13.445300)..(7.167970,13.425800)\r
+ ..controls (7.699220,13.390600) and (8.050780,13.234400)..(8.394530,12.886700)\r
+ ..controls (8.636720,12.644500) and (8.769530,12.418000)..(8.871090,12.089800)\r
+ ..controls (8.949220,11.835900) and (8.941410,11.199200)..(8.859380,10.945300)\r
+ ..controls (8.640630,10.265600) and (8.246090,9.804690)..(7.593750,9.480470)\r
+ ..controls (6.980470,9.171880) and (6.425780,9.132810)..(5.078130,9.292970)\r
+ ..controls (4.535160,9.359380) and (3.781250,9.359380)..(3.480470,9.292970)\r
+ ..controls (2.843750,9.156250) and (2.390630,8.882810)..(2.019530,8.421880)\r
+ ..controls (1.964840,8.351560) and (1.816410,8.144530)..(1.695310,7.960940)\r
+ --(1.476560,7.628910)--cycle;\r
+fill (1.453130,7.906250)..controls (1.390630,8.726560) and (1.632810,9.851560)..(2.046880,10.691400)\r
+ ..controls (2.472660,11.543000) and (3.019530,12.175800)..(3.804690,12.722700)\r
+ ..controls (4.234380,13.019500) and (5.050780,13.410200)..(5.437500,13.503900)\r
+ ..controls (5.511720,13.523400) and (5.507810,13.511700)..(5.363280,13.363300)\r
+ ..controls (4.972660,12.957000) and (4.722660,12.273400)..(4.785160,11.789100)\r
+ ..controls (4.890630,11.019500) and (5.519530,10.414100)..(6.343750,10.293000)\r
+ ..controls (7.222660,10.160200) and (8.070310,10.601600)..(8.308590,11.312500)\r
+ ..controls (8.378910,11.531300) and (8.394530,11.929700)..(8.339840,12.171900)\r
+ ..controls (8.152340,12.988300) and (7.445310,13.343800)..(6.726560,12.976600)\r
+ ..controls (6.429690,12.824200) and (6.261720,12.593800)..(6.238280,12.300800)\r
+ ..controls (6.218750,12.000000) and (6.355470,11.718800)..(6.625000,11.535200)\r
+ ..controls (6.765630,11.437500) and (6.972660,11.347700)..(6.953130,11.394500)\r
+ ..controls (6.949220,11.406300) and (6.882810,11.535200)..(6.812500,11.683600)\r
+ ..controls (6.605470,12.097700) and (6.589840,12.351600)..(6.761720,12.507800)\r
+ ..controls (6.921880,12.652300) and (7.242190,12.683600)..(7.472660,12.570300)\r
+ ..controls (7.871090,12.378900) and (8.066410,11.820300)..(7.871090,11.441400)\r
+ ..controls (7.613280,10.937500) and (6.945310,10.671900)..(6.281250,10.816400)\r
+ ..controls (5.664060,10.949200) and (5.355470,11.406300)..(5.464840,12.035200)\r
+ ..controls (5.582030,12.722700) and (6.113280,13.289100)..(6.750000,13.410200)\r
+ ..controls (6.949220,13.449200) and (7.355470,13.425800)..(7.585940,13.367200)\r
+ ..controls (8.078130,13.234400) and (8.527340,12.863300)..(8.742190,12.414100)\r
+ ..controls (8.898440,12.078100) and (8.945310,11.828100)..(8.925780,11.425800)\r
+ ..controls (8.917970,11.222700) and (8.890630,11.035200)..(8.859380,10.929700)\r
+ ..controls (8.582030,10.050800) and (7.898440,9.464840)..(6.886720,9.242190)\r
+ ..controls (6.656250,9.191410) and (5.871090,9.199220)..(5.371090,9.257810)\r
+ ..controls (4.585940,9.347660) and (4.210940,9.367190)..(3.835940,9.332030)\r
+ ..controls (3.394530,9.292970) and (3.152340,9.226560)..(2.781250,9.042970)\r
+ ..controls (2.523440,8.917970) and (2.460940,8.871090)..(2.222660,8.628910)\r
+ ..controls (2.046880,8.449220) and (1.871090,8.230470)..(1.714840,7.992190)\r
+ --(1.476560,7.628910)--cycle;\r
+fill (9.464840,4.535160)..controls (8.699220,4.675780) and (8.070310,5.203130)..(7.839840,5.906250)\r
+ ..controls (7.656250,6.464840) and (7.667970,7.097660)..(7.882810,7.710940)\r
+ ..controls (8.007810,8.070310) and (8.222660,8.484380)..(8.605470,9.089840)\r
+ ..controls (9.312500,10.210900) and (9.500000,10.613300)..(9.605470,11.246100)\r
+ ..controls (9.656250,11.550800) and (9.628910,12.011700)..(9.539060,12.289100)\r
+ ..controls (9.453130,12.558600) and (9.269530,12.886700)..(9.089840,13.089800)\r
+ ..controls (9.019530,13.171900) and (8.964840,13.238300)..(8.972660,13.238300)\r
+ ..controls (9.011720,13.238300) and (9.285160,13.101600)..(9.507810,12.976600)\r
+ ..controls (10.265600,12.535200) and (10.933600,11.894500)..(11.398400,11.164100)\r
+ ..controls (12.234400,9.843750) and (12.476600,8.136720)..(12.035200,6.656250)\r
+ --(11.984400,6.484380)--(11.933600,6.699220)..controls (11.644500,7.886720) and (10.683600,8.488280)..(9.640630,8.140630)\r
+ ..controls (8.976560,7.917970) and (8.519530,7.238280)..(8.519530,6.468750)\r
+ ..controls (8.519530,6.050780) and (8.644530,5.738280)..(8.949220,5.437500)\r
+ ..controls (9.175780,5.207030) and (9.398440,5.078130)..(9.707030,5.000000)\r
+ ..controls (10.496100,4.792970) and (11.132800,5.171880)..(11.183600,5.882810)\r
+ ..controls (11.214800,6.289060) and (11.085900,6.601560)..(10.820300,6.769530)\r
+ ..controls (10.691400,6.847660) and (10.664100,6.855470)..(10.414100,6.855470)\r
+ ..controls (10.175800,6.855470) and (10.132800,6.843750)..(9.992190,6.773440)\r
+ ..controls (9.808590,6.679690) and (9.566410,6.449220)..(9.687500,6.484380)\r
+ ..controls (9.886720,6.542970) and (10.207000,6.562500)..(10.363300,6.531250)\r
+ ..controls (10.546900,6.492190) and (10.703100,6.367190)..(10.734400,6.230470)\r
+ ..controls (10.765600,6.117190) and (10.707000,5.859380)..(10.621100,5.730470)\r
+ ..controls (10.468800,5.496090) and (10.105500,5.359380)..(9.796880,5.417970)\r
+ ..controls (9.574220,5.460940) and (9.460940,5.519530)..(9.316410,5.675780)\r
+ ..controls (9.164060,5.843750) and (9.074220,6.078130)..(9.054690,6.359380)\r
+ ..controls (9.027340,6.789060) and (9.156250,7.128910)..(9.472660,7.449220)\r
+ ..controls (9.742190,7.718750) and (9.898440,7.785160)..(10.261700,7.769530)\r
+ ..controls (10.480500,7.757810) and (10.543000,7.746090)..(10.699200,7.664060)\r
+ ..controls (11.128900,7.449220) and (11.464800,7.019530)..(11.558600,6.558590)\r
+ ..controls (11.605500,6.316410) and (11.578100,5.925780)..(11.492200,5.714840)\r
+ ..controls (11.285200,5.199220) and (10.867200,4.796880)..(10.343800,4.613280)\r
+ ..controls (10.191400,4.558590) and (10.078100,4.539060)..(9.843750,4.531250)\r
+ ..controls (9.671880,4.527340) and (9.503910,4.527340)..(9.464840,4.535160)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill (6.429690,2.734380)..controls (5.300780,2.835940) and (4.265630,3.250000)..(3.425780,3.941410)\r
+ ..controls (3.179690,4.148440) and (2.710940,4.628910)..(2.734380,4.652340)\r
+ ..controls (2.742190,4.660160) and (2.796880,4.636720)..(2.859380,4.605470)\r
+ ..controls (3.292970,4.382810) and (3.890630,4.417970)..(4.425780,4.707030)\r
+ ..controls (4.902340,4.960940) and (5.242190,5.394530)..(5.355470,5.886720)\r
+ ..controls (5.554690,6.742190) and (5.019530,7.636720)..(4.117190,7.960940)\r
+ ..controls (3.589840,8.148440) and (3.097660,8.050780)..(2.699220,7.675780)\r
+ ..controls (2.382810,7.375000) and (2.214840,7.015630)..(2.210940,6.613280)\r
+ ..controls (2.207030,6.300780) and (2.273440,6.109380)..(2.433590,5.933590)\r
+ ..controls (2.644530,5.707030) and (3.050780,5.570310)..(3.347660,5.625000)\r
+ ..controls (3.789060,5.707030) and (4.093750,6.105470)..(4.007810,6.484380)\r
+ ..controls (3.976560,6.617190) and (3.863280,6.812500)..(3.812500,6.812500)\r
+ ..controls (3.800780,6.812500) and (3.781250,6.761720)..(3.773440,6.703130)\r
+ ..controls (3.726560,6.414060) and (3.464840,6.070310)..(3.261720,6.031250)\r
+ ..controls (3.074220,5.996090) and (2.828130,6.171880)..(2.734380,6.410160)\r
+ ..controls (2.667970,6.585940) and (2.691410,6.917970)..(2.785160,7.109380)\r
+ ..controls (2.878910,7.292970) and (3.046880,7.449220)..(3.203130,7.496090)\r
+ ..controls (3.414060,7.558590) and (3.742190,7.539060)..(3.964840,7.449220)\r
+ ..controls (4.214840,7.347660) and (4.351560,7.250000)..(4.531250,7.050780)\r
+ ..controls (4.789060,6.765630) and (4.925780,6.355470)..(4.867190,6.050780)\r
+ ..controls (4.781250,5.589840) and (4.390630,5.214840)..(3.835940,5.070310)\r
+ ..controls (3.589840,5.003910) and (3.164060,5.023440)..(2.933590,5.113280)\r
+ ..controls (2.339840,5.339840) and (1.859380,6.074220)..(1.859380,6.753910)\r
+ ..controls (1.859380,7.449220) and (2.343750,8.164060)..(3.039060,8.496090)\r
+ ..controls (3.664060,8.796880) and (4.335940,8.792970)..(4.976560,8.480470)\r
+ ..controls (5.468750,8.242190) and (5.890630,7.863280)..(6.199220,7.382810)\r
+ ..controls (6.285160,7.250000) and (6.531250,6.785160)..(6.738280,6.359380)\r
+ ..controls (7.386720,5.039060) and (7.707030,4.632810)..(8.335940,4.320310)\r
+ ..controls (8.734380,4.125000) and (9.125000,4.039060)..(9.632810,4.039060)\r
+ ..controls (9.851560,4.039060) and (10.312500,4.097660)..(10.429700,4.140630)\r
+ ..controls (10.480500,4.160160) and (10.480500,4.156250)..(10.425800,4.093750)\r
+ ..controls (10.394500,4.058590) and (10.269500,3.949220)..(10.148400,3.851560)\r
+ ..controls (9.445310,3.292970) and (8.609380,2.925780)..(7.710940,2.777340)\r
+ ..controls (7.382810,2.722660) and (6.777340,2.703130)..(6.429690,2.734380)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+picture pic;\r
+draw pic scaled(1.35);\r
+draw (z0+(10.5,2));\r
+draw (z1-(10.5,2));\r
+clip currentpicture to ((z0-(8.5pt,0))--(z0+(8.5pt,0))--(z1+(8.5pt,-2pt))--(z1-(8.5pt,2pt))--cycle);\r
--- /dev/null
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.511765,0.209804,0.000000));\r
+linecap := butt;\r
+linejoin := mitered;\r
+fill (6.105470,11.589800)..controls (6.105470,10.574200) and (5.234380,9.750000)..(4.160160,9.750000)\r
+ ..controls (3.085940,9.750000) and (2.214840,10.574200)..(2.214840,11.589800)\r
+ ..controls (2.214840,12.605500) and (3.085940,13.429700)..(4.160160,13.429700)\r
+ ..controls (5.234380,13.429700) and (6.105470,12.605500)..(6.105470,11.589800)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.000000,0.000000,0.000000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.320000bp;\r
+linecap := rounded;\r
+linejoin := rounded;\r
+draw (6.105470,11.589800)..controls (6.105470,10.574200) and (5.234380,9.750000)..(4.160160,9.750000)\r
+ ..controls (3.085940,9.750000) and (2.214840,10.574200)..(2.214840,11.589800)\r
+ ..controls (2.214840,12.605500) and (3.085940,13.429700)..(4.160160,13.429700)\r
+ ..controls (5.234380,13.429700) and (6.105470,12.605500)..(6.105470,11.589800)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.511765,0.205882,0.000000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.000000bp;\r
+linecap := butt;\r
+linejoin := mitered;\r
+fill (11.625000,11.679700)..controls (11.625000,10.664100) and (10.753900,9.839840)..(9.679690,9.839840)\r
+ ..controls (8.605470,9.839840) and (7.730470,10.664100)..(7.730470,11.679700)\r
+ ..controls (7.730470,12.695300) and (8.605470,13.519500)..(9.679690,13.519500)\r
+ ..controls (10.753900,13.519500) and (11.625000,12.695300)..(11.625000,11.679700)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.000000,0.000000,0.000000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.320000bp;\r
+linecap := rounded;\r
+linejoin := rounded;\r
+draw (11.625000,11.679700)..controls (11.625000,10.664100) and (10.753900,9.839840)..(9.679690,9.839840)\r
+ ..controls (8.605470,9.839840) and (7.730470,10.664100)..(7.730470,11.679700)\r
+ ..controls (7.730470,12.695300) and (8.605470,13.519500)..(9.679690,13.519500)\r
+ ..controls (10.753900,13.519500) and (11.625000,12.695300)..(11.625000,11.679700)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.878431,0.478431,0.184314));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.000000bp;\r
+linecap := butt;\r
+linejoin := mitered;\r
+fill (5.304690,11.339800)..controls (5.304690,10.847700) and (4.878910,10.445300)..(4.355470,10.445300)\r
+ ..controls (3.835940,10.445300) and (3.410160,10.847700)..(3.410160,11.339800)\r
+ ..controls (3.410160,11.832000) and (3.835940,12.230500)..(4.355470,12.230500)\r
+ ..controls (4.878910,12.230500) and (5.304690,11.832000)..(5.304690,11.339800)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.000000,0.000000,0.000000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.320264bp;\r
+linecap := rounded;\r
+linejoin := rounded;\r
+draw (5.304690,11.339800)..controls (5.304690,10.847700) and (4.878910,10.445300)..(4.355470,10.445300)\r
+ ..controls (3.835940,10.445300) and (3.410160,10.847700)..(3.410160,11.339800)\r
+ ..controls (3.410160,11.832000) and (3.835940,12.230500)..(4.355470,12.230500)\r
+ ..controls (4.878910,12.230500) and (5.304690,11.832000)..(5.304690,11.339800)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.878431,0.478431,0.184314));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.000000bp;\r
+linecap := butt;\r
+linejoin := mitered;\r
+fill (10.519500,11.285200)..controls (10.519500,10.793000) and (10.093800,10.394500)..(9.570310,10.394500)\r
+ ..controls (9.050780,10.394500) and (8.625000,10.793000)..(8.625000,11.285200)\r
+ ..controls (8.625000,11.777300) and (9.050780,12.179700)..(9.570310,12.179700)\r
+ ..controls (10.093800,12.179700) and (10.519500,11.777300)..(10.519500,11.285200)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.000000,0.000000,0.000000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.320264bp;\r
+linecap := rounded;\r
+linejoin := rounded;\r
+draw (10.519500,11.285200)..controls (10.519500,10.793000) and (10.093800,10.394500)..(9.570310,10.394500)\r
+ ..controls (9.050780,10.394500) and (8.625000,10.793000)..(8.625000,11.285200)\r
+ ..controls (8.625000,11.777300) and (9.050780,12.179700)..(9.570310,12.179700)\r
+ ..controls (10.093800,12.179700) and (10.519500,11.777300)..(10.519500,11.285200)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.511765,0.209804,0.000000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.000000bp;\r
+linecap := butt;\r
+linejoin := mitered;\r
+fill (11.855500,7.445310)..controls (11.855500,4.855470) and (9.664060,2.750000)..(6.964840,2.750000)\r
+ ..controls (4.261720,2.750000) and (2.070310,4.855470)..(2.070310,7.445310)\r
+ ..controls (2.070310,10.039100) and (4.261720,12.144500)..(6.964840,12.144500)\r
+ ..controls (9.664060,12.144500) and (11.855500,10.039100)..(11.855500,7.445310)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.000000,0.000000,0.000000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.320000bp;\r
+linecap := rounded;\r
+linejoin := rounded;\r
+draw (11.855500,7.445310)..controls (11.855500,4.855470) and (9.664060,2.750000)..(6.964840,2.750000)\r
+ ..controls (4.261720,2.750000) and (2.070310,4.855470)..(2.070310,7.445310)\r
+ ..controls (2.070310,10.039100) and (4.261720,12.144500)..(6.964840,12.144500)\r
+ ..controls (9.664060,12.144500) and (11.855500,10.039100)..(11.855500,7.445310)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.000000bp;\r
+linecap := butt;\r
+linejoin := mitered;\r
+fill (8.179690,6.820310)..controls (8.179690,6.367190) and (7.640630,6.000000)..(6.980470,6.000000)\r
+ ..controls (6.320310,6.000000) and (5.785160,6.367190)..(5.785160,6.820310)\r
+ ..controls (5.785160,7.273440) and (6.320310,7.644530)..(6.980470,7.644530)\r
+ ..controls (7.640630,7.644530) and (8.179690,7.273440)..(8.179690,6.820310)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.317037bp;\r
+linecap := rounded;\r
+linejoin := rounded;\r
+draw (8.179690,6.820310)..controls (8.179690,6.367190) and (7.640630,6.000000)..(6.980470,6.000000)\r
+ ..controls (6.320310,6.000000) and (5.785160,6.367190)..(5.785160,6.820310)\r
+ ..controls (5.785160,7.273440) and (6.320310,7.644530)..(6.980470,7.644530)\r
+ ..controls (7.640630,7.644530) and (8.179690,7.273440)..(8.179690,6.820310)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (1.000000,1.000000,1.000000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.000000bp;\r
+linecap := butt;\r
+linejoin := mitered;\r
+fill (6.144530,9.375000)..controls (6.144530,8.792970) and (5.671880,8.320310)..(5.089840,8.320310)\r
+ ..controls (4.507810,8.320310) and (4.035160,8.792970)..(4.035160,9.375000)\r
+ ..controls (4.035160,9.957030) and (4.507810,10.429700)..(5.089840,10.429700)\r
+ ..controls (5.671880,10.429700) and (6.144530,9.957030)..(6.144530,9.375000)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.000000,0.000000,0.000000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.394631bp;\r
+linecap := rounded;\r
+linejoin := rounded;\r
+draw (6.144530,9.375000)..controls (6.144530,8.792970) and (5.671880,8.320310)..(5.089840,8.320310)\r
+ ..controls (4.507810,8.320310) and (4.035160,8.792970)..(4.035160,9.375000)\r
+ ..controls (4.035160,9.957030) and (4.507810,10.429700)..(5.089840,10.429700)\r
+ ..controls (5.671880,10.429700) and (6.144530,9.957030)..(6.144530,9.375000)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (1.000000,1.000000,1.000000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.000000bp;\r
+linecap := butt;\r
+linejoin := mitered;\r
+fill (9.660160,9.394530)..controls (9.660160,8.812500) and (9.187500,8.339840)..(8.605470,8.339840)\r
+ ..controls (8.027340,8.339840) and (7.554690,8.812500)..(7.554690,9.394530)\r
+ ..controls (7.554690,9.972660) and (8.027340,10.445300)..(8.605470,10.445300)\r
+ ..controls (9.187500,10.445300) and (9.660160,9.972660)..(9.660160,9.394530)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.000000,0.000000,0.000000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.394631bp;\r
+linecap := rounded;\r
+linejoin := rounded;\r
+draw (9.660160,9.394530)..controls (9.660160,8.812500) and (9.187500,8.339840)..(8.605470,8.339840)\r
+ ..controls (8.027340,8.339840) and (7.554690,8.812500)..(7.554690,9.394530)\r
+ ..controls (7.554690,9.972660) and (8.027340,10.445300)..(8.605470,10.445300)\r
+ ..controls (9.187500,10.445300) and (9.660160,9.972660)..(9.660160,9.394530)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.000000bp;\r
+linecap := butt;\r
+linejoin := mitered;\r
+fill (8.980470,9.000000)..controls (8.980470,8.792970) and (8.812500,8.625000)..(8.605470,8.625000)\r
+ ..controls (8.398440,8.625000) and (8.230470,8.792970)..(8.230470,9.000000)\r
+ ..controls (8.230470,9.207030) and (8.398440,9.375000)..(8.605470,9.375000)\r
+ ..controls (8.812500,9.375000) and (8.980470,9.207030)..(8.980470,9.000000)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.320000bp;\r
+linecap := rounded;\r
+linejoin := rounded;\r
+draw (8.980470,9.000000)..controls (8.980470,8.792970) and (8.812500,8.625000)..(8.605470,8.625000)\r
+ ..controls (8.398440,8.625000) and (8.230470,8.792970)..(8.230470,9.000000)\r
+ ..controls (8.230470,9.207030) and (8.398440,9.375000)..(8.605470,9.375000)\r
+ ..controls (8.812500,9.375000) and (8.980470,9.207030)..(8.980470,9.000000)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.000000bp;\r
+linecap := butt;\r
+linejoin := mitered;\r
+fill (5.519530,8.929690)..controls (5.519530,8.722660) and (5.351560,8.554690)..(5.144530,8.554690)\r
+ ..controls (4.937500,8.554690) and (4.769530,8.722660)..(4.769530,8.929690)\r
+ ..controls (4.769530,9.136720) and (4.937500,9.304690)..(5.144530,9.304690)\r
+ ..controls (5.351560,9.304690) and (5.519530,9.136720)..(5.519530,8.929690)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.320000bp;\r
+linecap := rounded;\r
+linejoin := rounded;\r
+draw (5.519530,8.929690)..controls (5.519530,8.722660) and (5.351560,8.554690)..(5.144530,8.554690)\r
+ ..controls (4.937500,8.554690) and (4.769530,8.722660)..(4.769530,8.929690)\r
+ ..controls (4.769530,9.136720) and (4.937500,9.304690)..(5.144530,9.304690)\r
+ ..controls (5.351560,9.304690) and (5.519530,9.136720)..(5.519530,8.929690)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.400000bp;\r
+linecap := butt;\r
+linejoin := mitered;\r
+draw (4.894530,4.894530)..controls (4.894530,4.894530) and (7.144530,2.820310)..(9.179690,5.464840);\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.160000bp;\r
+draw (6.664060,12.105500)..controls (6.855470,12.789100) and (6.570310,13.375000)..(6.000000,13.468800);\r
+draw (6.812500,12.168000)..controls (6.683590,12.933600) and (6.875000,13.589800)..(7.265630,13.695300);\r
+draw (6.996090,12.144500)..controls (6.847660,12.691400) and (7.070310,13.168000)..(7.515630,13.242200);\r
+picture pic;\r
+draw pic scaled(1.35);\r
+draw (z0+(10.5,2));\r
+draw (z1-(10.5,2));\r
+clip currentpicture to ((z0-(8.5pt,0))--(z0+(8.5pt,0))--(z1+(8.5pt,-2pt))--(z1-(8.5pt,2pt))--cycle);\r
--- /dev/null
+prologues := 1;\r
+linecap := butt;\r
+linejoin := mitered;\r
+fill (6.656250,2.863280)\r
+ --(10.671900,1.898440)\r
+ --(52.574200,45.480499)\r
+ ..controls (58.933601,42.566399) and (66.656303,43.812500)..(71.859398,49.214802)\r
+ ..controls (76.187500,53.726601) and (77.742203,60.058601)..(76.511703,65.871101)\r
+ --(71.335899,60.484402)\r
+ --(70.078102,59.175800)\r
+ --(66.148399,55.093800)\r
+ --(60.890598,56.472698)\r
+ --(55.632801,57.855499)\r
+ --(52.972698,68.792999)\r
+ --(58.160198,74.191399)\r
+ --(60.832001,76.972702)\r
+ --(63.335899,79.574203)\r
+ ..controls (57.750000,80.855499) and (51.656300,79.242203)..(47.320301,74.734398)\r
+ ..controls (42.125000,69.328102) and (40.929699,61.292999)..(43.734402,54.675800)\r
+ --(1.824220,11.097700)\r
+ ..controls (-0.609375,8.566410) and (-0.609375,4.429690)..(1.824220,1.898440)\r
+ ..controls (4.257810,-0.632813) and (8.234370,-0.632813)..(10.671900,1.898440)\r
+ --(6.656250,2.863280)\r
+ ..(2.867190,7.007810)\r
+ ..(6.656250,10.43749)\r
+ ..(10.441400,7.007810)\r
+ ..(6.656250,2.863280)\r
+ --cycle withcolor(.5,.5,.5);\r
+picture pic;\r
+draw pic scaled(r);\r
+draw (z0+(10.5,2));\r
+draw (z1-(10.5,2));\r
+clip currentpicture to ((z0-(8.5pt,0))--(z0+(8.5pt,0))--(z1+(8.5pt,0))--(z1-(8.5pt,0))--cycle);\r
--- /dev/null
+pickup pencircle scaled(3bp);\r
+draw fullcircle scaled(38);\r
+draw (0,-19)--(0,19);\r
+draw (0,0)--((0,-19) rotated(45));\r
+draw (0,0)--((0,-19) rotated(-45));\r
+picture pic;\r
+draw pic scaled(r);\r
+draw (z0+(10.5,2));\r
+draw (z1-(10.5,2));\r
+clip currentpicture to ((z0-(8.5pt,0))--(z0+(8.5pt,0))--(z1+(8.5pt,0))--(z1-(8.5pt,0))--cycle);\r
--- /dev/null
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.854902,0.854902,0.854902));\r
+linecap := butt;\r
+linejoin := mitered;\r
+fill (1.312500,7.531250)..controls (1.750000,6.363280) and (15.585900,6.652340)..(16.468800,7.531250)\r
+ ..controls (19.292999,10.343800) and (15.675800,13.859400)..(12.941400,10.960900)\r
+ ..controls (11.984400,15.808600) and (6.250000,16.218800)..(5.429690,12.050800)\r
+ ..controls (1.605470,12.187500) and (0.609375,9.398440)..(1.312500,7.531250)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.725490,0.725490,0.725490));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.797010bp;\r
+linejoin := rounded;\r
+draw (1.312500,7.531250)..controls (1.750000,6.363280) and (15.585900,6.652340)..(16.468800,7.531250)\r
+ ..controls (19.292999,10.343800) and (15.675800,13.859400)..(12.941400,10.960900)\r
+ ..controls (11.984400,15.808600) and (6.250000,16.218800)..(5.429690,12.050800)\r
+ ..controls (1.605470,12.187500) and (0.609375,9.398440)..(1.312500,7.531250)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.717647,0.717647,0.717647));\r
+draw (2.289060,6.382810)--(0.515625,3.585940);\r
+draw (4.933590,6.382810)--(3.160160,3.585940);\r
+draw (7.578130,6.382810)--(5.804690,3.585940);\r
+draw (10.222700,6.382810)--(8.449220,3.585940);\r
+draw (12.867200,6.382810)--(11.093800,3.585940);\r
+draw (15.511700,6.382810)--(13.738300,3.585940);\r
+picture pic;\r
+draw pic scaled(r);\r
+draw (z0+(10.5,2));\r
+draw (z1-(10.5,2));\r
+clip currentpicture to ((z0-(8.5pt,0))--(z0+(8.5pt,0))--(z1+(8.5pt,0))--(z1-(8.5pt,0))--cycle);\r
--- /dev/null
+path p[];\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.527451,0.527451,0.527451));\r
+linecap := butt;\r
+linejoin := mitered;\r
+p1:=(2.265630,0.250000)..controls (2.242200,0.292969) and (2.234390,0.351501)..(2.250000,0.386719)\r
+ ..controls (2.277360,0.453125) and (2.292980,0.929626)..(2.277350,1.125000)\r
+ ..controls (2.269540,1.195310) and (2.273450,1.316410)..(2.285170,1.398440)\r
+ ..controls (2.332040,1.781250) and (2.390630,2.359380)..(2.382830,2.374940)\r
+ ..controls (2.378910,2.382750) and (2.398450,2.496030)..(2.429710,2.624940)\r
+ ..controls (2.480480,2.828060) and (2.472660,2.886720)..(2.390630,3.031250)\r
+ ..controls (2.253910,3.277340) and (2.015640,3.890630)..(1.933600,4.218750)\r
+ ..controls (1.738290,4.992190) and (1.718760,6.187440)..(1.886730,6.816410)\r
+ ..controls (2.015620,7.292970) and (2.082040,7.335880)..(2.250000,7.039060)\r
+ ..controls (2.406260,6.757750) and (2.429700,6.843690)..(2.277350,7.164060)\r
+ ..controls (2.132820,7.480470) and (2.011740,8.042910)..(2.054700,8.218750)\r
+ ..controls (2.070320,8.285160) and (2.144540,8.496030)..(2.218760,8.687500)\r
+ ..controls (2.292980,8.874940) and (2.386720,9.109380)..(2.425790,9.210940)\r
+ ..controls (2.503910,9.410100) and (2.675790,9.519530)..(2.812520,9.457030)\r
+ ..controls (2.859380,9.437500) and (2.929700,9.363220)..(2.968760,9.296880)\r
+ ..controls (3.035160,9.187500) and (3.035170,9.207030)..(2.980480,9.402280)\r
+ ..controls (2.941420,9.527280) and (2.925790,9.640630)..(2.941410,9.648440)\r
+ ..controls (2.960950,9.656190) and (2.972660,9.726560)..(2.976560,9.800780)\r
+ ..controls (2.980480,9.984310) and (3.398450,10.691300)..(3.648440,10.949200)\r
+ ..controls (3.757830,11.058500) and (3.886730,11.195300)..(3.933600,11.253900)\r
+ ..controls (3.984390,11.312400) and (4.140630,11.445300)..(4.281260,11.543000)\r
+ ..controls (4.421890,11.644500) and (4.597670,11.793000)..(4.671880,11.878900)\r
+ ..controls (4.828130,12.054600) and (4.968750,12.085900)..(5.078130,11.972600)\r
+ ..controls (5.144540,11.902300) and (5.148450,11.910200)..(5.144530,12.043000)\r
+ ..controls (5.140640,12.125000) and (5.152350,12.226600)..(5.167980,12.269500)\r
+ ..controls (5.207040,12.363300) and (5.777350,12.773400)..(6.066410,12.914100)\r
+ ..controls (6.175800,12.964800) and (6.320330,13.046800)..(6.386730,13.093800)\r
+ ..controls (6.453140,13.140600) and (6.527360,13.183600)..(6.558610,13.183600)\r
+ ..controls (6.585950,13.187500) and (6.750010,13.269500)..(6.921890,13.367200)\r
+ ..controls (7.089850,13.468800) and (7.289070,13.566400)..(7.359380,13.593800)\r
+ ..controls (7.429690,13.617200) and (7.613290,13.695300)..(7.769550,13.769500)\r
+ ..controls (8.242190,13.992200) and (8.472660,14.089800)..(8.828130,14.222700)\r
+ ..controls (9.015640,14.293000) and (9.191410,14.359400)..(9.218760,14.374900)\r
+ ..controls (9.246110,14.390600) and (9.300800,14.371000)..(9.359380,14.316400)\r
+ --(9.453130,14.234400)--(9.625010,14.390600)..controls (9.875010,14.617100) and (10.320300,14.750000)..(11.261700,14.878900)\r
+ ..controls (11.668000,14.933600) and (12.203100,15.011700)..(12.449200,15.046900)\r
+ --(12.890600,15.109300)--(12.941400,14.992100)..controls (12.992200,14.882800) and (12.980500,14.871000)..(12.820300,14.808600)\r
+ ..controls (11.644500,14.367100) and (10.832000,13.953100)..(10.421900,13.578100)\r
+ ..controls (10.328100,13.492200) and (10.238300,13.421800)..(10.222700,13.421800)\r
+ ..controls (10.164100,13.414000) and (9.570330,12.804700)..(9.574230,12.753800)\r
+ ..controls (9.578130,12.722700) and (9.539070,12.668000)..(9.488290,12.628800)\r
+ ..controls (9.367200,12.546800) and (9.250020,12.300700)..(9.261720,12.156300)\r
+ ..controls (9.269530,12.078100) and (9.222670,12.015600)..(9.089860,11.929600)\r
+ ..controls (8.968760,11.847600) and (8.925790,11.796900)..(8.957040,11.761700)\r
+ ..controls (9.019540,11.695300) and (8.941410,11.363300)..(8.843750,11.257800)\r
+ ..controls (8.539070,10.925800) and (8.113290,10.281200)..(8.019540,10.003900)\r
+ ..controls (8.003910,9.960940) and (7.929700,9.820250)..(7.855470,9.691410)\r
+ ..controls (7.781250,9.558590) and (7.679700,9.355470)..(7.628910,9.234380)\r
+ ..controls (7.464850,8.820310) and (7.480480,8.835940)..(7.230480,8.812500)\r
+ ..controls (7.019540,8.792970) and (6.621110,8.664000)..(6.644550,8.621030)\r
+ ..controls (6.648440,8.613280) and (6.824230,8.624940)..(7.035170,8.652340)\r
+ ..controls (7.527350,8.714840) and (7.574230,8.675780)..(7.398440,8.359380)\r
+ ..controls (7.222660,8.035160) and (7.078130,7.636720)..(7.074230,7.445310)\r
+ ..controls (7.070330,7.296810) and (7.015630,7.078130)..(6.824230,6.457030)\r
+ ..controls (6.777350,6.316410) and (6.718760,6.250000)..(6.531270,6.144470)\r
+ ..controls (6.320320,6.023440) and (6.273450,6.011660)..(6.003920,6.007810)\r
+ ..controls (5.710940,6.003910) and (5.707030,6.003910)..(5.753910,5.917970)\r
+ ..controls (5.789080,5.859380) and (5.730480,5.707030)..(5.535160,5.347660)\r
+ ..controls (5.390630,5.082030) and (5.230470,4.820250)..(5.175790,4.769530)\r
+ ..controls (5.125000,4.714840) and (5.011730,4.570250)..(4.925800,4.445250)\r
+ ..controls (4.835950,4.320250) and (4.750010,4.214840)..(4.730480,4.214840)\r
+ ..controls (4.710950,4.214840) and (4.652350,4.152280)..(4.597660,4.082030)\r
+ ..controls (4.328130,3.730470) and (3.441410,2.956970)..(3.292970,2.941410)\r
+ ..controls (3.160160,2.929690) and (3.105480,2.156250)..(3.199240,1.671810)\r
+ ..controls (3.261730,1.351560) and (3.242190,1.230470)..(3.117200,1.132750)\r
+ ..controls (2.890640,0.949219) and (2.660160,0.644470)..(2.578140,0.417969)\r
+ ..controls (2.523450,0.257813) and (2.472670,0.191406)..(2.406260,0.183533)\r
+ ..controls (2.332040,0.175781) and (2.296880,0.195313)..(2.265630,0.250000)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+p2:=(2.777350,4.171880)..controls (2.808610,4.328130) and (2.871110,4.527280)..(2.917970,4.613220)\r
+ ..controls (2.964860,4.695250) and (3.015630,4.847660)..(3.035170,4.949220)\r
+ ..controls (3.074230,5.171880) and (3.078130,5.175780)..(4.050790,7.230470)\r
+ ..controls (4.468760,8.113280) and (4.480470,8.132810)..(4.828130,8.660100)\r
+ ..controls (5.144540,9.136720) and (5.410160,9.558590)..(5.652350,9.968750)\r
+ ..controls (5.996100,10.543000) and (6.066420,10.644500)..(6.289060,10.890600)\r
+ ..controls (6.410160,11.031300) and (6.578140,11.234400)..(6.660160,11.339800)\r
+ ..controls (7.027350,11.839800) and (7.140630,11.960900)..(7.222670,11.925700)\r
+ ..controls (7.261730,11.906300) and (7.304690,11.878900)..(7.312510,11.863300)\r
+ ..controls (7.320320,11.847600) and (7.218750,11.687400)..(7.082040,11.507800)\r
+ ..controls (6.945320,11.324200) and (6.750010,11.027300)..(6.640630,10.843800)\r
+ ..controls (6.277350,10.218800) and (5.765630,9.390630)..(5.593760,9.136720)\r
+ ..controls (5.496100,8.996030) and (5.375010,8.808590)..(5.320320,8.718750)\r
+ ..controls (5.265640,8.632810) and (5.164070,8.464840)..(5.089850,8.351560)\r
+ ..controls (5.019530,8.234380) and (4.960940,8.097660)..(4.957040,8.046810)\r
+ ..controls (4.953130,7.902340) and (4.875010,7.718750)..(4.480480,6.941410)\r
+ ..controls (4.136720,6.269470) and (4.046880,6.082030)..(3.726570,5.343750)\r
+ ..controls (3.535170,4.898380) and (3.390640,4.410160)..(3.437510,4.332030)\r
+ ..controls (3.468760,4.273440) and (3.613280,4.347660)..(3.671880,4.449160)\r
+ ..controls (3.761720,4.613220) and (3.906260,4.687500)..(4.175790,4.710940)\r
+ ..controls (4.378920,4.730410) and (4.414070,4.750000)..(4.574230,4.925780)\r
+ ..controls (4.671880,5.027280) and (4.847660,5.296880)..(4.972670,5.523380)\r
+ --(5.195320,5.933530)--(4.960940,6.050780)..controls (4.832040,6.117190) and (4.710950,6.195310)..(4.695330,6.226500)\r
+ ..controls (4.644540,6.312500) and (4.847670,6.640560)..(4.980470,6.695310)\r
+ ..controls (5.046890,6.722600) and (5.175780,6.750000)..(5.269550,6.757750)\r
+ ..controls (5.363300,6.765630) and (5.507820,6.820310)..(5.601560,6.878910)\r
+ ..controls (5.691420,6.941410) and (5.816410,6.992190)..(5.878910,7.000000)\r
+ ..controls (6.125010,7.023440) and (6.222670,7.171810)..(6.246100,7.566410)\r
+ ..controls (6.269540,7.964780) and (6.292980,8.023440)..(6.445320,8.078130)\r
+ ..controls (6.632820,8.152340) and (6.750010,8.128850)..(6.820320,8.011720)\r
+ --(6.875020,7.917910)--(6.917980,8.023440)..controls (6.968760,8.148440) and (6.953130,8.199220)..(6.859390,8.191410)\r
+ ..controls (6.812510,8.187500) and (6.785160,8.210880)..(6.753910,8.292910)\r
+ ..controls (6.714850,8.390630) and (6.687520,8.410100)..(6.488290,8.472660)\r
+ ..controls (6.242200,8.550780) and (6.195320,8.597660)..(6.257830,8.699160)\r
+ ..controls (6.281260,8.734380) and (6.285170,8.812500)..(6.265630,8.867130)\r
+ ..controls (6.226570,8.992130) and (6.421880,9.179690)..(6.718760,9.296880)\r
+ ..controls (6.914070,9.371030) and (6.949230,9.414060)..(7.179700,9.835940)\r
+ ..controls (7.320320,10.085900) and (7.507830,10.367200)..(7.601570,10.464800)\r
+ ..controls (7.695310,10.558600) and (7.808610,10.687400)..(7.851570,10.750000)\r
+ ..controls (7.910160,10.835900) and (7.960950,10.863300)..(8.046880,10.855400)\r
+ ..controls (8.121110,10.851500) and (8.195320,10.875000)..(8.238290,10.918000)\r
+ ..controls (8.324230,11.000000) and (8.621100,11.414100)..(8.601560,11.421900)\r
+ ..controls (8.593760,11.425800) and (8.492190,11.386700)..(8.371100,11.335900)\r
+ ..controls (8.054700,11.199200) and (7.593750,11.214800)..(7.507820,11.363300)\r
+ ..controls (7.433600,11.500000) and (7.707040,11.863300)..(7.902340,11.882800)\r
+ ..controls (7.964860,11.886700) and (8.359390,12.105500)..(8.531260,12.226600)\r
+ ..controls (8.597670,12.277300) and (8.699230,12.429600)..(8.757820,12.566400)\r
+ ..controls (8.886730,12.882800) and (9.121110,13.160200)..(9.296890,13.207000)\r
+ ..controls (9.492190,13.261700) and (9.582050,13.335900)..(9.671880,13.523400)\r
+ ..controls (9.757830,13.703100) and (9.707040,13.816400)..(9.503920,13.898400)\r
+ ..controls (9.445330,13.921900) and (9.375010,13.980500)..(9.343760,14.039000)\r
+ ..controls (9.312510,14.093800) and (9.273440,14.136700)..(9.257820,14.136700)\r
+ ..controls (9.109390,14.121000) and (7.957040,13.660200)..(7.460960,13.414000)\r
+ ..controls (7.367200,13.367200) and (7.238290,13.265600)..(7.183600,13.187500)\r
+ ..controls (7.125000,13.113300) and (6.941410,12.945300)..(6.773450,12.816400)\r
+ ..controls (6.593760,12.679700) and (6.417970,12.500000)..(6.355480,12.386700)\r
+ ..controls (6.296880,12.281300) and (6.164070,12.109400)..(6.062510,12.003900)\r
+ ..controls (5.894530,11.835900) and (5.878910,11.789100)..(5.867200,11.488300)\r
+ ..controls (5.859390,11.296900) and (5.886730,11.082000)..(5.925790,10.980400)\r
+ ..controls (6.046890,10.675800) and (6.003920,10.503900)..(5.804700,10.527300)\r
+ ..controls (5.589850,10.550800) and (5.464860,10.691300)..(5.218760,11.195300)\r
+ ..controls (5.093760,11.441400) and (4.980480,11.644500)..(4.968760,11.640600)\r
+ ..controls (4.882820,11.632800) and (4.621100,11.316400)..(4.515630,11.093800)\r
+ ..controls (4.406260,10.863300) and (4.363290,10.820300)..(4.183600,10.750000)\r
+ ..controls (3.996110,10.675800) and (3.972670,10.648400)..(3.914080,10.437400)\r
+ ..controls (3.875010,10.312400) and (3.859380,10.164100)..(3.875020,10.113200)\r
+ ..controls (3.886720,10.062500) and (3.894540,10.003900)..(3.890630,9.980470)\r
+ ..controls (3.839850,9.808590) and (3.863300,9.628910)..(3.964850,9.437500)\r
+ ..controls (4.023450,9.320250) and (4.070320,9.171880)..(4.070320,9.101560)\r
+ ..controls (4.066420,9.031190) and (4.121100,8.863280)..(4.199230,8.703060)\r
+ ..controls (4.320320,8.449220) and (4.328130,8.402340)..(4.289070,8.195310)\r
+ ..controls (4.261720,8.070310) and (4.238290,7.929690)..(4.234380,7.878850)\r
+ ..controls (4.222660,7.730470) and (4.085940,7.773440)..(3.792980,8.011720)\r
+ ..controls (3.546880,8.210880) and (3.273450,8.527340)..(2.921890,9.019530)\r
+ ..controls (2.800790,9.187500) and (2.750010,9.203060)..(2.769530,9.062500)\r
+ ..controls (2.777350,9.007810) and (2.746110,8.847660)..(2.699230,8.706970)\r
+ ..controls (2.605470,8.429690) and (2.632820,8.117190)..(2.765640,7.956970)\r
+ ..controls (2.867200,7.835880) and (3.140640,7.148440)..(3.152360,6.976560)\r
+ ..controls (3.160160,6.902340) and (3.183610,6.804630)..(3.210950,6.761660)\r
+ ..controls (3.257810,6.671880) and (3.246100,6.339840)..(3.191420,6.214840)\r
+ ..controls (3.171880,6.171880) and (3.160160,6.093750)..(3.164060,6.039060)\r
+ ..controls (3.164070,5.980410) and (3.136730,5.933530)..(3.097670,5.929630)\r
+ ..controls (3.019530,5.921880) and (2.769530,6.085940)..(2.652360,6.218690)\r
+ ..controls (2.609390,6.265560) and (2.523440,6.359380)..(2.460950,6.425720)\r
+ --(2.343760,6.550720)--(2.316420,6.468690)..controls (2.277360,6.351500) and (2.300790,6.152340)..(2.367190,5.968750)\r
+ ..controls (2.492200,5.628910) and (2.535160,4.945250)..(2.445320,4.699220)\r
+ ..controls (2.417970,4.632810) and (2.347670,4.539060)..(2.281260,4.496090)\r
+ ..controls (2.097670,4.363220) and (2.121100,4.265630)..(2.437510,3.863220)\r
+ --(2.609380,3.644530)--(2.664070,3.769530)..controls (2.695320,3.835940) and (2.746090,4.015630)..(2.777350,4.171880)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+p3:=(p1 cutafter point(67) of (p1))--(p2 cutbefore point(18) of(p2))--(p2 cutafter point(18) of(p2))--(p1 cutbefore point(67) of (p1))..cycle;\r
+fill p3;\r
+unfill (5.503920,6.066410)..controls (5.460950,6.089840) and (5.386720,6.109380)..(5.343760,6.105470)\r
+ ..controls (5.277350,6.097600) and (5.277350,6.089840)..(5.343750,6.050780)\r
+ ..controls (5.386730,6.023440) and (5.457040,6.007810)..(5.503920,6.011660)\r
+ ..controls (5.570320,6.015560) and (5.570320,6.027340)..(5.503920,6.066410)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+unfill (10.402300,14.261700)..controls (10.418000,14.308600) and (10.410200,14.316400)..(10.363300,14.312500)\r
+ ..controls (10.328100,14.308600) and (10.293000,14.281300)..(10.281300,14.249900)\r
+ ..controls (10.265600,14.203100) and (10.273400,14.195300)..(10.320300,14.199200)\r
+ ..controls (10.355500,14.203100) and (10.390600,14.230500)..(10.402300,14.261700)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.141176,0.149020,0.156863));\r
+fill (2.328140,0.222595)..controls (2.277350,0.253906) and (2.265630,0.289063)..(2.281260,0.355408)\r
+ ..controls (2.292980,0.406250) and (2.308610,0.730469)..(2.312510,1.078130)\r
+ ..controls (2.324230,1.679630) and (2.359390,2.015630)..(2.468760,2.593750)\r
+ --(2.515630,2.859380)--(2.316410,3.273440)..controls (2.203140,3.500000) and (2.078130,3.816410)..(2.035160,3.976560)\r
+ ..controls (1.992200,4.132810) and (1.941420,4.320250)..(1.925790,4.390630)\r
+ ..controls (1.843770,4.695250) and (1.773450,5.617190)..(1.800790,6.082030)\r
+ ..controls (1.824220,6.542970) and (1.988290,7.187500)..(2.078140,7.183590)\r
+ ..controls (2.132830,7.179690) and (2.179700,7.128850)..(2.289070,6.953130)\r
+ ..controls (2.500010,6.617190) and (2.550790,6.632750)..(2.382830,6.984380)\r
+ ..controls (2.210940,7.339780) and (2.089850,7.785160)..(2.082040,8.050780)\r
+ ..controls (2.078130,8.242190) and (2.292970,8.878910)..(2.480470,9.234380)\r
+ ..controls (2.554690,9.375000) and (2.621100,9.441410)..(2.691420,9.449160)\r
+ ..controls (2.816420,9.460940) and (2.828140,9.449160)..(3.085940,9.062500)\r
+ --(3.296880,8.753910)--(3.144550,9.078060)..controls (2.917980,9.562500) and (2.937510,9.796880)..(3.242200,10.324200)\r
+ ..controls (3.371100,10.550800) and (3.511720,10.765600)..(3.550790,10.804700)\r
+ ..controls (3.589850,10.839800) and (3.718750,10.972700)..(3.832040,11.097600)\r
+ ..controls (3.949230,11.218800) and (4.164070,11.414100)..(4.312510,11.523400)\r
+ ..controls (4.457040,11.632800) and (4.644540,11.796900)..(4.730480,11.886700)\r
+ ..controls (4.910160,12.082000) and (5.000000,12.066400)..(5.148450,11.808500)\r
+ --(5.238290,11.648400)--(5.199220,11.859400)..controls (5.136720,12.203100) and (5.175780,12.285200)..(5.550800,12.550700)\r
+ ..controls (5.734380,12.683600) and (5.914070,12.793000)..(5.953140,12.796800)\r
+ ..controls (5.988290,12.800700) and (6.019540,12.820300)..(6.023450,12.839800)\r
+ ..controls (6.027350,12.863300) and (6.074230,12.882800)..(6.132830,12.886700)\r
+ ..controls (6.218750,12.894500) and (6.230480,12.886700)..(6.214860,12.839800)\r
+ ..controls (6.203140,12.808600) and (6.167980,12.781300)..(6.140630,12.777300)\r
+ ..controls (6.109380,12.777300) and (5.968760,12.671800)..(5.824230,12.546800)\r
+ ..controls (5.683600,12.418000) and (5.511720,12.285200)..(5.445310,12.250000)\r
+ ..controls (5.343760,12.195300) and (5.324230,12.148400)..(5.335950,11.964800)\r
+ ..controls (5.343760,11.839800) and (5.371090,11.675800)..(5.394530,11.593800)\r
+ ..controls (5.453140,11.402300) and (5.468760,11.175800)..(5.425790,11.171900)\r
+ ..controls (5.324230,11.160200) and (5.222660,11.273400)..(5.093760,11.543000)\r
+ --(4.960940,11.824200)--(4.824230,11.714800)..controls (4.750000,11.652300) and (4.679690,11.589800)..(4.664080,11.574200)\r
+ ..controls (4.652350,11.558500) and (4.531250,11.464800)..(4.398450,11.367200)\r
+ ..controls (4.269540,11.273400) and (4.140640,11.160200)..(4.113290,11.125000)\r
+ ..controls (4.089850,11.085900) and (3.984380,10.968800)..(3.878920,10.863300)\r
+ ..controls (3.613290,10.597700) and (3.191420,9.906190)..(3.214850,9.773440)\r
+ ..controls (3.238290,9.625000) and (3.636730,8.816410)..(3.949230,8.273440)\r
+ ..controls (4.175800,7.882810) and (4.199220,7.828130)..(4.136730,7.831970)\r
+ ..controls (4.011730,7.839780) and (3.609390,8.171810)..(3.410160,8.429690)\r
+ ..controls (3.308600,8.562500) and (3.171880,8.738280)..(3.105480,8.816410)\r
+ ..controls (3.042980,8.894530) and (2.953130,9.023440)..(2.906250,9.097660)\r
+ ..controls (2.808600,9.277340) and (2.722660,9.277340)..(2.636730,9.101560)\r
+ ..controls (2.535170,8.894530) and (2.300790,8.191410)..(2.281270,8.042910)\r
+ ..controls (2.238290,7.703130) and (2.542980,6.898440)..(2.902350,6.406250)\r
+ ..controls (3.210950,5.976500) and (3.207040,5.855410)..(2.886720,6.062440)\r
+ ..controls (2.738300,6.156250) and (2.332040,6.597600)..(2.238300,6.757750)\r
+ ..controls (2.214860,6.804630) and (2.175780,6.832030)..(2.160170,6.824220)\r
+ ..controls (2.097670,6.796810) and (2.000010,6.355470)..(1.996100,6.082030)\r
+ ..controls (1.996100,5.933530) and (1.988300,5.765560)..(1.980470,5.714840)\r
+ ..controls (1.972670,5.664060) and (1.984390,5.410160)..(2.007830,5.148380)\r
+ ..controls (2.031260,4.890630) and (2.058600,4.597660)..(2.066420,4.500000)\r
+ ..controls (2.089840,4.222660) and (2.472660,3.195310)..(2.546890,3.203060)\r
+ ..controls (2.570330,3.203060) and (2.582040,3.218750)..(2.574230,3.234380)\r
+ ..controls (2.566420,3.249940) and (2.621100,3.468750)..(2.695330,3.718750)\r
+ ..controls (2.773440,3.968750) and (2.843760,4.250000)..(2.851570,4.339840)\r
+ ..controls (2.863280,4.429690) and (2.898450,4.531190)..(2.933600,4.566350)\r
+ ..controls (2.964840,4.601560) and (3.015630,4.726560)..(3.039070,4.847660)\r
+ ..controls (3.082040,5.074220) and (3.148440,5.234310)..(3.507810,6.003910)\r
+ ..controls (3.625010,6.250000) and (3.796880,6.621090)..(3.894530,6.832030)\r
+ ..controls (4.226570,7.546810) and (4.582050,8.214840)..(4.859380,8.644530)\r
+ ..controls (5.136720,9.070310) and (5.308600,9.339840)..(5.667980,9.917970)\r
+ ..controls (5.769540,10.082000) and (5.906260,10.289100)..(5.972670,10.378900)\r
+ ..controls (6.035170,10.468800) and (6.101580,10.574200)..(6.117200,10.609300)\r
+ ..controls (6.132830,10.644500) and (6.238290,10.777300)..(6.347670,10.910200)\r
+ ..controls (6.460940,11.043000) and (6.617190,11.238300)..(6.699230,11.347600)\r
+ ..controls (7.093760,11.875000) and (7.152360,11.933500)..(7.226570,11.894500)\r
+ ..controls (7.304700,11.851500) and (7.281260,11.812500)..(6.960940,11.398400)\r
+ ..controls (6.867190,11.273400) and (6.710940,11.031300)..(6.609380,10.859300)\r
+ ..controls (6.281270,10.285200) and (5.730470,9.386720)..(5.593760,9.210940)\r
+ ..controls (5.324230,8.847660) and (4.921890,8.136720)..(4.929690,8.027340)\r
+ ..controls (4.933600,7.968750) and (4.707040,7.457030)..(4.421880,6.898440)\r
+ ..controls (4.136720,6.335940) and (3.855480,5.738280)..(3.792980,5.566350)\r
+ ..controls (3.726570,5.394470) and (3.664070,5.246090)..(3.648450,5.230410)\r
+ ..controls (3.605480,5.191350) and (3.441410,4.679690)..(3.402360,4.457030)\r
+ ..controls (3.382820,4.343750) and (3.347660,4.152280)..(3.324230,4.031190)\r
+ ..controls (3.265630,3.714840) and (3.199220,3.175780)..(3.218760,3.144530)\r
+ ..controls (3.226570,3.128910) and (3.273440,3.152340)..(3.324220,3.195310)\r
+ ..controls (3.375010,3.242130) and (3.492190,3.335940)..(3.582030,3.402340)\r
+ ..controls (3.675790,3.472660) and (3.828130,3.609380)..(3.925790,3.703060)\r
+ ..controls (4.019540,3.800780) and (4.117190,3.898440)..(4.140630,3.921880)\r
+ ..controls (4.402350,4.179690) and (4.527360,4.320250)..(4.691410,4.542970)\r
+ ..controls (4.796890,4.683590) and (4.925780,4.843750)..(4.976570,4.898380)\r
+ ..controls (5.093750,5.015630) and (5.507820,5.757810)..(5.484380,5.800780)\r
+ ..controls (5.472660,5.820310) and (5.304700,5.917970)..(5.105480,6.019470)\r
+ ..controls (4.734380,6.210940) and (4.656260,6.277340)..(4.757820,6.324220)\r
+ ..controls (4.820330,6.351500) and (5.199230,6.300720)..(5.546880,6.222600)\r
+ ..controls (5.644540,6.199220) and (5.839850,6.187440)..(5.984380,6.199220)\r
+ ..controls (6.347660,6.222600) and (6.582040,6.375000)..(6.656260,6.644530)\r
+ ..controls (6.687510,6.753910) and (6.730480,6.898440)..(6.757830,6.972660)\r
+ ..controls (6.800790,7.101560) and (6.863300,7.398440)..(6.890640,7.632750)\r
+ ..controls (6.914070,7.851560) and (7.027350,8.187500)..(7.121110,8.331970)\r
+ --(7.214850,8.472660)--(7.011720,8.449220)..controls (6.789080,8.421880) and (6.320320,8.519530)..(6.273440,8.601560)\r
+ ..controls (6.226570,8.687500) and (6.562510,8.859380)..(6.937500,8.937500)\r
+ --(7.292980,9.011720)--(7.402360,9.261720)..controls (7.464840,9.398440) and (7.527350,9.570250)..(7.542980,9.640630)\r
+ ..controls (7.558600,9.707030) and (7.605480,9.796880)..(7.648450,9.835940)\r
+ ..controls (7.691420,9.871090) and (7.757830,9.988220)..(7.800790,10.093800)\r
+ ..controls (7.839850,10.199200) and (7.937510,10.371100)..(8.011740,10.480400)\r
+ ..controls (8.585950,11.320300) and (8.675790,11.460900)..(8.625000,11.464800)\r
+ ..controls (8.593750,11.468800) and (8.480480,11.429600)..(8.371100,11.378900)\r
+ ..controls (8.074230,11.234400) and (7.750020,11.230400)..(7.734380,11.363300)\r
+ ..controls (7.718760,11.484400) and (8.507830,11.933500)..(8.902360,12.035200)\r
+ ..controls (9.046890,12.070300) and (9.062520,12.093700)..(9.078130,12.269500)\r
+ ..controls (9.085950,12.378900) and (9.136730,12.531300)..(9.191420,12.609400)\r
+ ..controls (9.242190,12.687500) and (9.324230,12.816400)..(9.371110,12.898400)\r
+ ..controls (9.507820,13.132800) and (10.312500,13.835900)..(10.761700,14.113300)\r
+ ..controls (11.039100,14.285100) and (11.531300,14.531200)..(11.898400,14.683600)\r
+ --(12.226600,14.816400)--(11.531300,14.730500)..controls (10.402400,14.593800) and (9.937510,14.441400)..(9.636720,14.109400)\r
+ ..controls (9.496100,13.953100) and (9.433600,13.937500)..(9.390630,14.042900)\r
+ ..controls (9.355480,14.140600) and (9.679690,14.445300)..(9.921880,14.550800)\r
+ ..controls (10.203100,14.668000) and (10.660200,14.781200)..(10.980500,14.812500)\r
+ ..controls (11.144500,14.828100) and (11.617200,14.898400)..(12.031300,14.968800)\r
+ ..controls (12.687500,15.078100) and (12.793000,15.089800)..(12.867200,15.046900)\r
+ ..controls (13.011700,14.972700) and (12.980500,14.898400)..(12.765600,14.816400)\r
+ ..controls (12.273400,14.628900) and (11.816400,14.437500)..(11.507800,14.289000)\r
+ ..controls (11.203100,14.140600) and (10.668000,13.832000)..(10.566400,13.742200)\r
+ ..controls (10.543000,13.722700) and (10.441400,13.636700)..(10.335900,13.550800)\r
+ ..controls (9.921880,13.214800) and (9.613290,12.910200)..(9.542980,12.773400)\r
+ ..controls (9.503910,12.699200) and (9.421880,12.582000)..(9.363290,12.523400)\r
+ ..controls (9.308600,12.460900) and (9.253910,12.328100)..(9.242200,12.230500)\r
+ ..controls (9.230480,12.097600) and (9.183600,12.027300)..(9.066420,11.941400)\r
+ ..controls (8.980470,11.878900) and (8.867190,11.824200)..(8.812510,11.820300)\r
+ --(8.718760,11.808500)--(8.828130,11.785200)..controls (8.960950,11.757800) and (9.003910,11.687400)..(8.945330,11.597600)\r
+ ..controls (8.921880,11.558500) and (8.906260,11.496100)..(8.914070,11.464800)\r
+ ..controls (8.917980,11.429600) and (8.843760,11.304600)..(8.742190,11.191300)\r
+ ..controls (8.644540,11.074200) and (8.527350,10.921900)..(8.484370,10.847700)\r
+ ..controls (8.437510,10.777300) and (8.347660,10.632800)..(8.277360,10.531300)\r
+ ..controls (8.136730,10.324200) and (8.035170,10.148400)..(8.000010,10.039100)\r
+ ..controls (7.984380,9.996090) and (7.914060,9.855470)..(7.835950,9.722660)\r
+ ..controls (7.710940,9.500000) and (7.648450,9.363220)..(7.507820,9.011720)\r
+ ..controls (7.457040,8.882810) and (7.433600,8.867130)..(7.203130,8.831970)\r
+ ..controls (6.894540,8.785100) and (6.570330,8.675780)..(6.593760,8.632810)\r
+ ..controls (6.605470,8.613280) and (6.773450,8.621030)..(7.000000,8.648440)\r
+ ..controls (7.363280,8.695310) and (7.386720,8.695310)..(7.437510,8.624940)\r
+ ..controls (7.472660,8.574220) and (7.453130,8.492190)..(7.359390,8.343750)\r
+ ..controls (7.203140,8.089840) and (7.039070,7.621090)..(7.031260,7.417910)\r
+ ..controls (7.031260,7.277340) and (6.925790,6.859380)..(6.800790,6.492190)\r
+ ..controls (6.753910,6.359380) and (6.683600,6.277340)..(6.519530,6.175780)\r
+ ..controls (6.316410,6.050780) and (6.277350,6.039060)..(5.992200,6.035160)\r
+ ..controls (5.820320,6.035160) and (5.628910,6.050780)..(5.566410,6.074220)\r
+ ..controls (5.503910,6.097600) and (5.347660,6.128910)..(5.222670,6.148440)\r
+ --(4.996110,6.179630)--(5.195320,6.089840)..controls (5.304690,6.039060) and (5.441420,5.996090)..(5.503920,5.988280)\r
+ ..controls (5.703130,5.968750) and (5.730480,5.960940)..(5.757830,5.914060)\r
+ ..controls (5.792970,5.855410) and (5.355480,5.031250)..(5.183600,4.832030)\r
+ ..controls (5.105480,4.742190) and (4.984380,4.585940)..(4.914070,4.484310)\r
+ ..controls (4.843760,4.386720) and (4.746100,4.269530)..(4.699230,4.226560)\r
+ ..controls (4.652350,4.183590) and (4.554700,4.078060)..(4.480480,3.996090)\r
+ ..controls (4.300800,3.789060) and (3.890640,3.410100)..(3.738290,3.304690)\r
+ ..controls (3.671890,3.257810) and (3.574220,3.175780)..(3.523450,3.124940)\r
+ ..controls (3.472660,3.070310) and (3.371100,3.003850)..(3.300780,2.980470)\r
+ ..controls (3.210940,2.945310) and (3.171890,2.890630)..(3.156260,2.792910)\r
+ ..controls (3.128920,2.581970) and (3.117200,1.992190)..(3.136730,1.894530)\r
+ ..controls (3.144540,1.851560) and (3.167980,1.687500)..(3.187500,1.539060)\r
+ ..controls (3.214860,1.296810) and (3.203130,1.250000)..(3.093760,1.164060)\r
+ ..controls (2.902350,1.011660) and (2.652350,0.671875)..(2.546890,0.417969)\r
+ ..controls (2.496100,0.289063) and (2.441420,0.187439)..(2.425790,0.183533)\r
+ ..controls (2.410170,0.183533) and (2.367200,0.203125)..(2.328140,0.222595)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill (3.390640,8.992130)..controls (3.347670,9.066410) and (3.335950,9.074160)..(3.328140,9.031190)\r
+ ..controls (3.316420,8.956970) and (3.355480,8.886720)..(3.406250,8.890630)\r
+ ..controls (3.425790,8.894530) and (3.421880,8.937500)..(3.390640,8.992130)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.627451,0.627451,0.627451));\r
+fill (8.320330,11.515600)..controls (8.421890,11.562400) and (8.554700,11.640600)..(8.617200,11.691400)\r
+ --(8.734390,11.781300)--(8.574230,11.746100)..controls (8.398440,11.707000) and (7.996100,11.500000)..(7.988290,11.445300)\r
+ ..controls (7.980490,11.390600) and (8.125000,11.421900)..(8.320330,11.515600)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+unfill (8.320320,11.543000)..controls (8.515630,11.628900) and (8.585940,11.714800)..(8.421890,11.656300)\r
+ ..controls (8.292980,11.613300) and (8.050790,11.464800)..(8.113290,11.464800)\r
+ ..controls (8.136720,11.464800) and (8.230470,11.500000)..(8.320320,11.543000)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.141176,0.149020,0.156863));\r
+fill (6.289070,12.929700)..controls (6.269540,12.968700) and (6.531260,13.148400)..(6.578130,13.124900)\r
+ ..controls (6.656260,13.082000) and (6.640640,13.046800)..(6.535170,13.003800)\r
+ ..controls (6.472670,12.980500) and (6.394540,12.945300)..(6.363290,12.929700)\r
+ ..controls (6.332040,12.910200) and (6.300790,12.910200)..(6.289070,12.929700)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill (6.824220,13.246100)..controls (6.855480,13.289100) and (6.917970,13.328100)..(6.964850,13.332000)\r
+ ..controls (7.050790,13.339800) and (7.050790,13.339800)..(6.996100,13.261700)\r
+ ..controls (6.964860,13.218800) and (6.902350,13.179700)..(6.855480,13.175700)\r
+ ..controls (6.769550,13.171800) and (6.769550,13.171800)..(6.824220,13.246100)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill (7.207040,13.468800)..controls (7.257820,13.535200) and (7.480480,13.593800)..(7.507820,13.546800)\r
+ ..controls (7.523450,13.519500) and (7.304700,13.402300)..(7.222670,13.394500)\r
+ ..controls (7.160170,13.390600) and (7.160170,13.402300)..(7.207040,13.468800)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill (7.558600,13.605500)..controls (7.539070,13.640600) and (7.902350,13.820300)..(8.140640,13.886700)\r
+ ..controls (8.238290,13.917900) and (8.363290,13.968800)..(8.414070,14.003900)\r
+ ..controls (8.578130,14.113300) and (9.257820,14.363300)..(9.312510,14.332000)\r
+ ..controls (9.425780,14.273400) and (9.382830,14.183600)..(9.234380,14.171900)\r
+ ..controls (9.011720,14.148400) and (8.511730,13.968800)..(7.933590,13.699200)\r
+ ..controls (7.671880,13.578100) and (7.585950,13.554700)..(7.558600,13.605500)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.768627,0.584314,0.431373));\r
+fill (2.328130,0.250000)..controls (2.300800,0.269470) and (2.292980,0.316406)..(2.308610,0.351501)\r
+ ..controls (2.324220,0.386719) and (2.339850,0.621094)..(2.339850,0.875000)\r
+ ..controls (2.339850,1.457030) and (2.363290,1.699220)..(2.503920,2.613280)\r
+ --(2.546890,2.890630)--(2.328140,3.328060)..controls (2.187510,3.605470) and (2.085950,3.855470)..(2.050780,4.015630)\r
+ ..controls (2.019550,4.156190) and (1.976570,4.332030)..(1.953140,4.410160)\r
+ ..controls (1.816410,4.867190) and (1.792970,6.199220)..(1.910170,6.644530)\r
+ ..controls (1.957040,6.808590) and (2.000010,6.988280)..(2.011730,7.046810)\r
+ ..controls (2.039070,7.218690) and (2.113290,7.183590)..(2.292980,6.906250)\r
+ ..controls (2.582030,6.453130) and (2.679690,6.488280)..(2.421880,6.953130)\r
+ ..controls (2.269540,7.234380) and (2.105480,7.812500)..(2.109380,8.062500)\r
+ ..controls (2.113290,8.222660) and (2.335940,8.878910)..(2.507820,9.218750)\r
+ ..controls (2.570320,9.339840) and (2.632820,9.406190)..(2.699220,9.410100)\r
+ ..controls (2.789080,9.421880) and (2.812510,9.406190)..(2.925790,9.242130)\r
+ ..controls (3.113290,8.980470) and (3.175790,8.863280)..(3.113300,8.882810)\r
+ ..controls (3.085940,8.890630) and (3.019540,8.976560)..(2.964850,9.070310)\r
+ ..controls (2.785170,9.390630) and (2.699230,9.328060)..(2.453140,8.699160)\r
+ ..controls (2.144540,7.910160) and (2.179690,7.671810)..(2.734380,6.667970)\r
+ ..controls (2.937510,6.300720) and (3.078140,6.019470)..(3.058610,6.011660)\r
+ ..controls (2.976580,5.972600) and (2.445320,6.472600)..(2.300790,6.718690)\r
+ ..controls (2.281260,6.757750) and (2.234380,6.808590)..(2.195320,6.835940)\r
+ ..controls (2.136720,6.875000) and (2.121100,6.867190)..(2.093760,6.789060)\r
+ ..controls (1.968760,6.425720) and (1.925790,5.703130)..(1.988290,5.054690)\r
+ ..controls (2.011730,4.828130) and (2.035160,4.566350)..(2.039070,4.476560)\r
+ ..controls (2.046880,4.242130) and (2.492200,3.121030)..(2.574230,3.132810)\r
+ ..controls (2.593760,3.132810) and (2.609380,3.183590)..(2.609390,3.242130)\r
+ ..controls (2.613290,3.300780) and (2.671880,3.550780)..(2.746100,3.796880)\r
+ ..controls (2.820320,4.042970) and (2.886730,4.304690)..(2.894530,4.382810)\r
+ ..controls (2.906260,4.457030) and (2.929690,4.519530)..(2.945330,4.523380)\r
+ ..controls (2.984390,4.527280) and (3.144540,5.000000)..(3.121100,5.039060)\r
+ ..controls (3.113290,5.054690) and (3.160160,5.175780)..(3.226580,5.316350)\r
+ ..controls (3.593760,6.097600) and (3.773440,6.488280)..(3.921880,6.816410)\r
+ ..controls (4.230480,7.484380) and (4.597660,8.175780)..(4.882820,8.609380)\r
+ ..controls (5.210950,9.117130) and (5.472660,9.535100)..(5.714850,9.933590)\r
+ ..controls (5.812510,10.093800) and (5.941420,10.289100)..(6.000010,10.367200)\r
+ ..controls (6.062500,10.445300) and (6.121100,10.535200)..(6.136730,10.574200)\r
+ ..controls (6.160170,10.632800) and (6.386730,10.910200)..(6.527360,11.058500)\r
+ ..controls (6.558610,11.089800) and (6.648440,11.203100)..(6.726580,11.312400)\r
+ ..controls (7.015630,11.714800) and (7.171880,11.894500)..(7.210950,11.875000)\r
+ ..controls (7.253920,11.851500) and (7.269540,11.875000)..(6.976570,11.480400)\r
+ ..controls (6.851580,11.312400) and (6.667970,11.031300)..(6.570320,10.855400)\r
+ ..controls (6.230480,10.265600) and (5.710950,9.417970)..(5.585950,9.261720)\r
+ ..controls (5.332030,8.937500) and (4.878920,8.128850)..(4.886720,8.015630)\r
+ ..controls (4.890630,7.949220) and (4.667970,7.453130)..(4.390630,6.910160)\r
+ ..controls (4.113290,6.367190) and (3.835940,5.785160)..(3.769540,5.613280)\r
+ ..controls (3.703130,5.441350) and (3.593750,5.175780)..(3.531270,5.019470)\r
+ ..controls (3.414080,4.730410) and (3.335950,4.398380)..(3.339850,4.230470)\r
+ ..controls (3.343760,4.179690) and (3.320320,4.058590)..(3.292970,3.957030)\r
+ ..controls (3.261730,3.855470) and (3.222660,3.632810)..(3.207050,3.453060)\r
+ ..controls (3.183600,3.195310) and (3.191420,3.132810)..(3.250010,3.128910)\r
+ ..controls (3.289070,3.124940) and (3.335940,3.148440)..(3.359390,3.179690)\r
+ ..controls (3.378910,3.210940) and (3.492200,3.304690)..(3.605470,3.394530)\r
+ ..controls (3.718760,3.480470) and (3.832050,3.582030)..(3.855480,3.613220)\r
+ ..controls (3.878920,3.648440) and (3.968770,3.742130)..(4.058600,3.820250)\r
+ ..controls (4.367190,4.093750) and (4.542990,4.281190)..(4.734380,4.542970)\r
+ ..controls (4.839850,4.687500) and (4.960940,4.839840)..(5.007830,4.878910)\r
+ ..controls (5.109380,4.976560) and (5.503910,5.675780)..(5.511730,5.769470)\r
+ ..controls (5.511730,5.824220) and (5.468760,5.859380)..(5.253920,5.972600)\r
+ ..controls (4.953140,6.132810) and (4.964850,6.152340)..(5.292980,6.023440)\r
+ ..controls (5.417980,5.976500) and (5.554700,5.941410)..(5.593760,5.953130)\r
+ ..controls (5.761730,5.996090) and (5.730470,5.839840)..(5.492200,5.394470)\r
+ ..controls (5.351570,5.136720) and (5.183600,4.867190)..(5.117190,4.796880)\r
+ ..controls (5.054690,4.726560) and (4.933600,4.578130)..(4.855480,4.468750)\r
+ ..controls (4.773450,4.359310) and (4.671880,4.234310)..(4.628920,4.195250)\r
+ ..controls (4.582050,4.156190) and (4.496100,4.062500)..(4.433610,3.988220)\r
+ ..controls (4.371100,3.910100) and (4.250010,3.789060)..(4.164070,3.714840)\r
+ ..controls (4.078130,3.640630) and (3.960950,3.531190)..(3.902350,3.468750)\r
+ ..controls (3.847660,3.406190) and (3.785160,3.355470)..(3.761720,3.355470)\r
+ ..controls (3.742200,3.351560) and (3.644530,3.277340)..(3.550790,3.191410)\r
+ ..controls (3.457030,3.105470) and (3.332040,3.019530)..(3.269540,2.999940)\r
+ ..controls (3.179690,2.968750) and (3.148440,2.906250)..(3.109380,2.699220)\r
+ ..controls (3.085940,2.554690) and (3.074230,2.421810)..(3.085940,2.402340)\r
+ ..controls (3.093750,2.382750) and (3.101570,2.273440)..(3.097660,2.160160)\r
+ ..controls (3.093760,2.046810) and (3.109380,1.863280)..(3.128920,1.753850)\r
+ ..controls (3.199230,1.386660) and (3.187520,1.257750)..(3.078140,1.187500)\r
+ ..controls (2.917970,1.082030) and (2.613280,0.667969)..(2.519540,0.433533)\r
+ ..controls (2.433600,0.214844) and (2.406260,0.191345)..(2.328130,0.250000)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill (5.886720,6.062440)..controls (5.726570,6.074220) and (5.531260,6.101500)..(5.449220,6.128910)\r
+ ..controls (5.363290,6.152340) and (5.265630,6.171880)..(5.230480,6.167970)\r
+ ..controls (5.199220,6.164060) and (5.121110,6.179630)..(5.062510,6.207030)\r
+ ..controls (5.003920,6.230470) and (4.921880,6.234380)..(4.878920,6.218690)\r
+ ..controls (4.832040,6.203130) and (4.789070,6.207030)..(4.777350,6.230470)\r
+ ..controls (4.718760,6.332030) and (4.882830,6.328130)..(5.554690,6.199220)\r
+ ..controls (6.128910,6.093750) and (6.593760,6.265560)..(6.679700,6.617190)\r
+ ..controls (6.703130,6.710940) and (6.753920,6.871090)..(6.789080,6.972660)\r
+ ..controls (6.828130,7.070310) and (6.867190,7.222660)..(6.875010,7.308590)\r
+ ..controls (6.894550,7.468750) and (6.929690,7.648440)..(7.007820,7.996090)\r
+ ..controls (7.035160,8.109380) and (7.097660,8.257810)..(7.152350,8.328060)\r
+ ..controls (7.203130,8.394530) and (7.238290,8.464840)..(7.230470,8.484380)\r
+ ..controls (7.218760,8.503910) and (7.136730,8.499940)..(7.042970,8.476560)\r
+ ..controls (6.851580,8.433590) and (6.363290,8.519530)..(6.316410,8.601560)\r
+ ..controls (6.250000,8.718750) and (6.660160,8.886720)..(7.156260,8.949160)\r
+ ..controls (7.304690,8.968750) and (7.324230,8.992130)..(7.437510,9.273440)\r
+ ..controls (7.683610,9.882810) and (8.132820,10.656300)..(8.664070,11.378900)\r
+ ..controls (8.703130,11.433500) and (8.714850,11.488300)..(8.691410,11.500000)\r
+ ..controls (8.667980,11.511700) and (8.531260,11.476500)..(8.390630,11.418000)\r
+ ..controls (8.113290,11.304600) and (7.835940,11.273400)..(7.789080,11.355400)\r
+ ..controls (7.773450,11.378900) and (7.792970,11.418000)..(7.832050,11.437400)\r
+ ..controls (7.890620,11.468800) and (7.906260,11.460900)..(7.921880,11.406300)\r
+ ..controls (7.929700,11.367200) and (7.953130,11.335900)..(7.968750,11.339800)\r
+ ..controls (8.058610,11.347600) and (8.503920,11.554600)..(8.621100,11.640600)\r
+ ..controls (8.761730,11.746100) and (8.882830,11.781300)..(8.914080,11.722600)\r
+ ..controls (8.949230,11.660200) and (8.863290,11.347600)..(8.800790,11.300800)\r
+ ..controls (8.730480,11.246100) and (8.582040,11.066300)..(8.488290,10.910200)\r
+ ..controls (8.453140,10.855400) and (8.355470,10.707000)..(8.269540,10.578100)\r
+ ..controls (8.101580,10.332000) and (8.027350,10.199200)..(7.972660,10.050800)\r
+ ..controls (7.953140,10.000000) and (7.875010,9.851560)..(7.800790,9.722660)\r
+ ..controls (7.671880,9.500000) and (7.570320,9.277340)..(7.476570,9.007810)\r
+ ..controls (7.441420,8.910100) and (7.406260,8.894530)..(7.171890,8.859380)\r
+ ..controls (6.808600,8.804690) and (6.468760,8.660100)..(6.554700,8.597660)\r
+ ..controls (6.589840,8.570310) and (6.726570,8.578060)..(6.992210,8.617130)\r
+ ..controls (7.339860,8.667910) and (7.378920,8.667910)..(7.410160,8.613280)\r
+ ..controls (7.429700,8.578060) and (7.386740,8.456970)..(7.320320,8.339840)\r
+ ..controls (7.167980,8.085880) and (7.023450,7.664060)..(7.007820,7.429690)\r
+ ..controls (7.000010,7.335880) and (6.960950,7.156250)..(6.921880,7.027340)\r
+ ..controls (6.882830,6.894530) and (6.839850,6.738280)..(6.824220,6.671880)\r
+ ..controls (6.777350,6.429630) and (6.671880,6.277340)..(6.492190,6.187440)\r
+ ..controls (6.218750,6.050780) and (6.191420,6.042970)..(5.886720,6.062440)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill (3.980470,7.925780)..controls (3.921880,7.968750) and (3.828130,8.039000)..(3.761730,8.085880)\r
+ ..controls (3.640630,8.175780) and (3.355480,8.519530)..(3.363290,8.566410)\r
+ ..controls (3.363290,8.581970) and (3.378920,8.597660)..(3.394540,8.597660)\r
+ ..controls (3.433600,8.601560) and (3.621110,8.433590)..(3.664070,8.359380)\r
+ ..controls (3.683600,8.324220) and (3.718760,8.296880)..(3.742200,8.300780)\r
+ ..controls (3.773440,8.304690) and (3.753910,8.347660)..(3.687510,8.437500)\r
+ ..controls (3.632820,8.511720) and (3.558600,8.656250)..(3.519530,8.765630)\r
+ ..controls (3.484390,8.875000) and (3.359380,9.140630)..(3.242190,9.359380)\r
+ ..controls (3.125010,9.578130) and (3.035170,9.792970)..(3.035160,9.832030)\r
+ ..controls (3.039070,9.875000) and (3.140630,10.085900)..(3.265630,10.300800)\r
+ ..controls (3.519540,10.738300) and (3.957050,11.230400)..(4.343760,11.507800)\r
+ ..controls (4.484390,11.609400) and (4.656260,11.761700)..(4.730480,11.847600)\r
+ ..controls (4.910170,12.062500) and (4.976570,12.046900)..(5.109380,11.742200)\r
+ ..controls (5.214860,11.515600) and (5.218760,11.507800)..(5.292970,11.535200)\r
+ ..controls (5.335950,11.550800) and (5.371100,11.558500)..(5.371110,11.554600)\r
+ ..controls (5.375010,11.550800) and (5.390620,11.468800)..(5.406250,11.375000)\r
+ ..controls (5.449230,11.117200) and (5.355470,11.175800)..(5.148440,11.535200)\r
+ ..controls (4.964850,11.855500) and (4.925800,11.886700)..(4.835950,11.761700)\r
+ ..controls (4.789070,11.695300) and (4.546880,11.500000)..(4.367200,11.378900)\r
+ ..controls (4.066410,11.175800) and (3.589850,10.605400)..(3.308600,10.109300)\r
+ --(3.148440,9.824160)--(3.421880,9.234380)..controls (3.718760,8.597660) and (3.886720,8.281250)..(4.054700,8.039000)\r
+ ..controls (4.175780,7.867190) and (4.140630,7.808590)..(3.980470,7.925780)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill (3.343750,8.777340)..controls (3.320330,8.812500) and (3.324230,8.847660)..(3.343760,8.847660)\r
+ ..controls (3.367200,8.851560) and (3.402350,8.820310)..(3.425790,8.785100)\r
+ ..controls (3.445330,8.746030) and (3.445330,8.710940)..(3.421890,8.710940)\r
+ ..controls (3.402350,8.706970) and (3.363290,8.738280)..(3.343750,8.777340)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill (3.125010,9.199160)..controls (3.015630,9.453060) and (3.023450,9.539060)..(3.144550,9.402280)\r
+ ..controls (3.234390,9.296880) and (3.300790,9.046880)..(3.250010,9.000000)\r
+ ..controls (3.230470,8.980470) and (3.191420,9.035100)..(3.125010,9.199160)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill (8.507820,11.843700)..controls (8.714850,11.964800) and (8.988280,12.043000)..(9.015630,11.992200)\r
+ ..controls (9.046890,11.933500) and (8.992190,11.902300)..(8.695320,11.824200)\r
+ ..controls (8.320330,11.722600) and (8.304700,11.726500)..(8.507820,11.843700)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill (9.113290,12.046900)..controls (9.105480,12.058500) and (9.101580,12.148400)..(9.101570,12.242200)\r
+ ..controls (9.109380,12.445300) and (9.414080,12.964800)..(9.667970,13.203100)\r
+ ..controls (10.421900,13.914000) and (11.359400,14.500000)..(12.125000,14.738200)\r
+ ..controls (12.386700,14.820300) and (12.359400,14.882800)..(12.086000,14.828100)\r
+ ..controls (11.964900,14.800800) and (11.527300,14.734400)..(11.121100,14.675800)\r
+ ..controls (10.711000,14.621000) and (10.312500,14.550800)..(10.234400,14.523400)\r
+ ..controls (10.043000,14.457000) and (9.707050,14.242100)..(9.597670,14.117100)\r
+ ..controls (9.500020,13.999900) and (9.457040,13.984400)..(9.421880,14.054700)\r
+ ..controls (9.378920,14.128900) and (9.792970,14.480500)..(10.015600,14.554700)\r
+ ..controls (10.472700,14.707000) and (10.617200,14.742100)..(10.929700,14.769500)\r
+ ..controls (11.109400,14.785100) and (11.601600,14.859400)..(12.023400,14.929700)\r
+ ..controls (12.796900,15.062500) and (12.906300,15.066400)..(12.921900,14.949200)\r
+ ..controls (12.925800,14.921900) and (12.796900,14.851600)..(12.632800,14.793000)\r
+ ..controls (11.558600,14.390600) and (10.726600,13.957000)..(10.355500,13.597700)\r
+ ..controls (10.269500,13.519500) and (10.187500,13.453100)..(10.171900,13.453100)\r
+ ..controls (10.152400,13.449200) and (10.105500,13.414000)..(10.066400,13.374900)\r
+ ..controls (10.027400,13.332000) and (9.906270,13.218800)..(9.796880,13.121100)\r
+ ..controls (9.691420,13.023400) and (9.566420,12.878800)..(9.523450,12.804700)\r
+ ..controls (9.480480,12.730500) and (9.398450,12.613300)..(9.343770,12.550700)\r
+ ..controls (9.289070,12.484400) and (9.230480,12.359400)..(9.214850,12.273400)\r
+ ..controls (9.191420,12.117200) and (9.136720,12.003900)..(9.113290,12.046900)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill (5.261720,11.835900)..controls (5.218760,11.910200) and (5.203140,12.160200)..(5.238290,12.257800)\r
+ ..controls (5.250010,12.289100) and (5.371110,12.390600)..(5.507820,12.480500)\r
+ ..controls (5.644540,12.570300) and (5.796880,12.668000)..(5.847660,12.703100)\r
+ --(5.937510,12.765600)--(5.878920,12.683600)..controls (5.800790,12.578100) and (5.464850,12.285200)..(5.363290,12.230500)\r
+ ..controls (5.316410,12.210900) and (5.285170,12.136700)..(5.289070,12.070300)\r
+ ..controls (5.289070,12.003900) and (5.296890,11.906300)..(5.296880,11.855500)\r
+ ..controls (5.300790,11.777300) and (5.296890,11.773400)..(5.261720,11.835900)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill (9.097670,14.246000)..controls (9.187520,14.324200) and (9.312510,14.339800)..(9.324220,14.281300)\r
+ ..controls (9.328140,14.253900) and (9.265630,14.222700)..(9.179700,14.210900)\r
+ ..controls (9.031260,14.187500) and (9.027350,14.187500)..(9.097670,14.246000)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.133333,0.141176,0.149020));\r
+fill (2.328130,0.250000)..controls (2.300800,0.269470) and (2.292980,0.316406)..(2.308610,0.351501)\r
+ ..controls (2.324220,0.386719) and (2.339850,0.621094)..(2.339850,0.875000)\r
+ ..controls (2.339850,1.417970) and (2.363290,1.652340)..(2.511730,2.667910)\r
+ ..controls (2.546880,2.886720) and (2.542970,2.898440)..(2.324230,3.328060)\r
+ ..controls (2.187510,3.605470) and (2.085950,3.855470)..(2.050780,4.015630)\r
+ ..controls (2.019550,4.156190) and (1.976570,4.332030)..(1.953140,4.410160)\r
+ ..controls (1.816410,4.867190) and (1.792970,6.199220)..(1.910170,6.644530)\r
+ ..controls (1.957040,6.808590) and (2.000010,6.988280)..(2.011730,7.046810)\r
+ ..controls (2.039070,7.218690) and (2.113290,7.183590)..(2.292980,6.906250)\r
+ ..controls (2.582030,6.453130) and (2.679690,6.488280)..(2.421880,6.953130)\r
+ ..controls (2.269540,7.234380) and (2.105480,7.812500)..(2.109380,8.062500)\r
+ ..controls (2.113290,8.222660) and (2.335940,8.878910)..(2.507820,9.218750)\r
+ ..controls (2.570320,9.339840) and (2.632820,9.406190)..(2.699220,9.410100)\r
+ ..controls (2.789080,9.421880) and (2.812510,9.406190)..(2.925790,9.242130)\r
+ ..controls (3.113290,8.980470) and (3.175790,8.863280)..(3.113300,8.882810)\r
+ ..controls (3.085940,8.890630) and (3.019540,8.976560)..(2.964850,9.070310)\r
+ ..controls (2.785170,9.390630) and (2.699230,9.328060)..(2.453140,8.699160)\r
+ ..controls (2.144540,7.910160) and (2.179690,7.671810)..(2.734380,6.667970)\r
+ ..controls (2.937510,6.300720) and (3.078140,6.019470)..(3.058610,6.011660)\r
+ ..controls (2.976580,5.972600) and (2.445320,6.472600)..(2.300790,6.718690)\r
+ ..controls (2.281260,6.757750) and (2.234380,6.808590)..(2.195320,6.835940)\r
+ ..controls (2.136720,6.875000) and (2.121100,6.867190)..(2.093760,6.789060)\r
+ ..controls (1.968760,6.425720) and (1.925790,5.703130)..(1.988290,5.054690)\r
+ ..controls (2.011730,4.828130) and (2.035160,4.566350)..(2.039070,4.476560)\r
+ ..controls (2.046880,4.242130) and (2.492200,3.121030)..(2.574230,3.132810)\r
+ ..controls (2.593760,3.132810) and (2.609380,3.183590)..(2.609390,3.242130)\r
+ ..controls (2.613290,3.300780) and (2.671880,3.550780)..(2.746100,3.796880)\r
+ ..controls (2.820320,4.042970) and (2.886730,4.304690)..(2.894530,4.382810)\r
+ ..controls (2.906260,4.457030) and (2.929690,4.519530)..(2.945330,4.523380)\r
+ ..controls (2.984390,4.527280) and (3.144540,5.000000)..(3.121100,5.039060)\r
+ ..controls (3.113290,5.054690) and (3.160160,5.175780)..(3.226580,5.316350)\r
+ ..controls (3.593760,6.097600) and (3.773440,6.488280)..(3.921880,6.816410)\r
+ ..controls (4.230480,7.484380) and (4.597660,8.175780)..(4.882820,8.609380)\r
+ ..controls (5.210950,9.117130) and (5.472660,9.535100)..(5.714850,9.933590)\r
+ ..controls (5.812510,10.093800) and (5.941420,10.289100)..(6.000010,10.367200)\r
+ ..controls (6.062500,10.445300) and (6.121100,10.535200)..(6.136730,10.574200)\r
+ ..controls (6.160170,10.632800) and (6.386730,10.910200)..(6.527360,11.058500)\r
+ ..controls (6.558610,11.089800) and (6.648440,11.203100)..(6.726580,11.312400)\r
+ ..controls (7.015630,11.714800) and (7.171880,11.894500)..(7.210950,11.875000)\r
+ ..controls (7.257830,11.851500) and (7.269540,11.875000)..(6.917980,11.398400)\r
+ ..controls (6.289080,10.562400) and (5.925780,10.019500)..(5.351570,9.074160)\r
+ ..controls (5.253910,8.914000) and (5.070320,8.624940)..(4.937510,8.429690)\r
+ ..controls (4.781250,8.199220) and (4.722660,8.078130)..(4.769530,8.074220)\r
+ ..controls (4.945320,8.062500) and (4.890640,7.894530)..(4.402360,6.929630)\r
+ ..controls (4.117190,6.371090) and (3.832040,5.781250)..(3.765640,5.609380)\r
+ ..controls (3.703130,5.441350) and (3.593750,5.175780)..(3.531270,5.019470)\r
+ ..controls (3.414080,4.730410) and (3.335950,4.398380)..(3.339850,4.230470)\r
+ ..controls (3.343760,4.179690) and (3.320320,4.058590)..(3.292970,3.957030)\r
+ ..controls (3.261730,3.855470) and (3.222660,3.632810)..(3.207050,3.453060)\r
+ ..controls (3.183600,3.195310) and (3.191420,3.132810)..(3.250010,3.128910)\r
+ ..controls (3.289070,3.124940) and (3.335940,3.148440)..(3.359390,3.179690)\r
+ ..controls (3.378910,3.210940) and (3.492200,3.304690)..(3.605470,3.394530)\r
+ ..controls (3.718760,3.480470) and (3.832050,3.582030)..(3.855480,3.613220)\r
+ ..controls (3.878920,3.648440) and (3.968770,3.742130)..(4.058600,3.820250)\r
+ ..controls (4.367190,4.093750) and (4.542990,4.281190)..(4.734380,4.542970)\r
+ ..controls (4.839850,4.687500) and (4.960940,4.839840)..(5.007830,4.878910)\r
+ ..controls (5.109380,4.976560) and (5.503910,5.675780)..(5.511730,5.769470)\r
+ ..controls (5.511730,5.824220) and (5.468760,5.859380)..(5.253920,5.972600)\r
+ ..controls (4.953140,6.132810) and (4.964850,6.152340)..(5.292980,6.023440)\r
+ ..controls (5.417980,5.976500) and (5.554700,5.941410)..(5.593760,5.953130)\r
+ ..controls (5.761730,5.996090) and (5.730470,5.839840)..(5.492200,5.394470)\r
+ ..controls (5.351570,5.136720) and (5.183600,4.867190)..(5.117190,4.796880)\r
+ ..controls (5.054690,4.726560) and (4.933600,4.578130)..(4.855480,4.468750)\r
+ ..controls (4.773450,4.359310) and (4.671880,4.234310)..(4.628920,4.195250)\r
+ ..controls (4.582050,4.156190) and (4.496100,4.062500)..(4.433610,3.988220)\r
+ ..controls (4.371100,3.910100) and (4.250010,3.789060)..(4.164070,3.714840)\r
+ ..controls (4.078130,3.640630) and (3.960950,3.531190)..(3.902350,3.468750)\r
+ ..controls (3.847660,3.406190) and (3.785160,3.355470)..(3.761720,3.355470)\r
+ ..controls (3.742200,3.351560) and (3.644530,3.277340)..(3.550790,3.191410)\r
+ ..controls (3.457030,3.105470) and (3.332040,3.019530)..(3.269540,2.999940)\r
+ ..controls (3.179690,2.968750) and (3.148440,2.906250)..(3.109380,2.699220)\r
+ ..controls (3.085940,2.554690) and (3.074230,2.421810)..(3.085940,2.402340)\r
+ ..controls (3.093750,2.382750) and (3.101570,2.273440)..(3.097660,2.160160)\r
+ ..controls (3.093760,2.046810) and (3.109380,1.863280)..(3.128920,1.753850)\r
+ ..controls (3.199230,1.386660) and (3.187520,1.257750)..(3.078140,1.187500)\r
+ ..controls (2.917970,1.082030) and (2.613280,0.667969)..(2.519540,0.433533)\r
+ ..controls (2.433600,0.214844) and (2.406260,0.191345)..(2.328130,0.250000)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill (5.886720,6.062440)..controls (5.726570,6.074220) and (5.531260,6.101500)..(5.449220,6.128910)\r
+ ..controls (5.363290,6.152340) and (5.265630,6.171880)..(5.230480,6.167970)\r
+ ..controls (5.199220,6.164060) and (5.121110,6.179630)..(5.062510,6.207030)\r
+ ..controls (5.003920,6.230470) and (4.921880,6.234380)..(4.878920,6.218690)\r
+ ..controls (4.832040,6.203130) and (4.789070,6.207030)..(4.777350,6.230470)\r
+ ..controls (4.718760,6.332030) and (4.882830,6.328130)..(5.554690,6.199220)\r
+ ..controls (6.128910,6.093750) and (6.593760,6.265560)..(6.679700,6.617190)\r
+ ..controls (6.703130,6.710940) and (6.753920,6.871090)..(6.789080,6.972660)\r
+ ..controls (6.828130,7.070310) and (6.867190,7.222660)..(6.875010,7.308590)\r
+ ..controls (6.894550,7.468750) and (6.929690,7.648440)..(7.007820,7.996090)\r
+ ..controls (7.035160,8.109380) and (7.097660,8.257810)..(7.152350,8.328060)\r
+ ..controls (7.203130,8.394530) and (7.238290,8.464840)..(7.230470,8.484380)\r
+ ..controls (7.218760,8.503910) and (7.136730,8.499940)..(7.042970,8.476560)\r
+ ..controls (6.851580,8.433590) and (6.363290,8.519530)..(6.316410,8.601560)\r
+ ..controls (6.250000,8.718750) and (6.660160,8.886720)..(7.156260,8.949160)\r
+ ..controls (7.304690,8.968750) and (7.324230,8.992130)..(7.437510,9.273440)\r
+ ..controls (7.683610,9.882810) and (8.132820,10.656300)..(8.664070,11.378900)\r
+ ..controls (8.703130,11.433500) and (8.714850,11.488300)..(8.691410,11.500000)\r
+ ..controls (8.667980,11.511700) and (8.531260,11.476500)..(8.390630,11.418000)\r
+ ..controls (8.113290,11.304600) and (7.835940,11.273400)..(7.789080,11.355400)\r
+ ..controls (7.773450,11.378900) and (7.792970,11.418000)..(7.832050,11.437400)\r
+ ..controls (7.890620,11.468800) and (7.906260,11.460900)..(7.921880,11.406300)\r
+ ..controls (7.929700,11.367200) and (7.953130,11.335900)..(7.968750,11.339800)\r
+ ..controls (8.058610,11.347600) and (8.503920,11.554600)..(8.621100,11.640600)\r
+ ..controls (8.761730,11.746100) and (8.882830,11.781300)..(8.914080,11.722600)\r
+ ..controls (8.949230,11.660200) and (8.863290,11.347600)..(8.800790,11.300800)\r
+ ..controls (8.730480,11.246100) and (8.582040,11.066300)..(8.488290,10.910200)\r
+ ..controls (8.453140,10.855400) and (8.355470,10.707000)..(8.269540,10.578100)\r
+ ..controls (8.101580,10.332000) and (8.027350,10.199200)..(7.972660,10.050800)\r
+ ..controls (7.953140,10.000000) and (7.875010,9.851560)..(7.800790,9.722660)\r
+ ..controls (7.671880,9.500000) and (7.570320,9.277340)..(7.476570,9.007810)\r
+ ..controls (7.441420,8.910100) and (7.406260,8.894530)..(7.171890,8.859380)\r
+ ..controls (6.808600,8.804690) and (6.468760,8.660100)..(6.554700,8.597660)\r
+ ..controls (6.589840,8.570310) and (6.726570,8.578060)..(6.992210,8.617130)\r
+ ..controls (7.339860,8.667910) and (7.378920,8.667910)..(7.410160,8.613280)\r
+ ..controls (7.429700,8.578060) and (7.386740,8.456970)..(7.320320,8.339840)\r
+ ..controls (7.167980,8.085880) and (7.023450,7.664060)..(7.007820,7.429690)\r
+ ..controls (7.000010,7.335880) and (6.960950,7.156250)..(6.921880,7.027340)\r
+ ..controls (6.882830,6.894530) and (6.839850,6.738280)..(6.824220,6.671880)\r
+ ..controls (6.777350,6.429630) and (6.671880,6.277340)..(6.492190,6.187440)\r
+ ..controls (6.218750,6.050780) and (6.191420,6.042970)..(5.886720,6.062440)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill (3.980470,7.925780)..controls (3.921880,7.968750) and (3.828130,8.039000)..(3.761730,8.085880)\r
+ ..controls (3.640630,8.175780) and (3.355480,8.519530)..(3.363290,8.566410)\r
+ ..controls (3.363290,8.581970) and (3.378920,8.597660)..(3.394540,8.597660)\r
+ ..controls (3.433600,8.601560) and (3.621110,8.433590)..(3.664070,8.359380)\r
+ ..controls (3.683600,8.324220) and (3.718760,8.296880)..(3.742200,8.300780)\r
+ ..controls (3.773440,8.304690) and (3.753910,8.347660)..(3.687510,8.437500)\r
+ ..controls (3.632820,8.511720) and (3.558600,8.656250)..(3.519530,8.765630)\r
+ ..controls (3.484390,8.875000) and (3.359380,9.140630)..(3.242190,9.359380)\r
+ ..controls (3.125010,9.578130) and (3.035170,9.792970)..(3.035160,9.832030)\r
+ ..controls (3.039070,9.875000) and (3.140630,10.085900)..(3.265630,10.300800)\r
+ ..controls (3.519540,10.738300) and (3.957050,11.230400)..(4.343760,11.507800)\r
+ ..controls (4.484390,11.609400) and (4.656260,11.761700)..(4.730480,11.847600)\r
+ ..controls (4.910170,12.062500) and (4.976570,12.046900)..(5.109380,11.742200)\r
+ ..controls (5.214860,11.515600) and (5.218760,11.507800)..(5.292970,11.535200)\r
+ ..controls (5.335950,11.550800) and (5.371100,11.558500)..(5.371110,11.554600)\r
+ ..controls (5.375010,11.550800) and (5.390620,11.468800)..(5.406250,11.375000)\r
+ ..controls (5.449230,11.117200) and (5.355470,11.175800)..(5.148440,11.535200)\r
+ ..controls (4.964850,11.855500) and (4.925800,11.886700)..(4.835950,11.761700)\r
+ ..controls (4.789070,11.695300) and (4.546880,11.500000)..(4.367200,11.378900)\r
+ ..controls (4.066410,11.175800) and (3.589850,10.605400)..(3.308600,10.109300)\r
+ --(3.148440,9.824160)--(3.421880,9.234380)..controls (3.718760,8.597660) and (3.886720,8.281250)..(4.054700,8.039000)\r
+ ..controls (4.175780,7.867190) and (4.140630,7.808590)..(3.980470,7.925780)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill (3.343750,8.777340)..controls (3.320330,8.812500) and (3.324230,8.847660)..(3.343760,8.847660)\r
+ ..controls (3.367200,8.851560) and (3.402350,8.820310)..(3.425790,8.785100)\r
+ ..controls (3.445330,8.746030) and (3.445330,8.710940)..(3.421890,8.710940)\r
+ ..controls (3.402350,8.706970) and (3.363290,8.738280)..(3.343750,8.777340)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill (3.125010,9.199160)..controls (3.015630,9.453060) and (3.023450,9.539060)..(3.144550,9.402280)\r
+ ..controls (3.234390,9.296880) and (3.300790,9.046880)..(3.250010,9.000000)\r
+ ..controls (3.230470,8.980470) and (3.191420,9.035100)..(3.125010,9.199160)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill (8.507820,11.843700)..controls (8.714850,11.964800) and (8.988280,12.043000)..(9.015630,11.992200)\r
+ ..controls (9.046890,11.933500) and (8.992190,11.902300)..(8.695320,11.824200)\r
+ ..controls (8.320330,11.722600) and (8.304700,11.726500)..(8.507820,11.843700)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill (9.113290,12.046900)..controls (9.105480,12.058500) and (9.101580,12.148400)..(9.101570,12.242200)\r
+ ..controls (9.109380,12.445300) and (9.414080,12.964800)..(9.667970,13.203100)\r
+ ..controls (10.421900,13.914000) and (11.359400,14.500000)..(12.125000,14.738200)\r
+ ..controls (12.386700,14.820300) and (12.359400,14.882800)..(12.086000,14.828100)\r
+ ..controls (11.964900,14.800800) and (11.527300,14.734400)..(11.121100,14.675800)\r
+ ..controls (10.711000,14.621000) and (10.312500,14.550800)..(10.234400,14.523400)\r
+ ..controls (10.043000,14.457000) and (9.707050,14.242100)..(9.597670,14.117100)\r
+ ..controls (9.500020,13.999900) and (9.457040,13.984400)..(9.421880,14.054700)\r
+ ..controls (9.378920,14.128900) and (9.792970,14.480500)..(10.015600,14.554700)\r
+ ..controls (10.472700,14.707000) and (10.617200,14.742100)..(10.929700,14.769500)\r
+ ..controls (11.109400,14.785100) and (11.601600,14.859400)..(12.023400,14.929700)\r
+ ..controls (12.796900,15.062500) and (12.906300,15.066400)..(12.921900,14.949200)\r
+ ..controls (12.925800,14.921900) and (12.796900,14.851600)..(12.632800,14.793000)\r
+ ..controls (11.558600,14.390600) and (10.726600,13.957000)..(10.355500,13.597700)\r
+ ..controls (10.269500,13.519500) and (10.187500,13.453100)..(10.171900,13.453100)\r
+ ..controls (10.152400,13.449200) and (10.105500,13.414000)..(10.066400,13.374900)\r
+ ..controls (10.027400,13.332000) and (9.906270,13.218800)..(9.796880,13.121100)\r
+ ..controls (9.691420,13.023400) and (9.566420,12.878800)..(9.523450,12.804700)\r
+ ..controls (9.480480,12.730500) and (9.398450,12.613300)..(9.343770,12.550700)\r
+ ..controls (9.289070,12.484400) and (9.230480,12.359400)..(9.214850,12.273400)\r
+ ..controls (9.191420,12.117200) and (9.136720,12.003900)..(9.113290,12.046900)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill (5.261720,11.835900)..controls (5.218760,11.910200) and (5.203140,12.160200)..(5.238290,12.257800)\r
+ ..controls (5.250010,12.289100) and (5.371110,12.390600)..(5.507820,12.480500)\r
+ ..controls (5.644540,12.570300) and (5.796880,12.668000)..(5.847660,12.703100)\r
+ --(5.937510,12.765600)--(5.878920,12.683600)..controls (5.800790,12.578100) and (5.464850,12.285200)..(5.363290,12.230500)\r
+ ..controls (5.316410,12.210900) and (5.285170,12.136700)..(5.289070,12.070300)\r
+ ..controls (5.289070,12.003900) and (5.296890,11.906300)..(5.296880,11.855500)\r
+ ..controls (5.300790,11.777300) and (5.296890,11.773400)..(5.261720,11.835900)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill (9.097670,14.246000)..controls (9.187520,14.324200) and (9.312510,14.339800)..(9.324220,14.281300)\r
+ ..controls (9.328140,14.253900) and (9.265630,14.222700)..(9.179700,14.210900)\r
+ ..controls (9.031260,14.187500) and (9.027350,14.187500)..(9.097670,14.246000)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.768627,0.584314,0.431373));\r
+fill (2.941410,1.265560)..controls (2.996100,1.300720) and (3.011730,1.371090)..(2.988290,1.500000)\r
+ ..controls (2.972670,1.601560) and (2.960940,1.875000)..(2.964850,2.105470)\r
+ ..controls (2.968760,2.335880) and (2.964860,2.539000)..(2.953140,2.558590)\r
+ ..controls (2.945320,2.574220) and (2.949230,2.632810)..(2.960950,2.687500)\r
+ ..controls (2.972660,2.742190) and (2.992200,2.894530)..(2.996100,3.023440)\r
+ ..controls (3.031260,3.597660) and (3.046890,3.699160)..(3.203140,4.363220)\r
+ ..controls (3.222670,4.457030) and (3.253910,4.601560)..(3.273450,4.683590)\r
+ ..controls (3.355480,5.089840) and (3.769530,6.050780)..(4.273450,7.011660)\r
+ ..controls (4.566420,7.570310) and (4.695330,7.874940)..(4.667970,7.925780)\r
+ ..controls (4.664070,7.933590) and (4.554690,7.730470)..(4.425790,7.476560)\r
+ ..controls (4.296890,7.218690) and (4.121090,6.878910)..(4.039070,6.714780)\r
+ ..controls (3.652350,5.953130) and (3.218750,4.976560)..(3.171880,4.765630)\r
+ ..controls (3.152350,4.675780) and (3.101570,4.515630)..(3.062510,4.410160)\r
+ ..controls (3.023450,4.304690) and (3.000010,4.207030)..(3.007820,4.191410)\r
+ ..controls (3.027360,4.156190) and (2.890630,3.632810)..(2.804700,3.414000)\r
+ ..controls (2.765630,3.324160) and (2.730480,3.164000)..(2.722660,3.058590)\r
+ ..controls (2.710950,2.953060) and (2.675790,2.757810)..(2.636740,2.624940)\r
+ ..controls (2.519540,2.195310) and (2.449230,1.500000)..(2.511730,1.390630)\r
+ ..controls (2.527360,1.359380) and (2.609380,1.308590)..(2.687500,1.277340)\r
+ ..controls (2.859380,1.203130) and (2.839850,1.203130)..(2.941410,1.265560)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.125490,0.129412,0.149020));\r
+fill (1.968750,4.382810)..controls (1.917970,4.472660) and (1.839850,5.269470)..(1.832040,5.757810)\r
+ ..controls (1.828130,6.105470) and (1.867190,6.449220)..(1.937500,6.707030)\r
+ ..controls (1.980480,6.859380) and (2.019550,7.019530)..(2.027360,7.066410)\r
+ ..controls (2.046890,7.214780) and (2.128920,7.175720)..(2.253920,6.960940)\r
+ ..controls (2.316420,6.847600) and (2.433600,6.683530)..(2.515630,6.589840)\r
+ --(2.667980,6.421880)--(2.593760,6.597600)..controls (2.554690,6.695310) and (2.460940,6.910160)..(2.382810,7.074220)\r
+ ..controls (2.207040,7.445310) and (2.085950,8.023440)..(2.140630,8.242190)\r
+ ..controls (2.183600,8.417910) and (2.382820,8.933590)..(2.515640,9.218750)\r
+ ..controls (2.609390,9.421880) and (2.773440,9.484380)..(2.851560,9.351560)\r
+ ..controls (2.878910,9.300780) and (2.863290,9.281190)..(2.781260,9.273440)\r
+ ..controls (2.707040,9.265630) and (2.652360,9.207030)..(2.589850,9.074160)\r
+ ..controls (2.328140,8.515630) and (2.207030,8.074220)..(2.242200,7.812500)\r
+ ..controls (2.253910,7.703130) and (2.347660,7.414060)..(2.441420,7.179690)\r
+ ..controls (2.589850,6.816410) and (2.656260,6.691410)..(2.855480,6.410160)\r
+ ..controls (2.984390,6.226500) and (3.089850,6.058530)..(3.085950,6.035160)\r
+ ..controls (3.078140,5.972600) and (2.820320,6.117190)..(2.718760,6.238280)\r
+ ..controls (2.671880,6.296880) and (2.589860,6.390560)..(2.539070,6.445310)\r
+ ..controls (2.484380,6.500000) and (2.371100,6.636660)..(2.285160,6.746090)\r
+ --(2.125010,6.949220)--(2.082040,6.839780)..controls (1.933600,6.441410) and (1.894530,5.761720)..(1.976570,4.964840)\r
+ ..controls (2.027360,4.457030) and (2.023450,4.285160)..(1.968750,4.382810)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill (5.765630,6.070310)..controls (5.687510,6.078130) and (5.562510,6.105470)..(5.488290,6.132810)\r
+ ..controls (5.417980,6.160160) and (5.328130,6.175780)..(5.292970,6.175780)\r
+ ..controls (5.210950,6.167970) and (4.921890,6.250000)..(4.933610,6.273440)\r
+ ..controls (4.941420,6.285160) and (5.136730,6.261660)..(5.367200,6.222600)\r
+ ..controls (5.906260,6.125000) and (6.218760,6.148440)..(6.445320,6.296880)\r
+ ..controls (6.617200,6.410160) and (6.667970,6.496090)..(6.765630,6.835940)\r
+ ..controls (6.886730,7.273440) and (6.902360,7.335880)..(6.921880,7.535160)\r
+ ..controls (6.945320,7.796810) and (7.003920,7.984380)..(7.152350,8.265630)\r
+ ..controls (7.214850,8.386720) and (7.261730,8.496030)..(7.257820,8.507810)\r
+ ..controls (7.250010,8.519530) and (7.164070,8.507810)..(7.058600,8.484380)\r
+ ..controls (6.902350,8.449220) and (6.828130,8.453060)..(6.589850,8.511720)\r
+ --(6.304700,8.585940)--(6.363290,8.660100)..controls (6.437510,8.757810) and (6.703130,8.863280)..(7.054690,8.925780)\r
+ --(7.335950,8.976560)--(7.457040,9.265630)..controls (7.707050,9.859310) and (8.148450,10.648400)..(8.519540,11.164100)\r
+ ..controls (8.632820,11.324200) and (8.714850,11.476500)..(8.699230,11.503900)\r
+ ..controls (8.664070,11.566400) and (8.679700,11.566400)..(8.375010,11.433500)\r
+ ..controls (8.085940,11.300800) and (8.082040,11.300800)..(8.089850,11.343800)\r
+ ..controls (8.089850,11.363300) and (8.144540,11.394500)..(8.210950,11.414100)\r
+ ..controls (8.277360,11.429600) and (8.437510,11.519500)..(8.570320,11.605500)\r
+ ..controls (8.738290,11.714800) and (8.832040,11.750000)..(8.875010,11.726500)\r
+ ..controls (8.964860,11.679600) and (8.871110,11.394500)..(8.699220,11.203100)\r
+ ..controls (8.398450,10.871100) and (7.824230,9.882810)..(7.570320,9.265630)\r
+ ..controls (7.519540,9.148440) and (7.464850,9.015630)..(7.449230,8.976560)\r
+ ..controls (7.429690,8.937500) and (7.359390,8.894530)..(7.289070,8.886720)\r
+ ..controls (6.957050,8.835940) and (6.875000,8.820310)..(6.703140,8.749940)\r
+ ..controls (6.488300,8.664000) and (6.480480,8.652340)..(6.550790,8.601560)\r
+ ..controls (6.589850,8.574220) and (6.714850,8.578060)..(6.992190,8.613280)\r
+ ..controls (7.320320,8.660100) and (7.382820,8.660100)..(7.406270,8.617130)\r
+ ..controls (7.425790,8.585940) and (7.363290,8.429690)..(7.273450,8.261720)\r
+ ..controls (7.097660,7.945310) and (7.000010,7.652340)..(6.996100,7.414060)\r
+ ..controls (6.992200,7.335880) and (6.949230,7.136660)..(6.898450,6.976560)\r
+ ..controls (6.847670,6.816410) and (6.812500,6.671880)..(6.820320,6.656250)\r
+ ..controls (6.828140,6.644530) and (6.792980,6.550720)..(6.746100,6.453130)\r
+ ..controls (6.601570,6.167970) and (6.230480,6.023440)..(5.765630,6.070310)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill (4.816420,6.238280)..controls (4.804690,6.257810) and (4.812510,6.273440)..(4.835950,6.277340)\r
+ ..controls (4.855470,6.281250) and (4.878920,6.273440)..(4.882820,6.265560)\r
+ ..controls (4.886720,6.257810) and (4.878920,6.238280)..(4.863300,6.226500)\r
+ ..controls (4.847660,6.210940) and (4.828130,6.214840)..(4.816420,6.238280)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill (3.859380,8.027340)..controls (3.609390,8.218750) and (3.281270,8.628910)..(3.468760,8.515630)\r
+ ..controls (3.523450,8.480470) and (3.582040,8.425780)..(3.601570,8.394530)\r
+ ..controls (3.636730,8.331970) and (3.777360,8.253850)..(3.796890,8.289000)\r
+ ..controls (3.812500,8.324220) and (4.015630,8.109380)..(4.089850,7.980470)\r
+ ..controls (4.125010,7.914000) and (4.136730,7.859380)..(4.117200,7.859380)\r
+ ..controls (4.097660,7.855470) and (3.980480,7.933590)..(3.859380,8.027340)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill (3.644540,8.507810)..controls (3.625000,8.523440) and (3.578140,8.621030)..(3.542980,8.726560)\r
+ ..controls (3.507820,8.831970) and (3.390640,9.089840)..(3.285160,9.300780)\r
+ ..controls (3.175780,9.511720) and (3.078130,9.726560)..(3.062500,9.773440)\r
+ ..controls (3.031260,9.867130) and (3.398440,10.589800)..(3.558610,10.746100)\r
+ ..controls (3.609380,10.796900) and (3.746110,10.941300)..(3.859380,11.062400)\r
+ ..controls (3.972670,11.187400) and (4.132820,11.335900)..(4.214860,11.394500)\r
+ ..controls (4.472660,11.578100) and (4.609380,11.695300)..(4.757820,11.855500)\r
+ ..controls (4.835950,11.937500) and (4.925790,12.000000)..(4.957040,11.988300)\r
+ ..controls (5.046880,11.960900) and (5.074220,11.871100)..(4.996110,11.863300)\r
+ ..controls (4.957040,11.859400) and (4.808600,11.757800)..(4.664070,11.632800)\r
+ ..controls (4.519540,11.507800) and (4.382830,11.402300)..(4.359390,11.402300)\r
+ ..controls (4.304700,11.394500) and (4.210950,11.304600)..(3.972670,11.027300)\r
+ ..controls (3.863290,10.898400) and (3.765630,10.796900)..(3.750010,10.793000)\r
+ ..controls (3.710940,10.789100) and (3.324230,10.218800)..(3.226580,10.023400)\r
+ ..controls (3.125000,9.812500) and (3.132820,9.769530)..(3.402360,9.238220)\r
+ ..controls (3.734390,8.578060) and (3.792980,8.398440)..(3.644540,8.507810)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill (2.976580,9.054690)..controls (2.933600,9.128910) and (2.925790,9.171880)..(2.957050,9.160100)\r
+ ..controls (2.988290,9.152340) and (3.035160,9.097660)..(3.066420,9.042970)\r
+ ..controls (3.097660,8.984380) and (3.105470,8.937500)..(3.085940,8.933590)\r
+ ..controls (3.062510,8.933590) and (3.011730,8.988280)..(2.976580,9.054690)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill (3.140640,9.164000)..controls (3.121110,9.226560) and (3.082040,9.312500)..(3.058600,9.359380)\r
+ ..controls (3.031270,9.402280) and (3.031250,9.441410)..(3.050800,9.445250)\r
+ ..controls (3.093760,9.449160) and (3.242200,9.210940)..(3.250010,9.117130)\r
+ ..controls (3.265640,9.011720) and (3.179690,9.050780)..(3.140640,9.164000)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill (7.789070,11.359400)..controls (7.789070,11.378900) and (7.820320,11.398400)..(7.851580,11.402300)\r
+ ..controls (7.882830,11.402300) and (7.917980,11.390600)..(7.929700,11.371100)\r
+ ..controls (7.937510,11.351500) and (7.910170,11.332000)..(7.867190,11.328100)\r
+ ..controls (7.820320,11.324200) and (7.785160,11.335900)..(7.789070,11.359400)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill (5.246110,11.347600)..controls (5.187510,11.476500) and (5.289070,11.550800)..(5.359390,11.429600)\r
+ ..controls (5.421890,11.320300) and (5.417980,11.246100)..(5.355470,11.238300)\r
+ ..controls (5.312510,11.234400) and (5.281260,11.265600)..(5.246110,11.347600)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill (8.585950,11.851500)..controls (8.566420,11.890600) and (8.937510,12.015600)..(8.992190,11.984400)\r
+ ..controls (9.031260,11.968700) and (9.019550,11.941400)..(8.960950,11.910200)\r
+ ..controls (8.871110,11.863300) and (8.605470,11.824200)..(8.585950,11.851500)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill (5.089860,11.609400)..controls (5.082040,11.621100) and (5.082040,11.660200)..(5.085950,11.691400)\r
+ ..controls (5.093770,11.734400) and (5.105480,11.730500)..(5.140630,11.668000)\r
+ ..controls (5.164070,11.625000) and (5.167980,11.585900)..(5.144540,11.585900)\r
+ ..controls (5.121100,11.582000) and (5.097660,11.593800)..(5.089860,11.609400)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill (9.132820,12.085900)..controls (9.089850,12.164100) and (9.148450,12.496100)..(9.222660,12.582000)\r
+ ..controls (9.273450,12.644500) and (9.363290,12.777300)..(9.417980,12.878800)\r
+ ..controls (9.476570,12.980500) and (9.566410,13.097700)..(9.617200,13.132800)\r
+ ..controls (9.667980,13.167900) and (9.746100,13.238300)..(9.789070,13.289100)\r
+ ..controls (9.957040,13.476600) and (10.671900,14.015600)..(11.007800,14.203100)\r
+ ..controls (11.355500,14.398400) and (11.812500,14.609400)..(12.203100,14.761700)\r
+ ..controls (12.476600,14.867100) and (12.468800,14.925800)..(12.187500,14.871000)\r
+ ..controls (12.066400,14.847700) and (11.640600,14.781200)..(11.242200,14.726600)\r
+ ..controls (10.519500,14.621000) and (10.418000,14.605500)..(10.207000,14.535100)\r
+ ..controls (10.043000,14.484400) and (9.691420,14.257800)..(9.597670,14.140600)\r
+ ..controls (9.550790,14.085900) and (9.488300,14.046900)..(9.453130,14.054700)\r
+ ..controls (9.363280,14.066400) and (9.792980,14.472700)..(9.960950,14.531200)\r
+ ..controls (10.289100,14.644500) and (10.753900,14.750000)..(11.019500,14.777300)\r
+ ..controls (11.175800,14.793000) and (11.628900,14.863200)..(12.031300,14.929700)\r
+ ..controls (12.433600,15.000000) and (12.789100,15.050800)..(12.824200,15.043000)\r
+ ..controls (12.957000,15.015600) and (12.941400,14.925800)..(12.796900,14.871000)\r
+ ..controls (12.195300,14.640600) and (11.734400,14.445300)..(11.390600,14.269500)\r
+ ..controls (11.050800,14.097700) and (10.640600,13.863300)..(10.546900,13.781300)\r
+ ..controls (10.523400,13.757800) and (10.433600,13.683600)..(10.347700,13.609400)\r
+ ..controls (9.906260,13.242200) and (9.562510,12.910200)..(9.500010,12.785200)\r
+ ..controls (9.464850,12.710900) and (9.410160,12.648400)..(9.386730,12.644500)\r
+ ..controls (9.324230,12.640600) and (9.187510,12.335900)..(9.183600,12.191400)\r
+ ..controls (9.179690,12.089800) and (9.156250,12.043000)..(9.132820,12.085900)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill (5.273450,12.257800)..controls (5.253910,12.289100) and (5.527350,12.500000)..(5.703130,12.593700)\r
+ ..controls (5.832040,12.660200) and (5.808600,12.613300)..(5.632820,12.460900)\r
+ ..controls (5.437510,12.289100) and (5.300790,12.210900)..(5.273450,12.257800)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill (9.195310,14.238300)..controls (9.144550,14.253900) and (9.140640,14.265600)..(9.183610,14.289000)\r
+ ..controls (9.250020,14.324200) and (9.312510,14.300800)..(9.285160,14.249900)\r
+ ..controls (9.273450,14.230500) and (9.234380,14.222700)..(9.195310,14.238300)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.145098,0.141176,0.152941));\r
+fill (2.390630,3.183590)..controls (2.367200,3.222660) and (2.363290,3.265630)..(2.378910,3.277340)\r
+ ..controls (2.394550,3.292970) and (2.429690,3.265630)..(2.457040,3.214840)\r
+ ..controls (2.484380,3.164000) and (2.488290,3.124940)..(2.468770,3.121030)\r
+ ..controls (2.445330,3.121030) and (2.410160,3.148440)..(2.390630,3.183590)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill (3.714850,3.417970)..controls (3.718750,3.437500) and (3.750010,3.460940)..(3.792980,3.476560)\r
+ ..controls (3.851580,3.500000) and (3.859380,3.496030)..(3.843760,3.449160)\r
+ ..controls (3.824220,3.390630) and (3.707040,3.363280)..(3.714850,3.417970)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill (2.289070,3.437500)..controls (2.269540,3.476560) and (2.273450,3.500000)..(2.300790,3.492130)\r
+ ..controls (2.328130,3.484380) and (2.351570,3.449160)..(2.355480,3.421880)\r
+ ..controls (2.363280,3.347660) and (2.335950,3.351560)..(2.289070,3.437500)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill (3.937510,3.617130)..controls (3.941420,3.640630) and (4.019540,3.718750)..(4.109380,3.792970)\r
+ ..controls (4.203140,3.863220) and (4.312510,3.976560)..(4.351570,4.039060)\r
+ ..controls (4.425790,4.148440) and (4.515640,4.195250)..(4.507830,4.121090)\r
+ ..controls (4.500010,4.078060) and (4.062500,3.644530)..(3.980480,3.605470)\r
+ ..controls (3.949230,3.585940) and (3.933610,3.593750)..(3.937510,3.617130)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill (2.179700,3.718750)..controls (2.152350,3.765630) and (2.128920,3.835940)..(2.128920,3.878910)\r
+ ..controls (2.121100,3.945250) and (2.125000,3.941410)..(2.171890,3.863220)\r
+ ..controls (2.199220,3.816410) and (2.222670,3.742130)..(2.226570,3.703060)\r
+ ..controls (2.230480,3.636720) and (2.226580,3.636720)..(2.179700,3.718750)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill (4.667970,4.394530)..controls (4.769540,4.546880) and (5.089860,4.941350)..(5.160160,5.003910)\r
+ ..controls (5.179700,5.019470) and (5.207030,5.015630)..(5.214850,5.000000)\r
+ ..controls (5.226570,4.980410) and (5.187510,4.914060)..(5.128910,4.851560)\r
+ ..controls (5.066420,4.789060) and (4.937500,4.625000)..(4.839860,4.492190)\r
+ ..controls (4.648440,4.222660) and (4.503910,4.140630)..(4.667970,4.394530)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill (1.937500,4.589840)..controls (1.921890,4.617190) and (1.921890,4.652280)..(1.937510,4.667970)\r
+ ..controls (1.953130,4.679690) and (1.976570,4.667970)..(1.996100,4.640630)\r
+ ..controls (2.011730,4.609310) and (2.011730,4.574160)..(1.996100,4.562500)\r
+ ..controls (1.980480,4.546880) and (1.953130,4.558590)..(1.937500,4.589840)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill (5.242200,5.097660)..controls (5.253910,5.210940) and (5.492190,5.625000)..(5.535160,5.601500)\r
+ ..controls (5.566410,5.585940) and (5.292970,5.039060)..(5.250010,5.035160)\r
+ ..controls (5.242200,5.031250) and (5.238290,5.062440)..(5.242200,5.097660)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill (1.910160,4.867190)..controls (1.890630,4.898380) and (1.886730,4.953130)..(1.898450,4.996090)\r
+ ..controls (1.925790,5.089840) and (1.960940,5.027280)..(1.949230,4.906250)\r
+ ..controls (1.945320,4.847660) and (1.929690,4.832030)..(1.910160,4.867190)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill (1.894550,5.156250)..controls (1.882820,5.207030) and (1.878910,5.261720)..(1.890630,5.281250)\r
+ ..controls (1.917980,5.339840) and (1.941410,5.265630)..(1.929700,5.160160)\r
+ --(1.917980,5.066350)--cycle;\r
+fill (5.558600,5.703130)..controls (5.554700,5.746090) and (5.531270,5.812440)..(5.507820,5.855410)\r
+ ..controls (5.472670,5.914060) and (5.484380,5.933530)..(5.554700,5.941410)\r
+ ..controls (5.726570,5.957030) and (5.750010,5.898440)..(5.632830,5.730410)\r
+ ..controls (5.574230,5.644470) and (5.566420,5.640560)..(5.558600,5.703130)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill (1.855470,5.648380)..controls (1.839850,5.750000) and (1.859390,6.031250)..(1.878920,6.023440)\r
+ ..controls (1.917980,6.000000) and (1.925800,5.812440)..(1.890630,5.710940)\r
+ ..controls (1.871100,5.656250) and (1.855480,5.628910)..(1.855470,5.648380)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill (5.875010,6.078130)..controls (5.769540,6.082030) and (5.636730,6.101500)..(5.578140,6.121090)\r
+ ..controls (5.480480,6.156250) and (5.484390,6.156250)..(5.605480,6.148440)\r
+ ..controls (5.679700,6.140560) and (5.855480,6.140560)..(5.996100,6.140560)\r
+ ..controls (6.226580,6.144470) and (6.273450,6.160160)..(6.445320,6.281250)\r
+ ..controls (6.550790,6.355470) and (6.667970,6.476500)..(6.699230,6.550720)\r
+ ..controls (6.777350,6.738280) and (6.800790,6.679630)..(6.730480,6.472600)\r
+ ..controls (6.683600,6.347600) and (6.621100,6.281250)..(6.453130,6.195310)\r
+ ..controls (6.226570,6.074220) and (6.199230,6.070310)..(5.875010,6.078130)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill (5.183610,6.203130)..controls (5.039070,6.230470) and (5.035160,6.253910)..(5.171880,6.246090)\r
+ ..controls (5.230480,6.242190) and (5.289070,6.222600)..(5.296880,6.207030)\r
+ ..controls (5.308610,6.191410) and (5.308600,6.175780)..(5.304690,6.175780)\r
+ ..controls (5.296890,6.179630) and (5.242190,6.187500)..(5.183610,6.203130)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill (2.886720,6.109380)..controls (2.761730,6.195310) and (2.644550,6.363280)..(2.710940,6.371090)\r
+ ..controls (2.730470,6.371090) and (2.710940,6.441410)..(2.664070,6.523440)\r
+ ..controls (2.519550,6.765630) and (2.218760,7.457030)..(2.226570,7.527340)\r
+ ..controls (2.234380,7.574220) and (2.269540,7.515630)..(2.351560,7.328130)\r
+ ..controls (2.417990,7.179690) and (2.601560,6.832030)..(2.765640,6.550720)\r
+ ..controls (2.929690,6.269470) and (3.050790,6.035160)..(3.035160,6.035160)\r
+ ..controls (3.019540,6.035160) and (2.953130,6.070310)..(2.886720,6.109380)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill (1.875010,6.203130)..controls (1.847670,6.250000) and (1.898450,6.570310)..(1.945320,6.609380)\r
+ ..controls (1.960950,6.628910) and (1.972660,6.578130)..(1.964840,6.500000)\r
+ ..controls (1.953130,6.312500) and (1.902360,6.156250)..(1.875010,6.203130)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill (6.785170,6.847600)..controls (6.789070,6.890630) and (6.808600,6.953130)..(6.832040,6.980470)\r
+ ..controls (6.867200,7.031250) and (6.871110,7.031250)..(6.867200,6.960940)\r
+ ..controls (6.867200,6.917970) and (6.847670,6.859380)..(6.824230,6.828130)\r
+ ..controls (6.785170,6.777340) and (6.781260,6.781250)..(6.785170,6.847600)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill (2.519530,6.500000)..controls (2.492200,6.546880) and (2.488290,6.566410)..(2.515630,6.542970)\r
+ ..controls (2.539070,6.519530) and (2.562510,6.480470)..(2.562510,6.457030)\r
+ ..controls (2.566420,6.433530) and (2.546880,6.449220)..(2.519530,6.500000)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill (1.980480,6.691410)..controls (1.968760,6.714780) and (1.972660,6.781250)..(1.992200,6.839780)\r
+ ..controls (2.011730,6.898440) and (2.039070,6.996090)..(2.046890,7.054630)\r
+ ..controls (2.070320,7.203130) and (2.171880,7.144530)..(2.218760,6.960940)\r
+ ..controls (2.238300,6.882750) and (2.238300,6.847600)..(2.214860,6.882750)\r
+ ..controls (2.179700,6.941410) and (2.039070,6.960940)..(2.070320,6.906250)\r
+ ..controls (2.097670,6.859380) and (2.007820,6.648440)..(1.980480,6.691410)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill (6.886730,7.140630)..controls (6.882820,7.148440) and (6.894540,7.210880)..(6.917970,7.281250)\r
+ ..controls (6.957040,7.417910) and (6.960950,7.410160)..(6.960950,7.238280)\r
+ ..controls (6.957040,7.156250) and (6.910170,7.093690)..(6.886730,7.140630)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill (6.957040,7.679690)..controls (6.960950,7.722660) and (6.976570,7.769530)..(6.992190,7.785160)\r
+ ..controls (7.015640,7.804690) and (7.023450,7.789060)..(7.019540,7.734380)\r
+ ..controls (7.015630,7.695310) and (7.000000,7.648440)..(6.984390,7.632750)\r
+ ..controls (6.960940,7.613280) and (6.957040,7.624940)..(6.957040,7.679690)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill (7.046880,7.906250)..controls (7.015640,7.964780) and (7.085950,8.175780)..(7.179700,8.308590)\r
+ ..controls (7.238290,8.390630) and (7.273440,8.476560)..(7.250010,8.496030)\r
+ ..controls (7.226560,8.523440) and (7.132810,8.523440)..(6.976570,8.499940)\r
+ ..controls (6.636730,8.453060) and (6.597660,8.519530)..(6.933600,8.578060)\r
+ ..controls (7.085940,8.601560) and (7.246100,8.632810)..(7.281260,8.640630)\r
+ ..controls (7.429700,8.679690) and (7.417980,8.574220)..(7.242200,8.238280)\r
+ ..controls (7.140640,8.046810) and (7.050790,7.898440)..(7.046880,7.906250)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill (3.957040,7.964780)..controls (3.902350,8.003850) and (3.804690,8.074220)..(3.738300,8.124940)\r
+ ..controls (3.609390,8.218750) and (3.441410,8.476560)..(3.531260,8.445310)\r
+ ..controls (3.558600,8.437500) and (3.597670,8.398440)..(3.617190,8.363280)\r
+ ..controls (3.636730,8.328060) and (3.714860,8.273440)..(3.785160,8.242190)\r
+ ..controls (3.871110,8.206970) and (3.957040,8.140630)..(4.027360,8.042910)\r
+ ..controls (4.148450,7.882810) and (4.117200,7.847660)..(3.957040,7.964780)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill (2.144530,7.949220)..controls (2.128920,8.007810) and (2.125010,8.105470)..(2.136720,8.167910)\r
+ ..controls (2.167980,8.308590) and (2.398450,8.882810)..(2.433590,8.902340)\r
+ ..controls (2.492190,8.937500) and (2.476570,8.859380)..(2.363290,8.542910)\r
+ ..controls (2.292970,8.363280) and (2.226570,8.128850)..(2.207030,8.027340)\r
+ ..controls (2.179690,7.867190) and (2.171880,7.855470)..(2.144530,7.949220)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill (6.476560,8.558590)..controls (6.417970,8.570310) and (6.359390,8.597660)..(6.351580,8.617130)\r
+ ..controls (6.328130,8.656250) and (6.660160,8.831970)..(6.781260,8.843750)\r
+ ..controls (6.906250,8.855470) and (6.863290,8.812500)..(6.687510,8.757810)\r
+ ..controls (6.492190,8.691410) and (6.449220,8.636720)..(6.546890,8.578060)\r
+ ..controls (6.628920,8.527340) and (6.625010,8.527340)..(6.476560,8.558590)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill (3.640630,8.566410)..controls (3.621110,8.605470) and (3.589850,8.683590)..(3.574230,8.742130)\r
+ ..controls (3.546890,8.839840) and (3.550790,8.839840)..(3.593760,8.761720)\r
+ ..controls (3.621100,8.714840) and (3.652350,8.636720)..(3.660170,8.585940)\r
+ ..controls (3.675790,8.515630) and (3.671880,8.511720)..(3.640630,8.566410)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill (7.109380,8.914000)..controls (7.160170,8.941410) and (7.207040,8.945310)..(7.250000,8.925780)\r
+ ..controls (7.292970,8.902340) and (7.265630,8.890630)..(7.171890,8.882810)\r
+ ..controls (7.039080,8.871030) and (7.035170,8.875000)..(7.109380,8.914000)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill (7.394530,9.062500)..controls (7.417980,9.136720) and (7.453140,9.199160)..(7.472660,9.203060)\r
+ ..controls (7.523450,9.207030) and (7.449230,8.968750)..(7.394540,8.945310)\r
+ ..controls (7.367190,8.933590) and (7.367190,8.984380)..(7.394530,9.062500)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill (3.453120,8.984380)..controls (3.425790,9.011720) and (3.406250,9.062500)..(3.410170,9.101560)\r
+ ..controls (3.414070,9.156190) and (3.425790,9.152340)..(3.480480,9.054690)\r
+ ..controls (3.550790,8.933590) and (3.539080,8.906190)..(3.453120,8.984380)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill (7.550790,9.410100)..controls (7.578130,9.464840) and (7.609380,9.500000)..(7.625020,9.492130)\r
+ ..controls (7.667980,9.472660) and (7.597670,9.324160)..(7.546890,9.320250)\r
+ ..controls (7.523440,9.316410) and (7.527350,9.359380)..(7.550790,9.410100)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill (2.984390,9.035100)..controls (2.949230,9.101560) and (2.953130,9.109380)..(3.011730,9.082030)\r
+ ..controls (3.066420,9.054690) and (3.078140,9.035100)..(3.058610,9.000000)\r
+ ..controls (3.039070,8.960940) and (3.023440,8.968750)..(2.984390,9.035100)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill (2.449220,9.015630)..controls (2.414070,9.074160) and (2.652350,9.410100)..(2.722670,9.406190)\r
+ ..controls (2.851560,9.398440) and (2.882830,9.320250)..(2.765640,9.285100)\r
+ ..controls (2.707040,9.265630) and (2.621090,9.191410)..(2.582040,9.121030)\r
+ ..controls (2.507820,8.988280) and (2.476570,8.964840)..(2.449220,9.015630)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill (3.136720,9.222660)..controls (3.089850,9.300780) and (3.066420,9.378910)..(3.082040,9.394530)\r
+ ..controls (3.117200,9.425780) and (3.242200,9.207030)..(3.226570,9.132810)\r
+ ..controls (3.222670,9.089840) and (3.195330,9.113220)..(3.136720,9.222660)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill (7.609390,9.609310)..controls (7.585960,9.652280) and (7.683600,9.808590)..(7.734370,9.812500)\r
+ ..controls (7.757830,9.816350) and (7.792980,9.871090)..(7.816420,9.941350)\r
+ ..controls (7.867190,10.121100) and (8.238290,10.730400)..(8.671890,11.359400)\r
+ ..controls (8.734380,11.453100) and (8.742190,11.500000)..(8.695320,11.550800)\r
+ ..controls (8.648450,11.601500) and (8.652350,11.632800)..(8.722670,11.683500)\r
+ ..controls (8.773460,11.722600) and (8.828140,11.734400)..(8.855480,11.714800)\r
+ ..controls (8.917970,11.671900) and (8.863290,11.398400)..(8.773450,11.316400)\r
+ ..controls (8.652350,11.203100) and (8.144540,10.468800)..(8.035170,10.253900)\r
+ ..controls (7.789070,9.742130) and (7.648450,9.539060)..(7.609390,9.609310)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill (3.242200,9.406190)..controls (3.226570,9.437500) and (3.230480,9.460940)..(3.253910,9.464840)\r
+ ..controls (3.273440,9.464840) and (3.300790,9.453060)..(3.312510,9.433590)\r
+ ..controls (3.320320,9.417970) and (3.316420,9.390630)..(3.300790,9.375000)\r
+ ..controls (3.285160,9.363220) and (3.257820,9.375000)..(3.242200,9.406190)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill (3.101570,9.660100)..controls (3.082040,9.695250) and (3.070330,9.746090)..(3.074230,9.777280)\r
+ ..controls (3.082040,9.820250) and (3.101570,9.804690)..(3.148440,9.718750)\r
+ ..controls (3.183610,9.656190) and (3.195310,9.605470)..(3.175790,9.601560)\r
+ ..controls (3.152350,9.601560) and (3.117200,9.625000)..(3.101570,9.660100)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill (3.167980,9.988220)..controls (3.136730,10.043000) and (3.179690,10.175800)..(3.222670,10.152300)\r
+ ..controls (3.242190,10.144500) and (3.242190,10.093800)..(3.222670,10.043000)\r
+ ..controls (3.207040,9.992190) and (3.179690,9.968750)..(3.167980,9.988220)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill (3.304700,10.343800)..controls (3.304690,10.386700) and (3.355470,10.464800)..(3.410170,10.519500)\r
+ ..controls (3.468760,10.570300) and (3.523450,10.644500)..(3.535170,10.675800)\r
+ ..controls (3.550790,10.710900) and (3.578130,10.742200)..(3.597660,10.742200)\r
+ ..controls (3.660160,10.750000) and (3.617200,10.664100)..(3.449230,10.453100)\r
+ ..controls (3.347670,10.324200) and (3.300790,10.289100)..(3.304700,10.343800)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill (3.746100,10.890600)..controls (3.851560,11.054700) and (4.054690,11.273400)..(4.089850,11.253900)\r
+ ..controls (4.121100,11.238300) and (3.910170,10.980400)..(3.761730,10.851500)\r
+ --(3.675790,10.777300)--cycle;\r
+fill (5.300790,11.269500)..controls (5.242200,11.312400) and (5.214850,11.445300)..(5.265640,11.449200)\r
+ ..controls (5.316410,11.453100) and (5.406260,11.289100)..(5.371090,11.261700)\r
+ ..controls (5.359380,11.246100) and (5.324220,11.250000)..(5.300790,11.269500)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill (6.878920,11.472600)..controls (6.917980,11.527300) and (6.968760,11.570300)..(6.992200,11.574200)\r
+ ..controls (7.011730,11.574200) and (6.996100,11.535200)..(6.957040,11.480400)\r
+ ..controls (6.917980,11.425800) and (6.867190,11.382800)..(6.847670,11.378900)\r
+ ..controls (6.824230,11.378900) and (6.839850,11.418000)..(6.878920,11.472600)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill (4.414080,11.515600)..controls (4.464860,11.562400) and (4.519550,11.597600)..(4.535170,11.601500)\r
+ ..controls (4.589850,11.605500) and (4.441410,11.445300)..(4.378920,11.441400)\r
+ ..controls (4.347670,11.437400) and (4.363300,11.472600)..(4.414080,11.515600)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill (8.757820,11.890600)..controls (8.738290,11.902300) and (8.757820,11.925700)..(8.800790,11.945300)\r
+ ..controls (8.914070,11.984400) and (8.984390,11.988300)..(8.980470,11.949200)\r
+ ..controls (8.972670,11.906300) and (8.796880,11.859400)..(8.757820,11.890600)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill (4.738290,11.816400)..controls (4.824220,11.949200) and (4.949230,12.007800)..(4.988290,11.937500)\r
+ ..controls (5.003920,11.910200) and (4.871110,11.808500)..(4.679690,11.695300)\r
+ ..controls (4.664070,11.683500) and (4.691420,11.738300)..(4.738290,11.816400)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill (9.167970,12.398400)..controls (9.160170,12.414100) and (9.175790,12.468700)..(9.207040,12.519500)\r
+ ..controls (9.238290,12.566400) and (9.269550,12.597700)..(9.277350,12.582000)\r
+ ..controls (9.285170,12.566400) and (9.269540,12.511700)..(9.238290,12.460900)\r
+ ..controls (9.207040,12.414100) and (9.175790,12.386700)..(9.167970,12.398400)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill (9.402360,12.816400)..controls (9.492200,13.007800) and (9.765640,13.265600)..(10.429700,13.796900)\r
+ ..controls (10.789100,14.085900) and (11.566400,14.511700)..(12.011700,14.668000)\r
+ ..controls (12.402400,14.800800) and (12.484400,14.843800)..(12.453100,14.898400)\r
+ ..controls (12.394500,15.000000) and (12.773400,15.105500)..(12.867200,15.011700)\r
+ ..controls (12.925800,14.957000) and (12.894500,14.882800)..(12.800800,14.875000)\r
+ ..controls (12.765600,14.871000) and (12.605500,14.812500)..(12.449200,14.746000)\r
+ ..controls (12.293000,14.679700) and (12.039100,14.578100)..(11.886700,14.515600)\r
+ ..controls (11.445300,14.335900) and (11.093800,14.160100)..(10.878900,14.011700)\r
+ ..controls (10.773400,13.937500) and (10.644500,13.859400)..(10.601600,13.839800)\r
+ ..controls (10.554700,13.820300) and (10.460900,13.742200)..(10.390600,13.667900)\r
+ ..controls (10.320300,13.593800) and (10.246100,13.531300)..(10.230500,13.531300)\r
+ ..controls (10.210900,13.527300) and (10.140600,13.476600)..(10.074200,13.414000)\r
+ ..controls (9.597670,12.964800) and (9.496100,12.859400)..(9.484380,12.777300)\r
+ ..controls (9.476570,12.730500) and (9.437500,12.687500)..(9.398450,12.683600)\r
+ ..controls (9.351580,12.679700) and (9.351570,12.710900)..(9.402360,12.816400)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill (5.437510,12.382800)..controls (5.437510,12.402300) and (5.457040,12.421800)..(5.480480,12.421800)\r
+ ..controls (5.503920,12.425700) and (5.519530,12.410200)..(5.515640,12.390600)\r
+ ..controls (5.511730,12.371100) and (5.492190,12.351600)..(5.468760,12.347600)\r
+ ..controls (5.449230,12.347600) and (5.433600,12.363300)..(5.437510,12.382800)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill (9.449220,14.074200)..controls (9.441410,14.089800) and (9.468760,14.124900)..(9.511730,14.152300)\r
+ ..controls (9.554690,14.179700) and (9.593760,14.195300)..(9.597660,14.191400)\r
+ ..controls (9.601580,14.183600) and (9.574220,14.148400)..(9.535160,14.109400)\r
+ ..controls (9.500000,14.074200) and (9.460950,14.058600)..(9.449220,14.074200)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill (9.742190,14.378900)..controls (9.816410,14.468800) and (9.957030,14.527300)..(9.984380,14.480500)\r
+ ..controls (9.996100,14.457000) and (9.847660,14.351600)..(9.742190,14.308600)\r
+ ..controls (9.667970,14.281300) and (9.667980,14.289000)..(9.742190,14.378900)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill (10.457000,14.652300)..controls (10.492200,14.671900) and (10.546900,14.691400)..(10.582000,14.695300)\r
+ ..controls (10.617200,14.699200) and (10.617200,14.687500)..(10.578100,14.664000)\r
+ ..controls (10.543000,14.644500) and (10.488300,14.625000)..(10.453100,14.621000)\r
+ ..controls (10.418000,14.617100) and (10.418000,14.628900)..(10.457000,14.652300)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill (10.718800,14.714800)..controls (10.722700,14.734400) and (10.894500,14.765600)..(11.105500,14.785100)\r
+ ..controls (11.347700,14.808600) and (11.484400,14.808600)..(11.480500,14.785100)\r
+ ..controls (11.480500,14.765600) and (11.304700,14.730500)..(11.093800,14.710900)\r
+ ..controls (10.851600,14.687500) and (10.714900,14.691400)..(10.718800,14.714800)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill (11.539100,14.812500)..controls (11.546900,14.824200) and (11.707000,14.855500)..(11.898400,14.878900)\r
+ ..controls (12.125000,14.910100) and (12.211000,14.910100)..(12.144500,14.886700)\r
+ ..controls (12.023500,14.839800) and (11.523400,14.777300)..(11.539100,14.812500)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.133333,0.160784,0.141176));\r
+fill (2.339860,0.269470)..controls (2.335940,0.277344) and (2.339850,0.421875)..(2.351570,0.585938)\r
+ ..controls (2.363290,0.750000) and (2.371100,0.894531)..(2.363290,0.902344)\r
+ ..controls (2.343760,0.937500) and (2.351570,1.261660)..(2.371100,1.320310)\r
+ ..controls (2.390630,1.375000) and (2.410160,1.375000)..(2.570320,1.296810)\r
+ ..controls (2.964850,1.101560) and (3.066420,1.175720)..(3.015640,1.613280)\r
+ ..controls (2.964850,2.046810) and (3.050800,2.097660)..(3.117200,1.675720)\r
+ ..controls (3.164070,1.363280) and (3.156260,1.296810)..(3.062510,1.214780)\r
+ ..controls (2.800790,0.996094) and (2.402350,0.386719)..(2.453130,0.292969)\r
+ ..controls (2.464850,0.277344) and (2.445320,0.261719)..(2.410160,0.257813)\r
+ ..controls (2.378910,0.253906) and (2.347670,0.257813)..(2.339860,0.269470)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill (3.003920,2.019530)..controls (2.980470,2.058590) and (3.000000,2.324220)..(3.027350,2.347660)\r
+ ..controls (3.074230,2.390630) and (3.082040,2.343750)..(3.066420,2.167910)\r
+ ..controls (3.046890,2.015630) and (3.031260,1.972660)..(3.003920,2.019530)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill (3.003910,2.542910)..controls (2.996100,2.562500) and (2.996100,2.667910)..(3.007820,2.781250)\r
+ ..controls (3.019540,2.894530) and (3.039070,3.109380)..(3.046880,3.253910)\r
+ ..controls (3.078140,3.671880) and (3.277350,4.628910)..(3.335940,4.632810)\r
+ ..controls (3.347660,4.632810) and (3.347670,4.582030)..(3.339850,4.515630)\r
+ ..controls (3.328130,4.449160) and (3.316410,4.343750)..(3.312520,4.281190)\r
+ ..controls (3.308590,4.222660) and (3.277360,4.097660)..(3.250010,4.007810)\r
+ ..controls (3.156260,3.738220) and (3.125000,3.140630)..(3.199230,3.066410)\r
+ ..controls (3.230490,3.039000) and (3.226570,3.007810)..(3.187500,2.992190)\r
+ ..controls (3.152350,2.976560) and (3.113290,2.871030)..(3.097670,2.757810)\r
+ ..controls (3.070320,2.554690) and (3.039070,2.480470)..(3.003910,2.542910)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill (2.546890,2.683590)..controls (2.535160,2.703060) and (2.542970,2.734380)..(2.562500,2.761720)\r
+ ..controls (2.582050,2.789000) and (2.582040,2.855470)..(2.566420,2.910100)\r
+ ..controls (2.539070,3.003910) and (2.644540,3.183590)..(2.683600,3.113280)\r
+ ..controls (2.703140,3.078060) and (2.609380,2.660160)..(2.578130,2.656250)\r
+ ..controls (2.570310,2.656250) and (2.554700,2.667910)..(2.546890,2.683590)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill (2.390630,3.183590)..controls (2.367200,3.222660) and (2.363290,3.265630)..(2.378910,3.277340)\r
+ ..controls (2.394550,3.292970) and (2.429690,3.265630)..(2.457040,3.214840)\r
+ ..controls (2.484380,3.164000) and (2.488290,3.124940)..(2.468770,3.121030)\r
+ ..controls (2.445330,3.121030) and (2.410160,3.148440)..(2.390630,3.183590)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill (2.652360,3.246030)..controls (2.640630,3.265630) and (2.675790,3.417970)..(2.722660,3.585940)\r
+ ..controls (2.773450,3.753910) and (2.843760,4.027280)..(2.882820,4.191410)\r
+ ..controls (2.917980,4.359310) and (2.972670,4.511720)..(3.003920,4.539060)\r
+ ..controls (3.042980,4.570250) and (3.046890,4.527280)..(3.015640,4.398380)\r
+ ..controls (2.992200,4.296880) and (2.968750,4.187500)..(2.964850,4.152280)\r
+ ..controls (2.917970,3.816410) and (2.695320,3.171880)..(2.652360,3.246030)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill (3.714850,3.417970)..controls (3.718750,3.437500) and (3.750010,3.460940)..(3.792980,3.476560)\r
+ ..controls (3.851580,3.500000) and (3.859380,3.496030)..(3.843760,3.449160)\r
+ ..controls (3.824220,3.390630) and (3.707040,3.363280)..(3.714850,3.417970)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill (2.289070,3.437500)..controls (2.269540,3.476560) and (2.273450,3.500000)..(2.300790,3.492130)\r
+ ..controls (2.328130,3.484380) and (2.351570,3.449160)..(2.355480,3.421880)\r
+ ..controls (2.363280,3.347660) and (2.335950,3.351560)..(2.289070,3.437500)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill (3.937510,3.617130)..controls (3.941420,3.640630) and (4.019540,3.718750)..(4.109380,3.792970)\r
+ ..controls (4.203140,3.863220) and (4.312510,3.976560)..(4.351570,4.039060)\r
+ ..controls (4.425790,4.148440) and (4.515640,4.195250)..(4.507830,4.121090)\r
+ ..controls (4.500010,4.078060) and (4.062500,3.644530)..(3.980480,3.605470)\r
+ ..controls (3.949230,3.585940) and (3.933610,3.593750)..(3.937510,3.617130)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill (2.179700,3.718750)..controls (2.152350,3.765630) and (2.128920,3.835940)..(2.128920,3.878910)\r
+ ..controls (2.121100,3.945250) and (2.125000,3.941410)..(2.171890,3.863220)\r
+ ..controls (2.199220,3.816410) and (2.222670,3.742130)..(2.226570,3.703060)\r
+ ..controls (2.230480,3.636720) and (2.226580,3.636720)..(2.179700,3.718750)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill (4.667970,4.394530)..controls (4.769540,4.546880) and (5.089860,4.941350)..(5.160160,5.003910)\r
+ ..controls (5.179700,5.019470) and (5.207030,5.015630)..(5.214850,5.000000)\r
+ ..controls (5.226570,4.980410) and (5.187510,4.914060)..(5.128910,4.851560)\r
+ ..controls (5.066420,4.789060) and (4.937500,4.625000)..(4.839860,4.492190)\r
+ ..controls (4.648440,4.222660) and (4.503910,4.140630)..(4.667970,4.394530)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill (1.937500,4.589840)..controls (1.921890,4.617190) and (1.921890,4.652280)..(1.937510,4.667970)\r
+ ..controls (1.953130,4.679690) and (1.976570,4.667970)..(1.996100,4.640630)\r
+ ..controls (2.011730,4.609310) and (2.011730,4.574160)..(1.996100,4.562500)\r
+ ..controls (1.980480,4.546880) and (1.953130,4.558590)..(1.937500,4.589840)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill (3.335950,4.710940)..controls (3.335950,4.914060) and (4.003910,6.429630)..(4.500010,7.363280)\r
+ ..controls (4.605480,7.554690) and (4.699220,7.773440)..(4.710950,7.851560)\r
+ ..controls (4.738280,7.992190) and (4.800790,8.062500)..(4.839850,7.996090)\r
+ ..controls (4.875010,7.929690) and (4.746110,7.632750)..(4.308600,6.796810)\r
+ ..controls (4.078140,6.351500) and (3.843750,5.867190)..(3.785170,5.718750)\r
+ ..controls (3.683590,5.464840) and (3.515630,5.070250)..(3.390630,4.785160)\r
+ ..controls (3.359380,4.710940) and (3.335940,4.679690)..(3.335950,4.710940)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill (3.101570,4.847660)..controls (3.097660,4.855410) and (3.105470,4.875000)..(3.121100,4.886720)\r
+ ..controls (3.136740,4.902280) and (3.160170,4.898380)..(3.171880,4.875000)\r
+ ..controls (3.183600,4.855410) and (3.175790,4.835940)..(3.152350,4.835940)\r
+ ..controls (3.128910,4.832030) and (3.109380,4.839840)..(3.101570,4.847660)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill (5.242200,5.097660)..controls (5.253910,5.210940) and (5.492190,5.625000)..(5.535160,5.601500)\r
+ ..controls (5.566410,5.585940) and (5.292970,5.039060)..(5.250010,5.035160)\r
+ ..controls (5.242200,5.031250) and (5.238290,5.062440)..(5.242200,5.097660)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill (1.910160,4.867190)..controls (1.890630,4.898380) and (1.886730,4.953130)..(1.898450,4.996090)\r
+ ..controls (1.925790,5.089840) and (1.960940,5.027280)..(1.949230,4.906250)\r
+ ..controls (1.945320,4.847660) and (1.929690,4.832030)..(1.910160,4.867190)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill (3.140640,5.085940)..controls (3.128920,5.101500) and (3.144540,5.128910)..(3.171890,5.144470)\r
+ ..controls (3.203140,5.160160) and (3.226580,5.156250)..(3.230470,5.128910)\r
+ ..controls (3.238290,5.074220) and (3.164070,5.039060)..(3.140640,5.085940)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill (1.894550,5.156250)..controls (1.882820,5.207030) and (1.878910,5.261720)..(1.890630,5.281250)\r
+ ..controls (1.917980,5.339840) and (1.941410,5.265630)..(1.929700,5.160160)\r
+ --(1.917980,5.066350)--cycle;\r
+fill (3.250000,5.257810)..controls (3.234380,5.289060) and (3.382830,5.562440)..(3.410170,5.546880)\r
+ ..controls (3.425790,5.539060) and (3.406260,5.468750)..(3.363290,5.390630)\r
+ ..controls (3.296880,5.265630) and (3.269540,5.230410)..(3.250000,5.257810)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill (5.558600,5.703130)..controls (5.554700,5.746090) and (5.531270,5.812440)..(5.507820,5.855410)\r
+ ..controls (5.472670,5.914060) and (5.484380,5.933530)..(5.554700,5.941410)\r
+ ..controls (5.726570,5.957030) and (5.750010,5.898440)..(5.632830,5.730410)\r
+ ..controls (5.574230,5.644470) and (5.566420,5.640560)..(5.558600,5.703130)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill (3.414070,5.628910)..controls (3.421880,5.660160) and (3.527340,5.878910)..(3.644530,6.109380)\r
+ ..controls (3.765640,6.343690) and (3.824230,6.429630)..(3.773440,6.304630)\r
+ ..controls (3.691410,6.093750) and (3.375010,5.503910)..(3.414070,5.628910)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill (1.855470,5.648380)..controls (1.839850,5.750000) and (1.859390,6.031250)..(1.878920,6.023440)\r
+ ..controls (1.917980,6.000000) and (1.925800,5.812440)..(1.890630,5.710940)\r
+ ..controls (1.871100,5.656250) and (1.855480,5.628910)..(1.855470,5.648380)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill (5.875010,6.078130)..controls (5.769540,6.082030) and (5.636730,6.101500)..(5.578140,6.121090)\r
+ ..controls (5.480480,6.156250) and (5.484390,6.156250)..(5.605480,6.148440)\r
+ ..controls (5.679700,6.140560) and (5.855480,6.140560)..(5.996100,6.140560)\r
+ ..controls (6.226580,6.144470) and (6.273450,6.160160)..(6.445320,6.281250)\r
+ ..controls (6.550790,6.355470) and (6.667970,6.476500)..(6.699230,6.550720)\r
+ ..controls (6.777350,6.738280) and (6.800790,6.679630)..(6.730480,6.472600)\r
+ ..controls (6.683600,6.347600) and (6.621100,6.281250)..(6.453130,6.195310)\r
+ ..controls (6.226570,6.074220) and (6.199230,6.070310)..(5.875010,6.078130)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill (5.183610,6.203130)..controls (5.039070,6.230470) and (5.035160,6.253910)..(5.171880,6.246090)\r
+ ..controls (5.230480,6.242190) and (5.289070,6.222600)..(5.296880,6.207030)\r
+ ..controls (5.308610,6.191410) and (5.308600,6.175780)..(5.304690,6.175780)\r
+ ..controls (5.296890,6.179630) and (5.242190,6.187500)..(5.183610,6.203130)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill (2.886720,6.109380)..controls (2.761730,6.195310) and (2.644550,6.363280)..(2.710940,6.371090)\r
+ ..controls (2.730470,6.371090) and (2.710940,6.441410)..(2.664070,6.523440)\r
+ ..controls (2.519550,6.765630) and (2.218760,7.457030)..(2.226570,7.527340)\r
+ ..controls (2.234380,7.574220) and (2.269540,7.515630)..(2.351560,7.328130)\r
+ ..controls (2.417990,7.179690) and (2.601560,6.832030)..(2.765640,6.550720)\r
+ ..controls (2.929690,6.269470) and (3.050790,6.035160)..(3.035160,6.035160)\r
+ ..controls (3.019540,6.035160) and (2.953130,6.070310)..(2.886720,6.109380)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill (1.875010,6.203130)..controls (1.847670,6.250000) and (1.898450,6.570310)..(1.945320,6.609380)\r
+ ..controls (1.960950,6.628910) and (1.972660,6.578130)..(1.964840,6.500000)\r
+ ..controls (1.953130,6.312500) and (1.902360,6.156250)..(1.875010,6.203130)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill (6.785170,6.847600)..controls (6.789070,6.890630) and (6.808600,6.953130)..(6.832040,6.980470)\r
+ ..controls (6.867200,7.031250) and (6.871110,7.031250)..(6.867200,6.960940)\r
+ ..controls (6.867200,6.917970) and (6.847670,6.859380)..(6.824230,6.828130)\r
+ ..controls (6.785170,6.777340) and (6.781260,6.781250)..(6.785170,6.847600)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill (2.519530,6.500000)..controls (2.492200,6.546880) and (2.488290,6.566410)..(2.515630,6.542970)\r
+ ..controls (2.539070,6.519530) and (2.562510,6.480470)..(2.562510,6.457030)\r
+ ..controls (2.566420,6.433530) and (2.546880,6.449220)..(2.519530,6.500000)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill (3.878910,6.660160)..controls (3.910170,6.722600) and (3.945320,6.773440)..(3.960950,6.765630)\r
+ ..controls (4.003920,6.742190) and (3.957040,6.636660)..(3.882820,6.585940)\r
+ ..controls (3.835950,6.550720) and (3.835940,6.566410)..(3.878910,6.660160)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill (4.074230,7.066410)..controls (4.128910,7.199220) and (4.183600,7.316410)..(4.195320,7.324220)\r
+ ..controls (4.207040,7.332030) and (4.304700,7.519530)..(4.414070,7.738280)\r
+ ..controls (4.519540,7.960880) and (4.667980,8.226560)..(4.738290,8.328060)\r
+ ..controls (4.808600,8.429690) and (4.949230,8.652340)..(5.046890,8.828060)\r
+ ..controls (5.234380,9.144530) and (5.316420,9.250000)..(5.351560,9.191410)\r
+ ..controls (5.367200,9.160100) and (5.281260,9.015630)..(4.945310,8.523440)\r
+ ..controls (4.835940,8.363280) and (4.703130,8.144530)..(4.652360,8.042910)\r
+ ..controls (4.601560,7.937500) and (4.488300,7.710880)..(4.398450,7.539060)\r
+ ..controls (4.312510,7.367190) and (4.199220,7.132750)..(4.152350,7.027340)\r
+ ..controls (4.023440,6.738280) and (3.953130,6.773440)..(4.074230,7.066410)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill (1.980480,6.691410)..controls (1.968760,6.714780) and (1.972660,6.781250)..(1.992200,6.839780)\r
+ ..controls (2.011730,6.898440) and (2.039070,6.996090)..(2.046890,7.054630)\r
+ ..controls (2.070320,7.203130) and (2.171880,7.144530)..(2.218760,6.960940)\r
+ ..controls (2.238300,6.882750) and (2.238300,6.847600)..(2.214860,6.882750)\r
+ ..controls (2.179700,6.941410) and (2.039070,6.960940)..(2.070320,6.906250)\r
+ ..controls (2.097670,6.859380) and (2.007820,6.648440)..(1.980480,6.691410)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill (6.886730,7.140630)..controls (6.882820,7.148440) and (6.894540,7.210880)..(6.917970,7.281250)\r
+ ..controls (6.957040,7.417910) and (6.960950,7.410160)..(6.960950,7.238280)\r
+ ..controls (6.957040,7.156250) and (6.910170,7.093690)..(6.886730,7.140630)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill (6.957040,7.679690)..controls (6.960950,7.722660) and (6.976570,7.769530)..(6.992190,7.785160)\r
+ ..controls (7.015640,7.804690) and (7.023450,7.789060)..(7.019540,7.734380)\r
+ ..controls (7.015630,7.695310) and (7.000000,7.648440)..(6.984390,7.632750)\r
+ ..controls (6.960940,7.613280) and (6.957040,7.624940)..(6.957040,7.679690)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill (7.046880,7.906250)..controls (7.015640,7.964780) and (7.085950,8.175780)..(7.179700,8.308590)\r
+ ..controls (7.238290,8.390630) and (7.273440,8.476560)..(7.250010,8.496030)\r
+ ..controls (7.226560,8.523440) and (7.132810,8.523440)..(6.976570,8.499940)\r
+ ..controls (6.636730,8.453060) and (6.597660,8.519530)..(6.933600,8.578060)\r
+ ..controls (7.085940,8.601560) and (7.246100,8.632810)..(7.281260,8.640630)\r
+ ..controls (7.429700,8.679690) and (7.417980,8.574220)..(7.242200,8.238280)\r
+ ..controls (7.140640,8.046810) and (7.050790,7.898440)..(7.046880,7.906250)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill (3.957040,7.964780)..controls (3.902350,8.003850) and (3.804690,8.074220)..(3.738300,8.124940)\r
+ ..controls (3.609390,8.218750) and (3.441410,8.476560)..(3.531260,8.445310)\r
+ ..controls (3.558600,8.437500) and (3.597670,8.398440)..(3.617190,8.363280)\r
+ ..controls (3.636730,8.328060) and (3.714860,8.273440)..(3.785160,8.242190)\r
+ ..controls (3.871110,8.206970) and (3.957040,8.140630)..(4.027360,8.042910)\r
+ ..controls (4.148450,7.882810) and (4.117200,7.847660)..(3.957040,7.964780)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill (2.144530,7.949220)..controls (2.128920,8.007810) and (2.125010,8.105470)..(2.136720,8.167910)\r
+ ..controls (2.167980,8.308590) and (2.398450,8.882810)..(2.433590,8.902340)\r
+ ..controls (2.492190,8.937500) and (2.476570,8.859380)..(2.363290,8.542910)\r
+ ..controls (2.292970,8.363280) and (2.226570,8.128850)..(2.207030,8.027340)\r
+ ..controls (2.179690,7.867190) and (2.171880,7.855470)..(2.144530,7.949220)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill (6.476560,8.558590)..controls (6.417970,8.570310) and (6.359390,8.597660)..(6.351580,8.617130)\r
+ ..controls (6.328130,8.656250) and (6.660160,8.831970)..(6.781260,8.843750)\r
+ ..controls (6.906250,8.855470) and (6.863290,8.812500)..(6.687510,8.757810)\r
+ ..controls (6.492190,8.691410) and (6.449220,8.636720)..(6.546890,8.578060)\r
+ ..controls (6.628920,8.527340) and (6.625010,8.527340)..(6.476560,8.558590)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill (3.640630,8.566410)..controls (3.621110,8.605470) and (3.589850,8.683590)..(3.574230,8.742130)\r
+ ..controls (3.546890,8.839840) and (3.550790,8.839840)..(3.593760,8.761720)\r
+ ..controls (3.621100,8.714840) and (3.652350,8.636720)..(3.660170,8.585940)\r
+ ..controls (3.675790,8.515630) and (3.671880,8.511720)..(3.640630,8.566410)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill (7.109380,8.914000)..controls (7.160170,8.941410) and (7.207040,8.945310)..(7.250000,8.925780)\r
+ ..controls (7.292970,8.902340) and (7.265630,8.890630)..(7.171890,8.882810)\r
+ ..controls (7.039080,8.871030) and (7.035170,8.875000)..(7.109380,8.914000)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill (7.394530,9.062500)..controls (7.417980,9.136720) and (7.453140,9.199160)..(7.472660,9.203060)\r
+ ..controls (7.523450,9.207030) and (7.449230,8.968750)..(7.394540,8.945310)\r
+ ..controls (7.367190,8.933590) and (7.367190,8.984380)..(7.394530,9.062500)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill (3.453120,8.984380)..controls (3.425790,9.011720) and (3.406250,9.062500)..(3.410170,9.101560)\r
+ ..controls (3.414070,9.156190) and (3.425790,9.152340)..(3.480480,9.054690)\r
+ ..controls (3.550790,8.933590) and (3.539080,8.906190)..(3.453120,8.984380)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill (7.550790,9.410100)..controls (7.578130,9.464840) and (7.609380,9.500000)..(7.625020,9.492130)\r
+ ..controls (7.667980,9.472660) and (7.597670,9.324160)..(7.546890,9.320250)\r
+ ..controls (7.523440,9.316410) and (7.527350,9.359380)..(7.550790,9.410100)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill (2.984390,9.035100)..controls (2.949230,9.101560) and (2.953130,9.109380)..(3.011730,9.082030)\r
+ ..controls (3.066420,9.054690) and (3.078140,9.035100)..(3.058610,9.000000)\r
+ ..controls (3.039070,8.960940) and (3.023440,8.968750)..(2.984390,9.035100)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill (2.449220,9.015630)..controls (2.414070,9.074160) and (2.652350,9.410100)..(2.722670,9.406190)\r
+ ..controls (2.851560,9.398440) and (2.882830,9.320250)..(2.765640,9.285100)\r
+ ..controls (2.707040,9.265630) and (2.621090,9.191410)..(2.582040,9.121030)\r
+ ..controls (2.507820,8.988280) and (2.476570,8.964840)..(2.449220,9.015630)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill (3.136720,9.222660)..controls (3.089850,9.300780) and (3.066420,9.378910)..(3.082040,9.394530)\r
+ ..controls (3.117200,9.425780) and (3.242200,9.207030)..(3.226570,9.132810)\r
+ ..controls (3.222670,9.089840) and (3.195330,9.113220)..(3.136720,9.222660)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill (5.441420,9.457030)..controls (5.492190,9.546880) and (5.550800,9.609310)..(5.578130,9.593750)\r
+ ..controls (5.628910,9.566410) and (5.468750,9.304690)..(5.398450,9.300780)\r
+ ..controls (5.375010,9.296880) and (5.394550,9.367130)..(5.441420,9.457030)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill (7.609390,9.609310)..controls (7.585960,9.652280) and (7.683600,9.808590)..(7.734370,9.812500)\r
+ ..controls (7.757830,9.816350) and (7.792980,9.871090)..(7.816420,9.941350)\r
+ ..controls (7.867190,10.121100) and (8.238290,10.730400)..(8.671890,11.359400)\r
+ ..controls (8.734380,11.453100) and (8.742190,11.500000)..(8.695320,11.550800)\r
+ ..controls (8.648450,11.601500) and (8.652350,11.632800)..(8.722670,11.683500)\r
+ ..controls (8.773460,11.722600) and (8.828140,11.734400)..(8.855480,11.714800)\r
+ ..controls (8.917970,11.671900) and (8.863290,11.398400)..(8.773450,11.316400)\r
+ ..controls (8.652350,11.203100) and (8.144540,10.468800)..(8.035170,10.253900)\r
+ ..controls (7.789070,9.742130) and (7.648450,9.539060)..(7.609390,9.609310)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill (3.242200,9.406190)..controls (3.226570,9.437500) and (3.230480,9.460940)..(3.253910,9.464840)\r
+ ..controls (3.273440,9.464840) and (3.300790,9.453060)..(3.312510,9.433590)\r
+ ..controls (3.320320,9.417970) and (3.316420,9.390630)..(3.300790,9.375000)\r
+ ..controls (3.285160,9.363220) and (3.257820,9.375000)..(3.242200,9.406190)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill (5.632830,9.664060)..controls (5.617200,9.695250) and (5.835950,10.089800)..(5.968750,10.269500)\r
+ ..controls (6.023450,10.343800) and (6.097670,10.460900)..(6.136730,10.523400)\r
+ ..controls (6.242200,10.703100) and (6.492200,10.992200)..(6.527340,10.972700)\r
+ ..controls (6.546890,10.964800) and (6.519540,10.914100)..(6.472670,10.863300)\r
+ ..controls (6.421880,10.812400) and (6.367200,10.746100)..(6.351580,10.710900)\r
+ ..controls (6.332040,10.679700) and (6.234380,10.535200)..(6.132820,10.394500)\r
+ ..controls (6.031260,10.253900) and (5.894540,10.050800)..(5.835950,9.945250)\r
+ ..controls (5.703140,9.710940) and (5.648440,9.636720)..(5.632830,9.664060)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill (3.101570,9.660100)..controls (3.082040,9.695250) and (3.070330,9.746090)..(3.074230,9.777280)\r
+ ..controls (3.082040,9.820250) and (3.101570,9.804690)..(3.148440,9.718750)\r
+ ..controls (3.183610,9.656190) and (3.195310,9.605470)..(3.175790,9.601560)\r
+ ..controls (3.152350,9.601560) and (3.117200,9.625000)..(3.101570,9.660100)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill (3.167980,9.988220)..controls (3.136730,10.043000) and (3.179690,10.175800)..(3.222670,10.152300)\r
+ ..controls (3.242190,10.144500) and (3.242190,10.093800)..(3.222670,10.043000)\r
+ ..controls (3.207040,9.992190) and (3.179690,9.968750)..(3.167980,9.988220)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill (3.304700,10.343800)..controls (3.304690,10.386700) and (3.355470,10.464800)..(3.410170,10.519500)\r
+ ..controls (3.468760,10.570300) and (3.523450,10.644500)..(3.535170,10.675800)\r
+ ..controls (3.550790,10.710900) and (3.578130,10.742200)..(3.597660,10.742200)\r
+ ..controls (3.660160,10.750000) and (3.617200,10.664100)..(3.449230,10.453100)\r
+ ..controls (3.347670,10.324200) and (3.300790,10.289100)..(3.304700,10.343800)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill (3.746100,10.890600)..controls (3.851560,11.054700) and (4.054690,11.273400)..(4.089850,11.253900)\r
+ ..controls (4.121100,11.238300) and (3.910170,10.980400)..(3.761730,10.851500)\r
+ --(3.675790,10.777300)--cycle;\r
+fill (6.703130,11.238300)..controls (6.730480,11.300800) and (6.769530,11.339800)..(6.785170,11.332000)\r
+ ..controls (6.804700,11.324200) and (6.777350,11.273400)..(6.730480,11.222600)\r
+ --(6.648440,11.128900)--cycle;\r
+fill (5.300790,11.269500)..controls (5.242200,11.312400) and (5.214850,11.445300)..(5.265640,11.449200)\r
+ ..controls (5.316410,11.453100) and (5.406260,11.289100)..(5.371090,11.261700)\r
+ ..controls (5.359380,11.246100) and (5.324220,11.250000)..(5.300790,11.269500)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill (4.414080,11.515600)..controls (4.464860,11.562400) and (4.519550,11.597600)..(4.535170,11.601500)\r
+ ..controls (4.589850,11.605500) and (4.441410,11.445300)..(4.378920,11.441400)\r
+ ..controls (4.347670,11.437400) and (4.363300,11.472600)..(4.414080,11.515600)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill (8.757820,11.890600)..controls (8.738290,11.902300) and (8.757820,11.925700)..(8.800790,11.945300)\r
+ ..controls (8.914070,11.984400) and (8.984390,11.988300)..(8.980470,11.949200)\r
+ ..controls (8.972670,11.906300) and (8.796880,11.859400)..(8.757820,11.890600)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill (4.738290,11.816400)..controls (4.824220,11.949200) and (4.949230,12.007800)..(4.988290,11.937500)\r
+ ..controls (5.003920,11.910200) and (4.871110,11.808500)..(4.679690,11.695300)\r
+ ..controls (4.664070,11.683500) and (4.691420,11.738300)..(4.738290,11.816400)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill (9.167970,12.398400)..controls (9.160170,12.414100) and (9.175790,12.468700)..(9.207040,12.519500)\r
+ ..controls (9.238290,12.566400) and (9.269550,12.597700)..(9.277350,12.582000)\r
+ ..controls (9.285170,12.566400) and (9.269540,12.511700)..(9.238290,12.460900)\r
+ ..controls (9.207040,12.414100) and (9.175790,12.386700)..(9.167970,12.398400)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill (9.402360,12.816400)..controls (9.492200,13.007800) and (9.765640,13.265600)..(10.429700,13.796900)\r
+ ..controls (10.789100,14.085900) and (11.566400,14.511700)..(12.011700,14.668000)\r
+ ..controls (12.402400,14.800800) and (12.484400,14.843800)..(12.453100,14.898400)\r
+ ..controls (12.394500,15.000000) and (12.773400,15.105500)..(12.867200,15.011700)\r
+ ..controls (12.925800,14.957000) and (12.894500,14.882800)..(12.800800,14.875000)\r
+ ..controls (12.765600,14.871000) and (12.605500,14.812500)..(12.449200,14.746000)\r
+ ..controls (12.293000,14.679700) and (12.039100,14.578100)..(11.886700,14.515600)\r
+ ..controls (11.445300,14.335900) and (11.093800,14.160100)..(10.878900,14.011700)\r
+ ..controls (10.773400,13.937500) and (10.644500,13.859400)..(10.601600,13.839800)\r
+ ..controls (10.554700,13.820300) and (10.460900,13.742200)..(10.390600,13.667900)\r
+ ..controls (10.320300,13.593800) and (10.246100,13.531300)..(10.230500,13.531300)\r
+ ..controls (10.210900,13.527300) and (10.140600,13.476600)..(10.074200,13.414000)\r
+ ..controls (9.597670,12.964800) and (9.496100,12.859400)..(9.484380,12.777300)\r
+ ..controls (9.476570,12.730500) and (9.437500,12.687500)..(9.398450,12.683600)\r
+ ..controls (9.351580,12.679700) and (9.351570,12.710900)..(9.402360,12.816400)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill (5.437510,12.382800)..controls (5.437510,12.402300) and (5.457040,12.421800)..(5.480480,12.421800)\r
+ ..controls (5.503920,12.425700) and (5.519530,12.410200)..(5.515640,12.390600)\r
+ ..controls (5.511730,12.371100) and (5.492190,12.351600)..(5.468760,12.347600)\r
+ ..controls (5.449230,12.347600) and (5.433600,12.363300)..(5.437510,12.382800)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill (9.449220,14.074200)..controls (9.441410,14.089800) and (9.468760,14.124900)..(9.511730,14.152300)\r
+ ..controls (9.554690,14.179700) and (9.593760,14.195300)..(9.597660,14.191400)\r
+ ..controls (9.601580,14.183600) and (9.574220,14.148400)..(9.535160,14.109400)\r
+ ..controls (9.500000,14.074200) and (9.460950,14.058600)..(9.449220,14.074200)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill (9.742190,14.378900)..controls (9.816410,14.468800) and (9.957030,14.527300)..(9.984380,14.480500)\r
+ ..controls (9.996100,14.457000) and (9.847660,14.351600)..(9.742190,14.308600)\r
+ ..controls (9.667970,14.281300) and (9.667980,14.289000)..(9.742190,14.378900)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill (10.457000,14.652300)..controls (10.492200,14.671900) and (10.546900,14.691400)..(10.582000,14.695300)\r
+ ..controls (10.617200,14.699200) and (10.617200,14.687500)..(10.578100,14.664000)\r
+ ..controls (10.543000,14.644500) and (10.488300,14.625000)..(10.453100,14.621000)\r
+ ..controls (10.418000,14.617100) and (10.418000,14.628900)..(10.457000,14.652300)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill (10.718800,14.714800)..controls (10.722700,14.734400) and (10.894500,14.765600)..(11.105500,14.785100)\r
+ ..controls (11.347700,14.808600) and (11.484400,14.808600)..(11.480500,14.785100)\r
+ ..controls (11.480500,14.765600) and (11.304700,14.730500)..(11.093800,14.710900)\r
+ ..controls (10.851600,14.687500) and (10.714900,14.691400)..(10.718800,14.714800)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill (11.539100,14.812500)..controls (11.546900,14.824200) and (11.707000,14.855500)..(11.898400,14.878900)\r
+ ..controls (12.125000,14.910100) and (12.211000,14.910100)..(12.144500,14.886700)\r
+ ..controls (12.023500,14.839800) and (11.523400,14.777300)..(11.539100,14.812500)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.627451,0.627451,0.627451));\r
+fill (3.390640,8.992130)..controls (3.347670,9.066410) and (3.335950,9.074160)..(3.328140,9.031190)\r
+ ..controls (3.316420,8.956970) and (3.355480,8.886720)..(3.406250,8.890630)\r
+ ..controls (3.425790,8.894530) and (3.421880,8.937500)..(3.390640,8.992130)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+picture pic;\r
+draw pic scaled(1.35);\r
+draw (z0+(10.5,2));\r
+draw (z1-(10.5,2));\r
+clip currentpicture to ((z0-(8.5pt,0))--(z0+(8.5pt,0))--(z1+(8.5pt,0))--(z1-(8.5pt,0))--cycle);\r
--- /dev/null
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.752941,0.752941,0.752941));\r
+linecap := butt;\r
+linejoin := mitered;\r
+fill (10.468800,10.171900)..controls (10.660200,10.828100) and (10.160200,11.367200)..(9.816410,11.250000)\r
+ ..controls (7.621090,10.789100) and (7.199220,10.828100)..(5.468750,9.363280)\r
+ ..controls (6.199220,9.054690) and (5.996090,8.917970)..(5.851560,8.363280)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.501961,0.501961,0.501961));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.797010bp;\r
+linejoin := rounded;\r
+draw (10.468800,10.171900)..controls (10.660200,10.828100) and (10.160200,11.367200)..(9.816410,11.250000)\r
+ ..controls (7.621090,10.789100) and (7.199220,10.828100)..(5.468750,9.363280)\r
+ ..controls (6.199220,9.054690) and (5.996090,8.917970)..(5.851560,8.363280);\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.752941,0.752941,0.752941));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.000000bp;\r
+fill (0.503906,8.933590)--(0.503906,2.152340)..controls (1.976560,3.625000) and (5.078130,10.039100)..(10.753900,10.144500)\r
+ ..controls (13.699200,10.199200) and (17.746099,7.621090)..(17.484400,5.203130)\r
+ ..controls (17.234400,2.902340) and (13.488300,1.316410)..(10.808600,1.367190)\r
+ ..controls (5.132810,1.472660) and (3.289060,6.625000)..(0.503906,8.937500)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.501961,0.501961,0.501961));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.797010bp;\r
+draw (0.503906,8.933590)--(0.503906,2.152340)..controls (1.976560,3.625000) and (5.078130,10.039100)..(10.753900,10.144500)\r
+ ..controls (13.699200,10.199200) and (17.746099,7.621090)..(17.484400,5.203130)\r
+ ..controls (17.234400,2.902340) and (13.488300,1.316410)..(10.808600,1.367190)\r
+ ..controls (5.132810,1.472660) and (3.289060,6.625000)..(0.503906,8.937500)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (1.000000,1.000000,1.000000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.000000bp;\r
+fill (14.992200,7.304690)..controls (14.992200,7.789060) and (14.605500,8.179690)..(14.117200,8.179690)\r
+ ..controls (13.632800,8.179690) and (13.242200,7.789060)..(13.242200,7.304690)\r
+ ..controls (13.242200,6.820310) and (13.632800,6.429690)..(14.117200,6.429690)\r
+ ..controls (14.605500,6.429690) and (14.992200,6.820310)..(14.992200,7.304690)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.000000,0.000000,0.000000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.0099620bp;\r
+draw (14.992200,7.304690)..controls (14.992200,7.789060) and (14.605500,8.179690)..(14.117200,8.179690)\r
+ ..controls (13.632800,8.179690) and (13.242200,7.789060)..(13.242200,7.304690)\r
+ ..controls (13.242200,6.820310) and (13.632800,6.429690)..(14.117200,6.429690)\r
+ ..controls (14.605500,6.429690) and (14.992200,6.820310)..(14.992200,7.304690)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+draw (14.121100,7.304690);\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.000000bp;\r
+fill (14.628900,7.359380)..controls (14.628900,7.554690) and (14.472700,7.710940)..(14.277300,7.710940)\r
+ ..controls (14.082000,7.710940) and (13.925800,7.554690)..(13.925800,7.359380)\r
+ ..controls (13.925800,7.160160) and (14.082000,7.003910)..(14.277300,7.003910)\r
+ ..controls (14.472700,7.003910) and (14.628900,7.160160)..(14.628900,7.359380)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.099620bp;\r
+draw (14.628900,7.359380)..controls (14.628900,7.554690) and (14.472700,7.710940)..(14.277300,7.710940)\r
+ ..controls (14.082000,7.710940) and (13.925800,7.554690)..(13.925800,7.359380)\r
+ ..controls (13.925800,7.160160) and (14.082000,7.003910)..(14.277300,7.003910)\r
+ ..controls (14.472700,7.003910) and (14.628900,7.160160)..(14.628900,7.359380)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+draw (14.277300,7.359380);\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (1.000000,1.000000,1.000000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.000000bp;\r
+fill (15.867200,2.882810)..controls (14.863300,3.128910) and (14.238300,3.437500)..(13.171900,5.117190)\r
+ ..controls (13.160200,3.632810) and (13.546900,2.312500)..(14.113300,1.988280)\r
+ ..controls (15.328100,2.492190) and (15.066400,2.390630)..(15.867200,2.882810)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.000000,0.000000,0.000000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.0099620bp;\r
+draw (15.867200,2.882810)..controls (14.863300,3.128910) and (14.238300,3.437500)..(13.171900,5.117190)\r
+ ..controls (13.160200,3.632810) and (13.546900,2.312500)..(14.113300,1.988280)\r
+ ..controls (15.328100,2.492190) and (15.066400,2.390630)..(15.867200,2.882810)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+draw (13.816400,2.281250)--(15.316400,3.035160);\r
+draw (13.597700,2.656250)--(14.867200,3.257810);\r
+draw (13.445300,3.074220)--(14.449200,3.523440);\r
+draw (13.328100,3.476560)--(14.128900,3.835940);\r
+draw (13.246100,3.957030)--(13.832000,4.179690);\r
+draw (13.183600,4.488280)--(13.503900,4.605470);\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.752941,0.752941,0.752941));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.000000bp;\r
+fill (8.289060,3.558590)..controls (7.171880,3.109380) and (5.929690,2.183590)..(6.679690,1.738280)\r
+ ..controls (8.328130,0.765625) and (8.964840,0.675781)..(10.742200,0.511719)\r
+ ..controls (11.925800,0.402344) and (11.769500,1.343750)..(11.335900,3.007810)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.501961,0.501961,0.501961));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.797010bp;\r
+draw (8.289060,3.558590)..controls (7.171880,3.109380) and (5.929690,2.183590)..(6.679690,1.738280)\r
+ ..controls (8.328130,0.765625) and (8.964840,0.675781)..(10.742200,0.511719)\r
+ ..controls (11.925800,0.402344) and (11.769500,1.343750)..(11.335900,3.007810);\r
+draw (12.738300,9.863280)..controls (11.007800,8.019530) and (9.890630,4.171880)..(12.968800,1.628910);\r
+picture pic;\r
+draw pic scaled(r);\r
+draw (z0+(10.5,2));\r
+draw (z1-(10.5,2));\r
+clip currentpicture to ((z0-(8.5pt,0))--(z0+(8.5pt,0))--(z1+(8.5pt,0))--(z1-(8.5pt,0))--cycle);\r
--- /dev/null
+prologues := 1;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.000000,0.431373,0.152941));\r
+linecap := butt;\r
+linejoin := mitered;\r
+fill (205.339996,423.945007)..controls (203.815994,423.886993) and (202.746002,423.710999)..(202.261993,423.500000)\r
+ ..controls (202.199005,423.468994) and (202.104996,423.433990)..(202.063004,423.398010)\r
+ ..controls (202.042999,423.378998) and (202.026993,423.320007)..(202.016006,423.300995)\r
+ ..controls (202.007996,423.285004) and (201.968994,423.265991)..(201.964996,423.250000)\r
+ ..controls (201.964996,423.242004) and (201.964996,423.207001)..(201.964996,423.199005)\r
+ ..controls (201.968994,423.175995) and (202.000000,423.125000)..(202.016006,423.101990)\r
+ ..controls (202.050995,423.042999) and (202.128998,422.964996)..(202.210999,422.902008)\r
+ ..controls (202.289001,422.847992) and (202.395004,422.761993)..(202.511993,422.703003)\r
+ ..controls (204.964996,421.484009) and (212.352005,415.644989)..(218.895004,409.695007)\r
+ ..controls (225.440994,403.746002) and (234.445007,395.691010)..(238.901993,391.820007)\r
+ ..controls (245.929993,385.722992) and (279.867004,324.636993)..(279.867004,318.089996)\r
+ ..controls (279.867004,318.085999) and (279.867004,318.046997)..(279.867004,318.039001)\r
+ ..controls (279.863007,318.031006) and (279.867004,318.003998)..(279.867004,317.992004)\r
+ ..controls (279.433990,316.523010) and (270.074005,311.039001)..(258.714996,305.628998)\r
+ --(237.563004,295.550995)--(263.929993,293.859009)..controls (278.425995,292.941010) and (301.781006,291.984009)..(315.812988,291.675995)\r
+ ..controls (345.324005,291.027008) and (343.269989,289.640991)..(369.433990,327.972992)\r
+ ..controls (394.988007,365.402008) and (403.152008,377.863007)..(403.394989,380.003998)\r
+ ..controls (403.394989,380.011993) and (403.445007,380.046997)..(403.445007,380.054993)\r
+ ..controls (403.445007,380.062988) and (403.445007,380.097992)..(403.445007,380.105011)\r
+ ..controls (403.445007,380.109009) and (403.394989,380.148010)..(403.394989,380.152008)\r
+ ..controls (403.394989,380.160004) and (403.398010,380.195007)..(403.394989,380.203003)\r
+ ..controls (403.394989,380.207001) and (403.398010,380.246002)..(403.394989,380.253998)\r
+ ..controls (403.390991,380.257996) and (403.347992,380.296997)..(403.347992,380.300995)\r
+ ..controls (403.343994,380.304993) and (403.300995,380.300995)..(403.296997,380.300995)\r
+ ..controls (403.292999,380.304993) and (403.300995,380.351990)..(403.296997,380.351990)\r
+ ..controls (403.292999,380.351990) and (403.253998,380.351990)..(403.246002,380.351990)\r
+ ..controls (403.242004,380.351990) and (403.203003,380.351990)..(403.195007,380.351990)\r
+ ..controls (403.191010,380.351990) and (403.156006,380.351990)..(403.148010,380.351990)\r
+ ..controls (402.015991,380.199005) and (394.843994,376.898010)..(386.960999,372.906006)\r
+ ..controls (379.140991,368.941010) and (371.703003,365.691010)..(370.082001,365.507996)\r
+ ..controls (370.054993,365.503998) and (370.003998,365.507996)..(369.980011,365.507996)\r
+ ..controls (369.960999,365.507996) and (369.902008,365.503998)..(369.882996,365.507996)\r
+ ..controls (369.847992,365.515991) and (369.773010,365.539001)..(369.734009,365.554993)\r
+ ..controls (368.011993,366.398010) and (361.984009,374.257996)..(355.878998,383.726990)\r
+ ..controls (349.425995,393.746002) and (340.175995,405.660004)..(335.324005,410.191010)\r
+ ..controls (326.691010,418.261993) and (325.574005,418.484009)..(280.164001,420.320007)\r
+ ..controls (254.651993,421.351990) and (225.733994,422.789001)..(215.914001,423.546997)\r
+ ..controls (211.468994,423.890991) and (207.796997,424.039001)..(205.339996,423.945007)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill (159.464996,414.609009)..controls (146.171997,414.125000) and (134.675995,408.757996)..(128.285004,400.957001)\r
+ ..controls (128.266006,400.941010) and (128.250000,400.921997)..(128.233994,400.906006)\r
+ ..controls (128.207001,400.875000) and (128.160004,400.839996)..(128.132996,400.808990)\r
+ ..controls (120.746002,394.316010) and (112.167999,382.757996)..(102.316002,366.003998)\r
+ ..controls (92.996101,350.152008) and (83.558601,335.027008)..(81.312500,332.339996)\r
+ ..controls (77.695297,328.003998) and (79.023399,326.351990)..(93.031303,317.992004)\r
+ ..controls (123.945000,299.542999) and (129.796997,296.003998)..(144.520004,286.910004)\r
+ ..controls (152.714996,281.847992) and (162.113007,276.203003)..(165.371002,274.347992)\r
+ ..controls (168.272995,272.699005) and (170.875000,271.417999)..(171.578003,271.320007)\r
+ ..controls (171.602005,271.316010) and (171.660004,271.320007)..(171.675995,271.320007)\r
+ ..controls (171.684006,271.320007) and (171.723007,271.367004)..(171.727005,271.371002)\r
+ ..controls (172.539001,272.332001) and (209.843994,335.925995)..(217.852005,350.015991)\r
+ ..controls (220.934006,355.437988) and (225.617004,363.234009)..(228.276993,367.292999)\r
+ ..controls (232.335999,373.484009) and (232.542999,375.816010)..(229.371002,381.742004)\r
+ ..controls (224.477005,390.886993) and (203.214996,406.097992)..(187.664001,411.582001)\r
+ ..controls (182.429993,413.429993) and (174.953003,414.269989)..(167.854996,414.261993)\r
+ ..controls (167.757996,414.261993) and (167.656006,414.265991)..(167.554993,414.261993)\r
+ ..controls (167.526993,414.265991) and (167.488007,414.261993)..(167.457001,414.261993)\r
+ ..controls (165.500000,414.484009) and (163.496002,414.609009)..(161.449005,414.609009)\r
+ ..controls (160.785004,414.609009) and (160.121002,414.636993)..(159.464996,414.609009)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill (400.367004,302.101990)--(357.222992,277.972992)..controls (333.492004,264.722992) and (312.363007,252.772995)..(310.250000,251.410004)\r
+ ..controls (306.527008,249.000000) and (313.328003,234.750000)..(346.000000,176.539001)\r
+ ..controls (350.589996,168.354996) and (355.945007,158.000000)..(357.914001,153.500000)\r
+ ..controls (359.683990,149.457001) and (361.753998,146.102005)..(362.781006,145.507996)\r
+ ..controls (362.808990,145.492004) and (362.855011,145.468994)..(362.882996,145.457001)\r
+ ..controls (362.890991,145.453003) and (362.921997,145.460999)..(362.929993,145.457001)\r
+ ..controls (362.953003,145.449005) and (363.007996,145.410004)..(363.031006,145.406006)\r
+ ..controls (363.035004,145.406006) and (363.074005,145.406006)..(363.078003,145.406006)\r
+ ..controls (363.949005,145.464996) and (372.925995,147.309006)..(383.039001,149.477005)\r
+ ..controls (417.101990,156.789001) and (438.175995,181.261993)..(438.199005,213.526993)\r
+ ..controls (438.214996,232.136993) and (435.300995,239.897995)..(414.714996,276.535004)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill (1.722660,291.328003)--(10.660200,283.781006)..controls (15.531300,279.664001) and (20.847700,276.281006)..(22.527300,276.187988)\r
+ ..controls (24.164101,276.140991) and (28.644501,273.707001)..(32.457001,270.773010)\r
+ --(39.359402,265.410004)--(31.316401,247.785004)..controls (26.875000,238.074005) and (22.054701,227.789001)..(20.640600,224.945007)\r
+ ..controls (19.226601,222.104996) and (18.058599,213.770004)..(18.058599,206.425995)\r
+ ..controls (18.058599,195.089996) and (22.472700,185.233994)..(47.105499,140.938004)\r
+ --(76.101601,88.757797)--(78.085899,112.191002)..controls (80.281303,137.852005) and (87.968803,156.233994)..(112.296997,193.964996)\r
+ ..controls (125.073997,213.781006) and (125.612999,214.188004)..(132.007996,209.656006)\r
+ ..controls (141.132996,203.188004) and (166.589996,189.089996)..(169.542999,188.750000)\r
+ ..controls (169.565994,188.750000) and (169.621002,188.750000)..(169.641006,188.750000)\r
+ ..controls (169.651993,188.753998) and (169.684006,188.750000)..(169.690994,188.750000)\r
+ ..controls (169.699005,188.753998) and (169.733994,188.800995)..(169.742004,188.800995)\r
+ ..controls (169.746002,188.804993) and (169.785004,188.796997)..(169.789001,188.800995)\r
+ ..controls (169.792999,188.804993) and (169.789001,188.848007)..(169.789001,188.852005)\r
+ ..controls (169.789001,188.854996) and (169.792999,188.895004)..(169.789001,188.901993)\r
+ ..controls (169.535004,190.078003) and (161.203003,205.507996)..(151.074005,223.554993)\r
+ ..controls (140.781006,241.891006) and (130.421997,260.777008)..(128.035004,265.562988)\r
+ ..controls (117.980003,285.695007) and (120.573997,284.503998)..(83.695297,286.464996)\r
+ ..controls (64.800797,287.464996) and (38.597698,288.949005)..(25.507799,289.789001)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill (291.781006,185.477005)--(281.800995,169.141006)..controls (276.324005,160.141006) and (263.390991,140.035004)..(253.054993,124.503998)\r
+ ..controls (242.718994,108.973000) and (234.238007,94.617203)..(234.238007,92.578102)\r
+ ..controls (234.238007,92.570297) and (234.238007,92.539101)..(234.238007,92.527298)\r
+ ..controls (234.401993,90.187500) and (244.968994,67.710899)..(257.820007,42.281300)\r
+ ..controls (283.093994,-7.718750) and (284.507996,-8.593750)..(285.476990,25.253901)\r
+ --(285.824005,37.566399)--(316.308990,38.757801)..controls (348.949005,40.058601) and (357.113007,43.031300)..(363.675995,55.937500)\r
+ ..controls (365.792999,60.105499) and (373.488007,72.882797)..(380.753998,84.335899)\r
+ ..controls (404.503998,121.758003) and (407.089996,125.859001)..(414.566010,138.007996)\r
+ --(421.964996,150.022995)--(408.160004,143.223007)..controls (384.441010,131.554993) and (347.375000,127.594002)..(307.371002,132.397995)\r
+ --(291.781006,134.233994)--(291.781006,159.854996)--cycle;\r
+fill (147.843994,145.309006)..controls (116.155998,145.125000) and (102.789001,144.171997)..(99.734398,142.031006)\r
+ ..controls (99.636703,141.960999) and (99.511703,141.854996)..(99.437500,141.781006)\r
+ ..controls (99.386703,141.729996) and (99.328102,141.636993)..(99.289101,141.582001)\r
+ ..controls (97.738297,139.539001) and (94.800797,132.102005)..(92.785202,125.051003)\r
+ ..controls (82.859398,90.363297) and (110.355003,44.058601)..(143.031006,40.394501)\r
+ ..controls (148.757996,39.753899) and (168.511993,38.984402)..(186.921997,38.707001)\r
+ --(220.382996,38.210899)--(220.382996,91.785202)--(220.382996,145.309006)\r
+ --(161.250000,145.309006)..controls (156.457001,145.309006) and (151.992004,145.332001)..(147.843994,145.309006)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+picture pic;\r
+draw pic scaled(r);\r
+draw (z0+(10.5,2));\r
+draw (z1-(10.5,2));\r
+clip currentpicture to ((z0-(8.5pt,0))--(z0+(8.5pt,0))--(z1+(8.5pt,0))--(z1-(8.5pt,0))--cycle);\r
--- /dev/null
+linecap := butt;\r
+linejoin := mitered;\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.000001bp;%0.199253bp;\r
+draw (87.324203,711.479980)..controls (87.324203,715.234009) and (84.273399,718.281006)..(80.519501,718.281006)\r
+ ..controls (76.765602,718.281006) and (73.718803,715.234009)..(73.718803,711.479980)\r
+ ..controls (73.718803,707.726990) and (76.765602,704.676025)..(80.519501,704.676025)\r
+ ..controls (84.273399,704.676025) and (87.324203,707.726990)..(87.324203,711.479980)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.000000bp;\r
+linejoin := rounded;\r
+fill (80.519501,712.331970)--(80.519501,711.479980)--(85.933601,716.890991)\r
+ --(80.519501,713.179993)--cycle;\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.000001bp;\r
+draw (80.519501,712.331970)--(80.519501,711.479980)--(85.933601,716.890991)\r
+ --(80.519501,713.179993)--cycle;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (1.000000,1.000000,1.000000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.000000bp;\r
+fill (81.371101,711.479980)--(80.519501,711.479980)--(85.933601,716.890991)\r
+ --(82.222702,711.479980)--cycle;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.000000,0.000000,0.000000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.000001bp;\r
+draw (81.371101,711.479980)--(80.519501,711.479980)--(85.933601,716.890991)\r
+ --(82.222702,711.479980)--cycle;\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.000000bp;\r
+fill (79.667999,711.479980)--(80.519501,711.479980)--(75.109398,716.890991)\r
+ --(78.820297,711.479980)--cycle;\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.000001bp;\r
+draw (79.667999,711.479980)--(80.519501,711.479980)--(75.109398,716.890991)\r
+ --(78.820297,711.479980)--cycle;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (1.000000,1.000000,1.000000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.000000bp;\r
+fill (80.519501,712.331970)--(80.519501,711.479980)--(75.109398,716.890991)\r
+ --(80.519501,713.179993)--cycle;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.000000,0.000000,0.000000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.000001bp;\r
+draw (80.519501,712.331970)--(80.519501,711.479980)--(75.109398,716.890991)\r
+ --(80.519501,713.179993)--cycle;\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.000000bp;\r
+fill (80.519501,710.629028)--(80.519501,711.479980)--(75.109398,706.065979)\r
+ --(80.519501,709.776978)--cycle;\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.000001bp;\r
+draw (80.519501,710.629028)--(80.519501,711.479980)--(75.109398,706.065979)\r
+ --(80.519501,709.776978)--cycle;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (1.000000,1.000000,1.000000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.000000bp;\r
+fill (79.667999,711.479980)--(80.519501,711.479980)--(75.109398,706.065979)\r
+ --(78.820297,711.479980)--cycle;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.000000,0.000000,0.000000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.000001bp;\r
+draw (79.667999,711.479980)--(80.519501,711.479980)--(75.109398,706.065979)\r
+ --(78.820297,711.479980)--cycle;\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.000000bp;\r
+fill (81.371101,711.479980)--(80.519501,711.479980)--(85.933601,706.065979)\r
+ --(82.222702,711.479980)--cycle;\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.000001bp;\r
+draw (81.371101,711.479980)--(80.519501,711.479980)--(85.933601,706.065979)\r
+ --(82.222702,711.479980)--cycle;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (1.000000,1.000000,1.000000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.000000bp;\r
+fill (80.519501,710.629028)--(80.519501,711.479980)--(85.933601,706.065979)\r
+ --(80.519501,709.776978)--cycle;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.000000,0.000000,0.000000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.000001bp;\r
+draw (80.519501,710.629028)--(80.519501,711.479980)--(85.933601,706.065979)\r
+ --(80.519501,709.776978)--cycle;\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.000000bp;\r
+fill (81.121101,712.081970)--(80.519501,711.479980)--(89.023399,711.479980)\r
+ --(81.722702,712.684021)--cycle;\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.000001bp;\r
+draw (81.121101,712.081970)--(80.519501,711.479980)--(89.023399,711.479980)\r
+ --(81.722702,712.684021)--cycle;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (1.000000,1.000000,1.000000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.000000bp;\r
+fill (81.121101,710.879028)--(80.519501,711.479980)--(89.023399,711.479980)\r
+ --(81.722702,710.276978)--cycle;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.000000,0.000000,0.000000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.000001bp;\r
+draw (81.121101,710.879028)--(80.519501,711.479980)--(89.023399,711.479980)\r
+ --(81.722702,710.276978)--cycle;\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.000000bp;\r
+fill (79.917999,712.081970)--(80.519501,711.479980)--(80.519501,719.984009)\r
+ --(79.316399,712.684021)--cycle;\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.000001bp;\r
+draw (79.917999,712.081970)--(80.519501,711.479980)--(80.519501,719.984009)\r
+ --(79.316399,712.684021)--cycle;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (1.000000,1.000000,1.000000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.000000bp;\r
+fill (81.121101,712.081970)--(80.519501,711.479980)--(80.519501,719.984009)\r
+ --(81.722702,712.684021)--cycle;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.000000,0.000000,0.000000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.000001bp;\r
+draw (81.121101,712.081970)--(80.519501,711.479980)--(80.519501,719.984009)\r
+ --(81.722702,712.684021)--cycle;\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.000000bp;\r
+fill (79.917999,710.879028)--(80.519501,711.479980)--(72.015602,711.479980)\r
+ --(79.316399,710.276978)--cycle;\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.000001bp;\r
+draw (79.917999,710.879028)--(80.519501,711.479980)--(72.015602,711.479980)\r
+ --(79.316399,710.276978)--cycle;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (1.000000,1.000000,1.000000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.000000bp;\r
+fill (79.917999,712.081970)--(80.519501,711.479980)--(72.015602,711.479980)\r
+ --(79.316399,712.684021)--cycle;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.000000,0.000000,0.000000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.000001bp;\r
+draw (79.917999,712.081970)--(80.519501,711.479980)--(72.015602,711.479980)\r
+ --(79.316399,712.684021)--cycle;\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.000000bp;\r
+fill (81.121101,710.879028)--(80.519501,711.479980)--(80.519501,702.976990)\r
+ --(81.722702,710.276978)--cycle;\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.000001bp;\r
+draw (81.121101,710.879028)--(80.519501,711.479980)--(80.519501,702.976990)\r
+ --(81.722702,710.276978)--cycle;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (1.000000,1.000000,1.000000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.000000bp;\r
+fill (79.917999,710.879028)--(80.519501,711.479980)--(80.519501,702.976990)\r
+ --(79.316399,710.276978)--cycle;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.000000,0.000000,0.000000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.00000bp;\r
+draw (79.917999,710.879028)--(80.519501,711.479980)--(80.519501,702.976990)\r
+ --(79.316399,710.276978)--cycle;\r
+draw (z0+(10.5,2));\r
+draw (z1-(10.5,2));\r
+clip currentpicture to ((z0-(9pt,0))--(z0+(8.5pt,0))--(z1+(8.5pt,0))--(z1-(9pt,0))--cycle);\r
--- /dev/null
+drawoptions (withcolor (1.000000,1.000000,0.000000));\r
+linecap := butt;\r
+linejoin := mitered;\r
+fill (12.921900,7.312500)..controls (12.921900,4.000000) and (10.214800,1.308590)..(6.878910,1.308590)\r
+ ..controls (3.542970,1.308590) and (0.835938,4.000000)..(0.835938,7.312500)\r
+ ..controls (0.835938,10.628900) and (3.542970,13.320300)..(6.878910,13.320300)\r
+ ..controls (10.214800,13.320300) and (12.921900,10.628900)..(12.921900,7.312500)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.000000,0.000000,0.000000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.267711bp;\r
+draw (12.921900,7.312500)..controls (12.921900,4.000000) and (10.214800,1.308590)..(6.878910,1.308590)\r
+ ..controls (3.542970,1.308590) and (0.835938,4.000000)..(0.835938,7.312500)\r
+ ..controls (0.835938,10.628900) and (3.542970,13.320300)..(6.878910,13.320300)\r
+ ..controls (10.214800,13.320300) and (12.921900,10.628900)..(12.921900,7.312500)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.168627,0.000000,0.000000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.000000bp;\r
+fill (9.304690,9.441410)..controls (9.304690,8.949220) and (8.984380,8.546880)..(8.589840,8.546880)\r
+ ..controls (8.195310,8.546880) and (7.875000,8.949220)..(7.875000,9.441410)\r
+ ..controls (7.875000,9.933590) and (8.195310,10.335900)..(8.589840,10.335900)\r
+ ..controls (8.984380,10.335900) and (9.304690,9.933590)..(9.304690,9.441410)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill (5.687500,9.363280)..controls (5.687500,8.871090) and (5.367190,8.468750)..(4.972660,8.468750)\r
+ ..controls (4.578130,8.468750) and (4.257810,8.871090)..(4.257810,9.363280)\r
+ ..controls (4.257810,9.855470) and (4.578130,10.257800)..(4.972660,10.257800)\r
+ ..controls (5.367190,10.257800) and (5.687500,9.855470)..(5.687500,9.363280)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill (3.90625,5.66406)..controls (3.90625,5.66406) and (5.99219,4.03125)..(6.91602,4.03125)\r
+ ..controls (7.83984,4.03125) and (9.92578,5.63281)..(9.92578,5.63281)\r
+ ..controls (9.92578,5.63281) and (7.90234,4.42188)..(6.91602,4.42188)\r
+ ..controls (5.92969,4.41797) and (3.90625,5.66406)..(3.90625,5.66406)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.000000,0.000000,0.000000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.264690bp;\r
+draw (3.90625,5.66406)..controls (3.90625,5.66406) and (5.99219,4.03125)..(6.91602,4.03125)\r
+ ..controls (7.83984,4.03125) and (9.92578,5.63281)..(9.92578,5.63281)\r
+ ..controls (9.92578,5.63281) and (7.90234,4.42188)..(6.91602,4.42188)\r
+ ..controls (5.92969,4.41797) and (3.90625,5.66406)..(3.90625,5.66406)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+picture pic;\r
+draw pic scaled(1.3);\r
+draw (z0+(10.5,2));\r
+draw (z1-(10.5,2));\r
+clip currentpicture to ((z0-(8.5pt,0))--(z0+(8.5pt,0))--(z1+(8.5pt,-1pt))--(z1-(8.5pt,1pt))--cycle);\r
--- /dev/null
+drawoptions (withcolor (1.000000,1.000000,0.000000));\r
+linecap := butt;\r
+linejoin := mitered;\r
+fill (12.921900,7.312500)..controls (12.921900,4.000000) and (10.214800,1.308590)..(6.878910,1.308590)\r
+ ..controls (3.542970,1.308590) and (0.835938,4.000000)..(0.835938,7.312500)\r
+ ..controls (0.835938,10.628900) and (3.542970,13.320300)..(6.878910,13.320300)\r
+ ..controls (10.214800,13.320300) and (12.921900,10.628900)..(12.921900,7.312500)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.000000,0.000000,0.000000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.267711bp;\r
+draw (12.921900,7.312500)..controls (12.921900,4.000000) and (10.214800,1.308590)..(6.878910,1.308590)\r
+ ..controls (3.542970,1.308590) and (0.835938,4.000000)..(0.835938,7.312500)\r
+ ..controls (0.835938,10.628900) and (3.542970,13.320300)..(6.878910,13.320300)\r
+ ..controls (10.214800,13.320300) and (12.921900,10.628900)..(12.921900,7.312500)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.168627,0.000000,0.000000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.000000bp;\r
+fill (9.304690,9.441410)..controls (9.304690,8.949220) and (8.984380,8.546880)..(8.589840,8.546880)\r
+ ..controls (8.195310,8.546880) and (7.875000,8.949220)..(7.875000,9.441410)\r
+ ..controls (7.875000,9.933590) and (8.195310,10.335900)..(8.589840,10.335900)\r
+ ..controls (8.984380,10.335900) and (9.304690,9.933590)..(9.304690,9.441410)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill (5.687500,9.363280)..controls (5.687500,8.871090) and (5.367190,8.468750)..(4.972660,8.468750)\r
+ ..controls (4.578130,8.468750) and (4.257810,8.871090)..(4.257810,9.363280)\r
+ ..controls (4.257810,9.855470) and (4.578130,10.257800)..(4.972660,10.257800)\r
+ ..controls (5.367190,10.257800) and (5.687500,9.855470)..(5.687500,9.363280)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill (3.906250,4.031250)..controls (3.906250,4.031250) and (5.992190,5.687500)..(7.011720,5.664060)\r
+ ..controls (7.929690,5.648440) and (9.925780,4.062500)..(9.925780,4.062500)\r
+ ..controls (9.925780,4.062500) and (7.902340,5.273440)..(7.019530,5.273440)\r
+ ..controls (6.082030,5.277340) and (3.906250,4.031250)..(3.906250,4.031250)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.000000,0.000000,0.000000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.257539bp;\r
+draw (3.906250,4.031250)..controls (3.906250,4.031250) and (5.992190,5.687500)..(7.011720,5.664060)\r
+ ..controls (7.929690,5.648440) and (9.925780,4.062500)..(9.925780,4.062500)\r
+ ..controls (9.925780,4.062500) and (7.902340,5.273440)..(7.019530,5.273440)\r
+ ..controls (6.082030,5.277340) and (3.906250,4.031250)..(3.906250,4.031250)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+picture pic;\r
+draw pic scaled(1.3);\r
+draw (z0+(10.5,2));\r
+draw (z1-(10.5,2));\r
+clip currentpicture to ((z0-(8.5pt,0))--(z0+(8.5pt,0))--(z1+(8.5pt,-1pt))--(z1-(8.5pt,1pt))--cycle);\r
--- /dev/null
+linecap := butt;\r
+linejoin := mitered;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (1.000000,0.843100,0.000000));\r
+fill (84.382797,711.479980)..controls (84.382797,713.612976) and (82.652298,715.343994)..(80.519501,715.343994)\r
+ ..controls (78.386703,715.343994) and (76.656303,713.612976)..(76.656303,711.479980)\r
+ ..controls (76.656303,709.348022) and (78.386703,707.617004)..(80.519501,707.617004)\r
+ ..controls (82.652298,707.617004) and (84.382797,709.348022)..(84.382797,711.479980)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+linejoin := rounded;\r
+fill (85.929703,711.479980)--(89.019501,711.479980)--cycle;\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.797011bp;\r
+draw (85.929703,711.479980)--(89.019501,711.479980);\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.000000bp;\r
+fill (85.203102,714.184021)--(87.882797,715.729980)--cycle;\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.797011bp;\r
+draw (85.203102,714.184021)--(87.882797,715.729980);\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.000000bp;\r
+fill (83.222702,716.164001)--(84.769501,718.840027)--cycle;\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.797011bp;\r
+draw (83.222702,716.164001)--(84.769501,718.840027);\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.000000bp;\r
+fill (80.519501,716.890991)--(80.519501,719.979980)--cycle;\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.797011bp;\r
+draw (80.519501,716.890991)--(80.519501,719.979980);\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.000000bp;\r
+fill (77.816399,716.164001)--(76.269501,718.840027)--cycle;\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.797011bp;\r
+draw (77.816399,716.164001)--(76.269501,718.840027);\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.000000bp;\r
+fill (75.835899,714.184021)--(73.160202,715.729980)--cycle;\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.797011bp;\r
+draw (75.835899,714.184021)--(73.160202,715.729980);\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.000000bp;\r
+fill (75.109398,711.479980)--(72.019501,711.479980)--cycle;\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.797011bp;\r
+draw (75.109398,711.479980)--(72.019501,711.479980);\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.000000bp;\r
+fill (75.835899,708.776978)--(73.160202,707.229980)--cycle;\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.797011bp;\r
+draw (75.835899,708.776978)--(73.160202,707.229980);\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.000000bp;\r
+fill (77.816399,706.796997)--(76.269501,704.117004)--cycle;\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.797011bp;\r
+draw (77.816399,706.796997)--(76.269501,704.117004);\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.000000bp;\r
+fill (80.519501,706.070007)--(80.519501,702.979980)--cycle;\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.797011bp;\r
+draw (80.519501,706.070007)--(80.519501,702.979980);\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.000000bp;\r
+fill (83.222702,706.796997)--(84.769501,704.117004)--cycle;\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.797011bp;\r
+draw (83.222702,706.796997)--(84.769501,704.117004);\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.000000bp;\r
+fill (85.203102,708.776978)--(87.882797,707.229980)--cycle;\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.797011bp;\r
+draw (85.203102,708.776978)--(87.882797,707.229980);\r
+draw (z0+(10.5,2));\r
+draw (z1-(10.5,2));\r
+clip currentpicture to ((z0-(9pt,0))--(z0+(8.5pt,0))--(z1+(8.5pt,0))--(z1-(9pt,0))--cycle);\r
--- /dev/null
+vardef showtext(expr origin)(expr angle)(expr string) =\r
+ draw string infont defaultfont scaled defaultscale\r
+ rotated angle shifted origin;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0,0,0));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.3985bp;\r
+linejoin := rounded;\r
+draw (6.066410,18.500000)--(5.882810,18.488300)--(5.699220,18.449200)\r
+ --(5.523440,18.390600)--(5.359380,18.308599)--(5.203130,18.203100)\r
+ --(5.066410,18.082001)--(0.914063,13.933600)--(0.792969,13.793000)\r
+ --(0.691406,13.640600)--(0.609375,13.472700)--(0.546875,13.296900)\r
+ --(0.511719,13.117200)--(0.500000,12.933600)--(0.500000,7.062500)\r
+ --(0.511719,6.878910)--(0.550781,6.699220)--(0.609375,6.523440)\r
+ --(0.691406,6.355470)--(0.796875,6.203130)--(0.917969,6.062500)\r
+ --(5.066410,1.914060)--(5.207030,1.789060)--(5.359380,1.687500)\r
+ --(5.527340,1.605470)--(5.703130,1.546880)--(5.882810,1.511720)\r
+ --(6.066410,1.496090)--(11.937500,1.496090)--(12.121100,1.511720)\r
+ --(12.300800,1.546880)--(12.476600,1.605470)--(12.644500,1.687500)\r
+ --(12.796900,1.792970)--(12.937500,1.914060)--(17.085899,6.062500)\r
+ --(17.210899,6.203130)--(17.312500,6.355470)--(17.394501,6.523440)\r
+ --(17.453100,6.699220)--(17.488300,6.882810)--(17.503901,7.066410)\r
+ --(17.503901,10.000000)--(17.503901,12.933600)--(17.492201,13.117200)\r
+ --(17.453100,13.300800)--(17.394501,13.476600)--(17.312500,13.640600)\r
+ --(17.210899,13.796900)--(17.089800,13.933600)--(12.937500,18.085899)\r
+ --(12.800800,18.207001)--(12.644500,18.308599)--(12.480500,18.390600)\r
+ --(12.304700,18.453100)--(12.121100,18.488300)--(11.937500,18.500000)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (1,0,0));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0bp;\r
+fill (6.386720,17.726601)--(6.203130,17.714800)--(6.019530,17.679701)\r
+ --(5.847660,17.617201)--(5.679690,17.535200)--(5.527340,17.433599)\r
+ --(5.386720,17.308599)--(1.691410,13.613300)--(1.566410,13.472700)\r
+ --(1.464840,13.320300)--(1.382810,13.152300)--(1.320310,12.980500)\r
+ --(1.285160,12.796900)--(1.273440,12.613300)--(1.273440,7.386720)\r
+ --(1.285160,7.199220)--(1.320310,7.019530)--(1.382810,6.843750)\r
+ --(1.464840,6.675780)--(1.566410,6.523440)--(1.691410,6.382810)\r
+ --(5.386720,2.687500)--(5.527340,2.566410)--(5.679690,2.460940)\r
+ --(5.847660,2.378910)--(6.019530,2.320310)--(6.203130,2.281250)\r
+ --(6.386720,2.269530)--(11.613300,2.269530)--(11.800800,2.281250)\r
+ --(11.980500,2.320310)--(12.156300,2.378910)--(12.324200,2.460940)\r
+ --(12.476600,2.566410)--(12.617200,2.687500)--(16.312500,6.382810)\r
+ --(16.433599,6.523440)--(16.539101,6.675780)--(16.621099,6.843750)\r
+ --(16.679701,7.019530)--(16.718800,7.199220)--(16.730499,7.386720)\r
+ --(16.730499,12.613300)--(16.718800,12.796900)--(16.679701,12.980500)\r
+ --(16.621099,13.152300)--(16.539101,13.320300)--(16.433599,13.472700)\r
+ --(16.312500,13.613300)--(12.617200,17.308599)--(12.476600,17.433599)\r
+ --(12.324200,17.535200)--(12.156300,17.617201)--(11.980500,17.679701)\r
+ --(11.800800,17.714800)--(11.613300,17.726601)--cycle;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (1,1,1));\r
+defaultfont := "cmss17";\r
+defaultscale := 5.5/fontsize defaultfont;\r
+showtext ((2.3,8), 0.000000, "STOP");\r
+picture pic;\r
+draw pic scaled(r);\r
+draw (z0+(10.5,2));\r
+draw (z1-(10.5,2));\r
+clip currentpicture to ((z0-(8.5pt,0))--(z0+(8.5pt,0))--(z1+(8.5pt,-1pt))--(z1-(8.5pt,1pt))--cycle);\r
--- /dev/null
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.800000bp;\r
+linecap := butt;\r
+draw (8.308590,10.164100)..controls (8.148440,7.160160) and (7.011720,4.128910)..(5.640630,1.605470);\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.000000,0.502000,0.000000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.200000bp;\r
+draw (3.582030,1.371090)..controls (3.832030,2.507810) and (2.980470,3.808590)..(1.378910,3.539060);\r
+draw (4.535160,1.437500)..controls (4.933590,2.671880) and (4.433590,4.273440)..(2.730470,4.808590);\r
+draw (6.886720,1.472660)..controls (7.636720,2.707030) and (9.089840,3.507810)..(11.089800,3.574220);\r
+draw (7.988280,1.406250)..controls (9.390630,2.839840) and (11.992200,2.972660)..(12.593800,2.507810);\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (1.000000,1.000000,0.000000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.000000bp;\r
+fill (8.285160,10.085900)..controls (11.453100,9.937500) and (14.359400,9.910160)..(15.113300,10.265600)\r
+ ..controls (16.425800,10.882800) and (11.890600,18.851601)..(9.597660,20.199200)\r
+ ..controls (7.300780,16.304701) and (3.476560,12.996100)..(0.144531,11.140600)\r
+ ..controls (2.765630,10.519500) and (5.269530,10.222700)..(8.285160,10.085900)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.000000,0.000000,0.000000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.800000bp;\r
+draw (8.285160,10.085900)..controls (11.453100,9.937500) and (14.359400,9.910160)..(15.113300,10.265600)\r
+ ..controls (16.425800,10.882800) and (11.890600,18.851601)..(9.597660,20.199200)\r
+ ..controls (7.300780,16.304701) and (3.476560,12.996100)..(0.144531,11.140600)\r
+ ..controls (2.765630,10.519500) and (5.269530,10.222700)..(8.285160,10.085900)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.000000bp;\r
+fill (9.167970,13.617200)..controls (8.707030,13.617200) and (9.101560,16.140600)..(9.156250,16.742201)\r
+ ..controls (9.187500,17.070299) and (9.914060,17.031300)..(9.890630,16.714800)\r
+ ..controls (9.843750,16.074200) and (9.558590,13.617200)..(9.167970,13.617200)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.200000bp;\r
+draw (9.167970,13.617200)..controls (8.707030,13.617200) and (9.101560,16.140600)..(9.156250,16.742201)\r
+ ..controls (9.187500,17.070299) and (9.914060,17.031300)..(9.890630,16.714800)\r
+ ..controls (9.843750,16.074200) and (9.558590,13.617200)..(9.167970,13.617200)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.000000bp;\r
+fill (9.394530,11.941400)..controls (9.394530,12.164100) and (9.117190,12.351600)..(8.777340,12.351600)\r
+ ..controls (8.437500,12.351600) and (8.160160,12.164100)..(8.160160,11.941400)\r
+ ..controls (8.160160,11.714800) and (8.437500,11.527300)..(8.777340,11.527300)\r
+ ..controls (9.117190,11.527300) and (9.394530,11.714800)..(9.394530,11.941400)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.200000bp;\r
+draw (9.394530,11.941400)..controls (9.394530,12.164100) and (9.117190,12.351600)..(8.777340,12.351600)\r
+ ..controls (8.437500,12.351600) and (8.160160,12.164100)..(8.160160,11.941400)\r
+ ..controls (8.160160,11.714800) and (8.437500,11.527300)..(8.777340,11.527300)\r
+ ..controls (9.117190,11.527300) and (9.394530,11.714800)..(9.394530,11.941400)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.502000,0.000000,0.000000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.000000bp;\r
+fill (0.328125,0.871094)..controls (3.277340,2.035160) and (8.851560,2.000000)..(11.472700,0.871094)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+picture pic;\r
+draw pic scaled(r);\r
+draw (z0+(10.5,2));\r
+draw (z1-(10.5,2));\r
+clip currentpicture to ((z0-(8.5pt,0))--(z0+(8.5pt,0))--(z1+(8.5pt,-1pt))--(z1-(8.5pt,1pt))--cycle);\r
--- /dev/null
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.388200,0.035300,0.105900));\r
+fill (17.000000,4.875000)--(4.175780,0.621094)--(0.488281,6.898440)\r
+ --(17.000000,4.949220)--cycle;\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.100000bp;\r
+draw (17.000000,4.875000)--(4.175780,0.621094)--(0.488281,6.898440)\r
+ --(17.000000,4.949220)--cycle;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.658800,0.058800,0.180400));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.000000bp;\r
+fill (17.000000,4.949220)--(0.488281,6.898440)--(7.277340,17.460899)\r
+ --(17.000000,5.140630)--cycle;\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.100000bp;\r
+draw (17.000000,4.949220)--(0.488281,6.898440)--(7.277340,17.460899)\r
+ --(17.000000,5.140630)--cycle;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (1.000000,0.713700,0.756900));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.800000bp;\r
+draw (0.488281,6.898440)--(17.000000,4.949220);\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.333300,0.031400,0.090200));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.000000bp;\r
+fill (4.175780,0.621094)--(7.277340,17.460899)--(0.488281,6.898440)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.100000bp;\r
+draw (4.175780,0.621094)--(7.277340,17.460899)--(0.488281,6.898440)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (1.000000,0.713700,0.756900));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.800000bp;\r
+draw (0.488281,6.898440)--(7.277340,17.460899);\r
+draw (4.175780,0.621094)--(0.488281,6.898440);\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.702000,0.062700,0.192200));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.000000bp;\r
+fill (17.000000,5.140630)--(7.277340,17.460899)--(4.175780,0.621094)\r
+ --(17.000000,4.875000)--cycle;\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.100000bp;\r
+draw (17.000000,5.140630)--(7.277340,17.460899)--(4.175780,0.621094)\r
+ --(17.000000,4.875000)--cycle;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (1.000000,0.713700,0.756900));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.800000bp;\r
+draw (17.000000,4.875000)--(4.175780,0.621094);\r
+draw (7.277340,17.460899)--(17.000000,5.140630);\r
+draw (7.277340,17.460899)--(4.175780,0.621094);\r
+picture pic;\r
+draw pic scaled(r);\r
+picture pic;\r
+draw pic scaled(r);\r
+draw (z0+(10.5,2));\r
+draw (z1-(10.5,2));\r
+clip currentpicture to ((z0-(8.5pt,0))--(z0+(8.5pt,0))--(z1+(8.5pt,0))--(z1-(8.5pt,0))--cycle);\r
--- /dev/null
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.800000bp;\r
+linecap := butt;\r
+linejoin := mitered;\r
+draw (6.820310,9.214840)..controls (5.867190,10.476600) and (3.558590,12.203100)..(4.035160,13.820300)\r
+ ..controls (4.984380,15.347700) and (5.859380,13.793000)..(6.679690,14.035200)\r
+ ..controls (7.976560,14.082000) and (8.000000,15.031300)..(9.214840,14.105500)\r
+ ..controls (10.156300,13.156300) and (7.488280,10.558600)..(6.820310,9.214840)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+draw (7.281250,8.710940)..controls (8.441410,9.785160) and (9.921880,12.261700)..(11.582000,11.949200)\r
+ ..controls (13.195300,11.160200) and (11.734400,10.132800)..(12.062500,9.343750)\r
+ ..controls (12.242200,8.054690) and (13.187500,8.128910)..(12.390600,6.828130)\r
+ ..controls (11.539100,5.792970) and (8.687500,8.183590)..(7.281250,8.710940)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+draw (6.867190,8.410160)..controls (7.808590,7.140630) and (10.105500,5.394530)..(9.613280,3.781250)\r
+ ..controls (8.652340,2.261720) and (7.792970,3.824220)..(6.968750,3.585940)\r
+ ..controls (5.671880,3.550780) and (5.640630,2.601560)..(4.433590,3.535160)\r
+ ..controls (3.500000,4.496090) and (6.187500,7.070310)..(6.867190,8.410160)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+draw (6.421880,8.730470)..controls (5.148440,7.792970) and (3.398440,5.500000)..(1.785160,5.996090)\r
+ ..controls (0.265625,6.960940) and (1.832030,7.816410)..(1.597660,8.640630)\r
+ ..controls (1.562500,9.937500) and (0.617188,9.972660)..(1.554690,11.175800)\r
+ ..controls (2.515630,12.109400) and (5.082030,9.414060)..(6.421880,8.730470)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.000000,0.501961,0.000000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.000000bp;\r
+fill (1.917970,6.425780)..controls (1.859380,6.460940) and (1.750000,6.558590)..(1.675780,6.640630)\r
+ ..controls (1.480470,6.855470) and (1.492190,6.972660)..(1.757810,7.558590)\r
+ ..controls (2.031250,8.164060) and (2.058590,8.296880)..(2.007810,8.761720)\r
+ ..controls (1.964840,9.167970) and (1.890630,9.441410)..(1.703130,9.863280)\r
+ ..controls (1.546880,10.222700) and (1.542970,10.378900)..(1.683590,10.625000)\r
+ ..controls (1.851560,10.918000) and (1.894530,10.945300)..(2.164060,10.921900)\r
+ ..controls (2.613280,10.886700) and (3.113280,10.589800)..(4.632810,9.460940)\r
+ ..controls (5.121090,9.097660) and (5.562500,8.777340)..(5.605470,8.750000)\r
+ ..controls (5.648440,8.722660) and (5.679690,8.691410)..(5.675780,8.679690)\r
+ ..controls (5.660160,8.640630) and (4.488280,7.585940)..(4.160160,7.312500)\r
+ ..controls (3.582030,6.835940) and (3.089840,6.539060)..(2.687500,6.417970)\r
+ ..controls (2.417970,6.335940) and (2.054690,6.339840)..(1.917970,6.425780)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill (6.218750,10.523400)..controls (5.230470,11.593800) and (4.878910,12.039100)..(4.636720,12.523400)\r
+ ..controls (4.472660,12.851600) and (4.398440,13.113300)..(4.398440,13.367200)\r
+ ..controls (4.398440,13.621100) and (4.449220,13.726600)..(4.664060,13.925800)\r
+ ..controls (4.886720,14.128900) and (5.015630,14.128900)..(5.488280,13.910200)\r
+ ..controls (6.148440,13.605500) and (6.378910,13.566400)..(6.953130,13.648400)\r
+ ..controls (7.253910,13.691400) and (7.539060,13.781300)..(7.917970,13.945300)\r
+ ..controls (8.281250,14.109400) and (8.425780,14.109400)..(8.683590,13.957000)\r
+ ..controls (8.972660,13.781300) and (9.015630,13.710900)..(8.972660,13.449200)\r
+ ..controls (8.902340,13.015600) and (8.464840,12.269500)..(7.625000,11.136700)\r
+ ..controls (7.429690,10.875000) and (7.164060,10.507800)..(7.027340,10.316400)\r
+ ..controls (6.890630,10.125000) and (6.769530,9.968750)..(6.757810,9.968750)\r
+ ..controls (6.746090,9.968750) and (6.503910,10.218800)..(6.218750,10.523400)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill (11.265600,7.093750)..controls (10.929700,7.207030) and (10.437500,7.437500)..(9.972660,7.707030)\r
+ ..controls (9.457030,8.000000) and (8.027340,8.828130)..(8.015630,8.839840)\r
+ ..controls (8.000000,8.855470) and (8.800780,9.761720)..(9.281250,10.277300)\r
+ ..controls (10.082000,11.136700) and (10.718800,11.539100)..(11.261700,11.543000)\r
+ ..controls (11.437500,11.543000) and (11.492200,11.527300)..(11.632800,11.429700)\r
+ ..controls (11.828100,11.296900) and (11.933600,11.136700)..(11.933600,10.972700)\r
+ ..controls (11.933600,10.910200) and (11.863300,10.636700)..(11.773400,10.371100)\r
+ ..controls (11.644500,9.984380) and (11.613300,9.839840)..(11.613300,9.640630)\r
+ ..controls (11.613300,9.167970) and (11.781300,8.667970)..(12.171900,7.968750)\r
+ ..controls (12.269500,7.789060) and (12.293000,7.707030)..(12.281300,7.621090)\r
+ ..controls (12.253900,7.445310) and (12.074200,7.074220)..(12.003900,7.035160)\r
+ ..controls (11.890600,6.976560) and (11.535200,7.003910)..(11.265600,7.093750)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill (5.062500,3.628910)..controls (4.656250,3.843750) and (4.617190,3.910160)..(4.683590,4.222660)\r
+ ..controls (4.781250,4.683590) and (5.148440,5.285160)..(6.187500,6.683590)\r
+ ..controls (6.531250,7.144530) and (6.835940,7.558590)..(6.863280,7.605470)\r
+ ..controls (6.917970,7.683590) and (6.925780,7.675780)..(7.496090,7.050780)\r
+ ..controls (8.492190,5.949220) and (8.765630,5.597660)..(9.023440,5.078130)\r
+ ..controls (9.242190,4.644530) and (9.312500,4.207030)..(9.207030,3.957030)\r
+ ..controls (9.183590,3.894530) and (9.085940,3.773440)..(8.996090,3.691410)\r
+ ..controls (8.781250,3.492190) and (8.640630,3.488280)..(8.238280,3.667970)\r
+ ..controls (7.437500,4.027340) and (7.320310,4.054690)..(6.851560,4.000000)\r
+ ..controls (6.460940,3.953130) and (6.128910,3.863280)..(5.765630,3.695310)\r
+ ..controls (5.382810,3.523440) and (5.277340,3.511720)..(5.062500,3.628910)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+picture pic;\r
+draw pic scaled(r);\r
+draw (z0+(10.5,2));\r
+draw (z1-(10.5,4));\r
+clip currentpicture to ((z0-(8.5pt,0))--(z0+(8.5pt,0))--(z1+(8.5pt,-3pt))--(z1-(8.5pt,3pt))--cycle);\r
--- /dev/null
+prologues := 1;\r
+ picture trombone;\r
+trombone=image(linecap := butt;\r
+linejoin := mitered;\r
+fill (31.867201,44.898399)--(31.867201,17.500000)..controls (31.867201,9.578130) and (25.421900,3.132810)..(17.500000,3.132810)\r
+ ..controls (9.578130,3.132810) and (3.132810,9.578130)..(3.132810,17.500000)\r
+ --(3.132810,65.632797)..controls (3.132810,71.828102) and (8.171880,76.867203)..(14.367200,76.863297)\r
+ ..controls (20.558599,76.867203) and (25.597700,71.828102)..(25.597700,65.632797)\r
+ --(25.597700,17.500000)..controls (25.597700,13.035200) and (21.964800,9.402340)..(17.500000,9.402340)\r
+ ..controls (13.035200,9.402340) and (9.402340,13.035200)..(9.402340,17.500000)\r
+ --(9.402340,44.898399)--(6.269530,44.898399)--(6.269530,17.500000)\r
+ ..controls (6.269530,11.308600) and (11.304700,6.269530)..(17.500000,6.269530)\r
+ ..controls (23.691401,6.269530) and (28.730499,11.308600)..(28.730499,17.500000)\r
+ --(28.730499,65.632797)..controls (28.730499,73.554703) and (22.289101,80.000000)..(14.367200,80.000000)\r
+ ..controls (6.445310,80.000000) and (0.000000,73.554703)..(0.000000,65.632797)\r
+ --(0.000000,17.500000)..controls (0.000000,7.851560) and (7.851560,0.000000)..(17.500000,0.000000)\r
+ ..controls (27.148399,0.000000) and (35.000000,7.851560)..(35.000000,17.500000)\r
+ --(35.000000,44.898399)--cycle withcolor(.5,.5,.5);\r
+ );\r
+ draw trombone rotated 45;\r
+ r:=17pt/(xpart(urcorner(currentpicture))-xpart(ulcorner(currentpicture)));\r
+ picture pic;\r
+draw pic scaled(r);\r
+draw (z0+(10.5,2));\r
+draw (z1-(10.5,2));\r
+clip currentpicture to ((z0-(8.5pt,0))--(z0+(8.5pt,0))--(z1+(8.5pt,0))--(z1-(8.5pt,0))--cycle);\r
--- /dev/null
+prologues := 1;\r
+path p[];\r
+picture pic[];\r
+color bleue,rouge,jaune;\r
+linecap := butt;\r
+linejoin := mitered;\r
+%fill (29.328100,43.886700)--(91.203102,139.988007)--cycle;\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 5.797840bp;\r
+draw (29.328100,43.886700)--(91.203102,139.988007);\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0bp;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor(white));\r
+fill (32.941399,46.449200)..controls (32.972698,45.476601) and (32.210899,44.664101)..(31.238300,44.636700)\r
+ ..controls (30.269501,44.605499) and (29.457001,45.367199)..(29.425800,46.339802)\r
+ ..controls (29.394501,47.308601) and (30.156300,48.121101)..(31.128901,48.152302)\r
+ ..controls (32.097698,48.183601) and (32.914101,47.417999)..(32.941399,46.449200)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill (35.484402,50.398399)..controls (35.515598,49.425800) and (34.750000,48.613300)..(33.781300,48.585899)\r
+ ..controls (32.808601,48.554699) and (31.996099,49.316399)..(31.964800,50.285198)\r
+ ..controls (31.933599,51.257801) and (32.699200,52.070301)..(33.667999,52.101601)\r
+ ..controls (34.640598,52.132801) and (35.453098,51.367199)..(35.484402,50.398399)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill (38.031300,54.343800)..controls (38.062500,53.375000) and (37.296902,52.562500)..(36.328098,52.531300)\r
+ ..controls (35.355499,52.500000) and (34.542999,53.265598)..(34.515598,54.234402)\r
+ ..controls (34.484402,55.207001) and (35.246101,56.019501)..(36.218800,56.046902)\r
+ ..controls (37.187500,56.078098) and (38.000000,55.316399)..(38.031300,54.343800)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill (40.570301,58.292999)..controls (40.601601,57.324200) and (39.839802,56.511700)..(38.867199,56.480499)\r
+ ..controls (37.898399,56.449200) and (37.085899,57.210899)..(37.054699,58.183601)\r
+ ..controls (37.023399,59.152302) and (37.785198,59.964802)..(38.757801,59.996101)\r
+ ..controls (39.726601,60.027302) and (40.539101,59.265598)..(40.570301,58.292999)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill (43.113300,62.242199)..controls (43.140598,61.269501) and (42.378899,60.457001)..(41.410198,60.429699)\r
+ ..controls (40.437500,60.398399) and (39.625000,61.160198)..(39.593800,62.132801)\r
+ ..controls (39.566399,63.101601) and (40.328098,63.914101)..(41.296902,63.945301)\r
+ ..controls (42.269501,63.976601) and (43.082001,63.210899)..(43.113300,62.242199)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill (45.652302,66.191399)..controls (45.683601,65.218803) and (44.917999,64.406303)..(43.949200,64.375000)\r
+ ..controls (42.976601,64.347702) and (42.164101,65.109398)..(42.136700,66.078102)\r
+ ..controls (42.105499,67.050797) and (42.867199,67.863297)..(43.839802,67.894501)\r
+ ..controls (44.808601,67.921898) and (45.621101,67.160202)..(45.652302,66.191399)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill (48.199200,70.136703)..controls (48.230499,69.167999) and (47.468800,68.355499)..(46.496101,68.324203)\r
+ ..controls (45.527302,68.292999) and (44.714802,69.054703)..(44.683601,70.027298)\r
+ ..controls (44.652302,70.996101) and (45.414101,71.808601)..(46.386700,71.839798)\r
+ ..controls (47.355499,71.871101) and (48.167999,71.109398)..(48.199200,70.136703)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill (50.742199,74.085899)..controls (50.769501,73.117203) and (50.007801,72.304703)..(49.039101,72.273399)\r
+ ..controls (48.066399,72.242203) and (47.253899,73.003899)..(47.222698,73.976601)\r
+ ..controls (47.195301,74.945297) and (47.957001,75.757797)..(48.925800,75.789101)\r
+ ..controls (49.898399,75.820297) and (50.710899,75.058601)..(50.742199,74.085899)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill (53.281300,78.035202)..controls (53.312500,77.062500) and (52.546902,76.250000)..(51.578098,76.218803)\r
+ ..controls (50.605499,76.191399) and (49.792999,76.953102)..(49.765598,77.925797)\r
+ ..controls (49.734402,78.894501) and (50.496101,79.707001)..(51.468800,79.738297)\r
+ ..controls (52.437500,79.769501) and (53.250000,79.003899)..(53.281300,78.035202)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill (55.820301,81.984398)..controls (55.851601,81.011703) and (55.089802,80.199203)..(54.117199,80.167999)\r
+ ..controls (53.148399,80.140602) and (52.335899,80.902298)..(52.304699,81.871101)\r
+ ..controls (52.273399,82.843803) and (53.035198,83.656303)..(54.007801,83.687500)\r
+ ..controls (54.976601,83.714798) and (55.789101,82.953102)..(55.820301,81.984398)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill (58.359402,85.929703)..controls (58.390598,84.960899) and (57.628899,84.148399)..(56.656300,84.117203)\r
+ ..controls (55.687500,84.085899) and (54.875000,84.847702)..(54.843800,85.820297)\r
+ ..controls (54.812500,86.789101) and (55.578098,87.601601)..(56.546902,87.632797)\r
+ ..controls (57.519501,87.664101) and (58.332001,86.902298)..(58.359402,85.929703)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill (60.910198,89.878899)..controls (60.941399,88.906303) and (60.175800,88.093803)..(59.207001,88.066399)\r
+ ..controls (58.234402,88.035202) and (57.421902,88.796898)..(57.394501,89.769501)\r
+ ..controls (57.363300,90.738297) and (58.125000,91.550797)..(59.093800,91.582001)\r
+ ..controls (60.066399,91.613297) and (60.878899,90.847702)..(60.910198,89.878899)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill (63.449200,93.828102)..controls (63.480499,92.855499) and (62.718800,92.042999)..(61.746101,92.015602)\r
+ ..controls (60.777302,91.984398) and (59.964802,92.746101)..(59.933601,93.714798)\r
+ ..controls (59.902302,94.687500) and (60.664101,95.500000)..(61.636700,95.531303)\r
+ ..controls (62.605499,95.562500) and (63.417999,94.796898)..(63.449200,93.828102)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill (65.988297,97.777298)..controls (66.019501,96.804703) and (65.257797,95.992203)..(64.285202,95.960899)\r
+ ..controls (63.316399,95.929703) and (62.503899,96.695297)..(62.472698,97.664101)\r
+ ..controls (62.441399,98.636703) and (63.207001,99.449203)..(64.175797,99.480499)\r
+ ..controls (65.148399,99.507797) and (65.960899,98.746101)..(65.988297,97.777298)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill (68.531303,101.723000)..controls (68.562500,100.753998) and (67.796898,99.941399)..(66.828102,99.910202)\r
+ ..controls (65.855499,99.878899) and (65.042999,100.640999)..(65.011703,101.612999)\r
+ ..controls (64.984398,102.582001) and (65.746101,103.394997)..(66.718803,103.426003)\r
+ ..controls (67.687500,103.457001) and (68.500000,102.695000)..(68.531303,101.723000)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill (71.078102,105.671997)..controls (71.109398,104.698997) and (70.347702,103.887001)..(69.375000,103.859001)\r
+ ..controls (68.406303,103.828003) and (67.593803,104.589996)..(67.562500,105.563004)\r
+ ..controls (67.531303,106.530998) and (68.292999,107.344002)..(69.265602,107.375000)\r
+ ..controls (70.234398,107.405998) and (71.046898,106.640999)..(71.078102,105.671997)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill (73.617203,109.621002)..controls (73.648399,108.648003) and (72.886703,107.835999)..(71.914101,107.805000)\r
+ ..controls (70.945297,107.777000) and (70.132797,108.539001)..(70.101601,109.508003)\r
+ ..controls (70.070297,110.480003) and (70.835899,111.292999)..(71.804703,111.323997)\r
+ ..controls (72.777298,111.355003) and (73.589798,110.589996)..(73.617203,109.621002)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill (76.160202,113.566002)..controls (76.191399,112.598000) and (75.425797,111.785004)..(74.457001,111.753998)\r
+ ..controls (73.484398,111.723000) and (72.671898,112.487999)..(72.640602,113.457001)\r
+ ..controls (72.609398,114.430000) and (73.375000,115.241997)..(74.343803,115.269997)\r
+ ..controls (75.316399,115.301003) and (76.128899,114.539001)..(76.160202,113.566002)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill (78.699203,117.515999)..controls (78.730499,116.546997) and (77.968803,115.730003)..(76.996101,115.703003)\r
+ ..controls (76.027298,115.671997) and (75.214798,116.433998)..(75.183601,117.405998)\r
+ ..controls (75.152298,118.375000) and (75.914101,119.188004)..(76.886703,119.219002)\r
+ ..controls (77.855499,119.250000) and (78.667999,118.484001)..(78.699203,117.515999)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill (81.238297,121.464996)..controls (81.269501,120.491997) and (80.507797,119.680000)..(79.535202,119.648003)\r
+ ..controls (78.566399,119.621002) and (77.753899,120.383003)..(77.722702,121.355003)\r
+ ..controls (77.691399,122.323997) and (78.457001,123.137001)..(79.425797,123.167999)\r
+ ..controls (80.398399,123.198997) and (81.210899,122.433998)..(81.238297,121.464996)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill (83.789101,125.414001)..controls (83.820297,124.441002) and (83.054703,123.628998)..(82.085899,123.598000)\r
+ ..controls (81.113297,123.566002) and (80.300797,124.332001)..(80.269501,125.301003)\r
+ ..controls (80.238297,126.273003) and (81.003899,127.085999)..(81.972702,127.116997)\r
+ ..controls (82.945297,127.144997) and (83.757797,126.383003)..(83.789101,125.414001)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill (86.328102,129.358994)..controls (86.359398,128.391006) and (85.593803,127.578003)..(84.625000,127.546997)\r
+ ..controls (83.656303,127.515999) and (82.843803,128.281006)..(82.812500,129.250000)\r
+ ..controls (82.781303,130.223007) and (83.542999,131.035004)..(84.515602,131.063004)\r
+ ..controls (85.484398,131.093994) and (86.296898,130.332001)..(86.328102,129.358994)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill (88.867203,133.309006)..controls (88.898399,132.339996) and (88.136703,131.522995)..(87.164101,131.496002)\r
+ ..controls (86.195297,131.464996) and (85.382797,132.227005)..(85.351601,133.199005)\r
+ ..controls (85.320297,134.167999) and (86.085899,134.979996)..(87.054703,135.011993)\r
+ ..controls (88.027298,135.042999) and (88.839798,134.276993)..(88.867203,133.309006)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill (91.410202,137.257996)..controls (91.437500,136.285004) and (90.675797,135.473007)..(89.707001,135.440994)\r
+ ..controls (88.734398,135.414001) and (87.921898,136.175995)..(87.890602,137.145004)\r
+ ..controls (87.859398,138.117004) and (88.625000,138.929993)..(89.593803,138.960999)\r
+ ..controls (90.566399,138.988007) and (91.378899,138.227005)..(91.410202,137.257996)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor(black));\r
+fill (31.742201,46.410198)..controls (31.753901,46.101601) and (31.511700,45.843800)..(31.203100,45.835899)\r
+ ..controls (30.894501,45.824200) and (30.632799,46.066399)..(30.625000,46.375000)\r
+ ..controls (30.613300,46.683601) and (30.859400,46.945301)..(31.167999,46.953098)\r
+ ..controls (31.476601,46.964802) and (31.734400,46.718800)..(31.742201,46.410198)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill (34.285198,50.359402)..controls (34.292999,50.050800) and (34.050800,49.792999)..(33.742199,49.781300)\r
+ ..controls (33.433601,49.773399) and (33.175800,50.015598)..(33.164101,50.324200)\r
+ ..controls (33.156300,50.632801) and (33.398399,50.890598)..(33.707001,50.902302)\r
+ ..controls (34.015598,50.910198) and (34.273399,50.667999)..(34.285198,50.359402)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill (36.832001,54.308601)..controls (36.843800,54.000000) and (36.597698,53.738300)..(36.289101,53.730499)\r
+ ..controls (35.980499,53.718800) and (35.722698,53.964802)..(35.714802,54.273399)\r
+ ..controls (35.703098,54.582001) and (35.945301,54.839802)..(36.253899,54.847698)\r
+ ..controls (36.562500,54.859402) and (36.824200,54.617199)..(36.832001,54.308601)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill (39.371101,58.257801)..controls (39.382801,57.949200) and (39.140598,57.687500)..(38.832001,57.679699)\r
+ ..controls (38.523399,57.667999) and (38.261700,57.910198)..(38.253899,58.218800)\r
+ ..controls (38.242199,58.531300) and (38.488300,58.789101)..(38.796902,58.796902)\r
+ ..controls (39.105499,58.808601) and (39.363300,58.566399)..(39.371101,58.257801)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill (41.914101,62.203098)..controls (41.921902,61.894501) and (41.679699,61.636700)..(41.371101,61.628899)\r
+ ..controls (41.062500,61.617199) and (40.804699,61.859402)..(40.792999,62.167999)\r
+ ..controls (40.785198,62.476601) and (41.027302,62.734402)..(41.335899,62.746101)\r
+ ..controls (41.644501,62.757801) and (41.902302,62.511700)..(41.914101,62.203098)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill (44.453098,66.152298)..controls (44.464802,65.843803) and (44.218800,65.585899)..(43.910198,65.574203)\r
+ ..controls (43.601601,65.566399) and (43.343800,65.808601)..(43.335899,66.117203)\r
+ ..controls (43.324200,66.425797) and (43.566399,66.683601)..(43.875000,66.695297)\r
+ ..controls (44.183601,66.703102) and (44.445301,66.460899)..(44.453098,66.152298)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill (47.000000,70.101601)..controls (47.011700,69.792999) and (46.769501,69.531303)..(46.460899,69.523399)\r
+ ..controls (46.152302,69.515602) and (45.890598,69.757797)..(45.882801,70.066399)\r
+ ..controls (45.871101,70.375000) and (46.113300,70.632797)..(46.425800,70.640602)\r
+ ..controls (46.734402,70.652298) and (46.992199,70.410202)..(47.000000,70.101601)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill (49.542999,74.046898)..controls (49.550800,73.738297) and (49.308601,73.480499)..(49.000000,73.472702)\r
+ ..controls (48.691399,73.460899) and (48.433601,73.703102)..(48.421902,74.011703)\r
+ ..controls (48.414101,74.324203) and (48.656300,74.582001)..(48.964802,74.589798)\r
+ ..controls (49.273399,74.601601) and (49.531300,74.355499)..(49.542999,74.046898)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill (52.082001,77.996101)..controls (52.093800,77.687500) and (51.847698,77.429703)..(51.539101,77.417999)\r
+ ..controls (51.230499,77.410202) and (50.972698,77.652298)..(50.964802,77.960899)\r
+ ..controls (50.953098,78.269501) and (51.195301,78.527298)..(51.503899,78.539101)\r
+ ..controls (51.812500,78.546898) and (52.074200,78.304703)..(52.082001,77.996101)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill (54.621101,81.945297)..controls (54.632801,81.636703) and (54.390598,81.378899)..(54.082001,81.367203)\r
+ ..controls (53.769501,81.359398) and (53.511700,81.601601)..(53.503899,81.910202)\r
+ ..controls (53.492199,82.218803) and (53.734402,82.476601)..(54.042999,82.488297)\r
+ ..controls (54.355499,82.496101) and (54.613300,82.253899)..(54.621101,81.945297)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill (57.164101,85.894501)..controls (57.171902,85.585899) and (56.929699,85.324203)..(56.621101,85.316399)\r
+ ..controls (56.312500,85.304703) and (56.054699,85.546898)..(56.042999,85.855499)\r
+ ..controls (56.035198,86.167999) and (56.277302,86.425797)..(56.585899,86.433601)\r
+ ..controls (56.894501,86.445297) and (57.152302,86.203102)..(57.164101,85.894501)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill (59.710899,89.839798)..controls (59.718800,89.531303) and (59.476601,89.273399)..(59.167999,89.265602)\r
+ ..controls (58.859402,89.253899) and (58.601601,89.496101)..(58.593800,89.804703)\r
+ ..controls (58.582001,90.113297) and (58.824200,90.375000)..(59.132801,90.382797)\r
+ ..controls (59.441399,90.394501) and (59.703098,90.148399)..(59.710899,89.839798)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill (62.250000,93.789101)..controls (62.261700,93.480499) and (62.019501,93.222702)..(61.710899,93.210899)\r
+ ..controls (61.398399,93.203102) and (61.140598,93.445297)..(61.132801,93.753899)\r
+ ..controls (61.121101,94.062500) and (61.363300,94.320297)..(61.671902,94.332001)\r
+ ..controls (61.980499,94.339798) and (62.242199,94.097702)..(62.250000,93.789101)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill (64.789101,97.738297)..controls (64.800797,97.429703) and (64.558601,97.171898)..(64.250000,97.160202)\r
+ ..controls (63.941399,97.152298) and (63.679699,97.394501)..(63.671902,97.703102)\r
+ ..controls (63.664101,98.011703) and (63.906300,98.269501)..(64.214798,98.281303)\r
+ ..controls (64.523399,98.289101) and (64.781303,98.046898)..(64.789101,97.738297)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill (67.332001,101.688004)..controls (67.339798,101.378998) and (67.097702,101.116997)..(66.789101,101.109001)\r
+ ..controls (66.480499,101.098000) and (66.222702,101.339996)..(66.210899,101.648003)\r
+ ..controls (66.203102,101.960999) and (66.445297,102.219002)..(66.753899,102.226997)\r
+ ..controls (67.062500,102.237999) and (67.320297,101.991997)..(67.332001,101.688004)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill (69.878899,105.633003)..controls (69.890602,105.323997) and (69.648399,105.066002)..(69.335899,105.058998)\r
+ ..controls (69.027298,105.046997) and (68.769501,105.289001)..(68.761703,105.598000)\r
+ ..controls (68.750000,105.905998) and (68.992203,106.164001)..(69.300797,106.176003)\r
+ ..controls (69.609398,106.188004) and (69.871101,105.941002)..(69.878899,105.633003)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill (72.417999,109.582001)..controls (72.429703,109.273003) and (72.187500,109.015999)..(71.878899,109.003998)\r
+ ..controls (71.570297,108.996002) and (71.308601,109.237999)..(71.300797,109.546997)\r
+ ..controls (71.289101,109.855003) and (71.535202,110.112999)..(71.843803,110.125000)\r
+ ..controls (72.152298,110.133003) and (72.410202,109.890999)..(72.417999,109.582001)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill (74.960899,113.530998)..controls (74.968803,113.223000) and (74.726601,112.964996)..(74.417999,112.953003)\r
+ ..controls (74.109398,112.945000) and (73.851601,113.188004)..(73.839798,113.496002)\r
+ ..controls (73.832001,113.805000) and (74.074203,114.063004)..(74.382797,114.073997)\r
+ ..controls (74.691399,114.082001) and (74.949203,113.839996)..(74.960899,113.530998)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill (77.500000,117.476997)..controls (77.511703,117.167999) and (77.265602,116.910004)..(76.957001,116.902000)\r
+ ..controls (76.648399,116.890999) and (76.390602,117.133003)..(76.382797,117.441002)\r
+ ..controls (76.371101,117.753998) and (76.613297,118.012001)..(76.921898,118.019997)\r
+ ..controls (77.230499,118.030998) and (77.492203,117.785004)..(77.500000,117.476997)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill (80.039101,121.426003)..controls (80.050797,121.116997) and (79.808601,120.859001)..(79.500000,120.848000)\r
+ ..controls (79.191399,120.839996) and (78.929703,121.082001)..(78.921898,121.390999)\r
+ ..controls (78.910202,121.698997) and (79.156303,121.960999)..(79.464798,121.969002)\r
+ ..controls (79.773399,121.976997) and (80.031303,121.734001)..(80.039101,121.426003)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill (82.589798,125.375000)..controls (82.597702,125.066002) and (82.355499,124.808998)..(82.046898,124.796997)\r
+ ..controls (81.738297,124.789001) and (81.480499,125.030998)..(81.468803,125.339996)\r
+ ..controls (81.460899,125.648003) and (81.703102,125.905998)..(82.011703,125.917999)\r
+ ..controls (82.320297,125.926003) and (82.578102,125.683998)..(82.589798,125.375000)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill (85.128899,129.324005)..controls (85.140602,129.016006) and (84.894501,128.757996)..(84.585899,128.746002)\r
+ ..controls (84.277298,128.733994) and (84.019501,128.979996)..(84.011703,129.289001)\r
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+ --cycle;\r
+fill (87.667999,133.270004)..controls (87.679703,132.960999) and (87.437500,132.703003)..(87.128899,132.695007)\r
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+ --cycle;\r
+fill (90.210899,137.218994)..controls (90.218803,136.910004) and (89.976601,136.651993)..(89.667999,136.641006)\r
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+ --cycle;\r
+fill ((82.339798,140.315994)..controls (81.253899,138.891006) and (80.171898,137.460999)..(79.085899,136.026993)\r
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+drawoptions (withcolor(bleue));\r
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+ --(39.796902,70.875000)..controls (40.824200,70.640602) and (41.832001,70.488297)..(42.882801,70.351601)\r
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+ --(53.734402,99.222702)\r
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+ ..controls (-66.207001,73.515602) and (-65.875000,74.593803)..(-65.726601,75.351601)\r
+ ..controls (-65.449203,76.707001) and (-65.125000,78.050797)..(-64.789101,79.390602)\r
+ ..controls (-64.125000,82.144501) and (-63.378899,84.882797)..(-62.539101,87.582001)\r
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+ ..controls (-45.406300,94.398399) and (-44.328098,96.089798)..(-43.210899,97.753899)\r
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+ ..controls (-24.878901,133.136993) and (-24.878901,134.608994)..(-24.519501,136.020004)\r
+ ..controls (-23.886700,135.309006) and (-23.523399,134.445007)..(-23.121099,133.598007)\r
+ ..controls (-22.738300,132.796997) and (-22.179701,131.979996)..(-22.156300,131.070007)\r
+ ..controls (-21.640600,131.507996) and (-21.179701,132.218994)..(-20.964800,132.852005)\r
+ ..controls (-21.550800,132.940994) and (-22.945299,134.098007)..(-22.289101,134.723007)\r
+ ..controls (-21.796900,135.188004) and (-21.648399,135.324005)..(-20.957001,135.070007)\r
+ ..controls (-20.562500,134.925995) and (-20.152300,134.632996)..(-19.769501,134.438004)\r
+ ..controls (-19.605499,135.000000) and (-19.222700,135.473007)..(-18.882799,135.934006)\r
+ ..controls (-18.519501,136.429993) and (-18.218800,136.977005)..(-17.902300,137.507996)\r
+ ..controls (-17.277300,138.550995) and (-16.437500,139.559006)..(-16.023399,140.714996)\r
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+ ..controls (-16.460899,143.199005) and (-17.605499,144.156006)..(-18.566401,145.108994)\r
+ ..controls (-19.070299,145.613007) and (-19.500000,146.184006)..(-19.980499,146.714996)\r
+ ..controls (-20.503901,147.292999) and (-21.160200,147.785004)..(-21.523399,148.488007)\r
+ ..controls (-20.996099,148.401993) and (-20.457001,148.457001)..(-19.941401,148.250000)\r
+ ..controls (-19.371099,148.020004) and (-18.769501,147.949005)..(-18.160200,147.886993)\r
+ ..controls (-18.890600,148.917999) and (-19.695299,149.645004)..(-20.710899,150.375000)\r
+ ..controls (-20.921900,150.522995) and (-21.460899,150.285004)..(-21.675800,150.229996)\r
+ ..controls (-22.093800,150.113007) and (-22.679701,149.882996)..(-23.109400,150.065994)\r
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+ ..controls (-23.988300,152.164001) and (-24.281300,152.835999)..(-24.683599,153.445007)\r
+ ..controls (-23.496099,153.445007) and (-22.839800,152.313004)..(-21.714800,152.250000)\r
+ ..controls (-22.230499,153.042999) and (-22.457001,154.046997)..(-23.250000,154.632996)\r
+ ..controls (-24.121099,155.281006) and (-25.000000,155.934006)..(-25.664101,156.804993)\r
+ ..controls (-25.000000,156.438004) and (-24.476601,155.781006)..(-23.734400,155.550995)\r
+ ..controls (-22.910200,155.296997) and (-21.968800,155.410004)..(-21.121099,155.410004)\r
+ ..controls (-21.183599,155.882996) and (-21.722700,156.098007)..(-22.109400,156.253998)\r
+ ..controls (-22.742201,156.500000) and (-23.281300,156.843994)..(-23.683599,157.395004)\r
+ ..controls (-22.996099,157.229996) and (-22.316401,157.141006)..(-21.707001,157.593994)\r
+ ..controls (-21.910200,157.824005) and (-22.203100,157.910004)..(-22.449200,158.093994)\r
+ ..controls (-22.828100,158.371002) and (-23.179701,158.679993)..(-23.527300,158.988007)\r
+ ..controls (-24.074200,159.457001) and (-24.777300,159.723007)..(-25.457001,159.391006)\r
+ ..controls (-25.378901,159.867004) and (-24.761700,160.578003)..(-24.238300,160.460999)\r
+ ..controls (-23.746099,160.354996) and (-22.648399,160.016006)..(-22.488300,160.770004)\r
+ ..controls (-23.027300,160.878998) and (-23.527300,161.332001)..(-23.968800,161.632996)\r
+ ..controls (-24.761700,162.171997) and (-25.625000,161.757996)..(-26.414101,162.125000)\r
+ ..controls (-27.308599,162.535004) and (-27.964800,163.136993)..(-29.011700,163.151993)\r
+ ..controls (-28.625000,163.938004) and (-28.218800,164.617004)..(-28.218800,165.526993)\r
+ ..controls (-28.218800,166.496002) and (-28.679701,167.151993)..(-29.105499,167.973007)\r
+ ..controls (-29.398399,168.535004) and (-29.027300,169.210999)..(-28.750000,169.690994)\r
+ ..controls (-28.386700,170.339996) and (-28.117201,170.953003)..(-27.972700,171.695007)\r
+ ..controls (-27.812500,172.542999) and (-27.632799,173.382996)..(-27.425800,174.223007)\r
+ ..controls (-27.234400,174.973007) and (-26.878901,175.757996)..(-26.808599,176.531006)\r
+ ..controls (-26.738300,177.261993) and (-26.695299,177.339996)..(-27.203100,177.871002)\r
+ ..controls (-27.449200,178.125000) and (-27.890600,178.195007)..(-28.210899,178.296997)\r
+ ..controls (-28.691401,178.457001) and (-29.136700,178.718994)..(-29.585899,178.945007)\r
+ ..controls (-30.609400,179.453003) and (-31.613300,180.007996)..(-32.601601,180.585999)\r
+ ..controls (-33.640598,181.188004) and (-34.667999,181.809006)..(-35.707001,182.417999)\r
+ ..controls (-36.578098,182.929993) and (-37.597698,183.828003)..(-38.640598,183.906006)\r
+ ..controls (-41.929699,184.145004) and (-45.191399,183.511993)..(-48.445301,183.179993)\r
+ ..controls (-50.128899,183.003998) and (-51.808601,182.733994)..(-53.511700,182.753998)\r
+ ..controls (-54.277302,182.761993) and (-55.039101,182.792999)..(-55.808601,182.809006)\r
+ ..controls (-56.660198,182.815994) and (-57.500000,183.007996)..(-58.355499,183.016006)\r
+ ..controls (-59.027302,183.022995) and (-59.632801,182.199005)..(-60.066399,181.781006)\r
+ ..controls (-60.828098,181.059006) and (-61.640598,180.378998)..(-62.441399,179.699005)\r
+ ..controls (-64.027298,178.343994) and (-65.695297,177.039001)..(-67.582001,176.113007)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill p0;\r
+p1:=(-28.003901,175.835999)..controls (-30.039101,176.145004) and (-32.015598,177.395004)..(-33.832001,178.324005)\r
+ ..controls (-34.851601,178.848007) and (-35.847698,179.417999)..(-36.824200,180.026993)\r
+ ..controls (-37.710899,180.582001) and (-38.468800,181.348007)..(-39.394501,181.832001)\r
+ ..controls (-40.335899,182.313004) and (-41.468800,181.671997)..(-42.402302,181.453003)\r
+ ..controls (-43.621101,181.160004) and (-44.859402,180.914001)..(-46.101601,180.729996)\r
+ ..controls (-48.468800,180.378998) and (-50.828098,180.203003)..(-53.218800,180.093994)\r
+ ..controls (-54.328098,180.046997) and (-55.417999,180.285004)..(-56.511700,180.253998)\r
+ ..controls (-57.613300,180.210999) and (-58.316399,179.238007)..(-59.031300,178.526993)\r
+ ..controls (-59.804699,177.742004) and (-60.742199,177.141006)..(-61.613300,176.468994)\r
+ ..controls (-62.500000,175.781006) and (-63.402302,174.940994)..(-64.535202,174.703003)\r
+ ..controls (-65.136703,174.578003) and (-65.355499,174.757996)..(-65.910202,175.026993)\r
+ ..controls (-66.289101,175.210999) and (-66.671898,175.417999)..(-66.503899,175.835999)\r
+ ..controls (-66.242203,176.483994) and (-65.031303,176.983994)..(-64.492203,177.371002)\r
+ ..controls (-63.660198,177.973007) and (-62.839802,178.582001)..(-62.031300,179.214996)\r
+ ..controls (-61.214802,179.848007) and (-60.421902,180.520004)..(-59.687500,181.250000)\r
+ ..controls (-59.046902,181.882996) and (-58.468800,182.651993)..(-57.460899,182.483994)\r
+ ..controls (-54.523399,182.000000) and (-51.421902,182.199005)..(-48.476601,182.516006)\r
+ ..controls (-47.035198,182.671997) and (-45.625000,182.979996)..(-44.191399,183.195007)\r
+ ..controls (-43.425800,183.313004) and (-42.640598,183.382996)..(-41.871101,183.520004)\r
+ ..controls (-41.128899,183.645004) and (-40.390598,183.843994)..(-39.632801,183.796997)\r
+ ..controls (-38.617199,183.738007) and (-37.875000,183.190994)..(-37.058601,182.645004)\r
+ ..controls (-36.125000,182.020004) and (-35.183601,181.386993)..(-34.203098,180.832001)\r
+ ..controls (-32.238300,179.707001) and (-30.156300,178.766006)..(-28.152300,177.703003)\r
+ ..controls (-27.503901,177.332001) and (-27.726601,176.391006)..(-28.003901,175.835999)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill p1;\r
+p2:=(-40.058601,180.809006)..controls (-39.191399,180.358994) and (-37.257801,179.511993)..(-37.019501,178.425995)\r
+ ..controls (-36.894501,177.871002) and (-37.226601,177.128998)..(-37.363300,176.589996)\r
+ ..controls (-37.542999,175.886993) and (-37.765598,175.188004)..(-38.121101,174.546997)\r
+ ..controls (-38.453098,173.953003) and (-39.484402,174.238007)..(-40.000000,174.352005)\r
+ ..controls (-41.011700,174.570007) and (-42.058601,174.684006)..(-43.093800,174.753998)\r
+ ..controls (-45.585899,174.906006) and (-48.097698,174.707001)..(-50.566399,174.352005)\r
+ ..controls (-52.484402,174.074005) and (-54.367199,173.546997)..(-56.156300,172.792999)\r
+ ..controls (-57.089802,172.397995) and (-58.003899,171.938004)..(-58.882801,171.434006)\r
+ ..controls (-59.617199,170.996002) and (-60.410198,170.238007)..(-61.265598,170.085999)\r
+ ..controls (-62.308601,169.897995) and (-63.441399,171.940994)..(-63.617199,172.796997)\r
+ ..controls (-63.703098,173.229996) and (-63.773399,173.516006)..(-63.363300,173.815994)\r
+ ..controls (-61.953098,174.858994) and (-60.449200,175.804993)..(-59.218800,177.070007)\r
+ ..controls (-58.355499,177.964996) and (-57.281300,179.246002)..(-55.886700,179.007996)\r
+ ..controls (-54.605499,178.785004) and (-53.218800,178.809006)..(-51.929699,178.929993)\r
+ ..controls (-50.574200,179.054993) and (-49.210899,179.102005)..(-47.859402,179.218994)\r
+ ..controls (-45.183601,179.425995) and (-42.738300,180.714996)..(-40.058601,180.809006)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill p2;\r
+p3:=(-35.914101,178.031006)..controls (-35.960899,176.723007) and (-36.515598,175.309006)..(-36.910198,174.070007)\r
+ ..controls (-37.503899,174.729996) and (-36.750000,176.406006)..(-36.554699,177.145004)\r
+ ..controls (-36.417999,177.628998) and (-36.492199,178.102005)..(-35.914101,178.031006)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill p3;\r
+p4:=(-34.921902,177.438004)..controls (-34.929699,176.233994) and (-35.398399,175.016006)..(-35.722698,173.875000)\r
+ ..controls (-36.144501,174.332001) and (-35.785198,175.141006)..(-35.667999,175.656006)\r
+ ..controls (-35.515598,176.257996) and (-35.500000,177.070007)..(-34.921902,177.438004)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill p4;\r
+p5:=(-33.933601,176.645004)..controls (-33.972698,175.602005) and (-34.250000,174.401993)..(-34.734402,173.477005)\r
+ ..controls (-35.074200,173.921997) and (-34.718800,174.602005)..(-34.582001,175.063004)\r
+ ..controls (-34.433601,175.578003) and (-34.402302,176.289001)..(-33.933601,176.645004)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill p5;\r
+p6:=(-32.746101,176.242004)..controls (-32.761700,175.897995) and (-32.855499,175.574005)..(-32.945301,175.250000)\r
+ ..controls (-33.207001,175.550995) and (-33.062500,176.035004)..(-32.746101,176.242004)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill p6;\r
+p7:=(-31.765600,175.645004)..controls (-31.765600,175.449005) and (-31.765600,175.250000)..(-31.765600,175.054993)\r
+ ..controls (-31.921900,175.227005) and (-31.914101,175.464996)..(-31.765600,175.645004)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill p7;\r
+p8:=(-30.578100,175.250000)..controls (-30.585899,174.332001) and (-30.855499,173.042999)..(-31.378901,172.281006)\r
+ ..controls (-31.652300,172.718994) and (-31.359400,173.328003)..(-31.242201,173.761993)\r
+ ..controls (-31.097700,174.270004) and (-31.011700,174.901993)..(-30.578100,175.250000)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill p8;\r
+p9:=(-33.148399,174.854996)..controls (-33.148399,174.261993) and (-33.285198,173.604996)..(-33.546902,173.074005)\r
+ ..controls (-33.941399,173.483994) and (-33.539101,174.554993)..(-33.148399,174.854996)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill p9;\r
+p10:=(-29.585899,174.460999)..controls (-29.628901,173.582001) and (-29.777300,172.667999)..(-30.191401,171.886993)\r
+ ..controls (-30.500000,172.382996) and (-30.070299,174.117004)..(-29.585899,174.460999)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill p10;\r
+p11:=(-32.160198,174.261993)..controls (-32.191399,173.707001) and (-32.222698,173.214996)..(-32.359402,172.679993)\r
+ ..controls (-32.714802,173.050995) and (-32.484402,173.929993)..(-32.160198,174.261993)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill p11;\r
+p12:=(-40.320301,149.934006)..controls (-40.058601,150.440994) and (-39.597698,150.804993)..(-39.187500,151.175995)\r
+ ..controls (-38.664101,151.645004) and (-38.230499,152.199005)..(-37.738300,152.695007)\r
+ ..controls (-38.449200,152.276993) and (-39.046902,151.690994)..(-39.687500,151.167999)\r
+ ..controls (-40.382801,150.598007) and (-41.183601,150.156006)..(-41.968800,149.718994)\r
+ ..controls (-43.542999,148.852005) and (-45.148399,148.550995)..(-46.921902,148.559006)\r
+ ..controls (-48.515598,148.559006) and (-50.343800,148.835999)..(-51.394501,150.214996)\r
+ ..controls (-52.519501,151.688004) and (-53.824200,153.007996)..(-54.996101,154.434006)\r
+ ..controls (-56.097698,155.781006) and (-56.691399,157.440994)..(-57.300800,159.050995)\r
+ ..controls (-57.925800,160.695007) and (-57.980499,162.598007)..(-58.789101,164.156006)\r
+ ..controls (-59.570301,165.660004) and (-60.433601,167.195007)..(-60.511700,168.938004)\r
+ ..controls (-60.519501,169.151993) and (-60.031300,169.770004)..(-59.871101,169.929993)\r
+ ..controls (-59.371101,170.434006) and (-58.605499,170.772995)..(-57.988300,171.104996)\r
+ ..controls (-57.179699,171.542999) and (-56.347698,171.929993)..(-55.492199,172.261993)\r
+ ..controls (-53.789101,172.929993) and (-52.000000,173.371002)..(-50.195301,173.625000)\r
+ ..controls (-48.531300,173.858994) and (-46.871101,173.843994)..(-45.199200,173.921997)\r
+ ..controls (-43.941399,173.983994) and (-42.324200,174.151993)..(-41.265598,173.320007)\r
+ ..controls (-38.976601,171.531006) and (-39.222698,168.593994)..(-38.757801,166.011993)\r
+ ..controls (-38.628899,165.348007) and (-38.179699,164.875000)..(-37.816399,164.315994)\r
+ ..controls (-37.402302,163.690994) and (-37.109402,162.910004)..(-37.015598,162.164001)\r
+ ..controls (-36.914101,161.397995) and (-37.093800,160.675995)..(-36.804699,159.934006)\r
+ ..controls (-36.589802,159.395004) and (-35.820301,158.585999)..(-35.835899,158.007996)\r
+ ..controls (-35.859402,157.281006) and (-36.011700,156.520004)..(-35.886700,155.800995)\r
+ ..controls (-35.781300,155.175995) and (-35.531300,154.531006)..(-35.640598,153.882996)\r
+ ..controls (-35.789101,153.011993) and (-36.718800,152.246002)..(-37.289101,151.645004)\r
+ ..controls (-37.992199,150.897995) and (-39.289101,150.065994)..(-40.320301,149.934006)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+unfill p12;\r
+p13:=(-36.335899,165.363007)..controls (-36.343800,165.539001) and (-36.328098,166.382996)..(-36.011700,166.343994)\r
+ ..controls (-35.281300,166.257996) and (-35.281300,166.272995)..(-34.996101,165.593994)\r
+ ..controls (-34.925800,165.410004) and (-35.132801,164.602005)..(-35.242199,164.438004)\r
+ ..controls (-35.519501,164.000000) and (-36.105499,164.229996)..(-36.523399,164.270004)\r
+ ..controls (-37.015598,164.328003) and (-37.253899,164.261993)..(-37.554699,164.645004)\r
+ ..controls (-37.894501,165.078003) and (-38.050800,165.401993)..(-38.242199,165.925995)\r
+ ..controls (-38.718800,167.229996) and (-38.417999,168.718994)..(-38.765598,170.065994)\r
+ ..controls (-38.945301,170.789001) and (-39.183601,171.492004)..(-39.484402,172.171997)\r
+ ..controls (-39.593800,172.417999) and (-40.046902,173.011993)..(-39.886700,173.289001)\r
+ ..controls (-39.593800,173.796997) and (-37.972698,173.121002)..(-37.679699,172.910004)\r
+ ..controls (-36.992199,172.417999) and (-36.390598,171.546997)..(-36.191399,170.707001)\r
+ ..controls (-35.984402,169.796997) and (-35.960899,168.453003)..(-36.253899,167.554993)\r
+ ..controls (-36.476601,166.875000) and (-37.238300,165.878998)..(-36.335899,165.363007)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+unfill p13;\r
+p14:=(-35.722698,172.488007)..controls (-35.027302,172.026993) and (-34.796902,170.983994)..(-34.601601,170.229996)\r
+ ..controls (-34.378899,169.395004) and (-34.347698,168.593994)..(-34.347698,167.729996)\r
+ ..controls (-34.941399,167.729996) and (-35.335899,167.539001)..(-35.335899,168.188004)\r
+ ..controls (-35.335899,168.785004) and (-35.281300,169.417999)..(-35.367199,170.003998)\r
+ ..controls (-35.468800,170.690994) and (-36.207001,171.839996)..(-35.722698,172.488007)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+unfill p14;\r
+p15:=(-34.535198,172.093994)..controls (-33.507801,171.253998) and (-33.414101,169.164001)..(-33.355499,167.938004)\r
+ ..controls (-32.960899,168.703003) and (-33.160198,169.875000)..(-33.152302,170.707001)\r
+ ..controls (-32.714802,170.335999) and (-32.468800,169.559006)..(-32.589802,169.003998)\r
+ ..controls (-32.667999,168.617004) and (-32.691399,168.285004)..(-32.945301,167.977005)\r
+ ..controls (-33.191399,167.675995) and (-33.546902,167.723007)..(-33.722698,168.007996)\r
+ ..controls (-34.109402,168.625000) and (-33.957001,169.434006)..(-34.109402,170.113007)\r
+ ..controls (-34.234402,170.723007) and (-34.789101,171.440994)..(-34.535198,172.093994)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+unfill p15;\r
+p16:=(-49.785198,169.546997)..controls (-48.675800,169.315994) and (-47.457001,170.313004)..(-46.394501,170.526993)\r
+ ..controls (-45.058601,170.796997) and (-43.601601,171.065994)..(-42.277302,170.628998)\r
+ ..controls (-41.550800,170.391006) and (-41.003899,169.781006)..(-40.285198,169.526993)\r
+ ..controls (-40.531300,170.289001) and (-41.503899,170.921997)..(-42.214802,171.160004)\r
+ ..controls (-43.941399,171.753998) and (-45.929699,171.328003)..(-47.656300,170.921997)\r
+ ..controls (-48.242199,170.789001) and (-49.648399,170.218994)..(-49.785198,169.546997)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill p16;\r
+p17:=(-31.179701,170.500000)..controls (-31.039101,169.820007) and (-30.996099,169.218994)..(-30.980499,168.520004)\r
+ ..controls (-30.578100,169.145004) and (-30.718800,169.867004)..(-30.386700,170.500000)\r
+ ..controls (-29.906300,170.160004) and (-30.160200,169.397995)..(-30.316401,168.940994)\r
+ ..controls (-30.593800,168.093994) and (-31.148399,168.046997)..(-31.941401,168.332001)\r
+ ..controls (-32.359402,168.479996) and (-32.304699,168.742004)..(-32.351601,169.171997)\r
+ ..controls (-32.375000,169.343994) and (-32.468800,170.020004)..(-32.367199,170.113007)\r
+ ..controls (-32.019501,170.429993) and (-31.941401,169.828003)..(-31.914101,169.651993)\r
+ ..controls (-31.867201,169.352005) and (-31.781300,169.035004)..(-31.781300,168.727005)\r
+ ..controls (-31.519501,169.257996) and (-31.695299,170.121002)..(-31.179701,170.500000)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+unfill p17;\r
+p18:=(-47.812500,166.179993)..controls (-47.386700,165.968994) and (-46.894501,165.953003)..(-46.429699,165.863007)\r
+ ..controls (-45.796902,165.746002) and (-45.234402,165.570007)..(-44.578098,165.617004)\r
+ ..controls (-44.046902,165.660004) and (-43.523399,165.723007)..(-43.015598,165.895004)\r
+ ..controls (-42.484402,166.078003) and (-42.035198,166.449005)..(-41.480499,166.565994)\r
+ ..controls (-41.503899,165.949005) and (-41.574200,165.395004)..(-41.679699,164.785004)\r
+ ..controls (-40.941399,164.945007) and (-40.417999,166.964996)..(-40.792999,167.520004)\r
+ ..controls (-41.042999,167.897995) and (-41.558601,168.039001)..(-41.945301,168.223007)\r
+ ..controls (-42.507801,168.492004) and (-43.023399,168.824005)..(-43.609402,169.054993)\r
+ ..controls (-44.664101,169.464996) and (-45.722698,169.593994)..(-46.722698,169.016006)\r
+ ..controls (-47.125000,168.785004) and (-47.339802,168.343994)..(-47.410198,167.891006)\r
+ ..controls (-47.496101,167.304993) and (-47.710899,166.757996)..(-47.812500,166.179993)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill p18;\r
+p19:=(-59.878899,167.188004)..controls (-59.046902,167.354996) and (-58.566399,168.313004)..(-57.671902,168.421997)\r
+ ..controls (-57.187500,168.488007) and (-55.445301,168.296997)..(-55.320301,168.960999)\r
+ ..controls (-56.578098,169.151993) and (-59.824200,169.020004)..(-59.878899,167.188004)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill p19;\r
+p20:=(-42.460899,167.750000)..controls (-43.160198,167.945007) and (-43.878899,168.229996)..(-44.597698,168.276993)\r
+ ..controls (-45.453098,168.335999) and (-46.007801,168.098007)..(-46.816399,167.953003)\r
+ ..controls (-46.792999,168.878998) and (-45.683601,169.207001)..(-44.914101,169.063004)\r
+ ..controls (-43.933601,168.886993) and (-43.000000,168.690994)..(-42.460899,167.750000)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+unfill p20;\r
+p21:=(-54.929699,168.367004)..controls (-54.687500,167.647995) and (-54.164101,166.964996)..(-54.140598,166.190994)\r
+ ..controls (-54.597698,166.854996) and (-55.429699,167.585999)..(-56.300800,167.309006)\r
+ ..controls (-57.226601,167.016006) and (-58.304699,166.570007)..(-58.296902,165.406006)\r
+ ..controls (-57.710899,165.770004) and (-57.441399,166.276993)..(-56.761700,166.531006)\r
+ ..controls (-56.253899,166.714996) and (-55.250000,167.093994)..(-55.128899,166.199005)\r
+ ..controls (-55.535198,166.199005) and (-55.921902,166.199005)..(-56.316399,166.136993)\r
+ ..controls (-57.015598,166.031006) and (-57.902302,165.113007)..(-58.164101,164.479996)\r
+ ..controls (-58.328098,164.070007) and (-58.203098,163.729996)..(-57.703098,163.824005)\r
+ ..controls (-58.082001,163.167999) and (-57.308601,162.542999)..(-56.714802,162.438004)\r
+ ..controls (-56.968800,162.843994) and (-57.226601,163.238007)..(-57.503899,163.625000)\r
+ ..controls (-56.808601,163.656006) and (-56.023399,163.848007)..(-55.335899,163.809006)\r
+ ..controls (-54.917999,163.785004) and (-54.796902,163.695007)..(-54.582001,163.339996)\r
+ ..controls (-54.472698,163.147995) and (-54.656300,162.983994)..(-54.339802,163.031006)\r
+ ..controls (-54.226601,163.046997) and (-54.023399,163.339996)..(-53.941399,163.425995)\r
+ ..controls (-53.730499,162.246002) and (-53.578098,161.089996)..(-53.554699,159.886993)\r
+ ..controls (-53.531300,158.699005) and (-53.007801,157.617004)..(-51.726601,157.520004)\r
+ ..controls (-51.210899,157.479996) and (-50.753899,157.617004)..(-50.316399,157.891006)\r
+ ..controls (-49.738300,158.257996) and (-49.058601,158.167999)..(-48.503899,158.520004)\r
+ ..controls (-48.363300,158.604996) and (-47.941399,158.753998)..(-47.941399,158.938004)\r
+ ..controls (-47.941399,159.348007) and (-47.941399,159.770004)..(-47.941399,160.179993)\r
+ ..controls (-47.941399,160.718994) and (-48.449200,161.136993)..(-49.003899,160.843994)\r
+ ..controls (-48.820301,160.625000) and (-48.535198,160.479996)..(-48.410198,160.210999)\r
+ ..controls (-48.265598,159.895004) and (-48.273399,159.414001)..(-48.210899,159.063004)\r
+ ..controls (-48.679699,159.160004) and (-49.574200,159.625000)..(-50.023399,159.315994)\r
+ ..controls (-50.500000,158.983994) and (-51.125000,158.203003)..(-51.695301,158.082001)\r
+ ..controls (-53.113300,157.789001) and (-53.074200,160.401993)..(-53.152302,161.250000)\r
+ ..controls (-53.277302,162.589996) and (-53.117199,163.940994)..(-53.277302,165.281006)\r
+ ..controls (-53.394501,166.199005) and (-53.617199,168.367004)..(-54.929699,168.367004)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill p21;\r
+p22:=(-44.835899,167.953003)..controls (-44.882801,167.559006) and (-45.289101,167.421997)..(-45.628899,167.358994)\r
+ ..controls (-45.746101,167.882996) and (-45.203098,167.906006)..(-44.835899,167.953003)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+unfill p22;\r
+p23:=(-61.066399,167.792999)..controls (-60.789101,167.276993) and (-60.671902,166.699005)..(-60.402302,166.175995)\r
+ ..controls (-60.070301,165.526993) and (-59.777302,164.871002)..(-59.660198,164.147995)\r
+ ..controls (-59.500000,163.184006) and (-58.898399,161.233994)..(-60.093800,160.656006)\r
+ ..controls (-60.093800,161.371002) and (-60.062500,162.151993)..(-60.203098,162.852005)\r
+ ..controls (-60.332001,163.477005) and (-60.625000,164.078003)..(-60.812500,164.688004)\r
+ ..controls (-61.074200,165.526993) and (-61.699200,166.983994)..(-61.066399,167.792999)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+unfill p23;\r
+p24:=(-31.187500,163.574005)..controls (-31.187500,164.229996) and (-31.046900,164.940994)..(-31.257799,165.585999)\r
+ ..controls (-31.457001,166.188004) and (-31.902300,166.875000)..(-31.773399,167.539001)\r
+ ..controls (-30.855499,167.391006) and (-30.292999,166.421997)..(-30.230499,165.559006)\r
+ ..controls (-30.175800,164.815994) and (-30.183599,163.582001)..(-31.187500,163.574005)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+unfill p24;\r
+p25:=(-29.605499,164.167999)..controls (-29.636700,164.695007) and (-29.535200,165.257996)..(-29.707001,165.781006)\r
+ ..controls (-29.890600,166.335999) and (-30.269501,166.929993)..(-30.199200,167.539001)\r
+ ..controls (-29.359400,167.570007) and (-28.906300,166.858994)..(-28.773399,166.098007)\r
+ ..controls (-28.656300,165.449005) and (-28.820299,164.339996)..(-29.605499,164.167999)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+unfill p25;\r
+p26:=(-43.847698,167.164001)..controls (-43.941399,166.496002) and (-44.355499,166.179993)..(-44.972698,166.141006)\r
+ ..controls (-45.589802,166.102005) and (-46.207001,166.171997)..(-46.222698,166.964996)\r
+ ..controls (-45.875000,166.910004) and (-45.460899,166.757996)..(-45.113300,166.832001)\r
+ ..controls (-44.687500,166.917999) and (-44.281300,167.089996)..(-43.847698,167.164001)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+unfill p26;\r
+p27:=(-42.859402,167.164001)..controls (-42.660198,166.781006) and (-42.914101,166.511993)..(-43.253899,166.371002)\r
+ ..controls (-43.253899,166.671997) and (-43.121101,166.988007)..(-42.859402,167.164001)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+unfill p27;\r
+p28:=(-33.761700,163.776993)..controls (-33.761700,164.175995) and (-33.761700,164.570007)..(-33.761700,164.968994)\r
+ ..controls (-33.984402,164.660004) and (-34.207001,164.354996)..(-34.554699,164.175995)\r
+ ..controls (-34.585899,164.647995) and (-34.464802,165.125000)..(-34.425800,165.602005)\r
+ ..controls (-34.386700,166.074005) and (-34.593800,166.511993)..(-34.742199,166.945007)\r
+ ..controls (-33.300800,167.699005) and (-32.171902,164.082001)..(-33.761700,163.776993)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+unfill p28;\r
+p29:=(-32.574200,166.938004)..controls (-31.972700,166.145004) and (-31.261700,163.651993)..(-32.781300,163.375000)\r
+ ..controls (-32.691399,164.046997) and (-32.335899,164.815994)..(-32.421902,165.496002)\r
+ ..controls (-32.472698,165.949005) and (-32.898399,166.503998)..(-32.574200,166.938004)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+unfill p29;\r
+p30:=(-56.128899,165.804993)..controls (-56.085899,165.391006) and (-56.355499,165.250000)..(-56.722698,165.210999)\r
+ ..controls (-56.800800,165.645004) and (-56.562500,165.882996)..(-56.128899,165.804993)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+unfill p30;\r
+p31:=(-46.429699,165.382996)..controls (-46.343800,165.007996) and (-46.261700,164.675995)..(-45.835899,164.589996)\r
+ ..controls (-45.945301,164.914001) and (-46.144501,165.199005)..(-46.429699,165.382996)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill p31;\r
+p32:=(-55.335899,165.003998)..controls (-55.558601,164.354996) and (-57.125000,163.641006)..(-57.316399,164.604996)\r
+ ..controls (-57.031300,164.589996) and (-56.546902,164.464996)..(-56.285198,164.574005)\r
+ ..controls (-55.960899,164.710999) and (-55.652302,164.852005)..(-55.335899,165.003998)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+unfill p32;\r
+p33:=(-28.023399,162.378998)..controls (-27.984400,162.104996) and (-28.242201,161.957001)..(-28.417999,161.785004)\r
+ ..controls (-28.132799,161.718994) and (-27.855499,161.492004)..(-27.824200,161.188004)\r
+ ..controls (-28.085899,161.188004) and (-28.355499,161.188004)..(-28.617201,161.188004)\r
+ ..controls (-28.410200,160.977005) and (-27.937500,160.593994)..(-28.472700,160.593994)\r
+ ..controls (-29.851601,160.598007) and (-31.238300,160.604996)..(-32.613300,160.604996)\r
+ ..controls (-34.386700,160.604996) and (-36.343800,161.270004)..(-36.335899,163.382996)\r
+ ..controls (-35.011700,163.382996) and (-34.085899,162.085999)..(-32.757801,162.054993)\r
+ ..controls (-31.156300,162.011993) and (-29.644501,162.766006)..(-28.023399,162.378998)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+unfill p33;\r
+p34:=(-23.675800,160.979996)..controls (-24.292999,161.016006) and (-24.824200,161.378998)..(-25.457001,161.179993)\r
+ ..controls (-25.210899,161.910004) and (-23.953100,161.496002)..(-23.675800,160.979996)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+unfill p34;\r
+p35:=(-58.511700,161.250000)..controls (-58.296902,160.554993) and (-58.117199,159.897995)..(-57.996101,159.175995)\r
+ ..controls (-57.902302,158.613007) and (-58.371101,157.792999)..(-58.621101,157.300995)\r
+ ..controls (-59.218800,156.160004) and (-60.679699,155.425995)..(-61.886700,155.125000)\r
+ ..controls (-60.460899,154.354996) and (-59.121101,156.477005)..(-57.925800,156.895004)\r
+ ..controls (-57.917999,155.598007) and (-58.917999,155.085999)..(-59.890598,154.479996)\r
+ ..controls (-60.207001,154.285004) and (-61.093800,154.285004)..(-61.488300,154.324005)\r
+ ..controls (-61.957001,154.378998) and (-62.714802,154.492004)..(-63.031300,154.854996)\r
+ ..controls (-63.445301,155.332001) and (-62.890598,155.988007)..(-62.480499,156.242004)\r
+ ..controls (-62.074200,156.483994) and (-61.289101,156.507996)..(-60.816399,156.582001)\r
+ ..controls (-59.808601,156.729996) and (-58.789101,157.718994)..(-58.511700,158.679993)\r
+ ..controls (-58.914101,158.434006) and (-59.207001,158.102005)..(-59.597698,157.848007)\r
+ ..controls (-60.152302,157.492004) and (-60.980499,157.522995)..(-61.617199,157.483994)\r
+ ..controls (-62.429699,157.438004) and (-63.082001,157.039001)..(-63.863300,156.906006)\r
+ ..controls (-63.910198,157.438004) and (-63.664101,158.085999)..(-63.230499,158.401993)\r
+ ..controls (-63.023399,158.550995) and (-62.699200,158.910004)..(-62.445301,158.964996)\r
+ ..controls (-61.464802,159.167999) and (-60.332001,159.313004)..(-59.597698,160.063004)\r
+ ..controls (-59.222698,160.453003) and (-59.113300,161.363007)..(-58.511700,161.250000)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+unfill p35;\r
+p36:=(-27.042999,157.625000)..controls (-27.562500,157.800995) and (-28.085899,158.132996)..(-28.625000,158.218994)\r
+ ..controls (-27.613300,157.429993) and (-26.953100,156.136993)..(-25.902300,155.425995)\r
+ ..controls (-25.148399,154.910004) and (-23.968800,154.925995)..(-23.488300,154.054993)\r
+ ..controls (-24.769501,154.332001) and (-26.027300,154.386993)..(-26.953100,155.449005)\r
+ ..controls (-27.476601,156.050995) and (-27.847700,156.473007)..(-28.492201,156.968994)\r
+ ..controls (-29.164101,157.492004) and (-30.207001,157.546997)..(-31.023399,157.593994)\r
+ ..controls (-32.062500,157.660004) and (-33.121101,157.613007)..(-34.128899,157.929993)\r
+ ..controls (-35.402302,158.332001) and (-36.136700,159.511993)..(-36.136700,160.804993)\r
+ ..controls (-35.027302,160.789001) and (-33.992199,159.882996)..(-32.929699,159.598007)\r
+ ..controls (-31.632799,159.250000) and (-30.214800,159.352005)..(-28.878901,159.098007)\r
+ ..controls (-28.246099,158.988007) and (-27.128901,158.348007)..(-27.042999,157.625000)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+unfill p36;\r
+p37:=(-27.437500,159.210999)..controls (-28.023399,159.089996) and (-28.871099,159.613007)..(-29.417999,159.804993)\r
+ ..controls (-28.847700,160.343994) and (-27.761700,159.757996)..(-27.437500,159.210999)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+unfill p37;\r
+p38:=(-23.480499,158.210999)..controls (-23.875000,158.272995) and (-24.261700,158.417999)..(-24.667999,158.410004)\r
+ ..controls (-25.070299,158.410004) and (-25.457001,158.266006)..(-25.855499,158.210999)\r
+ ..controls (-25.363300,159.145004) and (-23.761700,159.511993)..(-23.480499,158.210999)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+unfill p38;\r
+p39:=(-24.667999,157.625000)..controls (-24.382799,157.332001) and (-24.128901,157.054993)..(-24.074200,156.636993)\r
+ ..controls (-24.390600,156.809006) and (-24.910200,157.223007)..(-24.667999,157.625000)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+unfill p39;\r
+p40:=(-23.695299,149.104996)..controls (-24.550800,149.417999) and (-24.968800,150.229996)..(-25.410200,150.960999)\r
+ ..controls (-25.902300,151.757996) and (-26.625000,152.425995)..(-27.535200,152.710999)\r
+ ..controls (-28.378901,152.973007) and (-29.250000,153.065994)..(-30.128901,153.082001)\r
+ ..controls (-31.207001,153.098007) and (-32.156300,153.391006)..(-33.187500,153.684006)\r
+ ..controls (-32.820301,153.375000) and (-32.449200,153.098007)..(-32.195301,152.695007)\r
+ ..controls (-33.250000,152.608994) and (-34.300800,153.503998)..(-34.722698,154.382996)\r
+ ..controls (-34.917999,154.792999) and (-35.195301,155.324005)..(-35.140598,155.792999)\r
+ ..controls (-35.085899,156.335999) and (-34.957001,156.897995)..(-34.949200,157.445007)\r
+ ..controls (-34.332001,157.453003) and (-33.867199,157.207001)..(-33.476601,156.750000)\r
+ ..controls (-33.019501,156.203003) and (-32.671902,155.785004)..(-32.085899,155.363007)\r
+ ..controls (-31.332001,154.824005) and (-30.468800,154.531006)..(-29.574200,154.339996)\r
+ ..controls (-29.164101,154.253998) and (-28.746099,154.175995)..(-28.324200,154.098007)\r
+ ..controls (-27.769501,153.983994) and (-27.191401,154.085999)..(-26.636700,153.953003)\r
+ ..controls (-25.800800,153.746002) and (-25.515600,153.270004)..(-24.976601,152.628998)\r
+ ..controls (-24.613300,152.195007) and (-24.492201,151.593994)..(-24.335899,151.063004)\r
+ ..controls (-24.160200,150.397995) and (-23.796900,149.789001)..(-23.695299,149.104996)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+unfill p40;\r
+p41:=(-51.988300,155.503998)..controls (-52.234402,155.645004) and (-52.503899,155.660004)..(-52.781300,155.699005)\r
+ ..controls (-52.683601,154.988007) and (-52.289101,154.820007)..(-51.648399,154.964996)\r
+ ..controls (-49.968800,155.343994) and (-48.179699,156.078003)..(-46.445301,156.078003)\r
+ ..controls (-46.484402,156.339996) and (-46.589802,156.602005)..(-46.683601,156.854996)\r
+ ..controls (-46.828098,157.242004) and (-46.769501,157.227005)..(-47.160198,157.188004)\r
+ ..controls (-47.414101,157.164001) and (-47.730499,157.011993)..(-47.992199,156.957001)\r
+ ..controls (-48.378899,156.871002) and (-48.789101,157.046997)..(-49.179699,157.039001)\r
+ ..controls (-49.675800,157.020004) and (-50.144501,156.839996)..(-50.617199,156.707001)\r
+ ..controls (-51.292999,156.516006) and (-51.964802,156.339996)..(-51.988300,155.503998)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill p41;\r
+p42:=(-28.433599,155.647995)..controls (-28.785200,155.733994) and (-31.484400,156.195007)..(-31.007799,156.835999)\r
+ ..controls (-30.769501,157.151993) and (-29.875000,156.852005)..(-29.621099,156.766006)\r
+ ..controls (-29.132799,156.598007) and (-28.507799,156.218994)..(-28.433599,155.647995)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+unfill p42;\r
+p43:=(-48.031300,156.483994)..controls (-48.441399,156.147995) and (-49.058601,156.070007)..(-49.566399,155.992004)\r
+ ..controls (-50.308601,155.875000) and (-51.031300,155.507996)..(-51.789101,155.503998)\r
+ ..controls (-51.531300,156.315994) and (-50.878899,156.276993)..(-50.175800,156.421997)\r
+ ..controls (-49.812500,156.492004) and (-49.445301,156.641006)..(-49.066399,156.602005)\r
+ ..controls (-48.726601,156.570007) and (-48.378899,156.417999)..(-48.031300,156.483994)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+unfill p43;\r
+p44:=(-56.738300,156.300995)..controls (-55.527302,154.479996) and (-53.785198,152.128998)..(-54.191399,149.800995)\r
+ ..controls (-54.285198,149.266006) and (-55.007801,148.479996)..(-55.570301,148.386993)\r
+ ..controls (-55.433601,148.858994) and (-55.164101,149.289001)..(-55.070301,149.770004)\r
+ ..controls (-54.949200,150.354996) and (-54.972698,150.957001)..(-54.972698,151.550995)\r
+ ..controls (-55.187500,151.125000) and (-55.378899,150.695007)..(-55.609402,150.270004)\r
+ ..controls (-55.812500,149.891006) and (-55.933601,149.358994)..(-56.281300,149.082001)\r
+ ..controls (-57.207001,148.348007) and (-58.214802,148.550995)..(-59.328098,148.593994)\r
+ ..controls (-58.886700,149.145004) and (-58.023399,149.227005)..(-57.437500,149.574005)\r
+ ..controls (-56.859402,149.921997) and (-56.187500,150.270004)..(-55.964802,150.957001)\r
+ ..controls (-57.074200,150.445007) and (-58.046902,149.813004)..(-59.226601,149.438004)\r
+ ..controls (-60.121101,149.164001) and (-61.332001,148.647995)..(-61.515598,147.602005)\r
+ ..controls (-60.992199,147.863007) and (-60.484402,148.210999)..(-59.953098,148.440994)\r
+ ..controls (-59.488300,148.641006) and (-59.035198,148.102005)..(-58.546902,147.992004)\r
+ ..controls (-58.925800,147.617004) and (-59.597698,147.500000)..(-60.058601,147.214996)\r
+ ..controls (-60.839802,146.738007) and (-60.707001,146.352005)..(-60.507801,145.542999)\r
+ ..controls (-60.421902,145.188004) and (-60.328098,145.117004)..(-60.011700,144.934006)\r
+ ..controls (-59.656300,144.727005) and (-59.582001,144.854996)..(-59.203098,145.026993)\r
+ ..controls (-59.011700,145.117004) and (-58.425800,145.266006)..(-58.347698,145.473007)\r
+ ..controls (-58.230499,145.781006) and (-58.156300,146.065994)..(-58.156300,146.406006)\r
+ ..controls (-57.414101,145.858994) and (-57.945301,144.578003)..(-58.753899,144.434006)\r
+ ..controls (-59.550800,144.300995) and (-61.023399,143.921997)..(-61.515598,144.854996)\r
+ ..controls (-61.871101,145.535004) and (-62.664101,146.813004)..(-62.179699,147.628998)\r
+ ..controls (-61.656300,148.503998) and (-61.046902,149.242004)..(-60.335899,149.968994)\r
+ ..controls (-61.300800,149.828003) and (-62.273399,149.296997)..(-63.265598,149.425995)\r
+ ..controls (-63.808601,149.496002) and (-64.355499,149.559006)..(-64.808601,149.897995)\r
+ ..controls (-65.226601,150.214996) and (-65.480499,150.770004)..(-66.074203,150.770004)\r
+ ..controls (-65.425797,151.710999) and (-62.812500,150.651993)..(-61.886700,150.507996)\r
+ ..controls (-60.460899,150.285004) and (-58.742199,150.554993)..(-57.949200,151.940994)\r
+ ..controls (-59.304699,151.300995) and (-60.578098,150.647995)..(-62.140598,151.046997)\r
+ ..controls (-63.746101,151.460999) and (-65.210899,151.554993)..(-66.859398,151.554993)\r
+ ..controls (-66.253899,152.582001) and (-64.910202,152.378998)..(-63.929699,152.188004)\r
+ ..controls (-62.804699,151.964996) and (-61.171902,151.479996)..(-60.097698,151.996002)\r
+ ..controls (-59.226601,152.410004) and (-58.664101,152.875000)..(-57.941399,153.516006)\r
+ ..controls (-58.757801,153.358994) and (-59.429699,152.766006)..(-60.277302,152.636993)\r
+ ..controls (-61.457001,152.457001) and (-62.699200,152.921997)..(-63.863300,153.059006)\r
+ ..controls (-64.355499,153.113007) and (-64.902298,153.190994)..(-65.394501,153.113007)\r
+ ..controls (-65.687500,153.065994) and (-66.160202,152.828003)..(-66.453102,152.949005)\r
+ ..controls (-66.929703,153.136993) and (-66.289101,153.789001)..(-66.058601,153.938004)\r
+ ..controls (-64.617203,154.854996) and (-62.511700,154.000000)..(-60.968800,153.809006)\r
+ ..controls (-60.007801,153.699005) and (-59.281300,154.354996)..(-58.535198,154.854996)\r
+ ..controls (-57.910198,155.266006) and (-57.531300,156.184006)..(-56.738300,156.300995)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+unfill p44;\r
+p45:=(-27.445299,155.054993)..controls (-27.683599,154.886993) and (-27.945299,154.824005)..(-28.238300,154.854996)\r
+ ..controls (-28.085899,155.108994) and (-27.707001,155.195007)..(-27.445299,155.054993)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+unfill p45;\r
+p46:=(-47.632801,154.897995)..controls (-48.148399,154.550995) and (-48.812500,154.250000)..(-49.414101,154.108994)\r
+ ..controls (-50.144501,153.940994) and (-50.699200,154.210999)..(-51.394501,154.304993)\r
+ ..controls (-51.007801,153.507996) and (-49.921902,153.617004)..(-49.218800,153.766006)\r
+ ..controls (-48.871101,153.848007) and (-47.046902,154.227005)..(-47.632801,154.897995)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill p46;\r
+p47:=(-56.542999,153.925995)..controls (-56.542999,153.507996) and (-56.542999,153.121002)..(-56.343800,152.738007)\r
+ ..controls (-56.074200,153.039001) and (-56.152302,153.563004)..(-56.144501,153.925995)\r
+ ..controls (-56.273399,153.925995) and (-56.421902,153.940994)..(-56.542999,153.925995)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill p47;\r
+p48:=(-28.832001,153.875000)..controls (-28.949200,153.382996) and (-28.593800,153.453003)..(-28.238300,153.382996)\r
+ ..controls (-27.097700,153.151993) and (-26.449200,152.401993)..(-25.468800,151.886993)\r
+ ..controls (-25.394501,153.770004) and (-27.468800,153.867004)..(-28.832001,153.875000)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill p48;\r
+p49:=(-49.820301,151.141006)..controls (-49.804699,151.320007) and (-49.859402,151.664001)..(-49.718800,151.781006)\r
+ ..controls (-49.394501,152.050995) and (-49.066399,152.328003)..(-48.742199,152.598007)\r
+ ..controls (-48.203098,153.046997) and (-47.847698,152.608994)..(-47.246101,152.714996)\r
+ ..controls (-47.792999,153.425995) and (-48.796902,152.953003)..(-49.480499,152.770004)\r
+ ..controls (-50.050800,152.613007) and (-50.019501,152.531006)..(-50.253899,151.960999)\r
+ ..controls (-50.398399,151.628998) and (-50.238300,151.203003)..(-49.820301,151.141006)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill p49;\r
+p50:=(-33.789101,152.300995)..controls (-33.914101,151.500000) and (-34.523399,150.858994)..(-35.031300,150.266006)\r
+ ..controls (-35.656300,149.526993) and (-36.339802,148.863007)..(-37.097698,148.270004)\r
+ ..controls (-39.078098,146.718994) and (-41.929699,145.895004)..(-44.406300,145.684006)\r
+ ..controls (-46.925800,145.460999) and (-49.550800,146.160004)..(-51.679699,147.464996)\r
+ ..controls (-52.363300,147.886993) and (-52.917999,148.320007)..(-53.382801,148.983994)\r
+ ..controls (-53.558601,149.229996) and (-53.785198,149.628998)..(-53.785198,149.938004)\r
+ ..controls (-53.785198,150.292999) and (-53.320301,150.276993)..(-52.996101,150.363007)\r
+ ..controls (-53.359402,150.839996) and (-53.859402,151.348007)..(-53.984402,151.945007)\r
+ ..controls (-53.230499,151.843994) and (-52.679699,151.003998)..(-52.195301,150.500000)\r
+ ..controls (-51.632801,149.895004) and (-51.070301,149.214996)..(-50.304699,148.875000)\r
+ ..controls (-48.753899,148.179993) and (-46.937500,147.979996)..(-45.246101,148.074005)\r
+ ..controls (-41.585899,148.289001) and (-38.429699,149.733994)..(-35.863300,152.363007)\r
+ ..controls (-35.140598,153.085999) and (-34.562500,152.839996)..(-33.789101,152.300995)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+unfill p50;\r
+p51:=(-40.714802,152.707001)..controls (-40.714802,152.468994) and (-40.777302,152.229996)..(-40.515598,152.108994)\r
+ ..controls (-40.558601,152.332001) and (-40.566399,152.522995)..(-40.714802,152.707001)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill p51;\r
+p52:=(-27.652300,152.085999)..controls (-28.085899,151.727005) and (-29.007799,152.000000)..(-29.488300,152.070007)\r
+ ..controls (-30.312500,152.195007) and (-31.175800,152.473007)..(-32.000000,152.488007)\r
+ ..controls (-31.546900,152.917999) and (-30.667999,152.559006)..(-30.144501,152.496002)\r
+ ..controls (-29.300800,152.395004) and (-28.445299,152.511993)..(-27.652300,152.085999)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+unfill p52;\r
+p53:=(-41.507801,152.108994)..controls (-41.648399,151.867004) and (-41.664101,151.598007)..(-41.707001,151.320007)\r
+ ..controls (-41.363300,151.429993) and (-41.277302,151.852005)..(-41.507801,152.108994)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill p53;\r
+p54:=(-35.570301,151.113007)..controls (-35.039101,151.113007) and (-34.453098,151.570007)..(-34.382801,152.102005)\r
+ ..controls (-35.000000,152.117004) and (-35.492199,151.729996)..(-35.570301,151.113007)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill p54;\r
+p55:=(-42.300800,151.914001)..controls (-42.394501,151.522995) and (-42.527302,151.128998)..(-42.496101,150.727005)\r
+ ..controls (-42.171902,150.988007) and (-42.023399,151.574005)..(-42.300800,151.914001)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill p55;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (rouge));\r
+p56:=(-30.421900,150.906006)..controls (-30.960899,147.582001) and (-34.113300,144.582001)..(-37.171902,143.488007)\r
+ ..controls (-38.429699,143.039001) and (-39.625000,142.354996)..(-40.945301,142.128998)\r
+ ..controls (-42.261700,141.897995) and (-43.542999,141.628998)..(-44.867199,141.438004)\r
+ ..controls (-45.468800,141.352005) and (-46.085899,141.496002)..(-46.679699,141.574005)\r
+ ..controls (-47.296902,141.664001) and (-47.914101,141.679993)..(-48.523399,141.796997)\r
+ ..controls (-49.863300,142.059006) and (-51.160198,142.582001)..(-52.285198,143.348007)\r
+ ..controls (-53.320301,144.063004) and (-56.035198,145.796997)..(-54.976601,147.292999)\r
+ ..controls (-54.468800,148.003998) and (-53.589802,147.324005)..(-53.105499,146.945007)\r
+ ..controls (-52.269501,146.270004) and (-51.367199,145.707001)..(-50.445301,145.145004)\r
+ ..controls (-49.910198,144.813004) and (-49.218800,144.750000)..(-48.601601,144.664001)\r
+ ..controls (-47.769501,144.542999) and (-46.972698,144.417999)..(-46.125000,144.410004)\r
+ ..controls (-45.253899,144.401993) and (-44.359402,144.304993)..(-43.496101,144.417999)\r
+ ..controls (-42.523399,144.542999) and (-41.507801,144.789001)..(-40.574200,145.082001)\r
+ ..controls (-38.886700,145.608994) and (-37.296902,146.479996)..(-35.902302,147.565994)\r
+ ..controls (-34.492199,148.660004) and (-33.613300,150.179993)..(-32.292999,151.339996)\r
+ ..controls (-31.902300,151.675995) and (-30.843800,151.128998)..(-30.421900,150.906006)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill p56;\r
+p57:=(-44.082001,151.128998)..controls (-44.238300,150.835999) and (-44.308601,150.473007)..(-44.277302,150.141006)\r
+ ..controls (-44.000000,150.339996) and (-43.859402,150.835999)..(-44.082001,151.128998)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill p57;\r
+p58:=(-43.289101,151.128998)..controls (-43.289101,150.934006) and (-43.289101,150.733994)..(-43.289101,150.535004)\r
+ ..controls (-43.058601,150.671997) and (-42.988300,150.897995)..(-42.894501,151.128998)\r
+ ..controls (-43.019501,151.128998) and (-43.160198,151.145004)..(-43.289101,151.128998)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill p58;\r
+p59:=(-26.464800,150.500000)..controls (-26.886700,150.190994) and (-27.613300,150.563004)..(-28.046900,150.699005)\r
+ ..controls (-27.660200,151.078003) and (-26.835899,150.770004)..(-26.464800,150.500000)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+unfill p59;\r
+p60:=(-67.832001,150.776993)..controls (-67.476601,150.335999) and (-67.847702,149.664001)..(-67.316399,149.520004)\r
+ ..controls (-67.152298,149.473007) and (-66.960899,149.503998)..(-66.785202,149.526993)\r
+ ..controls (-66.207001,149.598007) and (-66.226601,149.565994)..(-66.003899,149.078003)\r
+ ..controls (-65.875000,148.800995) and (-65.902298,148.223007)..(-66.183601,148.031006)\r
+ ..controls (-66.683601,147.699005) and (-66.746101,147.738007)..(-67.339798,147.867004)\r
+ ..controls (-67.683601,147.938004) and (-68.000000,148.093994)..(-68.054703,148.500000)\r
+ ..controls (-68.140602,149.132996) and (-68.511703,150.320007)..(-67.832001,150.776993)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+unfill p60;\r
+p61:=(-45.269501,150.733994)..controls (-45.347698,150.440994) and (-45.531300,150.054993)..(-45.464802,149.746002)\r
+ ..controls (-45.046902,149.940994) and (-44.968800,150.324005)..(-44.871101,150.733994)\r
+ ..controls (-45.000000,150.733994) and (-45.148399,150.757996)..(-45.269501,150.733994)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill p61;\r
+p62:=(-37.351601,149.332001)..controls (-36.820301,149.401993) and (-36.441399,149.789001)..(-36.363300,150.320007)\r
+ ..controls (-36.898399,150.313004) and (-37.351601,149.871002)..(-37.351601,149.332001)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill p62;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (bleue));\r
+p63:=(-18.566401,143.554993)..controls (-20.078100,143.059006) and (-21.187500,141.727005)..(-22.199200,140.570007)\r
+ ..controls (-22.777300,139.914001) and (-23.300800,139.179993)..(-23.957001,138.602005)\r
+ ..controls (-24.417999,138.195007) and (-25.242201,137.770004)..(-25.105499,137.042999)\r
+ ..controls (-25.453100,137.136993) and (-25.812500,137.421997)..(-26.093800,137.636993)\r
+ ..controls (-26.191401,137.020004) and (-25.992201,136.395004)..(-26.046900,135.772995)\r
+ ..controls (-26.113300,135.141006) and (-26.097700,134.507996)..(-26.097700,133.875000)\r
+ ..controls (-26.652300,134.223007) and (-26.308599,135.000000)..(-26.691401,135.460999)\r
+ ..controls (-26.816401,134.667999) and (-26.722700,133.867004)..(-26.707001,133.065994)\r
+ ..controls (-26.691401,132.102005) and (-26.898399,131.151993)..(-26.898399,130.195007)\r
+ ..controls (-26.898399,129.266006) and (-26.898399,128.339996)..(-26.906300,127.414001)\r
+ ..controls (-26.914101,126.464996) and (-27.105499,125.523003)..(-27.113300,124.573997)\r
+ ..controls (-27.671900,125.262001) and (-27.253901,126.828003)..(-27.152300,127.605003)\r
+ ..controls (-26.953100,129.085999) and (-27.300800,130.604996)..(-27.300800,132.093994)\r
+ ..controls (-27.863300,131.382996) and (-27.742201,130.343994)..(-27.710899,129.496002)\r
+ ..controls (-27.664101,128.246002) and (-27.902300,127.012001)..(-27.902300,125.762001)\r
+ ..controls (-28.324200,126.219002) and (-28.148399,127.051003)..(-28.132799,127.612999)\r
+ ..controls (-28.101601,128.570007) and (-28.304701,129.578003)..(-28.488300,130.511993)\r
+ ..controls (-28.757799,130.003998) and (-28.687500,129.410004)..(-28.687500,128.863007)\r
+ ..controls (-28.687500,128.046997) and (-28.679701,127.226997)..(-28.710899,126.410004)\r
+ ..controls (-28.757799,124.991997) and (-28.988300,123.582001)..(-29.296900,122.198997)\r
+ ..controls (-29.789101,122.734001) and (-29.421900,123.750000)..(-29.335899,124.375000)\r
+ ..controls (-29.195299,125.394997) and (-29.312500,126.535004)..(-29.484400,127.542999)\r
+ ..controls (-29.851601,127.051003) and (-29.867201,126.426003)..(-29.898399,125.848000)\r
+ ..controls (-29.937500,125.167999) and (-30.058599,124.496002)..(-30.089800,123.813004)\r
+ ..controls (-30.160200,122.421997) and (-30.492201,121.027000)..(-30.492201,119.633003)\r
+ ..controls (-30.992201,120.180000) and (-30.769501,121.289001)..(-30.714800,121.945000)\r
+ ..controls (-30.613300,123.148003) and (-30.683599,124.366997)..(-30.675800,125.570000)\r
+ ..controls (-31.316401,124.762001) and (-31.054701,123.616997)..(-31.078100,122.664001)\r
+ ..controls (-31.109400,121.445000) and (-31.476601,120.265999)..(-31.476601,119.039001)\r
+ ..controls (-31.738300,119.355003) and (-31.703100,119.816002)..(-31.761700,120.195000)\r
+ ..controls (-31.839800,120.741997) and (-31.925800,121.280998)..(-32.058601,121.813004)\r
+ ..controls (-32.386700,121.191002) and (-32.289101,120.464996)..(-32.386700,119.801003)\r
+ ..controls (-32.496101,119.023003) and (-32.464802,118.241997)..(-32.464802,117.457001)\r
+ ..controls (-32.734402,117.773003) and (-32.742199,119.237999)..(-33.058601,119.237999)\r
+ ..controls (-33.460899,119.237999) and (-33.550800,115.598000)..(-33.660198,115.082001)\r
+ ..controls (-33.937500,115.414001) and (-33.898399,115.914001)..(-33.914101,116.316002)\r
+ ..controls (-33.945301,116.964996) and (-34.070301,117.598000)..(-34.046902,118.250000)\r
+ ..controls (-34.390598,117.605003) and (-34.269501,116.839996)..(-34.332001,116.144997)\r
+ ..controls (-34.414101,115.258003) and (-34.652302,114.394997)..(-34.652302,113.500000)\r
+ ..controls (-35.238300,114.051003) and (-35.046902,115.359001)..(-35.039101,116.070000)\r
+ ..controls (-35.371101,115.453003) and (-35.433601,114.671997)..(-35.500000,113.980003)\r
+ ..controls (-35.539101,113.546997) and (-35.523399,112.691002)..(-36.035198,112.508003)\r
+ ..controls (-36.035198,113.039001) and (-36.035198,113.563004)..(-36.035198,114.094002)\r
+ ..controls (-36.441399,113.578003) and (-36.449200,112.921997)..(-36.628899,112.313004)\r
+ ..controls (-36.843800,112.523003) and (-36.937500,112.816002)..(-37.027302,113.101997)\r
+ ..controls (-37.335899,112.515999) and (-37.445301,111.582001)..(-37.421902,110.926003)\r
+ ..controls (-37.652302,111.210999) and (-37.714802,111.566002)..(-37.816399,111.914001)\r
+ ..controls (-37.945301,111.710999) and (-38.046902,111.496002)..(-38.214802,111.323997)\r
+ ..controls (-38.695301,112.273003) and (-38.410198,113.655998)..(-38.402302,114.688004)\r
+ ..controls (-38.402302,116.015999) and (-38.394501,117.348000)..(-38.394501,118.676003)\r
+ ..controls (-38.386700,121.383003) and (-38.304699,124.085999)..(-38.250000,126.792999)\r
+ ..controls (-38.226601,128.121002) and (-38.089802,129.445007)..(-38.011700,130.772995)\r
+ ..controls (-37.941399,132.000000) and (-37.980499,133.300995)..(-37.765598,134.503998)\r
+ ..controls (-37.304699,137.156006) and (-36.949200,139.688004)..(-35.886700,142.190994)\r
+ ..controls (-35.554699,142.973007) and (-35.097698,143.703003)..(-34.414101,144.223007)\r
+ ..controls (-33.648399,144.809006) and (-32.878899,145.324005)..(-32.238300,146.054993)\r
+ ..controls (-31.582001,146.796997) and (-31.035200,147.507996)..(-30.605499,148.401993)\r
+ ..controls (-30.425800,148.785004) and (-30.019501,150.074005)..(-29.632799,150.289001)\r
+ ..controls (-29.347700,150.445007) and (-28.808599,150.167999)..(-28.546900,150.065994)\r
+ ..controls (-28.000000,149.852005) and (-27.460899,149.636993)..(-26.910200,149.440994)\r
+ ..controls (-25.656300,149.011993) and (-24.406300,148.625000)..(-23.203100,148.085999)\r
+ ..controls (-22.625000,147.824005) and (-22.007799,147.585999)..(-21.468800,147.246002)\r
+ ..controls (-20.988300,146.945007) and (-20.613300,146.503998)..(-20.210899,146.104996)\r
+ ..controls (-19.539101,145.464996) and (-18.582001,144.585999)..(-18.566401,143.554993)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill p63;\r
+p64:=(-20.132799,149.304993)..controls (-21.066401,149.598007) and (-21.953100,149.074005)..(-22.902300,149.113007)\r
+ ..controls (-22.609400,149.804993) and (-20.003901,150.401993)..(-20.132799,149.304993)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+unfill p64;\r
+p65:=(-52.195301,149.367004)..controls (-52.187500,148.960999) and (-51.664101,148.117004)..(-51.261700,148.520004)\r
+ ..controls (-50.960899,148.820007) and (-51.980499,149.335999)..(-52.195301,149.367004)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill p65;\r
+p66:=(-62.695301,148.593994)..controls (-62.828098,147.815994) and (-63.273399,147.098007)..(-62.972698,146.289001)\r
+ ..controls (-62.609402,145.332001) and (-62.242199,144.671997)..(-61.476601,143.992004)\r
+ ..controls (-60.167999,142.835999) and (-58.000000,143.128998)..(-57.167999,144.718994)\r
+ ..controls (-56.906300,145.227005) and (-56.804699,145.378998)..(-56.875000,145.921997)\r
+ ..controls (-56.929699,146.335999) and (-57.011700,146.938004)..(-56.382801,146.598007)\r
+ ..controls (-56.156300,146.468994) and (-56.066399,146.190994)..(-55.972698,145.960999)\r
+ ..controls (-55.816399,145.604996) and (-55.496101,145.343994)..(-55.222698,145.078003)\r
+ ..controls (-54.593800,144.449005) and (-53.945301,143.839996)..(-53.289101,143.238007)\r
+ ..controls (-52.117199,142.167999) and (-51.269501,140.964996)..(-50.519501,139.563004)\r
+ ..controls (-48.960899,136.651993) and (-48.226601,133.151993)..(-47.656300,129.914001)\r
+ ..controls (-47.031300,126.351997) and (-46.351601,122.820000)..(-45.972698,119.226997)\r
+ ..controls (-45.609402,115.726997) and (-45.347698,112.144997)..(-45.347698,108.625000)\r
+ ..controls (-45.347698,108.339996) and (-45.355499,108.355003)..(-45.664101,108.378998)\r
+ ..controls (-46.644501,108.433998) and (-47.636700,109.398003)..(-48.402302,109.921997)\r
+ ..controls (-49.664101,110.777000) and (-51.000000,111.546997)..(-52.109402,112.598000)\r
+ ..controls (-52.605499,113.073997) and (-52.757801,113.805000)..(-52.906300,114.445000)\r
+ ..controls (-53.113300,115.332001) and (-53.359402,116.210999)..(-53.644501,117.073997)\r
+ ..controls (-54.261700,118.957001) and (-54.910198,120.835999)..(-55.589802,122.695000)\r
+ ..controls (-56.222698,124.430000) and (-57.093800,126.082001)..(-57.835899,127.769997)\r
+ ..controls (-58.628899,129.574005) and (-59.500000,131.348007)..(-60.488300,133.059006)\r
+ ..controls (-62.269501,136.145004) and (-64.351601,139.335999)..(-67.144501,141.593994)\r
+ ..controls (-68.562500,142.733994) and (-70.343803,143.132996)..(-71.980499,143.835999)\r
+ ..controls (-73.699203,144.574005) and (-75.347702,145.500000)..(-77.152298,146.031006)\r
+ ..controls (-76.769501,146.417999) and (-76.136703,146.503998)..(-75.640602,146.641006)\r
+ ..controls (-74.933601,146.828003) and (-74.316399,147.227005)..(-73.644501,147.496002)\r
+ ..controls (-72.929703,147.776993) and (-72.187500,147.945007)..(-71.472702,148.238007)\r
+ ..controls (-70.746101,148.531006) and (-69.937500,148.964996)..(-69.144501,148.608994)\r
+ ..controls (-68.550797,148.339996) and (-68.242203,147.516006)..(-67.648399,147.184006)\r
+ ..controls (-66.835899,146.733994) and (-66.320297,146.953003)..(-65.617203,147.438004)\r
+ ..controls (-65.117203,147.776993) and (-65.339798,149.050995)..(-64.687500,148.949005)\r
+ ..controls (-64.000000,148.863007) and (-63.375000,148.593994)..(-62.695301,148.593994)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill p66;\r
+p67:=(-39.933601,147.757996)..controls (-39.472698,147.882996) and (-38.992199,148.113007)..(-38.746101,148.546997)\r
+ ..controls (-39.273399,148.848007) and (-40.312500,148.492004)..(-39.933601,147.757996)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill p67;\r
+p68:=(-50.027302,147.772995)..controls (-50.027302,147.300995) and (-49.625000,147.125000)..(-49.234402,146.979996)\r
+ ..controls (-49.218800,147.401993) and (-49.605499,147.789001)..(-50.027302,147.772995)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill p68;\r
+p69:=(-42.902302,146.973007)..controls (-42.441399,147.011993) and (-41.609402,146.940994)..(-41.515598,147.565994)\r
+ ..controls (-42.039101,147.526993) and (-42.640598,147.520004)..(-42.902302,146.973007)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill p69;\r
+p70:=(-47.851601,146.585999)..controls (-47.453098,146.585999) and (-47.058601,146.585999)..(-46.664101,146.585999)\r
+ ..controls (-46.789101,147.218994) and (-47.730499,147.242004)..(-47.851601,146.585999)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill p70;\r
+p71:=(-45.277302,146.973007)..controls (-44.992199,146.522995) and (-44.312500,146.546997)..(-43.890598,146.772995)\r
+ ..controls (-44.222698,147.203003) and (-44.824200,147.210999)..(-45.277302,146.973007)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill p71;\r
+p72:=(-59.726601,146.906006)..controls (-59.179699,147.016006) and (-59.035198,146.835999)..(-58.839802,146.358994)\r
+ ..controls (-58.734402,146.113007) and (-59.011700,145.464996)..(-59.265598,145.358994)\r
+ ..controls (-59.796902,145.141006) and (-59.906300,145.625000)..(-60.136700,146.011993)\r
+ ..controls (-60.304699,146.313004) and (-60.027302,146.746002)..(-59.726601,146.906006)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+unfill p72;\r
+p73:=(-84.105499,128.449005)..controls (-83.550797,128.335999) and (-83.027298,128.960999)..(-82.703102,129.315994)\r
+ ..controls (-82.148399,129.921997) and (-81.523399,130.464996)..(-80.945297,131.042999)\r
+ ..controls (-79.695297,132.289001) and (-78.390602,133.520004)..(-77.289101,134.897995)\r
+ ..controls (-76.179703,136.292999) and (-74.960899,137.582001)..(-73.960899,139.063004)\r
+ ..controls (-73.472702,139.800995) and (-72.980499,140.535004)..(-72.488297,141.276993)\r
+ ..controls (-72.156303,141.792999) and (-71.695297,142.464996)..(-71.007797,142.479996)\r
+ ..controls (-71.277298,140.906006) and (-72.402298,139.602005)..(-73.312500,138.352005)\r
+ ..controls (-74.367203,136.901993) and (-75.476601,135.539001)..(-76.656303,134.195007)\r
+ ..controls (-77.890602,132.785004) and (-79.179703,131.438004)..(-80.449203,130.070007)\r
+ ..controls (-81.636703,128.781006) and (-82.710899,127.387001)..(-84.089798,126.292999)\r
+ ..controls (-84.613297,125.875000) and (-85.355499,125.203003)..(-86.093803,125.296997)\r
+ ..controls (-86.093803,126.589996) and (-84.136703,127.116997)..(-84.105499,128.449005)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill p73;\r
+p74:=(-84.105499,128.449005)..controls (-84.730499,127.832001) and (-85.332001,127.188004)..(-85.992203,126.601997)\r
+ ..controls (-86.765602,125.921997) and (-87.351601,125.948997)..(-88.308601,126.183998)\r
+ ..controls (-89.179703,126.398003) and (-90.019501,126.652000)..(-90.875000,126.921997)\r
+ ..controls (-91.636703,127.160004) and (-92.457001,127.269997)..(-93.140602,127.698997)\r
+ ..controls (-93.558601,127.960999) and (-93.289101,128.171997)..(-93.058601,128.511993)\r
+ ..controls (-92.531303,129.296997) and (-91.730499,129.929993)..(-91.121101,130.660004)\r
+ ..controls (-90.445297,131.464996) and (-89.804703,132.281006)..(-89.226601,133.167999)\r
+ ..controls (-88.054703,134.957001) and (-86.898399,136.707001)..(-85.527298,138.358994)\r
+ ..controls (-84.886703,139.128998) and (-84.261703,139.992004)..(-83.460899,140.593994)\r
+ ..controls (-82.718803,141.151993) and (-81.894501,141.636993)..(-81.117203,142.160004)\r
+ ..controls (-80.230499,142.753998) and (-79.273399,143.195007)..(-78.308601,143.647995)\r
+ ..controls (-77.324203,144.104996) and (-76.128899,144.921997)..(-75.015602,144.406006)\r
+ ..controls (-74.222702,144.042999) and (-73.421898,143.679993)..(-72.718803,143.156006)\r
+ ..controls (-71.917999,142.563004) and (-72.902298,141.483994)..(-73.343803,140.957001)\r
+ ..controls (-74.207001,139.925995) and (-74.929703,138.776993)..(-75.726601,137.703003)\r
+ ..controls (-76.605499,136.522995) and (-77.550797,135.382996)..(-78.515602,134.266006)\r
+ ..controls (-79.457001,133.167999) and (-80.496101,132.145004)..(-81.484398,131.093994)\r
+ ..controls (-81.929703,130.617004) and (-82.378899,130.147995)..(-82.839798,129.684006)\r
+ ..controls (-83.265602,129.276993) and (-83.574203,128.733994)..(-84.105499,128.449005)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill p74;\r
+p75:=(-16.585899,141.378998)..controls (-17.210899,141.671997) and (-17.843800,142.145004)..(-18.167999,142.766006)\r
+ ..controls (-17.433599,142.750000) and (-16.671900,142.125000)..(-16.585899,141.378998)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill p75;\r
+p76:=(-36.773399,142.602005)..controls (-36.808601,141.438004) and (-37.480499,140.233994)..(-37.742199,139.102005)\r
+ ..controls (-38.066399,137.690994) and (-38.320301,136.276993)..(-38.460899,134.835999)\r
+ ..controls (-38.597698,133.425995) and (-38.699200,132.022995)..(-38.820301,130.617004)\r
+ ..controls (-38.937500,129.214996) and (-38.898399,127.780998)..(-39.058601,126.387001)\r
+ ..controls (-39.390598,123.530998) and (-39.136700,120.609001)..(-39.195301,117.734001)\r
+ ..controls (-39.226601,116.262001) and (-39.328098,114.789001)..(-39.265598,113.308998)\r
+ ..controls (-39.203098,111.859001) and (-39.015598,110.433998)..(-39.015598,108.976997)\r
+ ..controls (-39.015598,108.691002) and (-39.062500,108.765999)..(-39.347698,108.765999)\r
+ ..controls (-39.464802,108.765999) and (-39.671902,111.566002)..(-39.671902,111.835999)\r
+ ..controls (-39.679699,113.160004) and (-39.464802,114.496002)..(-39.660198,115.813004)\r
+ ..controls (-39.851601,117.125000) and (-39.535198,118.448997)..(-39.628899,119.769997)\r
+ ..controls (-39.738300,121.265999) and (-39.773399,122.753998)..(-39.769501,124.250000)\r
+ ..controls (-39.769501,127.109001) and (-39.515598,129.960999)..(-39.562500,132.809006)\r
+ ..controls (-39.585899,134.156006) and (-39.664101,135.500000)..(-39.523399,136.839996)\r
+ ..controls (-39.453098,137.503998) and (-39.355499,138.167999)..(-39.347698,138.843994)\r
+ ..controls (-39.339802,139.371002) and (-39.523399,140.000000)..(-39.308601,140.511993)\r
+ ..controls (-39.062500,141.098007) and (-38.937500,141.690994)..(-38.343800,142.007996)\r
+ ..controls (-37.843800,142.276993) and (-37.351601,142.522995)..(-36.773399,142.602005)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill p76;\r
+p77:=(-18.960899,142.367004)..controls (-18.605499,141.804993) and (-16.406300,138.203003)..(-17.917999,138.210999)\r
+ ..controls (-18.234400,138.210999) and (-19.007799,140.104996)..(-19.160200,140.367004)\r
+ ..controls (-19.500000,140.983994) and (-20.210899,142.210999)..(-18.960899,142.367004)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill p77;\r
+p78:=(-67.453102,140.684006)..controls (-68.054703,140.520004) and (-68.562500,140.082001)..(-69.140602,139.852005)\r
+ ..controls (-69.496101,139.710999) and (-69.617203,139.608994)..(-69.765602,140.011993)\r
+ ..controls (-69.933601,140.457001) and (-69.859398,141.343994)..(-69.636703,141.753998)\r
+ ..controls (-69.410202,142.179993) and (-69.250000,142.022995)..(-68.847702,141.871002)\r
+ ..controls (-68.324203,141.675995) and (-67.539101,141.300995)..(-67.453102,140.684006)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill p78;\r
+p79:=(-44.160198,108.180000)..controls (-44.914101,108.655998) and (-44.523399,110.063004)..(-44.554699,110.792999)\r
+ ..controls (-44.632801,112.375000) and (-44.933601,113.960999)..(-44.933601,115.551003)\r
+ ..controls (-44.933601,117.078003) and (-45.195301,118.551003)..(-45.378899,120.055000)\r
+ ..controls (-45.566399,121.640999) and (-45.726601,123.230003)..(-46.066399,124.789001)\r
+ ..controls (-46.714802,127.758003) and (-47.015598,130.733994)..(-47.851601,133.667999)\r
+ ..controls (-48.273399,135.128998) and (-48.613300,136.636993)..(-49.164101,138.059006)\r
+ ..controls (-49.433601,138.742004) and (-49.765598,139.397995)..(-50.082001,140.054993)\r
+ ..controls (-50.304699,140.516006) and (-50.742199,141.093994)..(-50.628899,141.641006)\r
+ ..controls (-49.972698,141.550995) and (-48.808601,141.210999)..(-48.429699,140.641006)\r
+ ..controls (-47.750000,139.608994) and (-47.613300,138.188004)..(-47.351601,137.007996)\r
+ ..controls (-47.042999,135.645004) and (-46.753899,134.285004)..(-46.492199,132.914001)\r
+ ..controls (-45.976601,130.246002) and (-45.652302,127.546997)..(-45.187500,124.871002)\r
+ ..controls (-44.710899,122.152000) and (-44.863300,119.359001)..(-44.523399,116.628998)\r
+ ..controls (-44.167999,113.823997) and (-44.160198,110.991997)..(-44.160198,108.180000)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill p79;\r
+p80:=(-41.523399,141.164001)..controls (-40.812500,141.151993) and (-40.035198,140.147995)..(-40.164101,139.421997)\r
+ ..controls (-40.296902,138.604996) and (-40.402302,137.617004)..(-41.179699,137.117004)\r
+ ..controls (-41.992199,136.593994) and (-42.722698,136.438004)..(-43.679699,136.292999)\r
+ ..controls (-44.527302,136.167999) and (-45.398399,136.800995)..(-46.062500,137.203003)\r
+ ..controls (-47.472698,138.050995) and (-47.351601,141.266006)..(-45.292999,140.832001)\r
+ ..controls (-44.828098,140.727005) and (-44.675800,140.410004)..(-44.421902,140.054993)\r
+ ..controls (-44.250000,139.809006) and (-43.789101,139.199005)..(-43.464802,139.608994)\r
+ ..controls (-43.308601,139.815994) and (-43.140598,140.022995)..(-42.980499,140.227005)\r
+ ..controls (-42.863300,140.386993) and (-42.878899,140.608994)..(-42.738300,140.750000)\r
+ ..controls (-42.484402,141.003998) and (-41.882801,141.113007)..(-41.523399,141.164001)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill p80;\r
+p81:=(-20.347700,141.188004)..controls (-20.031300,140.223007) and (-19.894501,139.210999)..(-20.031300,138.195007)\r
+ ..controls (-20.093800,137.723007) and (-20.199200,137.253998)..(-20.277300,136.789001)\r
+ ..controls (-20.300800,136.628998) and (-20.230499,136.151993)..(-20.355499,136.042999)\r
+ ..controls (-20.648399,135.789001) and (-21.718800,136.272995)..(-21.988300,136.375000)\r
+ ..controls (-22.257799,136.479996) and (-23.500000,136.906006)..(-23.410200,137.315994)\r
+ ..controls (-23.285200,137.914001) and (-23.191401,138.309006)..(-22.816401,138.785004)\r
+ ..controls (-22.199200,139.582001) and (-21.343800,140.875000)..(-20.347700,141.188004)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill p81;\r
+p82:=(-70.621101,140.496002)..controls (-70.621101,139.839996) and (-70.699203,139.285004)..(-70.218803,138.792999)\r
+ ..controls (-69.910202,138.477005) and (-69.023399,139.164001)..(-68.671898,139.242004)\r
+ ..controls (-67.937500,139.417999) and (-68.437500,138.070007)..(-68.578102,137.753998)\r
+ ..controls (-68.777298,137.320007) and (-69.750000,136.895004)..(-70.128899,136.625000)\r
+ ..controls (-70.636703,136.266006) and (-71.230499,135.753998)..(-71.886703,135.746002)\r
+ ..controls (-72.316399,135.738007) and (-72.187500,135.854996)..(-72.148399,136.188004)\r
+ ..controls (-72.101601,136.565994) and (-72.085899,136.910004)..(-72.101601,137.289001)\r
+ ..controls (-72.164101,138.429993) and (-71.878899,140.085999)..(-70.621101,140.496002)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill p82;\r
+p83:=(-66.265602,139.891006)..controls (-66.273399,138.332001) and (-67.296898,136.589996)..(-67.968803,135.229996)\r
+ ..controls (-68.761703,133.628998) and (-69.781303,132.160004)..(-70.597702,130.565994)\r
+ ..controls (-72.183601,127.480003) and (-74.117203,124.551003)..(-76.386703,121.921997)\r
+ ..controls (-76.570297,121.710999) and (-76.839798,121.433998)..(-77.125000,121.383003)\r
+ ..controls (-77.835899,121.280998) and (-77.796898,121.359001)..(-77.796898,122.058998)\r
+ ..controls (-77.796898,122.628998) and (-77.109398,123.183998)..(-76.761703,123.555000)\r
+ ..controls (-76.191399,124.164001) and (-75.738297,124.898003)..(-75.246101,125.573997)\r
+ ..controls (-74.027298,127.250000) and (-72.894501,128.983994)..(-71.792999,130.742004)\r
+ ..controls (-70.718803,132.468994) and (-69.609398,134.190994)..(-68.593803,135.957001)\r
+ ..controls (-68.136703,136.757996) and (-67.738297,137.598007)..(-67.335899,138.429993)\r
+ ..controls (-67.144501,138.839996) and (-66.898399,140.011993)..(-66.265602,139.891006)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill p83;\r
+p84:=(-56.027302,114.530998)..controls (-56.128899,114.500000) and (-56.792999,114.269997)..(-56.835899,114.383003)\r
+ ..controls (-56.984402,114.792999) and (-57.207001,115.917999)..(-57.738300,115.917999)\r
+ ..controls (-57.894501,115.917999) and (-57.832001,115.277000)..(-57.800800,115.125000)\r
+ ..controls (-58.687500,115.640999) and (-58.898399,117.390999)..(-59.175800,118.292999)\r
+ ..controls (-59.574200,117.558998) and (-59.312500,116.688004)..(-59.175800,115.917999)\r
+ ..controls (-60.347698,116.758003) and (-59.914101,118.594002)..(-60.949200,119.480003)\r
+ ..controls (-60.949200,118.375000) and (-60.500000,117.390999)..(-60.363300,116.313004)\r
+ ..controls (-61.781300,117.438004) and (-61.125000,120.098000)..(-62.730499,121.066002)\r
+ ..controls (-62.328098,120.273003) and (-62.136700,118.976997)..(-62.144501,118.098000)\r
+ ..controls (-62.582001,118.405998) and (-62.753899,119.030998)..(-62.929699,119.512001)\r
+ ..controls (-63.191399,120.234001) and (-63.507801,120.930000)..(-63.722698,121.667999)\r
+ ..controls (-64.156303,120.875000) and (-63.539101,119.917999)..(-63.531300,119.094002)\r
+ ..controls (-64.007797,119.448997) and (-64.195297,120.089996)..(-64.371101,120.628998)\r
+ ..controls (-64.609398,121.375000) and (-64.867203,122.109001)..(-65.105499,122.855003)\r
+ ..controls (-65.406303,122.253998) and (-65.066399,121.277000)..(-64.917999,120.676003)\r
+ ..controls (-65.343803,120.921997) and (-65.511703,121.453003)..(-65.675797,121.883003)\r
+ ..controls (-65.898399,122.469002) and (-66.199203,123.027000)..(-66.300797,123.644997)\r
+ ..controls (-66.570297,123.155998) and (-66.386703,122.578003)..(-66.300797,122.063004)\r
+ ..controls (-66.632797,122.253998) and (-66.792999,122.625000)..(-66.949203,122.948997)\r
+ ..controls (-67.140602,123.348000) and (-67.417999,123.688004)..(-67.664101,124.042999)\r
+ ..controls (-68.453102,125.176003) and (-67.335899,126.813004)..(-66.476601,127.582001)\r
+ ..controls (-65.500000,128.453003) and (-64.132797,129.363007)..(-63.910198,130.761993)\r
+ ..controls (-64.722702,130.296997) and (-65.343803,129.503998)..(-66.015602,128.871002)\r
+ ..controls (-66.171898,128.729996) and (-67.042999,128.184006)..(-67.281303,128.397995)\r
+ ..controls (-67.566399,128.660004) and (-67.433601,129.539001)..(-67.503899,129.910004)\r
+ ..controls (-67.574203,130.296997) and (-67.703102,130.703003)..(-67.667999,131.098007)\r
+ ..controls (-67.660202,131.223007) and (-67.558601,131.667999)..(-67.667999,131.770004)\r
+ ..controls (-67.757797,131.839996) and (-68.066399,131.824005)..(-68.066399,131.684006)\r
+ ..controls (-68.066399,130.589996) and (-68.074203,129.500000)..(-68.074203,128.406006)\r
+ ..controls (-68.484398,128.815994) and (-68.574203,129.641006)..(-68.667999,130.188004)\r
+ ..controls (-69.085899,129.395004) and (-69.062500,128.276993)..(-69.070297,127.417999)\r
+ ..controls (-69.625000,128.007996) and (-69.386703,129.022995)..(-70.062500,129.593994)\r
+ ..controls (-69.847702,128.335999) and (-69.871101,127.105003)..(-69.871101,125.832001)\r
+ ..controls (-70.300797,126.109001) and (-70.355499,126.780998)..(-70.425797,127.241997)\r
+ ..controls (-70.457001,127.464996) and (-70.394501,127.741997)..(-70.457001,127.953003)\r
+ ..controls (-70.488297,128.059006) and (-70.859398,128.020004)..(-70.859398,128.003998)\r
+ ..controls (-70.859398,126.887001) and (-70.859398,125.762001)..(-70.871101,124.644997)\r
+ ..controls (-71.335899,125.152000) and (-71.343803,126.198997)..(-71.351601,126.848000)\r
+ ..controls (-71.367203,127.820000) and (-70.882797,128.531006)..(-70.480499,129.395004)\r
+ ..controls (-69.988297,130.440994) and (-69.417999,131.445007)..(-68.832001,132.440994)\r
+ ..controls (-68.253899,133.440994) and (-67.660202,134.421997)..(-67.195297,135.483994)\r
+ ..controls (-66.734398,136.526993) and (-66.332001,137.598007)..(-65.824203,138.617004)\r
+ ..controls (-65.609398,139.046997) and (-65.269501,138.707001)..(-64.992203,138.417999)\r
+ ..controls (-64.128899,137.542999) and (-63.312500,136.335999)..(-62.656300,135.292999)\r
+ ..controls (-61.906300,134.082001) and (-61.183601,132.852005)..(-60.503899,131.593994)\r
+ ..controls (-59.175800,129.156006) and (-57.980499,126.637001)..(-56.925800,124.073997)\r
+ ..controls (-55.875000,121.508003) and (-54.964802,118.887001)..(-54.214802,116.226997)\r
+ ..controls (-54.085899,115.773003) and (-53.082001,112.726997)..(-53.808601,112.726997)\r
+ ..controls (-54.585899,112.726997) and (-54.785198,112.910004)..(-55.386700,113.398003)\r
+ ..controls (-55.687500,113.683998) and (-55.898399,114.137001)..(-56.027302,114.530998)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill p84;\r
+p85:=(-18.773399,136.828003)..controls (-18.789101,136.304993) and (-19.222700,135.565994)..(-19.761700,135.440994)\r
+ ..controls (-19.597700,135.979996) and (-19.429701,136.723007)..(-18.773399,136.828003)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill p85;\r
+p86:=(-40.347698,136.671997)..controls (-40.781300,134.042999) and (-45.992199,133.707001)..(-46.480499,136.483994)\r
+ ..controls (-45.460899,136.348007) and (-44.597698,135.645004)..(-43.511700,135.684006)\r
+ ..controls (-42.382801,135.729996) and (-41.429699,136.500000)..(-40.347698,136.671997)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill p86;\r
+p87:=(-73.003899,136.539001)..controls (-73.003899,135.770004) and (-72.996101,135.113007)..(-72.808601,134.358994)\r
+ ..controls (-72.179703,134.753998) and (-71.546898,135.070007)..(-70.796898,135.070007)\r
+ ..controls (-70.265602,135.070007) and (-70.503899,134.675995)..(-70.589798,134.335999)\r
+ ..controls (-70.691399,133.957001) and (-70.781303,133.488007)..(-71.027298,133.171997)\r
+ ..controls (-71.867203,132.078003) and (-73.851601,131.184006)..(-75.183601,131.003998)\r
+ ..controls (-75.183601,132.082001) and (-75.093803,133.210999)..(-74.882797,134.272995)\r
+ ..controls (-74.691399,135.276993) and (-74.191399,136.503998)..(-73.003899,136.539001)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill p87;\r
+p88:=(-65.886703,134.945007)..controls (-66.078102,134.175995) and (-66.109398,133.382996)..(-66.234398,132.602005)\r
+ ..controls (-66.347702,131.895004) and (-66.632797,131.089996)..(-66.230499,130.421997)\r
+ ..controls (-65.847702,129.789001) and (-64.812500,131.593994)..(-64.699203,131.776993)\r
+ ..controls (-64.351601,132.363007) and (-63.851601,133.250000)..(-64.105499,133.945007)\r
+ ..controls (-64.636703,133.589996) and (-64.937500,133.082001)..(-65.292999,132.563004)\r
+ ..controls (-65.429703,133.089996) and (-65.523399,133.645004)..(-65.484398,134.190994)\r
+ ..controls (-65.453102,134.554993) and (-65.371101,135.007996)..(-65.886703,134.945007)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill p88;\r
+p89:=(-41.742199,134.188004)..controls (-41.542999,134.108994) and (-40.949200,134.003998)..(-40.855499,133.813004)\r
+ ..controls (-40.531300,133.179993) and (-40.378899,132.707001)..(-40.515598,131.996002)\r
+ ..controls (-40.609402,131.479996) and (-40.531300,130.813004)..(-40.757801,130.339996)\r
+ ..controls (-41.148399,129.507996) and (-41.988300,129.352005)..(-42.777302,129.328003)\r
+ ..controls (-43.671902,129.300995) and (-44.210899,129.645004)..(-44.949200,130.093994)\r
+ ..controls (-45.359402,130.348007) and (-45.636700,131.628998)..(-45.628899,132.128998)\r
+ ..controls (-45.613300,132.761993) and (-45.406300,133.785004)..(-44.621101,133.832001)\r
+ ..controls (-43.792999,133.871002) and (-43.894501,132.477005)..(-43.039101,132.516006)\r
+ ..controls (-42.328098,132.546997) and (-42.382801,133.973007)..(-41.742199,134.188004)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill p89;\r
+p90:=(-76.187500,129.815994)..controls (-75.355499,129.925995) and (-74.691399,130.425995)..(-73.812500,130.410004)\r
+ ..controls (-73.812500,129.863007) and (-73.843803,129.214996)..(-74.218803,128.800995)\r
+ ..controls (-74.789101,128.190994) and (-75.683601,127.933998)..(-76.417999,127.582001)\r
+ ..controls (-77.226601,127.203003) and (-78.066399,126.785004)..(-78.960899,126.655998)\r
+ ..controls (-78.960899,128.188004) and (-78.792999,130.000000)..(-78.000000,131.352005)\r
+ ..controls (-77.804703,131.690994) and (-77.320297,131.977005)..(-77.027298,132.238007)\r
+ ..controls (-76.882797,132.367004) and (-76.132797,132.184006)..(-76.023399,132.022995)\r
+ ..controls (-75.570297,131.328003) and (-76.332001,130.520004)..(-76.187500,129.815994)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill p90;\r
+p91:=(-40.562500,129.151993)..controls (-40.695301,128.272995) and (-41.656300,127.339996)..(-42.582001,127.348000)\r
+ ..controls (-43.546902,127.355003) and (-44.757801,127.871002)..(-44.925800,128.960999)\r
+ ..controls (-44.187500,128.766006) and (-43.492199,128.559006)..(-42.722698,128.559006)\r
+ ..controls (-41.933601,128.565994) and (-41.312500,129.035004)..(-40.562500,129.151993)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill p91;\r
+p92:=(-80.156303,125.667999)..controls (-79.371101,125.445000) and (-78.437500,126.101997)..(-77.695297,126.323997)\r
+ ..controls (-77.382797,126.417999) and (-76.957001,126.508003)..(-76.687500,126.253998)\r
+ ..controls (-76.277298,125.866997) and (-76.523399,125.421997)..(-76.695297,125.019997)\r
+ ..controls (-77.003899,124.273003) and (-77.882797,123.902000)..(-78.605499,123.633003)\r
+ ..controls (-79.570297,123.285004) and (-80.218803,123.085999)..(-81.203102,123.445000)\r
+ ..controls (-81.843803,123.671997) and (-82.761703,124.008003)..(-82.816399,124.773003)\r
+ ..controls (-82.871101,125.527000) and (-82.609398,126.609001)..(-82.183601,127.246002)\r
+ ..controls (-81.953102,127.585999) and (-81.628899,127.910004)..(-81.281303,128.128998)\r
+ ..controls (-80.804703,128.429993) and (-80.550797,128.242004)..(-80.074203,128.026993)\r
+ ..controls (-79.410202,127.726997) and (-80.054703,126.144997)..(-80.156303,125.667999)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill p92;\r
+p93:=(-88.074203,125.289001)..controls (-88.246101,124.362999) and (-89.253899,123.762001)..(-89.910202,123.183998)\r
+ ..controls (-90.835899,122.371002) and (-91.652298,121.433998)..(-92.445297,120.500000)\r
+ ..controls (-94.011703,118.648003) and (-95.531303,116.741997)..(-96.703102,114.609001)\r
+ ..controls (-98.929703,110.582001) and (-100.839996,106.171997)..(-101.758003,101.644997)\r
+ ..controls (-102.035004,100.258003) and (-102.441002,98.914101)..(-102.457001,97.496101)\r
+ ..controls (-102.473000,96.214798) and (-102.473000,94.929703)..(-102.473000,93.648399)\r
+ ..controls (-102.480003,89.785202) and (-102.473000,85.921898)..(-102.500000,82.058601)\r
+ ..controls (-102.515999,80.339798) and (-102.160004,78.660202)..(-101.875000,76.976601)\r
+ ..controls (-101.621002,75.445297) and (-101.112999,73.769501)..(-101.133003,72.214798)\r
+ ..controls (-101.148003,70.500000) and (-102.730003,74.750000)..(-102.730003,74.750000)\r
+ ..controls (-103.046997,75.488297) and (-102.960999,76.539101)..(-103.000000,77.324203)\r
+ ..controls (-103.250000,82.953102) and (-103.112999,88.605499)..(-103.019997,94.242203)\r
+ ..controls (-102.987999,96.062500) and (-103.012001,97.867203)..(-103.051003,99.687500)\r
+ ..controls (-103.089996,101.512001) and (-102.945000,103.323997)..(-102.945000,105.144997)\r
+ ..controls (-102.945000,107.035004) and (-102.938004,108.930000)..(-102.938004,110.820000)\r
+ ..controls (-102.938004,112.594002) and (-103.030998,114.375000)..(-102.887001,116.140999)\r
+ ..controls (-102.695000,118.508003) and (-101.660004,120.714996)..(-100.464996,122.726997)\r
+ ..controls (-99.871101,123.730003) and (-99.218803,124.707001)..(-98.570297,125.680000)\r
+ ..controls (-98.152298,126.305000) and (-97.792999,127.375000)..(-96.949203,127.530998)\r
+ ..controls (-95.417999,127.816002) and (-93.812500,127.176003)..(-92.386703,126.683998)\r
+ ..controls (-90.992203,126.183998) and (-89.546898,125.512001)..(-88.074203,125.289001)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill p93;\r
+p94:=(-41.187500,126.730003)..controls (-40.371101,125.984001) and (-40.214802,124.280998)..(-40.863300,123.355003)\r
+ ..controls (-41.203098,122.875000) and (-41.957001,122.707001)..(-42.496101,122.628998)\r
+ ..controls (-43.238300,122.523003) and (-43.492199,123.055000)..(-43.824200,123.578003)\r
+ ..controls (-44.218800,124.210999) and (-44.527302,124.585999)..(-44.527302,125.335999)\r
+ ..controls (-44.527302,125.707001) and (-44.171902,126.723000)..(-43.656300,126.601997)\r
+ ..controls (-43.175800,126.491997) and (-43.015598,125.414001)..(-42.390598,125.589996)\r
+ ..controls (-42.152302,125.652000) and (-41.957001,126.198997)..(-41.859402,126.375000)\r
+ ..controls (-41.687500,126.671997) and (-41.503899,126.667999)..(-41.187500,126.730003)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill p94;\r
+p95:=(-71.835899,126.839996)..controls (-71.535202,126.269997) and (-71.636703,125.570000)..(-71.636703,124.953003)\r
+ ..controls (-71.636703,124.066002) and (-71.636703,123.171997)..(-71.644501,122.285004)\r
+ ..controls (-72.136703,122.823997) and (-71.976601,123.823997)..(-72.105499,124.487999)\r
+ ..controls (-72.261703,125.253998) and (-72.554703,126.253998)..(-71.835899,126.839996)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill p95;\r
+p96:=(-28.101601,125.563004)..controls (-28.101601,125.030998) and (-28.101601,124.508003)..(-28.101601,123.980003)\r
+ ..controls (-28.425800,124.344002) and (-28.386700,125.198997)..(-28.101601,125.563004)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill p96;\r
+p97:=(-72.632797,125.453003)..controls (-72.636703,124.598000) and (-72.636703,123.734001)..(-72.644501,122.878998)\r
+ ..controls (-73.117203,123.387001) and (-73.277298,125.019997)..(-72.632797,125.453003)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill p97;\r
+p98:=(-86.292999,124.688004)..controls (-86.230499,123.953003) and (-87.628899,123.316002)..(-88.128899,122.945000)\r
+ ..controls (-89.062500,122.241997) and (-89.863297,121.253998)..(-90.625000,120.366997)\r
+ ..controls (-92.160202,118.585999) and (-93.472702,116.598000)..(-94.695297,114.594002)\r
+ ..controls (-97.203102,110.473000) and (-98.953102,106.030998)..(-100.144997,101.366997)\r
+ ..controls (-100.753998,98.992203) and (-100.921997,96.562500)..(-101.116997,94.125000)\r
+ ..controls (-101.316002,91.707001) and (-101.198997,89.300797)..(-101.198997,86.886703)\r
+ ..controls (-101.198997,84.449203) and (-101.003998,82.011703)..(-100.883003,79.570297)\r
+ ..controls (-100.820000,78.359398) and (-100.859001,77.156303)..(-100.616997,75.968803)\r
+ ..controls (-100.355003,74.718803) and (-100.078003,73.484398)..(-99.839798,72.222702)\r
+ ..controls (-99.621101,71.042999) and (-99.367203,69.863297)..(-99.058601,68.710899)\r
+ ..controls (-99.785202,69.066399) and (-99.929703,70.023399)..(-100.133003,70.718803)\r
+ ..controls (-100.496002,71.957001) and (-100.796997,73.214798)..(-101.035004,74.480499)\r
+ ..controls (-101.503998,76.976601) and (-101.785004,79.476601)..(-101.914001,82.011703)\r
+ ..controls (-101.976997,83.246101) and (-102.164001,84.464798)..(-102.207001,85.699203)\r
+ ..controls (-102.246002,87.046898) and (-102.188004,88.382797)..(-102.188004,89.730499)\r
+ ..controls (-102.180000,92.300797) and (-102.180000,94.875000)..(-101.957001,97.441399)\r
+ ..controls (-101.741997,99.980499) and (-101.109001,102.332001)..(-100.394997,104.769997)\r
+ ..controls (-99.722702,107.089996) and (-98.875000,109.387001)..(-97.812500,111.555000)\r
+ ..controls (-96.800797,113.621002) and (-95.605499,115.671997)..(-94.210899,117.508003)\r
+ ..controls (-93.519501,118.417999) and (-92.769501,119.273003)..(-92.097702,120.198997)\r
+ ..controls (-91.468803,121.055000) and (-90.640602,121.734001)..(-89.925797,122.519997)\r
+ ..controls (-89.070297,123.445000) and (-87.757797,125.058998)..(-86.292999,124.688004)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill p98;\r
+p99:=(-85.312500,121.719002)..controls (-85.308601,122.152000) and (-85.320297,122.496002)..(-85.183601,122.898003)\r
+ ..controls (-85.082001,123.214996) and (-84.820297,123.816002)..(-84.472702,123.933998)\r
+ ..controls (-83.871101,124.140999) and (-82.414101,123.453003)..(-81.953102,123.094002)\r
+ ..controls (-81.804703,122.976997) and (-81.281303,122.328003)..(-81.574203,122.183998)\r
+ ..controls (-82.144501,121.910004) and (-82.691399,121.917999)..(-83.300797,121.859001)\r
+ ..controls (-83.972702,121.805000) and (-84.636703,121.719002)..(-85.312500,121.719002)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill p99;\r
+p100:=(-73.425797,124.066002)..controls (-73.425797,123.140999) and (-73.425797,122.223000)..(-73.433601,121.296997)\r
+ ..controls (-73.687500,121.612999) and (-73.625000,122.042999)..(-73.664101,122.414001)\r
+ ..controls (-73.726601,122.969002) and (-73.773399,123.519997)..(-73.824203,124.066002)\r
+ ..controls (-73.695297,124.066002) and (-73.554703,124.085999)..(-73.425797,124.066002)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill p100;\r
+p101:=(-68.480499,123.265999)..controls (-67.757797,122.128998) and (-66.960899,121.042999)..(-66.175797,119.948997)\r
+ ..controls (-65.429703,118.914001) and (-64.570297,117.945000)..(-63.855499,116.894997)\r
+ ..controls (-63.398399,116.210999) and (-63.476601,115.539001)..(-63.531300,114.762001)\r
+ ..controls (-63.613300,113.750000) and (-63.785198,112.769997)..(-63.984402,111.769997)\r
+ ..controls (-64.093803,111.207001) and (-64.570297,110.741997)..(-64.957001,110.348000)\r
+ ..controls (-65.496101,109.801003) and (-66.019501,109.246002)..(-66.503899,108.637001)\r
+ ..controls (-67.523399,107.335999) and (-68.394501,105.930000)..(-69.351601,104.582001)\r
+ ..controls (-69.726601,104.051003) and (-69.898399,104.234001)..(-70.066399,104.805000)\r
+ ..controls (-70.406303,106.008003) and (-70.968803,107.226997)..(-71.832001,108.137001)\r
+ ..controls (-72.734398,109.089996) and (-73.261703,110.417999)..(-73.992203,111.519997)\r
+ ..controls (-74.378899,112.112999) and (-74.308601,113.133003)..(-74.218803,113.839996)\r
+ ..controls (-74.000000,115.730003) and (-72.390602,117.378998)..(-71.351601,118.890999)\r
+ ..controls (-70.808601,119.680000) and (-70.269501,120.473000)..(-69.839798,121.328003)\r
+ ..controls (-69.484398,122.008003) and (-69.144501,122.839996)..(-68.480499,123.265999)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+unfill p101;\r
+p102:=(-74.218803,123.078003)..controls (-74.218803,122.152000) and (-74.218803,121.234001)..(-74.226601,120.308998)\r
+ ..controls (-74.457001,120.555000) and (-74.441399,120.926003)..(-74.441399,121.241997)\r
+ ..controls (-74.449203,121.676003) and (-74.613297,122.082001)..(-74.613297,122.515999)\r
+ ..controls (-74.613297,122.930000) and (-74.726601,123.164001)..(-74.218803,123.078003)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill p102;\r
+p103:=(-86.500000,120.730003)..controls (-85.890602,120.832001) and (-85.335899,120.902000)..(-84.718803,120.926003)\r
+ ..controls (-84.875000,120.082001) and (-85.882797,119.519997)..(-86.601601,119.203003)\r
+ ..controls (-87.417999,118.835999) and (-88.390602,118.285004)..(-89.277298,118.164001)\r
+ ..controls (-89.277298,119.313004) and (-89.445297,121.055000)..(-88.500000,121.941002)\r
+ ..controls (-87.820297,122.573997) and (-87.519501,122.796997)..(-86.625000,122.480003)\r
+ ..controls (-86.070297,122.280998) and (-86.417999,121.140999)..(-86.500000,120.730003)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill p103;\r
+p104:=(-43.937500,122.430000)..controls (-43.406300,122.273003) and (-42.945301,122.098000)..(-42.382801,122.012001)\r
+ ..controls (-41.871101,121.921997) and (-41.285198,122.207001)..(-40.769501,122.223000)\r
+ ..controls (-40.792999,121.344002) and (-41.804699,121.042999)..(-42.550800,121.039001)\r
+ ..controls (-43.128899,121.039001) and (-44.371101,121.726997)..(-43.937500,122.430000)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill p104;\r
+p105:=(-75.019501,121.898003)..controls (-75.105499,121.320000) and (-75.027298,120.695000)..(-75.019501,120.116997)\r
+ ..controls (-75.460899,120.539001) and (-75.367203,121.351997)..(-75.414101,121.898003)\r
+ ..controls (-75.281303,121.898003) and (-75.144501,121.905998)..(-75.019501,121.898003)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill p105;\r
+p106:=(-75.035202,112.991997)..controls (-75.699203,113.128998) and (-76.191399,113.746002)..(-76.636703,114.203003)\r
+ ..controls (-77.222702,114.796997) and (-77.750000,115.438004)..(-78.304703,116.063004)\r
+ ..controls (-79.230499,117.101997) and (-80.496101,117.878998)..(-81.156303,119.137001)\r
+ ..controls (-80.546898,119.250000) and (-79.183601,119.555000)..(-78.765602,118.938004)\r
+ ..controls (-78.289101,118.241997) and (-77.570297,117.402000)..(-77.402298,116.555000)\r
+ ..controls (-77.125000,117.085999) and (-77.402298,118.335999)..(-77.812500,118.750000)\r
+ ..controls (-78.019501,118.953003) and (-78.375000,119.484001)..(-78.660202,119.523003)\r
+ ..controls (-80.480499,119.769997) and (-82.328102,120.046997)..(-84.066399,119.296997)\r
+ ..controls (-84.890602,118.941002) and (-85.636703,117.862999)..(-86.183601,117.183998)\r
+ ..controls (-86.902298,116.289001) and (-87.535202,115.332001)..(-88.097702,114.332001)\r
+ ..controls (-89.207001,112.378998) and (-90.046898,110.296997)..(-90.785202,108.176003)\r
+ ..controls (-91.601601,105.813004) and (-92.281303,103.417999)..(-92.875000,100.991997)\r
+ ..controls (-93.152298,99.878899) and (-93.367203,98.753899)..(-93.785202,97.675797)\r
+ ..controls (-94.261703,96.472702) and (-94.382797,95.339798)..(-94.531303,94.066399)\r
+ ..controls (-94.675797,92.871101) and (-94.960899,91.691399)..(-95.132797,90.496101)\r
+ ..controls (-95.316399,89.246101) and (-95.332001,87.976601)..(-95.515602,86.726601)\r
+ ..controls (-95.679703,85.585899) and (-95.664101,84.457001)..(-95.667999,83.308601)\r
+ ..controls (-95.667999,82.046898) and (-95.699203,80.828102)..(-95.460899,79.585899)\r
+ ..controls (-95.003899,77.140602) and (-94.695297,74.695297)..(-94.070297,72.269501)\r
+ ..controls (-93.437500,69.808601) and (-92.660202,67.394501)..(-91.773399,65.011703)\r
+ ..controls (-91.179703,63.410198) and (-90.613297,61.796902)..(-89.914101,60.234402)\r
+ ..controls (-89.304703,58.875000) and (-88.214798,57.496101)..(-87.992203,56.000000)\r
+ ..controls (-88.910202,56.300800) and (-89.312500,57.265598)..(-89.750000,58.042999)\r
+ ..controls (-90.375000,59.167999) and (-90.976601,60.292999)..(-91.531303,61.449200)\r
+ ..controls (-92.613297,63.718800) and (-93.421898,66.078102)..(-94.109398,68.503899)\r
+ ..controls (-94.781303,70.871101) and (-95.566399,73.199203)..(-96.054703,75.605499)\r
+ ..controls (-96.523399,77.917999) and (-96.855499,80.308601)..(-96.847702,82.675797)\r
+ ..controls (-96.835899,87.605499) and (-96.101601,92.539101)..(-94.886703,97.320297)\r
+ ..controls (-93.675797,102.116997) and (-92.328102,106.898003)..(-90.425797,111.476997)\r
+ ..controls (-89.808601,112.957001) and (-89.074203,114.332001)..(-88.218803,115.688004)\r
+ ..controls (-87.394501,116.984001) and (-86.578102,118.323997)..(-85.492203,119.430000)\r
+ ..controls (-84.382797,120.555000) and (-82.414101,121.046997)..(-80.878899,121.085999)\r
+ ..controls (-79.894501,121.109001) and (-78.992203,121.116997)..(-78.097702,120.680000)\r
+ ..controls (-77.070297,120.171997) and (-76.421898,118.405998)..(-75.992203,117.417999)\r
+ ..controls (-75.390602,115.991997) and (-75.097702,114.542999)..(-75.035202,112.991997)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill p106;\r
+p107:=(-42.757801,119.066002)..controls (-41.988300,119.066002) and (-41.000000,121.234001)..(-40.507801,119.746002)\r
+ ..controls (-40.351601,119.269997) and (-40.500000,118.589996)..(-40.515598,118.089996)\r
+ ..controls (-40.531300,117.457001) and (-41.078098,117.155998)..(-41.578098,117.008003)\r
+ ..controls (-42.148399,116.832001) and (-42.628899,117.046997)..(-43.207001,117.188004)\r
+ ..controls (-43.730499,117.316002) and (-43.753899,118.250000)..(-43.847698,118.652000)\r
+ ..controls (-44.000000,119.269997) and (-43.921902,119.737999)..(-43.343800,120.039001)\r
+ ..controls (-42.820301,120.301003) and (-42.757801,119.375000)..(-42.757801,119.066002)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill p107;\r
+p108:=(-30.683599,119.433998)..controls (-30.683599,119.237999) and (-30.683599,119.039001)..(-30.683599,118.839996)\r
+ ..controls (-30.851601,119.015999) and (-30.832001,119.253998)..(-30.683599,119.433998)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill p108;\r
+p109:=(-78.996101,112.210999)..controls (-78.472702,111.828003) and (-77.402298,111.688004)..(-77.457001,112.605003)\r
+ ..controls (-77.500000,113.292999) and (-77.972702,114.140999)..(-78.195297,114.780998)\r
+ ..controls (-77.410202,114.558998) and (-75.652298,112.844002)..(-76.128899,112.012001)\r
+ ..controls (-76.406303,111.519997) and (-76.921898,111.195000)..(-77.316399,110.808998)\r
+ ..controls (-77.832001,110.308998) and (-78.324203,109.769997)..(-78.804703,109.250000)\r
+ ..controls (-79.835899,108.148003) and (-80.714798,106.921997)..(-81.570297,105.688004)\r
+ ..controls (-81.996101,105.066002) and (-82.296898,104.515999)..(-83.152298,104.655998)\r
+ ..controls (-83.644501,104.734001) and (-84.625000,105.085999)..(-84.933601,105.496002)\r
+ ..controls (-83.976601,105.957001) and (-82.781303,105.948997)..(-81.765602,106.280998)\r
+ ..controls (-82.226601,107.332001) and (-83.199203,108.140999)..(-83.539101,109.250000)\r
+ ..controls (-82.421898,109.210999) and (-81.179703,108.828003)..(-80.121101,109.128998)\r
+ ..controls (-79.574203,109.289001) and (-81.046898,111.805000)..(-81.156303,112.210999)\r
+ ..controls (-80.445297,112.383003) and (-79.714798,112.089996)..(-78.996101,112.210999)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill p109;\r
+p110:=(-78.996101,112.210999)..controls (-79.445297,112.453003) and (-81.542999,113.160004)..(-81.796898,112.644997)\r
+ ..controls (-82.320297,111.578003) and (-80.972702,110.698997)..(-80.984398,109.637001)\r
+ ..controls (-81.843803,109.637001) and (-82.613297,109.737999)..(-83.460899,109.890999)\r
+ ..controls (-84.710899,110.105003) and (-84.355499,108.910004)..(-83.960899,108.258003)\r
+ ..controls (-83.730499,107.887001) and (-83.492203,107.530998)..(-83.320297,107.137001)\r
+ ..controls (-83.097702,106.637001) and (-83.292999,106.566002)..(-83.785202,106.421997)\r
+ ..controls (-84.507797,106.210999) and (-85.425797,106.035004)..(-86.175797,106.089996)\r
+ ..controls (-87.093803,106.171997) and (-87.878899,106.480003)..(-88.718803,106.875000)\r
+ ..controls (-89.542999,107.262001) and (-90.015602,107.746002)..(-89.898399,108.703003)\r
+ ..controls (-89.707001,110.289001) and (-88.960899,111.734001)..(-88.218803,113.121002)\r
+ ..controls (-87.464798,114.539001) and (-86.656303,115.917999)..(-85.707001,117.214996)\r
+ ..controls (-84.804703,118.441002) and (-83.894501,119.351997)..(-82.285202,118.859001)\r
+ ..controls (-81.683601,118.680000) and (-81.082001,117.957001)..(-80.593803,117.570000)\r
+ ..controls (-79.445297,116.648003) and (-79.277298,115.089996)..(-78.765602,113.792999)\r
+ ..controls (-78.527298,113.253998) and (-78.210899,112.438004)..(-78.996101,112.210999)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill p110;\r
+p111:=(-90.070297,116.777000)..controls (-89.640602,117.015999) and (-88.953102,117.539001)..(-88.484398,117.082001)\r
+ ..controls (-88.058601,116.652000) and (-88.699203,115.758003)..(-88.976601,115.426003)\r
+ ..controls (-89.414101,114.902000) and (-89.910202,114.262001)..(-90.503899,113.914001)\r
+ ..controls (-91.011703,113.612999) and (-91.820297,113.035004)..(-92.414101,113.035004)\r
+ ..controls (-93.023399,113.035004) and (-92.523399,116.644997)..(-92.390602,117.160004)\r
+ ..controls (-92.238297,117.730003) and (-91.589798,118.473000)..(-90.972702,118.410004)\r
+ ..controls (-90.472702,118.362999) and (-90.472702,118.323997)..(-90.339798,117.848000)\r
+ ..controls (-90.242203,117.491997) and (-90.164101,117.137001)..(-90.070297,116.777000)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill p111;\r
+p112:=(-40.589802,116.285004)..controls (-40.851601,114.578003) and (-43.527302,114.910004)..(-43.753899,116.491997)\r
+ ..controls (-43.183601,116.469002) and (-42.632801,116.277000)..(-42.078098,116.152000)\r
+ ..controls (-41.578098,116.042999) and (-41.078098,116.269997)..(-40.589802,116.285004)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill p112;\r
+p113:=(-40.785198,114.503998)..controls (-40.281300,113.792999) and (-40.234402,112.535004)..(-40.683601,111.796997)\r
+ ..controls (-40.859402,111.512001) and (-41.390598,110.902000)..(-41.800800,111.109001)\r
+ ..controls (-42.179699,111.292999) and (-42.949200,111.487999)..(-43.164101,111.859001)\r
+ ..controls (-43.464802,112.383003) and (-43.566399,112.796997)..(-43.527302,113.398003)\r
+ ..controls (-43.496101,113.823997) and (-43.476601,114.601997)..(-42.917999,114.171997)\r
+ ..controls (-42.542999,113.887001) and (-42.234402,113.183998)..(-41.738300,113.578003)\r
+ ..controls (-41.363300,113.871002) and (-41.347698,114.417999)..(-40.785198,114.503998)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill p113;\r
+p114:=(-93.445297,111.445000)..controls (-93.015602,111.698997) and (-92.121101,112.378998)..(-91.628899,112.078003)\r
+ ..controls (-91.011703,111.707001) and (-91.378899,110.515999)..(-91.664101,110.058998)\r
+ ..controls (-92.105499,109.348000) and (-92.851601,108.871002)..(-93.437500,108.292999)\r
+ ..controls (-93.886703,107.844002) and (-94.593803,107.398003)..(-95.226601,107.296997)\r
+ ..controls (-95.421898,108.015999) and (-95.589798,108.746002)..(-95.730499,109.473000)\r
+ ..controls (-95.890602,110.280998) and (-95.699203,111.089996)..(-95.558601,111.878998)\r
+ ..controls (-95.492203,112.226997) and (-95.289101,112.539001)..(-95.136703,112.851997)\r
+ ..controls (-95.019501,113.098000) and (-94.312500,113.105003)..(-94.062500,113.164001)\r
+ ..controls (-93.378899,113.305000) and (-93.500000,111.894997)..(-93.445297,111.445000)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill p114;\r
+p115:=(-52.671902,112.155998)..controls (-50.953098,110.960999) and (-49.296902,109.683998)..(-47.531300,108.563004)\r
+ ..controls (-46.656300,108.000000) and (-45.761700,107.476997)..(-44.816399,107.030998)\r
+ ..controls (-44.035198,106.660004) and (-43.164101,106.051003)..(-42.253899,106.121002)\r
+ ..controls (-41.207001,106.198997) and (-40.011700,107.223000)..(-39.179699,107.792999)\r
+ ..controls (-38.269501,108.410004) and (-37.210899,109.508003)..(-36.054699,109.555000)\r
+ ..controls (-36.601601,108.605003) and (-37.722698,108.042999)..(-38.601601,107.457001)\r
+ ..controls (-39.734402,106.691002) and (-40.890598,106.128998)..(-42.175800,105.652000)\r
+ ..controls (-43.101601,105.313004) and (-44.539101,106.250000)..(-45.324200,106.660004)\r
+ ..controls (-46.710899,107.383003) and (-48.062500,108.171997)..(-49.378899,109.019997)\r
+ ..controls (-49.933601,109.359001) and (-53.167999,111.323997)..(-52.671902,112.155998)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+unfill p115;\r
+p116:=(-81.578102,104.292999)..controls (-81.246101,105.480003) and (-76.246101,112.621002)..(-75.050797,111.258003)\r
+ ..controls (-74.988297,111.188004) and (-74.625000,110.862999)..(-74.671898,110.773003)\r
+ ..controls (-75.164101,109.894997) and (-75.859398,109.359001)..(-76.535202,108.621002)\r
+ ..controls (-77.152298,107.941002) and (-77.753899,107.262001)..(-78.242203,106.476997)\r
+ ..controls (-78.765602,105.637001) and (-79.921898,103.414001)..(-81.222702,104.116997)\r
+ ..controls (-81.339798,104.183998) and (-81.457001,104.237999)..(-81.578102,104.292999)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill p116;\r
+p117:=(-43.171902,110.753998)..controls (-42.789101,110.640999) and (-42.355499,110.362999)..(-41.953098,110.387001)\r
+ ..controls (-41.429699,110.421997) and (-40.914101,110.530998)..(-40.398399,110.546997)\r
+ ..controls (-40.667999,109.746002) and (-41.375000,109.753998)..(-42.101601,109.582001)\r
+ ..controls (-42.578098,109.460999) and (-43.488300,110.230003)..(-43.171902,110.753998)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill p117;\r
+p118:=(-69.167999,74.378899)..controls (-71.117203,74.417999) and (-71.710899,76.605499)..(-72.566399,77.917999)\r
+ ..controls (-73.007797,78.601601) and (-74.023399,78.593803)..(-74.726601,78.789101)\r
+ ..controls (-75.582001,79.035202) and (-76.492203,79.542999)..(-77.078102,80.214798)\r
+ ..controls (-77.796898,81.039101) and (-78.136703,81.601601)..(-78.289101,82.695297)\r
+ ..controls (-78.445297,83.835899) and (-77.664101,85.289101)..(-77.320297,86.351601)\r
+ ..controls (-76.878899,87.714798) and (-76.371101,89.027298)..(-75.738297,90.308601)\r
+ ..controls (-75.097702,91.601601) and (-74.628899,92.968803)..(-74.089798,94.300797)\r
+ ..controls (-73.535202,95.660202) and (-72.871101,96.984398)..(-72.203102,98.296898)\r
+ ..controls (-70.859398,100.973000) and (-69.386703,103.523003)..(-67.707001,106.000000)\r
+ ..controls (-67.058601,106.964996) and (-66.472702,107.948997)..(-65.742203,108.855003)\r
+ ..controls (-65.441399,109.237999) and (-64.554703,110.558998)..(-63.929699,110.250000)\r
+ ..controls (-62.980499,109.785004) and (-62.218800,109.063004)..(-61.507801,108.292999)\r
+ ..controls (-60.730499,107.448997) and (-59.929699,106.609001)..(-59.195301,105.726997)\r
+ ..controls (-58.832001,105.301003) and (-59.031300,104.953003)..(-59.164101,104.460999)\r
+ ..controls (-59.464802,103.387001) and (-60.203098,102.417999)..(-60.628899,101.383003)\r
+ ..controls (-61.128899,100.180000) and (-61.652302,98.984398)..(-62.117199,97.773399)\r
+ ..controls (-63.109402,95.207001) and (-63.957001,92.578102)..(-64.828102,89.968803)\r
+ ..controls (-65.707001,87.355499) and (-66.460899,84.710899)..(-67.203102,82.058601)\r
+ ..controls (-67.917999,79.507797) and (-68.449203,76.921898)..(-69.167999,74.378899)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill p118;\r
+p119:=(-79.398399,103.500000)..controls (-79.597702,104.339996) and (-78.503899,105.417999)..(-78.023399,105.969002)\r
+ ..controls (-77.207001,106.914001) and (-76.484398,107.980003)..(-75.597702,108.859001)\r
+ ..controls (-75.312500,109.137001) and (-74.171898,110.473000)..(-73.691399,109.969002)\r
+ ..controls (-73.042999,109.285004) and (-74.695297,107.710999)..(-75.093803,107.277000)\r
+ ..controls (-76.210899,106.066002) and (-77.074203,104.585999)..(-78.332001,103.523003)\r
+ ..controls (-78.578102,103.335999) and (-79.105499,103.484001)..(-79.398399,103.500000)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill p119;\r
+p120:=(-40.929699,108.851997)..controls (-40.527302,108.637001) and (-40.289101,108.664001)..(-40.367199,108.203003)\r
+ ..controls (-40.414101,107.933998) and (-40.667999,107.655998)..(-40.914101,107.523003)\r
+ ..controls (-41.421902,107.262001) and (-42.531300,106.598000)..(-43.074200,107.183998)\r
+ ..controls (-43.488300,107.616997) and (-43.441399,108.789001)..(-42.671902,108.527000)\r
+ ..controls (-42.417999,108.441002) and (-42.070301,108.019997)..(-41.808601,108.046997)\r
+ ..controls (-41.515598,108.078003) and (-41.113300,108.664001)..(-40.929699,108.851997)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill p120;\r
+p121:=(-76.062500,92.210899)..controls (-76.101601,94.101601) and (-76.695297,95.921898)..(-76.957001,97.785202)\r
+ ..controls (-77.082001,98.687500) and (-77.261703,99.636703)..(-77.191399,100.546997)\r
+ ..controls (-77.121101,101.535004) and (-77.058601,102.460999)..(-77.160202,103.453003)\r
+ ..controls (-77.207001,103.960999) and (-76.722702,104.473000)..(-76.460899,104.871002)\r
+ ..controls (-76.113297,105.390999) and (-75.710899,105.883003)..(-75.304703,106.366997)\r
+ ..controls (-74.746101,107.030998) and (-74.054703,108.390999)..(-73.066399,108.421997)\r
+ ..controls (-72.320297,108.448997) and (-71.578102,107.258003)..(-71.332001,106.698997)\r
+ ..controls (-70.824203,105.535004) and (-70.304703,104.180000)..(-70.574203,102.890999)\r
+ ..controls (-70.761703,101.960999) and (-71.292999,101.140999)..(-71.777298,100.339996)\r
+ ..controls (-72.363297,99.367203) and (-72.855499,98.328102)..(-73.343803,97.308601)\r
+ ..controls (-73.812500,96.328102) and (-74.199203,95.312500)..(-74.667999,94.339798)\r
+ ..controls (-74.937500,93.746101) and (-75.324203,92.375000)..(-76.062500,92.210899)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+unfill p121;\r
+p122:=(-96.027298,106.101997)..controls (-95.320297,106.101997) and (-94.863297,106.796997)..(-94.242203,107.012001)\r
+ ..controls (-93.414101,107.296997) and (-92.835899,106.898003)..(-93.136703,105.996002)\r
+ ..controls (-93.531303,104.808998) and (-95.042999,103.344002)..(-96.230499,102.941002)\r
+ ..controls (-97.378899,102.546997) and (-97.808601,105.664001)..(-97.703102,106.402000)\r
+ ..controls (-97.648399,106.796997) and (-97.585899,106.996002)..(-97.394501,107.344002)\r
+ ..controls (-97.203102,107.691002) and (-96.445297,108.230003)..(-96.167999,107.667999)\r
+ ..controls (-95.921898,107.203003) and (-96.035202,106.605003)..(-96.027298,106.101997)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill p122;\r
+p123:=(-89.691399,106.089996)..controls (-89.691399,105.332001) and (-89.550797,104.578003)..(-89.535202,103.813004)\r
+ ..controls (-89.511703,102.980003) and (-89.503899,102.148003)..(-89.304703,101.332001)\r
+ ..controls (-88.679703,102.605003) and (-88.902298,104.316002)..(-88.898399,105.688004)\r
+ ..controls (-87.980499,105.394997) and (-88.355499,103.503998)..(-88.457001,102.828003)\r
+ ..controls (-88.601601,101.933998) and (-88.894501,100.105003)..(-87.917999,99.542999)\r
+ ..controls (-87.917999,100.582001) and (-87.878899,101.616997)..(-87.855499,102.655998)\r
+ ..controls (-87.832001,103.512001) and (-87.933601,104.500000)..(-87.515602,105.285004)\r
+ ..controls (-87.093803,104.848000) and (-87.207001,104.269997)..(-87.285202,103.737999)\r
+ ..controls (-87.390602,103.003998) and (-87.324203,102.226997)..(-87.324203,101.484001)\r
+ ..controls (-87.324203,99.867203) and (-87.335899,98.261703)..(-87.335899,96.644501)\r
+ ..controls (-87.335899,94.984398) and (-87.343803,93.328102)..(-87.343803,91.667999)\r
+ ..controls (-87.343803,90.195297) and (-87.136703,88.585899)..(-87.375000,87.128899)\r
+ ..controls (-87.527298,86.203102) and (-88.531303,86.257797)..(-88.937500,85.492203)\r
+ ..controls (-88.660202,85.417999) and (-87.804703,85.300797)..(-87.644501,85.046898)\r
+ ..controls (-87.296898,84.476601) and (-87.351601,83.843803)..(-87.367203,83.203102)\r
+ ..controls (-87.386703,82.441399) and (-87.386703,81.683601)..(-87.363297,80.929703)\r
+ ..controls (-86.878899,81.554703) and (-86.964798,82.332001)..(-86.957001,83.074203)\r
+ ..controls (-86.957001,83.960899) and (-86.910202,84.839798)..(-86.894501,85.726601)\r
+ ..controls (-86.878899,86.589798) and (-86.742203,87.445297)..(-86.750000,88.308601)\r
+ ..controls (-86.750000,89.179703) and (-86.941399,90.035202)..(-86.941399,90.906303)\r
+ ..controls (-86.941399,91.769501) and (-86.742203,92.617203)..(-86.742203,93.488297)\r
+ ..controls (-86.742203,94.359398) and (-86.734398,95.230499)..(-86.734398,96.097702)\r
+ ..controls (-86.734398,97.898399) and (-86.757797,99.695297)..(-86.667999,101.491997)\r
+ ..controls (-86.644501,101.917999) and (-86.304703,102.273003)..(-85.941399,102.417999)\r
+ ..controls (-85.679703,102.512001) and (-85.566399,102.566002)..(-85.441399,102.313004)\r
+ ..controls (-85.226601,101.894997) and (-85.894501,101.223000)..(-85.996101,100.737999)\r
+ ..controls (-86.152298,99.996101) and (-86.148399,99.226601)..(-86.148399,98.472702)\r
+ ..controls (-86.148399,96.644501) and (-86.402298,94.601601)..(-85.957001,92.812500)\r
+ ..controls (-85.261703,93.835899) and (-85.480499,95.285202)..(-85.539101,96.441399)\r
+ ..controls (-85.601601,97.800797) and (-85.796898,99.480499)..(-85.148399,100.730003)\r
+ ..controls (-84.886703,100.421997) and (-84.933601,99.945297)..(-84.949203,99.566399)\r
+ ..controls (-84.976601,98.902298) and (-85.007797,98.222702)..(-84.937500,97.554703)\r
+ ..controls (-84.800797,96.304703) and (-85.070297,95.031303)..(-84.769501,93.796898)\r
+ ..controls (-84.335899,94.429703) and (-84.343803,95.203102)..(-84.359398,95.941399)\r
+ ..controls (-84.382797,96.937500) and (-84.367203,97.937500)..(-84.355499,98.925797)\r
+ ..controls (-84.355499,99.628899) and (-84.390602,100.237999)..(-84.546898,100.930000)\r
+ ..controls (-84.687500,101.570000) and (-84.515602,101.987999)..(-83.843803,102.171997)\r
+ ..controls (-83.621101,102.226997) and (-83.335899,102.195000)..(-83.398399,102.457001)\r
+ ..controls (-83.460899,102.710999) and (-83.558601,102.984001)..(-83.558601,103.258003)\r
+ ..controls (-83.558601,103.589996) and (-82.851601,103.621002)..(-82.566399,103.683998)\r
+ ..controls (-82.679703,103.073997) and (-82.425797,102.464996)..(-82.402298,101.862999)\r
+ ..controls (-82.371101,101.125000) and (-82.574203,100.390999)..(-82.574203,99.652298)\r
+ ..controls (-82.578102,98.093803) and (-82.585899,96.527298)..(-82.585899,94.964798)\r
+ ..controls (-82.585899,94.277298) and (-82.585899,93.589798)..(-82.585899,92.898399)\r
+ ..controls (-82.585899,92.535202) and (-82.585899,92.171898)..(-82.585899,91.816399)\r
+ ..controls (-82.585899,91.808601) and (-82.949203,91.808601)..(-82.964798,91.808601)\r
+ ..controls (-83.058601,91.808601) and (-83.750000,91.769501)..(-83.757797,91.839798)\r
+ ..controls (-83.789101,92.117203) and (-83.742203,92.582001)..(-83.898399,92.828102)\r
+ ..controls (-84.207001,93.304703) and (-84.351601,93.097702)..(-84.808601,92.843803)\r
+ ..controls (-85.101601,92.679703) and (-84.785202,92.171898)..(-84.613297,92.000000)\r
+ ..controls (-84.222702,91.617203) and (-83.980499,92.054703)..(-83.980499,91.410202)\r
+ ..controls (-83.980499,90.761703) and (-84.238297,91.078102)..(-84.574203,91.414101)\r
+ ..controls (-84.792999,90.753899) and (-85.000000,90.082001)..(-85.253899,89.433601)\r
+ ..controls (-85.500000,88.800797) and (-85.871101,88.160202)..(-85.769501,87.453102)\r
+ ..controls (-85.625000,87.539101) and (-85.007797,87.753899)..(-84.953102,87.566399)\r
+ ..controls (-84.835899,87.191399) and (-84.691399,86.828102)..(-84.582001,86.457001)\r
+ ..controls (-84.359398,86.742203) and (-84.218803,87.011703)..(-84.058601,87.328102)\r
+ ..controls (-83.890602,87.660202) and (-84.074203,87.613297)..(-83.671898,87.582001)\r
+ ..controls (-83.449203,87.562500) and (-83.210899,87.476601)..(-82.988297,87.437500)\r
+ ..controls (-83.003899,88.546898) and (-83.710899,89.726601)..(-83.972702,90.800797)\r
+ ..controls (-83.664101,90.707001) and (-83.328102,90.675797)..(-83.011703,90.746101)\r
+ ..controls (-82.609398,90.839798) and (-82.648399,90.390602)..(-82.601601,90.066399)\r
+ ..controls (-82.507797,89.343803) and (-82.585899,88.562500)..(-82.585899,87.832001)\r
+ ..controls (-82.101601,88.062500) and (-82.031303,88.585899)..(-82.000000,89.058601)\r
+ ..controls (-81.984398,89.304703) and (-81.984398,89.550797)..(-81.984398,89.789101)\r
+ ..controls (-81.984398,90.246101) and (-82.007797,90.199203)..(-81.539101,90.199203)\r
+ ..controls (-81.238297,90.199203) and (-81.390602,89.628899)..(-81.390602,89.457001)\r
+ ..controls (-81.390602,89.156303) and (-81.199203,89.210899)..(-80.953102,89.210899)\r
+ ..controls (-80.582001,89.210899) and (-80.898399,90.082001)..(-80.203102,90.003899)\r
+ ..controls (-80.312500,89.382797) and (-80.789101,88.855499)..(-80.796898,88.222702)\r
+ ..controls (-79.941399,88.171898) and (-79.085899,88.070297)..(-78.230499,88.007797)\r
+ ..controls (-77.890602,87.984398) and (-77.410202,87.992203)..(-77.480499,87.585899)\r
+ ..controls (-77.687500,86.535202) and (-78.144501,85.496101)..(-78.453102,84.468803)\r
+ ..controls (-78.785202,83.335899) and (-79.113297,82.203102)..(-79.406303,81.062500)\r
+ ..controls (-79.968803,78.855499) and (-80.238297,76.582001)..(-80.695297,74.351601)\r
+ ..controls (-81.164101,72.109398) and (-81.472702,69.835899)..(-81.933601,67.597702)\r
+ ..controls (-82.179703,66.402298) and (-82.472702,65.222702)..(-82.664101,64.019501)\r
+ ..controls (-82.789101,63.179699) and (-83.210899,62.230499)..(-82.535202,61.523399)\r
+ ..controls (-81.894501,60.843800) and (-81.308601,60.304699)..(-80.511703,59.804699)\r
+ ..controls (-79.488297,59.171902) and (-79.867203,58.554699)..(-80.566399,57.843800)\r
+ ..controls (-81.777298,56.601601) and (-83.527298,55.863300)..(-85.156303,55.382801)\r
+ ..controls (-86.187500,55.074200) and (-86.828102,55.367199)..(-87.367203,56.253899)\r
+ ..controls (-88.988297,58.906300) and (-90.058601,61.835899)..(-91.156303,64.726601)\r
+ ..controls (-91.734398,66.238297) and (-92.226601,67.757797)..(-92.667999,69.316399)\r
+ ..controls (-92.992203,70.464798) and (-93.792999,71.875000)..(-93.687500,73.085899)\r
+ ..controls (-93.656303,73.480499) and (-93.710899,73.300797)..(-93.394501,73.457001)\r
+ ..controls (-93.246101,73.531303) and (-93.054703,73.554703)..(-92.898399,73.601601)\r
+ ..controls (-93.039101,74.273399) and (-93.648399,75.019501)..(-93.996101,75.605499)\r
+ ..controls (-94.140602,75.832001) and (-94.425797,76.316399)..(-94.117203,76.441399)\r
+ ..controls (-93.785202,76.578102) and (-93.433601,76.570297)..(-93.085899,76.578102)\r
+ ..controls (-93.085899,77.425797) and (-93.980499,77.140602)..(-94.187500,77.636703)\r
+ ..controls (-94.402298,78.152298) and (-94.574203,78.800797)..(-94.667999,79.347702)\r
+ ..controls (-93.941399,78.984398) and (-94.074203,79.269501)..(-94.074203,79.925797)\r
+ ..controls (-94.074203,82.339798) and (-94.144501,84.781303)..(-94.050797,87.195297)\r
+ ..controls (-94.003899,88.367203) and (-93.859398,89.523399)..(-93.859398,90.695297)\r
+ ..controls (-93.859398,91.867203) and (-93.890602,93.035202)..(-93.652298,94.191399)\r
+ ..controls (-93.226601,93.828102) and (-93.257797,93.171898)..(-93.257797,92.656303)\r
+ ..controls (-93.257797,91.730499) and (-93.257797,90.796898)..(-93.265602,89.871101)\r
+ ..controls (-93.281303,88.160202) and (-93.464798,86.457001)..(-93.496101,84.746101)\r
+ ..controls (-93.519501,83.410202) and (-93.464798,82.078102)..(-93.535202,80.742203)\r
+ ..controls (-93.578102,79.941399) and (-93.734398,78.445297)..(-92.894501,77.960899)\r
+ ..controls (-92.886703,81.835899) and (-92.726601,85.699203)..(-92.648399,89.570297)\r
+ ..controls (-92.609398,91.515602) and (-92.703102,93.464798)..(-92.734398,95.410202)\r
+ ..controls (-92.750000,96.332001) and (-92.750000,97.257797)..(-92.710899,98.175797)\r
+ ..controls (-92.679703,98.976601) and (-92.757797,100.051003)..(-92.257797,100.730003)\r
+ ..controls (-91.980499,100.398003) and (-91.964798,99.757797)..(-91.863297,99.347702)\r
+ ..controls (-91.363297,100.128998) and (-91.308601,101.105003)..(-91.277298,102.008003)\r
+ ..controls (-91.261703,102.578003) and (-91.363297,103.128998)..(-91.355499,103.703003)\r
+ ..controls (-91.347702,104.237999) and (-91.187500,104.762001)..(-91.054703,105.285004)\r
+ ..controls (-90.761703,104.960999) and (-90.871101,104.445000)..(-90.863297,104.051003)\r
+ ..controls (-90.855499,103.512001) and (-90.777298,102.987999)..(-90.800797,102.448997)\r
+ ..controls (-90.824203,101.871002) and (-91.222702,100.644997)..(-90.863297,100.137001)\r
+ ..controls (-90.808601,100.051003) and (-90.406303,100.003998)..(-90.277298,99.843803)\r
+ ..controls (-90.136703,99.671898) and (-90.074203,99.355499)..(-90.074203,99.140602)\r
+ ..controls (-89.375000,99.140602) and (-88.964798,99.859398)..(-89.343803,100.460999)\r
+ ..controls (-89.503899,100.707001) and (-89.906303,100.816002)..(-90.027298,101.082001)\r
+ ..controls (-90.277298,101.640999) and (-90.167999,102.234001)..(-90.128899,102.835999)\r
+ ..controls (-90.074203,103.698997) and (-90.062500,104.555000)..(-90.062500,105.417999)\r
+ ..controls (-90.085899,105.917999) and (-90.238297,106.133003)..(-89.691399,106.089996)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+unfill p123;\r
+p124:=(-86.328102,104.894997)..controls (-85.773399,104.414001) and (-85.542999,103.073997)..(-86.527298,102.917999)\r
+ ..controls (-86.527298,103.484001) and (-86.707001,104.414001)..(-86.328102,104.894997)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+unfill p124;\r
+p125:=(-57.824200,104.445000)..controls (-57.359402,103.566002) and (-58.214802,102.348000)..(-58.562500,101.563004)\r
+ ..controls (-59.078098,100.394997) and (-59.539101,99.199203)..(-59.964802,97.984398)\r
+ ..controls (-60.843800,95.476601) and (-61.675800,92.910202)..(-62.445301,90.371101)\r
+ ..controls (-63.238300,87.742203) and (-63.988300,85.105499)..(-64.718803,82.453102)\r
+ ..controls (-65.429703,79.832001) and (-66.011703,77.214798)..(-66.636703,74.578102)\r
+ ..controls (-66.792999,73.925797) and (-66.777298,73.992203)..(-67.402298,74.101601)\r
+ ..controls (-67.785202,74.164101) and (-68.179703,74.031303)..(-68.164101,74.457001)\r
+ ..controls (-68.070297,77.101601) and (-67.164101,79.714798)..(-66.500000,82.273399)\r
+ ..controls (-65.769501,85.058601) and (-64.867203,87.789101)..(-63.957001,90.511703)\r
+ ..controls (-63.054699,93.203102) and (-62.167999,95.906303)..(-61.136700,98.546898)\r
+ ..controls (-60.636700,99.839798) and (-60.136700,101.176003)..(-59.480499,102.394997)\r
+ ..controls (-59.226601,102.862999) and (-58.515598,104.573997)..(-57.824200,104.445000)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill p125;\r
+p126:=(-81.578102,103.500000)..controls (-81.039101,102.667999) and (-81.308601,101.648003)..(-81.207001,100.723000)\r
+ ..controls (-81.183601,100.491997) and (-80.808601,100.398003)..(-80.769501,100.637001)\r
+ ..controls (-80.628899,101.473000) and (-80.589798,102.258003)..(-80.589798,103.105003)\r
+ ..controls (-79.929703,103.003998) and (-79.988297,102.012001)..(-79.996101,101.519997)\r
+ ..controls (-79.757797,101.832001) and (-79.574203,102.140999)..(-79.402298,102.487999)\r
+ ..controls (-79.195297,102.898003) and (-79.140602,102.938004)..(-78.703102,102.750000)\r
+ ..controls (-77.847702,102.375000) and (-77.792999,101.348000)..(-77.898399,100.515999)\r
+ ..controls (-77.945297,100.137001) and (-78.308601,99.976601)..(-78.433601,99.636703)\r
+ ..controls (-78.601601,99.175797) and (-78.238297,98.902298)..(-77.953102,98.527298)\r
+ ..controls (-77.429703,97.839798) and (-77.968803,96.882797)..(-77.835899,96.167999)\r
+ ..controls (-78.824203,96.769501) and (-78.285202,99.167999)..(-79.605499,99.335899)\r
+ ..controls (-79.718803,98.687500) and (-80.027298,97.894501)..(-80.398399,97.355499)\r
+ ..controls (-80.953102,97.886703) and (-80.722702,98.910202)..(-80.003899,99.136703)\r
+ ..controls (-80.542999,100.082001) and (-81.769501,99.734398)..(-81.980499,100.921997)\r
+ ..controls (-82.093803,101.578003) and (-82.003899,102.969002)..(-81.578102,103.500000)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+unfill p126;\r
+p127:=(-97.222702,101.160004)..controls (-96.636703,101.469002) and (-96.199203,102.116997)..(-95.582001,102.371002)\r
+ ..controls (-95.496101,102.402000) and (-94.664101,102.688004)..(-94.648399,102.508003)\r
+ ..controls (-94.609398,102.078003) and (-94.539101,101.676003)..(-94.625000,101.253998)\r
+ ..controls (-94.949203,99.742203) and (-96.242203,98.886703)..(-97.308601,97.906303)\r
+ ..controls (-97.617203,97.621101) and (-97.667999,97.550797)..(-97.960899,97.882797)\r
+ ..controls (-98.464798,98.453102) and (-98.679703,99.484398)..(-98.835899,100.203003)\r
+ ..controls (-98.972702,100.828003) and (-99.167999,101.723000)..(-98.906303,102.348000)\r
+ ..controls (-98.812500,102.563004) and (-98.281303,103.019997)..(-98.046898,103.003998)\r
+ ..controls (-97.402298,102.964996) and (-97.308601,101.598000)..(-97.222702,101.160004)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill p127;\r
+p128:=(-78.617203,102.305000)..controls (-78.773399,102.012001) and (-78.847702,101.648003)..(-78.816399,101.316002)\r
+ ..controls (-78.378899,101.410004) and (-78.261703,102.042999)..(-78.617203,102.305000)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill p128;\r
+p129:=(-83.566399,101.530998)..controls (-83.898399,99.875000) and (-83.722702,98.171898)..(-83.828102,96.503899)\r
+ ..controls (-83.867203,95.820297) and (-84.160202,93.644501)..(-83.187500,93.414101)\r
+ ..controls (-83.187500,94.738297) and (-83.179703,96.050797)..(-83.179703,97.375000)\r
+ ..controls (-83.179703,98.585899) and (-83.042999,99.851601)..(-83.128899,101.055000)\r
+ ..controls (-83.152298,101.394997) and (-83.128899,101.633003)..(-83.566399,101.530998)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill p129;\r
+p130:=(-79.804703,99.738297)..controls (-79.054703,99.636703) and (-78.703102,100.383003)..(-79.078102,100.969002)\r
+ ..controls (-79.312500,101.348000) and (-79.644501,100.917999)..(-79.843803,100.746002)\r
+ ..controls (-80.035202,100.578003) and (-79.843803,99.929703)..(-79.804703,99.738297)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill p130;\r
+p131:=(-92.128899,74.421898)..controls (-91.667999,74.414101) and (-91.734398,74.414101)..(-91.734398,74.835899)\r
+ ..controls (-91.726601,76.609398) and (-91.722702,78.382797)..(-91.722702,80.148399)\r
+ ..controls (-91.722702,81.929703) and (-91.875000,83.750000)..(-91.515602,85.507797)\r
+ ..controls (-90.867203,85.308601) and (-89.933601,85.414101)..(-89.933601,86.300797)\r
+ ..controls (-90.496101,86.371101) and (-90.968803,86.464798)..(-91.515602,86.300797)\r
+ ..controls (-91.531303,89.261703) and (-91.507797,92.238297)..(-91.500000,95.207001)\r
+ ..controls (-90.984398,95.207001) and (-90.511703,94.730499)..(-90.511703,94.214798)\r
+ ..controls (-90.644501,94.281303) and (-90.769501,94.351601)..(-90.906303,94.414101)\r
+ ..controls (-90.906303,91.976601) and (-90.914101,89.527298)..(-90.921898,87.089798)\r
+ ..controls (-90.117203,87.210899) and (-90.281303,88.925797)..(-90.296898,89.464798)\r
+ ..controls (-90.343803,90.851601) and (-90.226601,92.261703)..(-90.511703,93.621101)\r
+ ..controls (-90.042999,93.597702) and (-89.835899,94.105499)..(-89.648399,94.437500)\r
+ ..controls (-89.433601,94.808601) and (-88.917999,94.898399)..(-88.726601,95.292999)\r
+ ..controls (-88.355499,96.066399) and (-89.179703,97.167999)..(-89.117203,97.976601)\r
+ ..controls (-88.316399,97.816399) and (-87.500000,97.976601)..(-87.531303,98.964798)\r
+ ..controls (-88.441399,98.894501) and (-89.132797,98.871101)..(-89.906303,98.378899)\r
+ ..controls (-89.980499,98.609398) and (-90.312500,99.164101)..(-90.613297,99.046898)\r
+ ..controls (-91.308601,98.769501) and (-91.964798,98.679703)..(-92.101601,97.820297)\r
+ ..controls (-92.234398,96.957001) and (-92.093803,95.996101)..(-92.093803,95.125000)\r
+ ..controls (-92.093803,92.742203) and (-92.101601,90.351601)..(-92.085899,87.968803)\r
+ ..controls (-92.078102,86.886703) and (-92.023399,85.746101)..(-92.199203,84.675797)\r
+ ..controls (-92.371101,83.625000) and (-92.292999,82.492203)..(-92.300797,81.421898)\r
+ ..controls (-92.308601,79.070297) and (-92.222702,76.757797)..(-92.128899,74.421898)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill p131;\r
+p132:=(-81.585899,99.148399)..controls (-81.199203,98.820297) and (-81.285202,98.292999)..(-81.347702,97.855499)\r
+ ..controls (-81.437500,97.183601) and (-81.414101,96.488297)..(-81.398399,95.804703)\r
+ ..controls (-81.367203,94.730499) and (-81.089798,93.429703)..(-81.605499,92.417999)\r
+ ..controls (-82.449203,92.925797) and (-82.039101,94.917999)..(-82.000000,95.718803)\r
+ ..controls (-81.949203,96.605499) and (-82.488297,98.554703)..(-81.585899,99.148399)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+unfill p132;\r
+p133:=(-98.417999,96.210899)..controls (-97.832001,96.332001) and (-97.414101,97.058601)..(-96.867203,97.113297)\r
+ ..controls (-96.480499,97.156303) and (-96.066399,97.375000)..(-96.019501,96.941399)\r
+ ..controls (-95.972702,96.488297) and (-95.933601,96.226601)..(-96.074203,95.808601)\r
+ ..controls (-96.480499,94.605499) and (-97.605499,93.363297)..(-98.671898,92.722702)\r
+ ..controls (-99.148399,92.429703) and (-99.425797,93.585899)..(-99.574203,93.925797)\r
+ ..controls (-99.945297,94.757797) and (-100.089996,95.320297)..(-100.191002,96.222702)\r
+ ..controls (-100.237999,96.695297) and (-100.058998,97.726601)..(-99.414101,97.773399)\r
+ ..controls (-98.703102,97.828102) and (-98.539101,96.679703)..(-98.417999,96.210899)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill p133;\r
+p134:=(-90.304703,97.976601)..controls (-90.523399,97.167999) and (-91.046898,96.312500)..(-91.492203,95.601601)\r
+ ..controls (-91.816399,95.941399) and (-91.546898,96.710899)..(-91.500000,97.121101)\r
+ ..controls (-91.410202,97.828102) and (-90.867203,97.851601)..(-90.304703,97.976601)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+unfill p134;\r
+p135:=(-88.324203,97.582001)..controls (-88.601601,97.058601) and (-88.441399,96.394501)..(-88.378899,95.839798)\r
+ ..controls (-88.308601,95.164101) and (-88.417999,94.492203)..(-88.476601,93.828102)\r
+ ..controls (-88.539101,93.035202) and (-88.531303,92.238297)..(-88.539101,91.437500)\r
+ ..controls (-88.539101,91.128899) and (-88.601601,87.289101)..(-88.476601,87.289101)\r
+ ..controls (-88.035202,87.289101) and (-88.261703,87.281303)..(-88.144501,87.605499)\r
+ ..controls (-87.683601,88.894501) and (-87.945297,90.589798)..(-87.937500,91.933601)\r
+ ..controls (-87.937500,92.535202) and (-87.929703,93.140602)..(-87.921898,93.734398)\r
+ ..controls (-87.921898,94.007797) and (-87.863297,97.582001)..(-87.984398,97.582001)\r
+ ..controls (-88.101601,97.582001) and (-88.214798,97.582001)..(-88.324203,97.582001)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill p135;\r
+p136:=(-44.582001,96.699203)..controls (-44.667999,96.113297) and (-45.027302,95.617203)..(-45.328098,95.117203)\r
+ ..controls (-45.652302,94.570297) and (-45.929699,93.968803)..(-46.402302,93.527298)\r
+ ..controls (-47.031300,92.941399) and (-47.496101,93.511703)..(-48.121101,93.890602)\r
+ ..controls (-48.527302,94.136703) and (-48.550800,95.101601)..(-48.542999,95.523399)\r
+ ..controls (-48.542999,96.320297) and (-48.406300,96.621101)..(-47.964802,97.304703)\r
+ ..controls (-47.835899,97.492203) and (-47.386700,97.246101)..(-47.179699,97.183601)\r
+ ..controls (-46.941399,97.113297) and (-47.011700,96.644501)..(-46.933601,96.472702)\r
+ ..controls (-46.816399,96.203102) and (-46.523399,95.339798)..(-46.101601,95.496101)\r
+ ..controls (-45.437500,95.750000) and (-45.515598,96.730499)..(-44.582001,96.699203)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill p136;\r
+p137:=(-80.210899,95.781303)..controls (-79.640602,95.011703) and (-80.304703,94.417999)..(-80.210899,93.605499)\r
+ ..controls (-81.105499,93.777298) and (-80.820297,95.433601)..(-80.210899,95.781303)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+unfill p137;\r
+p138:=(-78.625000,95.773399)..controls (-78.363297,95.488297) and (-78.070297,95.257797)..(-77.968803,94.878899)\r
+ ..controls (-77.859398,94.449203) and (-77.746101,94.023399)..(-77.636703,93.589798)\r
+ ..controls (-78.683601,93.597702) and (-78.136703,95.003899)..(-79.023399,95.171898)\r
+ ..controls (-78.925797,95.417999) and (-78.847702,95.628899)..(-78.625000,95.773399)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+unfill p138;\r
+p139:=(-79.023399,94.988297)..controls (-79.031303,94.601601) and (-79.023399,93.867203)..(-79.617203,94.000000)\r
+ ..controls (-79.562500,94.355499) and (-79.324203,94.769501)..(-79.023399,94.988297)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+unfill p139;\r
+p140:=(-89.320297,94.414101)..controls (-89.843803,93.757797) and (-89.718803,92.863297)..(-89.718803,92.085899)\r
+ ..controls (-89.718803,91.015602) and (-89.726601,89.949203)..(-89.726601,88.871101)\r
+ ..controls (-88.800797,89.046898) and (-89.132797,90.660202)..(-89.125000,91.292999)\r
+ ..controls (-89.125000,92.164101) and (-88.671898,93.683601)..(-89.320297,94.414101)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill p140;\r
+p141:=(-77.843803,92.410202)..controls (-78.515602,92.066399) and (-79.441399,92.613297)..(-79.031303,93.398399)\r
+ ..controls (-78.554703,93.289101) and (-77.914101,92.937500)..(-77.843803,92.410202)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+unfill p141;\r
+p142:=(-80.218803,92.812500)..controls (-80.488297,92.328102) and (-80.714798,92.996101)..(-80.812500,93.207001)\r
+ ..controls (-80.574203,93.113297) and (-80.375000,93.019501)..(-80.218803,92.812500)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+unfill p142;\r
+p143:=(-47.363300,92.355499)..controls (-47.371101,91.925797) and (-47.687500,91.460899)..(-48.121101,91.398399)\r
+ ..controls (-48.621101,91.324203) and (-48.550800,92.363297)..(-48.550800,92.750000)\r
+ ..controls (-48.136700,92.687500) and (-47.757801,92.480499)..(-47.363300,92.355499)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill p143;\r
+p144:=(-99.218803,91.265602)..controls (-98.640602,91.367203) and (-98.222702,91.976601)..(-97.769501,92.308601)\r
+ ..controls (-97.113297,92.792999) and (-96.812500,91.906303)..(-96.921898,91.359398)\r
+ ..controls (-97.160202,90.171898) and (-98.031303,88.984398)..(-98.664101,87.972702)\r
+ ..controls (-99.117203,87.250000) and (-99.464798,88.136703)..(-99.734398,88.558601)\r
+ ..controls (-100.058998,89.070297) and (-100.453003,89.800797)..(-100.527000,90.402298)\r
+ ..controls (-100.605003,91.027298) and (-100.792999,91.804703)..(-100.265999,92.246101)\r
+ ..controls (-99.644501,92.753899) and (-99.281303,91.812500)..(-99.218803,91.265602)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill p144;\r
+p145:=(-77.050797,92.011703)..controls (-76.773399,91.593803) and (-76.687500,91.140602)..(-77.113297,90.832001)\r
+ ..controls (-77.781303,90.343803) and (-77.953102,90.222702)..(-78.777298,90.300797)\r
+ ..controls (-79.808601,90.398399) and (-80.757797,91.007797)..(-81.800797,91.031303)\r
+ ..controls (-81.539101,92.671898) and (-79.277298,91.617203)..(-78.277298,91.710899)\r
+ ..controls (-77.875000,91.742203) and (-77.464798,91.949203)..(-77.050797,92.011703)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+unfill p145;\r
+p146:=(-86.164101,88.664101)..controls (-85.722702,88.562500) and (-85.753899,88.824203)..(-85.707001,89.156303)\r
+ ..controls (-85.664101,89.417999) and (-85.609398,89.687500)..(-85.609398,89.957001)\r
+ ..controls (-85.609398,90.097702) and (-85.753899,90.453102)..(-85.687500,90.597702)\r
+ ..controls (-85.515602,90.984398) and (-84.816399,91.078102)..(-85.308601,91.617203)\r
+ ..controls (-85.769501,92.125000) and (-86.875000,91.656303)..(-86.496101,90.921898)\r
+ ..controls (-86.117203,90.203102) and (-86.164101,89.464798)..(-86.164101,88.664101)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill p146;\r
+p147:=(-76.863297,89.835899)..controls (-76.871101,89.136703) and (-77.375000,88.648399)..(-78.097702,88.648399)\r
+ ..controls (-78.722702,88.648399) and (-79.449203,88.554703)..(-80.027298,88.847702)\r
+ ..controls (-79.531303,89.851601) and (-77.804703,89.804703)..(-76.863297,89.835899)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+unfill p147;\r
+p148:=(-89.726601,86.296898)..controls (-89.425797,86.363297) and (-89.085899,86.589798)..(-88.960899,86.890602)\r
+ ..controls (-88.777298,87.351601) and (-89.117203,87.421898)..(-89.457001,87.644501)\r
+ ..controls (-90.164101,88.105499) and (-89.980499,86.640602)..(-89.726601,86.296898)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill p148;\r
+p149:=(-99.226601,86.316399)..controls (-98.656303,86.433601) and (-98.484398,87.003899)..(-98.039101,87.304703)\r
+ ..controls (-97.234398,87.851601) and (-97.320297,86.925797)..(-97.406303,86.363297)\r
+ ..controls (-97.550797,85.445297) and (-98.097702,84.019501)..(-99.031303,83.640602)\r
+ ..controls (-99.554703,83.433601) and (-99.632797,83.980499)..(-99.863297,84.402298)\r
+ ..controls (-100.125000,84.875000) and (-100.426003,85.437500)..(-100.496002,85.976601)\r
+ ..controls (-100.519997,86.175797) and (-100.566002,87.664101)..(-100.128998,87.472702)\r
+ ..controls (-99.664101,87.265602) and (-99.300797,86.847702)..(-99.226601,86.316399)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill p149;\r
+p150:=(-86.164101,86.882797)..controls (-86.164101,85.500000) and (-86.171898,84.113297)..(-86.171898,82.726601)\r
+ ..controls (-85.699203,83.074203) and (-85.609398,84.199203)..(-85.601601,84.738297)\r
+ ..controls (-85.585899,85.324203) and (-85.382797,86.687500)..(-86.164101,86.882797)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill p150;\r
+p151:=(-84.976601,85.894501)..controls (-84.976601,85.410202) and (-85.214798,84.816399)..(-84.582001,84.906303)\r
+ ..controls (-84.613297,85.300797) and (-84.652298,85.632797)..(-84.976601,85.894501)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill p151;\r
+p152:=(-89.726601,85.703102)..controls (-89.894501,85.128899) and (-90.085899,84.550797)..(-90.281303,83.980499)\r
+ ..controls (-90.472702,83.433601) and (-90.804703,82.839798)..(-90.859398,82.261703)\r
+ ..controls (-90.882797,82.031303) and (-90.980499,81.882797)..(-90.726601,81.746101)\r
+ ..controls (-90.535202,81.644501) and (-90.234398,81.769501)..(-90.132797,81.945297)\r
+ ..controls (-89.972702,81.460899) and (-89.746101,80.457001)..(-89.144501,80.359398)\r
+ ..controls (-89.191399,80.906303) and (-88.914101,81.437500)..(-88.746101,81.945297)\r
+ ..controls (-88.500000,81.800797) and (-88.230499,81.785202)..(-87.957001,81.746101)\r
+ ..controls (-87.996101,82.933601) and (-88.714798,84.058601)..(-89.015602,85.191399)\r
+ ..controls (-89.164101,85.722702) and (-89.148399,85.703102)..(-89.726601,85.703102)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill p152;\r
+p153:=(-97.652298,82.953102)..controls (-97.449203,82.246101) and (-97.683601,81.582001)..(-97.945297,80.925797)\r
+ ..controls (-98.035202,80.703102) and (-98.492203,79.332001)..(-98.730499,79.421898)\r
+ ..controls (-100.094002,79.886703) and (-100.296997,81.550797)..(-100.226997,82.761703)\r
+ ..controls (-99.710899,82.761703) and (-99.269501,82.214798)..(-98.839798,81.968803)\r
+ ..controls (-98.683601,82.468803) and (-98.207001,82.945297)..(-97.652298,82.953102)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill p153;\r
+p154:=(-88.558601,80.953102)..controls (-88.566399,80.425797) and (-88.691399,79.894501)..(-88.558601,79.371101)\r
+ ..controls (-88.191399,79.539101) and (-88.105499,79.886703)..(-88.105499,80.250000)\r
+ ..controls (-88.113297,80.628899) and (-88.042999,81.074203)..(-88.558601,80.953102)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill p154;\r
+p155:=(-78.460899,80.929703)..controls (-77.804703,80.042999) and (-76.949203,79.296898)..(-75.992203,78.750000)\r
+ ..controls (-75.480499,78.457001) and (-74.925797,78.218803)..(-74.355499,78.070297)\r
+ ..controls (-73.910202,77.949203) and (-73.332001,77.957001)..(-73.070297,77.523399)\r
+ ..controls (-72.730499,76.960899) and (-72.511703,76.382797)..(-72.113297,75.843803)\r
+ ..controls (-71.679703,75.250000) and (-71.210899,74.687500)..(-70.617203,74.253899)\r
+ ..controls (-69.992203,73.792999) and (-69.210899,73.621101)..(-68.464798,73.460899)\r
+ ..controls (-67.664101,73.285202) and (-67.085899,72.898399)..(-66.492203,72.343803)\r
+ ..controls (-65.296898,71.226601) and (-63.652302,70.425797)..(-61.972698,70.417999)\r
+ ..controls (-61.808601,70.417999) and (-61.386700,70.308601)..(-61.664101,70.023399)\r
+ ..controls (-61.980499,69.699203) and (-63.875000,70.175797)..(-64.191399,70.277298)\r
+ ..controls (-65.511703,70.722702) and (-66.359398,71.609398)..(-67.429703,72.429703)\r
+ ..controls (-68.007797,72.875000) and (-68.527298,72.914101)..(-69.203102,73.066399)\r
+ ..controls (-69.898399,73.222702) and (-70.531303,73.562500)..(-71.117203,73.960899)\r
+ ..controls (-72.218803,74.710899) and (-72.644501,75.867203)..(-73.546898,76.769501)\r
+ ..controls (-74.472702,77.699203) and (-76.046898,77.894501)..(-77.156303,78.593803)\r
+ ..controls (-77.671898,78.925797) and (-78.644501,79.972702)..(-78.566399,80.652298)\r
+ ..controls (-78.550797,80.761703) and (-78.535202,80.832001)..(-78.460899,80.929703)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill p155;\r
+p156:=(-90.933601,80.757797)..controls (-91.089798,79.964798) and (-91.683601,76.433601)..(-90.546898,76.203102)\r
+ ..controls (-90.546898,77.105499) and (-90.542999,78.000000)..(-90.535202,78.906303)\r
+ ..controls (-90.535202,79.500000) and (-90.378899,80.351601)..(-90.933601,80.757797)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill p156;\r
+p157:=(-83.515602,80.550797)..controls (-83.648399,80.250000) and (-83.988297,79.023399)..(-83.148399,79.332001)\r
+ ..controls (-82.953102,79.402298) and (-82.898399,79.996101)..(-82.847702,80.183601)\r
+ ..controls (-82.777298,80.421898) and (-83.308601,80.476601)..(-83.515602,80.550797)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill p157;\r
+p158:=(-89.746101,79.765602)..controls (-89.839798,79.000000) and (-89.753899,78.351601)..(-89.753899,77.589798)\r
+ ..controls (-89.167999,78.007797) and (-89.191399,79.332001)..(-89.746101,79.765602)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill p158;\r
+p159:=(-97.464798,78.992203)..controls (-96.925797,78.191399) and (-97.296898,77.289101)..(-97.542999,76.453102)\r
+ ..controls (-97.582001,76.300797) and (-97.843803,75.429703)..(-97.949203,75.445297)\r
+ ..controls (-98.421898,75.519501) and (-98.699203,75.769501)..(-99.007797,76.121101)\r
+ ..controls (-99.632797,76.808601) and (-100.046997,77.496101)..(-99.964798,78.437500)\r
+ ..controls (-99.917999,78.992203) and (-99.539101,78.714798)..(-99.238297,78.519501)\r
+ ..controls (-98.898399,78.289101) and (-98.605499,78.019501)..(-98.250000,77.812500)\r
+ ..controls (-98.144501,78.273399) and (-98.097702,79.113297)..(-97.464798,78.992203)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill p159;\r
+p160:=(-84.996101,78.964798)..controls (-84.957001,78.707001) and (-84.929703,78.492203)..(-84.828102,78.253899)\r
+ ..controls (-84.757797,78.097702) and (-84.210899,78.316399)..(-84.070297,78.355499)\r
+ ..controls (-83.742203,78.445297) and (-84.125000,78.816399)..(-84.265602,78.878899)\r
+ ..controls (-84.480499,78.957001) and (-84.765602,78.964798)..(-84.996101,78.964798)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill p160;\r
+p161:=(-82.222702,78.957001)..controls (-82.675797,78.687500) and (-82.335899,77.906303)..(-81.828102,78.167999)\r
+ ..controls (-81.296898,78.445297) and (-81.734398,79.054703)..(-82.222702,78.957001)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill p161;\r
+p162:=(-83.609398,78.769501)..controls (-83.824203,77.492203) and (-84.425797,76.273399)..(-84.609398,75.007797)\r
+ ..controls (-84.308601,74.945297) and (-83.910202,75.125000)..(-83.617203,75.207001)\r
+ ..controls (-83.539101,74.730499) and (-83.437500,74.246101)..(-83.222702,73.820297)\r
+ ..controls (-82.621101,74.253899) and (-82.785202,75.402298)..(-81.835899,75.402298)\r
+ ..controls (-81.972702,76.402298) and (-82.652298,77.328102)..(-82.898399,78.316399)\r
+ ..controls (-83.023399,78.839798) and (-83.078102,78.761703)..(-83.609398,78.769501)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill p162;\r
+p163:=(-74.117203,76.367203)..controls (-73.949203,76.058601) and (-73.878899,75.574203)..(-74.015602,75.250000)\r
+ ..controls (-74.203102,74.785202) and (-74.855499,75.171898)..(-75.304703,75.187500)\r
+ ..controls (-75.097702,75.656303) and (-74.656303,76.289101)..(-74.117203,76.367203)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill p163;\r
+p164:=(-96.679703,75.421898)..controls (-96.246101,74.109398) and (-96.886703,72.707001)..(-97.285202,71.464798)\r
+ ..controls (-98.429703,71.703102) and (-99.007797,73.144501)..(-99.546898,74.031303)\r
+ ..controls (-99.707001,74.289101) and (-99.625000,74.925797)..(-99.648399,75.234398)\r
+ ..controls (-98.859398,75.257797) and (-98.265602,74.488297)..(-97.671898,74.042999)\r
+ ..controls (-97.496101,74.527298) and (-97.347702,75.550797)..(-96.679703,75.421898)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill p164;\r
+p165:=(-88.378899,70.859398)..controls (-88.164101,70.898399) and (-87.785202,71.074203)..(-87.785202,71.335899)\r
+ ..controls (-87.781303,71.605499) and (-87.640602,72.144501)..(-87.941399,72.277298)\r
+ ..controls (-88.660202,72.601601) and (-88.519501,71.175797)..(-88.378899,70.859398)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill p165;\r
+p166:=(-68.378899,72.203102)..controls (-68.156303,71.781303) and (-68.187500,71.277298)..(-68.179703,70.816399)\r
+ ..controls (-68.632797,70.902298) and (-69.097702,71.023399)..(-69.566399,71.015602)\r
+ ..controls (-69.472702,71.585899) and (-68.902298,72.027298)..(-68.378899,72.203102)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill p166;\r
+p167:=(-95.898399,67.703102)..controls (-96.929703,67.742203) and (-98.187500,68.960899)..(-98.542999,69.886703)\r
+ ..controls (-98.691399,70.277298) and (-98.804703,71.386703)..(-98.203102,71.187500)\r
+ ..controls (-97.757797,71.035202) and (-97.316399,70.531303)..(-96.886703,70.285202)\r
+ ..controls (-96.722702,70.742203) and (-96.578102,71.203102)..(-96.324203,71.621101)\r
+ ..controls (-96.023399,72.105499) and (-95.453102,70.804703)..(-95.421898,70.710899)\r
+ ..controls (-95.265602,70.292999) and (-95.472702,69.800797)..(-95.558601,69.390602)\r
+ ..controls (-95.667999,68.828102) and (-95.789101,68.265602)..(-95.898399,67.703102)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill p167;\r
+p168:=(-89.761703,70.464798)..controls (-89.890602,69.792999) and (-89.042999,69.871101)..(-88.574203,69.871101)\r
+ ..controls (-88.558601,70.519501) and (-89.265602,70.734398)..(-89.761703,70.464798)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill p168;\r
+p169:=(-87.585899,69.863297)..controls (-87.285202,69.703102) and (-86.105499,69.632797)..(-86.468803,70.195297)\r
+ ..controls (-86.816399,70.750000) and (-87.476601,70.449203)..(-87.585899,69.863297)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill p169;\r
+p170:=(-80.656303,70.445297)..controls (-78.355499,68.839798) and (-76.195297,67.027298)..(-73.820297,65.519501)\r
+ ..controls (-72.625000,64.769501) and (-71.371101,64.105499)..(-70.097702,63.484402)\r
+ ..controls (-69.250000,63.074200) and (-67.843803,62.859402)..(-67.273399,62.050800)\r
+ ..controls (-66.558601,61.031300) and (-68.437500,61.531300)..(-68.886703,61.726601)\r
+ ..controls (-70.066399,62.218800) and (-70.343803,61.546902)..(-70.691399,60.566399)\r
+ ..controls (-70.914101,59.953098) and (-71.074203,59.328098)..(-71.214798,58.703098)\r
+ ..controls (-71.328102,58.238300) and (-71.570297,57.660198)..(-71.445297,57.167999)\r
+ ..controls (-71.343803,56.765598) and (-70.945297,56.605499)..(-70.781303,56.265598)\r
+ ..controls (-70.242203,55.187500) and (-71.777298,55.578098)..(-72.230499,55.796902)\r
+ ..controls (-74.003899,56.671902) and (-75.761703,57.535198)..(-77.468803,58.531300)\r
+ ..controls (-79.054703,59.449200) and (-80.683601,60.296902)..(-82.054703,61.523399)\r
+ ..controls (-82.234398,61.691399) and (-82.210899,62.476601)..(-82.250000,62.734402)\r
+ ..controls (-81.593803,62.656300) and (-81.031303,62.199200)..(-80.531303,61.808601)\r
+ ..controls (-79.898399,61.320301) and (-79.234398,60.867199)..(-78.554703,60.429699)\r
+ ..controls (-77.343803,59.648399) and (-75.957001,58.523399)..(-74.539101,58.152302)\r
+ ..controls (-73.921898,57.992199) and (-73.757797,58.277302)..(-73.320297,58.671902)\r
+ ..controls (-72.894501,59.054699) and (-72.750000,59.742199)..(-72.617203,60.273399)\r
+ ..controls (-72.441399,60.945301) and (-72.253899,61.609402)..(-72.125000,62.296902)\r
+ ..controls (-72.039101,62.781300) and (-72.488297,63.042999)..(-72.804703,63.359402)\r
+ ..controls (-73.738297,64.300797) and (-75.125000,64.968803)..(-76.242203,65.679703)\r
+ ..controls (-76.992203,66.164101) and (-77.761703,66.613297)..(-78.503899,67.113297)\r
+ ..controls (-79.289101,67.636703) and (-81.804703,69.257797)..(-80.656303,70.445297)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill p170;\r
+p171:=(-88.179703,70.062500)..controls (-88.289101,69.656303) and (-89.691399,67.296898)..(-89.335899,67.066399)\r
+ ..controls (-89.082001,66.902298) and (-88.687500,66.695297)..(-88.574203,66.394501)\r
+ ..controls (-88.511703,66.230499) and (-88.535202,65.816399)..(-88.386703,65.707001)\r
+ ..controls (-87.917999,65.359398) and (-87.839798,66.617203)..(-87.792999,66.894501)\r
+ ..controls (-87.460899,66.839798) and (-87.136703,66.750000)..(-86.800797,66.695297)\r
+ ..controls (-86.800797,67.343803) and (-87.152298,67.937500)..(-87.347702,68.539101)\r
+ ..controls (-87.523399,69.078102) and (-87.671898,69.734398)..(-88.179703,70.062500)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill p171;\r
+p172:=(-81.054703,68.468803)..controls (-80.300797,68.144501) and (-79.457001,67.429703)..(-78.941399,66.796898)\r
+ ..controls (-78.585899,66.363297) and (-77.285202,64.660202)..(-78.332001,64.296898)\r
+ ..controls (-79.109398,64.027298) and (-80.222702,65.394501)..(-80.546898,65.925797)\r
+ ..controls (-80.960899,66.574203) and (-81.632797,67.738297)..(-81.054703,68.468803)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill p172;\r
+p173:=(-94.710899,68.097702)..controls (-94.164101,67.355499) and (-94.101601,66.277298)..(-94.156303,65.382797)\r
+ ..controls (-94.171898,65.136703) and (-94.222702,64.929703)..(-94.285202,64.695297)\r
+ ..controls (-94.355499,64.410202) and (-94.593803,64.558601)..(-94.800797,64.621101)\r
+ ..controls (-95.726601,64.906303) and (-97.023399,65.406303)..(-97.457001,66.347702)\r
+ ..controls (-97.617203,66.683601) and (-97.695297,67.503899)..(-97.093803,67.371101)\r
+ ..controls (-96.906303,67.332001) and (-95.851601,66.871101)..(-95.718803,67.015602)\r
+ ..controls (-95.390602,67.355499) and (-95.121101,67.851601)..(-94.710899,68.097702)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill p173;\r
+p174:=(-81.855499,63.914101)..controls (-81.207001,64.074203) and (-80.667999,64.105499)..(-80.003899,64.035202)\r
+ ..controls (-79.726601,64.011703) and (-78.464798,63.613300)..(-78.863297,63.109402)\r
+ ..controls (-79.203102,62.671902) and (-79.972702,62.515598)..(-80.539101,62.671902)\r
+ ..controls (-81.175797,62.855499) and (-81.832001,63.164101)..(-81.855499,63.914101)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill p174;\r
+p175:=(-93.136703,63.742199)..controls (-92.687500,62.898399) and (-92.597702,62.113300)..(-92.550797,61.171902)\r
+ ..controls (-93.589798,61.335899) and (-94.500000,62.281300)..(-95.035202,63.132801)\r
+ ..controls (-95.257797,63.492199) and (-95.464798,64.171898)..(-94.757797,63.863300)\r
+ ..controls (-94.222702,63.617199) and (-93.699203,63.664101)..(-93.136703,63.742199)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill p175;\r
+p176:=(-72.757797,62.316399)..controls (-74.058601,62.007801) and (-75.078102,62.355499)..(-76.320297,62.718800)\r
+ ..controls (-75.902298,62.007801) and (-75.054703,61.515598)..(-74.546898,60.828098)\r
+ ..controls (-74.105499,60.234402) and (-73.742203,59.304699)..(-73.757797,58.554699)\r
+ ..controls (-74.597702,58.460899) and (-75.507797,59.339802)..(-75.957001,59.964802)\r
+ ..controls (-76.550797,60.789101) and (-77.121101,61.437500)..(-76.781303,62.472698)\r
+ ..controls (-76.449203,63.488300) and (-75.925797,63.812500)..(-74.878899,63.652302)\r
+ ..controls (-74.144501,63.542999) and (-72.750000,63.296902)..(-72.757797,62.316399)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill p176;\r
+p177:=(-84.144501,63.332001)..controls (-84.339798,62.996101) and (-84.460899,62.839802)..(-84.363297,62.460899)\r
+ ..controls (-84.238297,61.937500) and (-84.136703,62.015598)..(-83.605499,61.929699)\r
+ ..controls (-83.265602,61.875000) and (-83.367203,62.656300)..(-83.390602,62.792999)\r
+ ..controls (-83.445297,63.093800) and (-83.792999,63.503899)..(-84.144501,63.332001)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill p177;\r
+p178:=(-77.300797,63.511700)..controls (-77.300797,63.281300) and (-77.304703,62.519501)..(-77.753899,62.972698)\r
+ ..controls (-78.046898,63.257801) and (-77.562500,63.398399)..(-77.300797,63.511700)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill p178;\r
+p179:=(-85.625000,61.351601)..controls (-85.781303,60.503899) and (-84.500000,60.875000)..(-84.039101,60.957001)\r
+ ..controls (-84.046898,60.480499) and (-84.046898,60.011700)..(-84.183601,59.554699)\r
+ ..controls (-84.292999,59.156300) and (-84.492203,58.722698)..(-84.445297,58.304699)\r
+ ..controls (-84.390602,57.851601) and (-84.460899,58.144501)..(-84.136703,57.968800)\r
+ ..controls (-83.660202,57.710899) and (-83.203102,57.097698)..(-82.671898,56.996101)\r
+ ..controls (-82.710899,57.574200) and (-82.488297,58.113300)..(-82.031303,58.460899)\r
+ ..controls (-81.617203,58.777302) and (-82.472702,59.816399)..(-82.679703,60.132801)\r
+ ..controls (-83.066399,60.734402) and (-83.281303,61.160198)..(-83.929703,61.484402)\r
+ ..controls (-84.460899,61.753899) and (-85.140602,61.675800)..(-85.625000,61.351601)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill p179;\r
+p180:=(-67.812500,60.523399)..controls (-68.039101,59.789101) and (-68.246101,59.589802)..(-68.957001,59.914101)\r
+ ..controls (-69.316399,60.082001) and (-69.679703,60.929699)..(-69.593803,61.316399)\r
+ ..controls (-68.917999,61.222698) and (-68.371101,60.863300)..(-67.812500,60.523399)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill p180;\r
+p181:=(-91.562500,59.777302)..controls (-91.316399,59.578098) and (-91.175797,59.300800)..(-91.167999,58.984402)\r
+ ..controls (-91.410202,59.191399) and (-91.777298,59.437500)..(-91.562500,59.777302)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill p181;\r
+p182:=(-79.515602,48.675800)..controls (-81.296898,49.386700) and (-80.417999,51.675800)..(-80.132797,53.085899)\r
+ ..controls (-79.933601,54.035198) and (-79.687500,54.976601)..(-79.519501,55.933601)\r
+ ..controls (-79.402298,56.656300) and (-79.324203,57.527302)..(-78.832001,58.113300)\r
+ ..controls (-78.722702,58.246101) and (-78.414101,58.128899)..(-78.253899,58.113300)\r
+ ..controls (-77.960899,58.070301) and (-77.992203,58.039101)..(-77.867203,57.753899)\r
+ ..controls (-77.628899,57.199200) and (-78.031303,56.410198)..(-78.160202,55.871101)\r
+ ..controls (-78.339798,55.101601) and (-78.492203,54.335899)..(-78.644501,53.558601)\r
+ ..controls (-78.953102,51.929699) and (-79.109398,50.281300)..(-79.515602,48.675800)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill p182;\r
+p183:=(-79.894501,57.382801)..controls (-79.902298,56.250000) and (-80.304703,55.175800)..(-80.550797,54.089802)\r
+ ..controls (-80.835899,52.824200) and (-81.066399,51.542999)..(-81.296898,50.257801)\r
+ ..controls (-82.316399,50.457001) and (-83.085899,51.367199)..(-83.828102,52.023399)\r
+ ..controls (-84.675797,52.769501) and (-85.703102,53.394501)..(-86.242203,54.425800)\r
+ ..controls (-85.148399,54.960899) and (-83.898399,55.058601)..(-82.863297,55.722698)\r
+ ..controls (-81.917999,56.324200) and (-81.007797,57.171902)..(-79.894501,57.382801)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill p183;\r
+p184:=(-69.796898,57.359402)..controls (-69.847702,57.253899) and (-70.074203,56.636700)..(-70.250000,56.820301)\r
+ ..controls (-70.550797,57.128899) and (-70.164101,57.437500)..(-69.796898,57.359402)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill p184;\r
+p185:=(-71.382797,54.593800)..controls (-71.691399,53.929699) and (-72.402298,52.394501)..(-73.171898,52.218800)\r
+ ..controls (-73.171898,52.933601) and (-73.031303,53.621101)..(-72.902298,54.320301)\r
+ ..controls (-72.808601,54.808601) and (-72.902298,55.023399)..(-72.378899,54.960899)\r
+ ..controls (-72.031303,54.917999) and (-71.667999,54.792999)..(-71.382797,54.593800)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+fill p185;\r
+draw pic1 rotatedaround((-43.734399,91.9373535),180);\r
+draw pic0 shifted(-104,0);\r
+draw pic2 scaled(r);\r
+draw (z0+(10.5,2));\r
+draw (z1-(10.5,2));\r
+clip currentpicture to ((z0-(8.5pt,0))--(z0+(8.5pt,0))--(z1+(8.5pt,0))--(z1-(8.5pt,0))--cycle);\r
--- /dev/null
+linecap := butt;\r
+linejoin := mitered;\r
+path p[];\r
+ ..controls (299.187988,84.617203) and (293.500000,84.152298)..(287.632996,83.734398)\r
+ ..controls (281.761993,83.316399) and (275.593994,82.839798)..(273.843994,82.671898)\r
+ --(270.683990,82.367203)\r
+ --(270.683990,83.835899)\r
+ ..controls (270.683990,85.808601) and (269.359009,90.210899)..(267.882996,93.144501)\r
+ ..controls (267.222992,94.460899) and (266.777008,95.601601)..(266.886993,95.699203)\r
+ ..controls (263.000000,100.796898) and (263.832001,100.366997)..(259.742004,103.265999)\r
+ ..controls (259.636993,103.152000) and (258.238007,103.753998)..(256.617004,104.605003)\r
+ ..controls (252.727005,106.652000) and (250.496002,107.316002)..(246.246002,107.698997)\r
+ --(242.651993,108.019997)\r
+ --(239.238007,122.921997)\r
+ ..controls (237.358994,131.117004) and (235.867004,137.828003)..(235.925995,137.839996)\r
+ ..controls (237.063004,138.039001) and (238.016006,139.289001)..(237.925995,140.453003)\r
+ ..controls (237.718994,143.113007) and (236.988007,143.358994)..(231.167999,142.733994)\r
+ ..controls (228.285004,142.421997) and (225.766006,141.979996)..(225.526993,141.742004)\r
+ ..controls (225.292999,141.507996) and (225.167999,140.300995)..(225.250000,139.085999)\r
+ ..controls (225.395004,136.960999) and (225.477005,136.852005)..(227.046997,136.707001)\r
+ ..controls (227.957001,136.625000) and (228.688004,136.453003)..(228.688004,136.328003)\r
+ ..controls (228.688004,136.203003) and (230.164001,129.598007)..(231.977005,121.605003)\r
+ ..controls (233.792999,113.609001) and (235.210999,107.063004)..(235.141006,107.008003)\r
+ ..controls (235.070007,106.953003) and (233.421997,106.171997)..(231.496002,105.289001)\r
+ ..controls (229.574005,104.402000) and (226.983994,102.855003)..(225.781006,101.871002)\r
+ ..controls (224.565994,100.883003) and (223.500000,100.167999)..(223.406006,100.277000)\r
+ ..controls (219.039001,105.390999) and (146.824005,191.699005)..(146.570007,192.108994)\r
+ ..controls (146.292999,192.559006) and (149.964996,207.796997)..(150.468994,208.300995)\r
+ --(151.809006,218.367004)\r
+ ..controls (151.824005,218.897995) and (152.229996,222.645004)..(152.723007,226.742004)\r
+ ..controls (153.223007,230.940994) and (153.429993,234.625000)..(153.203003,235.242004)\r
+ ..controls (152.910004,236.022995) and (149.863007,237.733994)..(142.324005,241.348007)\r
+ ..controls (125.628998,249.348007) and (127.453003,248.039001)..(126.445000,252.723007)\r
+ ..controls (125.969002,254.949005) and (125.667999,256.917999)..(125.777000,257.097992)\r
+ ..controls (125.890999,257.281006) and (127.273003,258.156006)..(128.891006,259.070007)\r
+ ..controls (131.753998,260.691010) and (132.078003,260.746002)..(149.483994,262.687988)\r
+ ..controls (159.195007,263.773010) and (167.483994,264.929993)..(167.875000,265.253998)\r
+ ..controls (168.733994,265.972992) and (168.417999,271.289001)..(167.445007,272.453003)\r
+ ..controls (166.608994,273.457001) and (165.395004,273.386993)..(145.714996,271.199005)\r
+ --(128.766006,269.316010)--(122.741997,265.824005)\r
+ ..controls (119.453003,263.917999) and (116.480003,261.957001)..(116.191002,261.500000)\r
+ ..controls (115.805000,260.894989) and (116.125000,258.464996)..(117.355003,252.645004)\r
+ ..controls (118.285004,248.246002) and (119.241997,244.102005)..(119.480003,243.464996)\r
+ ..controls (119.808998,242.570007) and (122.719002,240.934006)..(131.925995,236.457001)\r
+ ..controls (138.554993,233.233994) and (144.022995,230.542999)..(144.121002,230.460999)\r
+ ..controls (144.218994,230.375000) and (143.813004,226.160004)..(143.218994,221.102005)\r
+ ..controls (141.468994,206.160004) and (139.156006,198.382996)..(129.656006,175.516006)\r
+ --(121.730003,156.440994)\r
+ --(117.207001,145.511993)\r
+ ..controls (117.078003,145.203003) and (114.785004,139.718994)..(112.094002,133.292999)\r
+ --(107.210999,121.628998)\r
+ --(96.843803,108.777000)\r
+ ..controls (83.824203,92.640602) and (84.230499,93.093803)..(82.824203,93.093803)\r
+ ..controls (79.890602,93.093803) and (76.195297,89.046898)..(75.617203,85.203102)\r
+ ..controls (74.445297,77.410202) and (83.605499,71.667999)..(90.160202,76.085899)\r
+ ..controls (94.300797,78.875000) and (95.242203,82.621101)..(93.355499,88.792999)\r
+ ..controls (93.113297,89.578102) and (95.492203,92.843803)..(103.973000,103.366997)\r
+ --(114.902000,116.926003)\r
+ --(119.910004,128.917999)\r
+ ..controls (122.996002,136.304993) and (125.152000,140.848007)..(125.527000,140.753998)\r
+ ..controls (129.522995,152.003998) and (132.425995,158.996002)..(135.973007,167.496002)\r
+ --(142.425995,182.953003)\r
+ --(168.479996,151.858994)\r
+ ..controls (182.813004,134.761993) and (199.854996,114.430000)..(206.352005,106.680000)\r
+ --(218.164001,92.589798)\r
+ --(217.089996,89.503899)\r
+ ..controls (215.671997,85.433601) and (215.214996,79.382797)..(216.016006,75.285202)\r
+ ..controls (217.772995,66.281303) and (223.011993,59.332001)..(230.964996,55.453098)\r
+ ..controls (235.276993,53.351601) and (238.604996,52.617199)..(243.815994,52.617199)\r
+ --(247.714996,52.617199)\r
+ --(251.050995,38.074200)\r
+ ..controls (253.886993,25.726601) and (254.285004,23.441401)..(253.684006,22.972700)\r
+ ..controls (252.761993,22.253901) and (252.753998,20.742201)..(253.664001,19.480499)\r
+ ..controls (254.378998,18.484400) and (254.468994,18.488300)..(259.375000,19.730499)\r
+ ..controls (264.082001,20.925800) and (264.367004,21.074200)..(264.527008,22.414101)\r
+ ..controls (264.722992,24.082001) and (263.886993,25.296900)..(262.539001,25.296900)\r
+ ..controls (262.031006,25.296900) and (261.511993,25.679701)..(261.367004,26.156300)\r
+ ..controls (260.824005,27.980499) and (255.000000,53.835899)..(255.000000,54.441399)\r
+ ..controls (255.000000,54.777302) and (256.164001,55.707001)..(257.628998,56.535198)\r
+ ..controls (262.750000,59.433601) and (267.875000,65.875000)..(269.683990,71.691399)\r
+ ..controls (270.171997,73.261703) and (270.906006,74.742203)..(271.289001,74.941399)\r
+ ..controls (272.000000,75.300797) and (301.015991,77.597702)..(301.261993,77.308601)\r
+ --(312.777008,78.175797)\r
+ ..controls (312.917999,78.312500) and (324.617004,79.335899)..(338.785004,80.453102)\r
+ ..controls (376.679993,83.437500) and (373.390991,83.261703)..(373.390991,82.316399)\r
+ ..controls (373.390991,81.246101) and (376.222992,78.062500)..(377.996002,77.140602)\r
+ ..controls (379.816010,76.195297) and (384.644989,76.179703)..(386.445007,77.113297)\r
+ ..controls (388.265991,78.062500) and (390.398010,80.375000)..(391.050995,82.117203)\r
+ ..controls (392.343994,85.554703) and (391.234009,90.425797)..(388.621002,92.789101)\r
+ ..controls (388.035004,93.320297) and (386.367004,94.160202)..(384.902008,94.664101)\r
+ --(382.246002,95.574203)\r
+ ..(374.687988,91.476601)\r
+ ..controls (374.082001,90.671898) and (370.582001,90.296898)..(345.234009,88.312500)\r
+ ..controls (329.398010,87.074203) and (315.140991,85.937500)..(313.511993,85.785202)\r
+ --(310.550995,85.503899)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+p2:=fullcircle scaled(152) shifted(85,85);\r
+p3:=fullcircle scaled(152) shifted(383,85);\r
+ ..controls (150.656006,208.488007) and (202.988007,210.233994)..(262.082001,212.020004)\r
+ ..controls (271.695007,212.313004) and (280.445007,212.617004)..(281.562988,212.703003)\r
+ ..controls (282.675995,212.785004) and (285.027008,212.886993)..(286.796997,212.929993)\r
+ ..controls (289.882996,213.003998) and (290.000000,212.960999)..(289.781006,211.891006)\r
+ ..controls (289.375000,209.917999) and (259.941010,103.473000)..(259.742004,103.265999)\r
+ ..(266.886993,95.699203)\r
+ ..controls (267.000000,95.796898) and (273.832001,120.366997)..(282.066010,150.266006)\r
+ ..controls (290.300995,180.167999) and (297.160004,205.000000)..(297.304993,205.414001)\r
+ ..controls (297.628998,206.358994) and (295.664001,209.108994)..(317.324005,177.386993)\r
+ --(335.597992,150.621002)\r
+ --(340.250000,143.190994)\r
+ --(357.203003,119.101997)\r
+ --(374.687988,91.476601)\r
+ ..(382.246002,95.574203)\r
+ --(364.890991,120.973000)\r
+ ..controls (355.351990,134.938004) and (347.605011,146.417999)..(347.687988,146.473007)\r
+ --(341.414001,155.953003)\r
+ ..controls (340.984009,155.718994) and (300.265991,215.535004)..(300.441010,216.141006)\r
+ ..controls (300.519989,216.425995) and (300.707001,217.684006)..(300.863007,219.000000)\r
+ ..controls (301.015991,220.289001) and (302.183990,224.617004)..(303.445007,228.563004)\r
+ --(305.746002,235.772995)\r
+ --(308.097992,235.772995)\r
+ ..controls (309.386993,235.772995) and (313.968994,236.781006)..(318.218994,238.000000)\r
+ --(325.984009,240.227005)\r
+ --(331.019989,245.257996)\r
+ --(336.050995,250.292999)\r
+ --(333.726990,254.921997)\r
+ ..controls (332.453003,257.453003) and (331.339996,259.550995)..(331.269989,259.550995)\r
+ ..controls (331.199005,259.550995) and (324.566010,258.882996)..(316.472992,258.058990)\r
+ ..controls (308.402008,257.238007) and (294.511993,256.203003)..(285.609009,255.757996)\r
+ ..controls (276.703003,255.313004) and (269.132996,254.854996)..(268.785004,254.746002)\r
+ ..controls (268.335999,254.602005) and (268.152008,253.102005)..(268.152008,249.507996)\r
+ ..controls (268.152008,245.207001) and (268.281006,244.421997)..(269.039001,244.121002)\r
+ ..controls (269.527008,243.925995) and (274.125000,242.167999)..(279.285004,240.199005)\r
+ ..controls (288.039001,236.863007) and (288.976990,236.613007)..(293.753998,236.328003)\r
+ --(298.863007,236.026993)\r
+ --(296.308990,228.815994)\r
+ --(293.753998,221.604996)\r
+ --(289.429993,221.604996)\r
+ ..controls (287.054993,221.604996) and (278.375000,221.382996)..(270.175995,221.108994)\r
+ ..controls (245.992004,220.300995) and (177.378998,218.132996)..(164.078003,217.753998)\r
+ ..controls (152.190994,217.417999) and (151.785004,217.438004)..(151.809006,218.367004)\r
+ --cycle\r
+ ;\r
+fill p1;\r
+draw p2 withpen pencircle scaled(10bp);\r
+draw p3 withpen pencircle scaled(10bp);\r
+fill p4;\r
+picture pic;\r
+draw pic scaled(r);\r
+draw (z0+(10.5,2));\r
+draw (z1-(10.5,2));\r
+clip currentpicture to ((z0-(8.5pt,0))--(z0+(8.5pt,0))--(z1+(8.5pt,-1pt))--(z1-(8.5pt,1pt))--cycle);\r
--- /dev/null
+drawoptions (withcolor (1.000000,1.000000,1.000000));\r
+linecap := butt;\r
+fill (16.753901,9.253910)..controls (16.753901,13.808600) and (13.054700,17.503901)..(8.500000,17.503901)\r
+ ..controls (3.945310,17.503901) and (0.246094,13.808600)..(0.246094,9.253910)\r
+ ..controls (0.246094,4.699220) and (3.945310,1.000000)..(8.500000,1.000000)\r
+ ..controls (13.054700,1.000000) and (16.753901,4.699220)..(16.753901,9.253910)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.000000,0.000000,0.000000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.400000bp;\r
+draw (16.753901,9.253910)..controls (16.753901,13.808600) and (13.054700,17.503901)..(8.500000,17.503901)\r
+ ..controls (3.945310,17.503901) and (0.246094,13.808600)..(0.246094,9.253910)\r
+ ..controls (0.246094,4.699220) and (3.945310,1.000000)..(8.500000,1.000000)\r
+ ..controls (13.054700,1.000000) and (16.753901,4.699220)..(16.753901,9.253910)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.000000bp;\r
+fill (16.753901,9.253910)..controls (16.753901,13.808600) and (13.054700,17.503901)..(8.500000,17.503901)\r
+ ..controls (3.945310,17.503901) and (0.246094,13.808600)..(0.246094,9.253910)\r
+ --(0.246094,9.253910)..controls (0.246094,6.976560) and (2.097660,5.125000)..(4.375000,5.125000)\r
+ ..controls (6.652340,5.125000) and (8.500000,6.976560)..(8.500000,9.253910)\r
+ --(8.500000,9.253910)..controls (8.500000,11.531300) and (10.347700,13.378900)..(12.625000,13.378900)\r
+ ..controls (14.902300,13.378900) and (16.753901,11.531300)..(16.753901,9.253910)--cycle;\r
+fill (13.453100,9.253910)--(13.453100,9.253910)..controls (13.453100,9.707030) and (13.078100,10.078100)..(12.625000,10.078100)\r
+ ..controls (12.171900,10.078100) and (11.800800,9.707030)..(11.800800,9.253910)\r
+ ..controls (11.800800,8.800780) and (12.171900,8.425780)..(12.625000,8.425780)\r
+ ..controls (13.078100,8.425780) and (13.453100,8.800780)..(13.453100,9.253910)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (1.000000,1.000000,1.000000));\r
+fill (5.199220,9.253910)..controls (5.199220,9.707030) and (4.828130,10.078100)..(4.375000,10.078100)\r
+ ..controls (3.921880,10.078100) and (3.546880,9.707030)..(3.546880,9.253910)\r
+ ..controls (3.546880,8.800780) and (3.921880,8.425780)..(4.375000,8.425780)\r
+ ..controls (4.828130,8.425780) and (5.199220,8.800780)..(5.199220,9.253910)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+picture pic;\r
+draw pic scaled(r);\r
+draw (z0+(10.5,2));\r
+draw (z1-(10.5,2));\r
+clip currentpicture to ((z0-(9pt,0))--(z0+(8.5pt,0))--(z1+(8.5pt,-1pt))--(z1-(9pt,1pt))--cycle);\r
--- /dev/null
+% Converted from PostScript(TM) to MetaPost by pstoedit\r
+% MetaPost backend contributed by Scott Pakin <scott+ps2ed_AT_pakin.org>\r
+% pstoedit is Copyright (C) 1993 - 2009 Wolfgang Glunz <wglunz35_AT_pstoedit.net>\r
+% Generate structured PostScript\r
+prologues := 1;\r
+% Display a given string with its *baseline* at a given location\r
+% and with a given rotation angle\r
+vardef showtext(expr origin)(expr angle)(expr string) =\r
+ draw string infont defaultfont scaled defaultscale\r
+ rotated angle shifted origin;\r
+linecap := butt;\r
+fill (10.371100,82.296898)..controls (2.140630,82.296898) and (10.371100,41.148399)..(2.140630,41.148399)\r
+ ..controls (10.371100,41.148399) and (2.140630,0.000000)..(10.371100,0.000000)\r
+ ..controls (2.140630,0.000000) and (16.042999,41.148399)..(2.140630,41.148399)\r
+ ..controls (16.042999,41.148399) and (2.140630,82.296898)..(10.371100,82.296898)\r
+ --cycle;\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.100000bp;\r
+draw (10.371100,82.296898)..controls (2.140630,82.296898) and (10.371100,41.148399)..(2.140630,41.148399)\r
+ ..controls (10.371100,41.148399) and (2.140630,0.000000)..(10.371100,0.000000)\r
+ ..controls (2.140630,0.000000) and (16.042999,41.148399)..(2.140630,41.148399)\r
+ ..controls (16.042999,41.148399) and (2.140630,82.296898)..(10.371100,82.296898);\r
--- /dev/null
+% Converted from PostScript(TM) to MetaPost by pstoedit\r
+% MetaPost backend contributed by Scott Pakin <scott+ps2ed_AT_pakin.org>\r
+% pstoedit is Copyright (C) 1993 - 2009 Wolfgang Glunz <wglunz35_AT_pstoedit.net>\r
+% Generate structured PostScript\r
+prologues := 1;\r
+% Display a given string with its *baseline* at a given location\r
+% and with a given rotation angle\r
+vardef showtext(expr origin)(expr angle)(expr string) =\r
+ draw string infont defaultfont scaled defaultscale\r
+ rotated angle shifted origin;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.000000,0.502000,0.502000));\r
+linecap := butt;\r
+fill (7.519530,0.000000)--(11.281300,3.542970)--(7.519530,7.085940)\r
+ --(3.761720,3.542970)--(7.519530,0.000000)--cycle;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.000000,0.000000,0.000000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.400000bp;\r
+draw (7.519530,0.000000)--(11.281300,3.542970)--(7.519530,7.085940)\r
+ --(3.761720,3.542970)--(7.519530,0.000000);\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.000000,0.502000,0.502000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.000000bp;\r
+fill (7.519530,7.085940)--(11.281300,10.628900)--(7.519530,14.171900)\r
+ --(3.761720,10.628900)--(7.519530,7.085940)--cycle;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.000000,0.000000,0.000000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.400000bp;\r
+draw (7.519530,7.085940)--(11.281300,10.628900)--(7.519530,14.171900)\r
+ --(3.761720,10.628900)--(7.519530,7.085940);\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.000000,0.502000,0.502000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.000000bp;\r
+fill (7.519530,14.171900)--(11.281300,17.714800)--(7.519530,21.261700)\r
+ --(3.761720,17.714800)--(7.519530,14.171900)--cycle;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.000000,0.000000,0.000000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.400000bp;\r
+draw (7.519530,14.171900)--(11.281300,17.714800)--(7.519530,21.261700)\r
+ --(3.761720,17.714800)--(7.519530,14.171900);\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.000000,0.502000,0.502000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.000000bp;\r
+fill (7.519530,21.261700)--(11.281300,24.804701)--(7.519530,28.347700)\r
+ --(3.761720,24.804701)--(7.519530,21.261700)--cycle;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.000000,0.000000,0.000000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.400000bp;\r
+draw (7.519530,21.261700)--(11.281300,24.804701)--(7.519530,28.347700)\r
+ --(3.761720,24.804701)--(7.519530,21.261700);\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.000000,0.502000,0.502000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.000000bp;\r
+fill (7.519530,28.347700)--(11.281300,31.890600)--(7.519530,35.433601)\r
+ --(3.761720,31.890600)--(7.519530,28.347700)--cycle;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.000000,0.000000,0.000000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.400000bp;\r
+draw (7.519530,28.347700)--(11.281300,31.890600)--(7.519530,35.433601)\r
+ --(3.761720,31.890600)--(7.519530,28.347700);\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.000000,0.502000,0.502000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.000000bp;\r
+fill (7.519530,35.433601)--(11.281300,38.976601)--(7.519530,42.519501)\r
+ --(3.761720,38.976601)--(7.519530,35.433601)--cycle;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.000000,0.000000,0.000000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.400000bp;\r
+draw (7.519530,35.433601)--(11.281300,38.976601)--(7.519530,42.519501)\r
+ --(3.761720,38.976601)--(7.519530,35.433601);\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.000000,0.502000,0.502000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.000000bp;\r
+fill (7.519530,42.519501)--(11.281300,46.062500)--(7.519530,49.605499)\r
+ --(3.761720,46.062500)--(7.519530,42.519501)--cycle;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.000000,0.000000,0.000000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.400000bp;\r
+draw (7.519530,42.519501)--(11.281300,46.062500)--(7.519530,49.605499)\r
+ --(3.761720,46.062500)--(7.519530,42.519501);\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.000000,0.502000,0.502000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.000000bp;\r
+fill (7.519530,49.605499)--(11.281300,53.148399)--(7.519530,56.691399)\r
+ --(3.761720,53.148399)--(7.519530,49.605499)--cycle;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.000000,0.000000,0.000000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.400000bp;\r
+draw (7.519530,49.605499)--(11.281300,53.148399)--(7.519530,56.691399)\r
+ --(3.761720,53.148399)--(7.519530,49.605499);\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.000000,0.502000,0.502000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.000000bp;\r
+fill (7.519530,56.691399)--(11.281300,60.234402)--(7.519530,63.781300)\r
+ --(3.761720,60.234402)--(7.519530,56.691399)--cycle;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.000000,0.000000,0.000000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.400000bp;\r
+draw (7.519530,56.691399)--(11.281300,60.234402)--(7.519530,63.781300)\r
+ --(3.761720,60.234402)--(7.519530,56.691399);\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.000000,0.502000,0.502000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.000000bp;\r
+fill (7.519530,63.781300)--(11.281300,67.324203)--(7.519530,70.867203)\r
+ --(3.761720,67.324203)--(7.519530,63.781300)--cycle;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.000000,0.000000,0.000000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.400000bp;\r
+draw (7.519530,63.781300)--(11.281300,67.324203)--(7.519530,70.867203)\r
+ --(3.761720,67.324203)--(7.519530,63.781300);\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.000000,0.502000,0.502000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.000000bp;\r
+fill (7.519530,70.867203)--(11.281300,74.410202)--(7.519530,77.953102)\r
+ --(3.761720,74.410202)--(7.519530,70.867203)--cycle;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.000000,0.000000,0.000000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.400000bp;\r
+draw (7.519530,70.867203)--(11.281300,74.410202)--(7.519530,77.953102)\r
+ --(3.761720,74.410202)--(7.519530,70.867203);\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.000000,0.502000,0.502000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.000000bp;\r
+fill (7.519530,77.953102)--(11.281300,81.496101)--(7.519530,85.039101)\r
+ --(3.761720,81.496101)--(7.519530,77.953102)--cycle;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.000000,0.000000,0.000000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.400000bp;\r
+draw (7.519530,77.953102)--(11.281300,81.496101)--(7.519530,85.039101)\r
+ --(3.761720,81.496101)--(7.519530,77.953102);\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.000000,0.502000,0.502000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.000000bp;\r
+fill (7.519530,85.039101)--(11.281300,88.582001)--(7.519530,92.125000)\r
+ --(3.761720,88.582001)--(7.519530,85.039101)--cycle;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.000000,0.000000,0.000000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.400000bp;\r
+draw (7.519530,85.039101)--(11.281300,88.582001)--(7.519530,92.125000)\r
+ --(3.761720,88.582001)--(7.519530,85.039101);\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.000000,0.502000,0.502000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.000000bp;\r
+fill (7.519530,92.125000)--(11.281300,95.667999)--(7.519530,99.210899)\r
+ --(3.761720,95.667999)--(7.519530,92.125000)--cycle;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.000000,0.000000,0.000000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.400000bp;\r
+draw (7.519530,92.125000)--(11.281300,95.667999)--(7.519530,99.210899)\r
+ --(3.761720,95.667999)--(7.519530,92.125000);\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.000000,0.502000,0.502000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.000000bp;\r
+fill (7.519530,99.210899)--(11.281300,102.758003)--(7.519530,106.301003)\r
+ --(3.761720,102.758003)--(7.519530,99.210899)--cycle;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.000000,0.000000,0.000000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.400000bp;\r
+draw (7.519530,99.210899)--(11.281300,102.758003)--(7.519530,106.301003)\r
+ --(3.761720,102.758003)--(7.519530,99.210899);\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.000000,0.502000,0.502000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.000000bp;\r
+fill (7.519530,106.301003)--(11.281300,109.844002)--(7.519530,113.387001)\r
+ --(3.761720,109.844002)--(7.519530,106.301003)--cycle;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.000000,0.000000,0.000000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.400000bp;\r
+draw (7.519530,106.301003)--(11.281300,109.844002)--(7.519530,113.387001)\r
+ --(3.761720,109.844002)--(7.519530,106.301003);\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.000000,0.502000,0.502000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.000000bp;\r
+fill (7.519530,113.387001)--(11.281300,116.930000)--(7.519530,120.473000)\r
+ --(3.761720,116.930000)--(7.519530,113.387001)--cycle;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.000000,0.000000,0.000000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.400000bp;\r
+draw (7.519530,113.387001)--(11.281300,116.930000)--(7.519530,120.473000)\r
+ --(3.761720,116.930000)--(7.519530,113.387001);\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.000000,0.502000,0.502000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.000000bp;\r
+fill (7.519530,120.473000)--(11.281300,124.015999)--(7.519530,127.558998)\r
+ --(3.761720,124.015999)--(7.519530,120.473000)--cycle;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.000000,0.000000,0.000000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.400000bp;\r
+draw (7.519530,120.473000)--(11.281300,124.015999)--(7.519530,127.558998)\r
+ --(3.761720,124.015999)--(7.519530,120.473000);\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.000000,0.502000,0.502000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.000000bp;\r
+fill (7.519530,127.558998)--(11.281300,131.102005)--(7.519530,134.645004)\r
+ --(3.761720,131.102005)--(7.519530,127.558998)--cycle;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.000000,0.000000,0.000000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.400000bp;\r
+draw (7.519530,127.558998)--(11.281300,131.102005)--(7.519530,134.645004)\r
+ --(3.761720,131.102005)--(7.519530,127.558998);\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.000000,0.502000,0.502000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.000000bp;\r
+fill (7.519530,134.645004)--(11.281300,138.188004)--(7.519530,141.729996)\r
+ --(3.761720,138.188004)--(7.519530,134.645004)--cycle;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.000000,0.000000,0.000000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.400000bp;\r
+draw (7.519530,134.645004)--(11.281300,138.188004)--(7.519530,141.729996)\r
+ --(3.761720,138.188004)--(7.519530,134.645004);\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.000000,0.502000,0.502000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.000000bp;\r
+fill (7.519530,141.729996)--(11.281300,145.276993)--(7.519530,148.820007)\r
+ --(3.761720,145.276993)--(7.519530,141.729996)--cycle;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.000000,0.000000,0.000000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.400000bp;\r
+draw (7.519530,141.729996)--(11.281300,145.276993)--(7.519530,148.820007)\r
+ --(3.761720,145.276993)--(7.519530,141.729996);\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.000000,0.502000,0.502000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.000000bp;\r
+fill (7.519530,148.820007)--(11.281300,152.363007)--(7.519530,155.906006)\r
+ --(3.761720,152.363007)--(7.519530,148.820007)--cycle;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.000000,0.000000,0.000000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.400000bp;\r
+draw (7.519530,148.820007)--(11.281300,152.363007)--(7.519530,155.906006)\r
+ --(3.761720,152.363007)--(7.519530,148.820007);\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.000000,0.502000,0.502000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.000000bp;\r
+fill (7.519530,155.906006)--(11.281300,159.449005)--(7.519530,162.992004)\r
+ --(3.761720,159.449005)--(7.519530,155.906006)--cycle;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.000000,0.000000,0.000000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.400000bp;\r
+draw (7.519530,155.906006)--(11.281300,159.449005)--(7.519530,162.992004)\r
+ --(3.761720,159.449005)--(7.519530,155.906006);\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.000000,0.502000,0.502000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.000000bp;\r
+fill (7.519530,162.992004)--(11.281300,166.535004)--(7.519530,170.078003)\r
+ --(3.761720,166.535004)--(7.519530,162.992004)--cycle;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.000000,0.000000,0.000000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.400000bp;\r
+draw (7.519530,162.992004)--(11.281300,166.535004)--(7.519530,170.078003)\r
+ --(3.761720,166.535004)--(7.519530,162.992004);\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.000000,0.502000,0.502000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.000000bp;\r
+fill (7.519530,170.078003)--(11.281300,173.621002)--(7.519530,177.164001)\r
+ --(3.761720,173.621002)--(7.519530,170.078003)--cycle;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.000000,0.000000,0.000000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.400000bp;\r
+draw (7.519530,170.078003)--(11.281300,173.621002)--(7.519530,177.164001)\r
+ --(3.761720,173.621002)--(7.519530,170.078003);\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.000000,0.502000,0.502000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.000000bp;\r
+fill (7.519530,177.164001)--(11.281300,180.707001)--(7.519530,184.253998)\r
+ --(3.761720,180.707001)--(7.519530,177.164001)--cycle;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.000000,0.000000,0.000000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.400000bp;\r
+draw (7.519530,177.164001)--(11.281300,180.707001)--(7.519530,184.253998)\r
+ --(3.761720,180.707001)--(7.519530,177.164001);\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.000000,0.502000,0.502000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.000000bp;\r
+fill (7.519530,184.253998)--(11.281300,187.796997)--(7.519530,191.339996)\r
+ --(3.761720,187.796997)--(7.519530,184.253998)--cycle;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.000000,0.000000,0.000000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.400000bp;\r
+draw (7.519530,184.253998)--(11.281300,187.796997)--(7.519530,191.339996)\r
+ --(3.761720,187.796997)--(7.519530,184.253998);\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.000000,0.502000,0.502000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.000000bp;\r
+fill (7.519530,191.339996)--(11.281300,194.882996)--(7.519530,198.425995)\r
+ --(3.761720,194.882996)--(7.519530,191.339996)--cycle;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.000000,0.000000,0.000000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.400000bp;\r
+draw (7.519530,191.339996)--(11.281300,194.882996)--(7.519530,198.425995)\r
+ --(3.761720,194.882996)--(7.519530,191.339996);\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.000000,0.502000,0.502000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.000000bp;\r
+fill (7.519530,198.425995)--(11.281300,201.968994)--(7.519530,205.511993)\r
+ --(3.761720,201.968994)--(7.519530,198.425995)--cycle;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.000000,0.000000,0.000000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.400000bp;\r
+draw (7.519530,198.425995)--(11.281300,201.968994)--(7.519530,205.511993)\r
+ --(3.761720,201.968994)--(7.519530,198.425995);\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.000000,0.502000,0.502000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.000000bp;\r
+fill (7.519530,205.511993)--(11.281300,209.054993)--(7.519530,212.598007)\r
+ --(3.761720,209.054993)--(7.519530,205.511993)--cycle;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.000000,0.000000,0.000000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.400000bp;\r
+draw (7.519530,205.511993)--(11.281300,209.054993)--(7.519530,212.598007)\r
+ --(3.761720,209.054993)--(7.519530,205.511993);\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.000000,0.502000,0.502000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.000000bp;\r
+fill (7.519530,212.598007)--(11.281300,216.141006)--(7.519530,219.684006)\r
+ --(3.761720,216.141006)--(7.519530,212.598007)--cycle;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.000000,0.000000,0.000000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.400000bp;\r
+draw (7.519530,212.598007)--(11.281300,216.141006)--(7.519530,219.684006)\r
+ --(3.761720,216.141006)--(7.519530,212.598007);\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.000000,0.502000,0.502000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.000000bp;\r
+fill (7.519530,219.684006)--(11.281300,223.227005)--(7.519530,226.772995)\r
+ --(3.761720,223.227005)--(7.519530,219.684006)--cycle;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.000000,0.000000,0.000000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.400000bp;\r
+draw (7.519530,219.684006)--(11.281300,223.227005)--(7.519530,226.772995)\r
+ --(3.761720,223.227005)--(7.519530,219.684006);\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.000000,0.502000,0.502000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.000000bp;\r
+fill (7.519530,226.772995)--(11.281300,230.315994)--(7.519530,233.858994)\r
+ --(3.761720,230.315994)--(7.519530,226.772995)--cycle;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.000000,0.000000,0.000000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.400000bp;\r
+draw (7.519530,226.772995)--(11.281300,230.315994)--(7.519530,233.858994)\r
+ --(3.761720,230.315994)--(7.519530,226.772995);\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.000000,0.502000,0.502000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.000000bp;\r
+fill (7.519530,233.858994)--(11.281300,237.401993)--(7.519530,240.945007)\r
+ --(3.761720,237.401993)--(7.519530,233.858994)--cycle;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.000000,0.000000,0.000000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.400000bp;\r
+draw (7.519530,233.858994)--(11.281300,237.401993)--(7.519530,240.945007)\r
+ --(3.761720,237.401993)--(7.519530,233.858994);\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.000000,0.502000,0.502000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.000000bp;\r
+fill (7.519530,240.945007)--(11.281300,244.488007)--(7.519530,248.031006)\r
+ --(3.761720,244.488007)--(7.519530,240.945007)--cycle;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.000000,0.000000,0.000000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.400000bp;\r
+draw (7.519530,240.945007)--(11.281300,244.488007)--(7.519530,248.031006)\r
+ --(3.761720,244.488007)--(7.519530,240.945007);\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.000000,0.502000,0.502000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.000000bp;\r
+fill (7.519530,248.031006)--(11.281300,251.574005)--(7.519530,255.117004)\r
+ --(3.761720,251.574005)--(7.519530,248.031006)--cycle;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.000000,0.000000,0.000000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.400000bp;\r
+draw (7.519530,248.031006)--(11.281300,251.574005)--(7.519530,255.117004)\r
+ --(3.761720,251.574005)--(7.519530,248.031006);\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.000000,0.502000,0.502000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.000000bp;\r
+fill (7.519530,255.117004)--(11.281300,258.660004)--(7.519530,262.203003)\r
+ --(3.761720,258.660004)--(7.519530,255.117004)--cycle;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.000000,0.000000,0.000000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.400000bp;\r
+draw (7.519530,255.117004)--(11.281300,258.660004)--(7.519530,262.203003)\r
+ --(3.761720,258.660004)--(7.519530,255.117004);\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.000000,0.502000,0.502000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.000000bp;\r
+fill (7.519530,262.203003)--(11.281300,265.750000)--(7.519530,269.292999)\r
+ --(3.761720,265.750000)--(7.519530,262.203003)--cycle;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.000000,0.000000,0.000000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.400000bp;\r
+draw (7.519530,262.203003)--(11.281300,265.750000)--(7.519530,269.292999)\r
+ --(3.761720,265.750000)--(7.519530,262.203003);\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.000000,0.502000,0.502000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.000000bp;\r
+fill (7.519530,269.292999)--(11.281300,272.835999)--(7.519530,276.378998)\r
+ --(3.761720,272.835999)--(7.519530,269.292999)--cycle;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.000000,0.000000,0.000000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.400000bp;\r
+draw (7.519530,269.292999)--(11.281300,272.835999)--(7.519530,276.378998)\r
+ --(3.761720,272.835999)--(7.519530,269.292999);\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.000000,0.502000,0.502000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.000000bp;\r
+fill (7.519530,276.378998)--(11.281300,279.921997)--(7.519530,283.464996)\r
+ --(3.761720,279.921997)--(7.519530,276.378998)--cycle;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.000000,0.000000,0.000000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.400000bp;\r
+draw (7.519530,276.378998)--(11.281300,279.921997)--(7.519530,283.464996)\r
+ --(3.761720,279.921997)--(7.519530,276.378998);\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.000000,0.502000,0.502000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.000000bp;\r
+fill (7.519530,283.464996)--(11.281300,287.007996)--(7.519530,290.550995)\r
+ --(3.761720,287.007996)--(7.519530,283.464996)--cycle;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.000000,0.000000,0.000000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.400000bp;\r
+draw (7.519530,283.464996)--(11.281300,287.007996)--(7.519530,290.550995)\r
+ --(3.761720,287.007996)--(7.519530,283.464996);\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.000000,0.502000,0.502000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.000000bp;\r
+fill (7.519530,290.550995)--(11.281300,294.093994)--(7.519530,297.636993)\r
+ --(3.761720,294.093994)--(7.519530,290.550995)--cycle;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.000000,0.000000,0.000000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.400000bp;\r
+draw (7.519530,290.550995)--(11.281300,294.093994)--(7.519530,297.636993)\r
+ --(3.761720,294.093994)--(7.519530,290.550995);\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.000000,0.502000,0.502000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.000000bp;\r
+fill (7.519530,297.636993)--(11.281300,301.179993)--(7.519530,304.722992)\r
+ --(3.761720,301.179993)--(7.519530,297.636993)--cycle;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.000000,0.000000,0.000000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.400000bp;\r
+draw (7.519530,297.636993)--(11.281300,301.179993)--(7.519530,304.722992)\r
+ --(3.761720,301.179993)--(7.519530,297.636993);\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.000000,0.502000,0.502000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.000000bp;\r
+fill (7.519530,304.722992)--(11.281300,308.269989)--(7.519530,311.812988)\r
+ --(3.761720,308.269989)--(7.519530,304.722992)--cycle;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.000000,0.000000,0.000000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.400000bp;\r
+draw (7.519530,304.722992)--(11.281300,308.269989)--(7.519530,311.812988)\r
+ --(3.761720,308.269989)--(7.519530,304.722992);\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.000000,0.502000,0.502000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.000000bp;\r
+fill (7.519530,311.812988)--(11.281300,315.355011)--(7.519530,318.898010)\r
+ --(3.761720,315.355011)--(7.519530,311.812988)--cycle;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.000000,0.000000,0.000000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.400000bp;\r
+draw (7.519530,311.812988)--(11.281300,315.355011)--(7.519530,318.898010)\r
+ --(3.761720,315.355011)--(7.519530,311.812988);\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.000000,0.502000,0.502000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.000000bp;\r
+fill (7.519530,318.898010)--(11.281300,322.441010)--(7.519530,325.984009)\r
+ --(3.761720,322.441010)--(7.519530,318.898010)--cycle;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.000000,0.000000,0.000000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.400000bp;\r
+draw (7.519530,318.898010)--(11.281300,322.441010)--(7.519530,325.984009)\r
+ --(3.761720,322.441010)--(7.519530,318.898010);\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.000000,0.502000,0.502000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.000000bp;\r
+fill (7.519530,325.984009)--(11.281300,329.527008)--(7.519530,333.070007)\r
+ --(3.761720,329.527008)--(7.519530,325.984009)--cycle;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.000000,0.000000,0.000000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.400000bp;\r
+draw (7.519530,325.984009)--(11.281300,329.527008)--(7.519530,333.070007)\r
+ --(3.761720,329.527008)--(7.519530,325.984009);\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.000000,0.502000,0.502000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.000000bp;\r
+fill (7.519530,333.070007)--(11.281300,336.613007)--(7.519530,340.156006)\r
+ --(3.761720,336.613007)--(7.519530,333.070007)--cycle;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.000000,0.000000,0.000000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.400000bp;\r
+draw (7.519530,333.070007)--(11.281300,336.613007)--(7.519530,340.156006)\r
+ --(3.761720,336.613007)--(7.519530,333.070007);\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.000000,0.502000,0.502000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.000000bp;\r
+fill (7.519530,340.156006)--(11.281300,343.699005)--(7.519530,347.242004)\r
+ --(3.761720,343.699005)--(7.519530,340.156006)--cycle;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.000000,0.000000,0.000000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.400000bp;\r
+draw (7.519530,340.156006)--(11.281300,343.699005)--(7.519530,347.242004)\r
+ --(3.761720,343.699005)--(7.519530,340.156006);\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.000000,0.502000,0.502000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.000000bp;\r
+fill (7.519530,347.242004)--(11.281300,350.789001)--(7.519530,354.332001)\r
+ --(3.761720,350.789001)--(7.519530,347.242004)--cycle;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.000000,0.000000,0.000000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.400000bp;\r
+draw (7.519530,347.242004)--(11.281300,350.789001)--(7.519530,354.332001)\r
+ --(3.761720,350.789001)--(7.519530,347.242004);\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.000000,0.502000,0.502000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.000000bp;\r
+fill (7.519530,354.332001)--(11.281300,357.875000)--(7.519530,361.417999)\r
+ --(3.761720,357.875000)--(7.519530,354.332001)--cycle;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.000000,0.000000,0.000000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.400000bp;\r
+draw (7.519530,354.332001)--(11.281300,357.875000)--(7.519530,361.417999)\r
+ --(3.761720,357.875000)--(7.519530,354.332001);\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.000000,0.502000,0.502000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.000000bp;\r
+fill (7.519530,361.417999)--(11.281300,364.960999)--(7.519530,368.503998)\r
+ --(3.761720,364.960999)--(7.519530,361.417999)--cycle;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.000000,0.000000,0.000000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.400000bp;\r
+draw (7.519530,361.417999)--(11.281300,364.960999)--(7.519530,368.503998)\r
+ --(3.761720,364.960999)--(7.519530,361.417999);\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.000000,0.502000,0.502000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.000000bp;\r
+fill (7.519530,368.503998)--(11.281300,372.046997)--(7.519530,375.589996)\r
+ --(3.761720,372.046997)--(7.519530,368.503998)--cycle;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.000000,0.000000,0.000000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.400000bp;\r
+draw (7.519530,368.503998)--(11.281300,372.046997)--(7.519530,375.589996)\r
+ --(3.761720,372.046997)--(7.519530,368.503998);\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.000000,0.502000,0.502000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.000000bp;\r
+fill (7.519530,375.589996)--(11.281300,379.132996)--(7.519530,382.675995)\r
+ --(3.761720,379.132996)--(7.519530,375.589996)--cycle;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.000000,0.000000,0.000000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.400000bp;\r
+draw (7.519530,375.589996)--(11.281300,379.132996)--(7.519530,382.675995)\r
+ --(3.761720,379.132996)--(7.519530,375.589996);\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.000000,0.502000,0.502000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.000000bp;\r
+fill (7.519530,382.675995)--(11.281300,386.218994)--(7.519530,389.765991)\r
+ --(3.761720,386.218994)--(7.519530,382.675995)--cycle;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.000000,0.000000,0.000000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.400000bp;\r
+draw (7.519530,382.675995)--(11.281300,386.218994)--(7.519530,389.765991)\r
+ --(3.761720,386.218994)--(7.519530,382.675995);\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.000000,0.502000,0.502000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.000000bp;\r
+fill (7.519530,389.765991)--(11.281300,393.308990)--(7.519530,396.851990)\r
+ --(3.761720,393.308990)--(7.519530,389.765991)--cycle;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.000000,0.000000,0.000000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.400000bp;\r
+draw (7.519530,389.765991)--(11.281300,393.308990)--(7.519530,396.851990)\r
+ --(3.761720,393.308990)--(7.519530,389.765991);\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.000000,0.502000,0.502000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.000000bp;\r
+fill (7.519530,396.851990)--(11.281300,400.394989)--(7.519530,403.937988)\r
+ --(3.761720,400.394989)--(7.519530,396.851990)--cycle;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.000000,0.000000,0.000000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.400000bp;\r
+draw (7.519530,396.851990)--(11.281300,400.394989)--(7.519530,403.937988)\r
+ --(3.761720,400.394989)--(7.519530,396.851990);\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.000000,0.502000,0.502000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.000000bp;\r
+fill (7.519530,403.937988)--(11.281300,407.480011)--(7.519530,411.023010)\r
+ --(3.761720,407.480011)--(7.519530,403.937988)--cycle;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.000000,0.000000,0.000000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.400000bp;\r
+draw (7.519530,403.937988)--(11.281300,407.480011)--(7.519530,411.023010)\r
+ --(3.761720,407.480011)--(7.519530,403.937988);\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.000000,0.502000,0.502000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.000000bp;\r
+fill (7.519530,411.023010)--(11.281300,414.566010)--(7.519530,418.109009)\r
+ --(3.761720,414.566010)--(7.519530,411.023010)--cycle;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.000000,0.000000,0.000000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.400000bp;\r
+draw (7.519530,411.023010)--(11.281300,414.566010)--(7.519530,418.109009)\r
+ --(3.761720,414.566010)--(7.519530,411.023010);\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.000000,0.502000,0.502000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.000000bp;\r
+fill (7.519530,418.109009)--(11.281300,421.652008)--(7.519530,425.195007)\r
+ --(3.761720,421.652008)--(7.519530,418.109009)--cycle;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.000000,0.000000,0.000000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.400000bp;\r
+draw (7.519530,418.109009)--(11.281300,421.652008)--(7.519530,425.195007)\r
+ --(3.761720,421.652008)--(7.519530,418.109009);\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.000000,0.502000,0.502000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.000000bp;\r
+fill (7.519530,425.195007)--(11.281300,428.738007)--(7.519530,432.285004)\r
+ --(3.761720,428.738007)--(7.519530,425.195007)--cycle;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.000000,0.000000,0.000000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.400000bp;\r
+draw (7.519530,425.195007)--(11.281300,428.738007)--(7.519530,432.285004)\r
+ --(3.761720,428.738007)--(7.519530,425.195007);\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.000000,0.502000,0.502000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.000000bp;\r
+fill (7.519530,432.285004)--(11.281300,435.828003)--(7.519530,439.371002)\r
+ --(3.761720,435.828003)--(7.519530,432.285004)--cycle;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.000000,0.000000,0.000000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.400000bp;\r
+draw (7.519530,432.285004)--(11.281300,435.828003)--(7.519530,439.371002)\r
+ --(3.761720,435.828003)--(7.519530,432.285004);\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.000000,0.502000,0.502000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.000000bp;\r
+fill (7.519530,439.371002)--(11.281300,442.914001)--(7.519530,446.457001)\r
+ --(3.761720,442.914001)--(7.519530,439.371002)--cycle;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.000000,0.000000,0.000000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.400000bp;\r
+draw (7.519530,439.371002)--(11.281300,442.914001)--(7.519530,446.457001)\r
+ --(3.761720,442.914001)--(7.519530,439.371002);\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.000000,0.502000,0.502000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.000000bp;\r
+fill (7.519530,446.457001)--(11.281300,450.000000)--(7.519530,453.542999)\r
+ --(3.761720,450.000000)--(7.519530,446.457001)--cycle;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.000000,0.000000,0.000000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.400000bp;\r
+draw (7.519530,446.457001)--(11.281300,450.000000)--(7.519530,453.542999)\r
+ --(3.761720,450.000000)--(7.519530,446.457001);\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.000000,0.502000,0.502000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.000000bp;\r
+fill (7.519530,453.542999)--(11.281300,457.085999)--(7.519530,460.628998)\r
+ --(3.761720,457.085999)--(7.519530,453.542999)--cycle;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.000000,0.000000,0.000000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.400000bp;\r
+draw (7.519530,453.542999)--(11.281300,457.085999)--(7.519530,460.628998)\r
+ --(3.761720,457.085999)--(7.519530,453.542999);\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.000000,0.502000,0.502000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.000000bp;\r
+fill (7.519530,460.628998)--(11.281300,464.171997)--(7.519530,467.714996)\r
+ --(3.761720,464.171997)--(7.519530,460.628998)--cycle;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.000000,0.000000,0.000000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.400000bp;\r
+draw (7.519530,460.628998)--(11.281300,464.171997)--(7.519530,467.714996)\r
+ --(3.761720,464.171997)--(7.519530,460.628998);\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.000000,0.502000,0.502000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.000000bp;\r
+fill (7.519530,467.714996)--(11.281300,471.261993)--(7.519530,474.804993)\r
+ --(3.761720,471.261993)--(7.519530,467.714996)--cycle;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.000000,0.000000,0.000000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.400000bp;\r
+draw (7.519530,467.714996)--(11.281300,471.261993)--(7.519530,474.804993)\r
+ --(3.761720,471.261993)--(7.519530,467.714996);\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.000000,0.502000,0.502000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.000000bp;\r
+fill (7.519530,474.804993)--(11.281300,478.347992)--(7.519530,481.890991)\r
+ --(3.761720,478.347992)--(7.519530,474.804993)--cycle;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.000000,0.000000,0.000000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.400000bp;\r
+draw (7.519530,474.804993)--(11.281300,478.347992)--(7.519530,481.890991)\r
+ --(3.761720,478.347992)--(7.519530,474.804993);\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.000000,0.502000,0.502000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.000000bp;\r
+fill (7.519530,481.890991)--(11.281300,485.433990)--(7.519530,488.976990)\r
+ --(3.761720,485.433990)--(7.519530,481.890991)--cycle;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.000000,0.000000,0.000000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.400000bp;\r
+draw (7.519530,481.890991)--(11.281300,485.433990)--(7.519530,488.976990)\r
+ --(3.761720,485.433990)--(7.519530,481.890991);\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.000000,0.502000,0.502000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.000000bp;\r
+fill (7.519530,488.976990)--(11.281300,492.519989)--(7.519530,496.062988)\r
+ --(3.761720,492.519989)--(7.519530,488.976990)--cycle;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.000000,0.000000,0.000000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.400000bp;\r
+draw (7.519530,488.976990)--(11.281300,492.519989)--(7.519530,496.062988)\r
+ --(3.761720,492.519989)--(7.519530,488.976990);\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.000000,0.502000,0.502000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.000000bp;\r
+fill (7.519530,496.062988)--(11.281300,499.605011)--(7.519530,503.148010)\r
+ --(3.761720,499.605011)--(7.519530,496.062988)--cycle;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.000000,0.000000,0.000000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.400000bp;\r
+draw (7.519530,496.062988)--(11.281300,499.605011)--(7.519530,503.148010)\r
+ --(3.761720,499.605011)--(7.519530,496.062988);\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.000000,0.502000,0.502000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.000000bp;\r
+fill (7.519530,503.148010)--(11.281300,506.691010)--(7.519530,510.234009)\r
+ --(3.761720,506.691010)--(7.519530,503.148010)--cycle;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.000000,0.000000,0.000000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.400000bp;\r
+draw (7.519530,503.148010)--(11.281300,506.691010)--(7.519530,510.234009)\r
+ --(3.761720,506.691010)--(7.519530,503.148010);\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.000000,0.502000,0.502000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.000000bp;\r
+fill (7.519530,510.234009)--(11.281300,513.781006)--(7.519530,517.323975)\r
+ --(3.761720,513.781006)--(7.519530,510.234009)--cycle;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.000000,0.000000,0.000000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.400000bp;\r
+draw (7.519530,510.234009)--(11.281300,513.781006)--(7.519530,517.323975)\r
+ --(3.761720,513.781006)--(7.519530,510.234009);\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.000000,0.502000,0.502000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.000000bp;\r
+fill (7.519530,517.323975)--(11.281300,520.867004)--(7.519530,524.409973)\r
+ --(3.761720,520.867004)--(7.519530,517.323975)--cycle;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.000000,0.000000,0.000000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.400000bp;\r
+draw (7.519530,517.323975)--(11.281300,520.867004)--(7.519530,524.409973)\r
+ --(3.761720,520.867004)--(7.519530,517.323975);\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.000000,0.502000,0.502000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.000000bp;\r
+fill (7.519530,524.409973)--(11.281300,527.953003)--(7.519530,531.495972)\r
+ --(3.761720,527.953003)--(7.519530,524.409973)--cycle;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.000000,0.000000,0.000000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.400000bp;\r
+draw (7.519530,524.409973)--(11.281300,527.953003)--(7.519530,531.495972)\r
+ --(3.761720,527.953003)--(7.519530,524.409973);\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.000000,0.502000,0.502000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.000000bp;\r
+fill (7.519530,531.495972)--(11.281300,535.039001)--(7.519530,538.581970)\r
+ --(3.761720,535.039001)--(7.519530,531.495972)--cycle;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.000000,0.000000,0.000000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.400000bp;\r
+draw (7.519530,531.495972)--(11.281300,535.039001)--(7.519530,538.581970)\r
+ --(3.761720,535.039001)--(7.519530,531.495972);\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.000000,0.502000,0.502000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.000000bp;\r
+fill (7.519530,538.581970)--(11.281300,542.125000)--(7.519530,545.668030)\r
+ --(3.761720,542.125000)--(7.519530,538.581970)--cycle;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.000000,0.000000,0.000000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.400000bp;\r
+draw (7.519530,538.581970)--(11.281300,542.125000)--(7.519530,545.668030)\r
+ --(3.761720,542.125000)--(7.519530,538.581970);\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.000000,0.502000,0.502000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.000000bp;\r
+fill (7.519530,545.668030)--(11.281300,549.210999)--(7.519530,552.757996)\r
+ --(3.761720,549.210999)--(7.519530,545.668030)--cycle;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.000000,0.000000,0.000000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.400000bp;\r
+draw (7.519530,545.668030)--(11.281300,549.210999)--(7.519530,552.757996)\r
+ --(3.761720,549.210999)--(7.519530,545.668030);\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.000000,0.502000,0.502000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.000000bp;\r
+fill (7.519530,552.757996)--(11.281300,556.301025)--(7.519530,559.843994)\r
+ --(3.761720,556.301025)--(7.519530,552.757996)--cycle;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.000000,0.000000,0.000000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.400000bp;\r
+draw (7.519530,552.757996)--(11.281300,556.301025)--(7.519530,559.843994)\r
+ --(3.761720,556.301025)--(7.519530,552.757996);\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.000000,0.502000,0.502000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.000000bp;\r
+fill (7.519530,559.843994)--(11.281300,563.387024)--(7.519530,566.929993)\r
+ --(3.761720,563.387024)--(7.519530,559.843994)--cycle;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.000000,0.000000,0.000000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.400000bp;\r
+draw (7.519530,559.843994)--(11.281300,563.387024)--(7.519530,566.929993)\r
+ --(3.761720,563.387024)--(7.519530,559.843994);\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.000000,0.502000,0.502000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.000000bp;\r
+fill (7.519530,566.929993)--(11.281300,570.473022)--(7.519530,574.015991)\r
+ --(3.761720,570.473022)--(7.519530,566.929993)--cycle;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.000000,0.000000,0.000000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.400000bp;\r
+draw (7.519530,566.929993)--(11.281300,570.473022)--(7.519530,574.015991)\r
+ --(3.761720,570.473022)--(7.519530,566.929993);\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.000000,0.502000,0.502000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.000000bp;\r
+fill (7.519530,574.015991)--(11.281300,577.559021)--(7.519530,581.101990)\r
+ --(3.761720,577.559021)--(7.519530,574.015991)--cycle;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.000000,0.000000,0.000000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.400000bp;\r
+draw (7.519530,574.015991)--(11.281300,577.559021)--(7.519530,581.101990)\r
+ --(3.761720,577.559021)--(7.519530,574.015991);\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.000000,0.502000,0.502000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.000000bp;\r
+fill (7.519530,581.101990)--(11.281300,584.645020)--(7.519530,588.187988)\r
+ --(3.761720,584.645020)--(7.519530,581.101990)--cycle;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.000000,0.000000,0.000000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.400000bp;\r
+draw (7.519530,581.101990)--(11.281300,584.645020)--(7.519530,588.187988)\r
+ --(3.761720,584.645020)--(7.519530,581.101990);\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.000000,0.502000,0.502000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.000000bp;\r
+fill (7.519530,588.187988)--(11.281300,591.729980)--(7.519530,595.276978)\r
+ --(3.761720,591.729980)--(7.519530,588.187988)--cycle;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.000000,0.000000,0.000000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.400000bp;\r
+draw (7.519530,588.187988)--(11.281300,591.729980)--(7.519530,595.276978)\r
+ --(3.761720,591.729980)--(7.519530,588.187988);\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.000000,0.502000,0.502000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.000000bp;\r
+fill (7.519530,595.276978)--(11.281300,598.820007)--(7.519530,602.362976)\r
+ --(3.761720,598.820007)--(7.519530,595.276978)--cycle;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.000000,0.000000,0.000000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.400000bp;\r
+draw (7.519530,595.276978)--(11.281300,598.820007)--(7.519530,602.362976)\r
+ --(3.761720,598.820007)--(7.519530,595.276978);\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.000000,0.502000,0.502000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.000000bp;\r
+fill (7.519530,602.362976)--(11.281300,605.906006)--(7.519530,609.448975)\r
+ --(3.761720,605.906006)--(7.519530,602.362976)--cycle;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.000000,0.000000,0.000000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.400000bp;\r
+draw (7.519530,602.362976)--(11.281300,605.906006)--(7.519530,609.448975)\r
+ --(3.761720,605.906006)--(7.519530,602.362976);\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.000000,0.502000,0.502000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.000000bp;\r
+fill (7.519530,609.448975)--(11.281300,612.992004)--(7.519530,616.534973)\r
+ --(3.761720,612.992004)--(7.519530,609.448975)--cycle;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.000000,0.000000,0.000000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.400000bp;\r
+draw (7.519530,609.448975)--(11.281300,612.992004)--(7.519530,616.534973)\r
+ --(3.761720,612.992004)--(7.519530,609.448975);\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.000000,0.502000,0.502000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.000000bp;\r
+fill (7.519530,616.534973)--(11.281300,620.078003)--(7.519530,623.620972)\r
+ --(3.761720,620.078003)--(7.519530,616.534973)--cycle;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.000000,0.000000,0.000000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.400000bp;\r
+draw (7.519530,616.534973)--(11.281300,620.078003)--(7.519530,623.620972)\r
+ --(3.761720,620.078003)--(7.519530,616.534973);\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.000000,0.502000,0.502000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.000000bp;\r
+fill (7.519530,623.620972)--(11.281300,627.164001)--(7.519530,630.706970)\r
+ --(3.761720,627.164001)--(7.519530,623.620972)--cycle;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.000000,0.000000,0.000000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.400000bp;\r
+draw (7.519530,623.620972)--(11.281300,627.164001)--(7.519530,630.706970)\r
+ --(3.761720,627.164001)--(7.519530,623.620972);\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.000000,0.502000,0.502000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.000000bp;\r
+fill (7.519530,630.706970)--(11.281300,634.254028)--(7.519530,637.796997)\r
+ --(3.761720,634.254028)--(7.519530,630.706970)--cycle;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.000000,0.000000,0.000000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.400000bp;\r
+draw (7.519530,630.706970)--(11.281300,634.254028)--(7.519530,637.796997)\r
+ --(3.761720,634.254028)--(7.519530,630.706970);\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.000000,0.502000,0.502000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.000000bp;\r
+fill (7.519530,637.796997)--(11.281300,641.340027)--(7.519530,644.882996)\r
+ --(3.761720,641.340027)--(7.519530,637.796997)--cycle;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.000000,0.000000,0.000000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.400000bp;\r
+draw (7.519530,637.796997)--(11.281300,641.340027)--(7.519530,644.882996)\r
+ --(3.761720,641.340027)--(7.519530,637.796997);\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.000000,0.502000,0.502000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.000000bp;\r
+fill (7.519530,644.882996)--(11.281300,648.426025)--(7.519530,651.968994)\r
+ --(3.761720,648.426025)--(7.519530,644.882996)--cycle;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.000000,0.000000,0.000000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.400000bp;\r
+draw (7.519530,644.882996)--(11.281300,648.426025)--(7.519530,651.968994)\r
+ --(3.761720,648.426025)--(7.519530,644.882996);\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.000000,0.502000,0.502000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.000000bp;\r
+fill (7.519530,651.968994)--(11.281300,655.512024)--(7.519530,659.054993)\r
+ --(3.761720,655.512024)--(7.519530,651.968994)--cycle;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.000000,0.000000,0.000000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.400000bp;\r
+draw (7.519530,651.968994)--(11.281300,655.512024)--(7.519530,659.054993)\r
+ --(3.761720,655.512024)--(7.519530,651.968994);\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.000000,0.502000,0.502000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.000000bp;\r
+fill (7.519530,659.054993)--(11.281300,662.598022)--(7.519530,666.140991)\r
+ --(3.761720,662.598022)--(7.519530,659.054993)--cycle;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.000000,0.000000,0.000000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.400000bp;\r
+draw (7.519530,659.054993)--(11.281300,662.598022)--(7.519530,666.140991)\r
+ --(3.761720,662.598022)--(7.519530,659.054993);\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.000000,0.502000,0.502000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.000000bp;\r
+fill (7.519530,666.140991)--(11.281300,669.684021)--(7.519530,673.226990)\r
+ --(3.761720,669.684021)--(7.519530,666.140991)--cycle;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.000000,0.000000,0.000000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.400000bp;\r
+draw (7.519530,666.140991)--(11.281300,669.684021)--(7.519530,673.226990)\r
+ --(3.761720,669.684021)--(7.519530,666.140991);\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.000000,0.502000,0.502000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.000000bp;\r
+fill (7.519530,673.226990)--(11.281300,676.773010)--(7.519530,680.315979)\r
+ --(3.761720,676.773010)--(7.519530,673.226990)--cycle;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.000000,0.000000,0.000000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.400000bp;\r
+draw (7.519530,673.226990)--(11.281300,676.773010)--(7.519530,680.315979)\r
+ --(3.761720,676.773010)--(7.519530,673.226990);\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.000000,0.502000,0.502000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.000000bp;\r
+fill (7.519530,680.315979)--(11.281300,683.859009)--(7.519530,687.401978)\r
+ --(3.761720,683.859009)--(7.519530,680.315979)--cycle;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.000000,0.000000,0.000000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.400000bp;\r
+draw (7.519530,680.315979)--(11.281300,683.859009)--(7.519530,687.401978)\r
+ --(3.761720,683.859009)--(7.519530,680.315979);\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.000000,0.502000,0.502000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.000000bp;\r
+fill (7.519530,687.401978)--(11.281300,690.945007)--(7.519530,694.487976)\r
+ --(3.761720,690.945007)--(7.519530,687.401978)--cycle;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.000000,0.000000,0.000000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.400000bp;\r
+draw (7.519530,687.401978)--(11.281300,690.945007)--(7.519530,694.487976)\r
+ --(3.761720,690.945007)--(7.519530,687.401978);\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.000000,0.502000,0.502000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.000000bp;\r
+fill (7.519530,694.487976)--(11.281300,698.031006)--(7.519530,701.573975)\r
+ --(3.761720,698.031006)--(7.519530,694.487976)--cycle;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.000000,0.000000,0.000000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.400000bp;\r
+draw (7.519530,694.487976)--(11.281300,698.031006)--(7.519530,701.573975)\r
+ --(3.761720,698.031006)--(7.519530,694.487976);\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.000000,0.502000,0.502000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.000000bp;\r
+fill (7.519530,701.573975)--(11.281300,705.117004)--(7.519530,708.659973)\r
+ --(3.761720,705.117004)--(7.519530,701.573975)--cycle;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.000000,0.000000,0.000000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.400000bp;\r
+draw (7.519530,701.573975)--(11.281300,705.117004)--(7.519530,708.659973)\r
+ --(3.761720,705.117004)--(7.519530,701.573975);\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.000000,0.502000,0.502000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.000000bp;\r
+fill (7.519530,708.659973)--(11.281300,712.203003)--(7.519530,715.750000)\r
+ --(3.761720,712.203003)--(7.519530,708.659973)--cycle;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.000000,0.000000,0.000000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.400000bp;\r
+draw (7.519530,708.659973)--(11.281300,712.203003)--(7.519530,715.750000)\r
+ --(3.761720,712.203003)--(7.519530,708.659973);\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.000000,0.502000,0.502000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.000000bp;\r
+fill (7.519530,715.750000)--(11.281300,719.293030)--(7.519530,722.835999)\r
+ --(3.761720,719.293030)--(7.519530,715.750000)--cycle;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.000000,0.000000,0.000000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.400000bp;\r
+draw (7.519530,715.750000)--(11.281300,719.293030)--(7.519530,722.835999)\r
+ --(3.761720,719.293030)--(7.519530,715.750000);\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.000000,0.502000,0.502000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.000000bp;\r
+fill (7.519530,722.835999)--(11.281300,726.379028)--(7.519530,729.921997)\r
+ --(3.761720,726.379028)--(7.519530,722.835999)--cycle;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.000000,0.000000,0.000000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.400000bp;\r
+draw (7.519530,722.835999)--(11.281300,726.379028)--(7.519530,729.921997)\r
+ --(3.761720,726.379028)--(7.519530,722.835999);\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.000000,0.502000,0.502000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.000000bp;\r
+fill (7.519530,729.921997)--(11.281300,733.465027)--(7.519530,737.007996)\r
+ --(3.761720,733.465027)--(7.519530,729.921997)--cycle;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.000000,0.000000,0.000000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.400000bp;\r
+draw (7.519530,729.921997)--(11.281300,733.465027)--(7.519530,737.007996)\r
+ --(3.761720,733.465027)--(7.519530,729.921997);\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.000000,0.502000,0.502000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.000000bp;\r
+fill (7.519530,737.007996)--(11.281300,740.551025)--(7.519530,744.093994)\r
+ --(3.761720,740.551025)--(7.519530,737.007996)--cycle;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.000000,0.000000,0.000000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.400000bp;\r
+draw (7.519530,737.007996)--(11.281300,740.551025)--(7.519530,744.093994)\r
+ --(3.761720,740.551025)--(7.519530,737.007996);\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.000000,0.502000,0.502000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.000000bp;\r
+fill (7.519530,744.093994)--(11.281300,747.637024)--(7.519530,751.179993)\r
+ --(3.761720,747.637024)--(7.519530,744.093994)--cycle;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.000000,0.000000,0.000000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.400000bp;\r
+draw (7.519530,744.093994)--(11.281300,747.637024)--(7.519530,751.179993)\r
+ --(3.761720,747.637024)--(7.519530,744.093994);\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.000000,0.502000,0.502000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.000000bp;\r
+fill (7.519530,751.179993)--(11.281300,754.723022)--(7.519530,758.270020)\r
+ --(3.761720,754.723022)--(7.519530,751.179993)--cycle;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.000000,0.000000,0.000000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.400000bp;\r
+draw (7.519530,751.179993)--(11.281300,754.723022)--(7.519530,758.270020)\r
+ --(3.761720,754.723022)--(7.519530,751.179993);\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.000000,0.502000,0.502000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.000000bp;\r
+fill (7.519530,758.270020)--(11.281300,761.812988)--(7.519530,765.354980)\r
+ --(3.761720,761.812988)--(7.519530,758.270020)--cycle;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.000000,0.000000,0.000000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.400000bp;\r
+draw (7.519530,758.270020)--(11.281300,761.812988)--(7.519530,765.354980)\r
+ --(3.761720,761.812988)--(7.519530,758.270020);\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.000000,0.502000,0.502000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.000000bp;\r
+fill (7.519530,765.354980)--(11.281300,768.898010)--(7.519530,772.440979)\r
+ --(3.761720,768.898010)--(7.519530,765.354980)--cycle;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.000000,0.000000,0.000000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.400000bp;\r
+draw (7.519530,765.354980)--(11.281300,768.898010)--(7.519530,772.440979)\r
+ --(3.761720,768.898010)--(7.519530,765.354980);\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.000000,0.502000,0.502000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.000000bp;\r
+fill (7.519530,772.440979)--(11.281300,775.984009)--(7.519530,779.526978)\r
+ --(3.761720,775.984009)--(7.519530,772.440979)--cycle;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.000000,0.000000,0.000000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.400000bp;\r
+draw (7.519530,772.440979)--(11.281300,775.984009)--(7.519530,779.526978)\r
+ --(3.761720,775.984009)--(7.519530,772.440979);\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.000000,0.502000,0.502000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.000000bp;\r
+fill (7.519530,779.526978)--(11.281300,783.070007)--(7.519530,786.612976)\r
+ --(3.761720,783.070007)--(7.519530,779.526978)--cycle;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.000000,0.000000,0.000000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.400000bp;\r
+draw (7.519530,779.526978)--(11.281300,783.070007)--(7.519530,786.612976)\r
+ --(3.761720,783.070007)--(7.519530,779.526978);\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.000000,0.502000,0.502000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.000000bp;\r
+fill (7.519530,786.612976)--(11.281300,790.156006)--(7.519530,793.698975)\r
+ --(3.761720,790.156006)--(7.519530,786.612976)--cycle;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.000000,0.000000,0.000000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.400000bp;\r
+draw (7.519530,786.612976)--(11.281300,790.156006)--(7.519530,793.698975)\r
+ --(3.761720,790.156006)--(7.519530,786.612976);\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.000000,0.502000,0.502000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.000000bp;\r
+fill (7.519530,793.698975)--(11.281300,797.245972)--(7.519530,800.789001)\r
+ --(3.761720,797.245972)--(7.519530,793.698975)--cycle;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.000000,0.000000,0.000000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.400000bp;\r
+draw (7.519530,793.698975)--(11.281300,797.245972)--(7.519530,800.789001)\r
+ --(3.761720,797.245972)--(7.519530,793.698975);\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.000000,0.502000,0.502000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.000000bp;\r
+fill (7.519530,800.789001)--(11.281300,804.331970)--(7.519530,807.875000)\r
+ --(3.761720,804.331970)--(7.519530,800.789001)--cycle;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.000000,0.000000,0.000000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.400000bp;\r
+draw (7.519530,800.789001)--(11.281300,804.331970)--(7.519530,807.875000)\r
+ --(3.761720,804.331970)--(7.519530,800.789001);\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.000000,0.502000,0.502000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.000000bp;\r
+fill (7.519530,807.875000)--(11.281300,811.418030)--(7.519530,814.960999)\r
+ --(3.761720,811.418030)--(7.519530,807.875000)--cycle;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.000000,0.000000,0.000000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.400000bp;\r
+draw (7.519530,807.875000)--(11.281300,811.418030)--(7.519530,814.960999)\r
+ --(3.761720,811.418030)--(7.519530,807.875000);\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.000000,0.502000,0.502000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.000000bp;\r
+fill (7.519530,814.960999)--(11.281300,818.504028)--(7.519530,822.046997)\r
+ --(3.761720,818.504028)--(7.519530,814.960999)--cycle;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.000000,0.000000,0.000000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.400000bp;\r
+draw (7.519530,814.960999)--(11.281300,818.504028)--(7.519530,822.046997)\r
+ --(3.761720,818.504028)--(7.519530,814.960999);\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.000000,0.502000,0.502000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.000000bp;\r
+fill (7.519530,822.046997)--(11.281300,825.590027)--(7.519530,829.132996)\r
+ --(3.761720,825.590027)--(7.519530,822.046997)--cycle;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.000000,0.000000,0.000000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.400000bp;\r
+draw (7.519530,822.046997)--(11.281300,825.590027)--(7.519530,829.132996)\r
+ --(3.761720,825.590027)--(7.519530,822.046997);\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.000000,0.502000,0.502000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.000000bp;\r
+fill (7.519530,829.132996)--(11.281300,832.676025)--(7.519530,836.218994)\r
+ --(3.761720,832.676025)--(7.519530,829.132996)--cycle;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.000000,0.000000,0.000000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.400000bp;\r
+draw (7.519530,829.132996)--(11.281300,832.676025)--(7.519530,836.218994)\r
+ --(3.761720,832.676025)--(7.519530,829.132996);\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.000000,0.502000,0.502000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.000000bp;\r
+fill (7.519530,836.218994)--(11.281300,839.765991)--(7.519530,843.309021)\r
+ --(3.761720,839.765991)--(7.519530,836.218994)--cycle;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.000000,0.000000,0.000000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.400000bp;\r
+draw (7.519530,836.218994)--(11.281300,839.765991)--(7.519530,843.309021)\r
+ --(3.761720,839.765991)--(7.519530,836.218994);\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.000000,0.502000,0.502000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.000000bp;\r
+fill (7.519530,843.309021)--(11.281300,846.851990)--(7.519530,850.395020)\r
+ --(3.761720,846.851990)--(7.519530,843.309021)--cycle;\r
+drawoptions (withcolor (0.000000,0.000000,0.000000));\r
+pickup pencircle scaled 0.400000bp;\r
+draw (7.519530,843.309021)--(11.281300,846.851990)--(7.519530,850.395020)\r
+ --(3.761720,846.851990)--(7.519530,843.309021);\r
--- /dev/null
+% Converted from PostScript(TM) to MetaPost by pstoedit\r
+% MetaPost backend contributed by Scott Pakin <scott+ps2ed_AT_pakin.org>\r
+% pstoedit is Copyright (C) 1993 - 2009 Wolfgang Glunz <wglunz35_AT_pstoedit.net>\r
+% Generate structured PostScript\r
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+% and with a given rotation angle\r
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+ ..controls (5.511720,1.644530) and (3.691410,1.566410)..(2.527340,2.566410)\r
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