--- /dev/null
+\ProvidesPackage{pst-flags}[2012/11/16 v. 0.01 Flags for Europe (jg)]
+\definecolor{austriaRed}{HTML}{F5002F} %Pantone 186
+%% Flagge (Verh\"{a}ltnis 3 Breite : 2 H\"{o}he)
+\psframe[linecolor=austriaRed,fillstyle=solid,fillcolor=austriaRed](!0 10 3 div 2 mul)(15,10)
+\psframe[linecolor=white,fillstyle=solid,fillcolor=white](!0 10 3 div)(!15 10 3 div 2 mul)
+\psframe[linecolor=austriaRed,fillstyle=solid,fillcolor=austriaRed](0,0)(!15 10 3 div)%
+%% Flagge (Verh\"{a}ltnis 5 Breite : 3 H\"{o}he)
+\definecolor{belgiumYellow}{RGB}{255 233 54}
+\definecolor{belgiumRed}{RGB}{255 15 33}
+%% Flagge (Verh\"{a}ltnis 15 Breite : 13 H\"{o}he)
+%% Flagge (Verh\"{a}ltnis 5 Breite : 3 H\"{o}he)
+%% Flagge (Verh\"{a}ltnis 3 Breite : 2 H\"{o}he)
+%% Breite 1,5 : 1.5 H\"{o}he 1 : 1
+\definecolor{denmarkRed}{HTML}{FF173D} %Pantone 185
+%% Flagge (Verh\"{a}ltnis 37 Breite : 28 H\"{o}he)
+%% Breite 12 - 4 - 21 : H\"{o}he 12 - 4 - 12
+\definecolor{estoniaBlue}{RGB}{18 145 255}
+%% Flagge (Verh\"{a}ltnis 11 Breite : 7 H\"{o}he)
+\definecolor{finlandBlue}{RGB}{0 82 165}
+%% Flagge (Verh\"{a}ltnis 18 Breite : 11 H\"{o}he)
+%% Breite 5 - 3 - 10 : H\"{o}he 4 - 3 - 4
+%% Flagge (Verh\"{a}ltnis 3 Breite : 2 H\"{o}he)
+\definecolor{ukRed}{RGB}{204 0 0}
+\definecolor{ukBlue}{RGB}{0 0 102}
+%% Flagge (Verh\"{a}ltnis 2 Breite : 1 H\"{o}he)
+\rput{-26.56}(!0 30 3.3 sub){%
+\definecolor{greeceBlue}{cmyk}{1 0.6 0 0.05}
+%% Flagge (Verh\"{a}ltnis 3 Breite : 2 H\"{o}he)
+%% Flagge (Verh\"{a}ltnis 2 Breite : 1 H\"{o}he)
+%% Flagge (Verh\"{a}ltnis 25 Breite : 18 H\"{o}he)
+%% Breite 7 - 4 - 14 : H\"{o}he 7 - 4 - 7
+%% Flagge (Verh\"{a}ltnis 2 Breite : 1 H\"{o}he)
+\definecolor{italyRed}{RGB}{206 43 55}
+\definecolor{italyWhite}{RGB}{241 242 241}
+\definecolor{italyGreen}{RGB}{0 146 70}
+%% Flagge (Verh\"{a}ltnis 3 Breite : 2 H\"{o}he)
+%% Flagge (Verh\"{a}ltnis 2 Breite : 1 H\"{o}he)
+%% H\"{o}he 2 - 1 - 2
+\definecolor{lithuaniaYellow}{RGB}{253 185 19}
+\definecolor{lithuaniaGreen}{RGB}{0 106 68}
+\definecolor{lithuaniaRed}{RGB}{193 39 45}
+%% Flagge (Verh\"{a}ltnis 5 Breite : 3 H\"{o}he)
+\definecolor{luxembourgRed}{HTML}{FF1A24} %Pantone 032
+\definecolor{luxembourgBlue}{HTML}{26CFFF} %Pantone 299
+%% Flagge (Verh\"{a}ltnis 5 Breite : 3 H\"{o}he)
+\definecolor{monacoRed}{cmyk}{0 0.9 0.8 0.05}
+%% Flagge (Verh\"{a}ltnis 5 Breite : 4 H\"{o}he)
+%% Flagge (Verh\"{a}ltnis 3 Breite : 2 H\"{o}he)
+\psframe[linecolor=netherlandsRed,fillstyle=solid,fillcolor=netherlandsRed](!0 10 3 div 2 mul)(15,10)
+\psframe[linecolor=white,fillstyle=solid,fillcolor=white](!0 10 3 div)(!15 10 3 div 2 mul)
+\psframe[linecolor=netherlandsBlue,fillstyle=solid,fillcolor=netherlandsBlue](0,0)(!15 10 3 div)
+%% Wei{\ss}er Grundrahmen \"{u}ber komplette Flagge (Verh\"{a}ltnis 22 Breite : 16 H\"{o}he)
+%% 6 - 1 - 2 - 1 - 12 Breite : 6 - 1 - 2 - 1 - 6 H\"{o}he
+%% Rote Felder
+%% Blaue Felder
+%% Flagge (Verh\"{a}ltnis 8 Breite : 5 H\"{o}he)
+\definecolor{romaniaBlue}{RGB}{0 43 127}
+\definecolor{romaniaYellow}{RGB}{252 209 22}
+\definecolor{romaniaRed}{RGB}{206 17 38}
+%% Flagge (Verh\"{a}ltnis 3 Breite : 2 H\"{o}he)
+%% Flagge (Verh\"{a}ltnis 3 Breite : 2 H\"{o}he)
+\definecolor{swedenBlue}{RGB}{0 127 229}
+\definecolor{swedenYellow}{RGB}{255 204 0}
+%% Flagge (Verh\"{a}ltnis 3 Breite : 2 H\"{o}he)
+%% Breite 5 - 2 - 9 : H\"{o}he 4 - 2 - 4
+%% Flagge (Verh\"{a}ltnis 1 Breite : 1 H\"{o}he)
+%% Kreuz: 6 7 6 7 6 : 6 7 6 7 6
+%% Flagge (Verh\"{a}ltnis 3 Breite : 2 H\"{o}he)
+\pnode(!9 1 16 div 18 mul add 9){M2}
+\pnode(!9 1 16 div 18 mul add 1 5 div 18 mul sub 9){A2}
+\pscircle[linecolor=turkeyRed,fillstyle=solid,fillcolor=turkeyRed](M2){!1 5 div 18 mul}
+%% Flagge (Verh\"{a}ltnis 3 Breite : 2 H\"{o}he)
+%% White Background = Proportion of the flag
+%% 6 white stripes: 13 stripes alternating red (7) and white (6)
+\rput(0,\rA){\psframe[fillstyle=solid,linestyle=none,linewidth=0pt,fillcolor=white](0,0)(!19 10 13 div)}
+%%Blue rectangle in the upper left (Union)
+\psframe[fillstyle=solid,fillcolor=USblue,linecolor=USblue](!0 6 13 div 10 mul)(!2 5 div 19 mul 10)
+%% Arrangment of the stars
+%% 5 lines with 6 stars
+%% 4 lines with 5 stars