- \buildMeshBW{(0.3,0.3);(1.5,1);(4,0);(4.5,2.5);(1.81,2.14);(2.5,0.5);(2.8,1.5)}
+ \buildMeshBW[%
+ tikz,
+ mode = ext,
+ bbox = show,
+ color = red,
+ colorBbox = blue!30,
+ print = points,
+ meshpoint = x,
+ scale = 1.3cm,
+ ]{mesh.txt}
\newcommand*\meta[1]{% % meta
\newcommand*\optstar{% % optional star
There are several options to customize the drawing.
-\item[\color{red}\texttt{mode = int (default) or ext}:] the mode option allow to
+\item[mode = int (default) or ext:] this option allows to
use either the previously described set of point in the argument, or
a file, containing, line by line (2 columns), the points. Such a
file looks like :
xn yn
+\item[bbox = none (default) or show:] this option allows to draw the
+ added points to form a \emph{bounding box}\footnote{The bounding
+ box is defined by four points place at 15\% around the box
+ defined by $(x_{\min},y_{\min})$, $(x_{\min},y_{\max})$,
+ $(x_{\max},y_{\max})$, and $(x_{\min},y_{\max})$.} and the corresponding
+ triangulation. By default, these triangles are removed at the end of
+ the algorithm.
+\item[color = \meta{value} (default: black):] The color of the
+ drawing.
+\item[colorBbox = \meta{value} (default: black):] The color of the
+ drawing for the elements (points and triangles) belonging to the
+ bounding box.
+\item[print = none (default) or points:] To label the vertices of the
+ triangulations with an adding dot.
+\item[meshpoint = \meta{value} (default: P):] The letter(s) used to
+ label the vertices of the triangulation. It is include in the math
+ mode delimiters \Verb+$...$+. The bounding box points are labeled
+ with a star exponent, and numbered from 1 to 4.
+\item[tikz (boolean, default:false):] By default, this boolean is set
+ to \Verb+false+, and MetaPost (with \Verb+luamplib+) is used to draw
+ the picture. With this option, it is \Verb+tikz+ the \textit{drawing
+ engine}.
+\item[scale = \meta{value} (default: 1cm):] The scale option defines
+ the scale at which the picture is draw (the same for the two
+ axis). It must contain the unit of length (cm,
+ pt, etc.).
+To illustrate the options, let us show you an example. We consider a
+file \Verb+mesh.txt+:
+0.3 0.3
+1.5 1
+4 0
+4.5 2.5
+1.81 2.14
+2.5 0.5
+2.8 1.5
+ \buildMeshBW[%
+ tikz,
+ mode = ext,
+ bbox = show,
+ color = red,
+ colorBbox = blue!30,
+ print = points,
+ meshpoint = x,
+ scale = 1.3cm,
+ ]{mesh.txt}
\subsection{Draw the Set of Points}
\commande|\tracePointsMesh[«options»]{«list of points» or «file name»}|
--- /dev/null
+0.3 0.3
+1.5 1
+4 0
+4.5 2.5
+1.81 2.14
+2.5 0.5
+2.8 1.5
if(points=="points") then
+ j=1
for i=1,#listPoints do
if(listPoints[i].type == "bbox") then
- output = output .. "\\draw[color="..colorBbox.."] (" .. listPoints[i].x ..",".. listPoints[i].y .. ") node {$\\bullet$} node[anchor=north east] {$\\MeshPoint_{" .. i .. "}$};"
+ output = output .. "\\draw[color="..colorBbox.."] (" .. listPoints[i].x ..",".. listPoints[i].y .. ") node {$\\bullet$} node[anchor=north east] {$\\MeshPoint^*_{" .. j .. "}$};"
+ j=j+1
output = output .. "\\draw[color="..color.."] (" .. listPoints[i].x ..",".. listPoints[i].y .. ") node {$\\bullet$} node[anchor=north east] {$\\MeshPoint_{" .. i .. "}$};"
function tracePointsTikZ(listPoints,points,color,colorBbox)
output = "";
if(points=="points") then
+ j=1
for i=1,#listPoints do
if(listPoints[i].type == "bbox") then
- output = output .. "\\draw[color="..colorBbox.."] (" .. listPoints[i].x ..",".. listPoints[i].y .. ") node {$\\bullet$} node[anchor=north east] {$\\MeshPoint_{" .. i .. "}$};"
+ output = output .. "\\draw[color="..colorBbox.."] (" .. listPoints[i].x ..",".. listPoints[i].y .. ") node {$\\bullet$} node[anchor=north east] {$\\MeshPoint^*_{" .. j .. "}$};"
+ j = j+1
output = output .. "\\draw[color="..color.."] (" .. listPoints[i].x ..",".. listPoints[i].y .. ") node {$\\bullet$} node[anchor=north east] {$\\MeshPoint_{" .. i .. "}$};"
output = output .. "\\draw[dashed, color="..colorCircle.."] ("..center.x .. "," .. center.y .. ") circle ("..radius ..");"
-- mark the points
+ j=1
for i=1,#listPoints do
if(listPoints[i].type == "bbox") then
- output = output .. "\\draw[color="..colorBbox.."] (" .. listPoints[i].x ..",".. listPoints[i].y .. ") node {$\\bullet$} node[anchor=north east] {$\\MeshPoint_{" .. i .. "}$};"
+ output = output .. "\\draw[color="..colorBbox.."] (" .. listPoints[i].x ..",".. listPoints[i].y .. ") node {$\\bullet$} node[anchor=north east] {$\\MeshPoint^*_{" .. j .. "}$};"
+ j = j+1
output = output .. "\\draw[color="..color.."] (" .. listPoints[i].x ..",".. listPoints[i].y .. ") node {$\\bullet$} node[anchor=north east] {$\\MeshPoint_{" .. i .. "}$};"
output = output .. "\\draw[color="..colorNew..",fill ="..colorBack..", thick] " .. path .. "cycle;"
-- mark the points of the mesh
+ j=1
for i=1,#listPoints do
if(listPoints[i].type == "bbox") then
- output = output .. "\\draw[color="..colorBbox.."] (" .. listPoints[i].x ..",".. listPoints[i].y .. ") node {$\\bullet$} node[anchor=north east] {$\\MeshPoint_{" .. i .. "}$};"
+ output = output .. "\\draw[color="..colorBbox.."] (" .. listPoints[i].x ..",".. listPoints[i].y .. ") node {$\\bullet$} node[anchor=north east] {$\\MeshPoint^*_{" .. j .. "}$};"
+ j=j+1
output = output .. "\\draw[color="..color.."] (" .. listPoints[i].x ..",".. listPoints[i].y .. ") node {$\\bullet$} node[anchor=north east] {$\\MeshPoint_{" .. i .. "}$};"
output = output .. "\\draw[color="..colorNew..", thick]".."(".. listPoints[polygon[i][2]].x .. "," .. listPoints[polygon[i][2]].y .. ") -- (" .. P.x .. "," .. P.y ..");"
-- mark points
+ j=1
for i=1,#listPoints do
if(listPoints[i].type == "bbox") then
- output = output .. "\\draw[color="..colorBbox.."] (" .. listPoints[i].x ..",".. listPoints[i].y .. ") node {$\\bullet$} node[anchor=north east] {$\\MeshPoint_{" .. i .. "}$};"
+ output = output .. "\\draw[color="..colorBbox.."] (" .. listPoints[i].x ..",".. listPoints[i].y .. ") node {$\\bullet$} node[anchor=north east] {$\\MeshPoint^*_{" .. j .. "}$};"
+ j=j+1
output = output .. "\\draw[color="..color.."] (" .. listPoints[i].x ..",".. listPoints[i].y .. ") node {$\\bullet$} node[anchor=north east] {$\\MeshPoint_{" .. i .. "}$};"