% without any invariant section or cover text.
\title{\Verb+luamesh+: compute and draw meshes with \lualatex}
\author{Maxime Chupin \email{mc@melusine.eu.org}}
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+\subsection{With Linux}
+To install \luamesh with \TeX live, you have to create the local
+\Verb+texmf+ directory in your \Verb+home+.
+mkdir ~/texmf
+Then we have to files to place in the correct directories. First, the
+\Verb+luamesh.sty+ file must be in the directory:
+ \Verb+~/texmf/tex/latex/luamesh/+
+and secondly, the \Verb+luamesh.lua+ must be in the directory:
+ \Verb+~/texmf/scripts/luamesh/+
+Once you have done this, \luamesh can be included in your document
\section{The Macros}
\subsection{Draw a Complete Mesh}
\subsection{Draw the Set of Points}