--- /dev/null
+input gdd;
+input gdd-rep;
+input gdd-lbl;
+input gdd-tra;
+input svgnames;
+lblPreambule := "\usepackage[frenchb]{babel}" &
+ "\usepackage[garamond]{mathdesign}" &
+ "\usepackage{amsmath}";
+labeloffset := 6;
+gddTaillePoint := 3;
+gddCouleurPoint := Yellow;
+ Repere(9,9,4,5,0.8,0.8);
+ Axes;
+ Debut;
+ Axes;
+ Graduations; Unites(1);
+ C1 = Cercle((1,1),3);
+ C2 = Cercle((-1,-2),1);
+ P1 = IntersectionCercles(C1,C2);
+ P2 = IntersectionCercles(C2,C1);
+ drawoptions(withcolor LightSlateGrey);
+ trace C1;
+ trace C2;
+ drawoptions();
+ pointe Point(1,1);
+ pointe Point(-1,-2);
+ pointe P1;
+ pointe P2;
+ label.urt(TEX("\(P_1\)"),PtR(P1));
+ label.top(TEX("\(P_2\)"),PtR(P2));
+ Fin;
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+input gdd;
+input gdd-rep;
+input gdd-lbl;
+input gdd-tra;
+input svgnames;
+lblPreambule := "\usepackage[frenchb]{babel}" &
+ "\usepackage[garamond]{mathdesign}" &
+ "\usepackage{amsmath}";
+labeloffset := 6;
+gddTaillePoint := 2;
+gddCouleurPoint := Yellow;
+ Repere(9,9,4,5,0.8,0.8);
+ Axes;
+ Debut;
+ Axes;
+ Graduations; Unites(1);
+ C1 = Cercle((1,1),3);
+ C2 = Cercle((-1,-2),1);
+ T1 = TangenteCommuneExterieure(C1,C2);
+ T2 = TangenteCommuneExterieure(C2,C1);
+ drawoptions(withcolor LightSlateGrey);
+ trace C1;
+ trace C2;
+ drawoptions(withcolor Olive);
+ trace T1;
+ trace T2;
+ drawoptions();
+ pointe Point(1,1);
+ pointe Point(-1,-2);
+ Fin;
\ No newline at end of file