\title{\Verb+luamesh+: compute and draw meshes with \lualatex}
\author{Maxime Chupin \email{mc@melusine.eu.org}}
- {\begin{description}[font=\color{red}\ttfamily]}
- {\end{description}}
+ {\end{description}}
+ \setlength{\logowidth}{24pt}
+ \tcbset{%
+ arc=0pt,outer arc=0pt,colback=gray!10!white,colframe=gray!60!white,
+ boxsep=0pt,left=5pt,right=5pt,top=5pt,bottom=5pt, bottomtitle = 3pt, toptitle=3pt,
+ boxrule=0pt,bottomrule=0.5pt,toprule=0.5pt}
+ \medskip
+ \begin{tcolorbox}%
+ \begin{wrapfigure}[2]{L}{17pt}%
+ % \raisebox{-5pt}{
+ \vspace*{-0.55cm}
+ \bcinfo
+ % }%
+ \end{wrapfigure}
+ }%
+ {\end{tcolorbox}\medskip}
+%% === Page de garde ===================================================
+\begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture, overlay]
+ \node[below right, shift={(-4pt,4pt)}] at (current page.north west) {%
+ \includegraphics{fond.pdf}%
+ };
+{\large compute and draw meshes with \lualatex}\\[1cm]
+ \meshAddPointBW[
+ mode=ext,step=badtriangles,
+ colorNew =green!20!red,
+ colorBack=red!10,
+ colorCircle = blue,
+ bbox = show,
+ colorBbox = black!30
+ ]
+ {meshgarde.txt}{7}
+ \textbf{Contributor}\\
+ Maxime \textsc{Chupin}
+ Version 0.1, 25 novembre 2016\\
+ \url{http://melusine.eu.org/syracuse/G/delaunay/}
+%% == Page de garde ====================================================
+The drawing engine is not here very relevant. But it is useful to
+understand how the drawing is made. However, the engine will make sens
+for the so called \emph{inc} macros (section~\ref{sec:inc}), where we
+will be allowed to add code before and after the generated one by
\subsection{Draw the Set of Points}
-\commande|\tracePointsMesh[«options»]{«list of points» or «file name»}|
+\commande|\drawPointsMesh[«options»]{«list of points» or «file name»}|
\subsection{Draw a Step of the Bowyer and Watson Algorithm}
\commande|\meshAddPointBW[«options»]{«list of points» or «file name»}{«point» or «number of line»}|
-\section{The \emph{inc} Macros}
+\section{The \emph{inc} Macros}\label{sec:inc}
\section{Gallery of Examples}