From: Jean-Michel Sarlat Date: Wed, 19 Oct 2011 19:59:11 +0000 (+0200) Subject: Création du dossier avec psftopst dedans... X-Git-Url:;h=9eee0699194e5bdd4a8c0bf41e27b29bc3648559;p=pst-anamorphosis.git Création du dossier avec psftopst dedans... --- diff --git a/GILGTEST/eiffel.eps b/GILGTEST/eiffel.eps deleted file mode 100644 index d8a6e82..0000000 --- a/GILGTEST/eiffel.eps +++ /dev/null @@ -1,2715 +0,0 @@ -%!PS-Adobe-3.0 -%%Title: flattened PostScript generated from file: effel4.eps -%%Creator: pstoedit -%%BoundingBox: (atend) -%%Pages: (atend) -%%EndComments -%%BeginProlog -/setPageSize { pop pop } def -/ntranslate { neg exch neg exch translate } def -/p2esetcolorname { pop } def -/setshowparams { pop pop pop} def -/awidthshowhex { dup length 0 gt { dup /ASCIIHexDecode filter exch length 2 div cvi string readstring pop } if awidthshow } def -/awidthshowhexwithglyphs { true { pop awidthshowhex } { { glyphshow } forall pop } ifelse } def -/backendconstraints { pop pop } def -/pstoedit.newfont { 80 string cvs findfont dup length dict begin {1 index /FID ne {def} {pop pop} ifelse} forall /Encoding ISOLatin1Encoding def dup 80 string cvs /FontName exch def currentdict end definefont pop } def -/imagestring 1 string def -%%EndProlog -%%BeginSetup -% pstoedit.textastext pstoedit.doflatten backendconstraints -1 0 backendconstraints -%%EndSetup -%%Page: 1 1 - 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0.828125 30.9414 0.824219 31.625 0.773438 32.3047 curveto - 0.695312 31.6289 0.6875 30.9375 0.773438 30.2617 curveto - 1.19141 31.293 moveto - 1.17188 30.9414 1.13672 30.5781 1.28125 30.25 curveto - 1.31641 30.6484 1.24609 31.043 1.25391 31.4375 curveto - 1.25781 31.7227 1.26562 32.0039 1.23828 32.2852 curveto - 1.19922 31.957 1.21484 31.6211 1.19141 31.293 curveto - -2.4375 30.1289 moveto - -2.44141 29.9297 -2.44141 29.7305 -2.44141 29.5312 curveto - -2.31641 29.5312 -2.19141 29.5312 -2.06641 29.5312 curveto - -2.06641 29.7305 -2.07031 29.9258 -2.07031 30.125 curveto - -2.19141 30.125 -2.31641 30.1289 -2.4375 30.1289 curveto - -1.74609 30.125 moveto - -1.74609 29.9258 -1.75 29.7305 -1.75 29.5312 curveto - -1.55078 29.5312 -1.35156 29.5312 -1.15234 29.5312 curveto - -1.15234 29.7305 -1.15234 29.9258 -1.15234 30.125 curveto - -1.35156 30.125 -1.54688 30.125 -1.74609 30.125 curveto - -0.867188 30.125 moveto - -0.867188 29.9258 -0.863281 29.7266 -0.863281 29.5273 curveto - -0.664062 29.5312 -0.464844 29.5312 -0.265625 29.5352 curveto - -0.265625 29.7305 -0.265625 29.9258 -0.265625 30.125 curveto - -0.464844 30.125 -0.664062 30.125 -0.867188 30.125 curveto - 0.0117188 30.1211 moveto - 0.015625 29.9219 0.0195312 29.7227 0.0195312 29.5234 curveto - 0.207031 29.5273 0.390625 29.5273 0.578125 29.5234 curveto - 0.578125 29.7227 0.582031 29.9219 0.585938 30.1211 curveto - 0.394531 30.1211 0.203125 30.1211 0.0117188 30.1211 curveto - 0.867188 30.1172 moveto - 0.863281 29.9219 0.863281 29.7305 0.859375 29.5352 curveto - 1.0625 29.5312 1.26172 29.5312 1.46094 29.5273 curveto - 1.45703 29.7266 1.45703 29.9258 1.45703 30.1289 curveto - 1.25781 30.125 1.0625 30.1211 0.867188 30.1172 curveto - 1.77734 30.125 moveto - 1.78516 29.9258 1.78906 29.7227 1.79688 29.5234 curveto - 1.9375 29.5234 2.07812 29.5273 2.22266 29.5273 curveto - 2.22266 29.7227 2.22656 29.9219 2.23047 30.1172 curveto - 2.07812 30.1211 1.92969 30.125 1.77734 30.125 curveto - -1.01172 29.457 moveto - -1.04297 29.0156 -0.875 28.5977 -0.707031 28.1992 curveto - -0.707031 28.6328 -0.734375 29.1055 -1.01172 29.457 curveto - 0.617188 29.3828 moveto - 0.539062 29.0859 0.484375 28.7773 0.5 28.4688 curveto - 0.660156 28.7539 0.753906 29.0664 0.816406 29.3867 curveto - 0.765625 29.3828 0.664062 29.3828 0.617188 29.3828 curveto - -1.55078 29.3906 moveto - -1.51172 28.9375 -1.29688 28.5273 -1.05469 28.1484 curveto - -1.12891 28.5859 -1.21875 29.0625 -1.55078 29.3906 curveto - -0.519531 29.3164 moveto - -0.484375 28.9961 -0.445312 28.6758 -0.363281 28.3633 curveto - -0.246094 28.668 -0.25 28.9961 -0.273438 29.3164 curveto - -0.335938 29.3164 -0.457031 29.3164 -0.519531 29.3164 curveto - 0.0351562 29.3203 moveto - 0.0195312 28.9453 0.0078125 28.5664 0.0546875 28.1875 curveto - 0.164062 28.5469 0.222656 28.918 0.277344 29.2891 curveto - 0.195312 29.3008 0.113281 29.3125 0.0351562 29.3203 curveto - 0.789062 28.1914 moveto - 1.06641 28.5352 1.26172 28.9453 1.29688 29.3867 curveto - 0.976562 29.0703 0.894531 28.6094 0.789062 28.1914 curveto - -0.699219 27.2305 moveto - -0.703125 27.0508 -0.703125 26.8672 -0.703125 26.6875 curveto - -0.605469 26.8438 -0.527344 27.0117 -0.445312 27.1758 curveto - -0.507812 27.1914 -0.636719 27.2188 -0.699219 27.2305 curveto - 0.246094 27.1914 moveto - 0.324219 27.0273 0.398438 26.8672 0.472656 26.707 curveto - 0.480469 26.875 0.488281 27.0391 0.492188 27.207 curveto - 0.410156 27.1992 0.328125 27.1953 0.246094 27.1914 curveto - -1.28906 27.1875 moveto - -1.17578 26.9688 -1.0625 26.7539 -0.933594 26.5469 curveto - -0.925781 26.7539 -0.917969 26.9609 -0.914062 27.168 curveto - -1.03906 27.1758 -1.16406 27.1836 -1.28906 27.1875 curveto - 0.726562 27.168 moveto - 0.730469 26.9648 0.734375 26.7617 0.746094 26.5625 curveto - 0.851562 26.7578 0.957031 26.9609 1.05859 27.1641 curveto - 0.949219 27.1641 0.839844 27.1641 0.726562 27.168 curveto - -1.35156 26.7734 moveto - -1.36719 26.5664 -1.37109 26.3555 -1.375 26.1445 curveto - -1.25391 26.1445 -1.13672 26.1445 -1.01562 26.1484 curveto - -1.10938 26.3633 -1.21875 26.5781 -1.35156 26.7734 curveto - -0.695312 26.1016 moveto - -0.632812 26.0977 -0.511719 26.082 -0.453125 26.0742 curveto - -0.460938 26.2539 -0.472656 26.4297 -0.484375 26.6094 curveto - -0.554688 26.4414 -0.625 26.2734 -0.695312 26.1016 curveto - 0.804688 26.1523 moveto - 0.921875 26.1523 1.03906 26.1523 1.15625 26.1523 curveto - 1.125 26.3164 1.09766 26.4805 1.06641 26.6445 curveto - 0.980469 26.4805 0.894531 26.3164 0.804688 26.1523 curveto - 0.230469 26.1055 moveto - 0.289062 26.0977 0.40625 26.0859 0.464844 26.0781 curveto - 0.398438 26.2422 0.351562 26.4141 0.28125 26.5742 curveto - 0.265625 26.418 0.242188 26.2617 0.230469 26.1055 curveto - -1.37891 25.9258 moveto - -1.37891 25.6602 -1.37891 25.3945 -1.35547 25.1289 curveto - -1.20703 25.3711 -1.08594 25.6328 -1.0 25.9062 curveto - -1.125 25.9141 -1.25391 25.9219 -1.37891 25.9258 curveto - -0.703125 25.8711 moveto - -0.621094 25.7148 -0.539062 25.5625 -0.449219 25.4141 curveto - -0.441406 25.5703 -0.4375 25.7305 -0.433594 25.8906 curveto - -0.5 25.8867 -0.636719 25.875 -0.703125 25.8711 curveto - 0.179688 25.8789 moveto - 0.175781 25.6562 0.175781 25.4336 0.179688 25.2148 curveto - 0.285156 25.4297 0.375 25.6484 0.453125 25.875 curveto - 0.363281 25.875 0.269531 25.875 0.179688 25.8789 curveto - 0.789062 25.8906 moveto - 0.878906 25.7109 0.96875 25.5352 1.0625 25.3594 curveto - 1.10156 25.5391 1.13672 25.7148 1.17188 25.8945 curveto - 1.04297 25.8945 0.914062 25.8906 0.789062 25.8906 curveto - -1.28125 24.7617 moveto - -1.16406 24.7539 -1.04688 24.7422 -0.929688 24.7344 curveto - -0.929688 24.9414 -0.933594 25.1484 -0.941406 25.3555 curveto - -1.06641 25.1641 -1.17578 24.9648 -1.28125 24.7617 curveto - 0.152344 24.6641 moveto - 0.285156 24.668 0.417969 24.6758 0.554688 24.6836 curveto - 0.550781 24.9023 0.550781 25.125 0.539062 25.3438 curveto - 0.382812 25.1328 0.261719 24.9023 0.152344 24.6641 curveto - 0.765625 25.3242 moveto - 0.765625 25.125 0.769531 24.9219 0.773438 24.7227 curveto - 0.863281 24.7383 0.957031 24.7578 1.05078 24.7773 curveto - 0.957031 24.9609 0.863281 25.1445 0.765625 25.3242 curveto - -0.6875 25.2344 moveto - -0.707031 25.0703 -0.742188 24.8984 -0.707031 24.7344 curveto - -0.609375 24.6836 -0.507812 24.6562 -0.394531 24.6484 curveto - -0.457031 24.8594 -0.550781 25.0586 -0.6875 25.2344 curveto - 0.304688 24.2344 moveto - 0.382812 24.0391 0.464844 23.8477 0.550781 23.6523 curveto - 0.523438 23.9023 0.5 24.1523 0.472656 24.3984 curveto - 0.414062 24.3438 0.359375 24.2891 0.304688 24.2344 curveto - 0.792969 24.3555 moveto - 0.789062 24.1719 0.792969 23.9883 0.792969 23.8047 curveto - 0.859375 24.0 0.929688 24.1953 0.992188 24.3906 curveto - 0.941406 24.3828 0.84375 24.3633 0.792969 24.3555 curveto - -0.679688 24.2188 moveto - -0.746094 24.1641 -0.722656 24.0195 -0.625 24.0273 curveto - -0.484375 24.0469 -0.546875 24.3125 -0.679688 24.2188 curveto - 0.816406 22.957 moveto - 0.933594 22.9492 1.05078 22.9453 1.16797 22.9414 curveto - 1.16797 23.2578 1.16406 23.5781 1.15625 23.8945 curveto - 1.02734 23.5898 0.914062 23.2773 0.816406 22.957 curveto - -0.671875 22.9414 moveto - -0.554688 22.9375 -0.4375 22.9336 -0.320312 22.9258 curveto - -0.320312 23.2266 -0.324219 23.5312 -0.347656 23.832 curveto - -0.476562 23.543 -0.582031 23.2461 -0.671875 22.9414 curveto - -1.35156 23.7773 moveto - -1.375 23.5039 -1.37109 23.2266 -1.35547 22.9531 curveto - -1.24609 22.9492 -1.13281 22.9453 -1.02344 22.9414 curveto - -1.09375 23.2344 -1.19922 23.5195 -1.35156 23.7773 curveto - 0.152344 23.7227 moveto - 0.121094 23.4492 0.117188 23.1719 0.113281 22.8945 curveto - 0.195312 22.8945 0.355469 22.8984 0.4375 22.8984 curveto - 0.390625 23.1875 0.3125 23.4727 0.152344 23.7227 curveto - -1.32812 22.5859 moveto - -1.4375 22.3789 -1.35938 22.1211 -1.35156 21.8984 curveto - -1.20703 22.1367 -1.11719 22.4023 -1.07422 22.6797 curveto - -1.13672 22.6562 -1.26562 22.6094 -1.32812 22.5859 curveto - -0.605469 22.5859 moveto - -0.53125 22.332 -0.449219 22.0742 -0.347656 21.8281 curveto - -0.324219 22.082 -0.320312 22.3398 -0.316406 22.5977 curveto - -0.414062 22.5938 -0.507812 22.5898 -0.605469 22.5859 curveto - 0.09375 22.5859 moveto - 0.0546875 22.3086 0.0390625 22.0273 0.0625 21.7461 curveto - 0.238281 22.0 0.339844 22.2969 0.402344 22.5977 curveto - 0.300781 22.5938 0.199219 22.5898 0.09375 22.5859 curveto - 0.894531 22.6328 moveto - 0.957031 22.3398 1.05078 22.0586 1.16016 21.7812 curveto - 1.16797 22.0664 1.17188 22.3477 1.17188 22.6328 curveto - 1.07812 22.6328 0.984375 22.6328 0.894531 22.6328 curveto - -0.679688 21.7617 moveto - -0.703125 21.4766 -0.707031 21.1914 -0.707031 20.9062 curveto - -0.625 20.9062 -0.464844 20.9062 -0.382812 20.9062 curveto - -0.441406 21.2031 -0.53125 21.4961 -0.679688 21.7617 curveto - 0.140625 20.9141 moveto - 0.257812 20.9141 0.378906 20.9141 0.496094 20.9141 curveto - 0.492188 21.2031 0.488281 21.4883 0.460938 21.7773 curveto - 0.335938 21.4961 0.230469 21.207 0.140625 20.9141 curveto - -1.34375 20.9414 moveto - -1.25781 20.9375 -1.08594 20.9297 -1.0 20.9219 curveto - -1.01172 21.1641 -1.01953 21.4023 -1.04688 21.6406 curveto - -1.16797 21.418 -1.26172 21.1836 -1.34375 20.9414 curveto - 0.789062 20.9023 moveto - 0.898438 20.918 1.01172 20.9375 1.12109 20.9531 curveto - 1.04688 21.1914 0.96875 21.4297 0.875 21.6641 curveto - 0.804688 21.418 0.78125 21.1602 0.789062 20.9023 curveto - -1.35938 20.6211 moveto - -1.29688 20.3125 -1.19531 20.0117 -1.03906 19.7383 curveto - -1.01562 20.0312 -1.01562 20.3242 -1.02734 20.6172 curveto - -1.13672 20.6172 -1.25 20.6211 -1.35938 20.6211 curveto - -0.691406 19.8594 moveto - -0.550781 20.0664 -0.445312 20.293 -0.34375 20.5234 curveto - -0.445312 20.5664 -0.546875 20.6133 -0.644531 20.6562 curveto - -0.703125 20.3945 -0.71875 20.125 -0.691406 19.8594 curveto - 0.128906 20.5703 moveto - 0.226562 20.3086 0.339844 20.0547 0.476562 19.8125 curveto - 0.492188 20.0625 0.492188 20.3164 0.496094 20.5703 curveto - 0.371094 20.5703 0.253906 20.5703 0.128906 20.5703 curveto - 0.777344 20.5586 moveto - 0.785156 20.293 0.8125 20.0312 0.878906 19.7734 curveto - 0.992188 20.0273 1.08594 20.293 1.17188 20.5586 curveto - 1.03906 20.5625 0.90625 20.5625 0.777344 20.5586 curveto - 0.046875 19.9531 moveto - 0.0273438 19.6523 0.0273438 19.3516 0.0273438 19.0469 curveto - 0.179688 19.0469 0.335938 19.0469 0.488281 19.0469 curveto - 0.355469 19.3555 0.21875 19.6641 0.046875 19.9531 curveto - -1.45312 19.75 moveto - -1.46875 19.5156 -1.47656 19.2812 -1.48438 19.0469 curveto - -1.35938 19.0469 -1.23438 19.0469 -1.10938 19.0469 curveto - -1.21094 19.2891 -1.32031 19.5234 -1.45312 19.75 curveto - -0.679688 19.0469 moveto - -0.539062 19.0469 -0.402344 19.0469 -0.261719 19.043 curveto - -0.261719 19.2891 -0.285156 19.5391 -0.339844 19.7773 curveto - -0.464844 19.5391 -0.574219 19.293 -0.679688 19.0469 curveto - 0.933594 19.0469 moveto - 1.03906 19.0508 1.14453 19.0508 1.25391 19.0508 curveto - 1.24609 19.2812 1.23828 19.5117 1.22266 19.7422 curveto - 1.10156 19.5195 1.01172 19.2852 0.933594 19.0469 curveto - -1.47266 18.7773 moveto - -1.51953 18.5156 -1.53516 18.2461 -1.51562 17.9805 curveto - -1.33594 18.2109 -1.21875 18.4805 -1.12109 18.7539 curveto - -1.21094 18.7578 -1.38672 18.7695 -1.47266 18.7773 curveto - 0.03125 18.6719 moveto - 0.0273438 18.3711 0.03125 18.0664 0.0585938 17.7656 curveto - 0.28125 18.0547 0.394531 18.3984 0.457031 18.7539 curveto - 0.3125 18.7227 0.171875 18.6992 0.03125 18.6719 curveto - 0.929688 18.7539 moveto - 1.01562 18.4648 1.12891 18.1836 1.28125 17.9297 curveto - 1.30469 18.2031 1.30078 18.4805 1.29297 18.7539 curveto - 1.17188 18.7539 1.05078 18.7539 0.929688 18.7539 curveto - -0.683594 18.6953 moveto - -0.582031 18.418 -0.476562 18.1367 -0.347656 17.8711 curveto - -0.269531 18.1367 -0.253906 18.4141 -0.257812 18.6914 curveto - -0.398438 18.6953 -0.539062 18.6953 -0.683594 18.6953 curveto - -1.42969 17.1523 moveto - -1.30859 17.1523 -1.1875 17.1484 -1.0625 17.1445 curveto - -1.04297 17.457 -1.02734 17.7695 -1.04297 18.082 curveto - -1.22266 17.7969 -1.34766 17.4805 -1.42969 17.1523 curveto - 0.863281 18.0859 moveto - 0.84375 17.7734 0.839844 17.4609 0.84375 17.1484 curveto - 0.984375 17.1484 1.12109 17.1484 1.25781 17.1445 curveto - 1.15625 17.4727 1.02344 17.7852 0.863281 18.0859 curveto - -0.761719 17.8242 moveto - -0.78125 17.6289 -0.796875 17.4297 -0.785156 17.2305 curveto - -0.679688 17.1406 -0.53125 17.1406 -0.402344 17.1055 curveto - -0.464844 17.3672 -0.582031 17.6172 -0.761719 17.8242 curveto - 0.203125 17.1406 moveto - 0.324219 17.1406 0.449219 17.1406 0.570312 17.1406 curveto - 0.5625 17.375 0.535156 17.6094 0.476562 17.8359 curveto - 0.375 17.6094 0.285156 17.375 0.203125 17.1406 curveto - -1.51953 16.8125 moveto - -1.42969 16.4727 -1.32031 16.1328 -1.17969 15.8086 curveto - -1.07422 16.1406 -1.0625 16.4883 -1.08203 16.832 curveto - -1.22656 16.8242 -1.37109 16.8203 -1.51953 16.8125 curveto - -0.796875 16.7695 moveto - -0.800781 16.4766 -0.804688 16.1836 -0.777344 15.8906 curveto - -0.582031 16.1797 -0.417969 16.4883 -0.285156 16.8086 curveto - -0.457031 16.7969 -0.625 16.7852 -0.796875 16.7695 curveto - 0.101562 16.8047 moveto - 0.222656 16.4766 0.386719 16.1602 0.574219 15.8633 curveto - 0.582031 16.168 0.578125 16.4688 0.574219 16.7695 curveto - 0.417969 16.7812 0.257812 16.7969 0.101562 16.8047 curveto - 0.84375 16.8242 moveto - 0.847656 16.5117 0.878906 16.1953 0.96875 15.8945 curveto - 1.13672 16.1797 1.23828 16.4961 1.32812 16.8164 curveto - 1.16406 16.8203 1.00391 16.8242 0.84375 16.8242 curveto - 1.10547 15.3047 moveto - 1.22266 15.3008 1.33984 15.2969 1.45703 15.2891 curveto - 1.44531 15.5703 1.41406 15.8477 1.37891 16.125 curveto - 1.27734 15.8555 1.19141 15.582 1.10547 15.3047 curveto - -0.714844 15.3086 moveto - -0.566406 15.3047 -0.417969 15.3086 -0.273438 15.3047 curveto - -0.28125 15.5508 -0.304688 15.793 -0.34375 16.0312 curveto - -0.480469 15.7969 -0.605469 15.5547 -0.714844 15.3086 curveto - -1.65234 15.9688 moveto - -1.67969 15.7461 -1.6875 15.5195 -1.69531 15.293 curveto - -1.56641 15.2969 -1.43359 15.3008 -1.30469 15.3047 curveto - -1.38672 15.543 -1.48828 15.7734 -1.65234 15.9688 curveto - 0.128906 15.9609 moveto - 0.113281 15.7422 0.109375 15.5195 0.113281 15.2969 curveto - 0.253906 15.3047 0.394531 15.3125 0.535156 15.3242 curveto - 0.414062 15.543 0.285156 15.7617 0.128906 15.9609 curveto - -0.820312 15.0195 moveto - -0.738281 14.5547 -0.558594 14.1133 -0.34375 13.6953 curveto - -0.308594 14.1367 -0.3125 14.582 -0.335938 15.0234 curveto - -0.496094 15.0234 -0.660156 15.0195 -0.820312 15.0195 curveto - 0.136719 15.0156 moveto - 0.109375 14.5977 0.109375 14.1797 0.148438 13.7656 curveto - 0.351562 14.1328 0.484375 14.5352 0.617188 14.9336 curveto - 0.457031 14.9609 0.296875 14.9883 0.136719 15.0156 curveto - -1.70312 14.9453 moveto - -1.71484 14.6719 -1.73438 14.3984 -1.72656 14.1211 curveto - -1.53906 14.3828 -1.39062 14.6641 -1.25781 14.9531 curveto - -1.40625 14.9531 -1.55469 14.9492 -1.70312 14.9453 curveto - 1.08984 14.9531 moveto - 1.17969 14.668 1.30469 14.3828 1.52344 14.168 curveto - 1.53906 14.4336 1.50781 14.6992 1.45703 14.957 curveto - 1.33203 14.957 1.21094 14.957 1.08984 14.9531 curveto - 0.359375 13.3125 moveto - 0.5 13.3438 0.640625 13.375 0.78125 13.4062 curveto - 0.757812 13.7148 0.726562 14.0195 0.691406 14.3281 curveto - 0.5625 13.9961 0.4375 13.6602 0.359375 13.3125 curveto - -1.69922 13.4531 moveto - -1.55469 13.4297 -1.41406 13.4062 -1.26953 13.3828 curveto - -1.25781 13.6602 -1.24609 13.9414 -1.25781 14.2188 curveto - -1.42578 13.9766 -1.5625 13.7148 -1.69922 13.4531 curveto - -0.898438 14.1445 moveto - -0.941406 13.8594 -0.9375 13.5703 -0.878906 13.2891 curveto - -0.800781 13.3047 -0.640625 13.332 -0.558594 13.3477 curveto - -0.648438 13.625 -0.75 13.8945 -0.898438 14.1445 curveto - 1.08594 13.3867 moveto - 1.21484 13.3945 1.34766 13.4023 1.48047 13.4102 curveto - 1.37109 13.6797 1.24609 13.9453 1.08984 14.1914 curveto - 1.04297 13.9258 1.05078 13.6523 1.08594 13.3867 curveto - -1.73047 13.0742 moveto - -1.62891 12.8086 -1.52344 12.543 -1.39453 12.2891 curveto - -1.30859 12.5391 -1.27734 12.8047 -1.26172 13.0664 curveto - -1.41797 13.0703 -1.57422 13.0742 -1.73047 13.0742 curveto - -1.00391 13.0312 moveto - -1.01562 12.6797 -1.02344 12.3281 -1.01562 11.9766 curveto - -0.792969 12.3203 -0.582031 12.6719 -0.40625 13.0391 curveto - -0.605469 13.0391 -0.804688 13.0352 -1.00391 13.0312 curveto - 0.203125 13.0352 moveto - 0.382812 12.6719 0.59375 12.3242 0.816406 11.9883 curveto - 0.808594 12.3398 0.792969 12.6914 0.777344 13.043 curveto - 0.585938 13.043 0.394531 13.0391 0.203125 13.0352 curveto - 1.07812 13.0703 moveto - 1.08203 12.7734 1.09766 12.4766 1.13672 12.1797 curveto - 1.30469 12.4609 1.41406 12.7656 1.50781 13.0781 curveto - 1.36328 13.0742 1.22266 13.0742 1.07812 13.0703 curveto - 0.171875 12.4688 moveto - 0.15625 12.0898 0.171875 11.7148 0.222656 11.3398 curveto - 0.410156 11.3672 0.59375 11.3984 0.777344 11.4297 curveto - 0.59375 11.7891 0.40625 12.1406 0.171875 12.4688 curveto - 1.25781 11.5117 moveto - 1.4375 11.5195 1.61328 11.5312 1.79297 11.5469 curveto - 1.75781 11.8555 1.69141 12.1641 1.62891 12.4688 curveto - 1.47266 12.1641 1.35547 11.8398 1.25781 11.5117 curveto - -1.98047 11.5391 moveto - -1.80078 11.5273 -1.625 11.5195 -1.44531 11.5156 curveto - -1.54688 11.8164 -1.66016 12.1094 -1.81641 12.3867 curveto - -1.91016 12.1133 -1.95312 11.8242 -1.98047 11.5391 curveto - -1.02344 11.4023 moveto - -0.828125 11.3828 -0.628906 11.3672 -0.429688 11.3516 curveto - -0.417969 11.668 -0.410156 11.9883 -0.429688 12.3047 curveto - -0.679688 12.0391 -0.859375 11.7188 -1.02344 11.4023 curveto - -2.03516 11.2227 moveto - -2.07812 10.8594 -2.11328 10.4961 -2.14453 10.1328 curveto - -1.91797 10.4609 -1.70703 10.8008 -1.51562 11.1523 curveto - -1.6875 11.1797 -1.86328 11.2031 -2.03516 11.2227 curveto - 0.257812 11.0547 moveto - 0.253906 10.6719 0.257812 10.2812 0.296875 9.89844 curveto - 0.453125 10.3086 0.613281 10.7188 0.753906 11.1328 curveto - 0.589844 11.1055 0.425781 11.082 0.257812 11.0547 curveto - 1.32031 11.1836 moveto - 1.45703 10.8555 1.64062 10.5469 1.85938 10.2656 curveto - 1.85156 10.5781 1.83203 10.8906 1.82031 11.2031 curveto - 1.65234 11.1992 1.48438 11.1953 1.32031 11.1836 curveto - -0.917969 11.0625 moveto - -0.8125 10.6602 -0.660156 10.2734 -0.492188 9.89453 curveto - -0.46875 10.2852 -0.457031 10.6719 -0.453125 11.0586 curveto - -0.609375 11.0625 -0.761719 11.0625 -0.917969 11.0625 curveto - 0.453125 9.44922 moveto - 0.640625 9.46484 0.828125 9.48047 1.01953 9.49609 curveto - 1.01562 9.91797 0.992188 10.3359 0.925781 10.75 curveto - 0.746094 10.3242 0.582031 9.89453 0.453125 9.44922 curveto - -1.11328 10.6211 moveto - -1.16016 10.25 -1.21484 9.87891 -1.25 9.50391 curveto - -1.05469 9.48438 -0.855469 9.46094 -0.660156 9.4375 curveto - -0.785156 9.84375 -0.917969 10.2461 -1.11328 10.6211 curveto - -2.11328 9.55859 moveto - -1.91797 9.55078 -1.71875 9.53906 -1.52344 9.53516 curveto - -1.49219 9.87109 -1.46484 10.207 -1.47656 10.5469 curveto - -1.74219 10.25 -1.94141 9.91016 -2.11328 9.55859 curveto - 1.30078 10.4805 moveto - 1.28906 10.1562 1.30078 9.83594 1.32422 9.51172 curveto - 1.51562 9.52734 1.70312 9.54688 1.89453 9.5625 curveto - 1.75 9.90234 1.5625 10.2227 1.30078 10.4805 curveto - 1.36328 9.10156 moveto - 1.375 8.79297 1.40234 8.48828 1.46484 8.1875 curveto - 1.63672 8.48828 1.78125 8.80859 1.87891 9.14453 curveto - 1.70703 9.13281 1.53516 9.11719 1.36328 9.10156 curveto - -2.0625 9.12891 moveto - -1.97266 8.81641 -1.86328 8.5 -1.64062 8.25391 curveto - -1.60547 8.53906 -1.59766 8.82812 -1.59375 9.11328 curveto - -1.75 9.12109 -1.90625 9.125 -2.0625 9.12891 curveto - -1.28906 9.07031 moveto - -1.30078 8.77734 -1.3125 8.48047 -1.30078 8.1875 curveto - -1.04688 8.42578 -0.855469 8.71875 -0.765625 9.05469 curveto - -0.9375 9.05859 -1.11328 9.06641 -1.28906 9.07031 curveto - 0.511719 9.04297 moveto - 0.640625 8.73828 0.824219 8.45703 1.07031 8.23438 curveto - 1.09375 8.51562 1.08984 8.79297 1.07812 9.07422 curveto - 0.890625 9.06641 0.699219 9.05469 0.511719 9.04297 curveto - 0.386719 8.64062 moveto - 0.386719 8.27734 0.398438 7.91406 0.417969 7.55078 curveto - 0.636719 7.55078 0.855469 7.55469 1.07422 7.55859 curveto - 0.863281 7.93359 0.625 8.28516 0.386719 8.64062 curveto - -2.38281 7.58203 moveto - -2.16406 7.57812 -1.94141 7.57422 -1.71875 7.57422 curveto - -1.875 7.92578 -2.03125 8.27734 -2.25391 8.59375 curveto - -2.33203 8.26172 -2.36719 7.92188 -2.38281 7.58203 curveto - -1.27734 7.55859 moveto - -1.06641 7.55078 -0.859375 7.54688 -0.652344 7.54688 curveto - -0.632812 7.875 -0.617188 8.20312 -0.625 8.53125 curveto - -0.882812 8.23828 -1.08594 7.89844 -1.27734 7.55859 curveto - 1.54297 7.57031 moveto - 1.74609 7.57422 1.94922 7.58594 2.15234 7.60156 curveto - 2.14844 7.92969 2.10938 8.26172 1.98828 8.57031 curveto - 1.8125 8.25 1.66016 7.91797 1.54297 7.57031 curveto - -0.273438 7.75781 moveto - -0.386719 7.73438 -0.382812 7.52344 -0.269531 7.49609 curveto - -0.152344 7.51953 -0.15625 7.73438 -0.273438 7.75781 curveto - -2.46094 7.26562 moveto - -2.52344 6.90625 -2.56641 6.54297 -2.57031 6.17578 curveto - -2.26562 6.49219 -2.04688 6.875 -1.85156 7.26172 curveto - -2.05469 7.26562 -2.25781 7.26562 -2.46094 7.26562 curveto - -1.26953 7.24609 moveto - -1.11719 6.86328 -0.960938 6.47656 -0.730469 6.13281 curveto - -0.703125 6.5 -0.691406 6.86719 -0.695312 7.23438 curveto - -0.886719 7.23438 -1.07812 7.24219 -1.26953 7.24609 curveto - 0.484375 7.22656 moveto - 0.480469 6.86328 0.488281 6.50391 0.523438 6.14062 curveto - 0.746094 6.48828 0.914062 6.86328 1.09375 7.23047 curveto - 0.890625 7.23047 0.6875 7.23047 0.484375 7.22656 curveto - 1.66797 7.25391 moveto - 1.83984 6.88672 2.05469 6.53906 2.34375 6.25391 curveto - 2.3125 6.58984 2.26172 6.92578 2.23047 7.26172 curveto - 2.04297 7.26172 1.85547 7.25781 1.66797 7.25391 curveto - -2.41797 5.69922 moveto - -2.23047 5.69531 -2.04297 5.69141 -1.85156 5.68359 curveto - -1.76562 6.07031 -1.72656 6.46094 -1.75 6.85547 curveto - -2.0 6.48828 -2.21875 6.09766 -2.41797 5.69922 curveto - 1.55469 6.78906 moveto - 1.54688 6.42188 1.58203 6.05078 1.62109 5.68359 curveto - 1.82812 5.6875 2.03906 5.69531 2.25 5.70312 curveto - 2.03125 6.07422 1.81641 6.44922 1.55469 6.78906 curveto - -1.52734 5.69531 moveto - -1.32812 5.65625 -1.13281 5.61719 -0.933594 5.58594 curveto - -1.01562 5.98047 -1.15625 6.35938 -1.37891 6.69531 curveto - -1.48438 6.37109 -1.50781 6.03125 -1.52734 5.69531 curveto - 0.703125 5.60156 moveto - 0.898438 5.62891 1.16016 5.53516 1.29688 5.71875 curveto - 1.33594 6.04688 1.26562 6.37109 1.19922 6.69141 curveto - 0.960938 6.36719 0.796875 5.99219 0.703125 5.60156 curveto - -0.515625 5.3125 moveto - -0.417969 5.31641 -0.320312 5.32031 -0.222656 5.32422 curveto - -0.207031 5.66406 -0.203125 6.0 -0.222656 6.33594 curveto - -0.347656 6.00391 -0.449219 5.66016 -0.515625 5.3125 curveto - -0.0078125 5.50781 moveto - -0.015625 5.34766 0.152344 5.32812 0.265625 5.27344 curveto - 0.234375 5.59766 0.164062 5.92188 0.0664062 6.23438 curveto - 0.0195312 5.99609 -0.0429688 5.75 -0.0078125 5.50781 curveto - -2.61328 5.30469 moveto - -2.48828 4.91797 -2.29688 4.5625 -2.07031 4.22656 curveto - -1.94922 4.56641 -1.89844 4.92969 -1.87891 5.28906 curveto - -2.12109 5.30078 -2.36719 5.30859 -2.61328 5.30469 curveto - -1.54688 5.24609 moveto - -1.61719 4.93359 -1.67969 4.61328 -1.70312 4.29297 curveto - -1.45312 4.58984 -1.21484 4.89453 -1.02734 5.23047 curveto - -1.19922 5.23828 -1.375 5.24219 -1.54688 5.24609 curveto - 0.804688 5.23047 moveto - 0.980469 4.92969 1.19922 4.65234 1.45312 4.41406 curveto - 1.4375 4.6875 1.40625 4.96484 1.375 5.23828 curveto - 1.1875 5.23828 0.996094 5.23828 0.804688 5.23047 curveto - 1.66797 5.29688 moveto - 1.69141 4.92969 1.77344 4.56641 1.85547 4.20703 curveto - 2.08984 4.54297 2.27344 4.91406 2.39844 5.30078 curveto - 2.15234 5.30859 1.91016 5.30469 1.66797 5.29688 curveto - 0.0546875 4.46094 moveto - 0.167969 4.67188 0.253906 4.89453 0.253906 5.13672 curveto - -0.0117188 5.00391 0.00390625 4.71094 0.0546875 4.46094 curveto - -0.46875 4.97656 moveto - -0.386719 4.81641 -0.304688 4.65625 -0.21875 4.49609 curveto - -0.207031 4.66406 -0.199219 4.83594 -0.191406 5.00391 curveto - -0.261719 5.0 -0.398438 4.98438 -0.46875 4.97656 curveto - -2.75781 4.76953 moveto - -2.83594 4.46094 -2.89453 4.14844 -2.91797 3.82812 curveto - -2.69922 3.81641 -2.48047 3.80469 -2.26172 3.79688 curveto - -2.375 4.14453 -2.53906 4.47656 -2.75781 4.76953 curveto - -1.75 3.72656 moveto - -1.47266 3.71484 -1.19922 3.71094 -0.925781 3.71094 curveto - -0.898438 4.07812 -0.867188 4.44141 -0.878906 4.80469 curveto - -1.23438 4.50781 -1.50391 4.12109 -1.75 3.72656 curveto - 2.0625 3.80859 moveto - 2.26953 3.80859 2.47656 3.81641 2.68359 3.82422 curveto - 2.67188 4.15625 2.63281 4.48828 2.55469 4.8125 curveto - 2.34766 4.5 2.19141 4.16016 2.0625 3.80859 curveto - 0.71875 4.76172 moveto - 0.703125 4.41016 0.71875 4.05859 0.730469 3.71094 curveto - 1.01562 3.71094 1.29688 3.71484 1.57812 3.73047 curveto - 1.3125 4.08984 1.05859 4.46484 0.71875 4.76172 curveto - -0.660156 3.78906 moveto - -0.507812 3.80078 -0.359375 3.8125 -0.210938 3.82812 curveto - -0.308594 4.08203 -0.421875 4.33203 -0.542969 4.57422 curveto - -0.605469 4.32031 -0.644531 4.05469 -0.660156 3.78906 curveto - 0.0664062 3.81641 moveto - 0.179688 3.81641 0.296875 3.81641 0.410156 3.8125 curveto - 0.390625 4.05859 0.363281 4.30078 0.332031 4.53906 curveto - 0.238281 4.30078 0.152344 4.05859 0.0664062 3.81641 curveto - -2.96484 3.50781 moveto - -3.05859 3.18359 -3.13672 2.85156 -3.12109 2.51172 curveto - -2.82812 2.80078 -2.58594 3.13281 -2.37891 3.48438 curveto - -2.57812 3.49219 -2.77344 3.5 -2.96484 3.50781 curveto - -0.695312 3.5 moveto - -0.699219 3.20703 -0.707031 2.91016 -0.6875 2.61328 curveto - -0.511719 2.89453 -0.390625 3.21094 -0.289062 3.53125 curveto - -0.425781 3.52344 -0.558594 3.51172 -0.695312 3.5 curveto - 0.121094 3.52734 moveto - 0.207031 3.26172 0.316406 3.0 0.46875 2.75781 curveto - 0.476562 3.01172 0.460938 3.26953 0.433594 3.52344 curveto - 0.328125 3.52344 0.222656 3.52734 0.121094 3.52734 curveto - 2.18359 3.47656 moveto - 2.375 3.13281 2.61719 2.82422 2.89453 2.55078 curveto - 2.86719 2.86719 2.82031 3.18359 2.78125 3.49609 curveto - 2.58203 3.49219 2.38281 3.48438 2.18359 3.47656 curveto - -1.66797 3.43359 moveto - -1.53125 2.99609 -1.33203 2.57812 -1.07422 2.19922 curveto - -1.02734 2.60938 -1.00391 3.01953 -1.01562 3.42969 curveto - -1.23047 3.43359 -1.44922 3.43359 -1.66797 3.43359 curveto - 0.777344 3.41016 moveto - 0.777344 2.99609 0.800781 2.57812 0.878906 2.16797 curveto - 1.10938 2.57422 1.32031 3.0 1.47656 3.44141 curveto - 1.24219 3.43359 1.01172 3.42578 0.777344 3.41016 curveto - -1.89844 3.12109 moveto - -1.94922 2.67969 -2.0 2.23828 -2.07031 1.80078 curveto - -1.79688 1.79297 -1.52344 1.78906 -1.25 1.78906 curveto - -1.44141 2.24609 -1.64453 2.69531 -1.89844 3.12109 curveto - 2.01953 3.11719 moveto - 2.02734 2.67578 2.10547 2.23828 2.16406 1.80078 curveto - 2.44141 1.80469 2.71484 1.82031 2.98828 1.86328 curveto - 2.69531 2.30078 2.38281 2.73047 2.01953 3.11719 curveto - -3.20703 1.86328 moveto - -2.92188 1.8125 -2.63672 1.80078 -2.35156 1.82031 curveto - -2.30469 2.24219 -2.26562 2.66016 -2.22656 3.08203 curveto - -2.61328 2.73047 -2.89453 2.28125 -3.20703 1.86328 curveto - 0.0507812 2.99219 moveto - -0.015625 2.54688 -0.0351562 2.09766 0.03125 1.64844 curveto - 0.214844 1.65234 0.402344 1.65234 0.585938 1.65234 curveto - 0.445312 2.11328 0.289062 2.57422 0.0507812 2.99219 curveto - -0.734375 1.73047 moveto - -0.566406 1.71875 -0.398438 1.70312 -0.230469 1.69141 curveto - -0.199219 2.10156 -0.191406 2.51172 -0.226562 2.91797 curveto - -0.453125 2.55078 -0.617188 2.14844 -0.734375 1.73047 curveto - 1.05469 1.78125 moveto - 1.32031 1.78516 1.58203 1.79297 1.84766 1.79688 curveto - 1.82812 2.19531 1.80469 2.59766 1.66797 2.97266 curveto - 1.40625 2.60938 1.21094 2.20312 1.05469 1.78125 curveto - -0.777344 1.47266 moveto - -0.636719 1.13281 -0.441406 0.824219 -0.214844 0.542969 curveto - -0.199219 0.847656 -0.199219 1.15625 -0.207031 1.46484 curveto - -0.394531 1.46875 -0.585938 1.47266 -0.777344 1.47266 curveto - -3.07031 1.34375 moveto - -2.93359 0.992188 -2.76562 0.652344 -2.59375 0.320312 curveto - -2.48438 0.660156 -2.42188 1.01562 -2.41797 1.375 curveto - -2.63672 1.36719 -2.85156 1.35938 -3.07031 1.34375 curveto - -2.09375 1.36328 moveto - -2.14453 1.03516 -2.19141 0.703125 -2.20312 0.371094 curveto - -1.87109 0.679688 -1.57031 1.01172 -1.27344 1.35156 curveto - -1.54688 1.36328 -1.82031 1.36328 -2.09375 1.36328 curveto - 0.0234375 1.42578 moveto - 0.0234375 1.16406 0.0273438 0.902344 0.046875 0.636719 curveto - 0.265625 0.863281 0.425781 1.13281 0.542969 1.42188 curveto - 0.367188 1.42578 0.195312 1.42578 0.0234375 1.42578 curveto - 1.10547 1.35547 moveto - 1.40625 0.976562 1.72266 0.609375 2.06641 0.265625 curveto - 2.01953 0.636719 1.94531 1.00391 1.84766 1.36328 curveto - 1.59766 1.36328 1.35156 1.36328 1.10547 1.35547 curveto - 2.20312 1.36719 moveto - 2.21484 1.04297 2.26562 0.722656 2.38281 0.421875 curveto - 2.59375 0.707031 2.75391 1.02734 2.87891 1.36328 curveto - 2.65234 1.36719 2.42578 1.36719 2.20312 1.36719 curveto - -3.39062 1.23438 moveto - -3.47266 0.855469 -3.54688 0.472656 -3.59375 0.0859375 curveto - -3.31641 0.0742188 -3.03906 0.0703125 -2.76172 0.0742188 curveto - -2.95312 0.46875 -3.16016 0.859375 -3.39062 1.23438 curveto - 2.57812 0.078125 moveto - 2.83594 0.0742188 3.09375 0.0742188 3.35156 0.078125 curveto - 3.31641 0.453125 3.26172 0.828125 3.15234 1.1875 curveto - 2.94922 0.824219 2.75 0.457031 2.57812 0.078125 curveto - -0.863281 1.04297 moveto - -0.925781 0.738281 -0.988281 0.429688 -1.03516 0.121094 curveto - -0.765625 0.109375 -0.496094 0.101562 -0.226562 0.105469 curveto - -0.421875 0.429688 -0.625 0.75 -0.863281 1.04297 curveto - 0.984375 1.01562 moveto - 1.01953 0.667969 1.08203 0.324219 1.14844 -0.015625 curveto - 1.39453 -0.015625 1.64062 -0.0117188 1.88672 -0.00390625 curveto - 1.60938 0.355469 1.30078 0.691406 0.984375 1.01562 curveto - -2.10547 -0.0 moveto - -1.85156 -0.0078125 -1.59766 -0.015625 -1.34375 -0.015625 curveto - -1.29297 0.304688 -1.26172 0.628906 -1.25 0.953125 curveto - -1.55469 0.652344 -1.83203 0.328125 -2.10547 -0.0 curveto - 0.0585938 0.105469 moveto - 0.304688 0.0976562 0.546875 0.09375 0.792969 0.09375 curveto - 0.765625 0.40625 0.71875 0.714844 0.632812 1.01562 curveto - 0.414062 0.730469 0.226562 0.421875 0.0585938 0.105469 curveto - -1.05859 -0.152344 moveto - -1.10156 -0.550781 -1.15234 -0.953125 -1.14844 -1.35547 curveto - -0.871094 -0.976562 -0.640625 -0.5625 -0.410156 -0.152344 curveto - -0.628906 -0.144531 -0.84375 -0.148438 -1.05859 -0.152344 curveto - 0.226562 -0.15625 moveto - 0.375 -0.527344 0.582031 -0.875 0.859375 -1.16406 curveto - 0.875 -0.828125 0.851562 -0.496094 0.824219 -0.160156 curveto - 0.625 -0.15625 0.425781 -0.152344 0.226562 -0.15625 curveto - -3.6875 -0.300781 moveto - -3.81641 -0.75 -3.87109 -1.21875 -3.94922 -1.67578 curveto - -3.55469 -1.19922 -3.11719 -0.753906 -2.75 -0.253906 curveto - -3.0625 -0.25 -3.39062 -0.183594 -3.6875 -0.300781 curveto - -2.1875 -0.289062 moveto - -2.03906 -0.703125 -1.80859 -1.07812 -1.52734 -1.41797 curveto - -1.46484 -1.04688 -1.4375 -0.667969 -1.42188 -0.289062 curveto - -1.67969 -0.285156 -1.93359 -0.28125 -2.1875 -0.289062 curveto - 1.19922 -0.28125 moveto - 1.20703 -0.652344 1.24609 -1.01953 1.34766 -1.375 curveto - 1.63281 -1.06641 1.82812 -0.695312 1.95312 -0.300781 curveto - 1.70312 -0.289062 1.44922 -0.285156 1.19922 -0.28125 curveto - 2.56641 -0.257812 moveto - 2.89844 -0.773438 3.35156 -1.19141 3.73828 -1.66016 curveto - 3.64453 -1.1875 3.51172 -0.722656 3.44141 -0.242188 curveto - 3.15234 -0.238281 2.85938 -0.242188 2.56641 -0.257812 curveto - -1.17188 -1.91797 moveto - -0.851562 -1.92969 -0.535156 -1.92969 -0.214844 -1.92188 curveto - -0.203125 -1.41406 -0.195312 -0.902344 -0.21875 -0.394531 curveto - -0.597656 -0.863281 -0.898438 -1.38672 -1.17188 -1.91797 curveto - 0.0234375 -1.93359 moveto - 0.34375 -1.92969 0.664062 -1.92969 0.988281 -1.92969 curveto - 0.675781 -1.41016 0.375 -0.886719 0.046875 -0.378906 curveto - 0.0 -0.898438 0.0195312 -1.41797 0.0234375 -1.93359 curveto - 1.44141 -1.875 moveto - 1.76953 -1.88672 2.09766 -1.89453 2.42578 -1.89062 curveto - 2.36719 -1.44531 2.26953 -1.00391 2.19531 -0.558594 curveto - 1.93359 -0.992188 1.69922 -1.44141 1.44141 -1.875 curveto - -2.38672 -0.671875 moveto - -2.51172 -1.06641 -2.57031 -1.48047 -2.59766 -1.89453 curveto - -2.29688 -1.89062 -1.99609 -1.88281 -1.69531 -1.87109 curveto - -1.89453 -1.45312 -2.10938 -1.03906 -2.38672 -0.671875 curveto - -3.75781 -1.91406 moveto - -3.48438 -1.92188 -3.21094 -1.91797 -2.94141 -1.90625 curveto - -2.87109 -1.54688 -2.78516 -1.1875 -2.77344 -0.820312 curveto - -3.15234 -1.13672 -3.46484 -1.51953 -3.75781 -1.91406 curveto - 2.58594 -0.824219 moveto - 2.60938 -1.17969 2.65234 -1.53906 2.71484 -1.89453 curveto - 2.98828 -1.91406 3.26562 -1.92188 3.54297 -1.91016 curveto - 3.26562 -1.51172 2.9375 -1.15234 2.58594 -0.824219 curveto - -4.62109 -2.36719 moveto - -4.625 -2.42969 -4.63281 -2.55469 -4.63281 -2.61719 curveto - -4.48828 -2.61719 -4.33984 -2.61719 -4.1875 -2.61719 curveto - -4.19531 -2.55469 -4.20312 -2.42969 -4.20703 -2.36719 curveto - -4.34375 -2.36719 -4.48438 -2.36719 -4.62109 -2.36719 curveto - -3.84375 -2.32031 moveto - -3.84766 -2.40234 -3.85156 -2.55859 -3.85547 -2.64062 curveto - -3.60156 -2.62891 -3.34375 -2.59766 -3.10156 -2.51172 curveto - -3.32422 -2.36719 -3.58594 -2.33984 -3.84375 -2.32031 curveto - -2.89453 -2.36328 moveto - -2.89844 -2.42578 -2.89844 -2.55469 -2.89844 -2.61719 curveto - -2.625 -2.61328 -2.29297 -2.69531 -2.125 -2.41406 curveto - -2.38281 -2.375 -2.64062 -2.36719 -2.89453 -2.36328 curveto - -1.92188 -2.37109 moveto - -1.92578 -2.42969 -1.92578 -2.55078 -1.92578 -2.61328 curveto - -1.69531 -2.61719 -1.46875 -2.62109 -1.23828 -2.62109 curveto - -1.23828 -2.55469 -1.24609 -2.42578 -1.25 -2.36328 curveto - -1.47266 -2.36719 -1.69922 -2.36719 -1.92188 -2.37109 curveto - -0.910156 -2.36719 moveto - -0.914062 -2.42969 -0.914062 -2.55469 -0.914062 -2.62109 curveto - -0.6875 -2.62109 -0.460938 -2.61719 -0.234375 -2.61719 curveto - -0.234375 -2.55469 -0.238281 -2.42969 -0.238281 -2.37109 curveto - -0.464844 -2.36719 -0.6875 -2.36719 -0.910156 -2.36719 curveto - -0.0429688 -2.50781 moveto - 0.203125 -2.60938 0.472656 -2.62891 0.738281 -2.62891 curveto - 0.738281 -2.55859 0.730469 -2.42578 0.730469 -2.35547 curveto - 0.464844 -2.35547 0.1875 -2.36328 -0.0429688 -2.50781 curveto - 1.08984 -2.36328 moveto - 1.08984 -2.42969 1.08203 -2.55859 1.08203 -2.625 curveto - 1.3125 -2.62109 1.54688 -2.61719 1.78125 -2.61328 curveto - 1.78125 -2.55078 1.77734 -2.43359 1.77734 -2.37109 curveto - 1.55078 -2.37109 1.32031 -2.36719 1.08984 -2.36328 curveto - 1.97656 -2.41406 moveto - 2.11719 -2.70312 2.46094 -2.60547 2.71875 -2.62891 curveto - 2.71875 -2.55859 2.71094 -2.42578 2.71094 -2.35547 curveto - 2.46484 -2.36719 2.21875 -2.375 1.97656 -2.41406 curveto - 3.04688 -2.36719 moveto - 3.04297 -2.42969 3.03516 -2.55469 3.03125 -2.61719 curveto - 3.25781 -2.62109 3.48047 -2.62109 3.70703 -2.62109 curveto - 3.70312 -2.55469 3.69531 -2.42969 3.69141 -2.36328 curveto - 3.47656 -2.36719 3.26172 -2.36719 3.04688 -2.36719 curveto - 4.02734 -2.37109 moveto - 4.02344 -2.43359 4.01172 -2.55469 4.00781 -2.61328 curveto - 4.12891 -2.61719 4.24609 -2.61719 4.36328 -2.62109 curveto - 4.36328 -2.55469 4.35938 -2.42578 4.35547 -2.36328 curveto - 4.24609 -2.36719 4.13672 -2.37109 4.02734 -2.37109 curveto - -4.62891 -2.97656 moveto - -4.625 -3.07812 -4.61719 -3.18359 -4.61328 -3.28906 curveto - -1.63672 -3.27734 1.33984 -3.28516 4.31641 -3.28516 curveto - 4.32812 -3.18359 4.34375 -3.07812 4.35938 -2.97656 curveto - 1.36328 -2.96875 -1.63281 -2.96875 -4.62891 -2.97656 curveto - -3.83594 -3.59375 moveto - -3.83594 -3.76953 -3.83594 -3.94531 -3.83594 -4.12109 curveto - -3.60938 -4.14844 -3.37891 -4.16797 -3.14844 -4.17578 curveto - -3.14844 -3.97656 -3.14844 -3.78125 -3.14844 -3.58203 curveto - -3.37891 -3.58594 -3.60547 -3.58984 -3.83594 -3.59375 curveto - -1.85547 -3.58594 moveto - -1.85156 -3.78516 -1.85156 -3.98438 -1.84375 -4.17969 curveto - -1.61719 -4.17969 -1.38672 -4.17969 -1.15625 -4.17969 curveto - -1.15234 -3.98047 -1.14844 -3.78516 -1.14453 -3.58594 curveto - -1.37891 -3.58594 -1.61719 -3.58594 -1.85547 -3.58594 curveto - 3.07422 -3.58203 moveto - 3.07422 -3.78125 3.07812 -3.98047 3.08203 -4.17969 curveto - 3.30078 -4.17969 3.52344 -4.17969 3.74219 -4.17969 curveto - 3.75781 -3.98438 3.76953 -3.78906 3.78125 -3.59375 curveto - 3.54297 -3.58594 3.30859 -3.58594 3.07422 -3.58203 curveto - -5.19141 -3.9375 moveto - -4.88672 -4.16797 -4.50391 -4.13672 -4.14453 -4.12109 curveto - -4.14453 -3.94141 -4.14844 -3.76172 -4.15234 -3.58203 curveto - -4.38281 -3.58594 -4.61719 -3.56641 -4.84766 -3.61328 curveto - -5.00781 -3.66016 -5.08203 -3.82422 -5.19141 -3.9375 curveto - -2.80859 -3.58594 moveto - -2.80859 -3.76562 -2.80859 -3.94531 -2.8125 -4.125 curveto - -2.58594 -4.12109 -2.35938 -4.12109 -2.13672 -4.11719 curveto - -2.13672 -3.94141 -2.14062 -3.76953 -2.14062 -3.59375 curveto - -2.36328 -3.58984 -2.58594 -3.58984 -2.80859 -3.58594 curveto - -0.859375 -3.58984 moveto - -0.863281 -3.76562 -0.863281 -3.94531 -0.863281 -4.12109 curveto - -0.640625 -4.12109 -0.414062 -4.12109 -0.1875 -4.12109 curveto - -0.1875 -3.94531 -0.191406 -3.76562 -0.191406 -3.58984 curveto - -0.414062 -3.58984 -0.636719 -3.58984 -0.859375 -3.58984 curveto - 0.125 -3.58984 moveto - 0.121094 -3.76562 0.121094 -3.94141 0.121094 -4.12109 curveto - 0.347656 -4.12109 0.574219 -4.125 0.800781 -4.125 curveto - 0.796875 -3.94531 0.796875 -3.76562 0.792969 -3.58984 curveto - 0.570312 -3.58984 0.347656 -3.58984 0.125 -3.58984 curveto - 1.08594 -3.60156 moveto - 1.09766 -3.77344 1.09375 -3.95312 1.14844 -4.125 curveto - 1.36328 -4.1875 1.58984 -4.17188 1.8125 -4.17188 curveto - 1.81641 -3.97656 1.82031 -3.78516 1.82422 -3.59375 curveto - 1.57812 -3.58984 1.33203 -3.58984 1.08594 -3.60156 curveto - 2.12891 -3.58203 moveto - 2.125 -3.76172 2.12109 -3.94141 2.12109 -4.125 curveto - 2.35547 -4.125 2.58984 -4.12109 2.82422 -4.11328 curveto - 2.79297 -3.94141 2.84766 -3.72266 2.69141 -3.60547 curveto - 2.50391 -3.57812 2.31641 -3.58594 2.12891 -3.58203 curveto - 4.08984 -3.57812 moveto - 4.08594 -3.76172 4.08203 -3.94141 4.08203 -4.125 curveto - 4.28906 -4.125 4.49609 -4.13672 4.70312 -4.10547 curveto - 4.80859 -4.03516 4.89062 -3.9375 4.98047 -3.84766 curveto - 4.73828 -3.61328 4.41016 -3.55859 4.08984 -3.57812 curveto - -4.61719 -4.47266 moveto - -4.62109 -4.52734 -4.62891 -4.64453 -4.63281 -4.70312 curveto - -1.63281 -4.71484 1.36719 -4.71094 4.36328 -4.70312 curveto - 4.35938 -4.64453 4.34766 -4.52734 4.34375 -4.46875 curveto - 1.35547 -4.47266 -1.63281 -4.47266 -4.61719 -4.47266 curveto - -4.61328 -5.0625 moveto - -4.62109 -5.125 -4.63281 -5.25 -4.63672 -5.3125 curveto - -4.48828 -5.3125 -4.33984 -5.3125 -4.1875 -5.30859 curveto - -4.19531 -5.25 -4.20312 -5.125 -4.20703 -5.0625 curveto - -4.34375 -5.0625 -4.48047 -5.0625 -4.61328 -5.0625 curveto - -3.92188 -5.07031 moveto - -3.85938 -5.16797 -3.84375 -5.31641 -3.71875 -5.35938 curveto - -3.49609 -5.44141 -3.28906 -5.28516 -3.10547 -5.1875 curveto - -3.35547 -5.05078 -3.64062 -5.04688 -3.92188 -5.07031 curveto - -2.89453 -5.05469 moveto - -2.89453 -5.12109 -2.89453 -5.25 -2.89453 -5.31641 curveto - -2.63281 -5.32812 -2.36328 -5.30859 -2.12109 -5.19922 curveto - -2.35156 -5.05078 -2.62891 -5.05078 -2.89453 -5.05469 curveto - -1.92969 -5.06641 moveto - -1.92578 -5.16016 -1.91797 -5.25 -1.91406 -5.34375 curveto - -1.67969 -5.36328 -1.44922 -5.34375 -1.21875 -5.31641 curveto - -1.22656 -5.25 -1.24609 -5.12109 -1.25391 -5.05469 curveto - -1.48047 -5.05859 -1.70703 -5.0625 -1.92969 -5.06641 curveto - -0.882812 -5.0625 moveto - -0.886719 -5.125 -0.898438 -5.25 -0.90625 -5.3125 curveto - -0.679688 -5.3125 -0.453125 -5.3125 -0.230469 -5.3125 curveto - -0.234375 -5.25 -0.242188 -5.125 -0.246094 -5.0625 curveto - -0.457031 -5.0625 -0.667969 -5.0625 -0.882812 -5.0625 curveto - 0.0234375 -5.07031 moveto - 0.0234375 -5.125 0.0234375 -5.23047 0.0234375 -5.28516 curveto - 0.265625 -5.36328 0.515625 -5.37891 0.761719 -5.30859 curveto - 0.753906 -5.24609 0.734375 -5.125 0.726562 -5.0625 curveto - 0.492188 -5.0625 0.253906 -5.06641 0.0234375 -5.07031 curveto - 1.0625 -5.0625 moveto - 1.06641 -5.15234 1.07422 -5.24609 1.08203 -5.33594 curveto - 1.30859 -5.35547 1.53906 -5.35547 1.76562 -5.33594 curveto - 1.76953 -5.24609 1.77734 -5.15625 1.78516 -5.06641 curveto - 1.54297 -5.06641 1.30078 -5.0625 1.0625 -5.0625 curveto - 2.03516 -5.0625 moveto - 2.03906 -5.15234 2.04688 -5.24219 2.05469 -5.33203 curveto - 2.29688 -5.33984 2.53906 -5.33594 2.78125 -5.30469 curveto - 2.78516 -5.23047 2.78906 -5.15625 2.79297 -5.08203 curveto - 2.53906 -5.06641 2.28516 -5.0625 2.03516 -5.0625 curveto - 3.04688 -5.05859 moveto - 3.04297 -5.125 3.03516 -5.25 3.03125 -5.31641 curveto - 3.25781 -5.31641 3.48438 -5.31641 3.71094 -5.31641 curveto - 3.70703 -5.25 3.69531 -5.12109 3.69141 -5.05469 curveto - 3.47656 -5.05859 3.26172 -5.05859 3.04688 -5.05859 curveto - 4.03125 -5.07031 moveto - 4.02344 -5.12109 4.00781 -5.22266 4.0 -5.27344 curveto - 4.09766 -5.3125 4.19531 -5.35547 4.28906 -5.39453 curveto - 4.31641 -5.28516 4.34375 -5.17188 4.37109 -5.0625 curveto - 4.25781 -5.0625 4.14453 -5.06641 4.03125 -5.07031 curveto - -0.957031 -5.66016 moveto - -0.71875 -5.82031 -0.460938 -5.95312 -0.195312 -6.07031 curveto - -0.191406 -5.92188 -0.191406 -5.76953 -0.1875 -5.62109 curveto - -0.445312 -5.62891 -0.703125 -5.63672 -0.957031 -5.66016 curveto - 0.0429688 -5.63281 moveto - 0.0429688 -5.77344 0.0429688 -5.91797 0.0429688 -6.0625 curveto - 0.328125 -5.95312 0.605469 -5.82422 0.859375 -5.64844 curveto - 0.585938 -5.62891 0.316406 -5.62891 0.0429688 -5.63281 curveto - -1.35547 -5.72266 moveto - -1.375 -5.88672 -1.39453 -6.05078 -1.41016 -6.21484 curveto - -1.12891 -6.21875 -0.847656 -6.21484 -0.570312 -6.20312 curveto - -0.820312 -6.01953 -1.08203 -5.86328 -1.35547 -5.72266 curveto - -4.31641 -5.77344 moveto - -4.125 -6.18359 -3.86328 -6.5625 -3.53516 -6.875 curveto - -3.44141 -6.51562 -3.37891 -6.14453 -3.35547 -5.76953 curveto - -3.67578 -5.76172 -3.99609 -5.75781 -4.31641 -5.77344 curveto - -3.0 -5.77734 moveto - -3.10547 -6.12891 -3.17578 -6.49609 -3.19141 -6.86719 curveto - -2.70703 -6.60156 -2.30859 -6.21484 -1.96094 -5.78906 curveto - -2.30859 -5.76562 -2.65234 -5.76562 -3.0 -5.77734 curveto - 0.425781 -6.19531 moveto - 0.699219 -6.21094 0.976562 -6.21094 1.25391 -6.21484 curveto - 1.24609 -6.06641 1.24219 -5.91797 1.23438 -5.76953 curveto - 0.949219 -5.875 0.675781 -6.02344 0.425781 -6.19531 curveto - 1.76953 -5.78906 moveto - 2.1875 -6.23828 2.66406 -6.62891 3.10547 -7.05078 curveto - 3.05469 -6.63281 2.98047 -6.21484 2.88672 -5.80469 curveto - 2.51562 -5.75781 2.14453 -5.76172 1.76953 -5.78906 curveto - 3.21484 -5.77344 moveto - 3.24219 -6.13672 3.28906 -6.50781 3.42969 -6.84766 curveto - 3.71875 -6.52344 3.98828 -6.17188 4.17578 -5.77734 curveto - 3.85547 -5.75781 3.53516 -5.76172 3.21484 -5.77344 curveto - 1.66016 -6.10156 moveto - 1.70312 -6.50391 1.76953 -6.90625 1.8125 -7.30859 curveto - 2.17578 -7.30469 2.53516 -7.27734 2.89453 -7.23828 curveto - 2.49219 -6.84766 2.07422 -6.48047 1.66016 -6.10156 curveto - -3.01953 -7.25 moveto - -2.66016 -7.27344 -2.30078 -7.27344 -1.94141 -7.27344 curveto - -1.89453 -6.91406 -1.85547 -6.55469 -1.84766 -6.19141 curveto - -2.27344 -6.50391 -2.67188 -6.85156 -3.01953 -7.25 curveto - 3.62109 -7.17188 moveto - 3.92188 -7.17969 4.22656 -7.17188 4.53125 -7.15625 curveto - 4.45703 -6.84766 4.36719 -6.54688 4.28906 -6.23828 curveto - 4.03516 -6.52734 3.80469 -6.83594 3.62109 -7.17188 curveto - -4.40625 -6.33203 moveto - -4.51562 -6.59766 -4.59766 -6.875 -4.66016 -7.15625 curveto - -4.37109 -7.17188 -4.08594 -7.17578 -3.80078 -7.16797 curveto - -3.94141 -6.85156 -4.14062 -6.5625 -4.40625 -6.33203 curveto - -1.45312 -6.45312 moveto - -1.47266 -6.625 -1.49219 -6.79297 -1.51172 -6.96484 curveto - -1.17578 -6.82422 -0.855469 -6.64453 -0.535156 -6.46094 curveto - -0.84375 -6.45703 -1.14844 -6.45703 -1.45312 -6.45312 curveto - 0.488281 -6.46484 moveto - 0.769531 -6.67969 1.07812 -6.85938 1.40234 -7.00391 curveto - 1.38672 -6.82422 1.36719 -6.64062 1.35156 -6.46094 curveto - 1.0625 -6.44922 0.777344 -6.44531 0.488281 -6.46484 curveto - -1.24219 -7.15625 moveto - -0.890625 -7.18359 -0.539062 -7.17969 -0.1875 -7.17188 curveto - -0.1875 -6.96875 -0.1875 -6.76172 -0.195312 -6.55859 curveto - -0.5625 -6.72656 -0.917969 -6.91797 -1.24219 -7.15625 curveto - 0.0429688 -6.58203 moveto - 0.0390625 -6.77344 0.0351562 -6.96875 0.03125 -7.16406 curveto - 0.402344 -7.17969 0.773438 -7.18359 1.14062 -7.17188 curveto - 0.796875 -6.9375 0.429688 -6.73438 0.0429688 -6.58203 curveto - -4.76953 -7.48438 moveto - -4.85938 -7.83203 -4.96094 -8.17578 -5.01562 -8.52734 curveto - -4.59375 -8.24609 -4.1875 -7.92578 -3.88672 -7.51172 curveto - -4.17969 -7.48828 -4.47656 -7.48047 -4.76953 -7.48438 curveto - -1.59375 -7.55469 moveto - -0.582031 -7.57812 0.433594 -7.57812 1.44531 -7.55469 curveto - 0.941406 -7.50781 0.433594 -7.53516 -0.0742188 -7.53125 curveto - -0.582031 -7.53516 -1.08984 -7.50781 -1.59375 -7.55469 curveto - 3.71094 -7.51172 moveto - 4.05469 -7.87891 4.41406 -8.24219 4.84766 -8.5 curveto - 4.8125 -8.16797 4.80078 -7.80078 4.60938 -7.51953 curveto - 4.32031 -7.43359 4.00781 -7.5 3.71094 -7.51172 curveto - -3.05859 -7.55469 moveto - -2.80859 -8.05469 -2.44531 -8.48047 -2.12109 -8.93359 curveto - -2.08203 -8.5 -2.05859 -8.0625 -1.98828 -7.63281 curveto - -2.33984 -7.55078 -2.69922 -7.52734 -3.05859 -7.55469 curveto - 1.82422 -7.63672 moveto - 1.84766 -8.02344 1.89453 -8.41016 2.00781 -8.77734 curveto - 2.38672 -8.43359 2.67188 -8.00391 2.89844 -7.54688 curveto - 2.53516 -7.53125 2.17578 -7.57031 1.82422 -7.63672 curveto - 2.30859 -9.01172 moveto - 2.68359 -9.01172 3.05469 -9.0 3.42969 -8.98438 curveto - 3.36719 -8.55859 3.29688 -8.13672 3.23047 -7.71094 curveto - 2.89844 -8.125 2.58203 -8.55469 2.30859 -9.01172 curveto - -3.36328 -7.77734 moveto - -3.44531 -8.17969 -3.51953 -8.58203 -3.5625 -8.98828 curveto - -3.19141 -9.0 -2.82031 -9.0 -2.44922 -8.99609 curveto - -2.72266 -8.56641 -3.01562 -8.14844 -3.36328 -7.77734 curveto - 3.53516 -7.80859 moveto - 3.59375 -8.19922 3.66406 -8.58984 3.71094 -8.98438 curveto - 4.09375 -8.98828 4.47656 -8.98438 4.85938 -8.97266 curveto - 4.44141 -8.5625 4.00391 -8.16406 3.53516 -7.80859 curveto - -5.01172 -8.97656 moveto - -4.625 -8.98438 -4.23828 -8.98438 -3.85156 -8.98438 curveto - -3.80078 -8.61328 -3.75391 -8.23828 -3.72266 -7.86719 curveto - -4.17578 -8.20703 -4.60547 -8.57812 -5.01172 -8.97656 curveto - -1.28906 -7.86328 moveto - -1.3125 -8.74609 -1.44531 -9.62109 -1.48438 -10.5039 curveto - -1.51562 -10.9492 -1.54297 -11.3945 -1.60156 -11.8398 curveto - -1.71094 -12.6016 -1.67578 -13.375 -1.78516 -14.1367 curveto - -1.89844 -14.8945 -1.92188 -15.6602 -2.00781 -16.4219 curveto - -2.14844 -17.3281 -2.08984 -18.25 -2.29688 -19.1445 curveto - -0.820312 -19.1641 0.65625 -19.1562 2.13672 -19.1484 curveto - 2.03516 -17.8125 1.83984 -16.4805 1.76953 -15.1406 curveto - 1.65625 -14.3203 1.58594 -13.5 1.53125 -12.6719 curveto - 1.44141 -11.6992 1.33203 -10.7305 1.28125 -9.75391 curveto - 1.1875 -9.125 1.21484 -8.48047 1.09375 -7.85547 curveto - 0.300781 -7.85547 -0.492188 -7.84375 -1.28906 -7.86328 curveto - -5.16406 -9.42188 moveto - -4.875 -9.79688 -4.56641 -10.1602 -4.23438 -10.5 curveto - -4.125 -10.1445 -4.02344 -9.78516 -3.96094 -9.41797 curveto - -4.36328 -9.41406 -4.76562 -9.41016 -5.16406 -9.42188 curveto - -3.57812 -9.44141 moveto - -3.83984 -9.66797 -3.78906 -10.0664 -3.85547 -10.375 curveto - -3.42188 -10.1367 -3.03125 -9.83203 -2.66406 -9.50781 curveto - -2.96094 -9.44141 -3.27344 -9.37109 -3.57812 -9.44141 curveto - 2.52734 -9.50391 moveto - 2.89062 -9.82422 3.26562 -10.1445 3.71094 -10.3516 curveto - 3.68359 -10.0234 3.60156 -9.70703 3.47266 -9.40625 curveto - 3.15625 -9.41016 2.83984 -9.43359 2.52734 -9.50391 curveto - 3.83984 -9.42578 moveto - 3.89062 -9.78125 3.98438 -10.1289 4.10938 -10.4688 curveto - 4.42188 -10.1523 4.71484 -9.81641 4.92969 -9.42969 curveto - 4.56641 -9.40625 4.20312 -9.41016 3.83984 -9.42578 curveto - -3.76562 -10.75 moveto - -3.32422 -10.7773 -2.87891 -10.7852 -2.4375 -10.7773 curveto - -2.375 -10.3945 -2.33594 -10.0078 -2.33594 -9.62109 curveto - -2.80469 -10.0078 -3.32422 -10.3281 -3.76562 -10.75 curveto - 2.13281 -9.60938 moveto - 2.19531 -9.99609 2.23828 -10.3867 2.28516 -10.7773 curveto - 2.72656 -10.7852 3.17188 -10.7773 3.61328 -10.7422 curveto - 3.15625 -10.3164 2.63672 -9.96875 2.13281 -9.60938 curveto - 4.375 -10.668 moveto - 4.78125 -10.6797 5.19141 -10.6641 5.59766 -10.625 curveto - 5.48828 -10.2773 5.37109 -9.93359 5.24219 -9.59375 curveto - 4.94922 -9.94922 4.64453 -10.2969 4.375 -10.668 curveto - -5.69531 -10.6289 moveto - -5.30859 -10.6641 -4.91797 -10.6797 -4.53125 -10.6719 curveto - -4.77344 -10.3008 -5.0625 -9.96484 -5.38672 -9.66797 curveto - -5.50781 -9.98047 -5.61719 -10.3008 -5.69531 -10.6289 curveto - 4.53125 -11.0117 moveto - 5.01562 -11.4023 5.51172 -11.7812 6.03516 -12.1133 curveto - 5.94141 -11.7148 5.86719 -11.2734 5.58594 -10.957 curveto - 5.24219 -10.8555 4.87891 -10.9688 4.53125 -11.0117 curveto - -5.82031 -10.9844 moveto - -5.92969 -11.3477 -6.0625 -11.6992 -6.14844 -12.0703 curveto - -5.64062 -11.7656 -5.14844 -11.4219 -4.71875 -11.0117 curveto - -5.08594 -10.9727 -5.45312 -10.9688 -5.82031 -10.9844 curveto - -3.70312 -11.0625 moveto - -3.46484 -11.5508 -3.07031 -11.9258 -2.69922 -12.3125 curveto - -2.59766 -11.9062 -2.53125 -11.4883 -2.50391 -11.0703 curveto - -2.90234 -11.0469 -3.30469 -11.0391 -3.70312 -11.0625 curveto - 2.36328 -11.0664 moveto - 2.40234 -11.4922 2.45312 -11.9102 2.51172 -12.332 curveto - 2.92188 -11.957 3.27344 -11.5195 3.58594 -11.0625 curveto - 3.17969 -11.0391 2.76953 -11.0469 2.36328 -11.0664 curveto - 3.92578 -11.1758 moveto - 3.59375 -11.5781 3.22266 -11.9531 2.95703 -12.4062 curveto - 3.36328 -12.4336 3.76562 -12.4297 4.17188 -12.418 curveto - 4.14453 -11.9961 4.07422 -11.5742 3.92578 -11.1758 curveto - 4.26172 -11.1953 moveto - 4.30859 -11.6133 4.41016 -12.0234 4.53906 -12.4219 curveto - 4.96094 -12.4219 5.38672 -12.4297 5.80859 -12.3984 curveto - 5.34375 -11.9336 4.78906 -11.582 4.26172 -11.1953 curveto - -5.96094 -12.3945 moveto - -5.53516 -12.4141 -5.09375 -12.4766 -4.67188 -12.3789 curveto - -4.55469 -12.0 -4.48438 -11.6094 -4.42188 -11.2227 curveto - -4.95703 -11.5781 -5.49219 -11.9492 -5.96094 -12.3945 curveto - -4.11719 -11.2109 moveto - -4.19922 -11.6094 -4.27734 -12.0078 -4.33594 -12.4141 curveto - -3.91797 -12.4297 -3.5 -12.4336 -3.08203 -12.4062 curveto - -3.39062 -11.9805 -3.69141 -11.5312 -4.11719 -11.2109 curveto - -2.02734 -11.8281 moveto - -2.04688 -12.0508 -2.05859 -12.2734 -2.07422 -12.5 curveto - -2.02734 -12.4961 -1.93359 -12.4883 -1.88672 -12.4844 curveto - -1.93359 -12.2656 -1.98047 -12.0469 -2.02734 -11.8281 curveto - -6.25 -12.8711 moveto - -5.93359 -13.2734 -5.61328 -13.6836 -5.19141 -13.9805 curveto - -5.05078 -13.6172 -4.92969 -13.2461 -4.8125 -12.875 curveto - -5.29297 -12.8516 -5.76953 -12.8477 -6.25 -12.8711 curveto - -4.79297 -13.8594 moveto - -4.25 -13.6211 -3.77734 -13.2539 -3.31641 -12.8867 curveto - -3.71094 -12.8594 -4.10547 -12.8633 -4.5 -12.8672 curveto - -4.60547 -13.1953 -4.71875 -13.5234 -4.79297 -13.8594 curveto - 3.16797 -12.8906 moveto - 3.62109 -13.2539 4.09766 -13.5938 4.61719 -13.8516 curveto - 4.55859 -13.5273 4.50391 -13.1875 4.31641 -12.9102 curveto - 3.94141 -12.8164 3.54688 -12.8711 3.16797 -12.8906 curveto - 4.67578 -12.8711 moveto - 4.77344 -13.2539 4.89453 -13.6289 5.06641 -13.9883 curveto - 5.45703 -13.6406 5.82031 -13.2656 6.16406 -12.875 curveto - 5.66797 -12.8477 5.17188 -12.8555 4.67578 -12.8711 curveto - -4.63281 -14.1328 moveto - -4.125 -14.1406 -3.61719 -14.1797 -3.10938 -14.1992 curveto - -2.98438 -13.8125 -2.92969 -13.4062 -2.88281 -13.0039 curveto - -3.47266 -13.3711 -4.05078 -13.75 -4.63281 -14.1328 curveto - 2.78516 -13.0742 moveto - 2.80078 -13.4531 2.85156 -13.832 2.96094 -14.1953 curveto - 3.42969 -14.1836 3.89453 -14.1602 4.35938 -14.1133 curveto - 3.87109 -13.7148 3.33984 -13.3672 2.78516 -13.0742 curveto - 6.375 -13.1367 moveto - 6.02344 -13.418 5.71094 -13.7461 5.39844 -14.0742 curveto - 5.85547 -14.0586 6.30859 -14.0547 6.76562 -14.0391 curveto - 6.65234 -13.7305 6.52734 -13.4258 6.375 -13.1367 curveto - -6.88281 -14.0352 moveto - -6.47656 -14.0547 -6.07422 -14.0625 -5.66797 -14.043 curveto - -5.88281 -13.6914 -6.18359 -13.3984 -6.52344 -13.168 curveto - -6.66406 -13.4492 -6.77734 -13.7422 -6.88281 -14.0352 curveto - 1.92188 -13.6914 moveto - 1.91016 -13.8438 1.89453 -13.9961 1.88281 -14.1484 curveto - 1.9375 -14.1445 2.04297 -14.1367 2.09766 -14.1367 curveto - 2.03906 -13.9883 1.98047 -13.8359 1.92188 -13.6914 curveto - -2.69922 -13.8359 moveto - -2.66016 -13.9297 -2.63281 -14.0273 -2.58203 -14.1172 curveto - -2.57031 -14.0156 -2.5625 -13.9141 -2.55078 -13.8164 curveto - -2.58984 -13.8203 -2.66016 -13.8281 -2.69922 -13.8359 curveto - -2.15625 -13.9766 moveto - -2.23047 -14.0586 -2.21094 -14.1094 -2.10156 -14.1211 curveto - -2.03125 -14.0352 -2.05078 -13.9883 -2.15625 -13.9766 curveto - -6.95312 -14.3711 moveto - -7.19141 -14.6992 -7.26953 -15.1094 -7.36719 -15.4961 curveto - -6.74219 -15.207 -6.15234 -14.832 -5.62109 -14.3906 curveto - -6.0625 -14.3672 -6.51562 -14.293 -6.95312 -14.3711 curveto - 5.46484 -14.4297 moveto - 6.03906 -14.8125 6.59766 -15.2305 7.23047 -15.5195 curveto - 7.13672 -15.1055 6.98828 -14.707 6.81641 -14.3242 curveto - 6.36719 -14.3398 5.91016 -14.332 5.46484 -14.4297 curveto - -4.79688 -14.4258 moveto - -4.33203 -14.9023 -3.875 -15.3828 -3.39062 -15.8359 curveto - -3.28516 -15.3945 -3.19141 -14.9531 -3.14844 -14.5039 curveto - -3.69141 -14.4102 -4.24609 -14.418 -4.79688 -14.4258 curveto - 3.01562 -14.5195 moveto - 3.04297 -14.957 3.10938 -15.3945 3.20703 -15.8242 curveto - 3.70312 -15.3906 4.17969 -14.9336 4.60156 -14.4258 curveto - 4.07031 -14.418 3.54688 -14.5195 3.01562 -14.5195 curveto - -7.3125 -15.9219 moveto - -6.84375 -16.0391 -6.36328 -16.0 -5.88672 -16.0039 curveto - -5.69531 -15.5547 -5.52734 -15.0977 -5.38672 -14.6289 curveto - -6.02344 -15.0664 -6.71875 -15.4219 -7.3125 -15.9219 curveto - -5.50391 -15.9961 moveto - -4.91797 -16.0117 -4.33203 -16.0195 -3.74609 -15.9922 curveto - -4.08203 -15.457 -4.57812 -15.0508 -5.02734 -14.6172 curveto - -5.23828 -15.0547 -5.39453 -15.5195 -5.50391 -15.9961 curveto - 3.50391 -16.0039 moveto - 4.13281 -16.0156 4.75781 -16.0117 5.38672 -16.0 curveto - 5.26562 -15.5352 5.08984 -15.0859 4.875 -14.6562 curveto - 4.375 -15.0586 3.94141 -15.5352 3.50391 -16.0039 curveto - 5.32031 -14.7617 moveto - 5.41406 -15.1797 5.55859 -15.582 5.66797 -15.9961 curveto - 6.20312 -16.0039 6.73828 -16.0078 7.27344 -15.9922 curveto - 6.66016 -15.5273 6.01562 -15.0859 5.32031 -14.7617 curveto - -3.01172 -16.0156 moveto - -2.91797 -16.0117 -2.82812 -16.0078 -2.73438 -16.0039 curveto - -2.71875 -15.7305 -2.70312 -15.457 -2.69922 -15.1875 curveto - -2.83203 -15.4531 -2.9375 -15.7305 -3.01172 -16.0156 curveto - -2.51562 -16.0781 moveto - -2.42188 -16.0664 -2.32031 -16.0586 -2.22266 -16.0469 curveto - -2.28516 -15.7734 -2.33203 -15.4922 -2.37891 -15.2148 curveto - -2.42188 -15.5039 -2.46875 -15.7891 -2.51562 -16.0781 curveto - 2.21094 -15.4141 moveto - 2.18359 -15.6445 2.15625 -15.8711 2.14062 -16.1016 curveto - 2.22266 -16.0664 2.30859 -16.0312 2.39453 -15.9961 curveto - 2.33594 -15.8008 2.27344 -15.6055 2.21094 -15.4141 curveto - 2.60156 -15.3711 moveto - 2.58984 -15.5859 2.58984 -15.8008 2.59766 -16.0156 curveto - 2.67188 -16.0117 2.82422 -16.0039 2.89844 -16.0 curveto - 2.81641 -15.7852 2.71875 -15.5742 2.60156 -15.3711 curveto - -7.45312 -16.4023 moveto - -7.04688 -16.7305 -6.69531 -17.1328 -6.23438 -17.3906 curveto - -6.12109 -17.0781 -6.02734 -16.7578 -5.92578 -16.4375 curveto - -6.43359 -16.375 -6.94531 -16.3828 -7.45312 -16.4023 curveto - -5.64844 -16.4375 moveto - -5.76562 -16.7695 -5.85938 -17.1055 -5.91016 -17.4531 curveto - -5.24219 -17.1445 -4.58984 -16.7969 -3.94141 -16.4453 curveto - -4.51172 -16.4297 -5.08203 -16.4219 -5.64844 -16.4375 curveto - -3.10938 -16.4258 moveto - -3.04688 -16.5898 -2.99219 -16.7539 -2.93359 -16.9219 curveto - -2.89062 -16.7617 -2.84375 -16.6016 -2.79297 -16.4453 curveto - -2.89844 -16.4375 -3.00391 -16.4297 -3.10938 -16.4258 curveto - -2.65625 -16.5156 moveto - -2.65625 -16.6836 -2.65234 -16.8555 -2.64844 -17.0234 curveto - -2.53516 -16.8281 -2.42578 -16.6289 -2.32031 -16.4297 curveto - -2.43359 -16.457 -2.54688 -16.4844 -2.65625 -16.5156 curveto - 2.17188 -16.4648 moveto - 2.27344 -16.6055 2.375 -16.75 2.48047 -16.8906 curveto - 2.47266 -16.7383 2.45703 -16.5898 2.44531 -16.4375 curveto - 2.35547 -16.4453 2.26562 -16.457 2.17188 -16.4648 curveto - 2.71484 -16.4336 moveto - 2.72266 -16.6055 2.73438 -16.7773 2.74219 -16.9492 curveto - 2.82031 -16.7734 2.89453 -16.5938 2.97266 -16.418 curveto - 2.88672 -16.4219 2.80078 -16.4258 2.71484 -16.4336 curveto - 3.73438 -16.4414 moveto - 4.42188 -16.7383 5.05078 -17.1641 5.75781 -17.418 curveto - 5.67969 -17.0898 5.58594 -16.7617 5.5 -16.4336 curveto - 4.91016 -16.4258 4.32422 -16.4336 3.73438 -16.4414 curveto - 5.79688 -16.4219 moveto - 5.88281 -16.7695 5.98828 -17.1133 6.12891 -17.4453 curveto - 6.52344 -17.1133 6.90625 -16.7734 7.26172 -16.3984 curveto - 6.77344 -16.3828 6.28516 -16.3867 5.79688 -16.4219 curveto - -7.78125 -16.5156 moveto - -7.95312 -16.8516 -8.10156 -17.1953 -8.22656 -17.5508 curveto - -7.6875 -17.5703 -7.15234 -17.582 -6.61328 -17.5547 curveto - -6.98047 -17.1836 -7.375 -16.8438 -7.78125 -16.5156 curveto - 6.50391 -17.5508 moveto - 7.03516 -17.582 7.57031 -17.5703 8.10156 -17.5469 curveto - 7.97656 -17.1953 7.81641 -16.8594 7.63281 -16.5391 curveto - 7.22656 -16.8398 6.82812 -17.1602 6.50391 -17.5508 curveto - -5.62109 -17.6367 moveto - -5.01562 -17.6602 -4.40625 -17.6758 -3.79688 -17.6562 curveto - -3.71484 -17.3125 -3.62109 -16.9727 -3.58203 -16.6211 curveto - -4.28125 -16.9219 -4.94922 -17.2852 -5.62109 -17.6367 curveto - 3.41016 -16.625 moveto - 3.46875 -16.9805 3.56641 -17.3242 3.6875 -17.6602 curveto - 4.26562 -17.668 4.83984 -17.668 5.41406 -17.6328 curveto - 4.77734 -17.2422 4.09375 -16.9258 3.41016 -16.625 curveto - 2.90625 -17.5586 moveto - 3.03516 -17.5547 3.16797 -17.5547 3.29688 -17.5508 curveto - 3.24609 -17.3086 3.19141 -17.0664 3.12109 -16.8242 curveto - 3.03906 -17.0664 2.96875 -17.3086 2.90625 -17.5586 curveto - -2.71875 -17.6484 moveto - -2.59766 -17.6523 -2.47266 -17.6602 -2.34766 -17.6641 curveto - -2.34375 -17.4375 -2.34375 -17.2148 -2.34766 -16.9883 curveto - -2.48438 -17.1992 -2.60938 -17.418 -2.71875 -17.6484 curveto - -3.42969 -17.5547 moveto - -3.30469 -17.5586 -3.17969 -17.5625 -3.05469 -17.5664 curveto - -3.10938 -17.3633 -3.15625 -17.1523 -3.22266 -16.9492 curveto - -3.32812 -17.1367 -3.38672 -17.3438 -3.42969 -17.5547 curveto - 2.20312 -17.0352 moveto - 2.20703 -17.2461 2.21875 -17.4609 2.23438 -17.6758 curveto - 2.34375 -17.6562 2.45312 -17.6367 2.55859 -17.6172 curveto - 2.45312 -17.4141 2.33984 -17.2188 2.20312 -17.0352 curveto - -3.51953 -17.8555 moveto - -3.5625 -18.0898 -3.60547 -18.3242 -3.625 -18.5625 curveto - -3.42969 -18.3555 -3.29297 -18.1094 -3.17578 -17.8516 curveto - -3.29297 -17.8516 -3.40625 -17.8516 -3.51953 -17.8555 curveto - 3.03516 -17.8516 moveto - 3.16797 -18.1367 3.32812 -18.4141 3.51562 -18.668 curveto - 3.48828 -18.3984 3.44922 -18.1328 3.40234 -17.8633 curveto - 3.28125 -17.8594 3.15625 -17.8555 3.03516 -17.8516 curveto - -8.38672 -17.8633 moveto - -8.53516 -18.1836 -8.67188 -18.5156 -8.76562 -18.8555 curveto - -8.125 -18.582 -7.49219 -18.2852 -6.90625 -17.9062 curveto - -7.39844 -17.8672 -7.89453 -17.8711 -8.38672 -17.8633 curveto - -5.71094 -17.9336 moveto - -5.23047 -18.3516 -4.78906 -18.8164 -4.26172 -19.1758 curveto - -4.09766 -18.7812 -3.97656 -18.3672 -3.94531 -17.9414 curveto - -4.53516 -17.9336 -5.12109 -17.918 -5.71094 -17.9336 curveto - -2.69922 -17.9219 moveto - -2.62891 -18.1914 -2.54297 -18.4609 -2.46484 -18.7305 curveto - -2.44141 -18.4648 -2.42969 -18.1953 -2.41797 -17.9258 curveto - -2.51172 -17.9219 -2.60547 -17.9219 -2.69922 -17.9219 curveto - 2.23438 -17.9375 moveto - 2.27344 -18.1328 2.32422 -18.3281 2.38281 -18.5195 curveto - 2.44141 -18.3203 2.49219 -18.1172 2.53516 -17.9141 curveto - 2.4375 -17.9219 2.33594 -17.9297 2.23438 -17.9375 curveto - 3.73828 -17.9453 moveto - 3.84375 -18.3633 3.97266 -18.7773 4.16016 -19.168 curveto - 4.63672 -18.7852 5.09375 -18.3828 5.50391 -17.9297 curveto - 4.91406 -17.9219 4.32422 -17.9297 3.73828 -17.9453 curveto - 6.75391 -17.9062 moveto - 7.34766 -18.2695 7.97266 -18.5898 8.61719 -18.8555 curveto - 8.53125 -18.5117 8.39453 -18.1836 8.24219 -17.8672 curveto - 7.74609 -17.8711 7.25 -17.8672 6.75391 -17.9062 curveto - -6.50391 -19.1523 moveto - -5.93359 -19.1562 -5.35938 -19.1562 -4.78516 -19.1562 curveto - -5.20312 -18.7539 -5.625 -18.3516 -6.09375 -18.0039 curveto - -6.27734 -18.3672 -6.41797 -18.7539 -6.50391 -19.1523 curveto - 4.64062 -19.1523 moveto - 5.21094 -19.1562 5.78125 -19.1602 6.35156 -19.1445 curveto - 6.23828 -18.7656 6.13672 -18.3789 5.98047 -18.0117 curveto - 5.49219 -18.3438 5.05859 -18.7422 4.64062 -19.1523 curveto - 6.34375 -18.0742 moveto - 6.41016 -18.4375 6.52734 -18.7891 6.63672 -19.1406 curveto - 7.24219 -19.168 7.85156 -19.1562 8.45703 -19.1523 curveto - 7.78125 -18.7422 7.05078 -18.4297 6.34375 -18.0742 curveto - -8.60938 -19.1484 moveto - -7.99609 -19.1602 -7.38281 -19.1641 -6.76953 -19.1484 curveto - -6.67188 -18.8047 -6.56641 -18.4648 -6.50391 -18.1133 curveto - -7.23438 -18.3984 -7.92578 -18.7695 -8.60938 -19.1484 curveto - -3.01562 -19.1562 moveto - -2.89453 -19.1562 -2.77344 -19.1562 -2.65234 -19.1562 curveto - -2.70312 -18.9023 -2.76172 -18.6445 -2.84375 -18.3945 curveto - -2.93359 -18.6406 -2.98438 -18.8984 -3.01562 -19.1562 curveto - 3.07812 -18.4727 moveto - 3.08203 -18.6914 3.09375 -18.9141 3.10547 -19.1367 curveto - 3.22266 -19.1445 3.33984 -19.1523 3.45703 -19.1562 curveto - 3.34375 -18.9219 3.21875 -18.6914 3.07812 -18.4727 curveto - -3.60547 -19.1523 moveto - -3.48828 -19.1484 -3.375 -19.1445 -3.25781 -19.1406 curveto - -3.25391 -18.9375 -3.25 -18.7305 -3.25391 -18.5273 curveto - -3.37891 -18.7305 -3.49609 -18.9414 -3.60547 -19.1523 curveto - 2.45703 -19.1445 moveto - 2.60156 -19.1484 2.74609 -19.1562 2.89062 -19.1602 curveto - 2.85547 -18.9297 2.79688 -18.707 2.70312 -18.4961 curveto - 2.61328 -18.707 2.53516 -18.9258 2.45703 -19.1445 curveto - -10.3789 -19.4336 moveto - -10.3906 -19.4883 -10.4102 -19.6016 -10.4219 -19.6562 curveto - -3.55859 -19.6641 3.30078 -19.668 10.1602 -19.6562 curveto - 10.1562 -19.5977 10.1523 -19.4883 10.1484 -19.4336 curveto - 3.30469 -19.4375 -3.53906 -19.4375 -10.3789 -19.4336 curveto - -7.87109 -19.9102 moveto - -7.875 -20.082 -7.88281 -20.2539 -7.89062 -20.4219 curveto - -7.63672 -20.4297 -7.38281 -20.4336 -7.13281 -20.4297 curveto - -7.13672 -20.2539 -7.14062 -20.0781 -7.14453 -19.9023 curveto - -7.38672 -19.9062 -7.62891 -19.9062 -7.87109 -19.9102 curveto - -1.91406 -19.8906 moveto - -1.91797 -20.0703 -1.92188 -20.2578 -1.92578 -20.4414 curveto - -1.67188 -20.4375 -1.41797 -20.4336 -1.16406 -20.4219 curveto - -1.16797 -20.2656 -1.17188 -20.1094 -1.17188 -19.9531 curveto - -1.41797 -19.9219 -1.66406 -19.9023 -1.91406 -19.8906 curveto - -0.886719 -19.9023 moveto - -0.898438 -20.0781 -0.910156 -20.2578 -0.917969 -20.4375 curveto - -0.691406 -20.4414 -0.464844 -20.4375 -0.234375 -20.4375 curveto - -0.238281 -20.2578 -0.246094 -20.0781 -0.253906 -19.9023 curveto - -0.464844 -19.9023 -0.675781 -19.9023 -0.886719 -19.9023 curveto - -8.84375 -19.9492 moveto - -8.84375 -20.1094 -8.84375 -20.2734 -8.84375 -20.4336 curveto - -8.60547 -20.4336 -8.36719 -20.4336 -8.13281 -20.4336 curveto - -8.13281 -20.2734 -8.13281 -20.1094 -8.13672 -19.9492 curveto - -8.37109 -19.9492 -8.60938 -19.9492 -8.84375 -19.9492 curveto - -4.875 -19.9492 moveto - -4.87891 -20.1094 -4.87891 -20.2734 -4.87891 -20.4375 curveto - -4.65234 -20.4375 -4.42188 -20.4375 -4.19531 -20.4375 curveto - -4.19531 -20.2734 -4.19922 -20.1094 -4.20312 -19.9492 curveto - -4.42578 -19.9453 -4.65234 -19.9492 -4.875 -19.9492 curveto - 0.0351562 -19.957 moveto - 0.0351562 -20.1133 0.03125 -20.2695 0.0273438 -20.4297 curveto - 0.277344 -20.4336 0.527344 -20.4336 0.777344 -20.4258 curveto - 0.777344 -20.2656 0.773438 -20.1094 0.777344 -19.9531 curveto - 0.527344 -19.9492 0.28125 -19.9492 0.0351562 -19.957 curveto - 1.08594 -19.9453 moveto - 1.08203 -20.1172 1.08203 -20.2891 1.08203 -20.4648 curveto - 1.3125 -20.457 1.54688 -20.4453 1.77734 -20.4336 curveto - 1.77734 -20.2734 1.77344 -20.1133 1.77344 -19.9531 curveto - 1.54297 -19.9492 1.31641 -19.9492 1.08594 -19.9453 curveto - 2.04688 -19.9531 moveto - 2.04688 -20.1094 2.04297 -20.2695 2.03906 -20.4258 curveto - 2.26562 -20.4297 2.49219 -20.4336 2.71875 -20.4375 curveto - 2.71484 -20.2734 2.71484 -20.1094 2.71094 -19.9453 curveto - 2.48828 -19.9492 2.26953 -19.9492 2.04688 -19.9531 curveto - 4.01953 -19.9453 moveto - 4.01562 -20.1094 4.01562 -20.2734 4.01562 -20.4414 curveto - 4.25391 -20.4414 4.49609 -20.4336 4.73828 -20.4297 curveto - 4.73438 -20.2695 4.73438 -20.1094 4.73438 -19.9531 curveto - 4.49609 -19.9492 4.25781 -19.9453 4.01953 -19.9453 curveto - 5.0 -19.9414 moveto - 4.99219 -20.1055 4.98828 -20.2695 4.98828 -20.4336 curveto - 5.22656 -20.4375 5.46094 -20.4375 5.69922 -20.4336 curveto - 5.69922 -20.2695 5.69922 -20.1094 5.69531 -19.9492 curveto - 5.46094 -19.9453 5.23047 -19.9414 5.0 -19.9414 curveto - 8.9375 -19.957 moveto - 8.93359 -20.1133 8.92969 -20.2656 8.92578 -20.4258 curveto - 9.17969 -20.4297 9.42969 -20.4297 9.68359 -20.4297 curveto - 9.68359 -20.2695 9.68359 -20.1094 9.68359 -19.9531 curveto - 9.43359 -19.9492 9.18359 -19.9531 8.9375 -19.957 curveto - -9.82812 -19.9531 moveto - -9.82812 -20.1133 -9.82812 -20.2695 -9.82812 -20.4297 curveto - -9.60156 -20.4297 -9.37109 -20.4297 -9.14453 -20.4297 curveto - -9.14453 -20.2695 -9.14453 -20.1094 -9.14844 -19.9492 curveto - -9.375 -19.9492 -9.60156 -19.9531 -9.82812 -19.9531 curveto - -6.875 -19.9609 moveto - -6.87109 -20.1172 -6.86719 -20.2773 -6.86328 -20.4414 curveto - -6.63281 -20.4492 -6.40625 -20.4609 -6.17578 -20.4648 curveto - -6.17188 -20.293 -6.16797 -20.1211 -6.16797 -19.9492 curveto - -6.40234 -19.9492 -6.63672 -19.9531 -6.875 -19.9609 curveto - -5.86328 -19.9531 moveto - -5.86328 -20.1094 -5.86719 -20.2656 -5.86719 -20.4219 curveto - -5.64453 -20.4297 -5.42578 -20.4375 -5.20312 -20.4453 curveto - -5.19531 -20.2812 -5.19141 -20.1133 -5.1875 -19.9492 curveto - -5.41406 -19.9492 -5.63672 -19.9492 -5.86328 -19.9531 curveto - -3.86719 -19.9531 moveto - -3.86328 -20.1211 -3.85547 -20.2891 -3.84766 -20.4609 curveto - -3.64844 -20.4609 -3.44531 -20.4609 -3.24609 -20.4609 curveto - -3.24219 -20.2891 -3.23828 -20.1211 -3.23438 -19.9531 curveto - -3.44531 -19.9531 -3.65625 -19.9531 -3.86719 -19.9531 curveto - -2.88281 -19.9492 moveto - -2.89062 -20.1055 -2.89453 -20.2656 -2.89844 -20.4258 curveto - -2.66406 -20.4297 -2.43359 -20.4336 -2.19922 -20.4336 curveto - -2.19531 -20.2773 -2.19531 -20.125 -2.19141 -19.9688 curveto - -2.42188 -19.957 -2.65234 -19.9531 -2.88281 -19.9492 curveto - 3.03516 -19.9531 moveto - 3.03516 -20.1094 3.03125 -20.2695 3.03125 -20.4297 curveto - 3.25781 -20.4297 3.48438 -20.4297 3.71484 -20.4297 curveto - 3.71094 -20.2695 3.71094 -20.1094 3.71094 -19.9531 curveto - 3.48438 -19.9531 3.26172 -19.9531 3.03516 -19.9531 curveto - 5.98828 -19.9609 moveto - 5.99219 -20.1211 5.99609 -20.2852 6.0 -20.4492 curveto - 6.23438 -20.4375 6.46484 -20.4297 6.69922 -20.4219 curveto - 6.69531 -20.2656 6.69141 -20.1055 6.69141 -19.9492 curveto - 6.45703 -19.9492 6.21875 -19.9531 5.98828 -19.9609 curveto - 6.99219 -19.9531 moveto - 6.99219 -20.1133 6.99609 -20.2773 7.0 -20.4414 curveto - 7.22266 -20.4336 7.44922 -20.4297 7.67578 -20.4297 curveto - 7.67578 -20.2734 7.67578 -20.1211 7.67969 -19.9688 curveto - 7.44922 -19.957 7.21875 -19.9531 6.99219 -19.9531 curveto - 7.96875 -19.9531 moveto - 7.97266 -20.1133 7.97656 -20.2734 7.98047 -20.4336 curveto - 8.20703 -20.4336 8.42969 -20.4336 8.65625 -20.4336 curveto - 8.66016 -20.2773 8.66406 -20.1172 8.66797 -19.9609 curveto - 8.4375 -19.9531 8.20312 -19.9531 7.96875 -19.9531 curveto - -9.97656 -20.918 moveto - -9.44531 -20.9805 -8.90625 -20.9453 -8.375 -20.9531 curveto - -2.44531 -20.9531 3.48438 -20.9492 9.41406 -20.9531 curveto - 9.59766 -20.9492 9.77734 -20.9297 9.95703 -20.8984 curveto - 9.8125 -20.8281 9.66016 -20.7617 9.49219 -20.7656 curveto - 3.14062 -20.7734 -3.21094 -20.7695 -9.5625 -20.7695 curveto - -9.71875 -20.7578 -9.875 -20.7812 -9.97656 -20.918 curveto - -0.921875 -21.2383 moveto - -0.921875 -21.4336 -0.921875 -21.6289 -0.921875 -21.8242 curveto - -0.695312 -21.8281 -0.46875 -21.832 -0.242188 -21.8359 curveto - -0.242188 -21.6328 -0.242188 -21.4336 -0.242188 -21.2305 curveto - -0.46875 -21.2344 -0.695312 -21.2383 -0.921875 -21.2383 curveto - 0.0351562 -21.2344 moveto - 0.0351562 -21.4336 0.0351562 -21.6328 0.0351562 -21.832 curveto - 0.28125 -21.832 0.527344 -21.8281 0.773438 -21.8242 curveto - 0.769531 -21.6289 0.769531 -21.4336 0.773438 -21.2422 curveto - 0.527344 -21.2383 0.28125 -21.2344 0.0351562 -21.2344 curveto - 2.04688 -21.2305 moveto - 2.04297 -21.4297 2.04688 -21.6328 2.04688 -21.8359 curveto - 2.26953 -21.832 2.49609 -21.8281 2.72266 -21.8242 curveto - 2.72266 -21.6289 2.72266 -21.4336 2.72266 -21.2422 curveto - 2.49609 -21.2383 2.26953 -21.2344 2.04688 -21.2305 curveto - 3.02734 -21.2383 moveto - 3.02734 -21.4336 3.02734 -21.6289 3.03125 -21.8242 curveto - 3.25781 -21.8281 3.48438 -21.832 3.71094 -21.8359 curveto - 3.71094 -21.6328 3.71094 -21.4336 3.71094 -21.2305 curveto - 3.48438 -21.2344 3.25781 -21.2383 3.02734 -21.2383 curveto - -9.82422 -21.2383 moveto - -9.82422 -21.4336 -9.82422 -21.6328 -9.82031 -21.832 curveto - -9.59375 -21.8281 -9.36719 -21.8203 -9.14453 -21.8125 curveto - -9.14062 -21.625 -9.14062 -21.4375 -9.14062 -21.2539 curveto - -9.36719 -21.2422 -9.59766 -21.2383 -9.82422 -21.2383 curveto - -8.84375 -21.2461 moveto - -8.84375 -21.4336 -8.84375 -21.625 -8.83984 -21.8164 curveto - -8.60547 -21.8242 -8.37109 -21.8242 -8.13672 -21.8281 curveto - -8.13281 -21.6328 -8.12891 -21.4375 -8.12891 -21.2422 curveto - -8.36719 -21.2383 -8.60547 -21.2422 -8.84375 -21.2461 curveto - -7.82422 -21.2266 moveto - -7.83594 -21.4336 -7.83203 -21.6367 -7.81641 -21.8438 curveto - -7.59766 -21.8125 -7.33203 -21.8828 -7.15625 -21.7188 curveto - -7.14062 -21.5625 -7.14062 -21.4062 -7.14453 -21.2539 curveto - -7.37109 -21.2422 -7.59766 -21.2344 -7.82422 -21.2266 curveto - -6.87109 -21.2422 moveto - -6.86719 -21.4336 -6.86719 -21.625 -6.86328 -21.8164 curveto - -6.63281 -21.8203 -6.40625 -21.8281 -6.17578 -21.832 curveto - -6.17188 -21.6328 -6.16797 -21.4336 -6.17188 -21.2383 curveto - -6.40234 -21.2383 -6.63672 -21.2383 -6.87109 -21.2422 curveto - -5.86328 -21.2422 moveto - -5.86328 -21.4336 -5.86328 -21.6289 -5.85938 -21.8242 curveto - -5.63672 -21.8281 -5.41797 -21.8281 -5.19922 -21.8281 curveto - -5.19531 -21.6289 -5.19141 -21.4336 -5.19531 -21.2383 curveto - -5.41797 -21.2383 -5.64062 -21.2383 -5.86328 -21.2422 curveto - -4.87891 -21.2422 moveto - -4.87891 -21.4375 -4.87891 -21.6328 -4.875 -21.8281 curveto - -4.65234 -21.8281 -4.42578 -21.8242 -4.20312 -21.8164 curveto - -4.19922 -21.625 -4.19922 -21.4336 -4.19922 -21.2422 curveto - -4.42578 -21.2383 -4.65234 -21.2383 -4.87891 -21.2422 curveto - -3.85547 -21.2266 moveto - -3.85938 -21.4297 -3.85547 -21.6367 -3.85156 -21.8398 curveto - -3.66797 -21.832 -3.48047 -21.8398 -3.29688 -21.8008 curveto - -3.09766 -21.7148 -3.17578 -21.4492 -3.22266 -21.2852 curveto - -3.42969 -21.2227 -3.64453 -21.2344 -3.85547 -21.2266 curveto - -2.89453 -21.2578 moveto - -2.89453 -21.4414 -2.89453 -21.625 -2.89062 -21.8125 curveto - -2.67188 -21.8008 -2.39062 -21.9023 -2.21484 -21.7188 curveto - -2.19531 -21.5625 -2.20703 -21.4023 -2.20312 -21.2422 curveto - -2.43359 -21.2422 -2.66406 -21.2461 -2.89453 -21.2578 curveto - -1.92188 -21.2539 moveto - -1.92188 -21.4375 -1.92188 -21.625 -1.91797 -21.8086 curveto - -1.69141 -21.8203 -1.46875 -21.8281 -1.24219 -21.832 curveto - -1.23828 -21.6328 -1.23828 -21.4336 -1.23828 -21.2344 curveto - -1.46484 -21.2383 -1.69531 -21.2461 -1.92188 -21.2539 curveto - 1.08203 -21.2344 moveto - 1.08203 -21.4336 1.08203 -21.6328 1.08594 -21.8359 curveto - 1.3125 -21.8281 1.54297 -21.8203 1.76953 -21.8086 curveto - 1.77344 -21.6211 1.77344 -21.4375 1.77344 -21.2539 curveto - 1.54297 -21.2461 1.3125 -21.2383 1.08203 -21.2344 curveto - 4.01562 -21.2461 moveto - 4.01562 -21.4375 4.01562 -21.6289 4.02344 -21.8164 curveto - 4.25781 -21.8242 4.49219 -21.8242 4.72656 -21.8242 curveto - 4.72656 -21.6289 4.72656 -21.4336 4.72656 -21.2422 curveto - 4.48828 -21.2422 4.25 -21.2422 4.01562 -21.2461 curveto - 5.04297 -21.2344 moveto - 5.03125 -21.3867 4.9375 -21.5547 5.00781 -21.6992 curveto - 5.04688 -21.8438 5.19141 -21.8359 5.30859 -21.8359 curveto - 5.41797 -21.8203 5.57812 -21.8711 5.64453 -21.7578 curveto - 5.79688 -21.6094 5.66016 -21.4062 5.64453 -21.2344 curveto - 5.44531 -21.2344 5.24609 -21.2344 5.04297 -21.2344 curveto - 5.99219 -21.2461 moveto - 5.99219 -21.4336 5.99609 -21.625 5.99609 -21.8164 curveto - 6.22656 -21.8242 6.45703 -21.8281 6.6875 -21.8281 curveto - 6.6875 -21.6328 6.69141 -21.4336 6.69141 -21.2383 curveto - 6.45703 -21.2383 6.22266 -21.2422 5.99219 -21.2461 curveto - 6.99609 -21.2422 moveto - 6.99609 -21.4336 6.99609 -21.6289 6.99609 -21.8242 curveto - 7.21875 -21.8281 7.4375 -21.8281 7.66016 -21.8281 curveto - 7.66406 -21.6328 7.66797 -21.4336 7.66797 -21.2422 curveto - 7.44141 -21.2383 7.21875 -21.2383 6.99609 -21.2422 curveto - 7.97266 -21.2422 moveto - 7.97266 -21.4336 7.97656 -21.6289 7.98047 -21.8242 curveto - 8.20703 -21.8281 8.43359 -21.8242 8.66016 -21.8242 curveto - 8.66016 -21.6289 8.66016 -21.4336 8.66016 -21.2422 curveto - 8.42969 -21.2383 8.20312 -21.2383 7.97266 -21.2422 curveto - 9.00781 -21.2227 moveto - 8.98438 -21.3633 8.93359 -21.5 8.93359 -21.6445 curveto - 9.01953 -21.9141 9.34766 -21.8398 9.5625 -21.8125 curveto - 9.74219 -21.6875 9.65234 -21.4375 9.67969 -21.2539 curveto - 9.45312 -21.2422 9.23047 -21.2344 9.00781 -21.2227 curveto - -10.0781 -22.1719 moveto - -9.89844 -22.2578 -9.70312 -22.3164 -9.50391 -22.3047 curveto - -3.02344 -22.2852 3.45703 -22.3242 9.9375 -22.2891 curveto - 9.91797 -22.2188 9.90234 -22.1484 9.88672 -22.0781 curveto - 3.72656 -22.082 -2.4375 -22.082 -8.59766 -22.082 curveto - -9.08984 -22.0859 -9.59375 -22.0312 -10.0781 -22.1719 curveto - -10.5898 -24.0469 moveto - -13.1914 -29.3789 -16.4727 -34.3906 -20.4492 -38.8008 curveto - -20.707 -39.0664 -20.9648 -39.3359 -21.168 -39.6484 curveto - -18.2109 -36.5664 -15.6289 -33.1289 -13.4102 -29.4805 curveto - -12.2695 -27.6367 -11.2656 -25.7148 -10.2969 -23.7773 curveto - -10.1094 -23.3711 -9.87891 -22.9766 -9.78906 -22.5312 curveto - -10.1367 -22.9883 -10.3242 -23.5391 -10.5898 -24.0469 curveto - -6.47656 -22.6094 moveto - -6.44141 -22.6719 -6.40625 -22.7344 -6.37109 -22.793 curveto - -6.33984 -22.793 -6.28125 -22.793 -6.25391 -22.793 curveto - -6.21875 -22.7227 -6.18359 -22.6484 -6.14844 -22.5781 curveto - -6.25781 -22.5859 -6.36719 -22.5977 -6.47656 -22.6094 curveto - -5.76953 -23.1211 moveto - -7.20312 -25.7656 -8.88281 -28.2656 -10.3047 -30.918 curveto - -11.1406 -32.4727 -11.9102 -34.0703 -12.4258 -35.7617 curveto - -12.625 -36.332 -12.8086 -36.9062 -12.9102 -37.5 curveto - -13.0234 -38.1836 -13.2305 -38.8633 -13.1875 -39.5664 curveto - -12.9297 -39.0938 -12.9531 -38.5469 -12.8359 -38.0352 curveto - -12.668 -37.2852 -12.4414 -36.5508 -12.2422 -35.8086 curveto - -11.6094 -33.7695 -10.6523 -31.8516 -9.58203 -30.0078 curveto - -8.32422 -27.8828 -6.95312 -25.8203 -5.79297 -23.6367 curveto - -5.61719 -23.2773 -5.37109 -22.9336 -5.33594 -22.5195 curveto - -5.50781 -22.6992 -5.65625 -22.9023 -5.76953 -23.1211 curveto - 0.964844 -22.9883 moveto - 1.07422 -23.1562 1.21094 -23.2969 1.34766 -23.4375 curveto - 1.50781 -23.293 1.66406 -23.1406 1.82031 -22.9922 curveto - 1.66016 -22.8438 1.5 -22.6953 1.33984 -22.5508 curveto - 1.20703 -22.6875 1.0625 -22.8203 0.964844 -22.9883 curveto - -8.65625 -22.9141 moveto - -8.5625 -23.0859 -8.42969 -23.2305 -8.30078 -23.3789 curveto - -8.12891 -23.25 -7.95703 -23.1133 -7.78516 -22.9805 curveto - -7.91016 -22.8633 -8.03125 -22.7305 -8.18359 -22.6484 curveto - -8.39062 -22.5664 -8.55469 -22.7617 -8.65625 -22.9141 curveto - -7.38672 -22.9805 moveto - -7.24219 -23.1328 -7.09766 -23.2852 -6.94922 -23.4375 curveto - -6.79297 -23.2852 -6.64453 -23.1367 -6.49219 -22.9844 curveto - -6.63672 -22.8555 -6.76953 -22.6992 -6.95312 -22.6211 curveto - -7.13672 -22.6875 -7.25391 -22.8516 -7.38672 -22.9805 curveto - -3.92578 -22.6484 moveto - -4.05078 -22.7344 -4.14453 -22.8555 -4.24609 -22.9688 curveto - -4.08203 -23.1055 -3.92188 -23.2461 -3.75391 -23.3789 curveto - -3.60938 -23.2344 -3.46875 -23.082 -3.32812 -22.9297 curveto - -3.50781 -22.8086 -3.68359 -22.5781 -3.92578 -22.6484 curveto - -2.53125 -22.6328 moveto - -2.69531 -22.6953 -2.88672 -22.8438 -2.88281 -23.0312 curveto - -2.76172 -23.1758 -2.60938 -23.293 -2.46484 -23.418 curveto - -2.34375 -23.2656 -2.08203 -23.1562 -2.10547 -22.9375 curveto - -2.19531 -22.7852 -2.34375 -22.6367 -2.53125 -22.6328 curveto - -0.382812 -22.9648 moveto - -0.234375 -23.0977 -0.0820312 -23.2305 0.0742188 -23.3633 curveto - 0.210938 -23.2305 0.351562 -23.0977 0.492188 -22.9648 curveto - 0.359375 -22.8477 0.257812 -22.6523 0.0664062 -22.6328 curveto - -0.148438 -22.6094 -0.253906 -22.832 -0.382812 -22.9648 curveto - 2.63672 -22.6445 moveto - 2.46875 -22.7227 2.34766 -22.8672 2.21094 -22.9883 curveto - 2.32031 -23.1016 2.43359 -23.2188 2.55859 -23.3203 curveto - 2.77734 -23.2812 2.89453 -23.0586 3.04297 -22.9141 curveto - 2.91406 -22.8203 2.80859 -22.6445 2.63672 -22.6445 curveto - 3.46094 -22.9297 moveto - 3.58203 -23.0664 3.69531 -23.2148 3.84375 -23.3281 curveto - 4.06641 -23.3281 4.19922 -23.0977 4.36719 -22.9727 curveto - 4.19922 -22.8203 4.02344 -22.6797 3.83203 -22.5586 curveto - 3.71094 -22.6836 3.58594 -22.8047 3.46094 -22.9297 curveto - 5.28516 -22.582 moveto - 5.41406 -23.1328 5.73438 -23.6094 5.99609 -24.1016 curveto - 7.38281 -26.6914 9.07422 -29.1016 10.4336 -31.707 curveto - 11.0156 -32.8281 11.5234 -33.9922 11.957 -35.1797 curveto - 12.2187 -36.043 12.5156 -36.8984 12.6992 -37.7852 curveto - 12.8594 -38.4141 12.875 -39.0742 13.1016 -39.6875 curveto - 13.2227 -39.2266 13.0781 -38.7617 13.0 -38.3086 curveto - 12.8906 -37.7852 12.7695 -37.2617 12.6445 -36.7422 curveto - 12.4766 -35.9648 12.1406 -35.2383 11.8945 -34.4883 curveto - 10.3086 -30.4531 7.76172 -26.9062 5.70703 -23.1094 curveto - 5.60156 -22.9102 5.45703 -22.7305 5.28516 -22.582 curveto - 6.60156 -22.9453 moveto - 6.60547 -23.1602 6.83594 -23.2852 6.95703 -23.4414 curveto - 7.125 -23.2773 7.28906 -23.1133 7.44922 -22.9414 curveto - 7.29688 -22.8242 7.15234 -22.6797 6.96484 -22.6211 curveto - 6.81641 -22.6914 6.6875 -22.8047 6.60156 -22.9453 curveto - 8.02344 -22.793 moveto - 7.81641 -22.9805 8.08594 -23.2305 8.24609 -23.3477 curveto - 8.45312 -23.2734 8.60156 -23.1016 8.76172 -22.9609 curveto - 8.65234 -22.8516 8.5625 -22.7148 8.42188 -22.6445 curveto - 8.26953 -22.5977 8.11328 -22.6758 8.02344 -22.793 curveto - 9.73828 -22.582 moveto - 9.96875 -23.4336 10.4766 -24.1641 10.8242 -24.9648 curveto - 12.8477 -28.9375 15.2578 -32.7188 18.0547 -36.1914 curveto - 19.0312 -37.3516 19.9805 -38.5469 21.082 -39.5898 curveto - 20.6328 -39.0 20.0977 -38.4766 19.6211 -37.9062 curveto - 18.5898 -36.7344 17.6289 -35.5 16.6992 -34.25 curveto - 14.3398 -31.0898 12.3242 -27.6875 10.5664 -24.1602 curveto - 10.2969 -23.6328 10.1172 -23.0508 9.73828 -22.582 curveto - -9.50781 -22.6758 moveto - -9.57812 -22.8711 -9.64844 -23.0664 -9.71484 -23.2617 curveto - -9.64453 -23.2891 -9.57422 -23.3164 -9.50391 -23.3438 curveto - -9.37109 -23.1953 -9.24219 -23.043 -9.10938 -22.8945 curveto - -9.24219 -22.8203 -9.375 -22.7461 -9.50781 -22.6758 curveto - -5.02734 -22.6758 moveto - -5.10156 -22.8711 -5.17188 -23.0664 -5.24219 -23.2617 curveto - -5.19531 -23.2812 -5.10156 -23.3242 -5.05859 -23.3438 curveto - -4.91016 -23.1992 -4.76172 -23.0547 -4.61719 -22.9102 curveto - -4.75391 -22.832 -4.89062 -22.7539 -5.02734 -22.6758 curveto - -1.61328 -23.0 moveto - -1.48438 -23.125 -1.35547 -23.25 -1.22266 -23.3711 curveto - -1.08594 -23.2227 -0.949219 -23.0703 -0.8125 -22.918 curveto - -0.9375 -22.8125 -1.06641 -22.7109 -1.19531 -22.6133 curveto - -1.33594 -22.7422 -1.47266 -22.8711 -1.61328 -23.0 curveto - 5.85156 -22.6836 moveto - 5.87891 -22.8008 5.91016 -22.9141 5.94141 -23.0312 curveto - 5.99609 -23.0312 6.10156 -23.0352 6.15625 -23.0352 curveto - 6.05469 -22.918 5.95312 -22.8008 5.85156 -22.6836 curveto - 9.12891 -22.9219 moveto - 9.30078 -23.0898 9.48047 -23.25 9.67969 -23.3828 curveto - 9.63672 -23.1406 9.53516 -22.9102 9.42188 -22.6914 curveto - 9.32422 -22.7695 9.22656 -22.8477 9.12891 -22.9219 curveto - 4.76562 -22.957 moveto - 4.92578 -23.1367 5.09766 -23.3086 5.28906 -23.457 curveto - 5.21875 -23.2227 5.10547 -23.0078 4.98438 -22.7969 curveto - 4.92969 -22.8398 4.82031 -22.918 4.76562 -22.957 curveto - -4.875 -23.5742 moveto - -4.73828 -23.7266 -4.59766 -23.8789 -4.46094 -24.0352 curveto - -4.28906 -23.8906 -4.125 -23.7422 -3.96484 -23.5898 curveto - -4.125 -23.4375 -4.28125 -23.2891 -4.44141 -23.1367 curveto - -4.58594 -23.2812 -4.73438 -23.4258 -4.875 -23.5742 curveto - 2.85156 -23.5352 moveto - 2.89844 -23.75 3.09766 -23.8867 3.23828 -24.043 curveto - 3.38281 -23.918 3.54297 -23.8047 3.64844 -23.6406 curveto - 3.65625 -23.4219 3.42578 -23.2891 3.27344 -23.1641 curveto - 3.09766 -23.2383 2.95703 -23.3789 2.85156 -23.5352 curveto - -8.95703 -23.2266 moveto - -9.10938 -23.3242 -9.23438 -23.4531 -9.36328 -23.5742 curveto - -9.21094 -23.7305 -9.05469 -23.8867 -8.89844 -24.0391 curveto - -8.73828 -23.8828 -8.58594 -23.7227 -8.44531 -23.5508 curveto - -8.60547 -23.4297 -8.75781 -23.2773 -8.95703 -23.2266 curveto - -6.73047 -23.7461 moveto - -6.63281 -23.7578 -6.53125 -23.7734 -6.42969 -23.7891 curveto - -6.34766 -23.5977 -6.26562 -23.4023 -6.20703 -23.1992 curveto - -6.44922 -23.3047 -6.64844 -23.4883 -6.73047 -23.7461 curveto - -0.953125 -23.5273 moveto - -0.953125 -23.7383 -0.769531 -23.8945 -0.59375 -23.9805 curveto - -0.394531 -23.9102 -0.273438 -23.7305 -0.136719 -23.582 curveto - -0.28125 -23.4492 -0.417969 -23.3008 -0.597656 -23.2188 curveto - -0.753906 -23.2617 -0.882812 -23.3789 -0.953125 -23.5273 curveto - -7.96094 -23.5508 moveto - -8.0 -23.8008 -7.69531 -23.9023 -7.55078 -24.0508 curveto - -7.41406 -23.9062 -7.28906 -23.7578 -7.16016 -23.6055 curveto - -7.29688 -23.4766 -7.4375 -23.3477 -7.57422 -23.2188 curveto - -7.71094 -23.3203 -7.85156 -23.418 -7.96094 -23.5508 curveto - -3.56641 -23.5938 moveto - -3.41797 -23.7461 -3.29297 -23.9531 -3.07031 -24.0078 curveto - -2.91797 -23.8945 -2.79297 -23.7461 -2.66797 -23.6016 curveto - -2.83594 -23.4805 -2.97656 -23.2539 -3.20312 -23.2578 curveto - -3.33594 -23.3516 -3.44922 -23.4766 -3.56641 -23.5938 curveto - -1.91406 -23.2812 moveto - -2.02734 -23.3672 -2.12891 -23.4727 -2.20312 -23.5977 curveto - -2.16797 -23.7852 -1.99219 -24.043 -1.77344 -23.9141 curveto - -1.64062 -23.8047 -1.38281 -23.6133 -1.56641 -23.4414 curveto - -1.64453 -23.3516 -1.79688 -23.1914 -1.91406 -23.2812 curveto - 0.28125 -23.5977 moveto - 0.421875 -23.75 0.539062 -23.9492 0.746094 -24.0117 curveto - 0.921875 -23.9102 1.04688 -23.7539 1.17969 -23.6055 curveto - 1.01562 -23.4688 0.847656 -23.3398 0.679688 -23.2148 curveto - 0.546875 -23.3438 0.414062 -23.4727 0.28125 -23.5977 curveto - 1.625 -23.5977 moveto - 1.67578 -23.7656 1.83203 -23.875 1.94141 -24.0039 curveto - 2.10547 -23.8594 2.26172 -23.7109 2.41406 -23.5547 curveto - 2.27734 -23.4492 2.14453 -23.3398 2.00781 -23.2344 curveto - 1.87891 -23.3516 1.73828 -23.4609 1.625 -23.5977 curveto - 4.09766 -23.5938 moveto - 4.24219 -23.7422 4.38281 -23.9023 4.56641 -24.0117 curveto - 4.76562 -23.9727 4.92578 -23.7891 4.96484 -23.5977 curveto - 4.86719 -23.457 4.75 -23.3359 4.63672 -23.2109 curveto - 4.45312 -23.332 4.27344 -23.4609 4.09766 -23.5938 curveto - 6.19141 -23.2383 moveto - 6.23438 -23.4805 6.33984 -23.707 6.47656 -23.9102 curveto - 6.58984 -23.8242 6.70312 -23.7344 6.8125 -23.6484 curveto - 6.63672 -23.4727 6.42969 -23.3242 6.19141 -23.2383 curveto - 7.17188 -23.6484 moveto - 7.32812 -23.7969 7.48047 -23.9414 7.63281 -24.0898 curveto - 7.78516 -23.9258 7.94141 -23.7578 8.08984 -23.5898 curveto - 7.96094 -23.4766 7.83594 -23.3555 7.69141 -23.2617 curveto - 7.46875 -23.2891 7.33203 -23.5117 7.17188 -23.6484 curveto - 8.45312 -23.5859 moveto - 8.61719 -23.7305 8.78516 -23.8711 8.95312 -24.0117 curveto - 9.10938 -23.8672 9.26562 -23.7188 9.41797 -23.5742 curveto - 9.27734 -23.4492 9.13672 -23.3164 8.96875 -23.2266 curveto - 8.76953 -23.3047 8.61328 -23.4531 8.45312 -23.5859 curveto - -5.07422 -23.8047 moveto - -5.22656 -23.9414 -5.37891 -24.0742 -5.53125 -24.2148 curveto - -5.41016 -24.2969 -5.30469 -24.4219 -5.15234 -24.4414 curveto - -4.95703 -24.4492 -4.77344 -24.3672 -4.58984 -24.3164 curveto - -4.73438 -24.1289 -4.89844 -23.9609 -5.07422 -23.8047 curveto - 2.62109 -23.793 moveto - 2.45312 -23.9453 2.29688 -24.1055 2.15234 -24.2734 curveto - 2.30469 -24.3359 2.44922 -24.4375 2.62109 -24.4414 curveto - 2.78516 -24.4258 2.9375 -24.3555 3.09375 -24.3047 curveto - 2.94922 -24.125 2.78516 -23.957 2.62109 -23.793 curveto - -9.99609 -24.3164 moveto - -9.70312 -24.4648 -9.375 -24.457 -9.08203 -24.3164 curveto - -9.21875 -24.1172 -9.39062 -23.9453 -9.57422 -23.793 curveto - -9.73047 -23.9531 -9.87109 -24.1289 -9.99609 -24.3164 curveto - -8.68359 -24.3477 moveto - -8.37109 -24.4336 -8.02734 -24.4961 -7.74609 -24.2891 curveto - -7.91016 -24.1328 -8.07031 -23.9766 -8.23438 -23.8203 curveto - -8.41016 -23.9727 -8.56641 -24.1484 -8.68359 -24.3477 curveto - -7.36719 -24.3867 moveto - -7.16016 -24.3984 -6.89453 -24.5078 -6.73828 -24.3242 curveto - -6.59766 -24.1602 -6.73438 -23.9023 -6.94141 -23.9023 curveto - -7.16406 -23.9688 -7.26172 -24.1992 -7.36719 -24.3867 curveto - -4.23047 -24.3203 moveto - -3.92578 -24.4453 -3.59766 -24.4648 -3.29297 -24.3438 curveto - -3.41406 -24.1953 -3.50781 -23.9961 -3.69141 -23.9141 curveto - -3.96094 -23.8398 -4.08594 -24.1562 -4.23047 -24.3203 curveto - -1.62891 -24.1719 moveto - -1.60938 -24.2344 -1.56641 -24.3594 -1.54688 -24.418 curveto - -1.29297 -24.4414 -1.03906 -24.4102 -0.796875 -24.3438 curveto - -0.90625 -24.1328 -1.0625 -23.9531 -1.25 -23.8008 curveto - -1.37891 -23.9258 -1.50391 -24.0508 -1.62891 -24.1719 curveto - -0.335938 -24.3711 moveto - -0.0351562 -24.4492 0.285156 -24.4766 0.554688 -24.2891 curveto - 0.417969 -24.1523 0.292969 -24.0 0.128906 -23.9023 curveto - -0.140625 -23.8594 -0.246094 -24.1758 -0.335938 -24.3711 curveto - 0.894531 -24.2969 moveto - 1.12109 -24.418 1.37891 -24.4531 1.63281 -24.4219 curveto - 1.65234 -24.3555 1.6875 -24.2266 1.70703 -24.1602 curveto - 1.59375 -24.0625 1.47656 -23.9688 1.36328 -23.8711 curveto - 1.20703 -24.0117 1.05078 -24.1523 0.894531 -24.2969 curveto - 3.46875 -24.3281 moveto - 3.79688 -24.4648 4.15234 -24.4609 4.46484 -24.293 curveto - 4.28125 -24.1523 4.11719 -23.957 3.89062 -23.8867 curveto - 3.67969 -23.9492 3.59375 -24.1719 3.46875 -24.3281 curveto - 4.75391 -24.293 moveto - 5.07031 -24.4727 5.4375 -24.4492 5.78516 -24.4258 curveto - 5.61328 -24.2227 5.42578 -24.0312 5.23047 -23.8477 curveto - 5.07031 -23.9961 4.91016 -24.1445 4.75391 -24.293 curveto - 6.61328 -24.3281 moveto - 6.88281 -24.4453 7.17578 -24.4453 7.44922 -24.3398 curveto - 7.31641 -24.1836 7.19531 -24.0078 7.01172 -23.9102 curveto - 6.78125 -23.8945 6.72266 -24.1797 6.61328 -24.3281 curveto - 7.8125 -24.3789 moveto - 8.11719 -24.457 8.43359 -24.4375 8.73047 -24.332 curveto - 8.59766 -24.1641 8.49219 -23.8984 8.24219 -23.8945 curveto - 8.02344 -23.9688 7.91797 -24.1914 7.8125 -24.3789 curveto - 9.16406 -24.3477 moveto - 9.45703 -24.457 9.76562 -24.4453 10.0352 -24.2773 curveto - 9.88672 -24.1055 9.73047 -23.9453 9.56641 -23.7891 curveto - 9.41016 -23.957 9.27344 -24.1406 9.16406 -24.3477 curveto - -2.90234 -24.3477 moveto - -2.67188 -24.4102 -2.42969 -24.4336 -2.19141 -24.3984 curveto - -2.17188 -24.3398 -2.13672 -24.2305 -2.12109 -24.1758 curveto - -2.24219 -24.0781 -2.35938 -23.9766 -2.48047 -23.8789 curveto - -2.62891 -24.0312 -2.76953 -24.1836 -2.90234 -24.3477 curveto - -10.4258 -24.6914 moveto - -10.4648 -24.7617 -10.5039 -24.832 -10.543 -24.9023 curveto - -9.38672 -24.918 -8.23047 -24.9258 -7.07812 -24.8984 curveto - -7.07031 -24.8281 -7.0625 -24.7578 -7.05469 -24.6914 curveto - -8.17969 -24.7031 -9.30078 -24.6953 -10.4258 -24.6914 curveto - -6.06641 -24.6953 moveto - -6.08984 -24.7656 -6.11719 -24.8359 -6.14062 -24.9102 curveto - -2.05469 -24.9141 2.03516 -24.918 6.12109 -24.9062 curveto - 6.11328 -24.8633 6.09766 -24.7773 6.08594 -24.7344 curveto - 5.48047 -24.6719 4.87109 -24.6992 4.26172 -24.6953 curveto - 0.820312 -24.6953 -2.625 -24.6953 -6.06641 -24.6953 curveto - 7.01172 -24.7266 moveto - 7.01953 -24.7734 7.03516 -24.8633 7.04297 -24.9102 curveto - 8.18359 -24.9141 9.32422 -24.918 10.4648 -24.9102 curveto - 10.4531 -24.8672 10.4258 -24.7812 10.4141 -24.7422 curveto - 9.28125 -24.7148 8.14453 -24.7422 7.01172 -24.7266 curveto - -8.49219 -25.1914 moveto - -8.49219 -25.2695 -8.49219 -25.3516 -8.49219 -25.4297 curveto - -8.39062 -25.4219 -8.28906 -25.418 -8.1875 -25.4141 curveto - -8.18359 -25.3398 -8.17969 -25.2695 -8.17578 -25.1992 curveto - -8.28125 -25.1953 -8.38672 -25.1953 -8.49219 -25.1914 curveto - -3.80469 -25.1992 moveto - -3.76562 -25.3008 -3.72656 -25.4023 -3.69141 -25.5039 curveto - -3.47656 -25.4648 -3.26172 -25.4258 -3.04688 -25.3906 curveto - -3.03125 -25.3281 -3.01562 -25.2656 -3.00391 -25.2031 curveto - -3.26953 -25.1992 -3.53516 -25.1992 -3.80469 -25.1992 curveto - 7.6875 -25.4609 moveto - 7.8125 -25.4727 7.94141 -25.4922 8.06641 -25.5117 curveto - 8.04688 -25.3867 8.02344 -25.2617 8.00391 -25.1406 curveto - 7.89062 -25.2383 7.77734 -25.3359 7.6875 -25.4609 curveto - 8.26953 -25.1484 moveto - 8.26172 -25.207 8.24219 -25.3203 8.23438 -25.375 curveto - 8.33984 -25.3633 8.44141 -25.3516 8.54297 -25.3359 curveto - 8.45312 -25.2734 8.35938 -25.2109 8.26953 -25.1484 curveto - -10.3789 -25.1875 moveto - -10.3867 -25.2734 -10.4023 -25.4492 -10.4141 -25.5352 curveto - -10.3047 -25.4922 -10.2031 -25.4414 -10.0977 -25.3906 curveto - -10.168 -25.293 -10.2852 -25.25 -10.3789 -25.1875 curveto - -9.91406 -25.2383 moveto - -10.0 -25.3438 -9.81641 -25.4805 -9.74219 -25.3672 curveto - -9.66016 -25.2578 -9.83984 -25.1211 -9.91406 -25.2383 curveto - -8.92578 -25.2656 moveto - -8.93359 -25.375 -8.9375 -25.4844 -8.94141 -25.5938 curveto - -8.83594 -25.5664 -8.73047 -25.5391 -8.625 -25.5156 curveto - -8.625 -25.4688 -8.62891 -25.3828 -8.63281 -25.3359 curveto - -8.73047 -25.3125 -8.82812 -25.2891 -8.92578 -25.2656 curveto - -6.07422 -25.1953 moveto - -5.95312 -25.5039 -5.86719 -25.8438 -5.64453 -26.1055 curveto - -5.44922 -26.1367 -5.24609 -26.0742 -5.06641 -25.9883 curveto - -4.96484 -25.7891 -5.16406 -25.5781 -5.25391 -25.4062 curveto - -5.41797 -25.1055 -5.79688 -25.2148 -6.07422 -25.1953 curveto - -4.91797 -25.1953 moveto - -4.84766 -25.4102 -4.76953 -25.6211 -4.6875 -25.832 curveto - -4.4375 -25.7656 -4.19531 -25.6758 -3.95703 -25.5742 curveto - -4.05469 -25.457 -4.14453 -25.3203 -4.28125 -25.2422 curveto - -4.48438 -25.1758 -4.70703 -25.2031 -4.91797 -25.1953 curveto - 2.87109 -25.332 moveto - 3.07812 -25.4023 3.28516 -25.4844 3.50781 -25.4961 curveto - 3.59375 -25.4141 3.65625 -25.3086 3.73047 -25.2148 curveto - 3.4375 -25.1836 3.12891 -25.1758 2.87109 -25.332 curveto - 3.90625 -25.6133 moveto - 4.11719 -25.707 4.32812 -25.7969 4.54297 -25.8789 curveto - 4.65234 -25.6719 4.75391 -25.4648 4.85547 -25.2539 curveto - 4.64062 -25.2188 4.41797 -25.1641 4.20312 -25.2188 curveto - 4.07422 -25.3242 3.99609 -25.4766 3.90625 -25.6133 curveto - 5.28125 -25.2734 moveto - 5.07812 -25.457 5.00781 -25.7344 4.89844 -25.9766 curveto - 5.09766 -26.0703 5.29688 -26.1641 5.49609 -26.2578 curveto - 5.68359 -25.918 5.86719 -25.5703 6.01172 -25.2031 curveto - 5.76953 -25.2148 5.5 -25.1406 5.28125 -25.2734 curveto - 9.74609 -25.25 moveto - 9.66016 -25.3555 9.84375 -25.4922 9.91797 -25.375 curveto - 10.0039 -25.2695 9.82422 -25.1328 9.74609 -25.25 curveto - 7.42188 -25.3242 moveto - 7.41797 -25.4102 7.41406 -25.4961 7.41406 -25.582 curveto - 7.46484 -25.582 7.57031 -25.582 7.62109 -25.582 curveto - 7.60547 -25.5078 7.58984 -25.4375 7.57812 -25.3672 curveto - 7.53906 -25.3555 7.46094 -25.332 7.42188 -25.3242 curveto - 9.25391 -25.2852 moveto - 9.27734 -25.3906 9.29688 -25.5 9.31641 -25.6055 curveto - 9.38672 -25.5625 9.52344 -25.4805 9.58984 -25.4375 curveto - 9.47656 -25.3867 9.36328 -25.3359 9.25391 -25.2852 curveto - -10.8281 -25.375 moveto - -10.8281 -25.4336 -10.8281 -25.5586 -10.8281 -25.6211 curveto - -10.7734 -25.6211 -10.6562 -25.625 -10.6016 -25.625 curveto - -10.6016 -25.5586 -10.6016 -25.4258 -10.6016 -25.3594 curveto - -10.6562 -25.3633 -10.7695 -25.3711 -10.8281 -25.375 curveto - -9.39844 -25.4023 moveto - -9.36328 -25.5312 -9.32422 -25.6562 -9.26953 -25.7773 curveto - -9.20312 -25.6602 -9.14453 -25.5391 -9.08203 -25.418 curveto - -9.16016 -25.4141 -9.32031 -25.4062 -9.39844 -25.4023 curveto - -0.476562 -25.3945 moveto - -0.484375 -25.8008 -0.480469 -26.2109 -0.472656 -26.6211 curveto - -0.304688 -26.6211 -0.140625 -26.6211 0.0273438 -26.6211 curveto - 0.0351562 -26.207 0.0390625 -25.7891 0.0234375 -25.3711 curveto - -0.144531 -25.3789 -0.308594 -25.3867 -0.476562 -25.3945 curveto - 0.34375 -25.4062 moveto - 0.351562 -25.8086 0.351562 -26.2148 0.351562 -26.6211 curveto - 0.519531 -26.6289 0.683594 -26.6406 0.851562 -26.6523 curveto - 0.875 -26.2305 0.875 -25.8125 0.851562 -25.3945 curveto - 0.679688 -25.3984 0.515625 -25.3984 0.34375 -25.4062 curveto - 6.34375 -25.3789 moveto - 6.16797 -25.7266 5.98828 -26.0781 5.79688 -26.418 curveto - 5.99609 -26.5273 6.19531 -26.6367 6.39453 -26.75 curveto - 6.52734 -26.5234 6.6875 -26.3086 6.76172 -26.0547 curveto - 6.6875 -25.7969 6.5 -25.5898 6.34375 -25.3789 curveto - 8.82812 -25.4062 moveto - 8.82812 -25.5156 8.82422 -25.625 8.82422 -25.7344 curveto - 8.88281 -25.7305 9.0 -25.7227 9.05859 -25.7188 curveto - 9.0625 -25.6172 9.07031 -25.5117 9.06641 -25.4062 curveto - 9.00781 -25.4062 8.88672 -25.4062 8.82812 -25.4062 curveto - -7.88672 -25.4805 moveto - -7.89453 -25.5664 -7.90234 -25.6523 -7.90625 -25.7422 curveto - -7.79297 -25.7383 -7.67969 -25.7344 -7.56641 -25.7305 curveto - -7.57812 -25.6562 -7.59375 -25.5781 -7.60547 -25.5039 curveto - -7.69922 -25.4961 -7.79297 -25.4883 -7.88672 -25.4805 curveto - -6.77734 -26.0469 moveto - -6.76953 -26.2852 -6.62109 -26.4805 -6.51172 -26.6836 curveto - -6.30469 -26.582 -6.10156 -26.4766 -5.90234 -26.3711 curveto - -6.06641 -26.043 -6.23828 -25.7227 -6.44531 -25.4219 curveto - -6.57422 -25.6172 -6.74219 -25.8086 -6.77734 -26.0469 curveto - -1.30469 -25.4141 moveto - -1.3125 -25.8242 -1.30859 -26.2305 -1.29688 -26.6406 curveto - -1.12891 -26.6367 -0.964844 -26.6367 -0.800781 -26.6367 curveto - -0.785156 -26.2305 -0.789062 -25.8164 -0.800781 -25.4102 curveto - -0.96875 -25.4102 -1.13672 -25.4102 -1.30469 -25.4141 curveto - 1.17188 -25.4219 moveto - 1.17188 -25.832 1.17578 -26.2422 1.16797 -26.6562 curveto - 1.33984 -26.6719 1.50781 -26.6875 1.67578 -26.7031 curveto - 1.69531 -26.3008 1.69531 -25.8984 1.69141 -25.4961 curveto - 1.51562 -25.4727 1.34375 -25.4414 1.17188 -25.4219 curveto - -9.83594 -25.5664 moveto - -9.83984 -25.6094 -9.84766 -25.6992 -9.84766 -25.7461 curveto - -9.76562 -25.7695 -9.67969 -25.7969 -9.59766 -25.8242 curveto - -9.59375 -25.7305 -9.58984 -25.6328 -9.58594 -25.543 curveto - -9.66797 -25.5508 -9.75391 -25.5586 -9.83594 -25.5664 curveto - -2.94531 -25.6797 moveto - -2.97656 -26.0703 -2.94531 -26.4688 -2.91016 -26.8633 curveto - -2.75391 -26.8477 -2.59766 -26.832 -2.4375 -26.8203 curveto - -2.41406 -26.3906 -2.41406 -25.9609 -2.45312 -25.5312 curveto - -2.61719 -25.5703 -2.79297 -25.5977 -2.94531 -25.6797 curveto - -2.12891 -25.4961 moveto - -2.13672 -25.8984 -2.12891 -26.3008 -2.11719 -26.6992 curveto - -1.94531 -26.6953 -1.77734 -26.6914 -1.60938 -26.6875 curveto - -1.59766 -26.2891 -1.60156 -25.8906 -1.60938 -25.4883 curveto - -1.78516 -25.4883 -1.95703 -25.4922 -2.12891 -25.4961 curveto - 8.31641 -25.5547 moveto - 8.32812 -25.6328 8.33984 -25.7148 8.35156 -25.7969 curveto - 8.45312 -25.7852 8.55469 -25.7773 8.65234 -25.7656 curveto - 8.64844 -25.7188 8.63672 -25.6211 8.63281 -25.5703 curveto - 8.52734 -25.5625 8.42188 -25.5586 8.31641 -25.5547 curveto - 10.2773 -25.4609 moveto - 10.3047 -25.582 10.3281 -25.707 10.3555 -25.8359 curveto - 10.4258 -25.7891 10.5625 -25.7031 10.6328 -25.6602 curveto - 10.5195 -25.582 10.3984 -25.5234 10.2773 -25.4609 curveto - -10.2344 -25.625 moveto - -10.2305 -25.6719 -10.2188 -25.7617 -10.2148 -25.8047 curveto - -10.1758 -25.8047 -10.0898 -25.8047 -10.0469 -25.8008 curveto - -10.0469 -25.7578 -10.0391 -25.6719 -10.0391 -25.6289 curveto - -10.0859 -25.6289 -10.1836 -25.6289 -10.2344 -25.625 curveto - -8.32422 -25.6289 moveto - -8.41016 -25.7539 -8.19141 -25.8633 -8.12109 -25.7422 curveto - -8.03906 -25.6172 -8.25391 -25.5078 -8.32422 -25.6289 curveto - 2.00391 -25.5625 moveto - 2.0 -25.957 1.99609 -26.3555 2.00391 -26.75 curveto - 2.16406 -26.7812 2.32812 -26.8125 2.49219 -26.8438 curveto - 2.51562 -26.4258 2.51562 -26.0039 2.50391 -25.582 curveto - 2.33594 -25.5742 2.16797 -25.5664 2.00391 -25.5625 curveto - 9.80859 -25.6289 moveto - 9.82031 -25.6641 9.84766 -25.7344 9.85938 -25.7695 curveto - 9.92969 -25.7852 9.99609 -25.8008 10.0664 -25.8164 curveto - 10.0703 -25.7656 10.0781 -25.6641 10.0781 -25.6133 curveto - 9.98828 -25.6172 9.89844 -25.625 9.80859 -25.6289 curveto - -3.73438 -25.8633 moveto - -3.83203 -26.2695 -3.75391 -26.6992 -3.70703 -27.1094 curveto - -3.55469 -27.043 -3.38281 -27.0 -3.25781 -26.8789 curveto - -3.21484 -26.4922 -3.25 -26.0977 -3.26562 -25.7109 curveto - -3.42578 -25.7539 -3.58594 -25.793 -3.73438 -25.8633 curveto - 2.82812 -25.7148 moveto - 2.82031 -26.1055 2.82031 -26.4961 2.82812 -26.8828 curveto - 2.98828 -26.9258 3.14844 -26.9727 3.3125 -27.0156 curveto - 3.33594 -26.5938 3.34375 -26.168 3.32422 -25.7461 curveto - 3.16016 -25.7344 2.99219 -25.7266 2.82812 -25.7148 curveto - 3.65625 -25.9141 moveto - 3.64062 -26.3125 3.63672 -26.7109 3.64062 -27.1094 curveto - 3.80469 -27.1602 3.96875 -27.2148 4.13281 -27.2656 curveto - 4.15234 -26.8516 4.15234 -26.4414 4.15625 -26.0273 curveto - 3.98828 -25.9922 3.82031 -25.9492 3.65625 -25.9141 curveto - -4.59375 -26.0742 moveto - -4.59766 -26.4844 -4.58984 -26.8945 -4.54297 -27.3047 curveto - -4.36328 -27.2734 -4.18359 -27.2383 -4.00781 -27.2109 curveto - -4.00391 -26.7969 -4.01953 -26.3828 -4.0625 -25.9727 curveto - -4.23828 -26.0039 -4.41797 -26.0391 -4.59375 -26.0742 curveto - -11.2695 -26.1172 moveto - -11.1172 -26.2031 -10.9492 -26.2578 -10.7734 -26.25 curveto - -10.0234 -26.25 -9.27344 -26.2461 -8.52344 -26.2539 curveto - -8.27344 -26.2539 -7.99609 -26.2812 -7.78906 -26.1016 curveto - -8.33203 -26.0469 -8.87891 -26.082 -9.41797 -26.0742 curveto - -10.0352 -26.0859 -10.6562 -26.0312 -11.2695 -26.1172 curveto - 7.72266 -26.1133 moveto - 7.875 -26.1992 8.03906 -26.2617 8.21484 -26.2539 curveto - 8.91797 -26.25 9.61719 -26.2422 10.3164 -26.2461 curveto - 10.6133 -26.2422 10.9375 -26.2891 11.1992 -26.1133 curveto - 10.6094 -26.0312 10.0117 -26.0898 9.42188 -26.0742 curveto - 8.85547 -26.082 8.28516 -26.0352 7.72266 -26.1133 curveto - 4.47266 -26.1562 moveto - 4.45312 -26.5547 4.44922 -26.9531 4.44922 -27.3516 curveto - 4.60938 -27.4062 4.76953 -27.4648 4.92969 -27.5195 curveto - 4.96484 -27.125 4.97266 -26.7305 4.97266 -26.3359 curveto - 4.80469 -26.2734 4.64062 -26.2148 4.47266 -26.1562 curveto - -5.35547 -26.418 moveto - -5.35938 -26.8164 -5.36328 -27.2227 -5.28516 -27.6172 curveto - -5.12891 -27.5469 -4.97266 -27.4766 -4.81641 -27.4102 curveto - -4.82031 -27.0156 -4.85156 -26.625 -4.90234 -26.2383 curveto - -5.05469 -26.2969 -5.20312 -26.3555 -5.35547 -26.418 curveto - -7.48438 -27.2656 moveto - -7.24609 -27.1602 -7.02734 -27.0234 -6.82031 -26.8672 curveto - -6.89453 -26.7188 -6.96875 -26.5703 -7.04297 -26.4219 curveto - -7.23438 -26.6758 -7.40625 -26.9531 -7.48438 -27.2656 curveto - 6.96094 -26.4141 moveto - 6.88281 -26.5938 6.80859 -26.7695 6.73438 -26.9492 curveto - 6.9375 -27.1055 7.16016 -27.2344 7.41797 -27.2695 curveto - 7.34375 -26.9492 7.16016 -26.6719 6.96094 -26.4141 curveto - -11.0039 -26.5859 moveto - -10.9023 -26.9688 -10.7852 -27.3477 -10.6523 -27.7227 curveto - -10.3828 -27.3789 -10.1797 -26.9922 -10.0039 -26.5977 curveto - -10.3359 -26.5742 -10.6719 -26.5664 -11.0039 -26.5859 curveto - -9.66406 -26.6094 moveto - -9.83984 -26.9258 -10.0195 -27.2422 -10.1523 -27.5781 curveto - -9.58203 -27.375 -9.07422 -27.043 -8.58594 -26.6914 curveto - -8.94141 -26.6133 -9.30469 -26.5977 -9.66406 -26.6094 curveto - -6.15234 -26.8828 moveto - -6.20312 -27.2656 -6.15234 -27.6602 -6.11328 -28.043 curveto - -5.95703 -27.9531 -5.79688 -27.8633 -5.64062 -27.7812 curveto - -5.63281 -27.375 -5.64062 -26.9648 -5.70312 -26.5664 curveto - -5.85938 -26.6562 -6.02734 -26.7422 -6.15234 -26.8828 curveto - 5.29297 -26.5273 moveto - 5.27734 -26.8945 5.23828 -27.2617 5.28125 -27.6289 curveto - 5.39062 -27.7656 5.57422 -27.8164 5.72656 -27.8984 curveto - 5.77344 -27.4922 5.78906 -27.0859 5.76953 -26.6758 curveto - 5.61328 -26.6289 5.45312 -26.5781 5.29297 -26.5273 curveto - 8.4375 -26.5977 moveto - 9.03125 -26.9766 9.61719 -27.3711 10.2344 -27.7188 curveto - 10.1016 -27.4102 9.95312 -27.1055 9.78125 -26.8164 curveto - 9.71875 -26.7305 9.66797 -26.6133 9.55078 -26.6016 curveto - 9.18359 -26.5352 8.80859 -26.5781 8.4375 -26.5977 curveto - 10.0078 -26.5859 moveto - 10.1562 -26.9922 10.3828 -27.3633 10.6211 -27.7227 curveto - 10.7578 -27.3477 10.8984 -26.9727 11.0078 -26.5898 curveto - 10.6758 -26.5703 10.3398 -26.5664 10.0078 -26.5859 curveto - -12.0078 -27.8281 moveto - -11.6523 -27.8906 -11.2852 -27.9023 -10.9219 -27.918 curveto - -11.0039 -27.5273 -11.1172 -27.1445 -11.2734 -26.7812 curveto - -11.5391 -27.1172 -11.7539 -27.4883 -12.0078 -27.8281 curveto - 8.17578 -26.7852 moveto - 8.36719 -27.1367 8.5625 -27.4844 8.78906 -27.8086 curveto - 8.86719 -27.8984 8.93359 -28.0273 9.06641 -28.0312 curveto - 9.37891 -28.0625 9.67969 -27.9805 9.98437 -27.9258 curveto - 9.39453 -27.5234 8.79297 -27.1445 8.17578 -26.7852 curveto - 10.8789 -27.9102 moveto - 11.2422 -27.9062 11.6055 -27.8945 11.9687 -27.8633 curveto - 11.7617 -27.4883 11.5195 -27.1367 11.2812 -26.7852 curveto - 11.125 -27.1523 10.9844 -27.5273 10.8789 -27.9102 curveto - -9.99219 -27.9297 moveto - -9.71094 -27.9648 -9.42578 -28.0664 -9.14062 -28.0117 curveto - -8.78125 -27.7305 -8.60938 -27.2852 -8.37109 -26.9102 curveto - -8.90625 -27.2617 -9.46875 -27.5625 -9.99219 -27.9297 curveto - -1.94141 -27.0234 moveto - -3.73438 -27.2461 -5.48438 -27.8594 -6.98438 -28.875 curveto - -7.83594 -29.418 -8.55078 -30.1406 -9.22266 -30.8906 curveto - -11.2539 -33.3047 -12.3203 -36.4023 -12.7031 -39.5039 curveto - -12.5859 -39.5 -12.4688 -39.5 -12.3477 -39.5 curveto - -12.2969 -39.0859 -12.3008 -38.6641 -12.2305 -38.25 curveto - -12.0898 -37.4688 -11.8672 -36.707 -11.6211 -35.9531 curveto - -11.2188 -34.8477 -10.8008 -33.7461 -10.2617 -32.6992 curveto - -9.87891 -31.9648 -9.28516 -31.3828 -8.74609 -30.7695 curveto - -7.5 -29.3281 -5.79297 -28.3477 -4.0 -27.7383 curveto - -2.33203 -27.1992 -0.546875 -27.1445 1.19141 -27.2539 curveto - 2.41797 -27.3242 3.61719 -27.6562 4.75 -28.1211 curveto - 5.90234 -28.6367 7.02344 -29.2695 7.94531 -30.1445 curveto - 8.45312 -30.6602 8.9375 -31.1992 9.41406 -31.7422 curveto - 9.98828 -32.3945 10.3437 -33.1953 10.6797 -33.9883 curveto - 10.8945 -34.5195 11.168 -35.0312 11.3516 -35.5742 curveto - 11.5273 -36.0938 11.707 -36.6094 11.8594 -37.1328 curveto - 12.1055 -37.9766 12.1914 -38.8555 12.4062 -39.707 curveto - 12.543 -39.5977 12.6523 -39.4727 12.6094 -39.2891 curveto - 12.5078 -38.2969 12.2148 -37.3359 11.9492 -36.375 curveto - 11.7656 -35.6875 11.4805 -35.0312 11.2109 -34.3711 curveto - 10.2461 -32.1719 8.75 -30.1562 6.72266 -28.8359 curveto - 5.03125 -27.6992 3.01562 -27.0742 0.988281 -26.9609 curveto - 0.0117188 -26.8281 -0.96875 -26.9648 -1.94141 -27.0234 curveto - 6.12109 -26.9492 moveto - 6.07422 -27.3086 6.01953 -27.668 5.99609 -28.0312 curveto - 6.16797 -28.125 6.35156 -28.2031 6.52734 -28.2891 curveto - 6.5625 -27.9062 6.57031 -27.5195 6.5625 -27.1367 curveto - 6.41406 -27.0742 6.26953 -27.0117 6.12109 -26.9492 curveto - -6.94141 -27.2617 moveto - -6.93359 -27.668 -6.92188 -28.0703 -6.88281 -28.4727 curveto - -6.70703 -28.3438 -6.42188 -28.2578 -6.42578 -27.9961 curveto - -6.41016 -27.6992 -6.46094 -27.4023 -6.48438 -27.1055 curveto - -6.63672 -27.1562 -6.78906 -27.207 -6.94141 -27.2617 curveto - 6.85547 -27.3828 moveto - 6.84375 -27.7695 6.78516 -28.1641 6.84766 -28.5508 curveto - 6.96484 -28.6641 7.11328 -28.7344 7.25391 -28.8125 curveto - 7.28125 -28.4727 7.39844 -28.1328 7.34375 -27.7891 curveto - 7.22656 -27.6055 7.03125 -27.5 6.85547 -27.3828 curveto - -1.60938 -27.8125 moveto - -1.36328 -27.8242 -1.11719 -27.8242 -0.871094 -27.8203 curveto - -0.988281 -27.6992 -1.10547 -27.5781 -1.22266 -27.457 curveto - -1.35547 -27.5703 -1.48438 -27.6875 -1.60938 -27.8125 curveto - -0.882812 -27.5117 moveto - -0.785156 -27.6289 -0.6875 -27.7461 -0.585938 -27.8594 curveto - -0.476562 -27.7383 -0.367188 -27.6211 -0.257812 -27.5 curveto - -0.46875 -27.4961 -0.675781 -27.5039 -0.882812 -27.5117 curveto - -0.25 -27.8203 moveto - -0.03125 -27.8242 0.1875 -27.8242 0.40625 -27.8203 curveto - 0.296875 -27.7031 0.183594 -27.5859 0.0742188 -27.4727 curveto - -0.0351562 -27.5859 -0.144531 -27.6992 -0.25 -27.8203 curveto - 0.398438 -27.5039 moveto - 0.488281 -27.625 0.574219 -27.7461 0.667969 -27.8711 curveto - 0.808594 -27.7617 0.945312 -27.6484 1.07812 -27.5273 curveto - 0.851562 -27.5078 0.625 -27.5039 0.398438 -27.5039 curveto - 1.13281 -27.832 moveto - 1.31641 -27.8281 1.5 -27.8242 1.68359 -27.8164 curveto - 1.57422 -27.6992 1.45703 -27.5898 1.34375 -27.4766 curveto - 1.27344 -27.5938 1.19922 -27.7109 1.13281 -27.832 curveto - -2.11719 -27.6367 moveto - -2.03516 -27.6953 -1.95703 -27.7617 -1.86719 -27.8164 curveto - -1.80078 -27.7422 -1.74219 -27.6602 -1.68359 -27.5859 curveto - -1.82812 -27.5977 -1.97266 -27.6133 -2.11719 -27.6367 curveto - -7.71094 -27.9336 moveto - -7.75 -28.2852 -7.68359 -28.6367 -7.64453 -28.9844 curveto - -7.50391 -28.8906 -7.35547 -28.8086 -7.23047 -28.6875 curveto - -7.14453 -28.3164 -7.22656 -27.9297 -7.24609 -27.5547 curveto - -7.41016 -27.6602 -7.64453 -27.7305 -7.71094 -27.9336 curveto - -2.8125 -27.7969 moveto - -2.58203 -27.8242 -2.34766 -27.8281 -2.11719 -27.8047 curveto - -2.23438 -27.75 -2.33594 -27.6602 -2.46484 -27.6562 curveto - -2.58984 -27.6797 -2.69922 -27.7461 -2.8125 -27.7969 curveto - 1.8125 -27.6406 moveto - 1.85547 -27.7109 1.90234 -27.7773 1.94531 -27.8477 curveto - 1.98828 -27.7812 2.02734 -27.7109 2.07031 -27.6445 curveto - 1.98438 -27.6406 1.89844 -27.6406 1.8125 -27.6406 curveto - 7.61328 -29.0391 moveto - 7.70703 -29.2305 7.88672 -29.3594 8.03516 -29.5039 curveto - 8.07031 -29.1367 8.14453 -28.7578 8.07812 -28.3906 curveto - 7.97266 -28.2305 7.8125 -28.1172 7.67188 -27.9961 curveto - 7.61719 -28.3398 7.5625 -28.6914 7.61328 -29.0391 curveto - -8.40625 -28.6328 moveto - -8.44922 -28.9531 -8.40234 -29.2773 -8.375 -29.5977 curveto - -8.23438 -29.4805 -8.07812 -29.375 -7.96875 -29.2266 curveto - -7.90234 -28.8633 -7.96484 -28.4922 -7.98047 -28.125 curveto - -8.15234 -28.2617 -8.36719 -28.3984 -8.40625 -28.6328 curveto - -12.168 -28.2109 moveto - -12.4609 -28.5078 -12.6523 -28.8867 -12.8555 -29.2461 curveto - -12.2461 -28.9805 -11.6602 -28.6406 -11.1445 -28.2188 curveto - -11.4844 -28.1914 -11.832 -28.1289 -12.168 -28.2109 curveto - -10.4648 -28.2539 moveto - -10.3594 -28.6758 -10.2148 -29.0859 -10.0234 -29.4766 curveto - -9.72656 -29.1172 -9.5 -28.707 -9.23047 -28.3281 curveto - -9.64062 -28.2734 -10.0547 -28.2539 -10.4648 -28.2539 curveto - 9.125 -28.3164 moveto - 9.40625 -28.7539 9.60938 -29.2578 10.0078 -29.6055 curveto - 10.1406 -29.1523 10.3125 -28.7109 10.4609 -28.2617 curveto - 10.0156 -28.25 9.56641 -28.25 9.125 -28.3164 curveto - 11.1055 -28.2148 moveto - 11.6016 -28.6016 12.125 -28.9648 12.7109 -29.1953 curveto - 12.5977 -28.8203 12.418 -28.4453 12.1055 -28.1992 curveto - 11.7734 -28.1484 11.4375 -28.1914 11.1055 -28.2148 curveto - -5.24219 -28.6641 moveto - -5.30469 -28.8281 -5.32031 -29.0078 -5.34766 -29.1836 curveto - -5.19141 -29.1562 -5.03516 -29.125 -4.88281 -29.0977 curveto - -4.87891 -28.8633 -4.88281 -28.6328 -4.89062 -28.3984 curveto - -5.01562 -28.4766 -5.1875 -28.5078 -5.24219 -28.6641 curveto - -4.59375 -28.4258 moveto - -4.58984 -28.6016 -4.58203 -28.7773 -4.57812 -28.9492 curveto - -4.39844 -28.8945 -4.22266 -28.8281 -4.04688 -28.7656 curveto - -4.05078 -28.6523 -4.05469 -28.5469 -4.05859 -28.4375 curveto - -4.23438 -28.4336 -4.41406 -28.4297 -4.59375 -28.4258 curveto - -3.78125 -28.4492 moveto - -3.78125 -28.5039 -3.78125 -28.6094 -3.78125 -28.6602 curveto - -3.63281 -28.6523 -3.48438 -28.6445 -3.33203 -28.6406 curveto - -3.29688 -28.5703 -3.25781 -28.4961 -3.21875 -28.4258 curveto - -3.40625 -28.4336 -3.59375 -28.4375 -3.78125 -28.4492 curveto - -1.78906 -28.5703 moveto - -3.14844 -28.8164 -4.51172 -29.1289 -5.75781 -29.7422 curveto - -5.87891 -29.8086 -5.98047 -29.8984 -6.08594 -29.9844 curveto - -5.19141 -29.6562 -4.34375 -29.1797 -3.40234 -28.9766 curveto - -2.625 -28.8164 -1.83984 -28.668 -1.04688 -28.6445 curveto - 0.0078125 -28.625 1.07031 -28.6055 2.11328 -28.7852 curveto - 2.89062 -28.9336 3.67969 -29.082 4.40625 -29.4023 curveto - 4.91016 -29.5898 5.38672 -29.8359 5.87891 -30.0469 curveto - 5.74609 -29.8828 5.58984 -29.7305 5.38672 -29.6562 curveto - 4.89062 -29.4492 4.39453 -29.2188 3.87109 -29.0898 curveto - 2.79688 -28.8047 1.71484 -28.5039 0.601562 -28.4922 curveto - -0.195312 -28.4766 -0.996094 -28.4648 -1.78906 -28.5703 curveto - 3.05859 -28.4297 moveto - 3.07422 -28.4766 3.10156 -28.5781 3.11328 -28.625 curveto - 3.25391 -28.6406 3.39453 -28.6562 3.53516 -28.6758 curveto - 3.53906 -28.6133 3.53906 -28.4883 3.54297 -28.4258 curveto - 3.37891 -28.4258 3.21875 -28.4258 3.05859 -28.4297 curveto - 3.86719 -28.4297 moveto - 3.86719 -28.5391 3.86328 -28.6523 3.85938 -28.7656 curveto - 4.02344 -28.8359 4.1875 -28.8984 4.35156 -28.9648 curveto - 4.35547 -28.7891 4.36328 -28.6094 4.36719 -28.4297 curveto - 4.19922 -28.4297 4.03516 -28.4297 3.86719 -28.4297 curveto - 4.71875 -28.4023 moveto - 4.69141 -28.625 4.67969 -28.8516 4.66797 -29.0742 curveto - 4.83203 -29.1094 4.98828 -29.168 5.15234 -29.1953 curveto - 5.12891 -29.0273 5.13281 -28.8477 5.05859 -28.6875 curveto - 4.98438 -28.5547 4.83594 -28.4883 4.71875 -28.4023 curveto - -12.8828 -29.6836 moveto - -12.5078 -29.707 -12.1367 -29.7031 -11.7617 -29.6992 curveto - -11.5352 -29.3125 -11.3086 -28.9297 -11.0703 -28.5508 curveto - -11.6602 -28.9492 -12.2969 -29.2773 -12.8828 -29.6836 curveto - 10.6797 -28.5078 moveto - 10.5156 -28.8945 10.3789 -29.2969 10.2773 -29.7031 curveto - 10.6406 -29.707 11.0078 -29.707 11.3711 -29.6914 curveto - 11.1797 -29.2773 10.9492 -28.8789 10.6797 -28.5078 curveto - -11.3828 -29.6953 moveto - -11.0352 -29.707 -10.6875 -29.707 -10.3398 -29.707 curveto - -10.3945 -29.3047 -10.4961 -28.8984 -10.7422 -28.5664 curveto - -11.0 -28.918 -11.2148 -29.2969 -11.3828 -29.6953 curveto - -6.42578 -29.7812 moveto - -6.98047 -30.8438 -7.625 -31.8594 -8.11328 -32.957 curveto - -8.48438 -33.6875 -8.72266 -34.4766 -9.05078 -35.2305 curveto - -9.49219 -36.5703 -9.87891 -37.9414 -10.0039 -39.3555 curveto - -9.96484 -39.3438 -9.88281 -39.3164 -9.83984 -39.3008 curveto - -9.39844 -36.2188 -8.27734 -33.2578 -6.69922 -30.582 curveto - -6.37891 -29.9219 -5.90625 -29.3477 -5.60547 -28.6758 curveto - -5.97656 -28.9648 -6.21875 -29.3672 -6.42578 -29.7812 curveto - 5.48047 -28.7812 moveto - 5.56641 -28.9961 5.66797 -29.2031 5.78516 -29.4023 curveto - 7.39062 -31.9961 8.73828 -34.8008 9.35547 -37.8047 curveto - 9.48828 -38.3477 9.48047 -38.9297 9.73047 -39.4414 curveto - 9.79688 -38.8047 9.62109 -38.1797 9.49219 -37.5586 curveto - 9.12891 -35.9141 8.53906 -34.3242 7.82031 -32.8047 curveto - 7.32812 -31.6641 6.66406 -30.6172 6.09375 -29.5156 curveto - 5.94922 -29.2266 5.73828 -28.9766 5.48047 -28.7812 curveto - 11.2422 -28.7656 moveto - 11.375 -29.0859 11.4766 -29.4648 11.7656 -29.6836 curveto - 12.1133 -29.7383 12.4687 -29.6992 12.8164 -29.6875 curveto - 12.3242 -29.3242 11.8125 -28.9805 11.2422 -28.7656 curveto - 8.44141 -28.8516 moveto - 8.37891 -29.125 8.28516 -29.4102 8.33984 -29.6953 curveto - 8.45312 -29.8906 8.62891 -30.0273 8.78906 -30.1797 curveto - 8.80859 -29.9531 8.85547 -29.7266 8.83203 -29.5 curveto - 8.77734 -29.2461 8.59375 -29.0508 8.44141 -28.8516 curveto - -9.13281 -29.8047 moveto - -9.15625 -29.9766 -9.10547 -30.1484 -9.07812 -30.3164 curveto - -8.92969 -30.1523 -8.74219 -30.0039 -8.67188 -29.7852 curveto - -8.66406 -29.5977 -8.70703 -29.4102 -8.73438 -29.2266 curveto - -8.88281 -29.4062 -9.05078 -29.582 -9.13281 -29.8047 curveto - -7.18359 -30.3242 moveto - -6.87109 -30.0312 -6.64844 -29.6562 -6.51172 -29.25 curveto - -6.82422 -29.543 -7.05469 -29.9141 -7.18359 -30.3242 curveto - 6.25 -29.2344 moveto - 6.45312 -29.6562 6.67969 -30.0742 7.02734 -30.3945 curveto - 6.87891 -29.9453 6.64062 -29.5156 6.25 -29.2344 curveto - 9.08203 -29.8672 moveto - 9.08203 -30.0781 9.05078 -30.2891 9.09766 -30.4961 curveto - 9.20312 -30.6953 9.375 -30.8438 9.53516 -30.9961 curveto - 9.54297 -30.5703 9.32031 -30.2031 9.08203 -29.8672 curveto - -13.0859 -30.0508 moveto - -12.9453 -30.4023 -12.8047 -30.7539 -12.6289 -31.0938 curveto - -12.3555 -30.7891 -12.1641 -30.4219 -11.9688 -30.0625 curveto - -12.3359 -29.9844 -12.7188 -29.9648 -13.0859 -30.0508 curveto - 10.5156 -30.0781 moveto - 11.0234 -30.3828 11.5234 -30.707 12.0586 -30.9609 curveto - 11.9492 -30.6406 11.8437 -30.2656 11.543 -30.0742 curveto - 11.2031 -30.0195 10.8594 -30.0625 10.5156 -30.0781 curveto - 11.9492 -30.0586 moveto - 12.1172 -30.4336 12.3281 -30.7852 12.6016 -31.0938 curveto - 12.7773 -30.7383 12.9414 -30.375 13.0625 -29.9961 curveto - 12.6914 -29.9727 12.3164 -29.9961 11.9492 -30.0586 curveto - -11.5742 -30.082 moveto - -11.8359 -30.2812 -11.9453 -30.6094 -12.0469 -30.9102 curveto - -11.5508 -30.707 -11.0938 -30.4258 -10.6758 -30.0898 curveto - -10.9727 -30.0625 -11.2773 -30.0195 -11.5742 -30.082 curveto - -14.0469 -31.2266 moveto - -13.6641 -31.293 -13.2773 -31.3398 -12.8906 -31.3281 curveto - -13.0078 -30.9297 -13.1641 -30.543 -13.3555 -30.1758 curveto - -13.5898 -30.5234 -13.8398 -30.8594 -14.0469 -31.2266 curveto - -12.0469 -31.3203 moveto - -11.6758 -31.4023 -11.2969 -31.4141 -10.9219 -31.4023 curveto - -10.7539 -31.0352 -10.5547 -30.6875 -10.3828 -30.3281 curveto - -10.957 -30.6211 -11.5039 -30.9648 -12.0469 -31.3203 curveto - -9.81641 -31.1406 moveto - -9.55469 -30.9336 -9.33984 -30.6523 -9.34766 -30.3008 curveto - -9.59766 -30.5195 -9.76172 -30.8164 -9.81641 -31.1406 curveto - 12.8398 -31.2734 moveto - 13.2187 -31.3594 13.6055 -31.2969 13.9844 -31.2266 curveto - 13.8437 -30.8516 13.6133 -30.5156 13.3164 -30.25 curveto - 13.1367 -30.582 12.9844 -30.9258 12.8398 -31.2734 curveto - 10.4375 -30.4102 moveto - 10.5469 -30.75 10.7031 -31.0742 10.8398 -31.4023 curveto - 11.2383 -31.4141 11.6406 -31.4023 12.0312 -31.3203 curveto - 11.5117 -30.9961 11.0039 -30.6406 10.4375 -30.4102 curveto - -8.99219 -31.5742 moveto - -8.67188 -31.3672 -8.36328 -31.1367 -8.03906 -30.9375 curveto - -8.07031 -30.8711 -8.10547 -30.8086 -8.13672 -30.7461 curveto - -8.53516 -30.8789 -8.75391 -31.2578 -8.99219 -31.5742 curveto - 7.85156 -30.8828 moveto - 8.14062 -31.1641 8.46484 -31.4062 8.82422 -31.5938 curveto - 8.61719 -31.3047 8.36719 -31.0508 8.12891 -30.7891 curveto - 8.03516 -30.8203 7.94141 -30.8516 7.85156 -30.8828 curveto - -7.71484 -31.0781 moveto - -7.80859 -31.3398 -7.87109 -31.6094 -7.92188 -31.8828 curveto - -7.77734 -31.6328 -7.63672 -31.3789 -7.49609 -31.1289 curveto - -7.57031 -31.1094 -7.64062 -31.0938 -7.71484 -31.0781 curveto - 7.40234 -31.0391 moveto - 7.39844 -31.332 7.53516 -31.5898 7.69531 -31.8242 curveto - 7.67578 -31.5391 7.62109 -31.2422 7.40234 -31.0391 curveto - 7.99219 -31.3867 moveto - 8.20312 -31.7539 8.41797 -32.1172 8.64062 -32.4805 curveto - 8.80859 -32.3945 8.97266 -32.3086 9.13672 -32.2227 curveto - 8.78906 -31.9023 8.38672 -31.6484 7.99219 -31.3867 curveto - -9.29297 -32.1953 moveto - -9.13281 -32.2617 -8.98047 -32.4141 -8.79688 -32.375 curveto - -8.5625 -32.1016 -8.41016 -31.7617 -8.25781 -31.4375 curveto - -8.62891 -31.6523 -8.98828 -31.8906 -9.29297 -32.1953 curveto - -14.3555 -31.6719 moveto - -14.6328 -31.957 -14.8359 -32.3125 -15.0 -32.6758 curveto - -14.3438 -32.3984 -13.75 -31.9961 -13.1484 -31.6211 curveto - -13.4531 -31.5977 -13.7578 -31.5664 -14.0625 -31.5742 curveto - -14.168 -31.5742 -14.2852 -31.582 -14.3555 -31.6719 curveto - -12.3867 -31.625 moveto - -12.1992 -32.0742 -12.0078 -32.5195 -11.7969 -32.9609 curveto - -11.5117 -32.5703 -11.3047 -32.125 -11.0703 -31.6992 curveto - -11.5078 -31.6641 -11.9492 -31.6328 -12.3867 -31.625 curveto - 13.1484 -31.6172 moveto - 13.793 -32.0781 14.5039 -32.4297 15.1641 -32.8594 curveto - 14.8711 -32.4336 14.6445 -31.9453 14.2617 -31.5938 curveto - 13.8945 -31.5391 13.5195 -31.6016 13.1484 -31.6172 curveto - 10.9961 -31.7031 moveto - 11.2422 -32.168 11.4492 -32.6523 11.6719 -33.1289 curveto - 11.9492 -32.6602 12.1445 -32.1484 12.3203 -31.6367 curveto - 11.8789 -31.6406 11.4375 -31.6797 10.9961 -31.7031 curveto - -15.043 -33.1172 moveto - -14.6797 -33.1992 -14.293 -33.2461 -13.9219 -33.1719 curveto - -13.5156 -32.8555 -13.332 -32.3398 -13.0625 -31.9141 curveto - -13.7266 -32.3086 -14.4102 -32.6797 -15.043 -33.1172 curveto - -13.5195 -33.1953 moveto - -13.0273 -33.2031 -12.5312 -33.2031 -12.0391 -33.1953 curveto - -12.2031 -32.7266 -12.3789 -32.2578 -12.6406 -31.8359 curveto - -12.9688 -32.2656 -13.2227 -32.7422 -13.5195 -33.1953 curveto - 12.0195 -33.1953 moveto - 12.5 -33.207 12.9805 -33.2031 13.4609 -33.1914 curveto - 13.2227 -32.7227 12.9609 -32.2617 12.6289 -31.8555 curveto - 12.3789 -32.2773 12.1641 -32.7227 12.0195 -33.1953 curveto - 13.1406 -31.9961 moveto - 13.3008 -32.4258 13.5547 -32.8125 13.7969 -33.1953 curveto - 14.2422 -33.1992 14.6875 -33.2031 15.1328 -33.1836 curveto - 14.9297 -33.0312 14.7187 -32.8906 14.5 -32.7734 curveto - 14.043 -32.5195 13.6133 -32.2188 13.1406 -31.9961 curveto - -8.59766 -32.6094 moveto - -8.51562 -32.6055 -8.43359 -32.6016 -8.35156 -32.6016 curveto - -8.33594 -32.4531 -8.32422 -32.3086 -8.3125 -32.1641 curveto - -8.41016 -32.3125 -8.50391 -32.4609 -8.59766 -32.6094 curveto - 8.08984 -32.168 moveto - 8.13281 -32.3438 8.17969 -32.5156 8.22266 -32.6914 curveto - 8.29297 -32.6602 8.36328 -32.6328 8.4375 -32.6016 curveto - 8.32031 -32.457 8.20703 -32.3125 8.08984 -32.168 curveto - -9.5625 -32.4219 moveto - -9.55469 -32.7266 -9.54297 -33.0273 -9.51172 -33.3281 curveto - -9.4375 -33.0391 -9.375 -32.7461 -9.33594 -32.4453 curveto - -9.39453 -32.4414 -9.50781 -32.4297 -9.5625 -32.4219 curveto - 9.13281 -32.4844 moveto - 9.18359 -32.7695 9.26953 -33.0508 9.36719 -33.3281 curveto - 9.38281 -33.0273 9.38672 -32.7266 9.38672 -32.4297 curveto - 9.30078 -32.4453 9.21875 -32.4648 9.13281 -32.4844 curveto - -9.04297 -32.6836 moveto - -9.16016 -33.0195 -9.28125 -33.3594 -9.39453 -33.6992 curveto - -9.07031 -33.4727 -8.77734 -33.2109 -8.50781 -32.9219 curveto - -8.6875 -32.8438 -8.86328 -32.7617 -9.04297 -32.6836 curveto - 8.375 -32.9336 moveto - 8.59375 -33.2227 8.85547 -33.4805 9.15234 -33.6914 curveto - 9.09766 -33.3555 8.99219 -33.0312 8.85156 -32.7188 curveto - 8.69141 -32.7891 8.53125 -32.8633 8.375 -32.9336 curveto - 9.71094 -34.2617 moveto - 9.91406 -34.168 10.1172 -34.0742 10.3242 -33.9883 curveto - 10.1797 -33.6055 9.98437 -33.25 9.74609 -32.9219 curveto - 9.66016 -33.3633 9.6875 -33.8164 9.71094 -34.2617 curveto - -10.457 -33.9219 moveto - -10.2773 -34.0195 -10.0938 -34.1094 -9.91016 -34.1992 curveto - -9.81641 -33.8086 -9.8125 -33.4023 -9.86328 -33.0039 curveto - -10.1328 -33.2578 -10.3047 -33.5898 -10.457 -33.9219 curveto - -15.3203 -33.4844 moveto - -15.0977 -33.8164 -14.8633 -34.1484 -14.582 -34.4375 curveto - -14.3867 -34.1328 -14.2109 -33.8164 -14.0664 -33.4844 curveto - -14.4844 -33.4805 -14.9023 -33.4766 -15.3203 -33.4844 curveto - 12.5234 -33.5078 moveto - 13.043 -33.8711 13.6289 -34.1328 14.1914 -34.4219 curveto - 14.0352 -34.1133 13.9219 -33.7812 13.7031 -33.5117 curveto - 13.3125 -33.4414 12.9141 -33.4961 12.5234 -33.5078 curveto - 14.043 -33.4922 moveto - 14.1992 -33.832 14.3789 -34.1641 14.5664 -34.4922 curveto - 14.8203 -34.1562 15.0781 -33.8242 15.3203 -33.4805 curveto - 14.8945 -33.4766 14.4687 -33.4766 14.043 -33.4922 curveto - -14.1758 -34.3711 moveto - -13.6328 -34.1562 -13.1094 -33.8906 -12.6211 -33.5742 curveto - -12.9609 -33.4844 -13.3242 -33.4453 -13.6758 -33.5117 curveto - -13.9258 -33.7383 -14.043 -34.0703 -14.1758 -34.3711 curveto - 11.8594 -33.5234 moveto - 12.0078 -33.9336 12.1602 -34.3477 12.3281 -34.7539 curveto - 12.8125 -34.7539 13.3008 -34.7344 13.7852 -34.6719 curveto - 13.6406 -34.4727 13.4531 -34.3203 13.2305 -34.2266 curveto - 12.7617 -34.0117 12.3203 -33.7461 11.8594 -33.5234 curveto - 14.8516 -34.6133 moveto - 15.3594 -34.6328 15.8672 -34.6211 16.3711 -34.5938 curveto - 16.168 -34.2148 15.8906 -33.8906 15.625 -33.5586 curveto - 15.3437 -33.8945 15.0742 -34.2344 14.8516 -34.6133 curveto - -9.59766 -34.3984 moveto - -9.44531 -34.4609 -9.28906 -34.5195 -9.13672 -34.5781 curveto - -8.96484 -34.2656 -8.82422 -33.9375 -8.73047 -33.5938 curveto - -9.06641 -33.8047 -9.35156 -34.0859 -9.59766 -34.3984 curveto - -16.3789 -34.5469 moveto - -15.8906 -34.6406 -15.3867 -34.6328 -14.8867 -34.6133 curveto - -15.0898 -34.2344 -15.3516 -33.8906 -15.6719 -33.6055 curveto - -15.9258 -33.9062 -16.1719 -34.2109 -16.3789 -34.5469 curveto - 8.59766 -33.6406 moveto - 8.66797 -33.9883 8.80469 -34.3125 8.93359 -34.6406 curveto - 9.09766 -34.5742 9.26562 -34.5078 9.42969 -34.4414 curveto - 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-17.0742 -36.0156 -16.5156 -35.6211 -15.9023 -35.3398 curveto - -15.6758 -35.2266 -15.457 -35.0898 -15.25 -34.9375 curveto - -15.6523 -34.9102 -16.0508 -34.8633 -16.4531 -34.8555 curveto - -16.668 -34.8242 -16.7891 -35.0352 -16.9023 -35.1797 curveto - 9.05469 -34.8594 moveto - 9.125 -35.1523 9.23438 -35.4336 9.36719 -35.7031 curveto - 9.43359 -35.418 9.45312 -35.125 9.45703 -34.832 curveto - 9.32422 -34.8398 9.1875 -34.8477 9.05469 -34.8594 curveto - 15.2461 -34.9375 moveto - 15.6289 -35.2656 16.1133 -35.4297 16.543 -35.6797 curveto - 16.8828 -35.875 17.2383 -36.0508 17.6133 -36.1641 curveto - 17.3125 -35.75 17.0273 -35.3164 16.6719 -34.9492 curveto - 16.2148 -34.8242 15.7187 -34.9297 15.2461 -34.9375 curveto - -14.1992 -34.9922 moveto - -13.7734 -35.4805 -13.4062 -36.0117 -12.9961 -36.5117 curveto - -12.875 -36.0078 -12.6875 -35.5195 -12.5781 -35.0117 curveto - -13.1172 -34.9805 -13.6562 -34.9492 -14.1992 -34.9922 curveto - -11.1289 -35.832 moveto - -10.9141 -35.9297 -10.6914 -36.0195 -10.4727 -36.1094 curveto - 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L'objet anamorphique est <<~l'objet d\'{e}form\'{e}~>> dont le miroir reconstituera les proportions r\'{e}elles. - -Objet et image ob\'{e}issent aux lois de la r\'{e}flexion de l'optique g\'{e}om\'{e}trique : -\begin{itemize} - \item rayon incident et rayon r\'{e}fl\'{e}chi appartiennent \`{a} un m\^{e}me plan ; - \item rayon incident et rayon r\'{e}fl\'{e}chi sont sym\'{e}triques par rapport \`{a} la normale au miroir au point d'incidence. -\end{itemize} - -\def\oeil{\psarc[linewidth=2pt](0,2.5){2.5}{215}{270}% -\psarc[linewidth=2pt](0,-2.5){2.5}{90}{140}% -\psarc(-2.5,0){1}{-30}{30}% -\psarc(0,0){1.75}{160}{200} -\psclip{% -\pscircle[linestyle=none](0,0){1.75}} -\pscircle[fillstyle=solid,fillcolor=lightgray](-2.5,0){0.9} -\endpsclip}% -\begin{center} -\psscalebox{0.7}{ -\begin{pspicture}(-2,-6)(15,6) -\psset{Xv=0,Yv=-100} -\newcommand\Rmirror{3} -\psset{viewpoint=-1 -1 1} -\ThreeDput[normal=0 0 1](0,0,0){% -\psaxes{->}(8,4) -\pscircle[doubleline=true]{\Rmirror} -\multido{\i=-2+1,\I=-2+1}{5}{% - \pnode(! \i\space -2){A} - \pnode(! \i\space 2){B} - \psline(A)(B) - \pslineA(A)(B) - \pnode(!-2 \I){A} - \pnode(!2 \I){B} - \pslineA(A)(B) - \psline(A)(B) - } -\input{LouisXIII.pst} -\input{ALouisXIII.pst} -\pstextA[fontsize=28,linecolor=red,fillstyle=solid,fillcolor=yellow!50](0,2){LouisXIII} - } -\FPmul{\largeur}{\Rmirror}{0.1745} -\newcount\n \n=135 - \loop - \FPmul{\tempa}{\FPpi}{\the\n} - \FPdiv{\angle}{\tempa}{180} - \FPsin{\SIN}{\angle}\FPcos{\COS}{\angle} - \FPmul{\xc}{\COS}{\Rmirror} - \FPmul{\yc}{\SIN}{\Rmirror} - \ThreeDput[normal={\COS} {\SIN} 0.0001](\xc,\yc,0){% - \psframe[fillstyle=vlines,hatchangle=0,linestyle=none,hatchcolor=BleuCiel,](0,0)(\largeur,5)} - \ifnum\n<315 \advance\n by 10 -\repeat -\ThreeDput[normal=0.707 -0.707 0.001](2.121,-2.121,0){% -\psline[linewidth=2\pslinewidth](0,5)} -\ThreeDput[normal=0.707 -0.707 0.001](-2.121,2.121,0){% -\psline[linewidth=2\pslinewidth](0,5)} -\ThreeDput[normal=0 0 1](0,0,5){% -\pscircle[doubleline=true]{\Rmirror} -} -\ThreeDput[normal=-1 0 0](0,0,0){% -\psaxes(15,5) -\rput{26.5}(21.5,10.8){\oeil} -\psline[linestyle=dashed,linecolor=blue](20,10)% -\psset{arrowsize=0.5,linecolor=red,linewidth=2\pslinewidth} -\psline{->}(3,1.5)(10,5) -\psline(3,1.5)(20,10) -\psline{->}(6,0)(4.5,0.75) -\psline(6,0)(3,1.5) -\uput[ur](20,10){\color{red}{$V$}} -\uput[u](3,1.5){\color{red}{$I$}} -\uput[u](6,0){\color{red}{$P'$}} -} -\end{pspicture} -} -\end{center} -L'image non d\'{e}form\'{e}e (celle qui est vue dans le miroir) est plac\'{e}e, dans cet exemple, au centre du miroir. Un rayon incident partant de l'objet anamorphique se r\'{e}fl\'{e}chit sur le miroir et apr\`{e}s r\'{e}flexion parvient \`{a} l'{\oe}il de notre observateur. L'observateur a l'illusion que le rayon provient du point image. Il faut donc reconstruire math\'{e}matiquement la marche d'un tel rayon lumineux en partant de l'image dans le miroir. - -L'observateur est suffisamment \'{e}loign\'{e} du miroir pour pouvoir \^{e}tre consid\'{e}r\'{e} comme ponctuel. - -Soit $P$ un point de l'image(not\'{e} $A'$ dans le sch\'{e}ma ci-apr\`{e}s), $V$ l'{\oe}il de l'observateur. Tra\c{c}ons un droite $(PV)$ et d\'{e}terminons le point d'intersection $I$ avec le cylindre : c'est le point d'incidence. -\[ -V(x_V,y_V,z_V)\quad\text{ et }\quad P(x_P,y_P,0) -\] -L'\'{e}quation param\'{e}trique de la droite $(PV)$ s'\'{e}crit $\overrightarrow{IV}=\rho\overrightarrow{PV}$: -\begin{equation}\label{eq:paracyl} -\left\lbrace - \begin{array}{lcl} - x_V-x_I&=&\rho(x_V-x_P)\\ - y_V-y_I&=&\rho(y_V-y_P)\\ - z_V-z_I&=&\rho(z_V-0) - \end{array} - \right. - \Longrightarrow - \left\lbrace - \begin{array}{lcl} - x_I&=&x_V(1-\rho)+\rho x_P\\ - y_I&=&y_V(1-\rho)+\rho y_P\\ - z_I&=&z_V(1-\rho) - \end{array} - \right. -\end{equation} -\begin{center} -\begin{pspicture}(-4,-0.5)(6.5,8) -\pnode(6,7){V} -\uput[0](V){$V$} -\pnode(3,6.5){S} -\pnode(-3,6.5){S'} -\pnode(3,2.8){I} -\pnode(1,0){P} -\pnode(5,0){P'} -\uput[45](P'){$P'$} -\pnode(3,0){G} -\pnode(-3,0){G'} -\pspolygon[fillstyle=solid,fillcolor=lightgray!30](G')(G)(S)(S') -\psaxes[ticks=none,labels=none]{->}(0,0)(-4,0)(6.5,7.5) -\uput[0](6.5,0){$x$} -\uput[90](0,7.5){$z$} -\uput[135](P){$P$} -\uput[-45](G){$G$} -\uput[135](I){$I$} -\psline(V)(P) -\psline(S)(G) -\rput(I){% -\psline[linestyle=dashed](3;0)% -\uput[0](3;0){$N$}% -\psarc[doubleline=true](0,0){1}{-90}{-54.46}% -\psarc[doubleline=true](0,0){1}{54.46}{90} -\uput[72](1.2;72){$\varepsilon$}% -\uput[-72](1.2;-72){$\varepsilon$}% -\rput{-90}(0,0){\psframe(0.3,0.3)} -} -\psline[linecolor=red](V)(I)(P') -\pcline[nodesepB=1.5,linecolor=red,arrowsize=0.175,arrowinset=0.075]{->>}(P')(I) -\pcline[nodesepB=2.5,linecolor=red,arrowsize=0.175,arrowinset=0.075]{->>}(I)(V) -\qdisk(I){2pt} -\qdisk(P){2pt} -\qdisk(V){2pt} -\qdisk(P'){2pt} -\qdisk(G){2pt} -\psline[linewidth=0.5\pslinewidth]{|<->|}(0,-0.2)(1,-0.2) -\uput[-90](0.5,-0.2){$r_P$} -\psline[linewidth=0.5\pslinewidth]{<->}(0,2.8)(3,2.8) -\uput[-90](1.5,2.8){$r_I=R$} -\end{pspicture} -\end{center} -Le point $I$ appartenant au cylindre, ses coordonn\'{e}es v\'{e}rifient la relation : -\begin{equation}\label{eq:cylindre} -x_I^2+y_I^2=R^2 -\end{equation} -(\ref{eq:paracyl}) en (\ref{eq:cylindre}) et apr\`{e}s d\'{e}veloppement, on obtient l'\'{e}quation du second degr\'{e} en $\rho$: -\begin{gather*} -\left(x_V(1-\rho)+\rho x_P\right)^2+\left(y_V(1-\rho)+\rho y_P\right)^2=R^2\\ -x_V^2(1-2\rho+\rho^2)+2(1-\rho)\rho x_Vx_P+\rho^2 x_P^2+y_V^2(1-2\rho+\rho^2)+2(1-\rho)\rho y_Vy_P+\rho^2 y_P^2=R^2\\ -(x_V^2+y_V^2-2x_Vx_P-2y_Vy_P)\rho^2+2(-x_V^2+x_Vx_P-y_V^2+y_Vy_P)\rho+x_V^2+y_V^2=R^2 -\end{gather*} -Comparaison avec -\[ -a\rho^2+2b'\rho+c=0 -\] -donne : -\[ -\left\lbrace - \begin{array}{lcl} - a&=&(x_V-x_P)^2+(y_V-y_P)^2\\ - 2b'&=&x_Vx_P+y_Vy_P-x_V^2-y_V^2\\ - c&=&x_V^2+y_V^2-R^2 - \end{array} - \right. -\] -La r\'{e}solution de cette \'{e}quation nous donne les solutions classiques: -\[ -\left\lbrace - \begin{array}{lcl} - \rho'&=&\dfrac{-b'+\sqrt{\Delta'}}{a}\\[0.5cm] - \rho''&=&\dfrac{-b'-\sqrt{\Delta'}}{a} - \end{array} - \right. - \qquad \Delta'=b'^2-ac -\] -On retiendra la plus petite valeur positive des deux, que par la suite j'appelle $\rho$. - -$(IV)$ repr\'{e}sente le rayon r\'{e}fl\'{e}chi par le miroir. Le rayon incident est d\'{e}fini par la droite sym\'{e}trique de $(IV)$ par rapport \`{a} la normale au miroir en $I$. Je cherche le sym\'{e}trique de $V$, nomm\'{e} $V'$ par rapport \`{a} cette normale $(IN)$. Ce point $V'$ remplit deux conditions : -\begin{enumerate} - \item $\overrightarrow{IV}+\overrightarrow{IV'}=k\overrightarrow{IN}$ - \item $\overrightarrow{VV'}.\overrightarrow{IN}=0$ -\end{enumerate} -La normale $(IN)$ a pour vecteur directeur $\overrightarrow{IN}(x_I,y_I,0)$ - -La premi\`{e}re condition se traduit par : -\[ -\left\lbrace - \begin{array}{lcl} - x_V-x_I+x_{V'}-x_I&=&kx_I\\ - y_V-x_I+y_{V'}-y_I&=&ky_I\\ - z_V-z_I+z_{V'}-z_I&=&0 - \end{array} - \right. - \Longrightarrow - \left\lbrace - \begin{array}{lcl} - x_{V'}&=&kx_I+2x_I-x_V\\ - y_{V'}&=&ky_I+2y_I-y_V\\ - z_{V'}&=&2z_I-z_V - \end{array} - \right. -\] -La deuxi\`{e}me par : -\[ -(x_{V'}-x_V)x_I+(y_{V'}-y_V)y_I=0 -\] -En rempla\c{c}ant $x_{V'}$ et $y_{V'}$ tir\'{e}s de la premi\`{e}re condition dans la deuxi\`{e}me : -\begin{gather*} -k(x_I^2+y_I^2)+2x_I^2-2x_Vx_I+2y_I^2-2y_Vy_I=0\\ -kR^2+2R^2=2(x_Vx_I+y_Vy_I)\\ -k+2=\dfrac{2}{R^2}(x_Vx_I+y_Vy_I) -\end{gather*} -Les coordonn\'{e}es de $V'$ s'en d\'{e}duisent : -\[ -\left\lbrace - \begin{array}{lcl} - x_{V'}&=&(k+2)x_I-x_V\\ - y_{V'}&=&(k+2)y_I-y_V\\ - z_{V'}&=&z_V(1-2\rho) - \end{array} - \right. -\] -Il reste \`{a} trouver l'intersection de $(IV')$ avec le plan horizontal $z=0$. - -\'Equation param\'{e}trique de $(IV')$, $M$ \'{e}tant un point courant : $\overrightarrow{MV'}=\alpha\overrightarrow{IV'}$ -\[ -\left\lbrace - \begin{array}{lcl} - x_{V'}-x&=&\alpha(x_{V'}-x_I)\\ - y_{V'}-y&=&\alpha(y_{V'}-y_I)\\ - z_{V'}-z&=&\alpha(z_{V'}-z_I) - \end{array} - \right. -\] -$z=0\Longrightarrow \alpha=\dfrac{z_{V'}}{z_{V'}-z_I}$ soit -\[ -\alpha=\dfrac{1-2\rho}{-\rho} -\] -En rempla\c{c}ant $\alpha$ par son expression, nous obtenons les coordonn\'{e}es du point $P'$ de l'objet anamorphique. -\[ -\left\lbrace - \begin{array}{lcl} - x_{P'}&=&x_{V'}-\alpha(x_{V'}-x_I)\\ - y_{P'}&=&y_{V'}-\alpha(y_{V'}-y_I) - \end{array} - \right. -\] -Cette s\'{e}rie de calculs doit \^{e}tre appliqu\'{e}e \`{a} tous les points de l'image <<~normale~>> afin d'obtenir l'objet anamorphique (d\'{e}form\'{e}) dont le miroir <<~redressera~>> la forme. - -On notera que \textit{la cote de l'observateur $z_V$ n'intervient pas}. On le comprend ais\'{e}ment en faisant un dessin du plan vertical passant par l'\oe{}il et l'axe du cylindre miroir. La position de la projection horizontale \'{e}tant fix\'{e}e $(x_V,y_V)$, quelle que soit la valeur de $z_V$, $A$ et $A'$ \'{e}tant sym\'{e}triques par rapport \`{a} la g\'{e}n\'{e}ratrice du miroir appartenant au plan vertical choisi, si $A'$ est donn\'{e} alors $A$ est fix\'{e} quelque soit~$z_V$. - -\newpage - -\section{L'anamorphose conique} - -Le principe est identique \`{a} celui de l'anamorphose cylindrique : imaginons un rayon lumineux provenant de l'objet <<~anamorphique~>>, se r\'{e}fl\'{e}chissant sur le miroir conique et parvenant \`{a} l'{\oe}il de l'observateur plac\'{e} au-dessus et dans l'axe du c\^{o}ne \`{a} une position suffisamment haute pour que l'observateur puisse \^{e}tre consid\'{e}r\'{e} comme ponctuel. Ainsi l'observateur aura l'illusion d'observer l'image reconstitu\'{e}e par le miroir conique. Image et objet sont dans le plan horizontal. - -\begin{center} -\psscalebox{0.7}{ -\begin{pspicture}(-7,-8)(7,9) -\newcommand\R{3} -\newcommand\hauteur{5} -\newcommand\pas{10} -\FPeval{\pasrad}{\pas*\FPpi/180} - \FPmul{\Largeur}{\R}{\pasrad} - \FPdiv{\largeur}{\Largeur}{2} -%Les coordonn\'{e}es de viewpoint -\def\vx{1}\def\vy{-0.8}\def\vz{1} -\FPeval{\RH}{(\R)/(\hauteur)} - \FParctan{\phy}{\RH} - \FPeval{\OH}{sin(\phy)*\hauteur} - \FPeval{\zH}{sin(\phy)*\OH} - \FPeval{\OK}{cos(\phy)*\OH} - \FPeval{\generatrice}{root(2,(\hauteur*\hauteur)+(\R*\R))} -\psset{viewpoint={\vx} {\vy} {\vz}} -\ThreeDput[normal=0 0 1](0,0,0){%% -\psframe*[linecolor=lightgray!25](-10,-10)(10,10) -\psgrid[subgriddiv=0,gridcolor=lightgray,gridlabels=0pt](-10,-10)(10,10) -\psaxes(0,0)(-10,-10)(10,10) -\pscircle[doubleline=true]{3} -\psset{type=conical} -\multido{\n=-1.50+0.50}{7}{% - \pnode(! \n\space -2.50){A} - \pnode(! \n\space -0.50){B} - \psline[linecolor=green](A)(B) - \pslineA[linecolor=green](A)(B) - } -\multido{\N=-2.50+0.50}{5}{% - \pnode(!-1.50 \N){A} - \pnode(!1.50 \N){B} - \pslineA[linecolor=green](A)(B) - \psline[linecolor=green](A)(B) - } -% -\multido{\n=-1.50+0.50}{7}{% - \pnode(! \n\space 2.50){A} - \pnode(! \n\space 0.50){B} - \psline[linecolor=green](A)(B) - \pslineA[linecolor=green](A)(B) - } -\multido{\N=2.50+-0.50}{5}{% - \pnode(!-1.50 \N){A} - \pnode(!1.50 \N){B} - \pslineA[linecolor=green](A)(B) - \psline[linecolor=green](A)(B) - } -\multido{\n=-1.50+0.50}{7}{% - \pnode(! \n\space -2.50){A} - \pnode(! \n\space -0.50){B} - \psline(A)(B) - \pslineA(A)(B) - } -\multido{\N=-2.50+0.50}{5}{% - \pnode(!-1.50 \N){A} - \pnode(!1.50 \N){B} - \pslineA(A)(B) - \psline(A)(B) - } -\multido{\n=-1.50+0.50}{7}{% - \pnode(! \n\space 2.50){A} - \pnode(! \n\space 0.50){B} - \psline(A)(B) - \pslineA(A)(B) - } -\multido{\N=2.50+-0.50}{5}{% - \pnode(!-1.50 \N){A} - \pnode(!1.50 \N){B} - \pslineA(A)(B) - \psline(A)(B) - } -\psanamorphosis[type=conical,scale=-0.7 -0.7](0,1.5){tiger.eps} -\pstextA[fontsize=15,fillcolor=green,scale=1 -1](0,-0.5){Anamorphose} -\pscircle[doubleline=true]{3}} -\newcount\n \n=0 - \loop - \FPmul{\tempa}{\FPpi}{\the\n} - \FPdiv{\angle}{\tempa}{180} - \FPsin{\SIN}{\angle}\FPcos{\COS}{\angle} - \FPmul{\xH}{\COS}{\OK} - \FPmul{\yH}{\SIN}{\OK} - \FPdiv{\grise}{\the\n}{360} - \FPsub{\gris}{1}{\grise} - \FPdiv{\teinte}{\grise}{2} -\definecolor{gris}{cmyk}{\teinte,\teinte,\teinte,0} -%tester les faces visibles -%le produit scalaire du vecteur viewpoint et du vecteur normal \`{a} la face >0 ? -\FPeval{\costest}{(\vx)*\xH+(\vy)*\yH+(\vz)*\zH} - \FPifpos{\costest} - \ThreeDput[normal={\xH} {\yH} \zH](0,0,\hauteur){% - \pspolygon[linecolor=BleuCiel]%[fillstyle=solid,fillcolor=gris,dimen=outer]% - (0,0)(-\largeur,-\generatrice)(\largeur,-\generatrice)}\else{}\fi - \FPifneg{\costest} - \ThreeDput[normal={\xH} {\yH} \zH](0,0,\hauteur){% - \psline[linestyle=dashed,linecolor=gray](0,0)(\largeur,-\generatrice)}\else{}\fi - \ifnum\n<360 \advance\n by \pas -\repeat -%Dessin des faces de dessus et de dessous -%\FPifneg\vz -%face de dessous -%\ThreeDput[normal=0 0 -1](0,0,0){% -%\pscircle[fillstyle=solid,fillcolor=lightgray](0,0){\R}\rput(0,0){\Large\textbf{\textsf{Dessous}}}}\fi -\ThreeDput[normal=1 0 0](0,0,0){% -\psaxes(1,10) -\rput{90}(0,12){\oeil}% -{\boldmath -\red -\pnode(0,10){V} -\uput[0](V){$V$} -\pnode(0,5){S} -\uput[0](S){$S$} -\pnode(-1.5,2.5){I} -\uput[180](I){$I$} -\qdisk(I){2pt} -\pnode(-2,0){P} -\uput[135](P){$P$} -\pnode(-4.545,0){P'} -\uput[135](P'){$P'$} -\psset{linecolor=red} -\psline(V)(I)(P') -\pcline[nodesepB=2,nodesepA=1,linecolor=red,arrowsize=0.175,arrowinset=0.075]{->}(P')(I) -\pcline[nodesepB=4,nodesepA=1,linecolor=red,arrowsize=0.175,arrowinset=0.075]{->}(I)(V) -\psline[linestyle=dashed](I)(P)}}% -\end{pspicture} -} -\end{center} -Il s'agit de d\'{e}terminer en premier, l'intersection de $(VP)$ avec le c\^{o}ne, qu'on appelle $I$ (point d'incidence). Les coordonn\'{e}es de $V$, $S$ et $P$ sont not\'{e}es : $V(0,0,z_V)$, $S(0,0,z_S)$ et $P(x_P,y_P,0)$. - -L'\'{e}quation param\'{e}trique de la droite $(PV)$ s'\'{e}crit $\overrightarrow{IV}=\lambda\overrightarrow{PV}$: -\[ -\left\lbrace - \begin{array}{lcl} - 0-x_I&=&\lambda(0-x_P)\\ - 0-y_I&=&\lambda(0-y_P)\\ - z_V-z_I&=&\lambda(z_V-0) - \end{array} - \right. - \Longrightarrow - \left\lbrace - \begin{array}{lcl} - x_I&=&\lambda x_P\\ - y_I&=&\lambda y_P\\ - z_I&=&(1-\lambda)z_V - \end{array} - \right. -\] -On pose : -\[ - r_I^2=x_I^2+y_I^2\quad\textrm{et}\quad r_P^2=x_P^2+y_P^2\quad\textrm{et}\quad |\overrightarrow{OG}|=R -\] -Le point $I$ appartenant au c\^{o}ne, ses coordonn\'{e}es v\'{e}rifient la relation (th\'{e}or\^{e}me de Thal\`{e}s): -\begin{align*} - \frac{R}{z_S}&=\frac{r_I}{z_S-z_I}\\ - \frac{R}{z_S}&=\frac{\lambda r_P}{z_S-(1-\lambda)z_P}\\ - \lambda&=\frac{R(z_S-z_V)}{r_Pz_S-R z_V} -\end{align*} -\begin{center} -\begin{pspicture}(-4,-1)(6.5,7.75) -\pnode(0,10){V} -\uput[0](V){$V$} -\pnode(0,5){S} -\uput[0](S){$S$} -\pnode(1.5,2.5){I} -\pnode(2,0){P} -\pnode(4.545,0){P'} -\uput[45](P'){$P'$} -\psdots[dotstyle=|](P') -\pnode(3,0){G} -\pnode(-3,0){G'} -\pspolygon[fillstyle=solid,fillcolor=lightgray!30](G')(G)(S) -\psaxes[ticks=none,labels=none]{->}(0,0)(-4,0)(5.5,10.25) -\uput[0](5.5,0){$x$} -\uput[90](0,10.25){$z$} -\uput[45](P){$P$} -\uput[-45](G){$G$} -\uput[70](I){$I$} -\psline(V)(P) -\psline(S)(G) -\rput(I){% -\psline[linestyle=dashed](4;30.96) -\uput[15.5](4;30.1){$N$} -\rput{-59.036}(0,0){\psframe(0.5,0.5)} -\psarc[doubleline=true](0,0){1}{101.31}{120.964} -%\psarc[doubleline=true](0,0){1}{-79.09}{-59.036} -\psarc[doubleline=true](0,0){1.2}{-59.036}{-39.38} -\pnode(1.2;-50){I1} -\pnode(1.2;112){I2} -\uput[-50](I1){$\varepsilon$} -\uput[112](I2){$\varepsilon$} -} -\rput(P'){\pswedge[fillstyle=solid,fillcolor=lightgray](0,0){1}{140.175}{180} -\uput[160](1;160){$\varepsilon'$}} -\rput(S){\psarc[linecolor=gray,linewidth=2\pslinewidth](0,0){1}{-90}{-59.036} -\uput[-75](1;-75){$\theta$}} -\rput(V){\psarc(0,0){2}{-90}{-78.69} -\uput[-80](2;-85){$\beta$}} -\psline[linecolor=red](V)(I)(P') -\pcline[nodesepB=1.5,linecolor=red,arrowsize=0.175,arrowinset=0.075]{->>}(P')(I) -\pcline[nodesepB=4,linecolor=red,arrowsize=0.175,arrowinset=0.075]{->>}(I)(V) -\qdisk(I){2pt} -\qdisk(P){2pt} -\qdisk(S){2pt} -\qdisk(V){2pt} -\qdisk(P'){2pt} -\qdisk(G){2pt} -\psline[linewidth=0.5\pslinewidth]{|<->|}(0,-0.2)(2,-0.2) -\uput[-90](1,-0.2){$r_P$} -\psline[linewidth=0.5\pslinewidth]{|<->|}(0,-0.8)(3,-0.8) -\uput[-90](1.5,-0.8){$R$} -\psline[linewidth=0.5\pslinewidth]{<->}(1.5,2.5)(0,2.5) -\uput[-90](0.75,2.5){$r_I$} -\psline[linewidth=0.5\pslinewidth]{<->|}(-0.2,0)(-0.2,5) -\uput[180](-0.2,2.5){$z_S$} -\psline[linewidth=0.5\pslinewidth]{<->|}(-1,0)(-1,10) -\uput[180](-1,5){$z_V$} -\psline[linewidth=0.5\pslinewidth,linestyle=dashed](1.5,2.5)(1.5,0) -\end{pspicture} -\end{center} -Pour construire le rayon incident, $(P'I)$, $(IV)$ est le rayon r\'{e}fl\'{e}chi, d\'{e}terminons~$\varepsilon'$. - -Un raisonnement g\'{e}om\'{e}trique \'{e}l\'{e}mentaire nous montre que : -\[ - \varepsilon'=90^\circ-2\theta+\beta -\] -avec -\[ - \beta=\arctan\frac{r_P}{z_V} -\] -et -\[ - \theta=\arctan\frac{R}{z_S}\quad\textrm{demi-angle au sommet du c\^{o}ne } -\] -Dans le plan horizontal, les coordonn\'{e}es de $P'$ sont : -\[ -\left\lbrace - \begin{array}{lcl} - x_{P'}&=&x_I+\dfrac{z_I}{\tan \varepsilon'}\\[0.5cm] - y_{P'}&=&y_I+\dfrac{z_I}{\tan \varepsilon'}\\ - \end{array} -\right. -\] - -\newpage - -\section{L'anamorphose sph\'{e}rique} - -On place \`{a} l'int\'{e}rieur de la demi-sph\`{e}re l'image telle qu'elle doit \^{e}tre vue par un observateur regardant dans le miroir sph\'{e}rique (on peut la placer \`{a} l'ext\'{e}rieur, mais il faut que les rayons lumineux rencontrent toujours la sph\`{e}re, il faut donc veiller aux dimensions). L'objet anamorphique est <<~l'objet d\'{e}form\'{e}~>> dont le miroir reconstituera les proportions r\'{e}elles.\par Objet et image ob\'{e}issent aux lois de la r\'{e}flexion de l'optique g\'{e}om\'{e}trique : -\begin{itemize} - \item rayon incident et rayon r\'{e}fl\'{e}chi appartiennent \`{a} un m\^{e}me plan ; - \item rayon incident et rayon r\'{e}fl\'{e}chi sont sym\'{e}triques par rapport \`{a} la normale au miroir au point d'incidence. -\end{itemize} -\begin{center} -\psscalebox{0.67}{ -\begin{pspicture}(-4,-7)(12,4.5) -\psset{lightsrc=viewpoint} -\psset{viewpoint=-100 -100 100,Decran=173.2} -\ThreeDput[normal=0 0 1](0,0,0){%% -\psframe*[linecolor=lightgray!25](-5,-14)(5,5) -\psgrid[subgriddiv=0,gridcolor=lightgray,gridlabels=0pt](-5,-14)(5,5) -\psaxes(0,0)(-5,-14)(5,5) -\psset{type=spherical,Rmirror=5} -\pscircle[doubleline=true]{5} -\multido{\n=-1.00+0.20}{11}{% - \pnode(! \n\space -4.80){A} - \pnode(! \n\space -3.40){B} - \psline(A)(B) - \pslineA(A)(B) - }% -\multido{\N=-4.80+0.20}{8}{% - \pnode(!-1.0 \N){A} - \pnode(!1.0 \N){B} - \pslineA(A)(B) - \psline(A)(B) - }% -\psanamorphosis[scale=0.4 0.4](0,-4){tiger.eps} -\pnode(0,-4){A} -\pnodeA(0,-4){A'} -%\psline(A)(A') - } -\ThreeDput[normal=-1 0 0](0,0,0){% -\pnode(15,5){OE} -\pnode(13.2,4.2){OE'} -\pnode(5,0.4545){I} -\rput{26.5}(OE){\oeil} -} -\psSolid[object=calottesphere,r=5,opacity=0.5, - ngrid=24 36,fillcolor=cyan!50,grid,hollow, - incolor=yellow,theta=90,phi=0,action=draw,linecolor=BleuCiel,linewidth=0.5pt](0,0,0) -\psline[linecolor=red](A')(I)(OE') -\pcline[nodesepB=2.5,linecolor=red,arrowsize=0.175,arrowinset=0.075]{->>}(I)(OE') -\pcline[nodesepB=1,linecolor=red,arrowsize=0.175,arrowinset=0.075]{->>}(A')(I) -\psline(I)(A) -\end{pspicture} -} -\end{center} -L'image non d\'{e}form\'{e}e (celle qui est vue dans le miroir) est plac\'{e}e, dans cet exemple, au centre du miroir. Un rayon incident partant de l'objet anamorphique se r\'{e}fl\'{e}chit sur le miroir et apr\`{e}s r\'{e}flexion parvient \`{a} l'{\oe}il de notre observateur. L'observateur a l'illusion que le rayon provient du point image. Il faut donc reconstruire math\'{e}matiquement la marche d'un tel rayon lumineux en partant de l'image dans le miroir. - -L'observateur est suffisamment \'{e}loign\'{e} du miroir pour pouvoir \^{e}tre consid\'{e}r\'{e} comme ponctuel. - -Soit $P$ un point de l'image, $V$ l'{\oe}il de l'observateur. Tra\c{c}ons un droite $PV$ et d\'{e}terminons le point d'intersection $I$ avec la sph\`{e}re : c'est le point d'incidence. -\[ -V(x_V,y_V,z_V)\quad\text{ et }\quad P(x_P,y_P,0) -\] -\begin{center} -\shorthandoff{!} -\begin{pspicture}(-4,-0.5)(8,5.5) -\pswedge[fillstyle=solid,fillcolor=lightgray!30](0,0){2}{0}{180} -\psaxes[labels=none,ticks=none]{->}(0,0)(-3,0)(7.5,5) -\uput[0](7.5,0){$x$} -\uput[90](0,5){$z$} -\pnode(1.5,0){P} -\pnode(0,0){O}\uput[dl](O){$O$} -\pnode(!/alpha 15 def /xI 2 alpha cos mul def /yI 2 alpha sin mul def /beta yI xI 1.5 sub atan def xI yI){I} -\psline(P)(I) -\rput(I){\pnode(!beta cos 5 mul beta sin 5 mul){V}} -\psline[linecolor=red](I)(V) -\rput(I){\psarc[doubleline=true](0,0){1}{!alpha}{!beta} -\psarc[doubleline=true](0,0){1.2}{!2 alpha mul beta sub}{!alpha}} -\uput{1.2}[!alpha beta add 2 div](I){$\varepsilon$} -\uput{1.4}[!3 alpha mul beta sub 2 div](I){$\varepsilon$} -\pnode(!yI neg xI 2 alpha mul beta sub tan mul add 2 alpha mul beta sub tan div 0){M} -\psline[linecolor=red](M)(I) -\pcline[nodesepB=0.5,linecolor=red,arrowsize=0.175,arrowinset=0.075]{->>}(M)(I) -\pcline[nodesepB=2,linecolor=red,arrowsize=0.175,arrowinset=0.075]{->>}(I)(V) -\psline[linewidth=0.5\pslinewidth]{<->}(O)(I) -\uput[75](1;15){$R$} -\psline[linewidth=0.5\pslinewidth]{<->}(O)(V) -\uput[75](3,2.7){$r_V$} -\psline[linewidth=0.5\pslinewidth]{|<->|}(0,-0.3)(1.5,-0.3) -\uput[-90](0.75,-0.3){$r_P$} -\rput(I){% -\psline[linestyle=dashed](5;15) -\uput[15](5;15){$N$} -\psline[linewidth=0.5\pslinewidth,linecolor=gray](1.5;105) -\uput[105](1.5;105){$T$} -\psline[linewidth=0.5\pslinewidth,linecolor=gray](1.25;-75) -\rput{-75}(0,0){\psframe(0.3,0.3)} -} -\uput[-45](P){$P$} -\uput[-45](M){$P'$} -\uput[70](I){$I$} -\uput[u](V){$V$} -\psdot(P) -\psdot(I) -\psdot(V) -\psdot(M) -\end{pspicture} -\end{center} -L'\'{e}quation param\'{e}trique de la droite $(PV)$ s'\'{e}crit $\overrightarrow{IV}=\lambda\overrightarrow{PV}$: -\begin{equation}\label{eq:para} -\left\lbrace - \begin{array}{lcl} - x_V-x_I&=&\lambda(x_V-x_P)\\ - y_V-y_I&=&\lambda(y_V-y_P)\\ - z_V-z_I&=&\lambda(z_V-0) - \end{array} - \right. - \Longrightarrow - \left\lbrace - \begin{array}{lcl} - x_I&=&x_V(1-\lambda)+\lambda x_P\\ - y_I&=&y_V(1-\lambda)+\lambda y_P\\ - z_I&=&z_V(1-\lambda) - \end{array} - \right. -\end{equation} -On pose : -\[ -r_V^2=x_V^2+y_V^2+z_V^2\quad\textrm{et}\quad r_P^2=x_P^2+y_P^2 -\] -Le point $I$ appartenant \`{a} la sph\`{e}re, ses coordonn\'{e}es v\'{e}rifient la relation : -\begin{equation}\label{eq:sphere} -x_I^2+y_I^2+z_I^2=R^2 -\end{equation} -(\ref{eq:para}) en (\ref{eq:sphere}) -\begin{gather*} -\left(x_V+\lambda(x_P-x_V)\right)^2+\left(y_V+\lambda(y_P-y_V)\right)^2+\left((1-\lambda)z_V\right)^2=R^2\\ -x_V^2+2\lambda x_V(x_P-x_V)+\lambda^2(x_P-x_V)^2+y_V^2+2\lambda y_V(y_P-y_V) +\lambda^2(y_P-y_V)^2+(1-2\lambda+\lambda^2)z_V^2=R^2 -\end{gather*} -Apr\`{e}s d\'{e}veloppement, on obtient l'\'{e}quation du second degr\'{e} en -$\lambda$: -\begin{gather*} -\lambda^2\left((x_P-x_V)^2+(y_P-y_V)^2+z_V^2\right)+2\lambda\left(x_V(x_P-x_V)+y_V(y_P-y_V)-z_V^2\right)+x_V^2+y_V^2+z_V^2- -R^2=0\\ -\lambda^2\left(x_V^2+y_V^2+z_V^2+x_P^2+y_P^2-2x_Px_V-2y_Py_V\right)+2\lambda\left(-x_V^2-y_V^2-z_V^2+x_Px_V+y_Py_V\right)+x_V^2+y_V^2+z_V^2- -R^2=0 -\end{gather*} -Comparaison avec -\[ -a\lambda^2+2b'\lambda+c=0 -\] -donne pour le coefficient $a$ de $\lambda^2$ : -\[ -a=x_V^2+y_V^2+z_V^2+x_P^2+y_P^2-2x_Px_V-2y_Py_V -\] -Pour le coefficient $2b'$ de $\lambda$ : -\[ -2b'=-x_V^2-y_V^2-z_V^2+x_Px_V+y_Py_V -\] -Pour le coefficient $c$ : -\[ -c=x_V^2+y_V^2+z_V^2-R^2 -\] -Alors -\[ -a\lambda^2+2b'\lambda+c=0 -\] -avec : -\[ -\left\lbrace - \begin{array}{lcl} - a&=&x_V^2+y_V^2+z_V^2+x_P^2+y_P^2-2x_Px_V-2y_Py_V\\ - 2b'&=&-x_V^2-y_V^2-z_V^2+x_Px_V+y_Py_V\\ - c&=&x_V^2+y_V^2+z_V^2-R^2 - \end{array} - \right. -\] -\[\left\lbrace - \begin{array}{lcl} - a&=&r_V^2+r_P^2-2x_Px_V-2y_Py_V\\ - 2b'&=&-r_V^2+x_Px_V+y_Py_V\\ - c&=&r_V^2-R^2 - \end{array} - \right. -\] -La r\'{e}solution de cette \'{e}quation nous donne les solutions classiques: -\[ -\left\lbrace - \begin{array}{lcl} - \lambda'&=&\dfrac{-b'+\sqrt{\Delta'}}{a}\\[0.5cm] - \lambda''&=&\dfrac{-b'-\sqrt{\Delta'}}{a} - \end{array} - \right. - \qquad \Delta'=b'^2-ac -\] -On retiendra la valeur positive.% et \texttt{Coeff1} dans le programme. - -$(IV)$ repr\'{e}sente le rayon r\'{e}fl\'{e}chi par le miroir. Le rayon incident est d\'{e}fini par la droite sym\'{e}trique de $(IV)$ par rapport \`{a} la normale au miroir en $I$. Je cherche le sym\'{e}trique de $V$, nomm\'{e} $V'$ par rapport \`{a} cette normale $(IN)$. Ce point $V'$ remplit deux conditions : -\begin{enumerate} - \item $\overrightarrow{IV}+\overrightarrow{IV'}=k\overrightarrow{IN}$ - \item $\overrightarrow{VV'}.\overrightarrow{IN}=0$ -\end{enumerate} -La normale $(IN)$ a pour vecteur directeur $\overrightarrow{IN}(x_I,y_I,z_I)$ - -La premi\`{e}re condition se traduit par : -\[ -\left\lbrace - \begin{array}{lcl} - x_V-x_I+x_{V'}-x_I&=&kx_I\\ - y_V-x_I+y_{V'}-y_I&=&ky_I\\ - z_V-z_I+z_{V'}-z_I&=&kz_I - \end{array} - \right. - \Longrightarrow - \left\lbrace - \begin{array}{lcl} - x_{V'}&=&kx_I+2x_I-x_V\\ - y_{V'}&=&ky_I+2y_I-y_V\\ - z_{V'}&=&kz_I+2z_I-z_V - \end{array} - \right. -\] -La deuxi\`{e}me par : -\[ -(x_{V'}-x_V)x_I+(y_{V'}-y_V)y_I+(z_{V'}-z_V)z_I=0 -\] -En rempla\c{c}ant $x_{V'}$, $y_{V'}$ et $z_{V'}$ tir\'{e}s de la premi\`{e}re condition dans la deuxi\`{e}me : -\begin{gather*} -k(x_I^2+y_I^2+y_I^2)+2x_I^2-2x_Vx_I+2y_I^2-2y_Vy_I+2z_I^2-2z_Vz_I=0\\ -kR^2+2R^2=2(x_Vx_I+y_Vy_I+z_Vz_I)\\ -k+2=\dfrac{2}{R^2}(x_Vx_I+y_Vy_I+z_Vz_I) -\end{gather*} -Les coordonn\'{e}es de $V'$ s'en d\'{e}duisent : -\[ -\left\lbrace - \begin{array}{lcl} - x_{V'}&=&(k+2)x_I-x_V\\ - y_{V'}&=&(k+2)y_I-y_V\\ - z_{V'}&=&(k+2)z_I-z_V - \end{array} - \right. -\] -Il reste \`{a} trouver l'intersection de $(IV')$ avec le plan horizontal $z=0$. - -\'Equation param\'{e}trique de $(IV')$, $M$ \'{e}tant un point courant : $\overrightarrow{MI}=\alpha\overrightarrow{V'I}$ -\[ -\left\lbrace - \begin{array}{lcl} - x_I-x&=&\alpha(x_I-x_{V'})\\ - y_I-y&=&\alpha(y_I-y_{V'})\\ - z_I-z&=&\alpha(z_I-z_{V'}) - \end{array} - \right. -\] -$z=0\Longrightarrow \alpha=\dfrac{z_{I}}{z_I-z_{V'}}$. - -En rempla\c{c}ant $\alpha$ par son expression, nous obtenons les coordonn\'{e}es du point $P'$ de l'objet anamorphique. -\[ -\left\lbrace - \begin{array}{lcl} - x_{P'}&=&x_I-\alpha(x_I-x_{V'})\\ - y_{P'}&=&y_I-\alpha(y_I-y_{V'})\\ - z_{P'}&=&0 - \end{array} - \right. -\] -Cette s\'{e}rie de calculs doit \^{e}tre appliqu\'{e}e \`{a} tous les points de l'image <<~normale~>> afin d'obtenir l'objet anamorphique (d\'{e}form\'{e}) dont le miroir <<~redressera~>> la forme. - -\textbf{Remarque} : l'image doit se former du c\^{o}t\'{e} de l'observateur \`{a} l'int\'{e}rieur du miroir, plus pr\`{e}s du bord du miroir que du centre. Si on d\'{e}place le point $P$ vers $O$, il arrive un moment o\`{u} le rayon r\'{e}fl\'{e}chi part au-dessus de l'horizontale et ne rencontre plus le plan horizontal. L'anamorphose n'est plus possible et pour les calculs c'est le CRASH ! - -\newpage - -\section{La perspective} - -Dans le livre de Jurgis Baltru\v{s}a\"{\i}tis\footnote{ \textit{Anamorphoses : les perspectives d\'{e}prav\'{e}es} en livre de poche chez Flammarion.}, on trouve le principe de la <<~\textit{costruzione legittima}~>> avec un sch\'{e}ma de L\'{e}onard de Vinci (1492) et des sch\'{e}mas anamorphiques de Niceron (1658). Je cite page 58 : -\begin{quote}\itshape -<<~Rappelons en quelques mots quels ont \'{e}t\'{e} le proc\'{e}d\'{e}s utilis\'{e}s par les artistes pour l'ordonnancement de leurs tableaux en perspective normale. La premi\`{e}re ligne trac\'{e}e est celle de l'horizon \`{a} la hauteur de l'\oe{}il. Deux points y sont ensuite fix\'{e}s : au milieu le point principal vers o\`{u} convergent toutes les lignes droites parall\`{e}les qui s'\'{e}loignent en profondeur ; sur la m\^{e}me horizontale et \`{a} la m\^{e}me distance du point principal que l'\oe{}il, en face de la composition -- le point de distance, vers lequel convergent les diagonales.~>> -\end{quote} -\begin{center} -\begin{pspicture}(-5,-3)(5,14.25) -\psset{ua=2,F=10,D=4,type=perspective} -\psframe*[linecolor=BleuCiel](-5,10)(5,13) -\psframe*[linecolor=OrangePale](-5,2)(5,10) -\psline[arrowinset=0,arrowsize=2mm]{->}(0,14) -\psline[arrowinset=0,arrowsize=2mm]{->}(7,0) -\uput[0](7,0){$x$} -\uput[90](0,14){$y$} -\psline(-5,2)(5,2) -\pnode(4,10){F'} -\pnode(0,10){F} -\uput[ul](F){${F}$} -\uput[ur](F'){${F'}$} -\rput(0,12){\multido{\n=22.5+45.0}{8}{% -\psline[linecolor=yellow](1;\n)}% -\pscircle[linestyle=none,fillstyle=gradient,gradmidpoint=0,gradend=yellow,gradbegin=gray]{0.5}} -\multido{\i=-2+1}{5}{% - \pnode(! \i\space -2){A} - 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-\newpage - -Exemples : -\begin{itemize} - \item $A\longrightarrow A'$ - \item $B\longrightarrow B'$ - \item $C\longrightarrow C'$ - \item $D\longrightarrow D'$ - \item $O\longrightarrow O'$ - \item $M_1\longrightarrow M_1'$ - \item $M_2\longrightarrow M'_2$ -\end{itemize} -D\'{e}terminons les coordonn\'{e}es $(\alpha_1,\beta_1)$ de l'intersection de $(PF)$ avec $(AF')$. - -Posons que les coordonn\'{e}es des points essentiels sont : -\begin{itemize} - \item $F(0,f)$ - \item $F'(e,f)$ - \item $A(-a,a)$ - \item $B(a,a)$ - \item $C(a,-a)$ - \item $D(-a,-a)$ - \item $P(X,a)$ -\end{itemize} -\'Equation de $(AF')$ : -\[ -\frac{y-f}{x-e}=\frac{a-f}{-a-e}\Longrightarrow x(a-f)+y(a+e)-a(f+e)=0 -\] -\'Equation de $(PF)$ : -\[ -\frac{x-0}{y-f}=\frac{X-0}{a-f}\Longrightarrow x(a-f)-yX+fX=0 -\] -Intersection $(PF)\bigcap (AF')$ -\[ -\alpha_1=\frac{Xe}{X+a+e}\qquad\beta_1=\frac{a(f+e)+fX}{X+a+e} -\] -Si on prend maintenant, un point d'ordonn\'{e}e $Y\neq X$ par exemple $N_1$ dont l'image $N'_1$ se situe toujours sur $(PF)$, mais \`{a} l'intersection de $PF$ avec la parall\`{e}le \`{a} $x'Ox$ men\'{e}e par le point-image du point de coordonn\'{e}e $(Y,Y)$ (ici $O'$ qui est l'image de $O(0,0)$). - -Il s'agit de d\'{e}terminer l'intersection de $(PF)$ avec la droite d'\'{e}quation : -\[ -y=\beta_2=\frac{a(f+e)+fY}{Y+a+e} -\] -Apr\`{e}s calculs et simplifications, on trouve pour l'abscisse : -\[ -\alpha_2=\frac{Xe}{Y+a+e} -\] -En r\'{e}sum\'{e} si dans le rep\`{e}re $Oxy$, on appelle $({\red X},{\red Y})$ les coordonn\'{e}es d'un point-objet et $({\blue x'},{\blue y'})$ les coordonn\'{e}es du point image dans la transformation \textit{anamorphose oblique} ou \textit{perspective}, les formules qui permettent de passer de l'objet \`{a} l'image s'\'{e}crivent : -\[ -\left\lbrace - \begin{array}{lcl} - {\blue x'}&=&\displaystyle\frac{{\red X}e}{{\red Y}+a+e}\\[0.5cm] - {\blue y'}&=&\displaystyle\frac{a(f+e)+f{\red Y}}{{\red Y}+a+e} - \end{array} -\right. -\] -\end{document} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/GILGTEST/pst-anamorphosis-doc-part2.pdf b/GILGTEST/pst-anamorphosis-doc-part2.pdf deleted file mode 100644 index a42015d..0000000 Binary files a/GILGTEST/pst-anamorphosis-doc-part2.pdf and /dev/null differ diff --git a/GILGTEST/pst-anamorphosis-doc-part2.tex b/GILGTEST/pst-anamorphosis-doc-part2.tex deleted file mode 100644 index de2c513..0000000 --- a/GILGTEST/pst-anamorphosis-doc-part2.tex +++ /dev/null @@ -1,623 +0,0 @@ -\listfiles -\documentclass[a4paper,fleqn]{article} -\usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} -\usepackage[T1]{fontenc} -\usepackage{amsmath,amssymb} -\usepackage[frenchb]{babel} -%\usepackage{mathptmx} -\usepackage[charter]{mathdesign} -\usepackage[margin=2.5cm]{geometry} -\usepackage{multicol} -\usepackage{listings} -\usepackage[svgnames]{xcolor} -\usepackage{showexpl} -\usepackage[nomessages]{fp} -\usepackage{xspace} -\usepackage{pst-plot,pst-solides3d,pst-anamorphosis-add,pst-3d} -\usepackage{pst-grad} -\usepackage[absolute,notitlepage]{pst-abspos} -\usepackage{url} - 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{\LARGE\textbf{Contributeurs}}\\[0.2cm] - J\"{u}rgen \textsc{Gilg}\\ - Manuel \textsc{Luque}\\ - Jean-Michel \textsc{Sarlat} -}} -\vfill -\begin{center} -\textcolor{white}{\textbf{\today}}\\[0.3cm] -\textcolor{white}{\url{}}\\ -\includegraphics[scale=0.4]{logo_syracuse} -\end{center} - -%% == END == Page de garde ==================================================== - -\newpage - - - -\begin{abstract} -Le package `\textsf{pst-anamorphosis}' est compos\'{e}, actuellement, de \mbox{deux~parties~:} -\begin{itemize} - \item `\textsf{pst-anamorphosis}' qui permet d'afficher l'anamorphose d'un fichier au format \textsf{.eps} ; - \item `\textsf{pst-anamorphosis-add}' qui est son compl\'{e}ment et qui adapte certaines macros de \textsf{PStricks} comme \verb+\psline+ et d'autres d\'{e}taill\'{e}es par la suite, au trac\'{e} d'anamorphoses personnelles dessin\'{e}es avec ces commandes. De plus, cette partie permet l'affichage de texte anamorphos\'{e} et de dessins au format \textsf{.pst} c'est-\`{a}-dire compos\'{e} de commandes \textsf{PStricks}. -\end{itemize} -Ce package permet de calculer et dessiner les images anamorphiques planes obtenues par les anamorphoses suivantes : -\begin{enumerate} - \item cylindrique ; - \item conique ; - \item sph\'{e}rique ; - \item perspective ; - \item perspective invers\'{e}e. -\end{enumerate} -\end{abstract} - - -\section{\textbackslash{}psanamorphosis} -\verb+\psanamorphosis[options](x,y){fichier.eps}+ dessine l'image et l'image anamorphique au point de coordonn\'{e}es $(x,y)$. Si les coordonn\'{e}es ne sont pas pr\'{e}cis\'{e}es l'origine est $(0,0)$. - -Les \textbf{options}, avec leurs valeurs par d\'{e}faut : -\begin{itemize} - \item Le type d'anamorphose \textsf{[type=cylindrical] }, voici les autres : -% - \begin{itemize} - \item \textsf{conical} - \item \textsf{spherical} - \item \textsf{perspective} - \item \textsf{inverseperspective} - \end{itemize} -% - \item le rayon du cylindre, de la sph\`{e}re et de la base du c\^{o}ne : \textsf{Rmirror=3} ; - \item la hauteur du c\^{o}ne, la cote du sommet : \textsf{Zs=5} - \item l'abscisse de l'observateur (du point de vue, d'o\`{u} la lettre \textsf{v}) : \textsf{Xv=0} ; - \item l'ordonn\'{e}e de l'observateur : \textsf{Yv=-10} ; - \item la cote de l'observateur : \textsf{Zv=10} ; - \item l'ordonn\'{e}e du point de fuite principal $F$ : \textsf{F=10} ; - \item la distance de $F$ \`{a} $F'$ : \textsf{D=4} ; - \item l'unit\'{e} du quadrillage ou plut\^{o}t le demi-c\^{o}t\'{e} du carr\'{e} : \textsf{ua=2}. - \item Un bool\'{e}en \textsf{[drawanamorphosis=true]} qui dessine l'image anamorphique et qui positionn\'{e} \`{a} \textsf{[false]} permet de faire des essais de dimensions et de cadrage par rapport au \textit{cercle} de base du miroir ; - \item un facteur d'\'{e}chelle \textsf{[scale=1 1]} suivant $x$ et $y$ pour adapter les dimensions de l'image au miroir. -\end{itemize} - -\section{pst-anamorphosis-add} - -\subsection{Les macros \textbackslash{}pscircleA, \textbackslash{}pscurveA, \textbackslash{}psccurveA, \textbackslash{}psbezierA, \mbox{\textbackslash{}pnodeA} et \textbackslash{}movetoA} - -Ces commandes sont calqu\'{e}es sur celles de PStricks, elles ont donc les m\^{e}mes options, elles s'adaptent automatiquement au type d'anamorphose choisi. - -\subsection{Un texte} -\verb+\pstextA[options](x,y){texte}+ permet de placer le texte centr\'{e} au point de coordonn\'{e}es~$(x,y)$. - -Les options de texte : -\begin{itemize} - \item le type de fonte \textsf{[PSfont=Times-Roman]} ; - \item la taille en pts \textsf{[fontsize=40]} ; - \item un facteur d'\'{e}chelle \textsf{[scale=1 1]}, comme pour les images. -\end{itemize} - -\subsection{Un fichier \textsf{.pst}} - -Une commande sp\'{e}cifique permet le calcul et l'affichage des fichiers au format \textbf{.pst} : \mbox{\textbf{\textbackslash{}AFP\{fichier.pst\}}.} Cette image peut \^{e}tre mise \`{a} une \'{e}chelle diff\'{e}rente ou d\'{e}plac\'{e}e si le type d'anamorphose choisie le n\'{e}cessite, comme dans l'exemple suivant : -\begin{lstlisting} - \psset{Rmirror=3,scale=-0.5 -0.5,translate=0 1.5,type=conical} - \AFP{tiger.pst} -\end{lstlisting} - -\section{Exemples} - -\subsection{Anamorphose cylindrique} - -L'anamorphose cylindrique est celle qui est trac\'{e}e par d\'{e}faut si aucun type n'est sp\'{e}cifi\'{e}. Comme options, elle ne n\'{e}cessite que le rayon du cylindre, l'abscisse et l'ordonn\'{e}e du point de vue, comme nous l'avons vu dans la partie th\'{e}orique la cote du point de vue n'intervient pas. Comme tous les autres types d'anamorphoses, le dessin pourra \^{e}tre mis \`{a} l'\'{e}chelle, si n\'{e}cessaire, avec l'option \textsf{[scale=sx sy]}. -\begin{center} -\begin{pspicture}[showgrid](-8,-4)(8,10) -\pscircle[doubleline=true]{3} -\psset{Yv=100,linestyle=dotted} -\psanamorphosis[scale=1 -1]{mickey.eps} -\multido{\n=-2.00+0.50}{9}{% - \pnode(! \n\space -2.00){A} - \pnode(! \n\space 2.00){B} - \psline(A)(B) - \pslineA(A)(B) - } -\multido{\N=-2.00+0.50}{9}{% - \pnode(!-2.0 \N){A} - \pnode(!2.0 \N){B} - \pslineA(A)(B) - \psline(A)(B) - } -\pstextA[fontsize=25,scale=1.5 -1,fillcolor=black](0,-3){Mickey} -\end{pspicture} -\end{center} -\begin{lstlisting} -\begin{pspicture}[showgrid](-8,-4)(8,10) -\pscircle[doubleline=true]{3} -\psset{Yv=100,linestyle=dotted} -\psanamorphosis[scale=1 -1]{mickey.eps} -\multido{\n=-2.00+0.50}{9}{% - \pnode(! \n\space -2.00){A} - \pnode(! \n\space 2.00){B} - \psline(A)(B) - \pslineA(A)(B) - } -\multido{\N=-2.00+0.50}{9}{% - \pnode(!-2.0 \N){A} - \pnode(!2.0 \N){B} - \pslineA(A)(B) - \psline(A)(B) - } -\pstextA[fontsize=25,scale=1.5 -1,fillcolor=black](0,-3){Mickey} -\end{pspicture} -\end{lstlisting} - -\subsection{Anamorphose conique} - -Comme options, l'anamorphose conique ne n\'{e}cessite que le rayon de la base du c\^{o}ne \textsf{Rmirror=3}, la hauteur du c\^{o}ne et la cote \textsf{Zv=10} du point de vue. -\begin{center} -\begin{pspicture}[showgrid](-6,-6)(6,6) -\pscircle[doubleline=true]{3} -\psset{type=conical} -\psanamorphosis[scale=0.25 0.25](0,-1.5){parrot.eps} -\psanamorphosis[scale=-0.25 -0.25](0,1.5){parrot.eps} -\psset{linestyle=dotted} -\multido{\n=-1.50+0.50}{7}{% - \pnode(! \n\space -2.50){A} - \pnode(! \n\space -0.50){B} - \psline(A)(B) - \pslineA(A)(B) - } -\multido{\N=-2.50+0.50}{5}{% - \pnode(!-1.50 \N){A} - \pnode(!1.50 \N){B} - \pslineA(A)(B) - \psline[linecolor=green](A)(B) - } -\multido{\n=-1.50+0.50}{7}{% - \pnode(! \n\space 2.50){A} - \pnode(! \n\space 0.50){B} - \psline(A)(B) - \pslineA(A)(B) - } -\multido{\N=2.50+-0.50}{5}{% - \pnode(!-1.50 \N){A} - \pnode(!1.50 \N){B} - \pslineA(A)(B) - \psline(A)(B) - } -\pstextA[fontsize=10,fillcolor=green,scale=1.5 1](0,-0.75){Le perroquet} -\pstextA[fontsize=10,fillcolor=green,scale=1.5 -1](0,0.75){Le perroquet} -\end{pspicture} -\end{center} -\begin{lstlisting} -\begin{pspicture}[showgrid](-6,-6)(6,6) -\pscircle[doubleline=true]{3} -\psset{type=conical} -\psanamorphosis[scale=0.25 0.25](0,-1.5){parrot.eps} -\psanamorphosis[scale=-0.25 -0.25](0,1.5){parrot.eps} -\psset{linestyle=dotted} -\multido{\n=-1.50+0.50}{7}{% - \pnode(! \n\space -2.50){A} - \pnode(! \n\space -0.50){B} - \psline(A)(B) - \pslineA(A)(B) - } -\multido{\N=-2.50+0.50}{5}{% - \pnode(!-1.50 \N){A} - \pnode(!1.50 \N){B} - \pslineA(A)(B) - \psline[linecolor=green](A)(B) - } -\multido{\n=-1.50+0.50}{7}{% - \pnode(! \n\space 2.50){A} - \pnode(! \n\space 0.50){B} - \psline(A)(B) - \pslineA(A)(B) - } -\multido{\N=2.50+-0.50}{5}{% - \pnode(!-1.50 \N){A} - \pnode(!1.50 \N){B} - \pslineA(A)(B) - \psline(A)(B) - } -\pstextA[fontsize=10,fillcolor=green,scale=1.5 1](0,-0.75){Le perroquet} -\pstextA[fontsize=10,fillcolor=green,scale=1.5 -1](0,0.75){Le perroquet} -\end{pspicture} -\end{lstlisting} - -\subsection{Anamorphose h\'{e}misph\'{e}rique} - -L'anamorphose sph\'{e}rique poss\`{e}de comme options le rayon du la sph\`{e}re et les 3 coordonn\'{e}es du point de vue. C'est la plus d\'{e}licate \`{a} mettre au point pour que tous les rayons r\'{e}fl\'{e}chis par le miroir parviennent \`{a} l'\oe{}il. -\begin{center} -\psscalebox{0.75}{ -\begin{pspicture}[showgrid](-7,-19)(7,5) -\pscircle[doubleline=true]{5} -\psset{type=spherical,Rmirror=5} -\psanamorphosis[scale=0.4 0.4](0,-4){tiger.eps} -{\psset{linewidth=0.5\pslinewidth} -\multido{\n=-1.00+0.20}{11}{% - \pnode(! \n\space -4.80){A} - \pnode(! \n\space -3.20){B} - \psline(A)(B) - \pslineA(A)(B) - }% -\multido{\N=-4.80+0.20}{9}{% - \pnode(!-1.0 \N){A} - \pnode(!1.0 \N){B} - \pslineA(A)(B) - \psline(A)(B) - }% -} -\psbezier[linecolor=red,showpoints=true](-2,-4)(-1,-3.2)(1,-4)(2,-3) -\psbezierA[showpoints=true,linecolor=red](-2,-4)(-1,-3.2)(1,-4)(2,-3) -\end{pspicture} -} -\end{center} -\begin{lstlisting} -\begin{pspicture}[showgrid](-7,-19)(7,5) -\pscircle[doubleline=true]{5} -\psset{type=spherical,Rmirror=5} -\psanamorphosis[scale=0.4 0.4](0,-4){tiger.eps} -{\psset{linewidth=0.5\pslinewidth} -\multido{\n=-1.00+0.20}{11}{% - \pnode(! \n\space -4.80){A} - \pnode(! \n\space -3.20){B} - \psline(A)(B) - \pslineA(A)(B) - }% -\multido{\N=-4.80+0.20}{9}{% - \pnode(!-1.0 \N){A} - \pnode(!1.0 \N){B} - \pslineA(A)(B) - \psline(A)(B) - }% -} -\psbezier[linecolor=red,showpoints=true](-2,-4)(-1,-3.2)(1,-4)(2,-3) -\psbezierA[showpoints=true,linecolor=red](-2,-4)(-1,-3.2)(1,-4)(2,-3) -\end{pspicture} -\end{lstlisting} - -\subsection{Anamorphose oblique ou perspective} - -Les options sont particuli\`{e}res : -\begin{itemize} - \item l'ordonn\'{e}e du point de fuite principal $F$ : \textsf{F=10} ; - \item la distance de $F$ \`{a} $F'$ : \textsf{D=4} - \item l'unit\'{e} du quadrillage ou plut\^{o}t le demi-c\^{o}t\'{e} du carr\'{e} : \textsf{ua=2}. - \item Un bool\'{e}en \textsf{perpsective=true} qui repr\'{e}sente l'objet trait\'{e} en perspective et qui positionn\'{e} \`{a} \textsf{false} donne la repr\'{e}sentation invers\'{e}e c'est-\`{a}-dire l'anamorphose oblique. -\end{itemize} -\begin{center} -\begin{pspicture}(-4,-3)(4,12) -\psgrid[subgriddiv=0,gridcolor=lightgray,griddots=10,gridlabels=4pt](-3,-3)(3,3) -\psset{ua=3,F=12,D=2} -\psanamorphosis[type=perspective,scale=0.75 0.75](0,0){parrot.eps} -\psset{type=perspective} -\multido{\i=-3+1}{7}{% - \pnode(! \i\space -3){A} - \pnode(! \i\space 3){B} - \psline(A)(B) - \pslineA[linecolor=red](A)(B) - }% -\multido{\i=-3+1}{7}{% - \pnode(!-3 \i){A} - \pnode(!3 \i){B} - \pslineA[linecolor=blue](A)(B) - \psline(A)(B) - }% -\pstextA[fontsize=35,fillcolor=green](-2.5,2){P} -\pstextA[fontsize=35,fillcolor=green](-2.5,1){A} -\pstextA[fontsize=35,fillcolor=green](-2.5,0){R} -\pstextA[fontsize=35,fillcolor=green](-2.5,-1){R} -\pstextA[fontsize=35,fillcolor=green](-2.5,-2){O} -\pstextA[fontsize=35,fillcolor=green](-2.5,-3){T} -\end{pspicture} -\end{center} -\begin{lstlisting} -\begin{pspicture}(-4,-3)(4,12) -\psgrid[subgriddiv=0,gridcolor=lightgray,griddots=10,gridlabels=4pt](-3,-3)(3,3) -\psset{ua=3,F=12,D=2} -\psanamorphosis[type=perspective,scale=0.75 0.75](0,0){parrot.eps} -\psset{type=perspective} -\multido{\i=-3+1}{7}{% - \pnode(! \i\space -3){A} - \pnode(! \i\space 3){B} - \psline(A)(B) - \pslineA[linecolor=red](A)(B) - }% -\multido{\i=-3+1}{7}{% - \pnode(!-3 \i){A} - \pnode(!3 \i){B} - \pslineA[linecolor=blue](A)(B) - \psline(A)(B) - }% -\pstextA[fontsize=35,fillcolor=green](-2.5,2){P} -\pstextA[fontsize=35,fillcolor=green](-2.5,1){A} -\pstextA[fontsize=35,fillcolor=green](-2.5,0){R} -\pstextA[fontsize=35,fillcolor=green](-2.5,-1){R} -\pstextA[fontsize=35,fillcolor=green](-2.5,-2){O} -\pstextA[fontsize=35,fillcolor=green](-2.5,-3){T} -\end{pspicture} -\end{center} -\end{lstlisting} - -\subsection{Perspective invers\'{e}e} -Ceci est extrait de la page 59 du Baltru\v{s}a\"{\i}tis : -\begin{quote}\itshape -<<~L'arrangement peut fonctionner dans les deux sens. Si le carr\'{e} en perspective se pr\'{e}sente comme un trap\`{e}ze, le trap\`{e}ze y appara\^{\i}t comme un carr\'{e}. -Un renversement du point de vue ramen\'{e} au dessus du point principal (\`{a} une hauteur \'{e}gale \`{a} l'\'{e}loignement de la distance) et install\'{e} en quelque sorte dans le tableau, aboutit \`{a} un effet contraire. Les m\^{e}mes r\'{e}tr\'{e}cissements corrigent les formes et les rapprochent au lieu de les \'{e}loigner et de les alt\'{e}rer, comme dans un film \`{a} l'envers. La perspective est \`{a} rebours.~>> -\end{quote} -\begin{center} -\psscalebox{2}{ -\begin{pspicture}(-3,-8)(3,3) -\psgrid[subgriddiv=0,gridcolor=lightgray,griddots=10,gridlabels=6pt](-3,-3)(3,-6) -\psset{ua=3,F=14,D=3,type=inverseperspective,linewidth=0.5\pslinewidth} -\multido{\i=-3+1}{7}{% - \pnode(! \i\space -3){A} - \pnode(! \i\space 3){B} - \psline(A)(B) - \pslineA(A)(B) - }% -\multido{\i=-3+1}{7}{% - \pnode(!-3 \i){A} - \pnode(!3 \i){B} - \pslineA(A)(B) - \psline(A)(B) - }% -\psanamorphosis{tiger.eps} -\psset{fillcolor={[cmyk]{0.2 0.55 0.85 0.0}},linecolor={[cmyk]{0.2 0.55 0.85 0.0}},fontsize=40,scale=1.32 1} -\pstextA(0,2){TIGRE*} -\pstextA(-2.48,1){I} -\pstextA(-2.48,0){G} -\pstextA(-2.48,-1){R} -\pstextA(-2.48,-2){E} -\pstextA(-2.48,-3){*} -\end{pspicture} -} -\end{center} -\begin{lstlisting} -\begin{pspicture}(-3,-4)(3,3) -\psgrid[subgriddiv=0,gridcolor=lightgray,griddots=10,gridlabels=6pt](-3,-3)(3,-6) -\psset{ua=3,F=14,D=3,type=inverseperspective,linewidth=0.5\pslinewidth} -\multido{\i=-3+1}{7}{% - \pnode(! \i\space -3){A} - \pnode(! \i\space 3){B} - \psline(A)(B) - \pslineA(A)(B) - }% -\multido{\i=-3+1}{7}{% - \pnode(!-3 \i){A} - \pnode(!3 \i){B} - \pslineA(A)(B) - \psline(A)(B) - }% -\psanamorphosis{tiger.eps} -\psset{fillcolor={[cmyk]{0.2 0.55 0.85 0.0}},linecolor={[cmyk]{0.2 0.55 0.85 0.0}},fontsize=40,scale=1.32 1} -\pstextA(0,2){TIGRE!} -\pstextA(-2.48,1){I} -\pstextA(-2.48,0){G} -\pstextA(-2.48,-1){R} -\pstextA(-2.48,-2){E} -\pstextA(-2.48,-3){!} -\end{pspicture} -\end{lstlisting} - -\section{Les fichiers pst} - -\begin{center} -\begin{pspicture}[showgrid](-5,-6)(5,3) -\rput(0,-1.3333){% -\psscalebox{0.6667}{% -\begin{pspicture}(-6,-8)(6,4) -\psset{Xv=0,Yv=-100} -\pscircle[doubleline=true,linecolor=black]{3} -\input{luckyluke.pst} -\AFP{luckyluke.pst} -\psset{linewidth=0.5\pslinewidth} -\multido{\n=-2.00+0.50}{9}{% - \pnode(! \n\space -2.00){A} - \pnode(! \n\space 2.00){B} - \psline(A)(B) - \pslineA(A)(B) - } -\multido{\N=-2.00+0.50}{9}{% - \pnode(!-2.0 \N){A} - \pnode(!2.0 \N){B} - \pslineA(A)(B) - \psline(A)(B) - } -\end{pspicture} -}} -\end{pspicture} -\end{center} -\begin{lstlisting} -\begin{pspicture}(-6,-8)(6,4) -\psset{Xv=0,Yv=-100} -\pscircle[doubleline=true,linecolor=black]{3} -\input{luckyluke.pst} -\AFP{luckyluke.pst} -\psset{linewidth=0.5\pslinewidth} -\multido{\n=-2.00+0.50}{9}{% - \pnode(! \n\space -2.00){A} - \pnode(! \n\space 2.00){B} - \psline(A)(B) - \pslineA(A)(B) - } -\multido{\N=-2.00+0.50}{9}{% - \pnode(!-2.0 \N){A} - \pnode(!2.0 \N){B} - \pslineA(A)(B) - \psline(A)(B) - } -\end{pspicture} -\end{lstlisting} -Les fichiers \textsf{.pst} sont des fichiers de commandes PSTricks obtenues par conversion d'un fichier \textsf{.eps} au moyen d'un script \'{e}crit par Jean-Michel \textsc{Sarlat}. - -L'anamorphose d'une telle image est obtenue \`{a} l'aide d'une seule commande \verb+\AFP{luckyluke.pst}+ (AFP $=$ \textbf{A}namorphose \`{a} partir d'un \textbf{F}ichier \textbf{P}STricks). De tels fichiers pourront donc \^{e}tre obtenues au moyen du script ou bien directement sur le serveur de \textsf{syracuse} (adresse \`{a} pr\'{e}ciser). - -En fonction de la complexit\'{e} du fichier (du nombre de lignes de commandes qu'il contient) il sera n\'{e}cessaire d'allouer un suppl\'{e}ment de m\'{e}moire \`{a} \TeX. Par exemple, sous Windows, \`{a} partir de MiK\TeX~2.8, Alexander \textsc{Grahn} donne la proc\'{e}dure \`{a} suivre dans la documentation de son package : `\textsf{animate}' -\begin{lstlisting} -1. Open a DOS command prompt window (execute `cmd.exe' via `Start'! `Run'). -2. At the DOS prompt, enter -initexmf --edit-config-file=latex -3. Type -main_memory=10000000 -into the editor window that opens, save the file and quit the editor. -4. To rebuild the format, enter -initexmf --dump=latex -5. Repeat steps 2-4 with config - -initexmf --edit-config-file=pdflatex -main_memory=10000000 -initexmf --dump=pdflatex - -initexmf --edit-config-file=xelatex -main_memory=10000000 -initexmf --dump=xelatex -\end{lstlisting} - -\section{Normalisation d'une image au format \textsf{.eps}} - -Il est souvent n\'{e}cessaire de ``pr\'{e}parer'' l'image \`{a} anamorphoser. Voici le d\'{e}tail de la proc\'{e}dure suivie \`{a} partir d'une image de Donald Duck captur\'{e}e sur un site de coloriage. - -\url{} - -\begin{enumerate} - \item Transformer l'image au format \textsf{bmp} avec \textsf{The Gimp} (par exemple). - \item Vectoriser l'image avec \textsf{Potrace}, en ligne de commande : \textsf{potrace donald.bmp -o donald2.eps} - \item Avec \textsf{pstoedit} convertir au format vectoriel ps simplifi\'{e} avec courbes. On peut op\'{e}rer en ligne de commande : \textsf{pstoedit -f ps donald2.eps donald1.eps} ou bien avec \textsf{GSview} dans le menu Edition, cliquer sur \textsf{Conversion vers un format vectoriel} et choisir \textsf{ps : Simplified Postscript with curves}, on enregistre sous le nom \textsf{donald1.eps}. - \item Avec votre \'{e}diteur de texte rechercher \`{a} la fin du fichier la ligne qui donne les dimensions de la bo\^{\i}te : \verb+%%BoundingBox: 4 7 453 640+ . - \item La hauteur de l'image eps est $640-7 =633$\,pts, c'est la plus grande dimension. Supposons que votre image finale doive poss\'{e}der une longueur de 4\,cm dans sa plus grande dimension. Sachant que 1\,cm vaut 28.45274\,pts, il faut donc lui appliquer un facteur d'\'{e}chelle \'{e}gal \`{a} $\dfrac{4\times28.45274}{633}$. -\item Ensuite il faut d\'{e}placer cette image pour que le centre de celle-ci soit \`{a} l'origine $(0,0)$, il faut donc appliquer la translation $-\dfrac{453+4}{2},\,-\dfrac{640+7}{2}$, ce qui convertit en postscript se traduira par l'ajout de ces deux lignes dans le fichier \textsf{donald1.eps}, au d\'{e}but du fichier juste apr\`{e}s la ligne : \verb+%%Page: 1 1+ -\begin{lstlisting} - 4 28.45274 mul 633 div dup scale - 4 453 add 2 div neg 640 7 add 2 div neg translate -\end{lstlisting} - On enregistre ce fichier. -\item \textsf{pstoedit} intervient \`{a} nouveau, avec les m\^{e}mes options, et on enregistre le fichier final sous le nom : \textsf{donald.eps}. -\end{enumerate} -\begin{center} -\begin{pspicture}[showgrid](-8,-4)(8,10) -\pscircle[doubleline=true]{3} -\psset{Yv=100,linestyle=dotted} -\psanamorphosis[scale=1 -1](0,0){donald.eps} -\multido{\n=-2.00+0.50}{9}{% - 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159.496 60.9844 160.09 61.875 161.293 62.5781 curveto - 162.184 63.1719 163.184 63.4844 164.184 63.4844 curveto - 165.98 63.4844 167.09 62.7812 167.59 61.375 curveto - 167.887 60.5781 167.98 59.1875 167.98 57.0781 curveto - 167.98 48.7812 lineto - 162.48 46.0938 158.387 43.2812 155.887 40.2969 curveto - 152.996 36.7969 151.496 33.0 151.496 28.7031 curveto - 151.496 26.2969 152.199 24.4062 153.699 22.9062 curveto - 155.184 21.4062 157.09 20.7031 159.59 20.7031 curveto - 162.793 20.7031 165.793 22.0 168.59 24.5 curveto - 170.09 22.0 172.184 20.7031 174.887 20.7031 curveto - 176.777 20.7031 178.387 21.2969 179.777 22.4062 curveto - closepath - 167.98 27.8906 moveto - 166.293 25.7031 164.48 24.5938 162.387 24.5938 curveto - 159.996 24.5938 158.793 26.5 158.793 30.2031 curveto - 158.793 33.8906 159.684 37.2969 161.48 40.5938 curveto - 162.793 43.0938 164.98 45.0938 167.98 46.6875 curveto - 167.98 27.8906 lineto - closepath - 227.062 22.0 moveto - 227.062 23.5 lineto - 224.969 23.7969 223.969 25.2969 223.969 27.8906 curveto - 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199.281 24.4062 198.484 23.7969 197.281 23.5 curveto - 197.281 22.0 lineto - 211.172 22.0 lineto - 211.172 23.5 lineto - 209.969 23.9062 209.172 24.4062 208.781 25.0938 curveto - 208.469 25.5938 208.375 26.5 208.375 27.8906 curveto - 208.375 56.7812 lineto - 208.375 57.875 208.375 58.7812 208.281 59.4844 curveto - 209.969 61.375 211.578 62.375 213.078 62.375 curveto - 214.766 62.375 215.578 61.0781 215.578 58.4844 curveto - 215.578 27.8906 lineto - 215.578 26.5938 215.469 25.5938 215.172 25.0938 curveto - 214.766 24.4062 213.969 23.7969 212.781 23.5 curveto - 212.781 22.0 lineto - 227.062 22.0 lineto - closepath - 255.781 43.3906 moveto - 255.781 49.8906 254.484 55.2812 251.984 59.5781 curveto - 249.484 63.875 246.188 65.9844 242.281 65.9844 curveto - 238.391 65.9844 235.094 63.875 232.688 59.5781 curveto - 230.094 55.2812 228.891 49.8906 228.891 43.1875 curveto - 228.891 36.6875 230.188 31.3906 232.688 27.0938 curveto - 235.188 22.7969 238.391 20.7031 242.281 20.7031 curveto - 246.188 20.7031 249.484 22.7969 251.984 27.0938 curveto - 254.484 31.3906 255.781 36.7969 255.781 43.3906 curveto - closepath - 246.984 33.1875 moveto - 246.984 26.2969 245.375 22.7969 242.281 22.7969 curveto - 239.188 22.7969 237.688 26.2969 237.688 33.1875 curveto - 237.688 53.4844 lineto - 237.688 60.375 239.188 63.875 242.281 63.875 curveto - 245.375 63.875 246.984 60.375 246.984 53.4844 curveto - 246.984 33.1875 lineto - closepath - 282.07 61.5781 moveto - 282.07 62.875 281.68 63.875 280.883 64.7812 curveto - 280.07 65.5781 278.977 65.9844 277.68 65.9844 curveto - 274.773 65.9844 271.977 63.0781 269.289 57.375 curveto - 269.289 66.9844 lineto - 265.586 64.2812 261.68 62.6719 257.586 61.9844 curveto - 257.586 60.4844 lineto - 259.289 60.0781 260.383 59.2812 260.789 57.9844 curveto - 260.883 57.4844 260.992 55.9844 260.992 53.6875 curveto - 260.992 27.8906 lineto - 260.992 25.5 259.883 24.0 257.586 23.5 curveto - 257.586 22.0 lineto - 273.383 22.0 lineto - 273.383 23.5 lineto - 270.68 24.0 269.289 25.5 269.289 27.8906 curveto - 269.289 47.2812 lineto - 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311.465 33.1875 311.871 37.7969 311.871 43.5938 curveto - closepath - 302.574 30.5 moveto - 302.574 26.2031 301.48 24.0 299.184 24.0 curveto - 297.684 24.0 296.277 25.0938 294.887 27.2031 curveto - 294.887 57.1875 lineto - 294.887 60.2812 296.184 61.875 298.871 61.875 curveto - 300.277 61.875 301.277 61.375 301.777 60.375 curveto - 302.277 59.375 302.574 57.5781 302.574 54.8906 curveto - 302.574 30.5 lineto - closepath - 344.168 22.0 moveto - 344.168 23.5 lineto - 342.074 23.7969 341.074 25.2969 341.074 27.8906 curveto - 341.074 56.7812 lineto - 341.074 59.9844 340.465 62.2812 339.371 63.6719 curveto - 338.074 65.1719 336.277 65.9844 333.98 65.9844 curveto - 331.371 65.9844 328.48 64.6719 325.387 62.1719 curveto - 325.387 89.9688 lineto - 321.684 87.2656 317.777 85.6719 313.684 84.9688 curveto - 313.684 83.4688 lineto - 315.387 83.0625 316.48 82.2656 316.887 80.9688 curveto - 316.98 80.4688 317.09 78.9688 317.09 76.6719 curveto - 317.09 27.8906 lineto - 317.09 25.5 315.98 24.0 313.684 23.5 curveto - 313.684 22.0 lineto - 328.184 22.0 lineto - 328.184 23.5 lineto - 326.887 23.9062 326.074 24.4062 325.777 25.0938 curveto - 325.48 25.5938 325.387 26.5 325.387 27.8906 curveto - 325.387 59.5781 lineto - 327.184 61.4844 328.777 62.375 330.184 62.375 curveto - 331.871 62.375 332.684 61.0781 332.684 58.4844 curveto - 332.684 27.8906 lineto - 332.684 26.5938 332.574 25.5938 332.277 25.0938 curveto - 331.871 24.4062 331.074 23.7969 329.871 23.5 curveto - 329.871 22.0 lineto - 344.168 22.0 lineto - closepath - 372.777 43.3906 moveto - 372.777 49.8906 371.48 55.2812 368.98 59.5781 curveto - 366.48 63.875 363.184 65.9844 359.277 65.9844 curveto - 355.387 65.9844 352.09 63.875 349.684 59.5781 curveto - 347.09 55.2812 345.887 49.8906 345.887 43.1875 curveto - 345.887 36.6875 347.184 31.3906 349.684 27.0938 curveto - 352.184 22.7969 355.387 20.7031 359.277 20.7031 curveto - 363.184 20.7031 366.48 22.7969 368.98 27.0938 curveto - 371.48 31.3906 372.777 36.7969 372.777 43.3906 curveto - closepath - 363.98 33.1875 moveto - 363.98 26.2969 362.371 22.7969 359.277 22.7969 curveto - 356.184 22.7969 354.684 26.2969 354.684 33.1875 curveto - 354.684 53.4844 lineto - 354.684 60.375 356.184 63.875 359.277 63.875 curveto - 362.371 63.875 363.98 60.375 363.98 53.4844 curveto - 363.98 33.1875 lineto - closepath - 396.379 32.7969 moveto - 396.379 35.5938 395.566 38.2969 393.973 40.7969 curveto - 392.473 43.3906 389.676 46.4844 385.676 50.1875 curveto - 382.285 53.2812 380.582 56.0781 380.582 58.6875 curveto - 380.582 60.375 381.082 61.6719 381.988 62.7812 curveto - 382.879 63.7812 384.082 64.2812 385.582 64.2812 curveto - 389.082 64.2812 391.27 61.6719 392.082 56.4844 curveto - 392.379 54.4844 lineto - 392.582 53.6875 lineto - 394.27 53.6875 lineto - 394.27 64.9844 lineto - 391.27 65.6719 388.785 65.9844 386.785 65.9844 curveto - 383.285 65.9844 380.379 64.9844 378.176 62.7812 curveto - 375.879 60.7812 374.785 58.0781 374.785 54.7812 curveto - 374.785 52.0781 375.785 49.5781 377.785 47.1875 curveto - 379.176 45.4844 381.285 43.2812 384.176 40.4844 curveto - 386.879 37.9844 388.473 36.1875 388.973 35.2969 curveto - 389.879 33.8906 390.27 32.0938 390.27 30.0 curveto - 390.27 25.2969 388.379 22.9062 384.582 22.9062 curveto - 380.488 22.9062 377.879 26.8906 376.879 34.8906 curveto - 375.191 34.8906 lineto - 375.191 22.5 lineto - 378.488 21.2969 381.285 20.7031 383.582 20.7031 curveto - 387.473 20.7031 390.582 21.7969 392.879 24.0 curveto - 395.176 26.2031 396.379 29.0938 396.379 32.7969 curveto - closepath - 410.176 82.2656 moveto - 410.176 83.7656 409.676 84.9688 408.785 85.9688 curveto - 407.879 87.0625 406.676 87.5625 405.379 87.5625 curveto - 404.082 87.5625 402.988 87.0625 402.082 85.9688 curveto - 401.176 84.875 400.676 83.6719 400.676 82.1719 curveto - 400.676 80.7656 401.176 79.5625 402.082 78.5781 curveto - 402.988 77.4688 404.082 76.9688 405.379 76.9688 curveto - 406.676 76.9688 407.879 77.4688 408.785 78.5781 curveto - 409.676 79.5625 410.176 80.7656 410.176 82.2656 curveto - closepath - 413.082 22.0 moveto - 413.082 23.5 lineto - 410.879 24.0 409.785 25.3906 409.785 27.8906 curveto - 409.785 66.9844 lineto - 406.082 64.2812 402.176 62.6719 398.082 61.9844 curveto - 398.082 60.4844 lineto - 399.785 60.0781 400.879 59.2812 401.285 57.9844 curveto - 401.379 57.4844 401.488 55.9844 401.488 53.6875 curveto - 401.488 27.8906 lineto - 401.488 25.5 400.379 24.0 398.082 23.5 curveto - 398.082 22.0 lineto - 413.082 22.0 lineto - closepath - 436.477 32.7969 moveto - 436.477 35.5938 435.664 38.2969 434.07 40.7969 curveto - 432.57 43.3906 429.773 46.4844 425.773 50.1875 curveto - 422.383 53.2812 420.68 56.0781 420.68 58.6875 curveto - 420.68 60.375 421.18 61.6719 422.086 62.7812 curveto - 422.977 63.7812 424.18 64.2812 425.68 64.2812 curveto - 429.18 64.2812 431.367 61.6719 432.18 56.4844 curveto - 432.477 54.4844 lineto - 432.68 53.6875 lineto - 434.367 53.6875 lineto - 434.367 64.9844 lineto - 431.367 65.6719 428.883 65.9844 426.883 65.9844 curveto - 423.383 65.9844 420.477 64.9844 418.273 62.7812 curveto - 415.977 60.7812 414.883 58.0781 414.883 54.7812 curveto - 414.883 52.0781 415.883 49.5781 417.883 47.1875 curveto - 419.273 45.4844 421.383 43.2812 424.273 40.4844 curveto - 426.977 37.9844 428.57 36.1875 429.07 35.2969 curveto - 429.977 33.8906 430.367 32.0938 430.367 30.0 curveto - 430.367 25.2969 428.477 22.9062 424.68 22.9062 curveto - 420.586 22.9062 417.977 26.8906 416.977 34.8906 curveto - 415.289 34.8906 lineto - 415.289 22.5 lineto - 418.586 21.2969 421.383 20.7031 423.68 20.7031 curveto - 427.57 20.7031 430.68 21.7969 432.977 24.0 curveto - 435.273 26.2031 436.477 29.0938 436.477 32.7969 curveto - closepath - 437.383 22.0 moveto -eofill -gsave %{ - grestore %} - grestore %} - gsave %{ - - 0 setlinecap - 10.0 setmiterlimit - 0 setlinejoin - [ ] 0.0 setdash - 1.0 setlinewidth - 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 setcmykcolor -() p2esetcolorname - - -% 2 pathnumber -% eofilledpath - 0 setlinecap - 10.0 setmiterlimit - 0 setlinejoin - [ ] 0.0 setdash - 1.0 setlinewidth - 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 setcmykcolor -() p2esetcolorname -newpath - 31.4844 46.5938 moveto - 31.4844 61.4844 28.0938 68.9844 21.1875 68.9844 curveto - 18.8906 68.9844 16.5938 67.7812 14.5 65.375 curveto - 14.5 69.6719 lineto - 10.7969 66.9844 6.89062 65.375 2.79688 64.6719 curveto - 2.79688 63.1875 lineto - 4.5 62.7812 5.59375 61.875 6.0 60.5781 curveto - 6.09375 60.0781 6.20312 58.6875 6.20312 56.3906 curveto - 6.20312 16.2031 lineto - 6.20312 13.8125 5.09375 12.3125 2.79688 11.8125 curveto - 2.79688 10.3125 lineto - 18.3906 10.3125 lineto - 18.3906 11.8125 lineto - 16.8906 12.1094 15.7969 12.6094 15.2969 13.2031 curveto - 14.7969 13.7031 14.5 14.7031 14.5 16.2031 curveto - 14.5 27.0938 lineto - 16.5 24.9062 18.5938 23.7969 20.8906 23.7969 curveto - 22.9844 23.7969 24.9844 24.5938 26.6875 26.4062 curveto - 28.3906 28.0938 29.5781 30.2031 30.2812 32.8906 curveto - 31.0781 36.1875 31.4844 40.7969 31.4844 46.5938 curveto - closepath - 22.1875 33.5 moveto - 22.1875 29.2031 21.0938 27.0 18.7969 27.0 curveto - 17.2969 27.0 15.8906 28.0938 14.5 30.2031 curveto - 14.5 60.1875 lineto - 14.5 63.2812 15.7969 64.875 18.4844 64.875 curveto - 19.8906 64.875 20.8906 64.375 21.3906 63.375 curveto - 21.8906 62.375 22.1875 60.5781 22.1875 57.8906 curveto - 22.1875 33.5 lineto - closepath - 55.0938 35.7969 moveto - 55.0938 38.5938 54.2812 41.2969 52.6875 43.7969 curveto - 51.1875 46.3906 48.3906 49.4844 44.3906 53.1875 curveto - 41.0 56.2812 39.2969 59.0781 39.2969 61.6875 curveto - 39.2969 63.375 39.7969 64.6719 40.7031 65.7812 curveto - 41.5938 66.7812 42.7969 67.2812 44.2969 67.2812 curveto - 47.7969 67.2812 49.9844 64.6719 50.7969 59.4844 curveto - 51.0938 57.4844 lineto - 51.2969 56.6875 lineto - 52.9844 56.6875 lineto - 52.9844 67.9844 lineto - 49.9844 68.6719 47.5 68.9844 45.5 68.9844 curveto - 42.0 68.9844 39.0938 67.9844 36.8906 65.7812 curveto - 34.5938 63.7812 33.5 61.0781 33.5 57.7812 curveto - 33.5 55.0781 34.5 52.5781 36.5 50.1875 curveto - 37.8906 48.4844 40.0 46.2812 42.8906 43.4844 curveto - 45.5938 40.9844 47.1875 39.1875 47.6875 38.2969 curveto - 48.5938 36.8906 48.9844 35.0938 48.9844 33.0 curveto - 48.9844 28.2969 47.0938 25.9062 43.2969 25.9062 curveto - 39.2031 25.9062 36.5938 29.8906 35.5938 37.8906 curveto - 33.9062 37.8906 lineto - 33.9062 25.5 lineto - 37.2031 24.2969 40.0 23.7031 42.2969 23.7031 curveto - 46.1875 23.7031 49.2969 24.7969 51.5938 27.0 curveto - 53.8906 29.2031 55.0938 32.0938 55.0938 35.7969 curveto - closepath - 76.5938 27.0 moveto - 75.7969 28.5938 lineto - 73.7969 27.5 72.3906 27.0 71.4844 27.0 curveto - 70.1875 27.0 69.3906 27.5938 68.8906 28.8906 curveto - 68.5938 29.5938 68.5 31.0 68.5 33.0938 curveto - 68.5 65.6719 lineto - 74.9844 65.6719 lineto - 74.9844 67.6719 lineto - 68.5 67.6719 lineto - 68.5 82.4688 lineto - 66.5 82.4688 lineto - 64.5 75.1719 60.7031 69.7812 55.0 66.4844 curveto - 55.0 65.6719 lineto - 60.2031 65.6719 lineto - 60.2031 32.2969 lineto - 60.2031 29.3906 60.5938 27.5 61.2969 26.4062 curveto - 62.5 24.5938 64.5938 23.7031 67.6875 23.7031 curveto - 69.7969 23.7031 71.9844 24.2031 74.0938 25.2969 curveto - 75.0938 26.0 lineto - 75.5938 26.2031 76.0938 26.5938 76.5938 27.0 curveto - closepath - 92.9844 47.6875 moveto - 92.9844 53.4844 lineto - 77.2969 53.4844 lineto - 77.2969 47.6875 lineto - 92.9844 47.6875 lineto - closepath - 122.281 25.4062 moveto - 122.281 27.0938 lineto - 121.781 26.9062 lineto - 121.078 26.5938 120.578 26.5 120.188 26.5 curveto - 119.781 26.5 119.484 26.5938 119.281 26.7969 curveto - 118.984 27.2031 118.781 28.2969 118.781 30.2031 curveto - 118.781 56.5781 lineto - 118.781 61.6875 117.781 64.9844 115.781 66.5781 curveto - 113.781 68.1719 111.391 68.9844 108.594 68.9844 curveto - 105.484 68.9844 102.797 67.875 100.391 65.7812 curveto - 98.0 63.6875 96.7969 61.1875 96.7969 58.375 curveto - 96.7969 56.1875 97.8906 55.0781 100.094 55.0781 curveto - 102.391 55.0781 103.594 56.2812 103.594 58.5781 curveto - 103.594 59.9844 103.188 61.0781 102.297 61.9844 curveto - 102.094 62.2812 102.0 62.6875 102.0 62.9844 curveto - 102.0 63.9844 102.594 64.875 103.797 65.5781 curveto - 104.688 66.1719 105.688 66.4844 106.688 66.4844 curveto - 108.484 66.4844 109.594 65.7812 110.094 64.375 curveto - 110.391 63.5781 110.484 62.1875 110.484 60.0781 curveto - 110.484 51.7812 lineto - 104.984 49.0938 100.891 46.2812 98.3906 43.2969 curveto - 95.5 39.7969 94.0 36.0 94.0 31.7031 curveto - 94.0 29.2969 94.7031 27.4062 96.2031 25.9062 curveto - 97.6875 24.4062 99.5938 23.7031 102.094 23.7031 curveto - 105.297 23.7031 108.297 25.0 111.094 27.5 curveto - 112.594 25.0 114.688 23.7031 117.391 23.7031 curveto - 119.281 23.7031 120.891 24.2969 122.281 25.4062 curveto - closepath - 110.484 30.8906 moveto - 108.797 28.7031 106.984 27.5938 104.891 27.5938 curveto - 102.5 27.5938 101.297 29.5 101.297 33.2031 curveto - 101.297 36.8906 102.188 40.2969 103.984 43.5938 curveto - 105.297 46.0938 107.484 48.0938 110.484 49.6875 curveto - 110.484 30.8906 lineto - closepath - 154.082 25.0 moveto - 154.082 26.5 lineto - 151.973 26.7969 150.879 28.2969 150.879 30.8906 curveto - 150.879 59.7812 lineto - 150.879 63.0781 150.379 65.375 149.285 66.6719 curveto - 147.988 68.1719 146.082 68.9844 143.785 68.9844 curveto - 141.082 68.9844 138.285 67.6719 135.395 65.1719 curveto - 135.395 69.9844 lineto - 131.691 67.2812 127.785 65.5781 123.691 64.875 curveto - 123.691 63.375 lineto - 125.395 63.0781 126.488 62.1875 126.895 60.875 curveto - 126.988 60.375 127.098 58.9844 127.098 56.6875 curveto - 127.098 30.8906 lineto - 127.098 28.5 125.988 27.0 123.691 26.5 curveto - 123.691 25.0 lineto - 138.191 25.0 lineto - 138.191 26.5 lineto - 136.895 26.9062 136.082 27.4062 135.785 28.0938 curveto - 135.488 28.5938 135.395 29.5 135.395 30.8906 curveto - 135.395 62.5781 lineto - 137.082 64.4844 138.582 65.375 140.082 65.375 curveto - 141.785 65.375 142.582 64.0781 142.582 61.4844 curveto - 142.582 30.8906 lineto - 142.582 29.5938 142.488 28.5938 142.191 28.0938 curveto - 141.785 27.4062 140.988 26.7969 139.785 26.5 curveto - 139.785 25.0 lineto - 154.082 25.0 lineto - closepath - 182.777 25.4062 moveto - 182.777 27.0938 lineto - 182.277 26.9062 lineto - 181.574 26.5938 181.074 26.5 180.684 26.5 curveto - 180.277 26.5 179.98 26.5938 179.777 26.7969 curveto - 179.48 27.2031 179.277 28.2969 179.277 30.2031 curveto - 179.277 56.5781 lineto - 179.277 61.6875 178.277 64.9844 176.277 66.5781 curveto - 174.277 68.1719 171.887 68.9844 169.09 68.9844 curveto - 165.98 68.9844 163.293 67.875 160.887 65.7812 curveto - 158.496 63.6875 157.293 61.1875 157.293 58.375 curveto - 157.293 56.1875 158.387 55.0781 160.59 55.0781 curveto - 162.887 55.0781 164.09 56.2812 164.09 58.5781 curveto - 164.09 59.9844 163.684 61.0781 162.793 61.9844 curveto - 162.59 62.2812 162.496 62.6875 162.496 62.9844 curveto - 162.496 63.9844 163.09 64.875 164.293 65.5781 curveto - 165.184 66.1719 166.184 66.4844 167.184 66.4844 curveto - 168.98 66.4844 170.09 65.7812 170.59 64.375 curveto - 170.887 63.5781 170.98 62.1875 170.98 60.0781 curveto - 170.98 51.7812 lineto - 165.48 49.0938 161.387 46.2812 158.887 43.2969 curveto - 155.996 39.7969 154.496 36.0 154.496 31.7031 curveto - 154.496 29.2969 155.199 27.4062 156.699 25.9062 curveto - 158.184 24.4062 160.09 23.7031 162.59 23.7031 curveto - 165.793 23.7031 168.793 25.0 171.59 27.5 curveto - 173.09 25.0 175.184 23.7031 177.887 23.7031 curveto - 179.777 23.7031 181.387 24.2969 182.777 25.4062 curveto - closepath - 170.98 30.8906 moveto - 169.293 28.7031 167.48 27.5938 165.387 27.5938 curveto - 162.996 27.5938 161.793 29.5 161.793 33.2031 curveto - 161.793 36.8906 162.684 40.2969 164.48 43.5938 curveto - 165.793 46.0938 167.98 48.0938 170.98 49.6875 curveto - 170.98 30.8906 lineto - closepath - 230.062 25.0 moveto - 230.062 26.5 lineto - 227.969 26.7969 226.969 28.2969 226.969 30.8906 curveto - 226.969 59.7812 lineto - 226.969 62.875 226.562 65.0781 225.672 66.2812 curveto - 224.266 68.0781 222.375 68.9844 219.875 68.9844 curveto - 217.172 68.9844 214.172 67.5781 210.875 64.7812 curveto - 209.781 67.5781 207.578 68.9844 204.281 68.9844 curveto - 201.578 68.9844 198.781 67.6719 195.891 65.1719 curveto - 195.891 69.9844 lineto - 192.188 67.2812 188.281 65.5781 184.188 64.875 curveto - 184.188 63.375 lineto - 185.891 63.0781 186.984 62.1875 187.391 60.875 curveto - 187.484 60.375 187.594 58.9844 187.594 56.6875 curveto - 187.594 30.8906 lineto - 187.594 28.5 186.484 27.0 184.188 26.5 curveto - 184.188 25.0 lineto - 198.688 25.0 lineto - 198.688 26.5 lineto - 197.391 26.9062 196.578 27.4062 196.281 28.0938 curveto - 195.984 28.5938 195.891 29.5 195.891 30.8906 curveto - 195.891 62.5781 lineto - 197.578 64.4844 199.078 65.375 200.578 65.375 curveto - 202.281 65.375 203.078 64.0781 203.078 61.4844 curveto - 203.078 30.8906 lineto - 203.078 29.5938 202.984 28.5938 202.688 28.0938 curveto - 202.281 27.4062 201.484 26.7969 200.281 26.5 curveto - 200.281 25.0 lineto - 214.172 25.0 lineto - 214.172 26.5 lineto - 212.969 26.9062 212.172 27.4062 211.781 28.0938 curveto - 211.469 28.5938 211.375 29.5 211.375 30.8906 curveto - 211.375 59.7812 lineto - 211.375 60.875 211.375 61.7812 211.281 62.4844 curveto - 212.969 64.375 214.578 65.375 216.078 65.375 curveto - 217.766 65.375 218.578 64.0781 218.578 61.4844 curveto - 218.578 30.8906 lineto - 218.578 29.5938 218.469 28.5938 218.172 28.0938 curveto - 217.766 27.4062 216.969 26.7969 215.781 26.5 curveto - 215.781 25.0 lineto - 230.062 25.0 lineto - closepath - 258.781 46.3906 moveto - 258.781 52.8906 257.484 58.2812 254.984 62.5781 curveto - 252.484 66.875 249.188 68.9844 245.281 68.9844 curveto - 241.391 68.9844 238.094 66.875 235.688 62.5781 curveto - 233.094 58.2812 231.891 52.8906 231.891 46.1875 curveto - 231.891 39.6875 233.188 34.3906 235.688 30.0938 curveto - 238.188 25.7969 241.391 23.7031 245.281 23.7031 curveto - 249.188 23.7031 252.484 25.7969 254.984 30.0938 curveto - 257.484 34.3906 258.781 39.7969 258.781 46.3906 curveto - closepath - 249.984 36.1875 moveto - 249.984 29.2969 248.375 25.7969 245.281 25.7969 curveto - 242.188 25.7969 240.688 29.2969 240.688 36.1875 curveto - 240.688 56.4844 lineto - 240.688 63.375 242.188 66.875 245.281 66.875 curveto - 248.375 66.875 249.984 63.375 249.984 56.4844 curveto - 249.984 36.1875 lineto - closepath - 285.07 64.5781 moveto - 285.07 65.875 284.68 66.875 283.883 67.7812 curveto - 283.07 68.5781 281.977 68.9844 280.68 68.9844 curveto - 277.773 68.9844 274.977 66.0781 272.289 60.375 curveto - 272.289 69.9844 lineto - 268.586 67.2812 264.68 65.6719 260.586 64.9844 curveto - 260.586 63.4844 lineto - 262.289 63.0781 263.383 62.2812 263.789 60.9844 curveto - 263.883 60.4844 263.992 58.9844 263.992 56.6875 curveto - 263.992 30.8906 lineto - 263.992 28.5 262.883 27.0 260.586 26.5 curveto - 260.586 25.0 lineto - 276.383 25.0 lineto - 276.383 26.5 lineto - 273.68 27.0 272.289 28.5 272.289 30.8906 curveto - 272.289 50.2812 lineto - 272.289 53.1875 272.68 55.2812 273.383 56.6875 curveto - 274.086 58.0781 275.477 59.375 277.477 60.6875 curveto - 278.773 60.375 279.773 60.1875 280.68 60.1875 curveto - 283.57 60.1875 285.07 61.6875 285.07 64.5781 curveto - closepath - 314.871 46.5938 moveto - 314.871 61.4844 311.48 68.9844 304.574 68.9844 curveto - 302.277 68.9844 299.98 67.7812 297.887 65.375 curveto - 297.887 69.6719 lineto - 294.184 66.9844 290.277 65.375 286.184 64.6719 curveto - 286.184 63.1875 lineto - 287.887 62.7812 288.98 61.875 289.387 60.5781 curveto - 289.48 60.0781 289.59 58.6875 289.59 56.3906 curveto - 289.59 16.2031 lineto - 289.59 13.8125 288.48 12.3125 286.184 11.8125 curveto - 286.184 10.3125 lineto - 301.777 10.3125 lineto - 301.777 11.8125 lineto - 300.277 12.1094 299.184 12.6094 298.684 13.2031 curveto - 298.184 13.7031 297.887 14.7031 297.887 16.2031 curveto - 297.887 27.0938 lineto - 299.887 24.9062 301.98 23.7969 304.277 23.7969 curveto - 306.371 23.7969 308.371 24.5938 310.074 26.4062 curveto - 311.777 28.0938 312.965 30.2031 313.668 32.8906 curveto - 314.465 36.1875 314.871 40.7969 314.871 46.5938 curveto - closepath - 305.574 33.5 moveto - 305.574 29.2031 304.48 27.0 302.184 27.0 curveto - 300.684 27.0 299.277 28.0938 297.887 30.2031 curveto - 297.887 60.1875 lineto - 297.887 63.2812 299.184 64.875 301.871 64.875 curveto - 303.277 64.875 304.277 64.375 304.777 63.375 curveto - 305.277 62.375 305.574 60.5781 305.574 57.8906 curveto - 305.574 33.5 lineto - closepath - 347.168 25.0 moveto - 347.168 26.5 lineto - 345.074 26.7969 344.074 28.2969 344.074 30.8906 curveto - 344.074 59.7812 lineto - 344.074 62.9844 343.465 65.2812 342.371 66.6719 curveto - 341.074 68.1719 339.277 68.9844 336.98 68.9844 curveto - 334.371 68.9844 331.48 67.6719 328.387 65.1719 curveto - 328.387 92.9688 lineto - 324.684 90.2656 320.777 88.6719 316.684 87.9688 curveto - 316.684 86.4688 lineto - 318.387 86.0625 319.48 85.2656 319.887 83.9688 curveto - 319.98 83.4688 320.09 81.9688 320.09 79.6719 curveto - 320.09 30.8906 lineto - 320.09 28.5 318.98 27.0 316.684 26.5 curveto - 316.684 25.0 lineto - 331.184 25.0 lineto - 331.184 26.5 lineto - 329.887 26.9062 329.074 27.4062 328.777 28.0938 curveto - 328.48 28.5938 328.387 29.5 328.387 30.8906 curveto - 328.387 62.5781 lineto - 330.184 64.4844 331.777 65.375 333.184 65.375 curveto - 334.871 65.375 335.684 64.0781 335.684 61.4844 curveto - 335.684 30.8906 lineto - 335.684 29.5938 335.574 28.5938 335.277 28.0938 curveto - 334.871 27.4062 334.074 26.7969 332.871 26.5 curveto - 332.871 25.0 lineto - 347.168 25.0 lineto - closepath - 375.777 46.3906 moveto - 375.777 52.8906 374.48 58.2812 371.98 62.5781 curveto - 369.48 66.875 366.184 68.9844 362.277 68.9844 curveto - 358.387 68.9844 355.09 66.875 352.684 62.5781 curveto - 350.09 58.2812 348.887 52.8906 348.887 46.1875 curveto - 348.887 39.6875 350.184 34.3906 352.684 30.0938 curveto - 355.184 25.7969 358.387 23.7031 362.277 23.7031 curveto - 366.184 23.7031 369.48 25.7969 371.98 30.0938 curveto - 374.48 34.3906 375.777 39.7969 375.777 46.3906 curveto - closepath - 366.98 36.1875 moveto - 366.98 29.2969 365.371 25.7969 362.277 25.7969 curveto - 359.184 25.7969 357.684 29.2969 357.684 36.1875 curveto - 357.684 56.4844 lineto - 357.684 63.375 359.184 66.875 362.277 66.875 curveto - 365.371 66.875 366.98 63.375 366.98 56.4844 curveto - 366.98 36.1875 lineto - closepath - 399.379 35.7969 moveto - 399.379 38.5938 398.566 41.2969 396.973 43.7969 curveto - 395.473 46.3906 392.676 49.4844 388.676 53.1875 curveto - 385.285 56.2812 383.582 59.0781 383.582 61.6875 curveto - 383.582 63.375 384.082 64.6719 384.988 65.7812 curveto - 385.879 66.7812 387.082 67.2812 388.582 67.2812 curveto - 392.082 67.2812 394.27 64.6719 395.082 59.4844 curveto - 395.379 57.4844 lineto - 395.582 56.6875 lineto - 397.27 56.6875 lineto - 397.27 67.9844 lineto - 394.27 68.6719 391.785 68.9844 389.785 68.9844 curveto - 386.285 68.9844 383.379 67.9844 381.176 65.7812 curveto - 378.879 63.7812 377.785 61.0781 377.785 57.7812 curveto - 377.785 55.0781 378.785 52.5781 380.785 50.1875 curveto - 382.176 48.4844 384.285 46.2812 387.176 43.4844 curveto - 389.879 40.9844 391.473 39.1875 391.973 38.2969 curveto - 392.879 36.8906 393.27 35.0938 393.27 33.0 curveto - 393.27 28.2969 391.379 25.9062 387.582 25.9062 curveto - 383.488 25.9062 380.879 29.8906 379.879 37.8906 curveto - 378.191 37.8906 lineto - 378.191 25.5 lineto - 381.488 24.2969 384.285 23.7031 386.582 23.7031 curveto - 390.473 23.7031 393.582 24.7969 395.879 27.0 curveto - 398.176 29.2031 399.379 32.0938 399.379 35.7969 curveto - closepath - 413.176 85.2656 moveto - 413.176 86.7656 412.676 87.9688 411.785 88.9688 curveto - 410.879 90.0625 409.676 90.5625 408.379 90.5625 curveto - 407.082 90.5625 405.988 90.0625 405.082 88.9688 curveto - 404.176 87.875 403.676 86.6719 403.676 85.1719 curveto - 403.676 83.7656 404.176 82.5625 405.082 81.5781 curveto - 405.988 80.4688 407.082 79.9688 408.379 79.9688 curveto - 409.676 79.9688 410.879 80.4688 411.785 81.5781 curveto - 412.676 82.5625 413.176 83.7656 413.176 85.2656 curveto - closepath - 416.082 25.0 moveto - 416.082 26.5 lineto - 413.879 27.0 412.785 28.3906 412.785 30.8906 curveto - 412.785 69.9844 lineto - 409.082 67.2812 405.176 65.6719 401.082 64.9844 curveto - 401.082 63.4844 lineto - 402.785 63.0781 403.879 62.2812 404.285 60.9844 curveto - 404.379 60.4844 404.488 58.9844 404.488 56.6875 curveto - 404.488 30.8906 lineto - 404.488 28.5 403.379 27.0 401.082 26.5 curveto - 401.082 25.0 lineto - 416.082 25.0 lineto - closepath - 439.477 35.7969 moveto - 439.477 38.5938 438.664 41.2969 437.07 43.7969 curveto - 435.57 46.3906 432.773 49.4844 428.773 53.1875 curveto - 425.383 56.2812 423.68 59.0781 423.68 61.6875 curveto - 423.68 63.375 424.18 64.6719 425.086 65.7812 curveto - 425.977 66.7812 427.18 67.2812 428.68 67.2812 curveto - 432.18 67.2812 434.367 64.6719 435.18 59.4844 curveto - 435.477 57.4844 lineto - 435.68 56.6875 lineto - 437.367 56.6875 lineto - 437.367 67.9844 lineto - 434.367 68.6719 431.883 68.9844 429.883 68.9844 curveto - 426.383 68.9844 423.477 67.9844 421.273 65.7812 curveto - 418.977 63.7812 417.883 61.0781 417.883 57.7812 curveto - 417.883 55.0781 418.883 52.5781 420.883 50.1875 curveto - 422.273 48.4844 424.383 46.2812 427.273 43.4844 curveto - 429.977 40.9844 431.57 39.1875 432.07 38.2969 curveto - 432.977 36.8906 433.367 35.0938 433.367 33.0 curveto - 433.367 28.2969 431.477 25.9062 427.68 25.9062 curveto - 423.586 25.9062 420.977 29.8906 419.977 37.8906 curveto - 418.289 37.8906 lineto - 418.289 25.5 lineto - 421.586 24.2969 424.383 23.7031 426.68 23.7031 curveto - 430.57 23.7031 433.68 24.7969 435.977 27.0 curveto - 438.273 29.2031 439.477 32.0938 439.477 35.7969 curveto - closepath - 440.383 25.0 moveto -eofill -gsave %{ - grestore %} - grestore %} - grestore %} - grestore %} - showpage -%%BoundingBox: 0 7 440 92 -showpage -%%EOF diff --git a/opt/index.xml b/opt/index.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7697097 --- /dev/null +++ b/opt/index.xml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ + + Scripts d'appoint + diff --git a/opt/ b/opt/ new file mode 100755 index 0000000..e127258 --- /dev/null +++ b/opt/ @@ -0,0 +1,347 @@ +eval '(exit $?0)' && eval 'exec perl -S $0 ${1+"$@"}' && eval 'exec perl -S $0 $argv:q' + if 0; +use strict; +# ============================================================================== +# psftopdf +# Version 1.0 (Mercredi 19 octobre 2011) Jean-Michel Sarlat +# Ce script fait partie du projet pst-anamorphosis (Gilg, Luque, Sarlat) +# Checkout +# git +# ============================================================================== + +our $windows_pstoedit = ""; + +our $on_windows = $^O =~ /^MSWin/; +our $GS = $on_windows ? "gswin32c" : "gs"; +our $PS = $on_windows ? $windows_pstoedit : "pstoedit"; + + +# === Acquisition des options de la ligne de commande ------------------------- +$::opt_dimmax = 4; # Dimension maximale : 4 cm par défaut +$::opt_t = 0; # Transformation initiale par pstoedit +use Getopt::Long; +GetOptions( + "dimmax=s", + "t" +); + +our $debug = 1; + +our $GSBBOX = "$GS -sDEVICE=bbox -dBATCH -dNOPAUSE -dNOSAFER -P -c save pop -f"; + +our $cm = 28.3464567; + +our $Fichier = $ARGV[0]; +-f $Fichier or die "Fichier <$Fichier> introuvable !\n"; + +our ($Nom, $Dir, $Ext) = &FichierNRE($Fichier); + +# === Transformation éventuelle par pstoedit ----------------------------------- +if ($::opt_t) { + use File::Copy; + my $f = "$Nom-original$Ext"; + copy($Fichier, $f); + my @a = ($PS, "-f ps", $f, $Fichier); + $debug and print STDERR "Processing by pstoedit...\n"; + system(@a) == 0 or die "Running pstoedit failed\nCommand :".join(" ",@a)."\n"; + $debug and print STDERR "Ok!\n"; +} +# ============================================================================== + +our $ps = &FichierListe($Fichier); +our $table = []; +our @Bbox = (); + +our $cmyk = {}; +our $centrex = 0; +our $centrey = 0; + +our $facteur = 1; +our $DimMax = $::opt_dimmax; + +our $PageSizeX = 0; +our $PageSizeY = 0; + +our @currentpoint = (); +our @lastpoint = (); +our $dmax = 0; + +# ============================================================================== +# === Analyse +# ============================================================================== +$$table[0] = { + fichier => $Fichier, + source => &FichierScalaire($Fichier), + createur => "psftopst" +}; +&LecturePostScript($table, $ps); +$$table[0]->{bbox} = \@Bbox; +# ============================================================================== +# === Production +# ============================================================================== +our $pst = &EcritureFichierPST($table, $Nom); +open PST, ">$Nom.pst" and print PST $pst and close PST; +# ============================================================================== + +sub EcritureFichierPST { + my ($r, $n) = @_; + my $c = $$r[0]->{cmyk}; + my $nc = 1; + my $out = "%\@PATRON:pstricks\n"; + $out .= "\\makeatletter\n\\def\\psfs\@asolid{\\pst\@fill{\\pst\@usecolor\\psfillcolor eofill}}\n\\makeatother\n"; + # Définition des couleurs dans le fichier pstricks + # Elles sont reprises dans la table représentant le fichier ps + $out .= "%\@COULEURS:\n"; + foreach (@$c) { + my $roman = &Roman($nc); + $$cmyk{$_} = "Couleur$roman"; + s/\s/\,/g; + $out .= "\\definecolor{Couleur$roman}{cmyk}{$_}\n"; + $nc++; + } + # Acquisition du centre de l'image + my $b = $$r[0]->{bbox}; + $out .= "%\@BOUNDINGBOX: " . join(" ", @$b) . "\n"; + $centrex = ($$b[2] + $$b[0]) / 2; + $centrey = ($$b[3] + $$b[1]) / 2; + $out .= "%\@TRANSLATION: -($centrex,$centrey)\n"; + my $l = ($$b[2] - $$b[0]); + my $h = ($$b[3] - $$b[1]); + my $max = $l; $max = $h if $h > $l; + $facteur = ($DimMax * $cm) / $max; + $out .= "%\@FACTEUR: $facteur\n"; + my $abox = &xy_couple_modifie($b); + $out .= "%\@PSPICTURE:\n"; + $out .= "% \\begin{pspicture}$abox\n"; + if ($PageSizeX) { + my $clipframe = &xy_couple_modifie([0, 0, $PageSizeX, $PageSizeY]); + $out .= "%\@CLIPPING: $PageSizeX $PageSizeY\n"; + $out .= "% \\begin{psclip}{\\psframe[linestyle=none]$clipframe}\n"; + } + $out .= "%\@PICTURE:\n"; + # Éléments de construction + for (my $i = 1; $i < scalar @$r; $i++) { + if ($$r[$i]->{path}) { + $out .= "%% Path : $i\n"; + my $couleur = $$cmyk{$$r[$i]->{setcmykcolor}}; + my $epaisseur = $$r[$i]->{setlinewidth}; $epaisseur = sprintf("linewidth=%0.5fpt", $epaisseur / $facteur); + my $t = $$r[$i]->{type}; + $t eq "fill" and $out .= "\\pscustom[fillstyle=solid,fillcolor=$couleur,linestyle=none]{\n"; + $t eq "eofill" and $out .= "\\pscustom[fillstyle=asolid,fillcolor=$couleur,linestyle=none]{\n"; + $t eq "clip" and $out .= "\\psclip{\\psframe[fillstyle=none,linestyle=none]$abox}\%\n\\pscustom{\n"; + $t eq "stroke" and $out .= "\\pscustom[$epaisseur,linecolor=$couleur]{\n"; + my $p = $$r[$i]->{path}; + my $n = $$r[$i]->{closepath}; + foreach (@$p) { + my %e = %$_; + $e{t} eq "moveto" and $out .= "\\moveto".&xy_couple_modifie($e{p}); + $e{t} eq "lineto" and $out .= "\\psline".&xy_couple_modifie($e{p}); + $e{t} eq "curveto" and $out .= "\\psbezier".&xy_couple_modifie($e{p}); + $e{t} eq "closepath" and $out .= "\\closepath"; + $out .= "\n"; + @lastpoint = @currentpoint; + } + $out .= "}\n"; + $$r[$i]->{type} eq "clip" and $out .= "\\endpsclip\n"; + } + } + $out .= "%\@---\n"; + $out .= "% \\end{psclip}\n" if $PageSizeX; + $out .= "% \\end{pspicture}\n"; +} + + +sub LecturePostScript { + my ($t, $p) = @_; + my $pathnumber = 0; + my $natpath = ""; + my $path = []; + my $fpath = 0; + my $niveau = 0; + my $nclosepath = 0; # Nombre de closepath rencontrés + foreach (@$p) { + /^\%\s*(\d+)\s+pathnumber/ and $pathnumber = $1 and $$t[$pathnumber] = {}; + /^\s*gsave/ and $niveau++; + /^\s*grestore/ and $niveau--; + s/setPageSize\s*$// and &setPageSize($_); + /^\%\%BoundingBox\: ([\d\.-]+) ([\d\.-]+) ([\d\.-]+) ([\d\.-]+)/ and &setBbox($1,$2,$3,$4); + if ($pathnumber) { + /^\%\s*filledpath/ and $natpath = "filledpath" and next; + /^\%\s*eofilledpath/ and $natpath = "eofilledpath" and next; + /^\%\s*strokedpath/ and $natpath = "strokedpath" and next; + /^\%\s*clippath/ and $natpath = "clippath" and next; + /setlinewidth$/ and $$t[$pathnumber]->{setlinewidth} = &setlinewidth($_) and next; + /setcmykcolor$/ and $$t[$pathnumber]->{setcmykcolor} = &setcmykcolor($_) and next; + /^newpath/ and $fpath = 1 and $path = [] and next; + if ($fpath) { + s/moveto\s*$// and push(@$path, {t => "moveto", p => &xy($_)}); + s/lineto\s*$// and push(@$path, {t => "lineto", p => &xy($_)}); + s/curveto\s*$// and push(@$path, {t => "curveto", p => &xy($_)}); + /closepath/ and push(@$path, {t => "closepath", p => 1}) and $nclosepath++; + if (/(stroke)/ or /(eofill)/ or /(fill)/ or /(clip)/) { + $fpath = 0; + $$t[$pathnumber]->{path} = $path; + $$t[$pathnumber]->{type} = $1; + $$t[$pathnumber]->{niveau} = $niveau; + $$t[$pathnumber]->{closepath} = $nclosepath; + $pathnumber = 0; + $nclosepath = 0; + } + } + } + } + $$t[0]->{cmyk} = []; + foreach (keys %$cmyk) { + push @{$$t[0]->{cmyk}}, $_; + } +} + +sub setPageSize { + my $s = shift; + $s =~ s/^\s*|\s*$//g; + ($PageSizeX, $PageSizeY) = split /\s+/, $s; +} + +sub setlinewidth { + my $s = shift; + $s =~ s/^\s*|\s+setlinewidth$//g; + return $s; +} + +sub setcmykcolor { + my $s = shift; + $s =~ s/^\s*|\s+setcmykcolor$//g; + $$cmyk{$s} = 1; + return $s; +} + +sub xy { + my $s = shift; + $s =~ s/^\s*|\s*$//g; + my @xy = split /\s+/, $s; + return \@xy; +} + +sub xy_couple_modifie { + my $xy = shift; + my @l = @$xy; @currentpoint = ($l[-2],$l[-1]); + my $s = ""; + while (my ($x, $y) = splice(@l, 0, 2)) { + $s .= sprintf("(%0.8f,%0.8f)", ($x - $centrex) * $facteur, ($y - $centrey) * $facteur); + } + return $s; +} + +# === Contenu d'un fichier et éléments du nom ---------------------------------- +# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ +# Contenu sous forme d'une liste de lignes +sub FichierListe { + my $f = shift; + open(FICH, $f) or die "Le fichier $f est introuvable !\n"; + my @l = ; + close FICH; + chomp @l; + return \@l; +} +# Contenu en un seul élément +sub FichierScalaire { + my $f = shift; + local $/; + open(FICH, $f) or die "Le fichier $f est introuvable !\n"; + my $c = ; + close FICH; + return $c; +} +# Nom, Repertoire et Extension d'un fichier +sub FichierNRE { + my $f = shift; + use File::Basename; + my ($n, $r, $e) = fileparse($f,qw{\..*}); + $e =~ s/^\.//; + return ($n, $r, $e); +} +# === Acquisition de la BoundingBox -------------------------------------------- +sub setBbox { + @Bbox = @_; +} + +# === Écriture d'un nombre en chiffres romains --------------------------------- +# Code emprunté au module ; +# AUTEURS: +# OZAWA Sakuro 1995-1997 +# Alexandr Ciornii, C<< >> 2007 +# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ +sub Roman { + my $arg = shift; + 0 < $arg and $arg < 4000 or return undef; + my %roman_digit = qw(1 IV 10 XL 100 CD 1000 MMMMMM); + my @figure = reverse sort keys %roman_digit; + $roman_digit{$_} = [split(//, $roman_digit{$_}, 2)] foreach @figure; + my($x, $roman); + foreach (@figure) { + my($digit, $i, $v) = (int($arg / $_), @{$roman_digit{$_}}); + if (1 <= $digit and $digit <= 3) { + $roman .= $i x $digit; + } elsif ($digit == 4) { + $roman .= "$i$v"; + } elsif ($digit == 5) { + $roman .= $v; + } elsif (6 <= $digit and $digit <= 8) { + $roman .= $v . $i x ($digit - 5); + } elsif ($digit == 9) { + $roman .= "$i$x"; + } + $arg -= $digit * $_; + $x = $i; + } + return $roman; +} +# === Wanda -------------------------------------------------------------------- +sub WandaExecutePlugin { + my ($cnf, $elm, $args) = @_; +} +sub WandaAnalyseLignes { + my $cnf = shift; + my $l = shift; + my $c = {}; + my $e = "CORPS"; + my @p = (); + # Traitement + for(my $i=0; $i < scalar @$l; $i++) { + if ($$l[$i] =~ /^%@([\da-zA-Z_]+)\s*:\s*(.+?)\s*$/) { + # Affectation simple : la valeur suit le nom dans la ligne ----- + $$c{$1} = $2; + } elsif ($$l[$i] =~ /^%@([\da-zA-Z_]+)\s*:\s*$/) { + # Affectation bloc : la valeur est constituée du bloc à suivre - + push @p, $e; $e = $1; + } elsif ($$l[$i] =~ /^%@\-\-\-/) { + # On ferme l'élément en cours... ------------------------------- + $e = pop @p; + } elsif ($$l[$i] =~ /^%@\@lib:\s*(.+?)\s+$/) { + # On ajoute le contenu d'un fichier de la librairie ------------ + if (-f "$$cnf{DIR}/lib/$1") { + $$c{$e} .= qx{cat "$$cnf{DIR}/lib/$1"} if $e; + } + } elsif ($$l[$i] =~ /^%@\@inc:\s*(.+?)\s+$/) { + # On ajoute le contenu d'un fichier local ---------------------- + if (-f $1) { + $$c{$e} .= qx{cat $1} if $e; + } + } elsif ($$l[$i] =~ /^%@\@exec:\s*(.+?)\s+$/) { + # On éxécute un plugin ----------------------------------------- + $$c{$e} .= &WandaExecutePlugin($cnf, $c, $1); + } else { + # La ligne est enregistrée dans l'éventuel élément en cours ---- + $$c{$e} .= $$l[$i] if $e; + } + } + return $c; +} +sub WandaAnalyseContenu { + my ($cnf, $fichier) = @_; + open(SRC, $fichier); my @LIGNES = ; close(SRC); + return &WandaAnalyseLignes($cnf, \@LIGNES); +} + + + diff --git a/opt/pstopst b/opt/pstopst new file mode 100755 index 0000000..e127258 --- /dev/null +++ b/opt/pstopst @@ -0,0 +1,347 @@ +eval '(exit $?0)' && eval 'exec perl -S $0 ${1+"$@"}' && eval 'exec perl -S $0 $argv:q' + if 0; +use strict; +# ============================================================================== +# psftopdf +# Version 1.0 (Mercredi 19 octobre 2011) Jean-Michel Sarlat +# Ce script fait partie du projet pst-anamorphosis (Gilg, Luque, Sarlat) +# Checkout +# git +# ============================================================================== + +our $windows_pstoedit = ""; + +our $on_windows = $^O =~ /^MSWin/; +our $GS = $on_windows ? "gswin32c" : "gs"; +our $PS = $on_windows ? $windows_pstoedit : "pstoedit"; + + +# === Acquisition des options de la ligne de commande ------------------------- +$::opt_dimmax = 4; # Dimension maximale : 4 cm par défaut +$::opt_t = 0; # Transformation initiale par pstoedit +use Getopt::Long; +GetOptions( + "dimmax=s", + "t" +); + +our $debug = 1; + +our $GSBBOX = "$GS -sDEVICE=bbox -dBATCH -dNOPAUSE -dNOSAFER -P -c save pop -f"; + +our $cm = 28.3464567; + +our $Fichier = $ARGV[0]; +-f $Fichier or die "Fichier <$Fichier> introuvable !\n"; + +our ($Nom, $Dir, $Ext) = &FichierNRE($Fichier); + +# === Transformation éventuelle par pstoedit ----------------------------------- +if ($::opt_t) { + use File::Copy; + my $f = "$Nom-original$Ext"; + copy($Fichier, $f); + my @a = ($PS, "-f ps", $f, $Fichier); + $debug and print STDERR "Processing by pstoedit...\n"; + system(@a) == 0 or die "Running pstoedit failed\nCommand :".join(" ",@a)."\n"; + $debug and print STDERR "Ok!\n"; +} +# ============================================================================== + +our $ps = &FichierListe($Fichier); +our $table = []; +our @Bbox = (); + +our $cmyk = {}; +our $centrex = 0; +our $centrey = 0; + +our $facteur = 1; +our $DimMax = $::opt_dimmax; + +our $PageSizeX = 0; +our $PageSizeY = 0; + +our @currentpoint = (); +our @lastpoint = (); +our $dmax = 0; + +# ============================================================================== +# === Analyse +# ============================================================================== +$$table[0] = { + fichier => $Fichier, + source => &FichierScalaire($Fichier), + createur => "psftopst" +}; +&LecturePostScript($table, $ps); +$$table[0]->{bbox} = \@Bbox; +# ============================================================================== +# === Production +# ============================================================================== +our $pst = &EcritureFichierPST($table, $Nom); +open PST, ">$Nom.pst" and print PST $pst and close PST; +# ============================================================================== + +sub EcritureFichierPST { + my ($r, $n) = @_; + my $c = $$r[0]->{cmyk}; + my $nc = 1; + my $out = "%\@PATRON:pstricks\n"; + $out .= "\\makeatletter\n\\def\\psfs\@asolid{\\pst\@fill{\\pst\@usecolor\\psfillcolor eofill}}\n\\makeatother\n"; + # Définition des couleurs dans le fichier pstricks + # Elles sont reprises dans la table représentant le fichier ps + $out .= "%\@COULEURS:\n"; + foreach (@$c) { + my $roman = &Roman($nc); + $$cmyk{$_} = "Couleur$roman"; + s/\s/\,/g; + $out .= "\\definecolor{Couleur$roman}{cmyk}{$_}\n"; + $nc++; + } + # Acquisition du centre de l'image + my $b = $$r[0]->{bbox}; + $out .= "%\@BOUNDINGBOX: " . join(" ", @$b) . "\n"; + $centrex = ($$b[2] + $$b[0]) / 2; + $centrey = ($$b[3] + $$b[1]) / 2; + $out .= "%\@TRANSLATION: -($centrex,$centrey)\n"; + my $l = ($$b[2] - $$b[0]); + my $h = ($$b[3] - $$b[1]); + my $max = $l; $max = $h if $h > $l; + $facteur = ($DimMax * $cm) / $max; + $out .= "%\@FACTEUR: $facteur\n"; + my $abox = &xy_couple_modifie($b); + $out .= "%\@PSPICTURE:\n"; + $out .= "% \\begin{pspicture}$abox\n"; + if ($PageSizeX) { + my $clipframe = &xy_couple_modifie([0, 0, $PageSizeX, $PageSizeY]); + $out .= "%\@CLIPPING: $PageSizeX $PageSizeY\n"; + $out .= "% \\begin{psclip}{\\psframe[linestyle=none]$clipframe}\n"; + } + $out .= "%\@PICTURE:\n"; + # Éléments de construction + for (my $i = 1; $i < scalar @$r; $i++) { + if ($$r[$i]->{path}) { + $out .= "%% Path : $i\n"; + my $couleur = $$cmyk{$$r[$i]->{setcmykcolor}}; + my $epaisseur = $$r[$i]->{setlinewidth}; $epaisseur = sprintf("linewidth=%0.5fpt", $epaisseur / $facteur); + my $t = $$r[$i]->{type}; + $t eq "fill" and $out .= "\\pscustom[fillstyle=solid,fillcolor=$couleur,linestyle=none]{\n"; + $t eq "eofill" and $out .= "\\pscustom[fillstyle=asolid,fillcolor=$couleur,linestyle=none]{\n"; + $t eq "clip" and $out .= "\\psclip{\\psframe[fillstyle=none,linestyle=none]$abox}\%\n\\pscustom{\n"; + $t eq "stroke" and $out .= "\\pscustom[$epaisseur,linecolor=$couleur]{\n"; + my $p = $$r[$i]->{path}; + my $n = $$r[$i]->{closepath}; + foreach (@$p) { + my %e = %$_; + $e{t} eq "moveto" and $out .= "\\moveto".&xy_couple_modifie($e{p}); + $e{t} eq "lineto" and $out .= "\\psline".&xy_couple_modifie($e{p}); + $e{t} eq "curveto" and $out .= "\\psbezier".&xy_couple_modifie($e{p}); + $e{t} eq "closepath" and $out .= "\\closepath"; + $out .= "\n"; + @lastpoint = @currentpoint; + } + $out .= "}\n"; + $$r[$i]->{type} eq "clip" and $out .= "\\endpsclip\n"; + } + } + $out .= "%\@---\n"; + $out .= "% \\end{psclip}\n" if $PageSizeX; + $out .= "% \\end{pspicture}\n"; +} + + +sub LecturePostScript { + my ($t, $p) = @_; + my $pathnumber = 0; + my $natpath = ""; + my $path = []; + my $fpath = 0; + my $niveau = 0; + my $nclosepath = 0; # Nombre de closepath rencontrés + foreach (@$p) { + /^\%\s*(\d+)\s+pathnumber/ and $pathnumber = $1 and $$t[$pathnumber] = {}; + /^\s*gsave/ and $niveau++; + /^\s*grestore/ and $niveau--; + s/setPageSize\s*$// and &setPageSize($_); + /^\%\%BoundingBox\: ([\d\.-]+) ([\d\.-]+) ([\d\.-]+) ([\d\.-]+)/ and &setBbox($1,$2,$3,$4); + if ($pathnumber) { + /^\%\s*filledpath/ and $natpath = "filledpath" and next; + /^\%\s*eofilledpath/ and $natpath = "eofilledpath" and next; + /^\%\s*strokedpath/ and $natpath = "strokedpath" and next; + /^\%\s*clippath/ and $natpath = "clippath" and next; + /setlinewidth$/ and $$t[$pathnumber]->{setlinewidth} = &setlinewidth($_) and next; + /setcmykcolor$/ and $$t[$pathnumber]->{setcmykcolor} = &setcmykcolor($_) and next; + /^newpath/ and $fpath = 1 and $path = [] and next; + if ($fpath) { + s/moveto\s*$// and push(@$path, {t => "moveto", p => &xy($_)}); + s/lineto\s*$// and push(@$path, {t => "lineto", p => &xy($_)}); + s/curveto\s*$// and push(@$path, {t => "curveto", p => &xy($_)}); + /closepath/ and push(@$path, {t => "closepath", p => 1}) and $nclosepath++; + if (/(stroke)/ or /(eofill)/ or /(fill)/ or /(clip)/) { + $fpath = 0; + $$t[$pathnumber]->{path} = $path; + $$t[$pathnumber]->{type} = $1; + $$t[$pathnumber]->{niveau} = $niveau; + $$t[$pathnumber]->{closepath} = $nclosepath; + $pathnumber = 0; + $nclosepath = 0; + } + } + } + } + $$t[0]->{cmyk} = []; + foreach (keys %$cmyk) { + push @{$$t[0]->{cmyk}}, $_; + } +} + +sub setPageSize { + my $s = shift; + $s =~ s/^\s*|\s*$//g; + ($PageSizeX, $PageSizeY) = split /\s+/, $s; +} + +sub setlinewidth { + my $s = shift; + $s =~ s/^\s*|\s+setlinewidth$//g; + return $s; +} + +sub setcmykcolor { + my $s = shift; + $s =~ s/^\s*|\s+setcmykcolor$//g; + $$cmyk{$s} = 1; + return $s; +} + +sub xy { + my $s = shift; + $s =~ s/^\s*|\s*$//g; + my @xy = split /\s+/, $s; + return \@xy; +} + +sub xy_couple_modifie { + my $xy = shift; + my @l = @$xy; @currentpoint = ($l[-2],$l[-1]); + my $s = ""; + while (my ($x, $y) = splice(@l, 0, 2)) { + $s .= sprintf("(%0.8f,%0.8f)", ($x - $centrex) * $facteur, ($y - $centrey) * $facteur); + } + return $s; +} + +# === Contenu d'un fichier et éléments du nom ---------------------------------- +# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ +# Contenu sous forme d'une liste de lignes +sub FichierListe { + my $f = shift; + open(FICH, $f) or die "Le fichier $f est introuvable !\n"; + my @l = ; + close FICH; + chomp @l; + return \@l; +} +# Contenu en un seul élément +sub FichierScalaire { + my $f = shift; + local $/; + open(FICH, $f) or die "Le fichier $f est introuvable !\n"; + my $c = ; + close FICH; + return $c; +} +# Nom, Repertoire et Extension d'un fichier +sub FichierNRE { + my $f = shift; + use File::Basename; + my ($n, $r, $e) = fileparse($f,qw{\..*}); + $e =~ s/^\.//; + return ($n, $r, $e); +} +# === Acquisition de la BoundingBox -------------------------------------------- +sub setBbox { + @Bbox = @_; +} + +# === Écriture d'un nombre en chiffres romains --------------------------------- +# Code emprunté au module ; +# AUTEURS: +# OZAWA Sakuro 1995-1997 +# Alexandr Ciornii, C<< >> 2007 +# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ +sub Roman { + my $arg = shift; + 0 < $arg and $arg < 4000 or return undef; + my %roman_digit = qw(1 IV 10 XL 100 CD 1000 MMMMMM); + my @figure = reverse sort keys %roman_digit; + $roman_digit{$_} = [split(//, $roman_digit{$_}, 2)] foreach @figure; + my($x, $roman); + foreach (@figure) { + my($digit, $i, $v) = (int($arg / $_), @{$roman_digit{$_}}); + if (1 <= $digit and $digit <= 3) { + $roman .= $i x $digit; + } elsif ($digit == 4) { + $roman .= "$i$v"; + } elsif ($digit == 5) { + $roman .= $v; + } elsif (6 <= $digit and $digit <= 8) { + $roman .= $v . $i x ($digit - 5); + } elsif ($digit == 9) { + $roman .= "$i$x"; + } + $arg -= $digit * $_; + $x = $i; + } + return $roman; +} +# === Wanda -------------------------------------------------------------------- +sub WandaExecutePlugin { + my ($cnf, $elm, $args) = @_; +} +sub WandaAnalyseLignes { + my $cnf = shift; + my $l = shift; + my $c = {}; + my $e = "CORPS"; + my @p = (); + # Traitement + for(my $i=0; $i < scalar @$l; $i++) { + if ($$l[$i] =~ /^%@([\da-zA-Z_]+)\s*:\s*(.+?)\s*$/) { + # Affectation simple : la valeur suit le nom dans la ligne ----- + $$c{$1} = $2; + } elsif ($$l[$i] =~ /^%@([\da-zA-Z_]+)\s*:\s*$/) { + # Affectation bloc : la valeur est constituée du bloc à suivre - + push @p, $e; $e = $1; + } elsif ($$l[$i] =~ /^%@\-\-\-/) { + # On ferme l'élément en cours... ------------------------------- + $e = pop @p; + } elsif ($$l[$i] =~ /^%@\@lib:\s*(.+?)\s+$/) { + # On ajoute le contenu d'un fichier de la librairie ------------ + if (-f "$$cnf{DIR}/lib/$1") { + $$c{$e} .= qx{cat "$$cnf{DIR}/lib/$1"} if $e; + } + } elsif ($$l[$i] =~ /^%@\@inc:\s*(.+?)\s+$/) { + # On ajoute le contenu d'un fichier local ---------------------- + if (-f $1) { + $$c{$e} .= qx{cat $1} if $e; + } + } elsif ($$l[$i] =~ /^%@\@exec:\s*(.+?)\s+$/) { + # On éxécute un plugin ----------------------------------------- + $$c{$e} .= &WandaExecutePlugin($cnf, $c, $1); + } else { + # La ligne est enregistrée dans l'éventuel élément en cours ---- + $$c{$e} .= $$l[$i] if $e; + } + } + return $c; +} +sub WandaAnalyseContenu { + my ($cnf, $fichier) = @_; + open(SRC, $fichier); my @LIGNES = ; close(SRC); + return &WandaAnalyseLignes($cnf, \@LIGNES); +} + + +