require "luamesh-polygon" require "luamesh-tex" local function shallowCopy(original) local copy = {} for key, value in pairs(original) do copy[key] = value end return copy end -- Bowyer and Watson algorithm -- Delaunay meshing function BowyerWatson (listPoints,bbox) local triangulation = {} local lgth = #listPoints -- add four points to listPoints to have a bounding box listPoints = buildBoundingBox(listPoints) -- the first triangle triangulation[1] = {lgth+1, lgth+2, lgth+3,type="bbox"} -- the second triangle triangulation[2] = {lgth+1, lgth+3, lgth+4,type="bbox"} -- add points one by one for i=1,lgth do -- find the triangles which the circumcircle contained the point to add badTriangles = buildBadTriangles(listPoints[i],triangulation,listPoints) -- build the polygon of the cavity containing the point to add polygon = buildCavity(badTriangles, triangulation) -- remove the bad triangles for j=1,#badTriangles do table.remove(triangulation,badTriangles[j]-(j-1)) end -- build the new triangles and add them to triangulation for j=1,#polygon do if((polygon[j][1]>lgth) or (polygon[j][2]>lgth) or (i>lgth)) then table.insert(triangulation,{polygon[j][1],polygon[j][2],i,type="bbox"}) else table.insert(triangulation,{polygon[j][1],polygon[j][2],i,type="in"}) end end end -- end adding points of the listPoints -- remove bounding box if(bbox ~= "bbox") then triangulation = removeBoundingBox(triangulation,lgth) table.remove(listPoints,lgth+1) table.remove(listPoints,lgth+1) table.remove(listPoints,lgth+1) table.remove(listPoints,lgth+1) end return triangulation end function buildBoundingBox(listPoints) -- listPoints : list of points -- epsV : parameter for the distance of the bounding box local xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, eps xmin = 1000 ymin = 1000 xmax = -1000 ymax = -1000 for i=1,#listPoints do if (listPoints[i].x < xmin) then xmin = listPoints[i].x end if (listPoints[i].x > xmax) then xmax = listPoints[i].x end if (listPoints[i].y < ymin) then ymin = listPoints[i].y end if (listPoints[i].y > ymax) then ymax = listPoints[i].y end end eps = math.max(math.abs(xmax-xmin),math.abs(ymax-ymin))*0.15 xmin = xmin - eps xmax = xmax + eps ymin = ymin - eps ymax = ymax + eps -- add points of the bounding box in last positions table.insert(listPoints,{x=xmin,y=ymin,type="bbox"}) table.insert(listPoints,{x=xmin,y=ymax,type="bbox"}) table.insert(listPoints,{x=xmax,y=ymax,type="bbox"}) table.insert(listPoints,{x=xmax,y=ymin,type="bbox"}) return listPoints end function BoundingBox(listPoints) -- listPoints : list of points -- epsV : parameter for the distance of the bounding box local xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, eps xmin = 1000 ymin = 1000 xmax = -1000 ymax = -1000 for i=1,#listPoints do if (listPoints[i].x < xmin) then xmin = listPoints[i].x end if (listPoints[i].x > xmax) then xmax = listPoints[i].x end if (listPoints[i].y < ymin) then ymin = listPoints[i].y end if (listPoints[i].y > ymax) then ymax = listPoints[i].y end end eps = math.max(math.abs(xmax-xmin),math.abs(ymax-ymin))*0.15 xmin = xmin - eps xmax = xmax + eps ymin = ymin - eps ymax = ymax + eps return xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax end function removeBoundingBox(triangulation,lgth) -- build the four bounding box edge point1 = lgth+1 point2 = lgth+2 point3 = lgth+3 point4 = lgth+4 -- for all triangle local newTriangulation = {} for i=1,#triangulation do boolE1 = pointInTriangle(point1,triangulation[i]) boolE2 = pointInTriangle(point2,triangulation[i]) boolE3 = pointInTriangle(point3,triangulation[i]) boolE4 = pointInTriangle(point4,triangulation[i]) if((not boolE1) and (not boolE2) and (not boolE3) and (not boolE4)) then table.insert(newTriangulation,triangulation[i]) end end return newTriangulation end function buildBadTriangles(point, triangulation,listPoints) local badTriangles = {} print(#triangulation) for j=1,#triangulation do -- for all triangles A = listPoints[triangulation[j][1]] B = listPoints[triangulation[j][2]] C = listPoints[triangulation[j][3]] center, radius = circoncircle(A,B,C) CP = Vector(center,point) if(VectorNorm(CP) 0 then rad = m * n * p / math.sqrt(d) else rad = 0 end d = -2 * (M.x * NP.y + N.x * PM.y + P.x * MN.y) O = {x=0, y=0} OM = Vector(O, M) ON = Vector(O, N) OP = Vector(O, P) om2 = math.pow(VectorNorm(OM),2) -- |OM|**2 on2 = math.pow(VectorNorm(ON),2) -- |ON|**2 op2 = math.pow(VectorNorm(OP),2) -- |OP|**2 x0 = -(om2 * NP.y + on2 * PM.y + op2 * MN.y) / d y0 = (om2 * NP.x + on2 * PM.x + op2 * MN.x) / d if d == 0 then Out = {nil, nil} else Out = {x=x0, y=y0} end return Out, rad -- (center [Point], R [float]) end -- compute the list of the circumcircle of a triangulation function listCircumCenter(listPoints,triangulation) local list = {} for j=1,#triangulation do A = listPoints[triangulation[j][1]] B = listPoints[triangulation[j][2]] C = listPoints[triangulation[j][3]] center, radius = circoncircle(A,B,C) table.insert(list,{x=center.x,y=center.y,r=radius}) end return list end -- find the three neighbour triangles of T function findNeighbour(T,i,triangulation) -- T : triangle -- i : index of T in triangualation -- triangulation list = {} -- define the three edge e1 = {T[1],T[2]} e2 = {T[2],T[3]} e3 = {T[3],T[1]} for j=1,#triangulation do if j~= i then if(edgeInTriangle(e1,triangulation[j])) then table.insert(list,j) end if(edgeInTriangle(e2,triangulation[j])) then table.insert(list,j) end if(edgeInTriangle(e3,triangulation[j])) then table.insert(list,j) end end end return list end -- test if edge are the same (reverse) function equalEdge(e1,e2) if(((e1[1] == e2[1]) and (e1[2] == e2[2])) or ((e1[1] == e2[2]) and (e1[2] == e2[1]))) then return true else return false end end -- test if the edge belongs to the list function edgeInList(e,listE) output = false for i=1,#listE do if(equalEdge(e,listE[i])) then output = true end end return output end -- build the edges of the Voronoi diagram with a given triangulation function buildVoronoi(listPoints, triangulation) local listCircumCircle = listCircumCenter(listPoints, triangulation) local listVoronoi = {} for i=1,#listCircumCircle do listN = findNeighbour(triangulation[i],i,triangulation) for j=1,#listN do edge = {i,listN[j]} if( not edgeInList(edge, listVoronoi)) then table.insert(listVoronoi, edge) end end end return listVoronoi end -- build the list of points function buildList(chaine, mode) -- if mode = int : the list is given in the chaine string (x1,y1);(x2,y2);...;(xn,yn) -- if mode = ext : the list is given in a file line by line with space separation local listPoints = {} if mode == "int" then local points = string.explode(chaine, ";") local lgth=#points for i=1,lgth do Sx,Sy=string.match(points[i],"%((.+),(.+)%)") listPoints[i]={x=tonumber(Sx),y=tonumber(Sy)} end elseif mode == "ext" then io.input(chaine) -- open the file"*all") lines=string.explode(text,"\n+") -- all the lines tablePoints={} for i=1,#lines do xy=string.explode(lines[i]," +") listPoints[i]={x=tonumber(xy[1]),y=tonumber(xy[2])} end else print("Non existing mode") end return listPoints end -- function to add points on a polygon to respect -- the size of unit mesh function addPointsPolygon(polygon,h) local newPolygon = shallowCopy(polygon) k=0 -- to follow in the newPolygon for i=1,#polygon do k = k+1 ip = (i)%(#polygon)+1 dist = math.sqrt(math.pow(polygon[i].x-polygon[ip].x,2) + math.pow(polygon[i].y-polygon[ip].y,2)) -- if the distance between two ponits of the polygon is greater than 1.5*h if(dist>=2*h) then n = math.floor(dist/h) print(polygon[i].x,polygon[i].y,polygon[ip].x,polygon[ip].y) step = dist/(n+1) print("step="..step) print("n="..n) for j=1,n do print(j*step) a = {x=polygon[i].x+j*step*(polygon[ip].x-polygon[i].x)/dist,y=polygon[i].y+j*step*(polygon[ip].y-polygon[i].y)/dist} print("new = "..a.x.." "..a.y) table.insert(newPolygon,k+j,a) end k=k+n end end return newPolygon end -- function to build a gridpoints from the bounding box -- with a prescribed function buildGrid(listPoints,h) -- listPoints : list of the points of the polygon, ordered -- h : parameter for the grid xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax = BoundingBox(listPoints) local grid = rectangleList(xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax,h) return grid end -- function to build the list of points in the rectangle function rectangleList(xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax,h) nbrX = math.floor(math.abs(xmax-xmin)/h) nbrY = math.floor(math.abs(ymax-ymin)/h) local listPoints = {} k=1 for i=1,(nbrX+1) do for j=1,(nbrY+1) do listPoints[k] = {x = xmin+(i-1)*h, y=ymin+(j-1)*h} k=k+1 end end return listPoints end -- function to add points from a grid to the interior of a polygon function addGridPoints(polygon, grid,h) local listPoints = shallowCopy(polygon) k = #polygon for i=1, #grid do --print(grid[i].x,grid[i].y) --print(isInside(polygon,grid[i])) if(isInside(polygon,grid[i],h)) then k=k+1 listPoints[k] = grid[i] end end return listPoints end -- function give a real polygon without repeting points function cleanPoly(polygon) polyNew = {} polyCopy = shallowCopy(polygon) e1 = polyCopy[1][1] e2 = polyCopy[1][2] table.insert(polyNew, e1) table.insert(polyNew, e2) table.remove(polyCopy,1) j = 2 while #polyCopy>1 do i=1 find = false while (i<=#polyCopy and find==false) do bool1 = (polyCopy[i][1] == polyNew[j]) bool2 = (polyCopy[i][2] == polyNew[j]) if(bool1 or bool2) then -- the edge has a common point with polyNew[j] if(not bool1) then table.insert(polyNew, polyCopy[i][1]) find = true table.remove(polyCopy,i) j = j+1 elseif(not bool2) then table.insert(polyNew, polyCopy[i][2]) find = true table.remove(polyCopy,i) j = j+1 end end i=i+1 end end return polyNew end -- build the list of points extern and stop at nbr function buildListExt(chaine, stop) listPoints = {} io.input(chaine) -- open the file"*all") lines=string.explode(text,"\n+") -- all the lines for i=1,tonumber(stop) do xy=string.explode(lines[i]," +") table.insert(listPoints,{x=tonumber(xy[1]),y=tonumber(xy[2])}) end xy=string.explode(lines[stop+1]," +") point={x=tonumber(xy[1]),y=tonumber(xy[2])} return point, listPoints end function split(pString, pPattern) local Table = {} -- NOTE: use {n = 0} in Lua-5.0 local fpat = "(.-)" .. pPattern local last_end = 1 local s, e, cap = pString:find(fpat, 1) while s do if s ~= 1 or cap ~= "" then table.insert(Table,cap) end last_end = e+1 s, e, cap = pString:find(fpat, last_end) end if last_end <= #pString then cap = pString:sub(last_end) table.insert(Table, cap) end return Table end function readGmsh(file) io.input(file) -- open the file"*all") local lines = split(text,"\n+") -- all the lines listPoints={} triangulation ={} boolNodes = false Jnodes = 0 boolElements = false Jelements = 0 J=0 for i=1,#lines-J do if(lines[i+J] == "$EndNodes") then boolNodes = false -- go to the next line end if(boolNodes) then -- we are in the Nodes environment xy=split(lines[i+J]," +") table.insert(listPoints,{x=tonumber(xy[2]),y=tonumber(xy[3])}) end if(lines[i+J] == "$Nodes") then boolNodes = true -- go to the next line J=J+1 end if(lines[i+J] == "$EndElements") then boolElements = false -- go to the next line end if(boolElements) then -- we are in the Nodes environment xy=split(lines[i+J]," +") if(tonumber(xy[2]) == 2) then -- if the element is a triangle nbrTags = xy[3]+1 table.insert(triangulation,{tonumber(xy[2+nbrTags+1]),tonumber(xy[2+nbrTags+2]),tonumber(xy[2+nbrTags+3])}) end end if(lines[i+J] == "$Elements") then boolElements = true -- go to the next line J=J+1 end end return listPoints, triangulation end