\section{\Index{Hollowing out} a solid's faces} We call \textit{hollowing by the ratio $k$} an operation, which for a given face with the center $G$, executes a dilation on that face with the ratio $k$, then divides the original face with using this new face. For example, a cube with a hollow of its top face with a ratio of $0.8$: \begin{center} \psset{unit=0.5} \psset{lightsrc=10 0 10,viewpoint=50 -20 30 rtp2xyz,Decran=50} \begin{pspicture*}(-4,-4)(4,4) %\psframe(-4,-4)(4,4) \psSolid[object=cube, fillcolor=red, affinagerm, fcolor=Yellow, affinage=0] \end{pspicture*} \end{center} The option \Lkeyword{affinage} allows us to hollow a solid's faces either globally or individually. This option uses the key \Lkeyword{affinagecoeff} (value $0.8$ by default) which indicates the ratio $k$ used for the hollow ($0