\section{Fusing solids} It is possible to arrange several solids within the same structure: this is done with the operation \Lkeyword{fusion} of solids. This technique uses the painting algorithm for the whole scene. To do so, you must activate the option \verb+\psset{solidmemory}+ to memorize the structures of the different solids within \Lcs{psSolid}, with each of them given a separate name. You use the object \Lkeyword{fusion} of \Lcs{psSolid}, by indicating in the parameter \Lkeyword{base} the list of names of the solids to be fused. To draw the scene, don't forget to conclude the code with \verb+\composeSolid+. \psset{lightsrc=50 -50 50,viewpoint=40 16 32 rtp2xyz,Decran=40} \begin{LTXexample}[width=7.5cm] \psset{unit=.6} \begin{pspicture}(-6,-5)(6,7) \psset{solidmemory} \psSolid[object=cylindre,h=6,fillcolor=blue, r=1.5, ngrid=4 16, action=none, name=A1, ](0,0,-4) \psSolid[object=anneau,h=6,fillcolor=red!50, R=4,r=3,h=1, action=none, name=B1, ](0,0,-1) \psSolid[object=fusion, action=draw**, base=A1 B1, ](0,0,0) \composeSolid \end{pspicture} \end{LTXexample} \begin{LTXexample}[width=6.5cm] \psset{unit=0.5} \begin{pspicture}(-6,-5)(6,5) \psset{solidmemory} \psset{lightsrc=50 -50 50,viewpoint=100 -30 40, Decran=100,linewidth=0.5\pslinewidth, ngrid=18 18,fillcolor=white, h=12,r=2,RotX=90} \psframe*[linecolor=black](-6,-5)(6,5) \psSolid[object=cylindrecreux, action=none, name=cylindre1](0, 6, 0) \psSolid[object=cylindrecreux, RotZ=90, action=none, name=cylindre2](-6, 0, 0) \psSolid[object=fusion, base=cylindre1 cylindre2,RotX=0] \composeSolid \end{pspicture} \end{LTXexample} \endinput