Cette animation
flash est produite à partir d'une série de
figures générées par le code MetaPost ci-dessous.
Deux fichiers de macros
fichierps.mp et
legendes.mp sont
nécessaires pour la compilation.
%@AUTEUR: Jean-Michel Sarlat
input fichierps;
input legendes;
picture legende;
legende := image(
btex Mouvement du soleil en longitude etex
def Pointe(expr x,p) =
fill fullcircle scaled x shifted p
% excentricité, demi-grand axe, demi-petit axe
numeric e,a,b;
e = 0.4;
a = 100;
b = a * sqrt(1 - e * e) ;
path cp,el;
% cercle principal
cp = fullcircle scaled 2a;
% ellipse
el = fullcircle xscaled 2a yscaled 2b;
for i=1 upto 80:
numeric t;
t = i/10;
pair S,S',T,O;
% soleil réel
S = point t of el;
% soleil déplacé
S'= point t of cp;
% terre
T = (sqrt(a**2-b**2),0);
% origine du cercle principal
O = (0,0);
% fond
fill (-1.15a,-1.15a)
-- (1.15a,-1.15a)
-- (1.15a,1.15a)
-- (-1.15a,1.15a)
-- cycle withcolor (.8,.8,1);
% axes
draw (-1.15a,0) -- (1.15a,0);
draw (0,-1.15a) -- (0,1.15a);
draw cp withcolor (.5,.5,.5);
draw el withpen pencircle scaled 1.5pt withcolor (.1,.1,.6);
draw S'--(xpart S',0)
withpen pencircle scaled 0.4
withcolor 0.6*white;
draw O--S' withpen pencircle scaled 0.5;
draw T--S withpen pencircle scaled 0.5;
path t[];
t1 = (fullcircle scaled 20) cutafter (O--S');
t2 = ((fullcircle scaled 20) shifted T) cutafter (T--S);
drawarrow t1;
drawarrow t2;
label.llft(btex $x$ etex, (1.1a,0));
label.llft(btex $y$ etex, (0,1.1a));
label.lft(btex $b$ etex, (0,a/2));
label.top(btex $a$ etex, (-a/2,0));
label.urt(btex $u$ etex,point 1 of t1);
label.urt(btex $v$ etex,point 1 of t2);
Pointe(3,S') withcolor green;
Pointe(3,(-a,1.05a)) withcolor green;
label.rt(btex $S'$ etex,(-a+5,1.05a));
Pointe(5,S) withcolor (1,1,0);
Pointe(5,(-a,0.95a)) withcolor (1,1,0);
label.rt(btex $S$ etex,(-a+5,0.95a));
label.bot(btex $T$ etex,T);
Pointe(4,T) withcolor (.5,.3,.2);
label.ulft(btex $A$ etex,(-a,0));
label.llft(btex $B$ etex,(0,b));
label.urt(btex $P$ etex,(a,0));
Pointe(4,O) withcolor 0.5*white;
draw legende shifted (0,-0.4a);