Cette animation
flash est produite à partir d'une série de
figures générées par le code MetaPost ci-dessous.
Deux fichiers de macros
fichierps.mp et
legendes.mp sont
nécessaires pour la compilation.
input fichierps;
% excentricité, demi-grand axe, demi-petit axe
numeric e,a,b,M,u;
e = 0.2;
a = 100;
b = a * sqrt(1 - e * e) ;
path cp,el;
% cercle principal
cp = fullcircle scaled 2a;
% ellipse
el = fullcircle xscaled 2a yscaled 2b;
pair S,S',S'',T,O;
% équation de Kepler par itérations
numeric dr;
dr := 0.0174833;
vardef kepler(expr m) =
save u,ed;
numeric u,ed;
ed := e * 57.29578; % l'excentricité pour un calcul en degrés
u := m;
for i=1 upto 5: u := m + ed * sind(u); endfor;
for j:=1 upto 40:
k := j/5;
% anomalie moyenne
M := k * 45;
% soleil moyen
S'' := point k of cp;
% anomalie excentrique
u := kepler(M);
% soleil déplacé
S' := point (u/45) of cp;
% soleil vrai
S := S' yscaled (b/a);
% terre
T = (sqrt(a**2-b**2),0);
% origine du cercle principal
O = (0,0);
fill el withcolor .9white;
fill (el cutafter S)--T--cycle withcolor (.8,.8,1);
% axes
draw (-1.15a,0) -- (1.15a,0);
draw (0,-1.15a) -- (0,1.15a);
draw cp;
draw el;
draw O--S';
draw T--S;
path t[];
t1 = (fullcircle scaled 20) cutafter (O--S');
t2 = ((fullcircle scaled 20) shifted T) cutafter (T--S);
drawarrow t1;
drawarrow t2;
label.rt(btex Soleil moyen ($M$)etex,(-1.05a,a));
fill fullcircle scaled 7 shifted (-1.1a,a) withcolor (1,0,0);
label.rt(btex Soleil excentré ($u$)etex,(-1.05a,-a));
fill fullcircle scaled 6 shifted (-1.1a,-a) withcolor (1,.5,0);
dotlabel.lrt(btex $T$ etex, T);
% dotlabel.ulft(btex $A$ etex, (-a,0));
% dotlabel.llft(btex $B$ etex, (0,b));
dotlabel.urt(btex $P$ etex, (a,0));
label.llft(btex $x$ etex, (1.1a,0));
label.llft(btex $y$ etex, (0,1.1a));
% label.lft(btex $b$ etex, (0,a/2));
% label.top(btex $a$ etex, (-a/2,0));
label.urt(btex $u$ etex,point 1 of t1);
label.urt(btex $v$ etex,point 1 of t2);
dotlabel.llft(btex $O$ etex, O);
fill fullcircle scaled 5 shifted T withcolor (.4,.3,.2);
fill fullcircle scaled 5 shifted S withcolor (1,1,0);
fill fullcircle scaled 7 shifted S'' withcolor (1,0,0);
fill fullcircle scaled 6 shifted S' withcolor (1,.5,0);
fill (-1.15a,1.16a)--
(-1.15a,1.34a)--cycle withcolor .9white;
label(btex \bf Équation de Kepler: $u-e\sin u = M$ etex,(0,1.25a));
fill (-1.15a,-1.16a) --
(1.15a,-1.16a) --
(1.15a,-1.24a) --
(-1.15a,-1.24a) -- cycle withcolor .7*white;
draw (-1.15a,-1.2a)--(1.15a,-1.2a);
fill fullcircle scaled 7 shifted (0,-1.2a) withcolor (1,0,0);
fill fullcircle scaled 6 shifted (2(u-M),-1.2a) withcolor (1,.5,0);