verbatimtex %&latex \def\ln{\par} \documentclass{article} \usepackage[latin1]{inputenc} \usepackage[frenchb]{babel} \usepackage{fourier} \begin{document} etex path p[],seg[],arc[]; pair M[]; arc0 = fullcircle scaled 60; arc1 = halfcircle xscaled 60 yscaled 20 rotated -23 ; arc2 = halfcircle xscaled 60 yscaled -20 rotated -23; arc3 = fullcircle xscaled 60 yscaled 20 rotated -23; arc4 = fullcircle xscaled 450 yscaled 80; arc5 = arc4 scaled .8; arc6 = (point 5.4 of arc4)..(point 5.5 of arc4)..(point 5.6 of arc4); seg0 = (-60,-75)--(60,75); seg1 = .48(-40,-65)--.48(40,65); M1 = .37(40,65); M2 = arc4 intersectionpoint seg0; beginfig(1); % la couronne fill arc4 withcolor .9white; fill arc5 withcolor white; % les rayons solaires for i:=0 upto 2: n := 5+(i/15); drawarrow (point n of arc4)--(point n of arc5) withpen pencircle scaled 2pt withcolor (1,1,0); endfor; % les marques de saisons draw (point 0 of arc4)--(point 0 of arc5) withpen pencircle scaled 1.5pt withcolor green; draw (point 4 of arc4)--(point 4 of arc5) withpen pencircle scaled 1.5pt withcolor green; draw M2--(M2 scaled .8) withpen pencircle scaled 1.5pt withcolor green; draw -M2--(-M2 scaled .8) withpen pencircle scaled 1.5pt withcolor green; drawarrow arc6 scaled .9 withpen pencircle scaled 1.5pt; label.lft(btex \begin{minipage}{2.5cm}\small\it direction des\ln rayons solaires \end{minipage}etex, point 5.1 of arc4); draw arc0; draw arc1 dashed evenly scaled 0.5; draw arc2; fill arc3 withcolor .9white; draw halfcircle xscaled 60 yscaled 16.5 dashed evenly scaled .5; draw halfcircle xscaled 60 yscaled -16.5; draw seg0 cutafter arc2 withpen pencircle scaled .15; draw seg0 cutbefore arc0 withpen pencircle scaled .15; draw (seg0 cutbefore arc2) cutafter arc0 dashed evenly scaled 0.5 withpen pencircle scaled .15; draw (0,0) withpen pencircle scaled 4pt; draw (seg0 intersectionpoint arc2) withpen pencircle scaled 2pt; draw (seg0 intersectionpoint arc1) withpen pencircle scaled 2pt; draw seg1 cutbefore M1 withcolor blue; draw (seg1 cutafter M1) cutbefore arc0 dashed evenly scaled 0.5 withpen pencircle scaled .15 withcolor blue; draw (seg1 cutafter M1) cutafter arc0 withcolor blue; label.lft(btex $PN$ etex scaled .7,M1); label.rt(btex $PS$ etex scaled .7,-M1); draw M1 withpen pencircle scaled 2pt withcolor blue; draw -M1 withpen pencircle scaled 2pt withcolor blue; label.lrt(btex $\gamma$ etex,point .1 of seg0); label.rt(btex Hiver etex, (-150,-60)); label.lft(btex Printemps etex, (150,-60)); label.lft(btex Été etex, (150,60)); label.rt(btex Automne etex, (-150,60)); label(btex \textbf{NB}: Les saisons indiquées sont celles de l'hémisphère nord. etex,(0,-90)); endfig; end