Les lignes horizontales dans la figure ci-dessous sont-elles parallèles? En cliquant sur le bouton en bas à gauche vous pourrez observer le glissement d'une ligne sur deux et ainsi apprécier l'illusion…
%@AUTEUR: Maxime Chupin %@DATE: 3 mars 2007 verbatimtex %&latex \documentclass{article} \usepackage[latin1]{inputenc} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage[mdugm]{mathdesign} \begin{document} etex u = 1cm; path carre,droite; carre := (1,1)--(-1,1)--(-1,-1)--(1,-1)--cycle; droite := (-20u,0)--(20u,0); numeric max; max := 9; for i:=0 upto 20: beginfig(i+1); for y:=0 upto max : draw droite shifted (10u,y*u) withpen pencircle scaled 1; endfor; for w:=0 upto 4: for x:=0 upto max: fill carre scaled (0.5*u) shifted (0.5u+2*x*u,0.5*u+2w*u); endfor; endfor; for w:=0 upto 3: for x:=(-1) upto (max+1): fill carre scaled (0.5*u) shifted ((0.5+i/20)*u+2*x*u,0.5*u+2w*u+u); endfor; endfor; label.urt(btex \begin{LARGE}Petite illusion d'optique\end{LARGE} etex, (7.5u,-u)); clip currentpicture to (-0.5u,-u)--(20u,-u)--(20u,max*u)--(-0.5u,max*u)--cycle; endfig; endfor; for i:=0 upto 40: beginfig(22+i); for y:=0 upto 8 : draw droite shifted (10u,y*u) withpen pencircle scaled 1; endfor; for w:=0 upto 4: for x:=0 upto 9: fill carre scaled (0.5*u) shifted (0.5u+2*x*u,0.5*u+2w*u); endfor; endfor; for w:=0 upto 3: for x:=(-1) upto (max+1): fill carre scaled (0.5*u) shifted ((1.5-i/20)*u+2*x*u,0.5*u+2w*u+u); endfor; endfor; label.urt(btex \begin{LARGE}Petite illusion d'optique\end{LARGE} etex, (7.5u,-u)); clip currentpicture to (-0.5u,-u)--(20u,-u)--(20u,max*u)--(-0.5u,max*u)--cycle; endfig; endfor; for i:=0 upto 20: beginfig(63+i); for y:=0 upto 8 : draw droite shifted (10u,y*u) withpen pencircle scaled 1; endfor; for w:=0 upto 4: for x:=0 upto 9: fill carre scaled (0.5*u) shifted (0.5u+2*x*u,0.5*u+2w*u); endfor; endfor; for w:=0 upto 3: for x:=(-1) upto (max+1): fill carre scaled (0.5*u) shifted ((-0.5+i/20)*u+2*x*u,0.5*u+2w*u+u); endfor; endfor; label.urt(btex \begin{LARGE}Petite illusion d'optique\end{LARGE} etex, (7.5u,-u)); clip currentpicture to (-0.5u,-u)--(20u,-u)--(20u,max*u)--(-0.5u,max*u)--cycle; endfig; endfor; end