input geometriesyr16; figure(0,0,15u,8u); trace feuillet withcolor blanc; pair O,A,B,C,D,I,J,Z,K[],L[]; O=u*(4,4); Z=(0,0); drawoptions(withpen pencircle scaled 1.5bp); path cc,cd,ce; cc=cercles(O,3cm); cd=cercles(Z,3cm); ce=(cd yscaled 0.15) shifted O; I=point(0.25*length cc) of cc; J=symetrie(I,O); trace cotationmil(O,I,-3.5cm,20,btex rayon $r$ etex); draw cc; draw subpath(0,(length ce)/2) of ce dashed evenly; draw subpath((length ce)/2,length ce) of ce; B=u*(11,4); draw (subpath(0,(length ce)/2) of ce) shifted (B-O) dashed evenly; draw (subpath((length ce)/2,length ce) of ce) shifted (B-O); A=u*(11,7); draw droite(B,A) dashed dashpattern(on12bp off6bp on3bp off6bp); C=point(0) of (ce shifted (B-O)); D=point(length ce/2) of (ce shifted (B-O)); draw D--A--C; trace cotationmil(B,C,-1cm,20,btex rayon $r$ etex); trace cotationmil(A,B,3.5cm,30,btex hauteur $r$ etex); picture solides; solides=currentpicture; drawoptions(); fin; vues=5; pair sec[]; path Cc[],Cd[],Ccsph[],Cdsph[],volcone[],volsphere[]; for vue=0 upto vues: figure(0,0,15u,8u); trace feuillet withcolor blanc; h:=vue/vues; sec1:=h[A,B]; sec2:=(h/4)[J,I]; Cc[vue]=cercle(Z,h*3*u); Cd[vue]=Cc[vue] yscaled 0.15 shifted sec1; Ccsph[vue]=cercle(Z,3*sqrt(h*(1-h/4))*u); Cdsph[vue]=Ccsph[vue] yscaled 0.15 shifted sec2; draw subpath(0,(length Cd[vue])/2) of Cd[vue] dashed evenly; draw subpath((length Cd[vue])/2,length Cd[vue]) of Cd[vue]; draw subpath(0,(length Cdsph[vue])/2) of Cdsph[vue] dashed evenly; draw subpath((length Cdsph[vue])/2,length Cdsph[vue]) of Cdsph[vue]; volcone[vue]=D--h[A,D]--(subpath((length Cd[vue])/2,length Cd[vue]) of Cd[vue])--C--(subpath(length ce,(length ce/2)) of (ce shifted(B-O)))--cycle; if vue<>vues: fill volcone[vue] withcolor jaune; fill Cd[vue] withcolor jaune; draw subpath(0,(length Cd[vue])/2) of Cd[vue] dashed evenly withpen pencircle scaled 1.5bp; draw subpath((length Cd[vue])/2,length Cd[vue]) of Cd[vue] withpen pencircle scaled 1.5bp; fi; K[vue]=point((length Cdsph[vue])/2) of Cdsph[vue]; L[vue]=point(0) of Cdsph[vue]; volsphere[vue]=arccercle(K[vue],L[vue],O)--(subpath(length Cdsph[vue],(length Cdsph[vue])/2) of Cdsph[vue])--cycle; if vue<>0: fill volsphere[vue] withcolor ciel; fill Cdsph[vue] withcolor ciel; draw subpath(0,(length Cdsph[vue])/2) of Cdsph[vue] dashed evenly withpen pencircle scaled 1.5bp; draw subpath((length Cdsph[vue])/2,length Cdsph[vue]) of Cdsph[vue] withpen pencircle scaled 1.5bp; fi; draw solides; fin; endfor; %%----------------- %% 2eme quart %%----------------- for vue=0 upto vues: figure(0,0,15u,8u); draw feuillet withcolor blanc; h:=vue/vues; k:=1+(vue/vues); sec1:=h[A,B]; sec2:=(k/4)[J,I]; Cc[vues+1+vue]=cercle(Z,h*3*u); Cd[vues+1+vue]=Cc[vues+1+vue] yscaled 0.15 shifted sec1; Ccsph[vues+1+vue]=cercle(Z,3*sqrt(k*(1-k/4))*u); Cdsph[vues+1+vue]=Ccsph[vues+1+vue] yscaled 0.15 shifted sec2; draw subpath(0,(length Cd[vues+1+vue])/2) of Cd[vues+1+vue] dashed evenly; draw subpath((length Cd[vues+1+vue])/2,length Cd[vues+1+vue]) of Cd[vues+1+vue]; draw subpath(0,(length Cdsph[vues+1+vue])/2) of Cdsph[vues+1+vue] dashed evenly; draw subpath((length Cdsph[vues+1+vue])/2,length Cdsph[vues+1+vue]) of Cdsph[vues+1+vue]; volcone[vues+1+vue]=D--h[A,D]--(subpath((length Cd[vues+1+vue])/2,length Cd[vues+1+vue]) of Cd[vues+1+vue])--C--(subpath(length ce,(length ce/2)) of (ce shifted(B-O)))--cycle; draw subpath(0,(length Cdsph[vues])/2) of Cdsph[vues] dashed evenly; draw subpath((length Cdsph[vues])/2,length Cdsph[vues]) of Cdsph[vues]; fill volsphere[vues] withcolor ciel; fill Cdsph[vues] withcolor ciel; if vue<>vues: fill volcone[vues+1+vue] withcolor jaune; fill Cd[vues+1+vue] withcolor jaune; draw subpath(0,(length Cd[vues+1+vue])/2) of Cd[vues+1+vue] dashed evenly withpen pencircle scaled 1.5bp; draw subpath((length Cd[vues+1+vue])/2,length Cd[vues+1+vue]) of Cd[vues+1+vue] withpen pencircle scaled 1.5bp; fi; K[vues+1+vue]=point((length Cdsph[vues+1+vue])/2) of Cdsph[vues+1+vue]; L[vues+1+vue]=point(0) of Cdsph[vues+1+vue]; volsphere[vues+1+vue]=arccercle(K[vues+1+vue],K[vues],O)--(subpath((length Cdsph[vues])/2,length Cdsph[vues]) of Cdsph[vues])--arccercle(L[vues],L[vues+1+vue],O)--(subpath(length Cdsph[vues+1+vue],(length Cdsph[vues+1+vue])/2) of Cdsph[vues+1+vue])--cycle; if vue<>0: fill volsphere[vues+1+vue] withcolor ciel; fill Cdsph[vues+1+vue] withcolor ciel; draw subpath(0,(length Cdsph[vues+1+vue])/2) of Cdsph[vues+1+vue] dashed evenly withpen pencircle scaled 1.5bp; draw subpath((length Cdsph[vues+1+vue])/2,length Cdsph[vues+1+vue]) of Cdsph[vues+vue+1] withpen pencircle scaled 1.5bp; fi; draw subpath(0,(length Cdsph[vues])/2) of Cdsph[vues] dashed evenly withpen pencircle scaled 1.5bp; draw subpath((length Cdsph[vues])/2,length Cdsph[vues]) of Cdsph[vues] withpen pencircle scaled 1.5bp; draw solides; fin; endfor; end