The ‘pst-map3dII’ packageA PSTricks package for Geographical Projections

A PSTricks package for Geographical Projections

Manuel LUQUE <>
Giuseppe MATARAZZO <>

(English Version)

Version 0.2.1
December 20, 2003
Documentation revised December 22, 2003


In the same way of pst-map2dII, this solution has the target to use the Geographical Dbase CIA World DataBank II, available at URL, for drawing 3D-World.

As shown in the previous package and if no action has been taken before, it's necessary to download in the same working directory all Dbase files, which are totally extended 30 Mb in tgz format and, decompressed, have a room of 121 Mb. The result, in terms of figure line quality, is exceptional.

It is evident that machine times for showing maps on the screen are directly proportional to data wideness. Nevertheless some options are available to choose one or more continent representations. Of course, an adequate computer, with a lot of free memory and a confortable 512 Mb RAM, is desirable; but, in case the choosen map area is reduced, calculation times are surely shorter and a tiny computer memory can be sufficient.

Table of contents

1 Data files modification
2 An example: around Mediterranean sea
3 Parameters and options
 3.1 Parameters
 3.2 Options
4 Usage
 4.1 The whole World Map
 4.2 How show an area of Earth Globe
  4.2.1 France
  4.2.2 Central America
  4.2.3 Madagascar
5 Files download
6 Call to cooperation

1 Data files modification

To ease the work of PostScript and reduce the calculation times, data files europe-cil.txt etc. should be manipulated with a text editor.

All lines starting with segment ... should be replaced by  :

][% segment....

For the sake of clarity, if the editor allows it, a line jump will be made between the two squared brackets ] [. It will be modified the head and the queue of the obtained file by placing in lieu of the first bracket  ] :

/europe-cil [

and finally, it will be added  :

] ] def.
The file will be renamed as europe-cil.dat.

This example suitable for the file europe-cil.txt should be repeated and adapted, by modifying the correspondant names to other files.

Giuseppe Matarazzo has prepared a program (included in this distribution), which performs authomatically this work. Don't have any hesitation to contact him in case of heavy troubles.

2 An example : around Mediterranean sea

They obtain with the command :

where PHI=40,THETA=15 fix, in latitude and longitude, the point of vue position:   on paper the point of such geographical coordinates will be drawn at the center , while the environmental coordinates \begin{pspicture}*(-9,-4)(9,4) follow the law of a central symmetrie. Decran=80 fix the distance between the image and the plan of projection; the zoom effect will be magnified with higher values of this distance.

asia=true,africa=true,namer=false,samer=false indicates the on-off represented regions, europe=true is always on per default.

increment=2 reprsents the angular distance, in degrees, between two parallels or two meridians. How such parameters are applied will be shown on the examples below, along with other parameters.


3 Parameters and options

3.1 Parameters

Oxyz is the ”absolute” reference system. If RotX=0,RotY=0,RotZ=0, Oz is coincident with Poles axes, being Oxy the equatorial plan and axis Ox marking longitude 0.

The indicated values are the default ones. The image will be bigger proportionally to distance plan-observer, while distance values are expressed in cm.

3.2 Options

4 Usage

4.1 The whole World Map

No obstacles appear on represent it, if the user has a quick and memory wided computer. Otherwise, it's better to unactivate rivers and coasts tracks.

By choising the values of PHI and THETA the point of vue is fixed.

With the following scenario the observer is over the North Pole.


Parameters are as follows :

Earth globe is rotated of -45o around Ox, in the reference system Oxyz new coordinates are re-computed  .


4.2 How show an area of Earth Globe

One of the most interesting package features is to draw a globe region. To do that, just put on false some regions, as described in the initial sample.

4.2.1 France
                asia=false,africa=false,samer=false,europe=true,increment=2]% France  


4.2.2 Central America
                namer=true,increment=2]% Mexico  


4.2.3 Madagascar
                namer=false,increment=2]% Madagascar  


5 Files download

6 Call to cooperation

Plenty of things remain to do ... for example cities names (as options), meridians and parallels degrees and so on.

So, if you are interested to complete and upgrade these packages pst-map2d, pst-map3d, pst-map2dII, pst-map3dII, please don't hesitate to contact one of us.