

Télécharger le fichier
\csname PSTtransformLoaded\endcsname
\ifx\PSTricksLoaded\endinput\else\input pstricks \fi
\ifx\PSTthreeDLoaded\endinput\else\input pst-3d.tex\fi
\ifx\PSTNodeLoaded\endinput\else\input pst-node.tex\fi
\ifx\PSTXKeyLoaded\endinput\else\input pst-xkey.tex\fi
%% COPYRIGHT 2007 by Manuel Luque
%% This program can be redistributed and/or modified under the terms
%% of the LaTeX Project Public License Distributed from CTAN
%% archives in directory macros/latex/base/lppl.txt.
\message{`PST-transform' v\fileversion, \filedate\space (ML)}
\edef\PstAtCode{\the\catcode`\@} \catcode`\@=11\relax
\pnode(!\pst@tempA /y0 ED /x0 ED
        \pst@tempB /y1 ED /x1 ED
        0 0){factice}%
    {[1 0 0 1 x1 x0 sub y1 y0 sub]
     concat } \tx@TMChange }%
\pnode(! \pst@tempa /yH ED /xH ED /K #2 def 0 0){factice}%
    {[K 0 0 K K xH mul neg xH add K yH mul neg yH add]
     concat } \tx@TMChange }%
\pnode(!\pst@tempa /yRot ED /xRot ED 0 0){factice}%
      \pst@tempb dup cos /cosA ED sin /sinA ED
      /ax cosA def
      /by sinA def
      /cx sinA neg def
      /dy cosA def
      /ex xRot cosA mul neg xRot add yRot sinA mul add def
      /fy xRot sinA mul neg yRot add yRot cosA mul sub def
       { [ax by cx dy ex fy] concat } \tx@TMChange }%
  \pst@Verb{ \tx@TMRestore }}\endgroup}
\define@key[psset]{pst-cis}{cisX}{% cisaillement suivant Ox
\define@key[psset]{pst-cis}{cisY}{% cisaillement suivant Ox
    /AngleCisX \psk@CisX\space def
    /AngleCisY \psk@CisY\space def
    /tanCisX AngleCisX sin
             AngleCisX cos
    /tanCisY AngleCisY sin
             AngleCisY cos
    /ax 1 tanCisX tanCisY mul add def
    /by tanCisY def
    /cx tanCisX def
    /dy 1 def
    { [ax by cx dy 0 0] concat
    } \tx@TMChange}%
%(#1) coordonnées d'une extrémité du miroir (X1,Y1)
%(#2) coordonnées de l'autre extrémité du miroir (X2,Y2)
% (A)(B) si A et B sont des noeuds définis avec \pnode(x1,y1){A}, \pnode(x2,y2){B}
    \pst@tempa /Y1 exch def
    /X1 exch def
    \pst@tempb /Y2 exch def
    /X2 exch def
    /DX X2 X1 sub def
    /DY Y2 Y1 sub def
    /D12 DX dup mul DY dup mul add def
    /ax 2 DX dup mul mul D12 div 1 sub def
    /by 2 DX DY mul mul D12 div def
    /cx by def
    /dy 2 DY dup mul mul D12 div 1 sub def
    /tx X1 DY dup mul mul
    Y1 DX DY mul mul sub
    2 mul
    D12 div
    /ty Y1 DX dup mul mul
    X1 DX DY mul mul sub
    2 mul
    D12 div
    def 0 0){factice}%
    { [ax by cx dy tx ty] concat
    } \tx@TMChange}%