Mise en place d'un répertoire de tests pour texgraph.php
[geshi.git] / metapost.php
1 <?php
2 /*************************************************************************************
3 * metapost.php
4 * -----------
5 * Author: Maxime Chupin (notezik@gmail.com)
6 * Copyright: (c) 2011 Maxime Chupin
7 * Release Version:
8 * Date Started: 2011/08/02
9 *
10 * Metapost language file for GeSHi.
11 *
12 *
13 *************************************************************************************
14 *
15 * This file is part of GeSHi.
16 *
17 * GeSHi is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
18 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
19 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
20 * (at your option) any later version.
21 *
22 * GeSHi is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
23 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
25 * GNU General Public License for more details.
26 *
27 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
28 * along with GeSHi; if not, write to the Free Software
29 * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
30 *
31 ************************************************************************************/
33 $language_data = array (
34 'LANG_NAME' => 'MetaPost',
35 'COMMENT_SINGLE' => array(1 => '%'),
36 'COMMENT_MULTI' => array(
37 'verbatim'=>'etex', # TeX and LaTeX preambule
38 'btex' => 'etex' # TeX invocation
39 ),
40 'COMMENT_REGEXP' => array(
41 ),
43 'QUOTEMARKS' => array('"'),
44 'ESCAPE_CHAR' => '',
45 'KEYWORDS' => array(
46 1 => array( # type
47 'boolean','color','cmykcolor','expr','numeric','pair','path','pen',
48 'string','suffix','text','picture','transform'
49 ),
50 2 => array( # file construction
51 'beginfig','begingroup','def','end','enddef','endfig','endgroup',
52 'hide','image','input','let','makepen','makepath','newinternal',
53 'primary','primarydef','save','secondarydef','shipout','special',
54 'tertiarydef','vardef'
55 ),
56 3 => array( # programmation structure
57 'else','elseif','endfor','exitif','exitunless','fi','for','forever',
58 'forsuffix','if','step','until','upto'
59 ),
60 4 => array( # operations return pair
61 'bot','dir','direction of','intersectionpoint','intiersectiontimes',
62 'lft','llcorner','lrcorner','penoffset of','point of','postcontrol of',
63 'precontrol of','rt','ulcorner','unitvector','urcorner','top','z'
64 ),
65 5 => array( # operations return path or picture or pen
66 'bbox','center','cutafter','cutbefore','dashpart','dashpattern',
67 'glyph of','infont','pathpart','penpart','reverse','subpath of'
68 ),
69 6 => array( # operations return string (or complementary)
70 'closefrom','fontpart','readfrom','str','substring of','textpart'
71 ),
72 7 => array( # operations return numeric
73 'abs','angle','arclength','arctime of','ASCII','blackpart','bluepart',
74 'ceiling','char','colormodel','cosd','cyanpart','decimal','decr',
75 'directionpoint of','directiontime of','div','dotprod','floor',
76 'fontsize','greenpart','greypart','hex','incr','length','magentapart',
77 'max','mexp','min','mlog','mod','normaldeviate','oct','redpart','round',
78 'sind','sqrt','uniformdeviate','xpart','xxpart','xypart','yellowpart',
79 'ypart','yxpart','yypart'
80 ),
81 8 => array( # operations return boolean
82 'and','bounded', 'clipped','filled','known','not','odd','or','rgbcolor',
83 'stroked','textual','unknown'
84 ),
85 9 => array( # operations return color
86 'colorpart'
87 ),
88 10 => array( # operations return transform
89 'inverse'
90 ),
91 11 => array( # constructors
92 'also','buildcycle','contour','controls','cycle','doublepath',
93 'setbounds','to','whatever'
94 ),
95 12 => array( # labels
96 'label','label.bot','label.top','label.llft','label.lft','label.ulft',
97 'label.lrt','label.rt','label.urt','labels','labels.bot','labels.top',
98 'labels.llft','labels.lft','labels.ulft','labels.lrt','labels.rt',
99 'labels.urt','thelabel','thelabel.bot','thelabel.top','thelabel.llft',
100 'thelabel.lft','thelabel.ulft','thelabel.lrt','thelabel.rt',
101 'thelabel.urt','dotlabel','dotlabel.bot','dotlabel.top','dotlabel.llft',
102 'dotlabel.lft','dotlabel.ulft','dotlabel.lrt','dotlabel.rt',
103 'dotlabel.urt'
104 ),
105 13 => array(# general transformations
106 'about','reflected','reflectedaround','rotated','rotatedabout',
107 'rotatedaround','scaled','slanted','shifted','transformed','xscaled',
108 'yscaled','zscaled'
109 ),
110 14 => array(# draw instructions
111 'addto','clip','cutdraw','draw','drawarrow','drawdblarrow','drawdot',
112 'fill','filldraw','undraw','unfill','unfilldraw'
113 ),
114 15 => array(# style of drawing
115 'dashed','drawoptions','pickup','withcmykcolor','withcolor',
116 'withgreyscale','withpen','withpostscript','withprescript',
117 'withrgbcolor','curl','tension'
118 ),
119 16 => array(# read write show
120 'errhelp','errmessage','fontmapfile','fontmapline','interim',
121 'loggingall', 'message','scantokens','show','showdependencies',
122 'showtoken','showvariable','tracingall','tracingnone','write to'
123 ),
124 17 => array(# Internal variables with numeric values
125 'ahangle','ahlength','bboxmargin','charcode','day','defaultcolormodel',
126 'defaultpen','defaultscale','dotlabeldiam','hour','labeloffset',
127 'linecap','linejoin','minute','miterlimit','month','mpprocset',
128 'pausing','prologues','restoreclipcolor','showstopping','time',
129 'tracingcapsules','tracingchoices','tracingcommands','tracingequations',
130 'tracinglostchars','tracingmacros','tracingonline','tracingoutput',
131 'tracingrestores','tracingspecs','tracingstats','tracingtitles',
132 'troffmode','truecorners','warningcheck','year'
133 ),
134 18 => array(# Internal string variables
135 'filenametemplate','jobname','outputformat','outputtemplate'
136 ),
137 19 => array(# other predefined variables
138 'background','currentpen','currentpicture','cuttings','defaultfont',
139 'extra_beginfig','extra_endfig'
140 ),
141 20 => array(# predefined constants
142 'beveled','black','blue','bp','butt','cc','cm','dd','ditto','down',
143 'epsilon','evenly','EOF','false','fullcircle','green','halfcircle',
144 'identity','left','mitered','mm','mpversion','nullpen','nullpicture',
145 'origin','pc','pencircle','pensquare','pt','quartercircle','red',
146 'right','rounded','squared','true','unitsquare','up','white',
147 'withdots'
148 )
149 ),
150 'SYMBOLS' => array(
151 '&',':=','=','+','-','*','**','/','++','+-+','<','>','>=','<=','<>',
152 '#@','@','@#'
153 ),
154 'CASE_SENSITIVE' => array(
155 GESHI_COMMENTS => false,
156 1 => true,
157 2 => true,
158 3 => true,
159 4 => true,
160 5 => true,
161 6 => true,
162 7 => true,
163 8 => true,
164 9 => true,
165 10 => true,
166 11 => true,
167 12 => true,
168 13 => true,
169 14 => true,
170 15 => true,
171 16 => true,
172 17 => true,
173 18 => true,
174 19 => true,
175 20 => true
176 ),
177 'STYLES' => array(
178 'KEYWORDS' => array(
179 1 => 'color: #472;', # type
180 2 => 'color: #35A;font-weight: bold;', # file construction
181 3 => 'color: #A53;', # structure
182 4 => 'color: #35A;', # operations return pair
183 5 => 'color: #35A;', # operations return path or picture or pen
184 6 => 'color: #35A;', # operations return string
185 7 => 'color: #35A;', # operations return numeric
186 8 => 'color: #35A;', # operations return boolean
187 9 => 'color: #35A;', # operations return color
188 10 => 'color: #35A;', # operations return transform
189 11 => 'color: #35A;', # constructors
190 12 => 'color: #35A;', # labels
191 13 => 'color: #3B5;', # general transformations
192 14 => 'color: #35A;', # draw instructions
193 15 => 'color: #472;', # style of drawing
194 16 => 'color: #000;', # read write show
195 17 => 'color: #000;', # Internal variables with numeric values
196 18 => 'color: #000;', # Internal string variables
197 19 => 'color: #000;', # other predefined variables
198 20 => 'color: #000;' # predefined constants
199 ),
200 'COMMENTS' => array(
201 1 => 'color: #777;',
202 'MULTI' => 'color: #880;'
203 ),
204 'ESCAPE_CHAR' => array(
205 0 => ''
206 ),
207 'BRACKETS' => array(
208 0 => 'color: #820;'
209 ),
210 'STRINGS' => array(
211 0 => 'color: #880;'
212 ),
213 'NUMBERS' => array(
214 0 => 'color: #000;'
215 ),
216 'METHODS' => array(
217 1 => '',
218 2 => ''
219 ),
220 'SYMBOLS' => array(
221 0 => 'color: #000;'
222 ),
223 'REGEXPS' => array(
224 ),
225 'SCRIPT' => array(
226 0 => ''
227 )
228 ),
229 'URLS' => array(
230 1 => '',
231 2 => '',
232 3 => '',
233 4 => '',
234 5 => '',
235 6 => '',
236 7 => '',
237 8 => '',
238 9 => '',
239 10 => '',
240 11 => '',
241 12 => '',
242 13 => '',
243 14 => '',
244 15 => '',
245 16 => '',
246 17 => '',
247 18 => '',
248 19 => '',
249 20 => ''
250 ),
251 'OOLANG' => false,
252 'OBJECT_SPLITTERS' => array(
253 ),
254 'REGEXPS' => array(
255 ),
257 'SCRIPT_DELIMITERS' => array(
258 ),
260 )
261 );
263 ?>

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