Patch pour blur et pstricks
[bclogo.git] / dev / latex / sources_MetaPost /
1 prologues:=1;
2 outputtemplate:="%j.mps";
3 beginfig(1);
4 drawoptions (withcolor (0.929412,0.125490,0.027451));
5 linecap := butt;
6 linejoin := mitered;
7 fill (1.953130,9.832030)..controls (-0.582031,13.214800) and (5.628910,17.078100)..(6.792970,11.207000)
8     ..controls (8.140630,17.093800) and (14.281300,13.476600)..(11.437500,9.710940)
9     --(6.746090,3.285160)--cycle;
10 drawoptions (withcolor (0.000000,0.000000,0.000000));
11 pickup pencircle scaled 0.2bp;
12 draw (1.953130,9.832030)..controls (-0.582031,13.214800) and (5.628910,17.078100)..(6.792970,11.207000)
13     ..controls (8.140630,17.093800) and (14.281300,13.476600)..(11.437500,9.710940)
14     --(6.746090,3.285160)--cycle;
15 picture pic;
16 pic:=currentpicture;
17 currentpicture:=nullpicture;
18 drawoptions();
19 draw pic scaled(1.4);
20 z0=.5*urcorner(currentpicture)+.5*ulcorner(currentpicture);
21 z1=.5*lrcorner(currentpicture)+.5*llcorner(currentpicture);
22 draw (z0+(10.5,2));
23 draw (z1-(10.5,2));
24 clip currentpicture to ((z0-(8.5pt,0))--(z0+(8.5pt,0))--(z1+(8.5pt,0))--(z1-(8.5pt,0))--cycle);
25 endfig;
26 end

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