Fin du tri du groupe 11 - ajout de tous les mots clés des
authorMaxime Chupin <>
Sun, 14 Aug 2011 11:53:31 +0000 (12:53 +0100)
committerMaxime Chupin <>
Sun, 14 Aug 2011 11:53:31 +0000 (12:53 +0100)
   pages 76 à 87 du manuel - tri alphabétique


diff --git a/README b/README
index df3a71b..6f8c70e 100644 (file)
--- a/README
+++ b/README
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 ==== TODO
-* Tri par ordre alphabétique des groupe de keywords (recommandation
-pour entrer dans la version officielle de geshi)
+* Vérifier la cohérence des groupes
+* Affiner les couleurs, on a de quoi faire (20 groupes)
 * un metapost-syr.php avec
    - mp-solid
    - mp-gdd
@@ -10,6 +10,15 @@ pour entrer dans la version officielle de geshi)
+** 14 Août 2011
+   - Fin du tri du groupe 11 avec ajout de tous les mots clés des
+   pages 76 à 87 du manuel. Choix de ranger les opérations en fonction
+   de leur type de retour (lorsqu'il y en a plusieurs de possible,
+   j'ai pris le plus courant, ex. max min). Certains groupes sont très
+   petits (operator color et transform) à regrouper ?
+   20 GROUPES !
+   - Tri par ordre alphabétique
+   - Passage à langcheck.php OK :)
 ** 11 Août 2011
    - Début du tri du groupe 11 en prenant pour référence les pages 76
    à 87 du manuel. Arrêt aux « predifined constants ». Attention
index 1cec616..2101690 100644 (file)
@@ -38,57 +38,75 @@ $language_data = array (
         'btex' => 'etex' # TeX invocation
     'COMMENT_REGEXP' => array(
-        ),
+    ),
     'QUOTEMARKS' => array('"',"'"),
     'ESCAPE_CHAR' => '',
     'KEYWORDS' => array(
         1 => array( # type
-            'pair','numeric','string','path','color','suffix','text','expr','picture','transform','pen'
-            ),
+            'boolean','color','cmykcolor','expr','numeric','pair','path','pen','string','suffix','text','picture','transform'
+        ),
         2 => array( # file construction
-            'beginfig','begingroup','def','end','enddef','endfig','endgroup','hide','image','input','let','makepen','makepath','primary','primarydef','save','secondarydef','tertiarydef','vardef'
-            ),
+            'beginfig','begingroup','def','end','enddef','endfig','endgroup','hide','image','input','let','makepen','makepath','newinternal','primary','primarydef','save','secondarydef','shipout','special','tertiarydef','vardef'
+        ),
         3 => array( # programmation structure
-        4 => array( # operations
-            'buildcycle','substring','subpath','arclength','unitvector','angle','length','bbox','ulcorner','urcorner','llcorner','lrcorner','center','reverse','xpart','ypart','xxpart','xypart','yxpart','yypart','rt','lft','top','bot'
+        4 => array( # operations return pair
+            'bot','dir','direction of','intersectionpoint','intiersectiontimes','lft','llcorner','lrcorner','penoffset of','point of','postcontrol of','precontrol of','rt','ulcorner','unitvector','urcorner','top','z'
+        ),
+        5 => array( # operations return path or picture or pen
+            'bbox','center','cutafter','cutbefore','dashpart','dashpattern','glyph of','infont','pathpart','penpart','reverse','subpath of'
-        5 => array( # numeric operations
-            'floor','sind','cosd','sqrt','uniformdeviate','abs','mexp','mlog','not','known','unknown','scantokens','decimal','write'
+        6 => array( # operations return string (or complementary)
+            'closefrom','fontpart','readfrom','str','substring of','textpart'
-        6 => array( # constructors
-            'to','whatever','of','cycle','mod','controls','and','doublepath','contour','also'
+        7 => array( #  operations return numeric
+            'abs','angle','arclength','arctime of','ASCII','blackpart','bluepart','ceiling','char','colormodel','cosd','cyanpart','decimal','decr','directionpoint of','directiontime of','div','dotprod','floor','fontsize','greenpart','greypart','hex','incr','length','magentapart','max','mexp','min','mlog','mod','normaldeviate','oct','redpart','round','sind','sqrt','uniformdeviate','xpart','xxpart','xypart','yellowpart','ypart','yxpart','yypart'
-        7 => array( # labels
+        8 => array( #  operations return boolean
+            'and','bounded', 'clipped','filled','known','not','odd','or','rgbcolor','stroked','textual','unknown'
+        ),
+        9 => array( # operations return color
+            'colorpart'
+        ),
+        10 => array( # operations return transform
+            'inverse'
+        ),
+        11 => array( # constructors
+            'also','buildcycle','contour','controls','cycle','doublepath','setbounds','to','whatever'
+        ),
+        12 => array( # labels
-        8 => array(# path transformations
-            'scaled','xscaled','yscaled','zscaled','shifted','rotated','transformed','reflected','about','reflectedaround','rotatedaround','rotatedabout'
+        13 => array(# general transformations
+            'about','reflected','reflectedaround','rotated','rotatedabout','rotatedaround','scaled','slanted','shifted','transformed','xscaled','yscaled','zscaled'
-        9 => array(# draw instructions
-            'draw','drawarrow','drawdblarrow','fill','unfill','undraw','clip','addto'
+        14 => array(# draw instructions
+            'addto','clip','cutdraw','draw','drawarrow','drawdblarrow','drawdot','fill','filldraw','undraw','unfill','unfilldraw'
-        10 => array(# style
-            'dashed','withcolor','withpen','pickup','drawoptions','str','cutafter','cutbefore','direction','directiontime','intersectionpoint','intersectiontimes','arctime','dir','curl','tension','point','precontrol','postcontrol'
+        15 => array(# style of drawing
+            'dashed','drawoptions','pickup','withcmykcolor','withcolor','withgreyscale','withpen','withpostscript','withprescript','withrgbcolor','curl','tension'
-        11 => array(# div
-            'nullpicture','pencircle','pensquare','evenly','withdots','labeloffset','fullcircle','halfcircle','unitsquare','ahlength','black','white','red','green','blue','identity','up','down','right','origin','infont'
+        16 => array(# read write show
+            'errhelp','errmessage','fontmapfile','fontmapline','interim','loggingall','message','scantokens','show','showdependencies','showtoken','showvariable','tracingall','tracingnone','write to'
-        12 => array(# Internal variables with numeric values
+        17 => array(# Internal variables with numeric values
-        13 => array(# Internal string variables
-            'jobname','outputformat','outputtemplate'
+        18 => array(# Internal string variables
+            'filenametemplate','jobname','outputformat','outputtemplate'
-        14 => array(# other predefined variables
+        19 => array(# other predefined variables
-        )
+        20 => array(# predefined constants
+            'beveled','black','blue','bp','butt','cc','cm','dd','ditto','down','epsilon','evenly','EOF','false','fullcircle','green','halfcircle','identity','left','mitered','mm','mpversion','nullpen','nullpicture','origin','pc','pencircle','pensquare','pt','quartercircle','red','right','rounded','squared','true','unitsquare','up','white','withdots'
+        )
+    ),
     'SYMBOLS' => array(
-        '&',':=','=','+','-','*','**','/'
-        ),
+        '&',':=','=','+','-','*','**','/','++','+-+','<','>','>=','<=','<>','#@','@','@#'
+    ),
     'CASE_SENSITIVE' => array(
         GESHI_COMMENTS => false,
         1 => true,
@@ -104,80 +122,98 @@ $language_data = array (
         11 => true,
         12 => true,
         13 => true,
-        14 => true
-        ),
+        14 => true,
+        15 => true,
+        16 => true,
+        17 => true,
+        18 => true,
+        19 => true,
+        20 => true
+    ),
     'STYLES' => array(
         'KEYWORDS' => array(
             1  => 'color: #472;', # type
             2  => 'color: #35A;font-weight: bold;', # file construction
             3  => 'color: #A53;', # structure
-            4  => 'color: #35A;', # operation
-            5  => 'color: #35A;', # numeric operation
-            6  => 'color: #35A;', # constructors
-            7  => 'color: #35A;', # labels
-            8  => 'color: #3B5;', # transformations
-            9  => 'color: #35A;', # draw instructions
-            10 => 'color: #472;', # style
-            11 => 'color: #000;', # div
-            12 => 'color: #000;', # Internal variables with numeric values
-            13 => 'color: #000;', # Internal string variables
-            14 => 'color: #000;', # other predefined variables
-            ),
+            4  => 'color: #35A;', # operations return pair
+            5  => 'color: #35A;', # operations return path or picture or pen
+            6  => 'color: #35A;', # operations return string
+            7  => 'color: #35A;', # operations return numeric
+            8  => 'color: #35A;', # operations return boolean
+            9  => 'color: #35A;', # operations return color
+            10 => 'color: #35A;', # operations return transform
+            11 => 'color: #35A;', # constructors
+            12 => 'color: #35A;', # labels
+            13 => 'color: #3B5;', # general transformations
+            14 => 'color: #35A;', # draw instructions
+            15 => 'color: #472;', # style of drawing
+            16 => 'color: #000;', # read write show
+            17 => 'color: #000;', # Internal variables with numeric values
+            18 => 'color: #000;', # Internal string variables
+            19 => 'color: #000;', # other predefined variables
+            20 => 'color: #000;'  # predefined constants
+        ),
         'COMMENTS' => array(
             1 => 'color: #777;',
             'MULTI' => 'color: #880;'
-            ),
+        ),
         'ESCAPE_CHAR' => array(
             0 => ''
-            ),
+        ),
         'BRACKETS' => array(
             0 => 'color: #820;'
-            ),
+        ),
         'STRINGS' => array(
             0 => 'color: #880;'
-            ),
+        ),
         'NUMBERS' => array(
             0 => 'color: #000;'
-            ),
+        ),
         'METHODS' => array(
             1 => '',
             2 => ''
-            ),
+        ),
         'SYMBOLS' => array(
             0 => 'color: #000;'
-            ),
+        ),
         'REGEXPS' => array(
-            ),
+        ),
         'SCRIPT' => array(
             0 => ''
-            )
-        ),
+        )
+    ),
     'URLS' => array(
-         1 => '',
-         2 => '',
-         3 => '',
-         4 => '',
-         5 => '',
-         6 => '',
-         7 => '',
-         8 => '',
-         9 => '',
-         10 => '',
-         11 => '',
-         12 => '',
-         13 => '',
-         14 => ''
-        ),
+        1 => '',
+        2 => '',
+        3 => '',
+        4 => '',
+        5 => '',
+        6 => '',
+        7 => '',
+        8 => '',
+        9 => '',
+        10 => '',
+        11 => '',
+        12 => '',
+        13 => '',
+        14 => '',
+        15 => '',
+        16 => '',
+        17 => '',
+        18 => '',
+        19 => '',
+        20 => ''
+    ),
     'OOLANG' => false,
     'OBJECT_SPLITTERS' => array(
-        ),
+    ),
     'REGEXPS' => array(
-        ),
+    ),
     'SCRIPT_DELIMITERS' => array(
-        ),
+    ),
-        )
+    )
\ No newline at end of file

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