Initialisation du projet pst-solides3d.git (SVN revision 142)
[pst-solides3d.git] / doc-en / par-numeroterfacettes-en.tex
1 \section{Numbering of the faces}
3 The option \Lkeyword{numfaces} gives permission to number every face with its correspondent index number.
4 \begin{itemize}
5 \item \texttt{\Lkeyword{numfaces}=\Lkeyval{all}} all faces are numbered;
6 \item \verb+numefaces=0 1 2 3+ only the faces that have index 0, 1, 2 and 3 are numbered.
7 \end{itemize}
8 The option \Lkeyword{fontsize} allows to fix the measurement of the used character set.
9 Finally, the Boolean \Lkeyword{visibility} the numbering of \Index{faces} that are not visible.
10 By default, the Boolean is set to \texttt{\Lkeyword{visibility}=true}, so the visibility is set up (e.~g. numbers are not set to invisible faces).
13 \psset{viewpoint=50 20 30 rtp2xyz,Decran=50}
14 \begin{LTXexample}[width=8cm]
15 \psset{unit=1}
16 \begin{pspicture}(-4,-3)(3,1.5)
17 \psSolid[object=grille,
18 base=0 4 -2 2,
19 numfaces=2 6 7 10,
20 linecolor=gray](0,0,0)
21 \axesIIID(0,0,0)(4,2,1)
22 \end{pspicture}
23 \end{LTXexample}
27 %% \begin{multicols}{2}
28 %%
29 %% \bgroup
30 %% \psset{SphericalCoor=true,viewpoint=50 20 30}
31 %% \begin{center}
32 %% \psset{unit=0.75}
33 %% \psset{lightsrc=30 -20 10,SphericalCoor=true,viewpoint=50 -20 10,Decran=50}
34 %% \begin{pspicture*}(-5,-4)(6,6)
35 %% \psframe(-5,-4)(6,6)
36 %% \axesIIID(0,0,0)(4,4,4)
37 %% \psSolid[object=cube,
38 %% RotY=90,
39 %% ngrid=4,
40 %% numfaces=2 6 10,
41 %% action=draw**](0,0,0)
42 %% \end{pspicture*}
43 %% \end{center}
44 %% \egroup
45 %%
46 %% \columnbreak
47 %%
48 %% \begin{verbatim}
49 %% \axesIIID(0,0,0)(4,4,4)
50 %% \psSolid[object=cube,
51 %% RotY=90,
52 %% ngrid=4,
53 %% numfaces=2 6 10,
54 %% action=draw**](0,0,0)
55 %% \end{verbatim}
56 %%
57 %% \end{multicols}
62 \psset{viewpoint=50 -20 10 rtp2xyz,Decran=50}
63 \begin{LTXexample}[width=8cm]
64 \begin{pspicture*}(-4,-3)(4,3)
65 \psSolid[object=cube,
66 RotY=90,
67 ngrid=4,
68 fontsize=15,
69 action=draw,
70 numfaces=all,](0,0,0)
71 \end{pspicture*}
72 \end{LTXexample}
74 %%% exemple 3
76 The options of \Lcs{psSolid} accept PostScript commands, in particular the \verb+for+ loop.
78 With the instruction \verb+numfaces=0 1 5 {} for+ all faces with the index numbers between 0
79 and 5 are set up. The instruction \verb+numfaces=8 3 23 {} for+ sets up every third index number between 8 and 23.
81 \psset{viewpoint=50 -20 10 rtp2xyz,Decran=50}
82 \begin{LTXexample}[width=8cm]
83 \begin{pspicture*}(-4,-3)(4,3)
84 \axesIIID(0,0,0)(8,3,2)
85 \psSolid[object=grille,
86 RotY=90,
87 RotZ=180,
88 ngrid=1.,
89 fontsize=15,
90 numfaces=
91 0 1 5 {} for
92 8 3 23 {} for,
93 base=-2 2 -3 3,
94 visibility=false,
95 action=draw](0,0,0)
96 \end{pspicture*}
97 \end{LTXexample}
99 \endinput

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