Fonction \buildMeshBWinc
[delaunay.git] / luamesh.sty
1 \NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e}%
2 \def\PackageName{luamesh}%
3 \def\fileversion{v0.1}%
4 \def\filedate{2016/11/20}%
5 \ProvidesPackage{luamesh}[\filedate\space\fileversion]%
6 %
7 % package to load
8 \RequirePackage{xkeyval,xcolor,ifthen}%
9 %% one global option: mp or tikz
10 %\newif\ifluameshmp%
11 %\define@key{luamesh.sty}{mp}[]{\luameshmptrue}%
12 %\define@key{luamesh.sty}{tikz}[]{\luameshmpfalse}%
13 %
14 \RequirePackage{etoolbox} % pour robustifier les commandes
15 %
16 %
17 %\ifluameshmp%
18    \RequirePackage{luamplib}%
19 %\else%
20    \RequirePackage{tikz}%
21 %\fi%
22 %
23 % load the lua code
24 \directlua{dofile("luamesh.lua")}%
25 %
26 %%
27 % for tikz (default value)
28 % default color for the plot of a global mesh
29 \definecolor{TeXCluaMeshTikZ}{rgb}{0.,0.,0.}
30 % default color for a new element
31 \definecolor{TeXCluaMeshNewTikZ}{rgb}{0.5,0.1,0.1}
32 % defaut color for the background of new element
33 \definecolor{TeXCluaMeshBackTikZ}{rgb}{0.99,0.85,0.85}
34 % default color for circoncircle
35 \definecolor{TeXCluaMeshCircleTikZ}{rgb}{0.1,0.6,0.1}
38 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% the buildMesh command
39 %% engine of drawing
40 \newif\ifluameshengineMP%
41 \define@boolkey{buildMeshInc}{tikz}[true]{}%
42 %% show the bounding box for delaunay
43 \define@choicekey*{buildMeshInc}{bbox}[\val\nr]{none, show}{%
44   \ifcase\nr\relax%
45   \def\luameshval@bm@bbox{none}%
46   \or%
47   \def\luameshval@bm@bbox{bbox}%
48   \fi%
49 }%
50 %% the scale
51 \define@key{buildMeshInc}{scale}[1cm]{\def\luameshval@bm@scale{#1}}%
52 %% print ponits ?
53 \define@choicekey*{buildMeshInc}{print}[\val\nr]{none, points}{%
54   \ifcase\nr\relax%
55   \def\luameshval@bm@print{none}%
56   \or%
57   \def\luameshval@bm@print{points}%
58   \fi%
59 }%
60 %% the name of the point
61 \define@key{buildMeshInc}{meshpoint}[P]{\def\luameshval@bm@meshpoint{#1}}%
62 %% the mode for reading the points
63 \define@choicekey*{buildMeshInc}{mode}[\val\nr]{int, ext}{%
64   \ifcase\nr\relax%
65   \def\luameshval@bm@mode{int}%
66   \or%
67   \def\luameshval@bm@mode{ext}%
68   \fi%
69 }%
70 %
71 %color
72 %% the name of the color of drawing
73 \define@key{buildMeshInc}{color}[black]{\def\luameshval@bm@color{#1}}%
74 %% the name of the color of drawing the bbox
75 \define@key{buildMeshInc}{colorBbox}[black]{\def\luameshval@bm@colorbbox{#1}}%
76 %
77 \presetkeys{buildMeshInc}{tikz=false,bbox=none,scale, meshpoint,mode=int,print=none,color,colorBbox}{}%
78 %
79 % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
80 % the difinition BW Bowyer and Watson algo
81 \newcommand*{\buildMeshBWinc}[4][]{%
82   % #1 : the string containing the list of points
83   % (x1,y1);(x2,y2);... or the name file containing the points
84   \setkeys{buildMesh}{#1} %
85   \def\MeshPoint{\luameshval@bm@meshpoint}%
86   \ifKV@buildMesh@tikz% if we are using tikz
87   \directlua{%
88     buildMeshTikZ("#2","\luameshval@bm@mode","\luameshval@bm@print","\luameshval@bm@bbox","full","\luameshval@bm@scale","\luameshval@bm@color")%
89   }%
90   \else % we are using MP
91   \mplibcolor{\luameshmpcolor}{\luameshval@bm@color}
92   \mplibcolor{\luameshmpcolorBbox}{\luameshval@bm@colorbbox}
93   \directlua{%
94     buildMeshMPBWinc("#2","#3","#4","\luameshval@bm@mode","\luameshval@bm@print","\luameshval@bm@bbox","\luameshval@bm@scale")%
95   }%
96   %
97   \fi%
98 }%
99 %
100 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% the buildMeshBW command
101 %% engine of drawing
102 \newif\ifluameshengineMP%
103 \define@boolkey{buildMesh}{tikz}[true]{}%
104 %% show the bounding box for delaunay
105 \define@choicekey*{buildMesh}{bbox}[\val\nr]{none, show}{%
106   \ifcase\nr\relax%
107   \def\luameshval@bm@bbox{none}%
108   \or%
109   \def\luameshval@bm@bbox{bbox}%
110   \fi%
111 }%
112 %% the scale
113 \define@key{buildMesh}{scale}[1cm]{\def\luameshval@bm@scale{#1}}%
114 %% print points
115 \define@choicekey*{buildMesh}{print}[\val\nr]{none, points}{%
116   \ifcase\nr\relax%
117   \def\luameshval@bm@print{none}%
118   \or%
119   \def\luameshval@bm@print{points}%
120   \fi%
121 }%
122 %% the name of the point
123 \define@key{buildMesh}{meshpoint}[P]{\def\luameshval@bm@meshpoint{#1}}%
124 %% the mode for reading the points
125 \define@choicekey*{buildMesh}{mode}[\val\nr]{int, ext}{%
126   \ifcase\nr\relax%
127   \def\luameshval@bm@mode{int}%
128   \or%
129   \def\luameshval@bm@mode{ext}%
130   \fi%
131 }%
132 %
133 % color
134 %% the name of the color of drawing
135 \define@key{buildMesh}{color}[black]{\def\luameshval@bm@color{#1}}%
136 %% the name of the color of drawing the bbox
137 \define@key{buildMesh}{colorBbox}[black]{\def\luameshval@bm@colorbbox{#1}}%
138 %
139 \presetkeys{buildMesh}{tikz=false,bbox=none,scale, meshpoint,mode=int,print=none,color,colorBbox}{}%
140 %
141 % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
142 % the difinition BW Bowyer and Watson algo
143 \newcommand{\buildMeshBW}[2][]{%
144   % #1 : the string containing the list of points
145   % (x1,y1);(x2,y2);... or the name file containing the points
146   \setkeys{buildMesh}{#1} %
147   \def\MeshPoint{\luameshval@bm@meshpoint}%
148   \ifKV@buildMesh@tikz% if we are using tikz
149   \directlua{%
150     buildMeshTikZ("#2","\luameshval@bm@mode","\luameshval@bm@print","\luameshval@bm@bbox","full","\luameshval@bm@scale","\luameshval@bm@color")%
151   }%
152   \else % we are using MP
153   \mplibcolor{\luameshmpcolor}{\luameshval@bm@color}
154   \mplibcolor{\luameshmpcolorBbox}{\luameshval@bm@colorbbox}
155   \directlua{%
156     buildMeshMPBW("#2","\luameshval@bm@mode","\luameshval@bm@print","\luameshval@bm@bbox","\luameshval@bm@scale")%
157   }%
158   %
159   \fi%
160 }%
161 %
162 %
163 %
164 %%
165 %
166 %%the meshAddOnePointBW commande
167 %%engine of drawing
168 \newif\ifluameshengineMP%
169 \define@boolkey{MeshAddOne}{tikz}[true]{}%
170 %% the scale
171 \define@key{MeshAddOne}{scale}[1cm]{\def\luameshval@scale{#1}}%
172 %% the name of the points
173 \define@key{MeshAddOne}{meshpoint}[P]{\def\luameshval@meshpoint{#1}}%
174 %% the name of the new point
175 \define@key{MeshAddOne}{newpoint}[P]{\def\luameshval@newpoint{#1}}%
176 %% a complete picture or some code of the engine
177 \define@choicekey*{MeshAddOne}{step}[\val\nr]{badtriangles, cavity, newtriangles}{%
178   \ifcase\nr\relax%
179   \def\luameshval@step{badT}%
180   \or%
181   \def\luameshval@step{cavity}%
182   \or%
183   \def\luameshval@step{newT}%
184   \fi%
185 }%
186 % color
187 %% the color of drawing
188 \define@key{MeshAddOne}{color}[black]{\def\luameshval@color{#1}}%
189 %% the color of background of new element
190 \define@key{MeshAddOne}{colorBack}[black!20]{\def\luameshval@colorback{#1}}%
191 %% the color of new element
192 \define@key{MeshAddOne}{colorNew}[red]{\def\luameshval@colornew{#1}}%
193 %% the color of circoncircle
194 \define@key{MeshAddOne}{colorCircle}[green]{\def\luameshval@colorcircle{#1}}%
195 %% the name of the color of drawing the bbox
196 \define@key{MeshAddOne}{colorBbox}[black]{\def\luameshval@colorbbox{#1}}%
197 %
198 %% a complete picture or some code of the engine
199 \define@choicekey*{MeshAddOne}{mode}[\val\nr]{int, ext}{%
200   \ifcase\nr\relax%
201   \def\luameshval@mode{int}%
202   \or%
203   \def\luameshval@mode{ext}%
204   \fi%
205 }%
206 \define@choicekey*{MeshAddOne}{bbox}[\val\nr]{none, show}{%
207   \ifcase\nr\relax%
208   \def\luameshval@bbox{none}%
209   \or%
210   \def\luameshval@bbox{bbox}%
211   \fi%
212 }%
213 \presetkeys{MeshAddOne}{tikz=false,scale, meshpoint,newpoint,color,colorBack,colorNew,colorCircle,step=badtriangles,mode=int,bbox=none,colorBbox}{}%
214 %
215 % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
216 % the difinition BW Bowyer and Watson algo
217 \newcommand*{\meshAddPointBW}[3][]{%
218   % #1 : the string containing the list of points
219   % (x1,y1);(x2,y2);... or the name file containing the points
220   \setkeys{MeshAddOne}{#1} %
221   \def\MeshPoint{\luameshval@meshpoint}%
222   \def\NewPoint{\luameshval@newpoint}%
223   \ifKV@MeshAddOne@tikz% if we are using tikz
224   \directlua{%
225     buildMeshTikZ("#2","\luameshval@mode","\luameshval@print","\luameshval@bbox","full","\luameshval@scale","\luameshval@color")%
226   }%
227   \else % we are using MP
228   \mplibcolor{\luameshmpcolor}{\luameshval@color}
229   \mplibcolor{\luameshmpcolorBack}{\luameshval@colorback}
230   \mplibcolor{\luameshmpcolorNew}{\luameshval@colornew}
231   \mplibcolor{\luameshmpcolorCircle}{\luameshval@colorcircle}
232   \mplibcolor{\luameshmpcolorBbox}{\luameshval@colorbbox}
233   \directlua{%
234     TeXOnePointMPBW("#2","#3","\luameshval@step","\luameshval@scale","\luameshval@mode","\luameshval@bbox")%
235   }%
236   %
237   \fi%
238 }%
239 %%% the meshAddPointBWinc commande
240 %% engine of drawing
241 \newif\ifluameshengineMP%
242 \define@boolkey{MeshAddOneBWinc}{tikz}[true]{}%
243 %% the scale
244 \define@key{MeshAddOneBWinc}{scale}[1cm]{\def\luameshval@scale{#1}}%
245 %% the name of the points
246 \define@key{MeshAddOneBWinc}{meshpoint}[P]{\def\luameshval@meshpoint{#1}}%
247 %% the name of the new point
248 \define@key{MeshAddOneBWinc}{newpoint}[P]{\def\luameshval@newpoint{#1}}%
249 %% a complete picture or some code of the engine
250 \define@choicekey*{MeshAddOneBWinc}{step}[\val\nr]{badtriangles, cavity, newtriangles}{%
251   \ifcase\nr\relax%
252   \def\luameshval@step{badT}%
253   \or%
254   \def\luameshval@step{cavity}%
255   \or%
256   \def\luameshval@step{newT}%
257   \fi%
258 }%
259 % color
260 %% the color of drawing
261 \define@key{MeshAddOneBWinc}{color}[black]{\def\luameshval@color{#1}}%
262 %% the color of background of new element
263 \define@key{MeshAddOneBWinc}{colorBack}[black!20]{\def\luameshval@colorback{#1}}%
264 %% the color of new element
265 \define@key{MeshAddOneBWinc}{colorNew}[red]{\def\luameshval@colornew{#1}}%
266 %% the color of circoncircle
267 \define@key{MeshAddOneBWinc}{colorCircle}[green]{\def\luameshval@colorcircle{#1}}%
268 \define@key{MeshAddOneBWinc}{colorBbox}[black]{\def\luameshval@colorbbox{#1}}%
269 %
270 %% a complete picture or some code of the engine
271 \define@choicekey*{MeshAddOneBWinc}{mode}[\val\nr]{int, ext}{%
272   \ifcase\nr\relax%
273   \def\luameshval@mode{int}%
274   \or%
275   \def\luameshval@mode{ext}%
276   \fi%
277 }%
278 \define@choicekey*{MeshAddOneBWinc}{bbox}[\val\nr]{none, show}{%
279   \ifcase\nr\relax%
280   \def\luameshval@bbox{none}%
281   \or%
282   \def\luameshval@bbox{bbox}%
283   \fi%
284 }%
285 \presetkeys{MeshAddOneBWinc}{tikz=false,scale, meshpoint,newpoint,color,colorBack,colorNew,colorCircle,step=badtriangles,mode=int,bbox=none,colorBbox}{}%
286 %
287 % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
288 % the difinition BW embedded code between the 2 last arguments
289 \newcommand*{\meshAddPointBWinc}[5][]{%
290   % #1 : the string containing the list of points
291   % (x1,y1);(x2,y2);... or the name file containing the points
292   \setkeys{MeshAddOneBWinc}{#1} %
293   \def\MeshPoint{\luameshval@meshpoint}%
294   \def\NewPoint{\luameshval@newpoint}%
295   \ifKV@MeshAddOne@tikz% if we are using tikz
296   \directlua{%
297     buildMeshTikZ("#2","\luameshval@mode","\luameshval@print","\luameshval@bbox","full","\luameshval@scale","\luameshval@color")%
298   }%
299   \else % we are using MP
300   \mplibcolor{\luameshmpcolor}{\luameshval@color}
301   \mplibcolor{\luameshmpcolorBack}{\luameshval@colorback}
302   \mplibcolor{\luameshmpcolorNew}{\luameshval@colornew}
303   \mplibcolor{\luameshmpcolorCircle}{\luameshval@colorcircle}
304   \mplibcolor{\luameshmpcolorBbox}{\luameshval@colorbbox}
305   \directlua{%
306     TeXOnePointMPBWinc("#2","#3","#4","#5","\luameshval@step","\luameshval@scale","\luameshval@mode","\luameshval@bbox")%
307   }%
308   %
309   \fi%
310 }%
311 %

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