

Télécharger le fichier
% package to load
%% one global option: mp or tikz
%\RequirePackage{etoolbox} % pour robustifier les commandes
% load the lua code
% for tikz (default value)
% default color for the plot of a global mesh
% default color for a new element
% defaut color for the background of new element
% default color for circoncircle
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% the buildMesh command inc
%% the user can write code (tikz or MP)
%% before and after the generated code
%% show the bounding box for delaunay
\define@choicekey*{buildMeshInc}{bbox}[\val\nr]{none, show}{%
%% the scale
%% print ponits ?
\define@choicekey*{buildMeshInc}{print}[\val\nr]{none, points,dotpoints}{%
%% the name of the point
%% the mode for reading the points
\define@choicekey*{buildMeshInc}{mode}[\val\nr]{int, ext}{%
%% the name of the color of drawing
%% the name of the color of drawing the bbox
\presetkeys{buildMeshInc}{tikz=false,bbox=none,scale, meshpoint,mode=int,print=none,color,colorBbox}{}%
  % #1 : optionnal arguments
  % #2 : the string containing the list of points
  %      (x1,y1);(x2,y2);... or the name file containing the points
  % #3 : the code to place before the generated one
  % #4 : the code to place after the generated one
  \setkeys{buildMeshInc}{#1} %
  \ifKV@buildMeshInc@tikz% if we are using tikz
  \else % we are using MP
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% the buildMeshBW command
%% the code is complete and we don't have any callbacks
%% show the bounding box for delaunay
\define@choicekey*{buildMesh}{bbox}[\val\nr]{none, show}{%
%% the scale
%% print points
\define@choicekey*{buildMesh}{print}[\val\nr]{none, points, dotpoints}{%
%% the name of the point
%% the mode for reading the points
\define@choicekey*{buildMesh}{mode}[\val\nr]{int, ext}{%
%% the name of the color of drawing
%% the name of the color of drawing the bbox
\presetkeys{buildMesh}{tikz=false,bbox=none,scale, meshpoint,mode=int,print=none,color,colorBbox}{}%
  % #1 : optionnal arguments
  % #2 : the string containing the list of points
  % (x1,y1);(x2,y2);... or the name file containing the points
  \setkeys{buildMesh}{#1} %
  \ifKV@buildMesh@tikz% if we are using tikz
  \else % we are using MP
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% the buildVoronoi command
%% the user can write code (tikz or MP)
%% before and after the generated code
%% show the bounding box for delaunay
\define@choicekey*{buildVoronoiInc}{bbox}[\val\nr]{none, show}{%
%% the scale
%% print ponits ?
\define@choicekey*{buildVoronoiInc}{print}[\val\nr]{none, points}{%
%% style dashed Delaunay
\define@choicekey*{buildVoronoiInc}{styleDelaunay}[\val\nr]{none, dashed}{%
%% style dashed Voronoi
\define@choicekey*{buildVoronoiInc}{styleVoronoi}[\val\nr]{none, dashed}{%
%% the name of the point
%% the name of the circum point
%% the mode for reading the points
\define@choicekey*{buildVoronoiInc}{mode}[\val\nr]{int, ext}{%
%% the mode for reading the points
\define@choicekey*{buildVoronoiInc}{delaunay}[\val\nr]{none, show}{%
%% the name of the color of drawing
%% the name of the color of drawing Voronoi
%% the name of the color of drawing the bbox
\presetkeys{buildVoronoiInc}{tikz=false,bbox=none,scale, meshpoint,circumpoint,mode=int,print=none,color,colorVoronoi,colorBbox,delaunay=none,styleDelaunay=none,styleVoronoi=none}{}%
  % #1 : optionnal arguments
  % #2 : the string containing the list of points
  % (x1,y1);(x2,y2);... or the name file containing the points
  % #3 : the code to place before the generated one
  % #4 : the code to place after the generated one
  \setkeys{buildVoronoiInc}{#1} %
  \ifKV@buildVoronoiInc@tikz% if we are using tikz
  \else % we are using MP
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% the buildVoronoiBW command
%% the code is complete and we don't have any callbacks
%% show the bounding box for delaunay
\define@choicekey*{buildVoronoi}{bbox}[\val\nr]{none, show}{%
%% the scale
%% print points
\define@choicekey*{buildVoronoi}{print}[\val\nr]{none, points}{%
%% the name of the point
%% the name of the circum point
%% the mode for reading the points
\define@choicekey*{buildVoronoi}{mode}[\val\nr]{int, ext}{%
%% style dashed Delaunay
\define@choicekey*{buildVoronoi}{styleDelaunay}[\val\nr]{none, dashed}{%
%% style dashed Voronoi
\define@choicekey*{buildVoronoi}{styleVoronoi}[\val\nr]{none, dashed}{%
%% the mode for reading the points
\define@choicekey*{buildVoronoi}{delaunay}[\val\nr]{none, show}{%
%% the name of the color of drawing
%% the name of the color of drawing Voronoi
%% the name of the color of drawing the bbox
  meshpoint,circumpoint,mode=int,print=none,color,colorVoronoi,colorBbox,delaunay=none,styleDelaunay=none, styleVoronoi=none}{}%
  % #1 : optionnal arguments
  % #2 : the string containing the list of points
  % (x1,y1);(x2,y2);... or the name file containing the points
  \setkeys{buildVoronoi}{#1} %
  \ifKV@buildVoronoi@tikz% if we are using tikz
  \else % we are using MP
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% the draw Points macro
%% plot the list of points given in argument
% the engine
%% show the bounding box for delaunay
\define@choicekey*{drawPoints}{bbox}[\val\nr]{none, show}{%
%% the scale
%% print points
\define@choicekey*{drawPoints}{print}[\val\nr]{none, points}{%
%% the name of the point
%% the mode for reading the points
\define@choicekey*{drawPoints}{mode}[\val\nr]{int, ext}{%
%% the name of the color of drawing
%% the name of the color of drawing the bbox
\presetkeys{drawPoints}{tikz=false,bbox=none,scale, meshpoint,mode=int,print=none,color,colorBbox}{}%
  % #1 : optionnal arguments
  % #2 : the string containing the list of points
  % (x1,y1);(x2,y2);... or the name file containing the points
  \setkeys{drawPoints}{#1} %
  \ifKV@drawPoints@tikz% if we are using tikz
  \else % we are using MP
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% the draw Points macro inc with callbacks
%% engine of drawing
%% show the bounding box for delaunay
\define@choicekey*{drawPointsInc}{bbox}[\val\nr]{none, show}{%
%% the scale
%% print points
\define@choicekey*{drawPointsInc}{print}[\val\nr]{none, points}{%
%% the name of the point
%% the mode for reading the points
\define@choicekey*{drawPointsInc}{mode}[\val\nr]{int, ext}{%
% color
%% the name of the color of drawing
%% the name of the color of drawing the bbox
\presetkeys{drawPointsInc}{tikz=false,bbox=none,scale, meshpoint,mode=int,print=none,color,colorBbox}{}%
% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
  % #1 : optionnal arguments
  % #2 : the string containing the list of points
  % (x1,y1);(x2,y2);... or the name file containing the points
  % #3 : the code to place before the generated one
  % #4 : the code to place after the generated one
  \setkeys{drawPointsInc}{#1} %
  \ifKV@drawPointsInc@tikz% if we are using tikz
  \else % we are using MP
%% the meshAddOnePointBW commande
%%engine of draiwng
%% the scale
%% the name of the points
%% the name of the new point
%% a complete picture or some code of the engine
\define@choicekey*{MeshAddOneBW}{step}[\val\nr]{badtriangles, cavity, newtriangles}{%
% color
%% the color of drawing
%% the color of background of new element
%% the color of new element
%% the color of circoncircle
%% the name of the color of drawing the bbox
%% a complete picture or some code of the engine
\define@choicekey*{MeshAddOneBW}{mode}[\val\nr]{int, ext}{%
\define@choicekey*{MeshAddOneBW}{bbox}[\val\nr]{none, show}{%
\presetkeys{MeshAddOneBW}{tikz=false,scale, meshpoint,newpoint,color,colorBack,colorNew,colorCircle,step=badtriangles,mode=int,bbox=none,colorBbox}{}%
% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
  % #1 : optionnal arguments
  % #2 : the string containing the list of points
  % (x1,y1);(x2,y2);... or the name file containing the points
  \setkeys{MeshAddOneBW}{#1} %
  \ifKV@MeshAddOneBW@tikz% if we are using tikz
  \else % we are using MP
%%% the meshAddPointBWinc commande with callbacks
%% engine of drawing
%% the scale
%% the name of the points
%% the name of the new point
%% a complete picture or some code of the engine
\define@choicekey*{MeshAddOneBWinc}{step}[\val\nr]{badtriangles, cavity, newtriangles}{%
% color
%% the color of drawing
%% the color of background of new element
%% the color of new element
%% the color of circoncircle
%% a complete picture or some code of the engine
\define@choicekey*{MeshAddOneBWinc}{mode}[\val\nr]{int, ext}{%
\define@choicekey*{MeshAddOneBWinc}{bbox}[\val\nr]{none, show}{%
\presetkeys{MeshAddOneBWinc}{tikz=false,scale, meshpoint,newpoint,color,colorBack,colorNew,colorCircle,step=badtriangles,mode=int,bbox=none,colorBbox}{}%
% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
  % #1 : optionnal arguments
  % #2 : the string containing the list of points
  % (x1,y1);(x2,y2);... or the name file containing the points
  % #3 : the code to place before the generated one
  % #4 : the code to place after the generated one
  \setkeys{MeshAddOneBWinc}{#1} %
  \ifKV@MeshAddOneBWinc@tikz% if we are using tikz
  \else % we are using MP
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% the drawGmsh command inc
%% the user can write code (tikz or MP)
%% before and after the generated code
%% the scale
%% print ponits ?
\define@choicekey*{drawGmshInc}{print}[\val\nr]{none, points}{%
%% the name of the point
%% the name of the color of drawing
\presetkeys{drawGmshInc}{tikz=false,scale, meshpoint,print=none,color}{}%
  % #1 : optionnal arguments
  % #2 : the string containing the gmsh file
  % #3 : the code to place before the generated one
  % #4 : the code to place after the generated one
  \setkeys{drawGmshInc}{#1} %
  \ifKV@drawGmshInc@tikz% if we are using tikz
  \else % we are using MP
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% the drawGmshBW command
%% the code is complete and we don't have any callbacks
%% the scale
%% print points
\define@choicekey*{drawGmsh}{print}[\val\nr]{none, points}{%
%% the name of the point
%% the name of the color of drawing
\presetkeys{drawGmsh}{tikz=false,scale, meshpoint,print=none,color}{}%
  % #1 : optionnal arguments
  % #2 : the gmsh file
  \setkeys{drawGmsh}{#1} %
  \ifKV@drawGmsh@tikz% if we are using tikz
  \else % we are using MP
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% the gmshVoronoi command
%% the user can write code (tikz or MP)
%% before and after the generated code
%% the scale
%% print ponits ?
\define@choicekey*{gmshVoronoiInc}{print}[\val\nr]{none, points}{%
%% the name of the point
%% the name of the circum point
%% the mode for reading the points
\define@choicekey*{gmshVoronoiInc}{delaunay}[\val\nr]{none, show}{%
%% style dashed Delaunay
\define@choicekey*{gmshVoronoiInc}{styleDelaunay}[\val\nr]{none, dashed}{%
%% style dashed Voronoi
\define@choicekey*{gmshVoronoiInc}{styleVoronoi}[\val\nr]{none, dashed}{%
%% the name of the color of drawing
%% the name of the color of drawing Voronoi
  meshpoint,circumpoint,print=none,color,colorVoronoi,delaunay=none,styleVoronoi=none, styleDelaunay=none}{}%
  % #1 : optionnal arguments
  % #2 : the gmsh file
  % #3 : the code to place before the generated one
  % #4 : the code to place after the generated one
  \setkeys{gmshVoronoiInc}{#1} %
  \ifKV@gmshVoronoiInc@tikz% if we are using tikz
  \else % we are using MP
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% the gmshVoronoiBW command
%% the code is complete and we don't have any callbacks
%% the scale
%% print points
\define@choicekey*{gmshVoronoi}{print}[\val\nr]{none, points}{%
%% the name of the point
%% the name of the circum point
%% the mode for reading the points
\define@choicekey*{gmshVoronoi}{delaunay}[\val\nr]{none, show}{%
%% style dashed Delaunay
\define@choicekey*{gmshVoronoi}{styleDelaunay}[\val\nr]{none, dashed}{%
%% style dashed Voronoi
\define@choicekey*{gmshVoronoi}{styleVoronoi}[\val\nr]{none, dashed}{%
%% the name of the color of drawing
%% the name of the color of drawing Voronoi
\presetkeys{gmshVoronoi}{tikz=false,scale, meshpoint,circumpoint,print=none,color,colorVoronoi,delaunay=none,styleVoronoi=none, styleDelaunay=none}{}%
  % #1 : optionnal arguments
  % #2 : the gmsh file
  \setkeys{gmshVoronoi}{#1} %
  \ifKV@gmshVoronoi@tikz% if we are using tikz
  \else % we are using MP
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% the meshPolygon command
%% the scale
%% print points
\define@choicekey*{meshPolygon}{print}[\val\nr]{none, points,dotpoints}{%
%% the name of the point
%% the grid parameter
%% the mode for reading the points
\define@choicekey*{meshPolygon}{mode}[\val\nr]{int, ext}{%
%% the mode for the generation of gridpoints
\define@choicekey*{meshPolygon}{gridpoints}[\val\nr]{rect, perturb}{%
%% the different steps of the  meshing
\define@choicekey*{meshPolygon}{step}[\val\nr]{polygon, grid, points, mesh}{%
%% the name of the color of drawing
%% the name of the color of drawing Voronoi
%% the name of the color of drawing the bbox
  % #1 : optionnal arguments
  % #2 : the string containing the list of points
  % (x1,y1);(x2,y2);... or the name file containing the points
  \setkeys{meshPolygon}{#1} %
  \ifKV@meshPolygon@tikz% if we are using tikz
  \else % we are using MP
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% the meshPolygonInc command
%% the scale
%% print points
\define@choicekey*{meshPolygonInc}{print}[\val\nr]{none, points,dotpoints}{%
%% the mode for the generation of gridpoints
\define@choicekey*{meshPolygonInc}{gridpoints}[\val\nr]{rect, perturb}{%
%% the name of the point
%% the grid parameter
%% the mode for reading the points
\define@choicekey*{meshPolygonInc}{mode}[\val\nr]{int, ext}{%
%% the different steps of the  meshing
\define@choicekey*{meshPolygonInc}{step}[\val\nr]{polygon, grid, points, mesh}{%
%% the name of the color of drawing
%% the name of the color of drawing Voronoi
%% the name of the color of drawing the bbox
  % #1 : optionnal arguments
  % #2 : the string containing the list of points
  % (x1,y1);(x2,y2);... or the name file containing the points
  % #3 : the code to place before the generated one
  % #4 : the code to place after the generated one
  \setkeys{meshPolygonInc}{#1} %
  \ifKV@meshPolygonInc@tikz% if we are using tikz
  \else % we are using MP