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/* -*-ePiX-*- */ /* contour.c -- March 29, 2002 */ #include "epix.h" using namespace ePiX; int main() { bounding_box(P(-5, -5), P(5,5)); picture(160, 160); unitlength("0.35mm"); offset(100,-25); use_pstricks(); begin(); degrees(); double theta=60; double rad=0.25, Rad=4.5; // arc radii double ht=1.0/16; // half-width of slit // "start" angles of arcs double theta1 = Asin(ht/rad), theta2 = Asin(ht/Rad); // build keyhole in pieces; += concatenates, -= reverses orientation path contour(P(0,0), Rad*E_1, Rad*E_2, theta2, 360-theta2); // outer arc contour -= path(polar(rad,-theta1), polar(Rad,-theta2)); // lower slit contour -= path(P(0,0), rad*E_1, rad*E_2, theta1, 360-theta1); // inner arc contour += path(polar(rad, theta1), polar(Rad, theta2)); // upper slit fill(); // raw output -- PSTricks command std::cout << "\n\\newrgbcolor{orange}{1 0.7 0.2}"; psset("fillcolor=orange,linecolor=red,linewidth=1.5pt"); contour.set_fill(); contour.draw(); use_pstricks(false); dot(P(0,0)); // the origin gray(1); // blacken arrowheads arrow(P(Rad/4, 0.1*Rad), P(3*Rad/4, 0.1*Rad)); // arrow ends in terms of Rad arrow(P(3*Rad/4, -0.1*Rad), P(Rad/4, -0.1*Rad)); arc_arrow(P(0,0), 0.9*Rad, 180-theta, 180+theta); label(P(Rad,ht), P(2,4), "$R\\to\\infty$", tr); label(P(0,rad), P(0,4), "$\\delta\\to0$", tl); label(polar(Rad, 45), P(0,0), "$\\gamma$", tr); end(); }